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Of Werewolves and Sorceresses (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

He fell backwards onto his ass and wailed in agony.
"You'll leave Jolynda alone, understand? Or we'll be back." Farkas threatened. The soldier nodded, crying as he held his jaw. Junia was blushing, covering her mouth slightly.
They left Solitude and headed back to Whiterun, having to make camp for the night about half way. Junia stripped her armor, leaving her in only her tunic.
"This has been quite fun." She smiled, "I enjoyed being out and seeing how the Companions do things."
"Just a regular day for us." Farkas replied.
"Tis no problem." He said. "Plus, adds for a certain, eh.. Nobility about us companions, shows that we have standards, aye?"
She smiled softly and nodded, "Yeah.."
"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were flirting." Farkas said.
"Of course not." He said. After Farkas had settled for the night and Junia lay reading one of her books, Raerek's urge to hunt grew too much to ignore.
"Ah forget all this. I need te hunt." He ssid and stood. "Stay here. Watch over Farkas. I'll be back."
"I'll be back just stay put. Tis a simple thing t'do. Maybe ye could cast some kind of spell to keep ye safe or somethin." He said as he stalked off.
She sat up quickly and fumed. Just when she thought they were getting along, too. She cast protective runes all around the camp, chugging a magicka potion soon after, and then followed him.
The deeper she got into the woods, the harder it was to track him. But up ahead, in a dark clearing, she could see something.
She used Detect Life to make sure it wasn't some random roaming skeleton or a Zombie. She hated those things back in Cyrodiil. But what she saw was huge, not human at all. She stoppes casting and inched closer, wanting to investigate.
She heard a howl split the night air, but it was different. Louder, larger. Almost.. Almost human.
She gasped loudly but then covered her mouth, eyes wide in terror. She was so dead. And she didn't even know where Raerek went.
The wolf stalked over, closer to her area. As she backed up, she could notice that Raerek's armor had been discarded.
Oh Divines, it ate him. And now it was going to eat her too.
"S...Stay away! I'll kill you before you even realize you're dead!"
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