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Shining Life(Marvel) Lady/Fox

Fitz actually squealed as he was invited to stay in a corner but didn't race off to find a place yet, he was too eager to see what they where going to start talking about. he wasn't disappointing. it was fairly easy to see who sat where too. Sam had a small corner full of books and a little TV with a game console. Steve had a little art area, mostly colored pencils and pads of paper. Natasha had a table of deadly weapons for her to play with and test and what had once been Phil's table, empty but untouched and covered with dust, remained open for him to do paperwork at. if he was still welcome down there anyway. "i am a punk." Loki admitted. "and i'm training Jarvis well. my best student ever." he admitted with a grin. "The human brain isn't meant to go through that kind of chemical change." Loki admitted. "it could lead to extreme, and permanent, brain damage and hormonal imbalances." he admitted. "why doesn't he just go have sex with Steve?" Fitz asked, confused. "because Steve is under the impression that he's straight." Loki stated with a grin. " do you think, Mr. Loki... i could... you know..." "be a woman for a day?" Loki asked, amused. "sure. no problem." Loki admitted. "you want to do it now?" "maybe in a little while." Fitz decided. "i don't want to be distracted while i science." he admitted. "fair enough." Loki agreed with a grin before examining Fitz. "i can't do anything about the brain, but i could help with the nerve damage if you'd like?" "really? will it hurt?" "i don't think so. i might not be able to heal all of it, but i should be able to help. hey Grant." "...uhm. yeah. hey...." Grant said, looking quite terrified. "so... they're real, right?" he asked. "yes." Loki admitted. "oh... okay. are you sure?" "yes." "oh. okay..." now he had no idea what to do. how could he apologize to Fitz? how could he even be in the same room as the man he'd come so close to killing? the man whose life he had ruined? he was a horrid, horrible, evil monster. "Grant. Grant. you need to calm down or your gonna drop back down again." Loki ordered, gripping Grant's chin. "dropping into dreamland isn't going to help you here. focus now a little." Loki demanded, trying to keep Grant from falling into more delusions. it was always bad when he dropped into them instead of waking up already dreaming. he'd be screaming in no time, begging them not to hurt him like he was six years old all over again.
Tony smiled a little rolling his eyes. “Stop training my AI. And Steve. Steve’s sassier every time you talk to him.”Tony sulked a little. “I don’t need more brain damage, I already inflict enough on myself.”Tony admitted rolling his eyes a little as he watched the others start exploring the lab. “”He IS straight.” “Not so sure about that, Tanya.”Bruce said tilting his head. “Just call him Reindeer, or Frosty, or Smurf. He doesn’t get Mr. Loki. That just sounds weird, like he’s a teacher or something.”Tony said making a face. “Really?How?”Jemma said looking interested at loki healing some. “how does it work?”She said looking as fascinated with magic as tony did sometimes. “Hey Grant.”tony said shifting, looking at the man, “Come on, Superstar, I have leads on your goddess. Come help me.”Tony said looking at grant as he stood, waving a hand. “Jarvis, get me the map, with James’ stuff.”Tony said as the hologram world showed up, grinning at Skye’s surprised look as he gestured to the range of shaded parts of the world, ranging from small super dark spots, to extremely light red parts. “The deep red spots are places I’m sure Barnes’ has been, the lighter the color, the less evidence I found he might have been there. Any chance you know where to look?”Tony said giving him a project to distract him.
Loki smirked. "i do what i want." Loki stated simply. "which is why i didn't flood your system with hormones." Loki admitted with a smirk. "if he was straight, i'm pretty sure he'd be a little more happy about having breasts." Loki admitted. "...aren't those insulting?" "nah. it's funny." Loki admitted with a chuckle. "consider it Tony's version of terms of endearment." he admitted. "my magic seeps into the damaged nervous and musculature system and basically replicates dead tissue, revitalizes it back into living tissue, and then trades the new, living tissue with the old, dead tissue." he admitted. Fitz went silent at the sight of Grant and swallowed thickly but didn't run away. he trusted Tony, and knew Steve would never lie and if Phil thought it was true... then it meant Grant hadn't been responsible, right? so it meant he was okay, he wouldn't attack them again, he might even be feeling as terrible as Fit did... he really had to stop thinking of himself in the third person, people where going to start thinking he was nuts. "uhm. yeah. okay." Grant mumbled, slinking over to Tony, walking around Fitzsimmons as if worried they might lunge and maul him if he got too close. "you've been tracking James Barnes?" Loki asked, looking rather impressed. Loki himself could have. if he'd had a fresh blood or genetic sample. since he didn't, he couldn't, though he had asked Tony for a small sample of hair, with the cuticle, so he could track Tony if he was ever kidnapped. Grant examined the massive area and then closed his eyes. Loki shuddered violently and slunk away from Grant, as if afraid before Grant's eyes snapped open and he pointed out at a single area that had no lights. "she's there. right there." " do you know? and who are we looking for?" Fitz asked, before he could stop himself. damn his curiosity.
