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Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


She listened with her eyes closed. Every inch of her being sat quietly while she agonized in pain on the inside. She listened to their banter, the guys trying desperately to distract themselves from the whole situation they’d gone through only moments ago. While they chit chatted, someone was following at a distance, distracting her from her inner turmoil.

"If we all rush them, we might spook them. Or cause a fight. They are already on edge, after that fight..."

"I can smell the blood," Damion added, "They are wounded, so they'll be on high alert. The pack will frighten them."

"Except Andre. They've met him. We need to come in calmly. Drogon, I'll take the vampire and Andre can carry him. The rest of you, keep hidden and run ahead. Meet us outside the city, where I know you'll be safest. Damion, take Kayden and stay near but out of sight?"

"C'mon little wolf," Damion gave Kayden a hand down, then pulled Savannah in for a lingering kiss, "Be gentle with them. This may be hard for them to hear."

She bit her lip and nodded, staring at the sleeping man now on Andre's back. It's worse than I thought...isn't it?


It took her and Andre a few minutes to catch up, jogging to gain distance. What didn't help matters was the shadow was back, lingering in the dark of the buildings, watching her. Whether it was the same one or another, Savannah felt like she'd awakened the underbelly of the city, and needed to get out fast.

As they approached the group her ears caught the sound of uneasy chit chat, those awake avoiding the depressing topic pulling on them. Her stomach clenched as she saw and smelt the extent of their injuries, some of them healing while others not. Fighting shadows is next to impossible, but they came out with their lives. Remarkable.

Swallowing the anxiety rising in her, Savannah cleared her throat and rose her voice, "I'm probably the last person you all want to see."

In unison they stopped and turned, and Andre's hackles rose as a growl escaped Jayson.

"I'm sorry," Savannah started to just Jay and Luna, "I wanted my mate back, and I went around it the wrong way. intentions were never to harm you. It is not my way to attack without reason, but I lost myself in my own pain. I know an apology is just empty words, but if it's all the same, I am sorry. With that said, it's not why I am here though."

She nodded at Andre as she strode up to him, and he knelt so she could pull Xael's limp body off him. The man was surprisingly heavy, but her inhumane strength helped her carry him with ease, walking him to the group and laying him at the werewolves feet.

"I found him," she kept her head bowed, feeling the sharp stab of pain in Luna, so strong it broke through her telepathy and she struggled not to become overwhelmed with it, "The roof collapsed, and he was inside the room. I found him amongst the rubble but...he..."

She was cut off by a strangled cry.

As the group continued, the growing sense of someone nearing pulled at her, until a voice broke through. While she had only been pretending to sleep, her attention pulled at a voice rose up within the group; their scents pulling at her nose, confusing the wolf as the girls ending words pulled her attention and a scent caught her. Her eyes snapped open and looked down, Xael’s limp body lying infront of her. Pain rattled her to her core as she squirmed uselessly, only to be placed next to him. Her facued broke, and a broken cry left her lips as her shaking hands rose to softly rest on his chest and his cheek.

“My Sun…” She cried, her words breaking at each syllable as tears of blood flooded down her broken and bleeding cheeks.

“My S-S-Su-Sun.” She cried, her hands shaking even resting against his cold skin. Her head sank, her lips hovering over his as her thumb stroked his cheek. Long strands of red fell down to rest on his icy skin as her quivering head lowered to rest her forehead against his. Lunar’s hand curled up, his tattered shirt bunching in her cracking hands as the girls body fell forward, softly resting against him as everything around her seemed to freeze, unimportant as a grain of dust as her world laid in front of her, between life and death.

"Wait...Luna," Savannah bent over the small girl, ready to explain Xael's condition, "He's not-"

She was tackled by a suprising amount of weight, and her eyes briefly caught Jay's, still standing behind Luna. Who then...

"Whoops. Sorry Annah."

