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Of Werewolves and Sorceresses (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

"Dumb Nords." She grumbled and moved into the bunk room with the other Companions, ones not fit for the Circle like Skjor and them. She opened her bag and pulled out her armor, some foreign Cyrodiilic made piece of heavy steel.
"I've never seen a mage wear armor before.." Ria said in awe. Junia smiled softly.
"Well, in Cyrodiil we have various different classes who specialize in different skills. I've learned that no spell in Oblivion can save you from a dagger in your back. So I like to be well protected."
The few months that passed only resulted in further complications, with her casting spells wildly in the training yard, and constantly bugging people about the Skyforge.
"It can't have just...appeared there. Someone had to have made it." Junia argued.
"No one knows who made it. It was discovered during the Founding and has made our blades since." Skjor stated, "Now stop bringing it up."
"But what stopped others from claiming it as their own? Why did only the Nords lay claim to such a wonderous thing?" She continued to pry.
"The nords laid claim to the skyforge because it is in our land, now enough of it, mage." He snapped.
"That is quite enough." Aela scolded, "Honestly, you both are giving me a headache." Junia went back to eating her food.
"I may not know about stealing land, but at least I know how to bathe. You reek like a hound worse with each meeting, Raerek."
This tension only built between the two of them, and only a month had passed before they were almost at eachother's throats. Luckily for Raerek, he knew exactly how to blow off steam.
"Raerek." Farkas approached him one day while the older man was training, "We got a letter from Solitude about someone needing our help. Kodlak tasked us for the job, wants us to take Junia with."
He made a noise. "Divines this is going to kill me." He said before he moved to start packing.
When they met up with Junia outside of Jorrvaskr, she could hardly contain herself; snug in her armor and ready to battle.
"I'm so excited!" She clapped, "I've never done field reaearch before!"
She made mocking faces behind his back as they made the trek to Solitude. It was a full day's walk and they made it by nightfall.
"Tomorrow, we find the client and sort out the issue and head home. Right now, I'm exhausted." Farkas said as they entered the Winking Skeever. Junia sighed.
"Me too...why didn't we take the carriage?"
"It's good for you. Never will a Nord complain to be outdoors." Farkas replied.
She ordered a room and followed the keeper to the stairs.
"She's an odd one." Farkas said, sitting beside Raerek.
After some much needed rest and food, they met with the client, a petite woman who was being harrassed by a soldier who was discharged from the Legion. So they found him in the courtyard and tried to speak with him.
"And what are you going to do about it?" He slurred. Drunk this early? Sheesh. Junia was scribbling in her book, taking notes of the situation.
"It's the only way he'll learn." Farkas said, "Knock some teeth loose."
"I am a Legion Soldier, you can't talk to me that way!" The man said. Junia frowned softly.
"The Emperor would not be prpud of you, my boy..."
"Shut up, mage harlot!"
"Learn some respect for your betters, whelp." Raerek snarled as he slammed his fist into the soldier's jaw.
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