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Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

They should be happy. She should be happy to tell him if she was. She was being selfish though. She could be pregnant and he wouldn't change anything. He wouldn't feel the effects of it at all. She was the one that couldn't model and eventually wouldn't be able to travel. She wondered what her mother would say to the news. Adri really didn't want a shotgun wedding.

"I love you too." She mumbled without having to think about it. Either way she loved Jake. She would come around to having their baby. It was just hard to think of it right now.

She sighed when he told her it was ready and she sat up. Life was hitting her really fast. She wasn't sure if she liked it. Was ready to settle down and have a family? Depending on these tests it wouldn't matter if she was ready or not. She was really nervous to go see what the results were.

When she built up the courage she went to the bathroom and read the tests. There was a big feeling of relief when they all said negative and then life snuck up on her again. She wasn't ready. She wasn't ready to plan a wedding and have kids. She wanted to do so much more. When she was single she said she was going to travel the world before she got married and had kids.

She already had a kid, they didn't have to get married. At least not right now. She could push it off and just keep pushing it off until they were ready. He said he would wait. So they should wait. She awalked out of the bathroom and sat on the bed.

"They are all negative." She said softly and looked at her hands. Was it something to celebrate? It didn't feel right to celebrate a failed pregnancy test. She shook her head and shrugged her shoulders. "I hate life's cruel jokes."
Jake was relieved as well. But more for Adri then himself. He was ready. He wanted to marry her and have a life with her, a family. That's why he proposed. She would have seen it as not being able to go after her dreams but he saw it as just giing after them differently. A lot of mods get married and have families.

He gave her a nod. "We probably should keep an eye on you being so tired though. Just to make sure something else is going on. People in our lifestyles get exhausted because they try doing too much. I don't want you getting sick or anything." It was a valid concern for him.

"Why don't you just rest and relax. I have O and will make dinner tonight." He stood up and grabbed Owen. He knew she second guessing things now and with the prenup suggestion and now this...he was afraid of the road ahead. Even more than earlier in the day. That morning thngs seemed great. Now he wondered if he was losing her.
"I did feel light headed after the work. I should probably slow down a little bit." On a lot of things, she thought to herself and looked at Jake. "And we've been traveling a lot so I probably have whatever was on that plane. I feel gross talking about it." She said softly and shook her head.

Instead of sleeping, after Jake left, she thought about everything she hadn't done yet that she told herself she would do before she got married. She did love Jake. He was a great father to Owen and Max and he was most of what she wanted in a spouse. She was afraid of committing though. She didn't do well when it came to relationships. The first year was great and then it went south fast. She couldn't explain it. She and Jake were engaged petty fast, they were a couple weeks away from a year together.

This was his first real relationship. What if he woke up one day and thought he could do better? What if he wanted to explore his options? It made her sick just thinking about it. She didn't want to lay in bed. She needed fresh air and she needed to keep her mind occupied. She was still dressed, so she got out of the bed and went downstairs. She grabbed Max's leash and a bag.

"I'm going to take Max for a walk to the dog park." She said softly and couldn't bring herself to look at Jake.
Jake agreed that she had been doing a lot. "You haven't really been eating either."

Downstairs, Jake tried to stay busy with Owen. Then when Adri came down he kooked at her and gave her a nod. "Okay." He feared the worst. He felt sick to his stomach. The thought of losing her scared him more than just about anything. He never felt this way about a woman before and honestly couldn't imagine that he ever would again.

He got Owen ready for a nap, fed and changed. Then he put him in his swing on the gym and Jake lifted and ran on the treadmill. He worked out harder than he probably should but he had a lot of emotions and thoughts running through his head. Owen didn't care as he was fast asleep.
She took Max for a nice long walk to the dog park and then she let him run around and play with the other dogs. She felt bad because he had to walk home still and he was too big for her to carry. He pulled through like a champ though and he walked all the way home. She let him take a few breaks to catch his breath and lay down in the shade before they started walk again. When they got home, she gave him fresh cold water and refilled his bowl twice to make sure he drank enough. Then he plopped down in the living room and laid on his side.

She sent Andre a text asking him to be kind tonight. She told she wasn't having the best day in the world and she really didn't want him to leave while they were on a sour note. She only got to see him every so often. She didn't want him to leave like that.

