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Shining Life(Marvel) Lady/Fox

Alexis sighed softly, closing her eyes as the other stroked her hair, closing her eyes again as she drifted off. “ Indeed. I wont be surprised if he has a few versions of the arm made in the next few hours. Probably how he’ll deal with thte whole ‘phil-loki’ thing.”Bruce said worried himself.

While the ritual went well, with the only problems coming after, when tony realized what loki had done, he’d sputtered and been pissed at not being told about what it meant for loki. Very annoyed as he worked. And when Phil woke, Clint rested a hand on phil’s arm, pressing him down into the bed gently. “Don’t try to move yet. You’re still probably weak.”The archer said, looking like death warmed over as he looked the man over. It had hit him badly not knowing what was going on in the room, nearly broke him to not be able to help the other. “We have food and water, you need to have some.”He said
the ritual had taken two days, two long and exhausting days where Phil spent half his time and the other half promising to kill Loki for his betrayal in the most painful of ways, the Kree speaking through Phil. Loki had collapsed suddenly, the flow of magic ending and Jarvis had informed them that it was done, the door unlocked and that they needed to hurry, instructing them on how to care for both godling and agent. Phil was to be removed from the room and placed in either Phil or Clint's bed and Loki was to be put up on the table that Phil had previously been laying on and left there. Tony had yelled at him sure, but it hadn't done any good because Loki had been too out of it to respond. by the time Phil woke up Loki was completely encased in ice and seeing it had sent Steve into a massive flashback and was now huddled in his room encased in as many blankets as he could and James hadn't fared any better. he'd tried to force his way into the room to 'save' Loki and only stopped when Grant told James that Loki was an alien and that the ice was good for him. Grant hoped to god that was true.

"C...Clint." Phil rasped, relaxing into the bed. "th-thirsty." he agreed, voice trembly but stable. "everything hurts." he admitted, trying, and failing to swallow with a wince. "hows, Loki?" he asked, wondering where the Ice-King was?
“Got it. Hold on, don’t move.”Clint ordered smiling as he got the glass with the bendy straw and helping the other drink. “Loki’s sleeping in a ice caccoon, which he didn’t bother telling anyone but jarvis would happen, so he’s okay. Though Tony’s livid and being insanely fussy over the super soldiers who are currently locked in Steve’s rooms having flashbacks. And our Alexis is mostly awake, we think she’s waking up for the final time today, she was more aware last time she woke up anyways.”

“....Grant?”Alexis said slwly, looking around, moving slowly, her body hurting, worried. Struggling to put the world together again, blinking slowly as she looked around her, trying to figure out where she was, and what’s happened. And where the normal hydra agents were. This was to different, to weird to be normal.
Clint gulped it down once it there, a little annoyed at being told not to move when he hurt too much to even try. ice Cocoon?" he asked, confused. "'s wrong with Steve?" Phil was dizzy and confused, barely able to keep up with the conversation. "the pressures gone." he mumbled, realizing the constant headache he'd learned to ignore was gone. as where the... pushes on his thoughts. he didn't know how else to explain it. he startled when he realized he'd fallen asleep for... how long? he didn't know. only a few seconds since Clint was still talking. "who?" he asked, confused. he'd not seen Alexis yet. he only knew her as 'Grant's possibly imaginary woman' or Atlantia. he had no idea that she had been brought back or that she was real.

"yes!? i mean, yeah? i mean. i'm here." he said, all nerves as he fussed over her, helping her sit up and getting her something to eat, carefully mashed sweet potatoes. easy to digest and loaded with vitamins and the like. "it's okay. your safe." he promised her. "we escaped. all of us." he promise her. "you, me, James and Natalia. though she's Natasha now." he admitted. "here. drink." he suggested, helping her sip at the water.
“Yes, a ice cocoon. Apparently after using so much magic, he had to rest in the ice.”Clint said before sighing. “Flashback to being frozen. For both him and james, but they’re not hurt, just upset and caught in a memory.”Clint said frowning a little as he watched phil, glad that loki had warned him he’d probably be like this, drifting in and out of conversation for awhile. “Alexis. Oh. You haven’t met her. Alexis is Grant’s goddess. They really did manage to find her, and alexis is what james and the other two called her when she was awake.”