“Nope.And it is a term of endearment. Clint’s Hawkass, Steve’s Spangles, Bruce is Brucie-bear, and Natasha is Natasha, because she frightens me.”Tony said even though he knew natasha had a soft spot for him, he wasn’t willing to risk upsetting her with calling her names. “That’s really cool. Could you do it to like...cells not attatched?Like under a mircoscope so we could see it happening?”Jemma said looking fascinated. “Yea, I have. Once I figured out he was probably remembering more then I had given him credit for, and factoring in what I knew about where he’d worked for the last 60 years, along with him as James....well....”Tony trailed off, not sure how much clint and natasha had told steve about the soldier, but not willing to tell them just yet before grinning. “There’s some habits that go all the way to the bone. Berlin, he stopped a woman’s husband from beating her. Ireland, he stopped someone from kidnapping a child. Paired with quiet places that steve said he liked, and places he might have remembered, and where hydra was strong, got interesting in searching.”Tony said looking amused though at how fascinated bruce looked at by the utter logic of his search. Startling as he looked at Grant he paused as he stared at the russian tundra, outside of Helsinki, Russia, a frozen wasteland, perfect for hiding things in ice. “I’ve been calling her Atlantia, though I’m sure that’s not her real name. But since she’s atlantean, it seemed logical.” “....what?”Skye stared looking lost, and sure they were missing big parts of the story.
" when you call me 'The Kid'...??" "it means he really likes you but doesn't have a good bead on your personality for a more personalized nickname." Loki admitted with a grin, making Fitz beam happily. "everyone seams to be scared of Natasha. how come?" Fitz wondered. "i don't know." Loki admitted. "never had to try before. though it might work... i'd be interested in trying, it could come in handy for dead blood samples for tracking purposes. blood always works better than DNA, even if DNA never really dies." he admitted. "i'm impressed Tony. sometimes i forget how amazingly intelligent you are." he admitted. "it's alright. Steve's not stupid you know." Loki admitted. "he knows what James is, or rather what he was." he admitted before his lip twitched. "no matter how much you brainwash a man, eventually the good always comes back. it's amazing really. very inspiring even." he admitted. "Atlantia? that works well enough until we find out her real name, if she feels we've earned it." Grant admitted before blinking at Skye. "the Goddess. the Lady of the Moon, of Life and Rebirth. the Creator of us all." he admitted softly. "She who is Truth and Might and above the Morrigan." he admitted. "i took human form to find her, and now i have, only i can't remember why." he admitted. "i can't remember a lot of things..." he admitted, frowning. "i was sure i remembered but now i can't..." he admitted looking baffled. "...human form?" Fitz squeaked. "seriously? he's an Asgardian?" "of course i'm not. they're nothing but...." he paused and glanced at Loki who smirked. "overgrown man children with over-inflated egos and a gross overestimate of their powers and positions?" "...yeah, we'll go with that." "lets put it this way. it was Grant Wards people who taught me how to shape and for magic, and i who taught those few asgardians capable of learning it. this was back when Mankind, your people, where first crawling out of the mud and playing with sticks."
“Hm, you’re pint-sized and amazing, like what I’d have if I ever considered reproducing.”Tony said sounding thoughtful as he considered fitz, before snorting. “She stabbed me with a needle.” “to save your life. Are you ever going to forget that”Bruce said rolling his eyes. “She still stabbed me!”Tony whined. “Well, then we’ll try. After we’re settled in.”Jemma said looking fascinated with the idea, before smiling at tony’s offended look. “What?how could you ever forget how amazing I am?!”Tony huffed not overly offended before smiling a little. “Yes, he does. But Phil’s team doesn’t, and considering how they’ve been treating Grant, and he makes them nervous enough, I didn’t want to tell them what Barnes has been up to....besides. Clint didn’t tell Phil, just because he wanted to be a dick about it, and not tell phil about his hero. No ruining Clint’s revenge.”Tony said looking amused before nodding. “You said she was from Atlantis. Atlantia was the ancient name for the Atlantic ocean, Atlantia made sense for a goddess who lived there.”Tony said smiling slightly. “...Oh. Well....”Skye frowned looking a little freaked out at the idea of him not being human before startling again, “Not asgardian?Then...what?” “No idea. He doesn’t remember. And hey, you like Thor’s positions, don’t go making fun of him.”Tony said rolling his eyes a little before smiling at the shocked looks on Jemma and Skye’s faces. “No doubt about it, whatever he is, his people are ancient and wise. And we’re going to try and find his goddess, and hope she can help us fix the world some.”
Fitz blinked and then blushed at being, basically, called the perfect son for Tony Stark. Fitz had been abandoned by his father when he was twelve. he'd never had a mother on the scene. so when he was accepted into the Shield Academy of Science and Technology at Twelve years old (something for which you had to have a P.H.D. to enter) that was a big deal, and not just for him. he'd never had a real father figure before Phil though, and Tony Stark had been his idol as soon as he'd entered the Shield compound and discovered that a lot of the tech they used to learn on was Stark Tech. the man was brilliant and amazing and perfect. he had actually cried when people had started declaring that Tony Stark was dead, back when he'd been kidnapped by those desert terrorists. "it's easy enough to do." Loki said dryly. "that's a good point. though, in Phil's defense, he didn't know Grant had been fucked over." he pointed out. "it makes sense..." Fitz admitted suddenly. "when he.... dumped us. he didn't seam to really... remember us. he knew out names, but he didn't..."