Like a good big brother, he offered to come over early and talk about things. She was going to say no but maybe he would be a good big brother and actually help her through the situation. He wouldn't like the idea of her almost being pregnant but she could always leave that part out. She would definitely leave that part out, actually. She told him to come over and they could sit in the back by the pool and talk.
Jake worked out so much he was dripping sweat and hud his legs and hands were shaking from the muscles being worked so much. He pulled his shirt off because it was soaked. He wiped his chest with it so he could carry Owen and not cover him in sweat.

He picked the little sleeping guy up carefully not to wake him. She took him up to his room to lay him down. On the eay Jake saw Adri was back and Max was laying down but when he saw Owen he perked up. "He's sleeping you just rest too." Max seemed like he wanted to follow but put his head down instead with a puff.

"I'm gonna shower." Jake said softly. Once he had Owen down he went in the bathroom turning the water on cool. He stripped and climbed in just letting the water brush over his skin. As he was in the shower Andre arrived knocking on the door. Max jumped up barking.
Adri was already sitting in the back staring out at the pool when she heard Max going crazy. She got up and hushed him and went to the door. She looked to see who it was before she opened the door and then opened it and gave her brother a slightly sad and tired smile.

He took her by surprise when walked in and gave her a hug. She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him back. It was rare that they had a moment like this.

"Jake is going to make dinner tonight." She said softly. She walked him to the kitchen and go thim a water and then walked him out back. He whistled when he saw the pool and took a seat with her at the table.

"Thank you for coming. You know you didn't have too though."
"You have a nice place that's for sure." He sat down and looked over at her. "You're not cooking? So I shouldn't bash his food?" He smiled.

After resting back ij gus seat he sighed. "So what's going on?"

Jake stood awhile in the shower. He took his time washing up and even air dried in their bedroom. He put on cargo shorts and a button up. He went down to watch fight tape with the monitor. He didn't want to disturb them outside. He'd start dinner soon.
"No you shouldn't bash his food." She chuckled softly and shook her head.

"I don't know. When Jake proposed I was so sure I wanted to spend the est of my life with him. And now looking at everything I want to do and how much harder it will be makes me nervous to settle down. We already have Owen and leaving him here with Jake's sister or mom and dad is tough. I want to travel the world. I want to be a top model. I want to be international, you know? At the same time I don't want to miss out on Owen standing up for the first time or his first words and steps. I know you are going to say he isn't mine s that shouldn't be important to me but I brought him home from the hospital. I didn't carry him but he is mine." She sighed. "I don't want to get married and start a family and pursue a career. I don't think I can do both."

She looked at her hands and then looked at her brother, "He keeps saying that I am the one that's going to wake up and realize I can do better but this is his first relationship. He doesn't know what's better than this or what's worst. I feel like if I wait too long to marry him, he will realize it and find someone else that will give him what he wants and on the other hand that would be best because at least we aren't married if he does find someone better." She rubbed her temples and looked at the sky. "I'm just confused."
"I'll choke it down. Even if it's horrible. Just for you. Just this once." He smiled at her. She was his baby sister and in the end, he only wanted her to be happy.

He listened to Adri talk about her fears and concerns and waited until she was done to really speak up about anything. "Well...Why do you think it will be that much harder being married? What do you think will change with getting married? You already live together. You already are making it work." He thought it over a moment. "You can get married and wait to have more kids. You don't have to get married then jump into kids. I actually recommend not doing that. Spend time as a married couple. It will be hard with Owen but it would be harder with more kids."

"I understand what you are saying about his fear for you waking up and realizing you can do better. Cause you can." He teased with a smile. "But seriously though...from a guy's perspective, he doesn't want to find out if there is someone better or worse than you. He just wants you. If he's never been in a relationship before, there has to be something about you that made him change that. Guys like that don't just change that and then pop the question within a year. You have him hooked. And hard. Normally they are the ones with commitment issues."