Standing over the beautiful demon stood Kayden, in all her glory. White hair spilled out of two ponytails, done quickly and messy. Black leather pants splattered with blood complimented her red corset top, along with her gloves -the fingers cut out so each sharpened claw was ready to attack. A crooked grin filled her bright red lips, against her flawless albino skin. Her perfect grey eyes were smudged with red, and outlined with black, making them pop.

She was deadly looking, but the voice that came out of that smart mouth was young and whimsical, full of intrigue and softness.

"I thought for a second you were in trouble and needed a hand. Damion said no, but he always says that. Is everything okay? Did you tell them yet that Xael is alive? Annah? Annah...why are you giving me that look?"

The demon got to her feet, shaking her head and letting a tiny laugh out, "Breathe Kayden."

Her chest constricted, she couldn’t move. While a familiar voice pulled at her ears, the wolf was years away. They talked about him, but nothing they said would be different… Something inside of him kept him in a death like state. While he was alive, his slumber hollowed her. It was all so much to take in… The wolf bit down on her lip, quieting her sobs of anguish and allowing the numbness to spread. While she was used to pain, even this much was over whelming, leaving her hollow as she basked in every atoms pain.


Jays head tilted, both golden eyes watching a new face tackle the demon before them.

“Erm…?” He coughed, eyeing them as he stood protectively over his Alpha.

She listened to Savannah, taking a loud breath as she cataloged each face. Don't know her...he's cute...he's hotter...still don't know them...wait...

She sniffed the air, cocking her head to the side and staring down the male in front of her, then the red-head hovering over the vampire.

"They're werewolves," Kayden rose a finger and wagged it at each of them, "I can smell it!"

"Not nice to point," Savannah pulled her hand down, "And yes. That's Jayson, and he's actually-"

"He smells like home," she cut off, watching him warily, "Why?"

Savannah blew out her breath, knowing Kayden's mind was going a mile a minute now, and nothing she could say would register. Gently she bent down to Luna's height, touching the woman's hand.

"He's alive. And healthy," she murmured, "But he hit his head hard. He will wake, I promise."

"Whose she?" Kayden was at her side, kneeling too and watching Luna with a morbid curiosity.


A sudden shrieking sound had Savannah on her feet, whipping around in search of the noise. The creature was luring her, trying to bait her. If not her, it would take any of the others, as long as they had that twinge of darkness in them.

"Introductions later," Savannah snapped, feeling Damion suddenly in her presence and without looking knew he was at Kayden's side, lifting the vampire, "Let's get everyone the hell out of this city, and then we can chat. Andre, watch Kayden!"

Andre leaped forward, pushing Kayden to move as Savannah wrapped a slender arm around Luna, pulling the wolf up and adding to a apprehensive Jayson, "I got your Alpha. She's safer near me."

In a group they began to jog through the streets, all eager to get the hell out of the city.

The girl snapped at the touch, her body crouching over him protectively as both eyes looked up. Long, pointed canines snapped at the air before she could pull back, her eyes looking back down at him as she lowered herself back down, her forehead leaning against his as she swallowed her breath.

“Sorry…” She breathed, the sound tight and throaty, showing the ties loosening within her chest.

Every second she tugged at their tie, did something within her die, no tug or anything coming from him. The girls hand tightened, her claws digging holes into her palms as she sat still over him, trying to keep her calm.


The wolf growled at the name.

“We’re wolves, if you’re going to call one of those half breed mutts something, you can call them werewolves, but they are of the created sort, we were born it.” He spat, glaring down at the little girl.

But then, something was off and as quickly as the creatures before him shuddered, had a new male been in their presence, attempting to scoop up the man his alpha crouched over.

“I wouldn’t try that… She bites.” He commented, her teeth snapping only inches from his skin as she pulled herself back. But the girl pulled his alpha up, her drained face showing little to no emotion. Turning, the wolf shrugged, allowing his form to shift before moving with the group. His large body moved easily, still torn and wounded but more fluid in his natural form. As the group moved out of the city, they grew less on edge as the threats grew less by the second.