"you where just a blank spot. i knew there was something important, but i couldn't remember what it was. The Pain... it takes everything away." Grant whispered before smiling at Tony. "i'm sure She won't mind." he admitted. "it's a pretty name." he admitted before glancing at Skye and then looking away. "i took human form and stayed in a sort of stasus while my human form grew. six years nine months and ten days." he admitted. "old enough to be able to speak, walk and somwhat defend myself but not so old people would ignore me." he admitted. "i had found myself a good place while waiting for the police, or the orphanage to discover me. it had good food. they'd throw it out every night, some of it perfectly good food." he admitted. "Garret found me first. i was six when i first felt The Pain and then i forgot everything." he knew Skye was frowning, because that wasn't what was on his files. any files. hospital records all said he was Grant Ward born..... exactly when he said to his mother from a family of politicians. "Garret took me to the woman who would make my life living hell. my brother. the older one, he was placed with my mother too. not her real son you see... only the little son. Tommy. my baby brother, he was actually hers. that's why she loved him and not us." he admitted before settling onto the little couch in the lab that Tony had brought down for him, because Grant often felt very tired after remembering things, and laid down. "my brain hurts." Grant mumbled his complaint before going back to sleep. he spent most of his time asleep, but both Loki and Natasha said that was normal.
“No he didn’t, but still, Clint’s got final choice on this, it’s only right. Or steve. Steve and Clint can choose.”Tony said looking thoughtful. “He was sort of...not there. Really.”Jemma said thinking it over. “It is a pretty name.”Tony agreed looking at them all a little worried, wondering if this was going to blow up in his face. “What?But...”Skye frowned looking both extremely annoyed at nothing in the files saying anything like this, and that she couldn’t still be angry with him. “Hey, at least your parents didn’t like you for a reason. My dad hated me for being me.”Tony smiled a little watching grant settle down to rest, looking at the others. “go explore.”He ordered waving a hand as he settled in to work himself.

