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Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

Adri nodded her head, "I'll try." She said softly but she knew that wasn't going to happen.

She agreed to let Luke and Amy deal with the pack and play. That was one less bag for them to worry about. "Yeah. After the hospital we can go get some groceries and take them to my parents house. I know what we need."

She got in the shower with him but she was lost in her thoughts. Her father the strong man. He was never in the hospital. She didn't want to see him in the hospital bed. Logically, she knew it was a simple procedure and he would be fine in a week or two but this was her dad. She couldn't think logically all the time.

She didn't wash her hair because she didn't have time to deal with it.when she was finished she got out of the shower and died off. She checked on Owen and sat on the bed. She rubbed her lips together and got up to pull the covers back and then got in bed again. They had eight hours before they had to get up and she knew it was going to be a long night.
Jake watched Adri and it killed him that there was nothing he could do to make her feel better. He walked by her and kissed her head. Jake went downstairs and made both of them a smoothie for the morning.

He went back up and walked over to her and took her face in his hands. He made eye contact and got close to her. "I know you can't wait to get there and I will get you to your dad as soon as I can. But I want you to know I love you. He's a strong guy. It's a normal procedure. He is in good hands. Look at the miracles that helped Owen." He gave her a small kiss. "I'll be right here the whole time." He kissed her forehead before standing up.

Jake climbed in bed with her and checked a few emails and social media before getting comfortable. He wanted to try to get some sleep. Who knew when he'd get some again. Luckily he did get a few hours before their alarm went off.

He got up and shut it off before it woke up Owen. "Baby why not let Owen fly in his pajamas. Let's let him sleep as long as possible."
Adri nodded her head and gave Jake a kiss, "I know. It's just scary." She said softly and shrugged her shoulder. "I love you too Jake." It was something out of her control and all she would do is stress over it tonight. She rubbed her lips together and laid on her back. She turned the lights off and stared into the darkness.

At some point she fell asleep and her alarm woke her up. She didn't feel very well rested but at least she got some rest. She sighed and got out of bed. She started to get dressed and looked at Owen. She rubbed his cheek and agreed with Jake about leaving him in his pajamas. "Just throw the clothes in the diaper bag." She said softly. She went to the bathroom and finished getting ready.

When she was done she made sure they both had their phone chargers and any other small item that could easily be forgotten. Owen would be the last thing she or Jake grabbed. She made sure they had their bags and she put the diaper bag in the car. She took out a few wet wipes and a new diaper and went upstairs. She changed Owen as gently as she could so she didn't wake him up. When she was done, she washed her hands and then she scooped him up and wrapped him in his blanket.
"I know it is. It will be okay though." He kissed her head.

Jake got dressed and just put a hat on for the trip to the airport and flight. He didn't have to look amazing. It was early and her father wouldn't expect Jake to be dressed perfectly. He probably could careless. He put Owen's clothes in the diaper bag and made sure they had all his little toys and anything he may want on the plane. If they forgot something Amy could bring it home, he just didn't want a meltdown. Jake made sure John was up and he was actually awake before they were making sure everything was taken care of.

He grabbed their smoothies and put them in the car so they could drink them on the way to the airport. Jake helped Adri strap Owen in and they were off. Jake held her hand as they drove. "I made us smoothies." He wouldn't be offended if she didn't have much of it. He just figured she wouldn't have much of an appetite.

Once they got to the airport Jake looked at Adri. "I'll take care of the car and meet you in there." He helped them unload and then turned the car back in before finding them inside.
"Thanks Boo." She said to the smoothie. She took a few sips but she didn't finish it. Owen was starting to wake up when they buckled him into the car seat but the car helped put him back to sleep. When they got to the airport they could take the entire car seat out and turn it into a carrier so she wouldn't have to hold him during the security checks.

"You should just have to drop it off and they will bring you right back. If it's crazy we will be in line but I doubt it will be." She gave him a quick kiss and picked up Owen in the carrier while John pushed the bags on a cart. Adri was able to check them in and get their boarding passes.

The line wasn't too crazy so they could wait for Jake to return. Once he did they went to the security line and they were all checked out. They had an hour before boarding so they went to a lounge to chill out for a bit and wait.
He gave her a quick kiss back and took the car around to the drop off area. Jake didn't have to wait long to get the car turned back in. He then got back to them and went through security with them. He thanked Adri for getting him checked in. They found a group of seats in the lounge that was pretty empty and Jake sat down and tried to get comfortable.

