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Honeyed Words (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

She moved over and smiled. "What brings you back here?" She asked as she set down a bottle of Argonian Blood Wine and a plate of food.
She felt a little deflated, but kept up a smile. "Ah, yes.. Whiterun is a beautiful city.." She said.
She tried to keep her face from flushing. "A-Ah well I'm sure you could find some somewhere, yes.." She was embarrassed, but truly hoping he meant her.
He chuckled softly, "Would it be rude if I offered you some septums to keep me company? The journey here was rather tiresome."
She made a noise. "No, not at all..! I uh.. Well, now? I was about to bathe but if you want I could keep you company!" She said. Oh no, she was getting flustered.
He nodded, "I won't be going anywhere for a while." He set his warhammer against the table, "I won't let anyone sit here until you get back."
She nodded and headed off to the bathhouse out back, grabbing a towel and a change of clothes.
She went in and closed the door, hanging a sign that said that the bath was occupied. She made a noise as she dipped into the hot water. Her heart was racing, what had gotten into her?
He finished his food and requested more wine when Sadia came for his plate. He rested his chin carefully in his hand, his horned chin made such things rather difficult, and glanced around the inn. Some nords were glaring but he ignored them, his sharp eyes easily the most intimidating thing about him.
She groaned and sank into the bath. How was she going to talk to him? The more time she wasted, the easier it would be for him to find some other girl. She sighed and finished up her bath before getting out and gettinf dressed, and going to meet him.
He looked up when he saw her and smiled softly, "So how does one hundred septums sound to cover you missing work?"
She nearly tripped. "A-A hundred septims? S-Steals I don't know if I could rightfully accept that.." She said as she sat down.
"Fifty didn't seem very fair. I make more than that busting some Breton's nose." He remarked, "If I'm stealing you away from your job, I want to cover it."
"I just wanted to talk.." He said, "You already know of my promiscuity, so I'm not really an ideal nest maker.." He played with his wine bottle and made a noise. He hadn't really courted before. He usually just took.
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