“....nervous.....cute...”Alexis smiled a little, letting him sit her up. Words coming hard to her, because while as a goddess she had all-speak, currently locked away from herself, the languages always came harder to her. To the point that she barely spoke most of the time, and while they used her, most of the hydra agents who used her had assumed she wasn’t that smart because of her lack of talking. It wasn’t that she was stupid, it was more like that everything she knew as a goddess, had tried to jam itself into a human’s brain, so the fact that she was currently human was hurting her because she as a goddess, was to much for the fragile human brain and body. “....Safe?Good.”She mtutered sipping the water, looking around. “Where?”
Phil nodded. "makes sense. i think. Ice-Jotun." he mumbled before grimacing at the idea of Steve, James, and probobly Grant and Natasha having nasty bad memories pulled up. but he couldn't do anything to help them, he could barely even stay awake, let alone get up onto his feet. "oh... she's real?" he asked, blinking a little. "i thought she was just a fake memory." he admitted, sluggish and starting to fall asleep again. "still don't think. hmm. Goddess..." and he was asleep, breathing softly and looking much more peaceful now that it was a natural sleep.

Grant blushed at being called cute and fidgeted a little, smiling at her. "i'm not cute." he said with a shake of his head, smiling at her. "yes. we're safe. all of us." he promised. "we're with Natalia's team. the Avengers. Steve Rogers, you remember him? Captain America. they found him and thawed him out and he made a team of superheros." he admitted. "we're with Captain America and Phil Coulson. you remember about Phil Coulson right?" he asked, smiling at her. "we're well and truly safe here." he promised
“Yea, it does. Though Tony’s not happy about it. Loki’s going to be chewed out soon enough.”Clint snickered a little, before nodding. “Yes, she’s real. Rest.”he said smiling, relaxing a little as it was a more natural sleep, shifting to get comfortable himself and get some sleep to.

Alexis smiled a little at the blush, nodding a little. “are to.”Seh muttered relaxing at his promise, closing her eyes for a moment before looking up again, thinking it over before nodding slowly. “Yes I remember them.”She said sitting up slowly, looking around, before thinking about it. “Yes. Coulson is a good man.”She agreed
Grant smiled at her. "are not." he complained, still blushing. "feeling okay?" he asked her, helping her to sit up. "don't try to push yourself too hard." he instructed. "bathroom is this way." he informed her, knowing she was going to need to pee and would want a shower or at least a sponge bath if water made her cringe. he didn't think she would. unlike Steve, none of them had ever really been faced with water or water torture. just ice and electricity. as long as the water wasn't cold, Grant was pretty sure she wouldn't have an issue with it. "Natasha brought you some clothes too." he admitted, handing over clothes that Natasha had gone to a store to get for her. "while your getting settled, i'll go get you some dinner. you'll want something gentle on your stomach. James said so." he admitted with a smile.
“Yea....unsteady though...,my head hurts.”She sighed quietly, the goddess starting to stir under the shell of humanity, but her human body was just to fragile to hold everything that was a goddess, and as she adjusted, she was going to have problems. “I wont...thanks. A bath would be nice...”She said holding onto his arm, letting him help her get up even as she took the clothes, biting her lip a little. “Help me wash up?”She’d never been one to be shy, even around a person she liked. “I don’t think I can stand to wash up, and sounds good...”
he nodded. "yeah, the headaches are killer." he agreed. he got really bad migraines. his human form not very capable of holding his Dark Fey mind and powers, but his problems where nowhere near what hers where. she was, after all, a goddess. "oh... uhm.... okay." he agreed, blushing harder. "are you sure you want me in there while your. you know. naked?" being naked was a human hangup, but for the last thirty some odd years he had been human and did not remember being anything else, so human reactions where what he had. still, once he had her assurance she didn't mind he settled down and helped her set the water warm and scrubbed her back and her hair and letting her take care of the rest with a smile, helping her out once she was clean and rinsed and dried her off and helped her get dressed before rushing off to get her food and if she still needed the help, helped her eat. tending to her as gently as he could and giving her the attention and devotion he felt she deserved. she was everything, after all. he had loved her since he had met her, not that he'd ever admit to such a thing.
Alexis nodded a little before staring at him. Tilting her head as she considered that, not quite sure he was upset at the idea, unless he didn’t want to. Even trapped in human form, humans still puzzled her. “Yes. Please, need the help.”She said smiling a little as he helped her.Smiling a little as he took care of her, simply enjoying being with him, looking amused as he rushed off to get food after she dressed. Settling into the bed with a smile, “So. Tell me what is going on now?”She asked, wondering just what and why they were here. And what was going to be expected of her.
he nodded. "okay." he agreed. Hydra wasn't too caring about nudity after all. their assets spent at least half their time naked after all. "i don't really know." he admitted, touching his own temple. "my head is... it's all jumbled..." he admitted. "Hydra and Shield are mostly all shattered." he admitted. "scattered, broken but rebuilding." he paused, pondering. "there are aliens from outer space now. a pace called Asgard. there are Us as well. the People, the Fey. what i am, not human but not alien either." he admitted. "i don't remember much about that yet." he admitted. "i haven't been asked to do anything yet, except to set the table. it's nice here. no one wants us to hurt anyone." he admitted, smiling at her. "we're really free." he promised her.