As quickly as they had been in the city, had the group been out and under the canopy of the trees, all quietly trying to de-stress, while another sat off from the group, quiet and unwilling to talk nor look at them all as she sat with an unconscious male in her lap.

This group is an absolute wreck.

They got out of the city and stopped in a nearby grassy stretch, with shade. Luna plunked herself down immediatly, pulling her coma-state mate into her lap and became unmoving. The other two males had sleeping beauties in there arms too and focused soley on them, checking for injuries. Finally Savannah had enough, seeing that there couldn't be any discussions until a few things were met.

"Boys!" she yelled into the trees, feeling them hovering near but refusing to meet the group of strangers, "Go hunt!"

Andre loped off too, happy to join his pack once more. As they dissapated she turned to Kayden, "Can you go with Damion and get wood. These guys need food, heat, and sleep."

Finally she turned to her own mate, letting him pull her into his arms, "Be safe."


As they left, Savannah sucked up the introvert in her wanted nothing more than to sulk in a corner, and checked on each member, learning their names and what happened. Reyn was knocked out, but a quick check told Savannah she was perfectly fine and would wake any second. Elijah was the demon she had felt earlier, and she didn't even check his wounds, able to feel the power in him and know that if he got hurt, he had already healed. The next couple was Braxton and Ashlin, and it was the sorceress who had drained herself completely and taken a few blows. There was nothing to be done for her except sleep, which was what Braxton had coaxed her into.

The last three she stepped up to were Jayson and Luna, and as she soon found out, Xael. Jay stood protectively near his Alpha, and the poor girl hunched over her mate.

"Can I do anything?" Savannah asked, sitting in the dirt cross-legged beside her, "Is there any way I can help you find peace? It's the least I can do..."

The male sat, keeping his distance still but continuing to keep his guard up. He watched as the girl called off the pack, easing them with the hunt as she fluttered around their wrecked group to check on them all. As she finally came and joined them, Jay took her attention as he noticed Lunar’s unwillingness to speak. Sighing softly he shook his head.

“She’s going to be like this for a while… As far as she’s concerned, that is her other half. I think all she needs, is to sit with him quietly while she works things out…” He mumbled, his eyes looking over her wounds. He had tried to help her with them, but the wolf had shouldered him off in an attempt to shut herself within. She hadn’t spoken a word since she’d muttered an apology to the woman he’d learned went by the name Savannah. Jay could see down to the bone, all her wounds still not willing to heal from the fight they’d all just endured.

“How are you? I see you found your mate” He added softly, nodding in the direction of the man she had been with only moments before.

"Found...stolen...reclaimed," Savannah muttered, knowing it was his memories she had taken to gain her soul mates freedom back, "It's a long story, but I'm glad he's safe, and I don't feel like murdering half the world anymore. I'd advise not going home for a bit yet, though. I, uh...well that part about wanting to murder everyone -I kind of got it out of my system when I went toe to toe with your pack."

She shut her eyes, feeling no remorse for what she did, but knowing she should. When she opened them, she focused on Luna's wounds, seeing they weren't healing, "Would Luna mind if I tended to her? Those injuries will get infected if left alone."

Without waiting permission she pulled a small blade from its sheath in her belt and sliced her wrist, letting the blood drip into Luna's wounds. It was a disgusting process in Savannah's mind but instantly the injuries began to heal and close. They'd remain scars with how deep they were, but no infections could set in. But Luna didn't budge nor flinch, lost in her world with Xael. An idea struck her, and she calmly asked Jayson to turn away anyone who tried to speak to her. Then, remaining in her crossed-legged position, she began to meditate, focusing her mind and energy until all she could hear was her own breathing.

Slowly she branched her mind out, feeling her way until she found his. His thought waves were cold, his mind pulled deep within his subconsciousness. She dug her way in though, letting minutes pass as she fell deeper into Xael's mind. He was somewhere in here, lost, and she wanted to pull him out. Carefully, with the percision of years of training, she began inserting images and memories of Luna, plucking some from her own and others from Luna's mind herself, branching out and into Luna's mind.