“Phil?”Clint frowned looking at the man, torn between telling him things he needed to know, and wanting to hide it all simply as a petty revenge for not telling him stuff.
"yeah, Steve and Clint can choose." Loki agreed with a chuckle before shaking his head. "there are times, when Grant's not fully... there. he'll relive that moment and he'll beg you not to die." he admitted softly. "he'll lay on the floor and beg you to forgive him... it's... hard, to watch." h admitted. "being as you two where the ones... when Steve shows the rest of your group the recordings of Grant, i would suggest you not be there." Loki admitted. Fitz shuddered and nodded. he wold skip that little meeting. "Hydra covered their tracks." Natasha stated simply. "they paid his mother to make him miserable, erased his memories and replaced them with six years of being abused and just left him there. there's no way to tell that he's not really her son because they back tracked the paperwork." he admitted. "Steve's going to be showing the videos soon. i thought it would be best if.... Fitzsimmons, wasn't there." she admitted, Loki nodding his agreement as Natasha glanced at Skye. "...i think you probobly should be there, but Steve won't order you to. he mostly wants Phil to see that Grant isn't faking it." she admitted, watching Fitz wander off to explore. he was soon tinkering with a thing he had found, mumbling to himself. soon he had the, whatever it was, spread out all over the place and was sitting on the floor reassembling it.

Phil looked up, looking immediately panicked and scrambled to use paperwork to cover the strange shapes he'd been carving into the table in his rooms. "Clint! hey! i mean Hi! i mean... i'm sorry... Jesus..." Phil set a hand on his face and he sat back down, torn between racing over to his lover and kissing him senseless and running and hiding in the bathroom until he went away.
"It's sorta...horrible."tony agreed looking sick a little at the idea."definitely you two shouldnt." "No...I dnot want to be there...."Simmons said looking sick at the idea.even if she still didn't trust him, she didn't think she could handle watching him be pretty much tortured by his own mind. Skye was torn, before nodding slowly. She knew the avengers wouldn't fake the video, but she still needed to see it."I'll watch it."she said smiling a little as soon enough tony was working on putting the ices into the suit and bruce and Simmons were working on something. It was fairly homey to watch really.

Clint paused startled at the reaction, pausing to gauge if he was welcome rocking back on his heels, not leaving but prepared to volt for the nearest vent."hey. Uh. Since its a matter of national, worldly security and well, tony's looking for him, you should probably know what's going on with Barnes being alive..."
Natasha nodded to Skye. "Jarvis will tell you when we're going to start." she promised, looking Grant over, fussing over him really, making sure he wasn't curled up in a tight little ball and covering him with a blanket before heading back upstairs to let Steve know that Skye would be attending but the science twins wouldn't be. the 'smart people' where soon all engrossed in their activities, sometimes intruding on each others space looking for help or opinions. Loki was often wandering over to Tony or Fitz for information on how the thing he was working on was supposed to work. he wasn't as good at Tech yet as the others where but he was catching on a hell of a lot better than Thor had. hell Thor still had issues understanding which T.V. Programs where 'for real' or not. though, there had been a small incident when Loki had seen Alan Rickman and had ball busted 'The professor' for being mean and cruel to children. thankfully the actor had found it very amusing and it hadn't taken Loki long to understand the difference between 'real' and 'make believe' though he did have issues with some of the magic or fantasy based things since apparently unicorns where real and magic did exist and he didn't fully understand that for most people, they weren't real things. the integration of Fitz and Simmons into the space just seamed to happen naturally, much to Loki, and Fitz's, delight.

Phil flushed a little. "i'm sorry... part of me is still screaming that i shouldn't be here. i'm... twitchy." Phil admitted. "it's like that time we where in Morocco and there was that curse and i kept wanting to turn back because it felt... bad." he admitted. "even though there wasn't anything there other than those weird spells that made a person feel like there was something bad." he admitted. "i'm not explaining it well..." he admitted before blinking at him. "national security?" he asked, looking worried. "are you sure you should be telling me then? technically speaking, the Avengers are in charge of that now." he admitted. "Shield doesn't, technically, exist anymore. i know i've been pretending, playing house and all that but really, it's you guys who actually are in charge now." he admitted. "Barnes' is Steve's territory, i'll leave it to him.... unless it's tied in with Grant, then i guess i do want to know... i don't know..." he admitted with a sigh. "i guess i just feel like you shouldn't trust me with that kind of information." he admitted, running his hand through his hair. "i feel like a mess..."
Skye nodded smiling a little as she settled down to work on her computer. “You’ll make someone a good mother someday.”Tony teased looking at the beautiful black widow as they settled in to work, glad to see that grant was resting well before turning back to his work. Going quiet for awhile before perking up. “Jarvis?Will you ask Cap to come down?” “of course sir.” Making tony nod absently as he continued looking over the map, frowning as he worked. Having mostly abandoned his suit for the moment, focusing on finding James now that grant had given them a good place to start looking.