Owen was still asleep with no idea what was going on. He'd probably wake up on the plane or if they were super lucky, when they got home. Jake would take care of him whenever he woke up. John looked around, "I'm going to just walk around, check stuff out." Jake gave him a nod. "Don't worry I will be back in time." Jake smiled. Jake knew that John didn't like sitting still. He was the same way, if he wasn't so tired, he'd probably walk around too. But he had gotten more mellow with his fame. The more he walked around the more changes for someone to spot him and pictures.

Jake watched Adri. "Mind if I grab a sandwich when we land. If it can be quick?" He kissed her shoulder. He felt a bit helpless for his fiance. He didn't know what to say or what to do. Now he knew what she felt like when they were flying to Colorado. His hand rubbed her back.
She shook her head, "No go ahead. I don't mind." He needed to eat so he could keep weight and all of that. She didn't want to get in the way of that. "While you do that I will go get the car and pick you up in the front with all of our bags. Which means you and John will have Owen." She told him and rubbed her temples.

She knew the odds of Owen sleeping the entire ride were very slim. He would most likely wake up at some point and she hoped it wasn't take off. She didn't want him to feel his ears pop. She wanted him to sleep through it.

She leaned against Jake and rubbed Owen's cheek, "He does look pretty damn cute in his Dino pajamas. Who got him those?" She asked trying to distract herself.
"Sounds like a good plan. I'll have Pop stay with the bags and O and grab it quick. I'll be fast. I know it's awful but I may get coffee too." He sighed. "I'm so off my routine with training and dieting." Jake sighed. "Oh shit...we left all my cotton candy Faygo." He growled. "Amy has it take it home or send it home."

Jake rubbed her thigh and smiled. He kissed her head. "Baby he looks cute in his diaper who you kidding?" He smiled and thought about who got him his pajamas. "I think your mom actually." So much for distracting her. "Maybe you should take a picture to show your parents later. I'm sure they'd like seeing a picture of their little guy." He thought maybe that would help everyone involved later to raise their spirits.

"He does smell pretty good too. Can we capture that? And keep him smelling that good forever? I love that baby smell." He smiled and gave Adri's neck a kiss. Owen started moving. "He knew we were talking about him." Jake whispered and looked at him like he was going to get caught doing something he shouldn't have been doing but hoped he didn't get caught.
She rolled her eyes playfully at him, "I hope your sister doesn't drink it all." She teased and kissed his cheek. "I'm sure Amy will bring it home. Or ship it home but if she ships it, be careful opening it."

Yeah, he did look pretty cute in his diaper. He looked cute all of the time. She nodded her head, "You're probably right." Adri could buy him all of the cutest deigned clothes in the world but her mother found the cutest things here at home. Baby clothes were always cute though. Took a few pictures of Owen while they waited to board their plane.

"We could make a memory box for him. We still have the hat he came home in. I haven't washed it. And remember the tiny sock they had him in? We still have those. We should so that with all of the kids and we can put their memory boxes on the wall. From when we brought them all home."
"I will beat her if she drinks them. Maybe I should just find a local place I know here and give them business to ahip it to me. I'd pay them well for it. That way I have a supply always at home." He wiggled his eyebrows. "Did you ever try it?"

Jake was glad when Owen just moved but stayed asleep. "I want him to sleep as long as possible. The flight will be easier for him if he does."

"That's actually a wonderful idea baby. We probably have his outfit too. We can put it all today with his birthday and his weight and height." He smiled. "We should get used to his height and weight if he wrestles or fights." He teaswd and kissed Adri's cheek. "Do we have the outfit Max had on?" Jake laughed. "It's only fair. He's technically our first born." He wrapped his arms around Adri and kissed her head.

It wasn't long before John came back and had a bag with him. Jake raised an eyebrow and John ignored him and just took out a Denver Broncos bear. Jake shook his head. "He doesn't need that..." John gave Jake a look, "Don't tell me what my grandson needs." Jake shook his head.
" can save some money and just have it shipped from Amazon. I think I like that idea better." She said softly and kissed his cheek. She nodded her head, "I tasted it the first time we came. t was alright but my sweet tooth prefers candy instead."

"That information is on his birth certificate so I think that is doable." Sh frowned at getting used to his weight. "I don't want him to be worried about making weight. He is just a kid. He shouldn't have to worry about that. They don't make kids worry about that do they? They can focus on height but weight just doesn't feel right." She smiled and nodded her head, "I do have his first collar and I can call the vet to find out what his weight was." She agreed that Max was their first born and he would get a shadow box too. If if Jake was kidding, Max deserved a spot on the wall.