A canopy...pillows...her she repeated these memories over and over, adding new ones.

After almost two hours she twitched, having been unmoving and not breathing the entire time she was in trance. Savannah's blue eyes slowly opened, blinking as she returned to her body. Instantly she felt him, over with the group around a fire he'd built, chatting comfortably. Looking up she caught Jayson's stare.

"Watching me this whole time?" she asked quietly, getting to her feet and dusting her clothes off, "Come eat with me Jay. Luna will want the next few minutes alone I'm sure."

As she spoke a pair of green eyes fluttered open, looking directly up at his mate he'd almost lost.

Kayden did as she was asked, getting wood. Then she helped with the fire. And then dinner. And still, Savannah gave her no answers to why both of the wolves smelt so familiar. Damion had no answers, and continuously told her to be patient.

But patience wasn't her thing.

Finally Savannah appeared around the fire, finding a spot between her and Damion.

"I know you've been waiting" she spoke softly to just Kayden, nudging her to look at Jayson, "That wolf there, he is part of that pack."

She refused to ever call it Kayden's pack. In Savannah's mind, no pack should lock up one of their own and let them rot for years. To Kayden though, it was all she ever knew and understood. Now she had no pack, and to Savannah never had one. Looking up at the tall man, a flare of envy enwrapped her. He got his pack...his place. Why was he better than her?

Jay looked up at the girl, his golden eyes watching her with curiosity.

“Well… Luckily it’s a pack big enough that they have more than enough wolfs in general…” He mumbled, looking down as he thought of the various friends he’d gained throughout the clan. Quickly pulling out from those thoughts he noticed the girl edging towards his alpha.

“She usually does… Even when this happens she never lets anyone touch her.” He mumbled, shocked to see the alpha sitting still and unmoving.

“The wolf gene kicks in eventually, but it has to reboot when she turns back… It’s kind of like the demon in her kills it and turning back force’s the life into her system.” He replied quietly, watching from a distance still.

As time passed, the wolf watched the girl, asking even her mate to calmly sit and wait alongside him till she was ready. As they set up their fire, the darkness of the night rode over them, having only the fire and the moon to supply the light for them.

But then, she was up and pulling him aside, telling them to leave the heartbroken alpha. Looking back, he sighed softly and followed, hungry and ready to join the group.Sitting with them all, the wolf looked over at the white haired girl, a questioning look pulling over his expression as she glared hatefully at him.

Her heard rested against his, she’d even ignored all the calls of her body as she remained with her mate. As far as she was concerned, if he couldn’t do anything… Nor could she.

“I…I’m so sorry my Sun…” Her words where barely audible, having only spoken as she was given space; tears slowly dripping down her cheeks and onto his as her heart ached. The soft flutter of eye lash’s pulled her attention, her head pulling back ever so slightly as a deep set green eyes looked up, lifting her. Her breath caught, and all she could do was stare as he looked back at her. Her thumb stroked his cheek as she nuzzled him questionably, unsure if she was imagining it.

Nereyda woke hours later, curled up in Elijah's arms. She felt tired, cold, and sore. The feeling of his strong arms around her was both welcoming and odd. Elijah did not cuddle, nor show affection. But as she mulled over it in her half awake phase, she began to realize how violently she was shivering, the cold ache reaching down to her bones. Eli was simply holding her to give her warmth, trying to keep the siren from freezing to death.

Lazy blue eyes opened to stare into a fire and she cranked her head, kissing his jaw in content, murmuring a thank you against his neck for warming her aching body up.


Ashlin slept like the dead for hours, having fallen asleep in Brax's arms before they left the city. Every time she woke she was still wrapped in his embrace, his warmth seeping into her and casting away the numbness. She loved the tenderness he spent on her, the way he cared for her when no one else ever had.

