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monster girl

  1. LittleMissLexi

    Fx Any Demons, Androids, Demi-Gods, A.I., SlimeGirls, Aliens, and Nekos! Oh My! 0.0

    Hello everyone! My name is Lexi(F) and I play mostly non-human girls in Sci-Fi and Fantasy settings. I tend towards the fiery submissive, but have been known to branch into quieter seeker roles and even experiment as a dominant at times. My playing is what I'd consider semi-lit, and sometimes...
  2. V

    Fx F or NB Seeking monster girls, hypnosis, incest and more

    Hello there to everyone and anyone checking out my request thread! It’s been a long time since I’ve last started a fresh one of these on here, but I’ve been meaning to remedy this for a while and figured it was about time I do so. This time around, I have a few specific requests which I’m very...
  3. The Quill

    NBx F or NB Monstorous Cravings & Prompts - Craving Anthros, Monsters, & Tentacles

    Here's the 411, folks: About Me I'm a thirty-something nerd who likes to write erotica with other adults in my spare time. I've been doing forum based writing since high school, and erotic writing since at least college,. My gender is irrelevant, so if you insist on knowing what genitals are...
  4. CentroNyx

    Fx M or F [CLOSED]Exploring the World of Monster Girl Encyclopedia! [NSFW]

    Hello, Bluemooners! I hope you are all well. You can call me Centro, or Nyx. So here's the thing: I love monster girls. Especially the ones coming from Kenkou Cross' Monster Girl Encyclopedia Universe. And I'm looking for a partner to write some lewd adventures about them. I recommend you to...
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