Adri laughed and shook her head, "I think it's cute but you two better not start fighting about which sport he loves more football or fighting. If you do he will just start modeling."
"Yeah I could. But this way I'm helping out a local business that I used a lot as a kid." He shrugged. "Maybe I'll do both. I'll get some from Amazon and some from home. I'll figure it out."

"If he chooses to wrestle they will. They go by weight class still. You don't want him wrestling a dude twice his size do you? It's not that he has to worry about it just be aware of what it is. But if he just does training it's not important. It will be awhile don't worry mama." Jake thought it was cute she was worried about Owen and his weight and the kid couldn't even crawl yet. "Let's do it then. He will be first. Then O. The only thing is we may need a bigger wall after time."

Jake shook his head. "Our son is not modeling." If she didn't want him worrying about his weight then he shouldn't model. "We're not fighting about anything. Owen loves fighting more." He chuckled. "No he can like both. But when Daniels boys watch football we do watch the Broncos. We are from Colorado." He smiled and wondered once her dad was better that maybe her brothers and their fathers could go to a game. He would bring that up though later when her dad was home and doing better.

The airport announced their flight was boarding. Jake got up and took Owen and went to get in line to get on the plane. There wasn't going to be a lot of people flying which would be good if Owen wasn't too happy. They found their seats and Jake put Owen's carrier on the empty seat next to John and decided to just hold him the entire flight. He laid him on his chest and rubbed his back.
"I don't but..." She sighed. "Alright. Okay. As long as he is happy with whatever he wants to do." She laughed, "How many kids are you trying to have? We aren't having a Brady bunch." She told him to get that idea out of his head if it was in there.

Adri rolled her eyes, "and here it goes." She said softly. "He doesn't love anything more right now." She laughed. "He loves sleeping and bottles." She rubbed Owen's cheek and kissed Jake. "Watch him be a patriots fan or something." She teased. "Or worst. A cowboys fan."

Since Jake had Owen, Adri grabbed the diaper bag and her purse and made sure they had everything before following him to the hanger. She sat next to Jake and Owen and got ready for take off. She sent everyone a text letting them know they were on the plane and then turned her phone off. She smiled at Jake and closed her eyes. Maybe she could get some sleep on the flight.
Jake shook his head with a laugh. "I was thinking more on how many dogs we will have. Cause I do want another dog. One that is mine since Max is yours. And when we do have more kids I'm sure they will want more dogs or more pets in general."

"Sleep, bottles, food in general, and mom mom mom." He smiled at Adri and kissed her softly. "No shut your face. No. No. You don't say those filthy words around us. No." He hated the Patriots and especially hated the Cowboys. "That is not going to happen. He will learn from now on those are bad words. Words we don't speak of unless we are dissing them." He smiled and John agreed.

Jake reached in his pocket and turned his phone on airplane mode and put it on his leg. He smiled back at Adri. He hoped she could get some rest. Jake kissed Owen's head and closed his eyes himself to get some sleep. Owen did really well on the plain until they had about an hour left and he started to move around and wake up getting fussy. Jake woke up and shushed him. It was too early for a bottle but if it kept him happy he'd give him on. For awhile his pacifier kept him happy. "You're okay buddy." He just cuddled with Jake and sucked on his pacifier and watched Adri.
"Max loves you but he is my boy. I think we can handle another dog but maybe after your fight. What kind of dog do you want?" She asked curiously. She frowned at the thought of their kids each getting a pet. "I don't want my house to become a zoo."

Adri laughed and bit her tongue, "I have a weapon now. This is going to be fun." She laughed again, "Maybe he can be a cowboy for Halloween! He'd look so cute in the plaid and denim." She giggled.

Adri woke up when Owen started to fuss, "Do you think he needs a diaper change?" She asked sleepily and reach down to grab a diaper. His binky seemed to pacify him though so she left it alone. She rubbed Owen's back and kissed his cheek.

When they touched he seemed to get even more upset and that was probably because his ears popped. She took Owen and rocked him while Jake got the bags. She got him to stop crying and then set him in the carrier with his binky.