"Can I ask you something? Are you scared because you don't want to miss Jake or his son? Because if it's his son, you aren't doing him any favors. Jake either." He knew that was a harsh question but she needed to think about everything. "And you also need to think about more than a career. I understand you have dreams and goals and I want nothing but the best for you and for whatever you want out of life. I want you happy. But I'm going to make you look at the big picture here." He leaned forward. "When you got old. Like mom and dad's age." He smiled. "Do you want to be sitting there alone but be known as this big international model with no one to share everything with or do a family. Grandkids to spoil and babysit. I'm not by any means saying you can't have both but it will take work. But if you want both bad enough you will fight and make it happen." He took a drink of his water. "Take me and the military. Yeah I could be nothing but a family man. But I love what I do. So I work at my marriage and my family and balance work."

He looked in towards the living room before looking back at Adri. "If you don't think you want to be a wife or a mother, you should tell him. The sooner the better."
"Because he already has a baby and what if he wants more after we get married? You start a family after you get married. That's why it's called settling down." She gave him a look when he said she could do better. "But he just meets the right One someone where. Like Rousey what if they meet at some event and they just know? They have more in common with each other than we do."

She frowned at him, "Of course I want a family. There is so much on my plate and I can't be every where at once. What if I pick the wrong thing to do? When Owen was born Jake needed me here and I stayed to sign contracts before I came home. What if he needs me again and I can't get here fast enough? Or I don't come at all? What if I make the wrong choice?" This talk wasn't helping her very much.

"I want to be his wife and I want everything that comes with it but I want my career too."
"He probably will want more children after you get married. Isn't that kind of the point? But it doesn't mean you have to get pregnant on your honeymoon. Have you not talked to him about any of this? I feel like he probably didn't want to have Owen when he did. So maybe he is okay waiting until you are ready to have more children." Andre' shook his head. "I doubt that would happen Adriana. He would have all of us guys coming after him if he did." He smiled a little. "Plus he doesn't seem like that type of guy. But I don't know him all that well. What if you meet someone else? Another model?"

Andre thought over what she was saying about making the wrong choice. "You have to just think about what choice you can live with making. If you stay to do work can you live with making the wrong choice. Are you missing just a game, where there will be more. Or are you missing those milestones you can't get back. Adri, other famous people have careers and families. It won't be easy probably by any means. But you two have to work at it. And communicate. Communication is going to be key."

He patted her arm. "Look, marriage hard. It's really hard. And there will probably be times you want to kill each other. Or scream at each other. And hell maybe even a time you want out. But it's how you handle yourselves at that time that will show if you can have a successful marriage. And I'm not going to lie, with your careers it's going to be even harder and more stressful. But if you both love each other and want this life together more than a life apart, you will find a way to make it work. You will do anything to make it work."

He sighed and looked down. "If you repeat this, I will deny it and never forgive you. But Sarah wanted to leave me. Because I was involved with my work and my duty. The thought of losing her killed me. I had made the wrong decisions. And I have to live with that now. But I couldn't afford to keep making them. I learned to balance my career and my family. No relationship. No marriage is perfect Adri. You will probably screw up. And that's okay. Everyone does. You can be successful at modeling and also be a wife and a mother. Jake is just going to have to compromise too. Maybe he could travel with you. Or come visit you. You've made things work so far. A piece of paper doesn't change your relationship."

Andre smiled. "Hey, you need to talk to him. Voice your concerns. Or if you need to slow down and not go through with getting married. You need to tell him that too. Or wait to get married."

Jake got up after his tape was finished and started making dinner. Andre looked toward the house as he saw Jake moving around the kitchen. "I can always talk to him too." He grinned at Adri. "If you break up though..." He looked around the back yard. "Do you get the house?"
Adri had a lot to think about tonight but she agreed that she needed to talk to Jake about everything. Talking to her brother helped her process what she was feeling but talking to Jake would help get her where she needed to be. She smiled at Andre' and shook her head, "No I don't get the house. I don't think so at least..." She shrugged her shoulder. "I'd want him to keep it. He has Owen and his sister. I'd move to New York most likely."

She sighed and looked up a the sky, "Thank you for coming over when I needed you. And if you would like to apologize to Jake for what you said about Owen, I would greatly appreciate it." She gave her brother her best winning smile and puppy dog eyes. "Or I will tell mom." She threatened and stood up. "Come on let's get something stronger to drink."