James was staring at the little speaker built in the wall, trying to figure out what it was and why Ton Stark was speaking to it as if it could understand him. he had gotten bored of being scared of the room covered in ice and decided to find a warmer room to huddle up in when he'd come across Tony being all nuts.
“Ah...mine to. It’ all the information is there, but the moment, is forcing my head to think slower, and it’s being to jumbled to sort through.”She said frowning as she considered that, eyes widening as she listened to him. “I....I think I knew there was others.”she frowned some of the memories of before she was forced to be human, almost there. She could almost find what memories she knew. “....oh. That’s not to bad. Maybe they don’t want anything from us?”She said thoughtfully, sounding happy at the idea, relaxing. “Good. We should be free....”She said though she wasn’t sure how long that would last if hydra went searching for them.

“Jarvis, start ma-”Tony paused in the middle of the order, waving a hand at the replica new arm that needed forged and created, before focusing on the presence he’d just realized was there. Which was a little disturbing, because he was pretty sure the man could have killed him before he’d realized James was there. “Hey, James. What’s up? Did you need something?”
"yeah. m heads all jumbled up and i'm not sure which part is the human part and which part is the people part and which part is the fake part." he admitted. "i knew too, but i could never really remember, because otherwise i would have told... them." he admitted. "so when i was under their control i could never remember and when i started to remember they noticed to i never really knew for sure." he admitted, frowning a little as he tried to struggle through the slush of his mind before smiling. "i don't think they really do want anything of us." he admitted happily. "they've really been great about helping too. they don't mind when i get.... upset." he admitted softly before smiling at her. "oh! before i forget, the entire house here is rigged with what Tony foolishly calls A.I. but that's humans for you. Jarvis is not 'artificial' anything, i'm sure you can see the soul of him thrumming through every electrical wire in this place right?" he asked with a smile. "Say hi Jarvis!" he called, smiling at the ceiling. "Jarvis is an electrical based sentient form." he admitted to her. "it's remarkable. i have no idea how Tony gave birth to him, but he's one of the most brilliant minds i've ever come across." he admitted. "Jarvis is the reason we where able to find James, who led us to you." he admitted, smiling at her. "Jarvis is the reason why you and James are here and safe."

James looked at him for a long moment and then. "Warm." he mumbled. "i want to be warm. it's cold..." he couldn't figure out who Tony had been talking to. was he delusional like Ward was? talking to people who either didn't exist or wasn't there at the time. "i'm cold..." he decided to ignore the weird talking to himself thing and focus on getting closer to the massive furnace off to the side of Tony's lab that was pumping out fire and molten metal and heat.
“Yes...that’s how I parts of a puzzle..or different puzzles...that all the pieces have been tossed together...”She sighed quietly, before smiling at him. “Good. That’s not be needed or have to do anything....”She smiled grinning happily, relaxing at the promise that they were okay here, before frowning thinking about it, looking up at the cieling, watching it. “Yes...I can see ti. It is...beautiful really.”She muttered. “Hello, Ms. Alexis.”Jarvis said. “Really?Than thank you, Jarvis.” “You are very welcome, ms. Alexis.”Jarvis said sounding pleased.

“Ah. Yea it’s warm in here.”Tony said looking around waving a hand towards the forge where jarvis was working on the arm. “Settle in, you’ll get warm quick enough. And you can see how you’re arm is starting to come along."
"yeah. like someone mixed up a few different puzzles and then took out a few handfuls of the pieces." he agreed. "it's nice to be seen as a person too." he admitted with a smile. "not an asset. just. me." he admitted with a smile. "i think you'll like a lot of the people here. they're really nice." he admitted. "it is beautiful." he agreed with a smile. "Jarvis runs the entire house, so if you need anything just ask him." Grant said with a smile. "he's the best."