“Ah. I remember that. We’ve had a few missions like that these days.”Clint said smilign slightly, watching the other, nervous a little to be there. Weirded out at actally talking to the man, which hurt, since for so long, phil had been the only normal thing in his life. “Yes...and...well.You are part of the team, and your team will probably be going in as backup when we haul him out....”Clint frowned not looking sure before nodding. “We’ll as him...and it does...and you’re not going to like it...but for now, I’ll not tell just....”clint winced a little, hanging his head. “It feels wrong to keep stuff from you.”She muttered.
Natasha smiled a little at him. "who says i'm not already a mother?" she asked with a grin before heading off before he could find a response to that. "Hey Tony, you called me down?" Steve asked, looking around the lab and raising an eyebrow. he'd never seen the lab so full of people before, and all of them where working perfectly. even Grant had woken up and was creating things. granted, Grant was working with a massive three thousand piece Lego Creation kit, but he was making a very impressive castle. Fitz was still working with a pile of spare parts to make whatever he was working on better and Steve couldn't fathom what the others where doing. though Loki was with Jemma, pricking his own finger and placing it on a slide and handing it to her, explaining about some weird little third blood cell and secondary nervous system that he had. at least, that's what Steve thought Loki was talking about.

"yeah. i'm beginning to think we where dealing with people who aren't human on those missions." he admitted with a shake of his head. "finding out we weren't alone in the universe was a bit tough to handle. finding out we're not alone on earth it a damn big blow." he admitted with a sigh before smiling at Clint. "i'm gad you still think of me as part of the team." he admitted before snorting. "Skye is still training and Fitzsimmons aren't cleared for Field work and Grant is... so about the only person who can back up the Avengers is me, who is also currently not cleared for Field duty because May is a bully, and May... where is May anyway? for the love of god don't let her and Natasha start talking." he admitted before smiling at Clint. "i know. it's because i was in charge of you for so long. you'll get used to it." he promised. " i know i don't have any right. but... i missed you. so much." he admitted.
“.....Do you think Natasha’s a mother?Steve?Does natasha have kids?”Tony said sounding anxious at the idea, disturbed as he looked up at the captain, so totally distracted by the idea, that he wasn’t even paying attention to his favorite person, much less what was going on in his lab. While he liked the other’s visiting, usually this many people would have wigged him out, and made him crawl out of his skin. Shaking his head as he refocused on the problem he smiled, “Spangles. I think I have a place to start looking. Russian Helsinki, Grant says his goddess is there, and the trails I did find from james’ appearance, have been steadily leading towards russia.”

“Yea, probably not. I had to give alot of thought to it after we figured out we weren’t alone....and that was fairly hard. Though talking to the x-men is a interesting experience.”Clint snickered a little before nodding absently, thinking about it. “Ah. I see. Well, that does limit good as we are, I’m fairly useless to the rest, and rather would let the others have someone else....but...I’m it. So we’re good.”Clint sighed, because this self confidence issue was normal, especially now that he was on a team of superhuman-even natasha he considered her more, simply because she was a black widow- where he, despite his amazing eyes, was woefully human. “May and Natasha were getting dinner ready the last time I saw them.”he said snickering a little at the idea of them together. Because it amused him. “....yea I guess it is...”He sighed before looking ready to bolt, but not leaving, not yet. “....I missed you to.”
Steve shrugged. "i don't know. i don't think so but she could have kids." he admitted. "i think she was talking about you though, how she's kind of like your mom, having to try and make sure your dressed in the morning and that you eat and shower and stuff." he admitted, looking amused. "seriously?! you actually found James?!" he asked, looking so impressed and hopeful it would have been funny. "how did Grant know the Goddess was there?" "his people have a type of precognition... fortune telling." Loki admitted, having wandered over. "they tie themselves into the natural flow of this planet and it tells them things. the earth itself probobly wants the Goddess to be 'reborn' for lack of a better word, so it assisted him the best it could." he admitted. "that's... weird." Steve admitted before getting excited again. "seriously though, this is amazing. i didn't know you could track people like this. especially people as good as James and Nat."