She wrapped her arm around his waist and gave him a half hug before walking into the house. She gave Jake a small smile and grabbed the Crown Royal out of the freezer with some ic. She grabbed the glasses and made the three of them a drink. Luke and Amy would come over later for dinner and hopefully by then all of the tension should be gone, or at least minimal.
"You should have said, we both get to keep it cause we're not breaking up." He teased with a smile. "I don't know if I like you living alone in New York." His protective instincts kicked in.

He sighed. What he said was kind of rude. He figured he could apologize. "I do want to talk to him, man to man. So I will think about it." He gave her a nod.

Jake looked up and smiled when they walked in. "Hey. Dinner will be about a half hour yet. Hope that's okay." He cleaned his hands and went over to Andre. "Thanks for coming over." He extended his hand and Andre shook it. Hake went back to cooking. Every so often he looked at Adri. He hoped to God she wasn't planning to leave him. He tried to push the thoughts aside.

"Was it nice outside? Should we eat outside or in?" He looked back and forth between them.
"Oh." She said softly. She felt like a bad five cents for not thinking of that answer. "Well when I travel to LA I live alone in LA. It's the same thing on the other coast." She shrugged her shoulder. "It's not that big of a deal."

She wondered what they would need to talk about but let it go. Jake would tell her later if they were talking. "Okay, just don't go too hard on him. I don't want to see you get beat up."

Adri nodded, "That's fine. It's beautiful outside. We should eat by the pool. The sun is setting so it won't be beating down on us." She looked at Andre who nodded in agreement.
He figured she had a point about her living alone in LA. But he still didn't like it. Regardless of where it was.

He made no promises to go easy on Jake. He was the big brother afterall. It was his job to scare him a little bit but that would be hard to scare Jake.

Jake finished up dinner and talked with Andre and Adri as he cooked. Luke and Amy came over to join them for dinner. When Owen woke up, Jake went to get him and brought him outside as they all ate and had a good time. Andre asked Jake more about fighting as well as Jake learning more about Andre's job in the military.

After dinner Andre looked at Jake. "Can we talk?" Jake glanced at Adri then gave him a nod. "Of course. Q will you take Owen?"
Adri was glad that Jake and Andre were getting along for now. They weren't trading fighting words so it was already better than what happened at brunch.

Then those dreaded words came out and Adri got nervous. She looked from Andre to Jake and took Owen from Jake. "We will be inside when you two are finished." She told them both and walked inside. She set Owen in his bouncer and she started taking the dishes inside with Luke and Amy's help.

"Watch them Luke, make sure they don't start throwing punches." If they did start fighting she wasn't going to be the one to separate them. She could not risk getting punched in the face and she didn't want either guy to feel the guilt of punching their sister or fiance' in the face. Luke was used to getting hit so he would be the meat she threw into the lion's den.
Before Adri went inside Jake gave her a small kiss. As they all went inside he took a drink and looked at Andre.

Andre leaned forward, putting his forearms on his knees. "What's your angle with my sister?"

Jake looked at him confused. "Well I gave her a ring. Bought a house with her. I want to make her my wife and have her be the mother of my children. What kinda question was that?"

"You have a reputation Jake. You'd sleep with girls and couldn't keep an assistant. Then my sister came along and I'm supposed to think you this different man." He shook his head.

"Yes. She changed me. For the better. Her and my son. People can change." He took another sip.

"If you cheat on her, lay a finger on her or hurt her in anyway. My brothers and I will kill you." He said quietly.

Jake looked him in the eyes. "I have a baby sister too. I get it. If I do any of those things. Which I won't. I'll load the gun for you. I'd rather cut off my right arm than cause that woman pain." He set his drink down. "But what happens if she hurts me? Everyone seems to think I'm not worthy of her. And I'm not. I'll admit that. But I'd give up anything and everything for her and Owen."

"She's worried about her career. Don't ever make her choose." Luke kept looking outside. He mentioned no punches thrown yet.

"I would never do that. I'd give up fighting before I do that." He shook his head a little annoyed. "Funny you ask me what my angle is...but I've known since the before we bought this house that I wanted to spend forever with her. To me it's her who is unsure about what she wants." He spoke the last part quietly.

Andre didn't know what to say so instead he stood up to go inside. "She does love you...and Owen." He went inside and Jake just sat there a moment a bit confused of it all.
While they were inside, Adri washed the dishes and put them away. She kept the conversation going to Amy didn't ask what was going on this morning. Since she and Jake were still trying to work through it, she didn't want to talk about it until they were finished. Then he could tell whoever he wanted.