"Okay, he's hungry." Adri softly when he started to whine again. "John will you make him a bottle while Jake gets something eat? And Jake will you get me a breakfast sandwich or something please? I'm go into go get the car."
"I kind of want to get a rescue pit. But I will have to do research to make sure we get one that is good with kids and other dogs. But it's just an idea. I'm open on the kind." Jake smiled. "Babe I mean small pets that they can keep in their rooms. Like a hamster or turtle." He kissed her cheek.

He shook his head and sighed. "Be nice. I don't care if he is a cowboy like from the west type of cowboy but not a Dallas Cowgirl. It won't happen." He shook his head no and meant it.

"I don't know. I think he's just confused where he is." Once they landed and Jake got the bags they exited the plane. John was on bottle duty without question and he did it fast to keep him happy. "Of course I will babe." He went into a Tim Horton's and grabbed a sandwich for all three of them. He actually grabbed two for himself cause who knew when dinner would be and he knew he'd be hungry. He also got coffee for them as well. He met back up with John and waited for Adri.

Once she pulled up he loaded up the food and drinks in the front then loaded the back with their bags and made sure Owen was strapped in before getting in. Owen was happy with his bottle and clearly was still sleepy. "He may go back to sleep for a bit for you Pop."

"If not we will be fine. Max and I will keep him company." He smiled and enjoyed this time with his grandson.
"I think that's a wonderful idea. Rescue a pit bull. Let's hope Max gets along with other dogs. Would you want a boy or a girl?" She still frowned, "A different animal in every room until someone lets their animal out and then it gets lost. My house is going to be a zoo. And Max is going to be huge at the point, you might get a pit bull, if he eats a hamster can you imagine the backlash?"

She smiled, "He's going to be my little cowboy." She teased. "You know I am pretty sure the Cowboys are the only team on the Party City costume wall. So if he chooses to be a football player for Halloween one year, I would have to get him the Cowboys costume."

Adri went to get the car and then drove to the front of the airport where the guys were. She got Owen in the car seat base while the guys put the luggage in the trunk. Jake drove, Adri sat with Owen to finish feeding him and John sat up front. "Are you going to pick Max up? You don't have too." She told him.

When they got home, they helped John get everything in the foyer but told him not to worry about anything else. She handed off Owen and she and Jake got back in the car. She plugged in the address to the hospital and they were off. She looked at her sandwich and took a small bite. She didn't want the fatty food, but she was starving and she didn't drink her smoothie this morning. She had no choice.
Jake hadn't thought about the sex of the dog. "Either but maybe another boy or girl would be fine too. I want a good work out buddy." Jake wad glad Adri wad figuring it out now that they may have a zoo. "I like animals baby so it's only normal our babies will too. I can totally be in charge of feeding and cages and pet patrol."

"No he will not be a cowboy football player. We will make any other team but them. Sorry." He shook his head. "Pop won't allow it either."

"May as well get Max quick." They picked up Max cause Jake figured the boys missed each other. And sure enough as soon as Max jumped in the car he licked Owen's face and his tail went crazy. Owen just laughed.

Once the dropped everyone off Jake handed John his dandwich and kissed his boy bye before heading to the hospital. "Q...don't worry. We're almost there. He's gonna be okay." He kissed he hand before eating his sandwiches on the way. All he thought about besides her dad was how off his diet he had gotten.

They got to the hospital and parked in the parking garage before heading in.
She shook her head, "No the kids will be in charge of feeding and cleaning cages. If they want the pet, that's how they will keep it. But first they have to keep Max for the week. They have to walk him, feed him and pick up his poop. If they can do that with out being asked then they can have the pet of their choice." That way they wouldn't be able to have pets until they were older and smarter. She was a genius.

She put her sandwich in her purse and walked to the front desk. After being told where her father was and how to get there, they went to the elevator and found his room. Her heart pounded in her chest and gave Jake's hand a tight squeeze.

She stopped in front of his room door and looked at Jake. She opened the door and smiled when she saw her mother. She gave her a hug and the. Gave her dad a hug and kiss. It was hard seeing him in the bed in a weakened state but he told them the doctor cleared him to go home tomorrow morning and that he was fine. He was given medical leave for two weeks. Other than he was fine.

Adri showed him the pictures of Owen in his Dino pajamas which her parents loved to see. They asked about Colorado and the cabin they stayed in. Andrew came into the room with food from the caf and gave Adri and Jake hugs.
Jake looked at Adri when she squeezed her hand. He smiled at her. "It will be okay." He kissed her cheek. "I promise." He whispered. Then when she looked at him before entering his room he just smiled and caressed her hand. Once inside he gave her mother a hug and shook her dad's hand.