Her throat was mostly closed but she tried to force out a thank you, instead coughing. Nuzzling back into his chest, she was content with her silence as he held her tighter. Something strange tugged at her chest, making it constrict as she listened to his heart beat with her ear to his breast. Her heart skipped for every few of his beats, and her stomach grew butterflies as he kissed her hair softly as he always did.


Everything fell into place when he opened his eyes and saw her. He remembered the cave in, his last thoughts on his mate. Then he was dreaming, and floating, and
stuck in this never-ending spin inside his head, lost. But then...her. Images and memories of her weighing him down, pulling him out of the everlasting dream, reminding him of what he now lived for. And he clung to those, clawing his way awake so he could see her perfect golden eyes, and that ivory skin he longed to touch.

"Baby," his throat constricted and then broke, tears glistening in his eyes as he caught sight of her healing wounds, unable to look away, unable to move either as his body remained numb, "L-luna, what happened? Where a-are we?"

Andre and Yulen had caught a large buck for dinner, and it was absolutely delicious. Other than Andre, the rest of the pack remained hidden, accustomed to being unseen by strangers. Savannah worked on her food silently, listening to them play in the trees, happy in their own environment. Her mind traveled past each member of the group around the fire as well, trying not to be abrasive as she made sure no one was still hurt. Instead she got a mutual feeling of confusion through many, the days events such a blur that some knew more than others.

"So what happened back in the city?" she asked, turning to Braxton and a waking Ashlin for answers, "It seems you all got split up and different things began happening to each fraction of the group."

Slowly the story came forward, of how they split, how Ashlin had fought off a hoard of undead and Jay had swooped in before Ash passed out. How then there was the cave in, that both Savannah and Kayden apologized for, feeling semi-responsible. Finally they explained the fight with the shadowed beast, how it had controlled and turned Luna against them until Ash had pretended to be Xael to bring her back. When asked about the shifting, she couldn't speak much but said it was advanced illusion magic, waving it off.

Savannah and Damion automatically held their tongues, knowing no such magic existed. Potions, maybe, and some illusion spells were you could create an animal, but none to make you into another creature. They knew this through their oldest and recently passed friend, Rashel, who had been a witch from birth. Still, as Savannah saw it, if the raven-haired woman wasn't ready to explain her gift of shape-shifting, no one should push her.

Kayden had grown quiet through the story, her body stiff and her eyes staring lost into the fire. As the conversation turned to lighter subjects, Savannah turned to her new friend, throwing an arm around her shoulders.

"What's the matter Kayden?"

"In the story they spoke of Lunar...the red-head is Lunar..." she spoke so softly it was barely heard, shock taking over the young woman's body.

Damion looked over in concern, knowing Kayden's story better than Savannah did. The girl was an open book, luckily, but she was also disturbed from her years of lock up, and both soul mates had grown a protective fondness over her. Neither liked seeing her so lost and torn, her young face looking soft and hurt as she mused over the information.

"C'mon," Savannah grabbed her attention, pulling her up, "Let's go sit beside Jay. I'm sure you both have questions. You can talk to Luna later."

She plunked the pigtailed girl beside the handsome wolf, than sat to her right, leaning to see Jay, "Quick introductions once more. Jay this is Kayden, she spent her life locked away in a cell in your dungeon, by your pack. Hard feelings are shared by me, not Kayden. And Kayden, this is Jayson. He's a close friend of Luna's and is still involved in Abass' pack."

"What's it like?" Kayden asked, staring up at him with her round, smoky eyes, "Growing up as a free wolf? What was it like living with the pack?"

He felt her stir within his arms, his muscular body leaning against a tree with a small distance between them and the fire. His arms laid wrapped around her in an attempt to tame her violent shivering as she rested against him. Looking down, he caught large and perfect blue eyes looking up at him curiously as she thanked him. Tilting his head, Eli kissed the girls frozen forehead, nodding softly he shifted ever so slightly as he curled her body up to help warm her.

