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Honeyed Words (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

She made a noise and headed home and up to her room. She bit her lip gently. What a massive hunk of meat.
After a while, there was a knock on her front door, and after she answered it was the Argonian. He wasn't in his armor, it was tied together by a thick rope he carried on his back; he wore a simple white shirt and tan trousers that made him look just as big as his armor did. "It took me a while to find where you lived, I seem to intimidate people here." He smiled.
"Oh! Oh divines I'm so sorry, I should have told you it was Breezehome.." She said. "Please, please come in..!" She said, backing out of the doorway.
He ducked slightly so he could cross the threshold, looking around at the comfortable living space, "It's lovely here.." He remarked gently.
"Ah, thank you very much! This was many years of hard work.." She said. She moved to place some blankets on a sleeping mat. "My room is upstairs, I'll be down here if you need anything, okay?"
"I couldn't sleep comfortably knowing you're down here on the cold ground...the fire will suit me fine." He said.
He frowned softly, "Alright. But if you become at all uncomfortable, I want you to come and kick me off your bed."
He stopped and came back down for a moment, "Perhaps one day I can give you the Histname I was given when I hatched. But everyone has taken to calling me Steals-Many-Wives."
He headed back up and moved into her room, pulling off his shirt before crawling into bed. He relaxed and got comfortable before he realized he was scenting, nostils flaring as he had his snout burried in her pillow.
He had been with other Imperials, what made her different? He made a noise and did he best to ignore the sweetness as he went to sleep.
Being in her bed did him no favors. She was playing hard to get, she smelled sweeter than any mountain flower.
As much as he loved ruining marriages and the women therein, he had to respect those women who set boundries. Though he would love nothing more than to bend her over her own bed, he had to respect her wishes.
It was difficult, though. He hadn't had a woman in almost a week now. She woke up in the morning and began cooking, hoping she wasn't too loud.
He groaned softly, his dreams plagued by visions of her wrapped around both of his ridged cocks. He barely slept at all. But he forced himself out of bed and pulled back on his shirt as he headed down.
She was smiling, wearing an oversized tunic as she cooked up eggs and checked on some of the tarts she had in the oven. "Ah, good morning Steals.. Did you sleep well?" She asked.
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