"The X-men?" Phil asked curiously. "i haven't had contact with them yet." he admitted. "do you suppose Mutants might actually just be descendants of... whatever Grant is?" he wondered. "oh Clint. you have no idea how much good you are to this team. and not just your skills in archery and battle. your a key part of the team Clint and never let anyone tell you otherwise." he ordered with a smile before grimacing. "we should fear for our lives." he mumbled with a shudder before smiling at him. "i know i have a lot to do, to make it up to you... but..." he hesitated and then slid the paperwork out of the way so Clint could see the carvings. "i guess letting you see these would be a first start right?" he asked, fingers twitching because the carving wasn't finished and he wanted to finish it.
“....oh...that’s a scary thought.”Tony said before making a face. “I am not a child!I can take care of myself.”Tony huffed a little before nodding slowly. “Yes, I think so.”He said seriously, even if he wanted to laugh at the look on the other’s face. “Just just spit it out. But it makes sense, following the other sightings.”Tony said before smirking a little, “I wouldn’t have been able to, if your boy had been able to resist the urge to help the helpless. Women, children, rescued by a mysterious person, who matched his description-both as the soldier and if he’d shaved and cleaned up, starting in london and slowly making his way east towards russia. It might not be him, but I’m fairly certain it is.”

“Yea. They’re fairly interesting, even if Gambit makes me wanna push him off the tower sometimes. Annoying cajun,”clint muttered good naturedly, that same way he complained about tony, so you knew he really didn’t mind that much. “And you know, they might be. Never considered it.”He said thoughtfully before frowning at the other, staring at him but not protesting. Knowing if he did, he’d get smacked for trying to argue about it before grinning. “We really should fear.”Clint agreed before sighing softly, moving over to look down, frowning as he considered it. “Yea...that would be.”he agreed, looking at the other. “If they’re not done, finish it.”he said seeing the twitch.
Steve shrugged. "it's not that scary of a thought." he admitted with a smile. "Nat would make an amazing mother i think." he admitted. "your still a woman i see, now that i'm paying attention. did you annoy Loki again?" he asked, looking amused before smirking. "he was always a sucker for people who needed help. that's what made him notice me in the first place. he saw me getting my ass kicked and those that where kicking my ass dumped be in a dumpster and he followed.' he admitted with a chuckle. "if your certain, then your probobly right, i've never known you to be wrong about something like this before." Steve admitted, watching Grant building this massive castle that Steve half recognized as Hogwarts from the movies. "he's pretty damn focused." he admitted, smiling. "he looks content at least."

Phil snorted a little. "Cajun, really?" he asked, looking amused. "might have to ask Loki, i bet he'd know. or Jemma might be able to find out." he admitted before smiling a little. "fear for the world or fear for ourselves, that is the question." he admitted before hesitating, not sure he wanted someone to watch him before he pulled out his knife and started carving, loosing himself into the need until the entire table was covered and he sighed. "Tony's gonna be mad...." he admitted.
“Yes it is. She’d totally have a mini-me.”Tony shuddered a little before grinning. “No, I don’t find being female nearly as disturbing as you do, so I’m staying this way till I get tired of it.”He said before shrugging. Laughing a little. “makes sense. And that;s amusing. A dumpster really?”He said before nodding, pleased at the other’s praise. “Thanks. I’m hoping I am anyways.”He said before glancing at grant, nodding. “Indeed. It’s good to You wanna plan going after this, oh brilliant tactician ?”

“Yea. He’s from New orleans, and never really got over it.It’s sorta adorable, in a annoying sort of way.”He said looking amused before nodding. “They probably would. We’ll have to ask.”He agreed before snorting. “you are such a geek.”He teased at the question that sounded a little like yoda before smirking. “Ourselves, until they do a girl day with pepper, then we’ll fear for the world.”He said before shaking his head with a snicker. “No he’s not. You weren’t here for the day he carved math equations into the kitchen table cause no one was awake to stop him, and he wasn’t awake enough to realize he wasn’t using his tablet to do it. It was a mess. Don’t worry about it.”
Steve chuckled a little. "i highly doubt Natasha would allow her daughter to be an assassin." he pointed out. "oh. okay then." Steve tried not to look too disappointed and he mostly managed it. "it wasn't funny at the time of course but in later years, yeah it's funny as hell." he admitted with a chuckle, smiling at Grant before pondering the map and drew a circle around the area. "i'm wondering... how long would it take us to get from here at the tower, to here?" he asked, tapping the base. if he's on foot. or even by car, if we set up an area that Jarvis can monitor for activity about... fifty miles in a circle around this compound, we could get there just before Bucky." he admitted. "i don't want to spook him but i don't want him going in alone either so maybe it would be better to go in shortly after? then he can't run off, the little dick."