“Do you need me to move closer to the fire?” He asked softly, his emerald eyes staring up into the hungry flames as he awaited her response.


Long by now, Braxton had shrugged off his cloak, wrapping it around the small and tender sorceress in an attempt to help her stay warm in the chill of the nights air. His body pressing her against him in attempt to give her more warmth as she faded in and out of consciousness. Grabbing a small water pouch from the ground beside him, Braxton handed it to her while holding his hand out incase Ash needed it. Ashlins head against his chest made his heartbeat race, happy to have her within his arms and safe. Leaning in, he kissed her sweetly as she handed him back the pouch.

“Do you need food Ash?” He asked softly, happy to take care of her. Then Savannah popped her head up, joining them around the fire as curiosity took over. While she asked questions, Braxton filled her in all while taking any of Ashlin’s needs first. But quickly, the other girl that they knew as Kayden took over her mind, pulling the odd demon away from them and over to Jay, allowing Braxton’s full attention onto the beauty within his arms.

Jay looked up as company joined him, his golden eyes looking over both girls as the demon introduced the new girl, Kayden to him.

“I’m involved when I see fit. They only need me for certain battles, and to help populate, and that’s about it.” He lifted a brow, unimpressed with the introduction. Turning his attention to Savannah, Jay looked over her.

“I also had nothing to do with the dungeon, I was a warrior so Abass didn’t see fit to me being in there.” He corrected her before his attention was taken back to Kayden.

Tilting his head, Jay thought about it, looking down and remembering bits and pieces of home.

“Honestly, it was never free.” He stated, his golden eyes flickering as he thought about the past.

“All I did was fight, at one point I was one of the best… So I was always under control… But Lunar… Lunar broke my complete need to follow command, and only then did I begin to seek freedom.” He replied, his voice dying slightly.

“That pack has no freedom, we work as a whole with one goal, and that goal is of the alpha. Lunar was lucky enough to break free of that, so you should ask her.” Looking back, both golden eyes rested on her and her mate, tears flooding her perfect cheeks. Turning back to Kayden he shook his head.

“Actually, I wouldn’t, that might get on her bad side.” He mumbled.


Tears flooded her face as her flickering golden eyes stared down at his waking beauty. Softly, she leaned in kissing him gently before resting her forehead to his. Red tendrils of perfect hair flooded down the sides of their faces, shielding them from the group as she quivered. Both hands moved up to rest against his face, her thumbs softly stroking his cold skin.

“I thought I lost you…” She whispered, her long lash’s softly brushing his skin as she tried to blink away the tears.

“We’re safe… Don’t worry.” Her voice trembled, her body still quivering as she listened to his breathing.

“I love you Xael, I love you more than anything I can even compare.” Her soft voice squeaked.

"No," Reyn purred against his neck, not wanting to spoil the time she got with Elijah to listen to the others around the fire, "You're all I need. Although...your skin is much warmer than your clothes..."


"Moon of my life. Oh, angel don't cry. I'm here," he coughed, as his body woke up more and the numbness faded.

He was surprised how well he felt, considering things, and tested it by sitting up and pulling Luna into his lap, kissing her hungrily. Everything seemed in perfect working order, no soreness, or broken limbs. He was utterly shocked by it, but he could ask the group later. Right now, he could feel the fear and shock emanating from her thinking she had lost him, and it made him crave her touch. He crushed his lips to hers until neither of them could breath, then wiped her tears off her face.

"There's my favorite golden eyes," he whispered, wiping the last of her tears away.

"You were always more free than me," Kayden replied softly, rocking on the balls of her feet as she kneeled beside him, enthralled by Jay.

He mentioned Luna than shut the idea down, and Savannah agreed, having just spent two hours reviving him for Luna's sake, and no one else's. No one was bothering them tonight, as much as Kayden pouted over it.

"Fine," Kayden sighed, resigning as she sat down, glaring up at the demon till she took her own seat beside her, "I have more questions anyways. Jay, what was Abass like?"