James blinked at Tony for a long moment before he settled up against a table as close to the forge as he could get without actually touching it. he knew better than that at least. "my arm?" James asked, looking at the stub. "it feels much better." clearly, James had misunderstood.
“Yes, exactly.”Alexis smiled a little before nodding slowly. “ has been a very long time since I’ve been simply a person.”She said looking pleased with the knowledge that she was safe here, that things would be okay. Shifting, she rested her head against his shoulder before nodding. “It is. And I will. It’ll be good to know that I can just ask.”She smiled before sighing quietly. “I would like to see this place we are. Will you show me around?”

Tony smiled looking amused as he realized that the other had misunderstood, before nodding as he worked. Glancing at the text on his computer screen from Jarvis to inform him that he was on mute, because it would freak out the former assassin. Watching the progress of the arm for a moment he focused again on james. “Good. I know Cap was worried about it.”Tony said, actually a little surprised that the man had managed to sneak away from his guard dog actually.
"yeah. it's really nice." he admitted with a smile. "sure! are you feeling okay to walk around or should i get you a wheeling chair?" he asked her with a smile, helping her to her feet and letting her decide before giving her the grand tour of a place he knew nothing about so Jarvis actually ended up giving the information while Grant sort of just wandered around and babbled about the people in the tower instead. he did stop in to check on Phil but he was still sleeping so he asked Clint if they could get anything for him before continuing the tour, explaining to her about phil and Loki and everything that had happened there as he poked around the tower with her, startled when he realized Loki really was encased in a massive block of ice, a deep blue crystal like block of ice that thrummed with power and magic and made all of Grant's hair stand on end.

"...why?" James asked, confused. wondering why Captain Rogers would care? honestly, he wasn't sure why Tony cared, but it was easy to see he did. just from the way he kept checking on James while he curled up on the nice warm floor and started to doze off, finally feeling warm, and somewhat protected. Steve staggered down twenty minutes later, teeth chattering and he curled up next to, but not touching, James. they both looked much more relaxed now, and warm and completely uncaring that they where curled up on a cement floor.
“No, I can stand.”Alexis said as she was helped up, swaying a little even if she was steady mostly, leaning into Grant as she walked with him. Looking thoughtful as she leanred the place, before startled as she looked at the ice, reaching out to gently touch it with her finger, sighing softly. “ feels like home.”She muttered her voice soft and quiet, sad as she almost remembered what had happened before.

“You’re a friend. Friends take care of each other.”Tony said looking amused as he checked up on the other as he worked, smiling a little when he saw steve. “Forge, Spangles. Go lay down.”He ordered smiling a little, waiting until he was sure they were asleep before settling the worn blanket from his couch over them, content to work with them there. In awhile Tony watched Jarvis finish the arm, watching it cool before looking at teh two super soldiers. “Hey. You two awake?”
he smiled at her, glad she was feeling better already and gently touched the ice as well, a little surprised. "it's not cold." he mumbled. it was cool, but not freezing, like touching a pane of glass rather than a jagged block of ice. "Loki says that it was my people who taught him how to magic, so maybe that's why it feels so familiar?" he mused. "since you basically created the magic that my people used, it would feel familiar right?" he wondered, smiling at her as he led the way back out so Loki could rest. "where should we go next?" he wondered.

"oh." James blinked a little at that. friends. yeah, he had friends. Natalia and Grant and Alexis where his friends. so Captain Rogers must have been a friend from Before. while Tony worked, James and Steve had fallen into old patterns. Howard had pictures of the two sleeping exactly as they where now. back to back, the only touch they allowed themselves back then, and crunched up into little balls, sleeping with soft expressions as if nothing could harm them while asleep. long ingrained habits from sharing a bed in a run down apartment, sharing a tent during the war and now, sharing a warm concrete floor. "yes." James was awake the instant Tony spoke, but Steve stirred a little before blinking sluggishly. "no." Steve groaned, yanking the blanket over his head to hide from the light. Steve always hated waking up. apparently James didn't appreciate having his blanket stolen because he shoved Steve and yanked the blanket back, causing a very juvenile, sleepy shoving and snatching fight. which James won despite having only won arm by laying on top of the blanket once he'd gotten it under his control again.
“No it’s not. It’s like.....the glass from atlantis.”She said frowning as she tried to find that memory, and it wasn’t that she was human, but it was so long ago that the memories were fuzzy. “We had a temple made of ice like this....”She said biting her lip before nodding. “Maybe. That does sound right.”She smiled looking thoughtful. “Wherever everyone is.” “Sir, James, and the Captain are currently in his lab.”Jarvis supplied. “Let’s go there then.”