Owen started to get fussy and Adri started his bottle. Amy went over and scooped up her nephew and cuddled him until his bottle was ready.

She looked Andre over and expected Jake to walk in right behind him but he didn't. She sighed and bit her bottom lip. She made sure Owen was alright and the. She went out back to Jake. She sat across from him and looked at her hands, "I'm sorry." She said softly. "I got scared." She added and bit her bottom lip while she thought.

"I don't want to be a bad mom to Owen or a bad fiancé or wife. I travel...a lot and I know that I will continue to travel a lot. I will be there for the big things but I don't want to miss out on the little things. I want to be there for you both and I want to work and I don't want to ask you to move because you have eve thing you need here. Asking you to move would mean asking Amy and Luke and your dad to move and it doesn't feel right to me." She confessed.

"I'm scared about getting married because something always goes wrong after I've been with someone for a year. My last boyfriend I found out he wasn't who he said he was. The one before that cheated. I just...we got engaged so fast. As much as I want to believe that that was just some curse that you lifted, I feel like I am waiting for something to happen and I know that's not good and this isn't the right time to talk about it but that's how I feel."
Jake looked at Adri as she walked out and he sighed, thinking she was coming out to ream him for something that was said between Andre and himself. Then he watched her and figured she was going to go off on him, instead she had to be breaking up with him. The more he listened the more he was sure that was what was happening. He looked away processing everything she was saying.

"Just so you know, you wouldn't be asking me to move. I'd gladly do it. If that's what it meant to be with you. Or not have you stressed out. I'd just sell this place. I don't care. It's just a house...I've been without my father and my sister before. I'd be fine. There's other trainers...other gyms. We can move. Where do you want to move? LA? New York?" He watched her closely.

"So what exactly are you saying?" He asked softly. His voice was calm and soft. It was important he felt for his tone to be right so she didn't think he was angry or being passive aggressive. If he got too heated he would just tell her he needed time to cool off before they talked more about it. Though he was afraid if she was breaking up with him, that he would flip shit and not in a good way.
"Yeah but Luke is your trainer and the only reason your father and sister are out here is you. You have been without them but they need you. You have hired them. If we move then they would need to move with you if they want to keep their jobs." She thought about which city she would want to move too but couldn't come up with an answer. "One of the two." She said softly. She wasn't sure which one because she still needed to go to New York and interview for the Victoria's Secret position.

"I'm saying..." What was she saying? "I don't want to let you go and I don't want to mess up. I'm saying that I love you. I just..." She let out a breath of air and shook her head. "When I took those tests I saw everything that I want go down the drain. And sure other models have babies but they are established. They have contracts already signed. They can have kids and as long as they snap their body back into shape they will have jobs. I'm barely established and I don't have a contract with anyone. I don't want to get married and start popping out babies. In a perfect world we would be a happily married couple that got to enjoy being married for a while before we had kids. But we have Owen and that doesn't make the world less perfect but it does make it harder." She felt like everything she was saying was coming out wrong.

"You have kids and you get to keep working. nothing changes for you physically. The entire nine months you get to continue to work out maybe even fight. It's not the same for me. My career is dependant on my body. I get pregnant, I can work the first two, maybe three months and then nothing for the next eight months while I am pregnant and then caring for the child. When we do this we need to go in knowing that it is going to be the three of us for a while until I am ready to start having kids."
She made a valid point about him hiring his father and sister and they would have to move too. His father probably wouldn't care. he traveled pretty regularly before. Amy though, now had Luke. That made things a bit harder. But she couldn't give him a location. She wanted to move. She wanted her career. He understood that.

Everything she wanted went down the drain. So that didn't include Jake or Owen. He just continued to listen. He felt himself getting frustrated and a bit angry so he needed to process everything before he said something wrong. Things got quiet for a few moments. "I don't know if I'm following entirely what you are saying. I thought we both were under the impression we wouldn't have kids right away. I know you don't want kids right now. I'm sorry you had to take those tests. The only way that I know to make sure that has no chance of happening is to not sleep together and if you need that...then we don't have to do that." He continued to talk gently.