"No," Savannah cut in, her eyes sharp as she stared Jay down but spoke to Kayden directly, "I've told you, little wolf, you don't want to hear it."

"Yes I do," Kayden whined, looking over at her, "He's-"

"Nothing," Savannah cut in, her blazing blue eyes with their golden flecks turning on the young girl, "He's nothing but trouble. Nothing you hear about him will be what you want."

Kayden played with her hands, feeling shut down. An arm went around her shoulder and her friend spoke softer, trying to explain, "Just not yet. Why not ask Jay about wolf stuff? Or pack stuff...or something."

Damion walked up then, and a look past between them.

"I'm going for a walk," Savannah smiled, "Jay, no talk about Abass. And no one visits Luna and Xael. They deserve the night to themselves."

They strolled off, eaten by the night and leaving the group to do as they pleased.


She basked in his attention, enjoying every second he focused on her. Still Ashlin was fading in and out, falling asleep after a few bites, or a drink of water. He held her all night, protecting and aiding her. Every time her violet eyes opened, his white one's were shining down at her.

"You're so beautiful," she murmured at one point before fading out again, "Like a masterpiece...I'm so...lucky..."

Eli couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped his lips as his head leaned down. His lips played against her neck, leading up to kiss her lips while his hands began to explore her legs, his fingers gently teasing her soft skin.

“Good, because I hate clothes when you’re in the picture.” He whispered against he lips.


Tears continued to stroke down her cheeks as he tried to console her. Both of Lunar’s eyes widened as he tried to sit up.

“Don’t stress yourself!” She squeaked, her hands flying out only to rest on his chest as he pulled her up into his lap. Lunar’s arms slid up and around his neck, a hand resting on his upper back while her other hand moved up and into his hair, her fingers gripping Xael’s soft hair as she pressed her lips against his. As he pulled away, the girl whimpered softly while her golden eyes looked up at him innocently.

“My eyes haven’t been golden since I was a kid…” She whispered, her hand massaging the back of his head as she stared up at her man.

“My sun and my stars… Don’t ever leave me again…” She breathed, sitting up to straddle him, her legs pressing tightly against Xael’s hips as she leaned in kissing him deeply again.

Breaking the kiss, she leaned in to nibble his ear.

“Is it bad that this is only the beginning of what I want to do to you…?” She breathed into his ear, her voice soft and whimsical with the thought of having him back.

He couldn’t help the cruel laugh that left his lips at Kaydens retort, but he bit his tongue and listened.

“Anyways… If you look at the two, She’s ready to jump his bone.” Jay chuckled, distracting himself momentarily. Kayden’s next question took him off guard.

“Cruel. Dark. Ruthless and uncaring. Even to his own wife and daughters.” Jay’s eyes looked down as he thought about it.

“But he knew his shit… It was rare we would find a brother or a sister go down.” He commented. Looking over at Savannah he shook his head.

“He’s nothing you want to know of now that you’re free.” He commented, eyes unmoving from Savannahs. He disregarded her, earning a darkened look but he was being honest.

“No disturbing them unless you want to feel disturbed yourself.” He laughed, a smile pulling at his beaten lips as he looked at them.

“What else little one?” He asked, ready to move topics.


Braxton kissed her forehead, smiling down at her as his hand moved up to brush a brown lock behind one of her ears.

“You deserve the best.” He mumbled back, his white eyes glowing with love as he watched her and held her gently.

“I can only do what I can, but I’m trying. Because you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” Braxton’s voice replied, the deep sound hanging in the air as his hand moved up, petting her hair ever so softly.

"Don't you dare leave my side again either," he clasped her face in both his hands, staring into her eyes, "I worried about you the whole time my Luna. Next time, I'm coming with you. To hell with your stealth on your own. If I lose you, I might as well be dead."

She jostled around until she was straddling him, kissing and nibbling at him, enjoying the high of having him back. He responded in earnest, kissing her neck hungrily and having to bite his lip to keep the cry that sat at the back of his throat.

