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  1. The Malefis

    Mx Any A debaucherous encounter awaits! fandom and original stories (NSFW pics and links included)

    Salutations, ladies, and gentlemen! Please have a look, if a pairing catches your eye send a PM my way and let's see if we can workshop a story! all char are 1& up per the riles (y) = interested :love:= Craving DC Elseworlds Batman X Talia Al Ghul :love: Synopsis- In this universe, Batman...
  2. Corrupt Trainer

    Mx F or NB OCs and Canons in need of guidance? The Corrupt Trainer is here for you! (Update 6/3/21: Added Therapy Plots!)

    Introduction and Synopsis Idols in need of a manager or producer, Pokemon trainers looking for a mentor, magical girls apprenticing under a powerful spellcaster, and so many other situations where girls find themselves receiving help from an older, more experienced man. They give him their...
  3. Eloqualicious

    Fx F or NB Eloqualicious' Fandom Request Thread! (NSFW images in links!) Under construction!

    My Characters: I usually prefer to play as cartoon characters. Basically if your average cartoon/webcomic/game/etc. has a cute girl in it, then it's more than likely that I want to write her getting plowed senseless. Please assume that all younger characters used in our roleplays have been aged...
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