Tony smiled a little as he took of a picture of them sleeping like that. They were adorable before smiling. “Awesome. Spangles, stop being a child.”Tony teased, which was amusing since steve also called him a child sometimes when he was acting out. Grinning as he watched-and videotaped- the fight, he looked amused, shaking his head. “Come on you two, james, you’re arms done. Come here, so I can look at it.”
"yeah. it's comforting." he admitted with a smile. "i wonder if there will be any left when Loki wakes up?" he'd love to have a piece. "i don't think i was old enough to have visited Atlantis." he admitted. "but m Mother..." he paused, looking startled. "yes. my Mother. who was she?" he wondered. "i can't remember." he admitted before smiling a little. "really? i like Tony's lab." he admitted leading the way down.

"i am a child." Steve huffed. "i'm only twenty you know." he grumbled. "James stop pushing!" he complained. "you stop pushing!" James huffed right back before grinning as he won the blanket, Steve grumbling. "my arm?" Jams asked, blinking sluggishly at him before looking at his stump. "it's not healed yet. it's not done." "no. James. your prosthetic." Steve said with a yawn. "he's making you a new arm." "...why?" James asked, looking confused.
“I don’t know. But we’ll ask, and he might be able to keep a piece of it.”Alexis decided before shaking her head, “No, you weren’t....I don’t remember you as a child, but you do not...feel old enough to have been there.”She smiled before thinking about it. “the Morrigan, the battle crow.”She shrugged a little before nodding. “Yes let’s explore the lab.”

“You are indeed a child. Stop making me feel old.”Tony huffed a little before snorting as he listened to them fight over it, before nodding. “I am making a new one. And because you need both hands, and your old one is stupid and horrible. And I had the tech to make it better.”Not that he’d ever admit to using iron man tech, glancing up at alexis and grant coming in. “Good to see you up.” “Thanks. I feel better.”Alexis smiled a little.
he nodded. "that would be nice." he admitted with a smile before nodding. "i'm old but not as old... makes sense." he agreed with a chuckle. "i don't remember most of it, my brain is... extremely damaged. the healer here, Bruce, he doesn't think i'll ever make a full recovery." he admitted with a smile. "but i'm already doing much better." he admitted before going very still. "my... my mother is the Morrigan!?" he spoke her name with the same reverence as always, but all Fey spoke of his mother in that tone. she was the birth of them all. had raised them all, had been all heir mothers. she had literally created their kind after she had been cast out of Atlantis. they all revered her, the only one more revered was Alexis herself. their goddess, their creator, their life.

"Steve chuckled a little. "you are old." Steve admitted. "oh... okay." James wasn't about to argue. if they wanted to make him an arm it wasn't his right to protest. the way he figured it, at least they where nice, they took care of his injuries so if they wanted to send him on missions then he would go willingly, if only for the good food, warm bed and cute handlers. "good morning Miss Alexis." Steve greeted her with a smile before he paused. "actually, speaking of lab, where's fitz, Simmons and Bruce?" he asked.
“ah. Well, I shall take care of you, if you need someone to look after you.”The goddess smiled at him before nodding slowly, thinking it over. Making sure she was right before nodding. “Yes, she is. While all fey are her children, you are the only one who is of her blood.”She smiled softly, thinking over the woman, and wondering where she was. Missing her as much as she missed her life.

“...Am not. You’re ancient.”Tony huffed looking annoyed. “Good.”Tony said relaxing as he realized he wasn’t going to have to fight James over accepting the arm, before watching the cool metal, reaching out to touch it, make sure it wasn’t still to hot to use. Before looking at the others. “Simmons and bruce are holed up in his lab doing weird things with mice.” “Weird things?” “yea. I don’t understand it, so it’s weird. And I haven’t seen fitz this morning yet.”
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