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Life of an RP’er

Sometimes it's better than actually writing...
True that *tries not to look at the hundreds of google docs i have*
Me: "So tell me about your character"

"By the time he was 12, he had already traveled the world, defeated various bandit lords, become the head of the assassination order and was one of the most skilled swordsmen in all the-

"Hey you like interracial like?"
Kinda depends. What'd you want?
"Okay so in this I play a blonde White House wife girl who gets caught up ghe-"
*jumps out the window shouting* MISS ME WIT DAT BULLSHIT
When you and your partner keep escalating the length of your posts because it’s a really good scene, but it gets to the point of nearly competitive.

Talking to someone and finding you both have the same interests, you're both interested in each others' characters, you're loving the plot ideas they're suggesting and you both love discussing character development then getting to the point of writing a post and reading over it ten billion times before posting to make sure it's perfect and just anticipating something going wrong and ruining it.

More of a complaint, but also:
Someone: hey wanna rp?
Me: sure did you have any particular ideas? Like any that you saw on any threads?
Someone: no/yeah, but I kinda wanted to change [basically everything until it's Completely different]

Or if anyone asks me to change things about my characters that's kinda major to them cx
I love all of my characters and I get super defensive about them lmao
This thread gave me a good long laugh, hah! All of these are so dang true.

1. Responding to a request thread and trying to brainstorm with someone, and they keep replying with literally only 1 sentence. Like, work with me here!

2. Spending the time to reread your posts three times over + spell check so that your partner has a smooth reading experience, and getting back posts that have several careless mistakes over and over again. :LOL:

*Reads my partners post.* wow that is a great plot point that combines clever worldbuilding with amping up the stakes forpur charcters. Too bad Ihave no idea how to respond to that.
Me: In an absolute fluke, eats a combat opponent in such a way as to absorb his memories and abilities.

GM: I'm stepping out for a cigarette, and I don't want company.


GM: *returns* So, that was the primary antagonist.

Me: And.. now I can just shut down his diabolical Apocalypse Machine.

GM: *just points an accusatory finger at me*

Me: Good game...

Players, GM:

We were playing a V:tM elders game. The big baddie was a Tremere who sucked out most of my blood. I reacted and sucked out all his blood rather quickly (Tzimisce with multiple feeding tentacles) and Diablerized him. Whereas I'd normally get a portion of his soul/memories/powers, the GM double-botched the resist roll...
A very, very, very long time ago when some things were not quite so taboo...

I was playing a "what the hell" AD&D game where our GM had decreed that we could have whatever character concept we wanted from whatever time period and he'd allow it - within reason. This included equipment appropriate to the character & concept.

So I was a 20th century soldier with grenades, pistol, assault rifle and flamethrower, and spare clips for weapons.

At one point the party happened upon a group of near-naked men surrounding a near-naked boy who's age was likely less than suitable, and the scene was heading south (so to speak >.> )

My character, hating it all, just let loose with the flamethrower, and together we made sure all the naughty men were dead.


Other PC: Hey...what's the boy doing?

Me: Ummm...burning...?
Me: “Ok, this is just a back and forth smut RP, I can just do a simple opener and get things rolling.”

5 minutes later:
I feel personally attacked by this. :)

Seriously though, yeah. Even my attempts at the classic “quick smutty RP” end up with lots of world building. Like “okay, so the reason your sexy robot girl is fucking lots of different aliens is because we’re posthuman AIs trying to preserve the germline of sentient species that will be unable to escape looming extinction level events, out of a desire to make amends for accidentally killing humanity off back when we rebuilt the solar system into a Matrioshka brain.”
I started a high fantasy role-play with a group of strangers from a server I used to be in. It went a little something like this.

>everyone gets finished making their characters
>first two days are fine, the world is slowly being built and we are all working on our first quest
>after those two days are over, everything starts to go down hill
>three characters begin to become inactive and are practically ignored by the group
>the group leader/GM PC has become incredibly static, and tends to rush quest
>every single interesting party member has left
>i decide to ditch the role-play after all the interesting characters were no longer active
>lo and behold the entirety of the role-play gets shutdown
>we were still on the first quest....
Realizing a bad grammar error in a PM at 15:01 after posting it.
Me, but I completely miss details sometimes. Sometimes it means nothing, other times I've basically fucked up my mental image and the post because I just wasn't paying attention.

Seriously though, yeah. Even my attempts at the classic “quick smutty RP” end up with lots of world building.
Playing one of those random dating games on my phone and realizing how much of a fun character he would be to roleplay as *cough*the dumbass whose my pfp*cough*

then realizing you have no idea how to write him, so you spend hours reading smut
Spend an hour crafting an intricate, detailed post on your phone.

Put phone down.

Check an hour later.

Realize autocorrect BUTCHERED your post but you were so caught up in it while typing that you forgot to spell check.
When you and your partner are discussing characters and stories you like, and you unintentionally start world building together.

"So, we're roleplaying this now, right?"

"Well, shit, I'm too invested not to at this point!"
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