"I'm glad you get to go home soon. I never liked hospital food." He joked and moved to a corner to get out of the way. "The cabin was beautiful. I think Adri finally saw what I like about Colorado. You can't see the stars here like you can there." He remember they didn't get their date. "I actually owe her a date." He smiled at her. "Owen loved the pool, which is odd cause he hates baths most of the time. Must be too hot for him or something. That and daddy doesn't let him splash in the tub like he does in the pool." He smiled at Adri and her parents. "He started to scoot while we were gone. He's not figured out how to put one leg in front of the other yet. But he's making it work." Jake looked to her father. "You better hurry home so he can come over and see Paw and Nana. I'm sure he missed you guys. He didn't really care for my mom." Jake shrugged about it.

Jake asked Andrew how he was. He then moved over to Maria as Adri and Andrew talked and gave her a side hug. "You okay? If you need anything and I mean it...anything let us know." He said softly. He thought of Maria as a mother so he wanted to help anyway he could. After a few minutes he told Adri he would be back in just a couple minutes. He walked out of the room and called someone to come out and give an estimate on a pool cover. He then called John to let him know they may be stopping.
They stayed in the room for a while and talked about Colorado and Owen moving around. It wasn't just them that needed to baby proof. Her parents did too since they enjoyed having Owen over for playtimes and general visits.

Adri watched Jake leave and she enjoyed the time with her family. They asked about what was going on in about Eddy and she filled them and asked them not to bring Eddy up when Jake came back because she just didn't want it brought up right now.

She did have to go home and make them dinner. She gave her father her breakfast sandwich since she wasn't going to eat it and he was griping about getting real food. She waited for Jake to come in so he could say goodbye. They would see her dad at home tomorrow and after seeing him and knowing he was going home, Adri felt much better.
Jake was only gone about five to ten minutes before he came back in. "Sorry about that. I wanted to call and get the pool guy out as soon as possible to get our cover on. I figured we could get gates in a few days." He walked over to Adri and wrapped his arm around her. "Dad's on standby for when the pool guy arrives."

He noticed her dad had her breakfast sandwich. "I hope you like it. I had two." Jake joked. "My fight training diet has gone out the window." He shook his head. "You have to get better so you can see my fight. 200. Only a couple weeks." Jake started to panic in his head. He needed to really start getting ready for his fight.

Jake kissed her cheek. "What you thinking Q?"
Adri nodded in agreement. "You have to get better dad." She said softly. "You have to walk me down the aisle."

Her father rolled his eyes, "I'm not dying. I'm leaving the hospital tomorrow for Christ's sake. Relax you two."

Maria gasped and hit his foot, "Robert your mouth."

Robert laughed, "You see. If I wasn't fine your mother wouldn't hit me. I'm fine." He promised and Adri nodded her head.

"I'm thinking that your diet is not ruined. You will make weight, especially now that we are back home. My diet is ruined and if I don't make a smoothie soon I will get hangry." She said softly. "And we need to get to the store." There was a lot to do and she only had a couple days before she needed to leave.
Jake found it funny and sweet how her parents joked around like they did. He and Adri did the same thing. "Adri would hit me regardless." He teased.

"Uh oh. We don't need you hangry." Jake didn't understand why she needed to be on a diet. She was extremely skinny the way she was. But she was still sexy. And for some crazy reason she picked him. "Why don't we head to the store and get everything we need. Maybe we can look at baby gates if we have time too. We need to lock in our monster." He smiled.

Jake gave her parents both a hug. "I'm glad you are feeling better Robert. If you need anything please holler. We will have to bring Owen by to see you guys." Jake also gave her brother a hug. "Baby where are we making dinner? Our house?"
Adri shook her head and then slowly nodded, "Probably would." She teased and kissed his jaw.

She nodded her head to Jake's idea, "Yeah let's do that." She gave her dad a hug and kiss and then her mother and brother. She walked out with Jake and thought it over, "Our house and then we can drop it off tomorrow. We can take Owen over there to play. I'm sure he will love that. I want built in gates for the stairs but I think heavy duty baby gate on his bedroom door would be nice. Maybe we can start having him sleep in his room. He slept through the night the last two nights. Could be he start of something new." She shrugged her shoulder. "If that doesn't work then we need a heavy duty baby gate for a double door. Something Max can't break through."

She sighed and got in the car. "What else is on our things to do before I leave?" She asked hoping he remembered because she was so scatterbrained she couldn't remember.
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