God I thought I was a goner. I would have lost her. I can't lose her. I can't.

"Show me," he replied huskily, gulping his fears down and focusing on her laugh, closing his eyes to hide the pain.

But then he felt her, his mate, his soul...she could feel his anxiety even when he hide it, their connection so strong. Slowly his eyes opened, staring into hers.

"I almost died today," he murmured, "And I was more afraid when that roof collapsed of never seeing your dazzling smile again, or hearing your laugh then I was of being crushed. And now your in my arms, and I am so grateful your mine. So fucking grateful baby."


She was already groaning, his lips sending electric shocks through her. This was why Nereyda could never get enough of him -he sent her body into overdrive with just his touch. His fingers explored her legs and she kicked them out playfully, feeling the heat sink into her skin as his hand skimmed over her. Then she went to sit up, hoping to entice him with her full figure. But as she moved her head the world spun and her vision swam. Sinking back into his arms, she felt a stab of pain in her brain.

"I think I have a concussion," she breathed, kissing his chest, "That's what I get for protecting what's mine."

Her breath tickled his chest as she drew circles with her fingers, frustrated that she couldn't please him as he liked, "If we were any of the sappy couples over there, you'd be making love to be by moonlight, being so gentle my concussion wouldn't bother me the slightest."

It was more a thought than a statement, but the words fell out and Reyn bristled, waiting for him to snap at her for her sappy words.


The wolf smiled, the tips of her fingers pressing against his back as she massaged his mid back. Both golden glowing eyes looking up at him lovingly.

“I’ll teach you the art of the stealth.” She whispered, nipping at his ear softly as she held onto a soft moan.

“I can’t have that, you’re too good to lose.” She breathed as she grinned up at him. Lunar’s hands slowly slid down his neck and chest, one hand pulling at his shirt softly before sliding up to rest her hand against his stomach. While she pulled her head back softly, kissing him gently as her other hand pulled at the button on Xaels pants, pulling it free as her fingers started to wiggle against the soft skin under his pants.

“You didn’t… That’s the important part. You’re here with me, and I’ll never let anything like that happen to you. Not while I’m alive.” She whispered, her golden eyes looking up deeply into Xael’s stunning green eyes. “I couldn’t be anymore thrilled or alive, without you.” She breathed. Flashes of this earlier day… Of the darkness that engrossed her, of his voice pulling her from that inner despair; the love of her life before her, the thought of him, the image and sound of him, releasing her and giving her, her freedom back. She wanted more than anything to thank him, but she didn’t want to worry him, didn’t want to put that fear into him when he had only just come back to her.

“I love you more than life itself. I can’t even begin.” She whispered.

"That fucking wolf," Savannah sighed when they were a distance away, well out of hearing range, "He has no disregard for Kayden's state."

"Annah, they don't know of her state. You're so focused on keeping her safe, you haven't let any of them know who she is or what's going on."

"Did you bring me out here to interrogate me?"

He chuckled, "Pretty much love. You're suffocating the girl. I thought you could both use some space."

"If he hurts her, I swear to fucking god..."

"She's tough. C'mon Annah, try and focus on something else for five minutes."

She sighed, blowing the air out of her lungs angrily. But as she breathed in she caught the whiff of a scent on the wind, her eyes darkening.

"Hunting will get my mind off," she spoke lowly, pulling at Damion to follow, "Smell them. Bloody mutts tracked us down."

"Moonlight hunt," Damion grinned, relaxing, "It's about time we both fed. Keep them at bay from the group, waste a few hours picking them off..."

"Exactly. C'mon handsome. I'm in the mood for a good run."


Kayden had many questions, all pertaining to the clan she'd been part of and yet hadn't. With Savannah gone she asked more questions about Abass, cringing at the answers but pushing for more. Sure, Annah was trying to keep her safe...but she wanted to know.

She needed to.
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