"Just because though it doesn't effect my body, doesn't mean it doesn't effect me. I am still a father Adri. But I do understand what you are saying. I'm sorry if I pressured you with anything." He looked away and part of him wanted to ask if she still wanted to marry him or what she wanted with that. But the other part of him was scared of the answer. His hands ran over his face. The day was going down as one of the worst days to him. His hand ran through his hair and he still was trying to process everything. She wanted a prenup, then freaked out about potentially being pregnant, now the talk. She didn't want to get married. He closed his eyes a moment and looked away. "Should we get back inside? Or is there more you want to talk about?" He looked at her. His tone still the same but something in his eyes were different. He finished his drink.
This conversation was no what they needed before People magazine came. This issue would be about them starting their new lives together and the next would be about the big split. God she felt stupid. Why did she even say anything? They were happy before. Now they would have to go through all of this crap just to be happy again. She shook her head to having to say anything else. She didn't want to anything else and risk digging herself into a deeper hole.

She sighed and let him go inside first. She spent a minute collecting herself before she got up and went inside. She stood by her brother and put her head on his shoulder. In a brotherly way, he wrapped her arm around her and rubbed her arm. Dinner did the trick. She was talking to her brother again but now she wasn't on the best of terms with her fiance'. She didn't even know where to go from there.

Andre' stayed and talked for a little while longer before he had to head back to his hotel. He had an early flight and still needed to pack. He shook hands with Amy and Luke telling them it was nice to meet them and then he gave Jake a harder handshake and told him the same thing.

Adri walked him out to his car and gave him a hug. "Thank you for coming." She said softly. "I'll see you soon." She looked at the ring on her finger and twirled it around her knuckle. "Have a good night Dre."
Amy and Luke could sense something was going on but had no idea what. For all they knew it all had to do with Andre. When he left, Jake shook his hand and wasn't the least bit intimidated. If anything things were going back to what happened if she hurt him. Nothing, he just would end up being hurt.

Luke and Amy was going to head out too but waited until Adri was back inside. Amy gave her a hug and they both said good night to Jake. Jake took Owen and headed upstairs to get him ready for bed. The little guy got a quick bath and then Jake went down to grab his bottle. He sat in his chair and watched Owen eat. All he could think about was the day had. He'd get Owen down and maybe call it a night himself. Owen held onto his finger as he was fed.

Jake didn't even think about People. He wasn't in the mood to pretend. He doubted that Adri felt the same way so he figured she'd call and cancel or reschedule or something. Once Owen was asleep he let him just lay with him awhile, he moved him to lay on Jake's chest. His head rested against the back of the couch and he closed his eyes as he rubbed Owen's back. He couldn't help but feel like an idiot to think someone like Adri would in fact want to be with him. His mother was right after all. And he couldn't help but feel like it was all his own fault.
While Jake went upstairs, Adri stayed down stairs and called her agent. "Hey can you postpone People and get me job doing something soon?" She begged.

"Ooh, trouble in paradise?" He asked and she could hear clicking in the back ground. "Well SI sent me your photoshoot location and days. If you would check your emails, you would know this. You get CC'ed into everything. It's not until the end of next week but I don't see why you can't go a few days early. Enjoy the sun."

It would be nice. An island getaway for a couple days and then work. "Where are we going?" She asked curiously.

"Cook island where Upton, Teigan and a few others did their shoots. Beautiful islands. I might have to join to there." He joked. "Maybe you and Jake should take a couple days apart and get your heads on straight. You spent everyday with him while you were working for him, and then dating him. I don't see anything wrong with leaving a day or two early. Leave Tuesday that way you have until Thursday to relax. Just stay out of the sun. No tanning, no tan lines. No sun exposure."

"Yes Dad." She teased. "And People?"

He sighed, "I am pretty sure it's too late to fences but maybe we can get it pushed to shooting for one or two days. Owen won't be in it right so it's not like you have a baby to worry about. Just think a few pictures and an interview for 2 million dollars. It won't be that bad."

"It's not me I'm worried about." She said softly and sighed. "Alright. Well, I will see you at Cook Islands on Tuesday. Have a good night and keep working hard." He said good bye and she hung up the phone. Now she had to figure out what she wanted to do for the rest of the night. The boys were upstairs and she was alone downstairs.
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