"New Orleans. he's one of Tony's friends isn't he?" he asked, looking very amused now. "i am not! i'm a nerd, there's a difference!" he complained, sulking at Clint. "....actually that would be fun, throw in Maria and we'd have a hell of a party." he admitted with a grin. "...he carved math equations into the table?" he asked, blinking a little. "...did you watch me the entire time? i must have been here for ages..." it was a little table, it had only taken a half an hour, it just felt like so much longer. "i feel less bothered... i don't like people looking at it though, stop it." Phil ordered, covering it up before flushing. "sorry... that just... comes out on it's own." he admitted. "i think the alien DNA inside me doesn't like people seeing.... whatever those carvings are. it's hard to..." he shook his had. "anyway. i feel better now."
“Probably not. And don’t worry, I’ll get tired of it soon, having sex as a woman is interesting, but not so much that I want to actually have someone else see me like this, and you know me, I can’t not have sex.”Tony snickered a little before looking as he considered that. “Jarvis?” “From his last known sighting, about 10 hours, for us, it will be about a 11 hour flight if we leave soon, sir.” “Well, that’s perfect. He probably wont move in quickly, he’ll wait and see what activity is going on, he’ll plan on how to go in. It’ll give us time to get there to be backup.”Tony said smiling a little.

“Sadly yes. They’re planning a trip for mardi gras, and all that it entails. With Cap. Apparently tony wants to show him the city.”Clitn said rolling his eyes a little before shuddering at the idea of maria being with that. That was just frightening. “Yea. With a one of my knives,”Which meant it could carve into about anything “because he was upset that his pen wasn’t ‘working’ since it wasn’t writing on the glass, so he had to get something that would show up.”Clint snickered before nodding. “I did, wanted to see if I recognized anything about the carvings. And it wasn’t that long. Less then a hour.”He said startling at the order, but obeying without question, before smiling. “It’s okay. I don’t want to upset you.”He smiled. “Now. Would it be upsetting if I asked loki up, with or without you here? Of all of us, he might have a idea what it is.”
Steve felt a huge punch gut feeling of jealousy at the idea of Tony having sex but was able to brush it away before he had to think about it too much or worse, express it on his face. "yeah. sex is great." Steve agreed. he'd only had sex once. well, twice if you counted a mutual oral. "....okay, so if he breaches a ring of say, twelve hours around the compound, we take off and hang back until he enters the compound just to make sure we're there if we need help. we'll have to take Grant with us. if there is a goddess she'll be more comfortable with familiar faces." Steve decided. "can you do that Jay?" he asked, smiling at the computers. "also, could you prepare the video? i want them to see it before they have to sit down and eat." he admitted. "i don't want someone getting ill."

"....Mardi Gras...." Phil choked. "your taking Steve Rogers to Mardi Gras. oh my god... can i go too? i want pictures." he admitted. "i can already picture the looks on his face." he admitted with a chuckle. "wow. i mean i knew Tony could get bad but i've never seen him like that." he admitted before grimacing at the reminder of his carvings. "....i don't know. Loki himself is upsetting..." eh admitted. "...yeah. call him. i want to know what they are... but i don't want him to look." he ordered, glancing at the table and making sure it was all covered before snorting at himself. "i have got to stop doing that. how can he tell me what they are if he hasn't seen them?" he wondered, shaking his head.
“Yea, that sounds good.”Tony said thoughtfully. “And having grant there would definitely make her feel more comfortable. Loki recognized he wasn’t human, I bet she’ll know he’s one of her people.” “Of course, Captain. The video is ready on the screen, and I am monitoring the site to wait for James to arrive. I shall inform you as soon as he gets close.”Jarvis said sounding pleased.

“Yes we are.”Clint grinned, knowing the other was amused. “You can. Tony’s having a ball with it. He’s told steve it’s a religious celebration to kick off lent and ash wensday and all that fun stuff. Not sure if Steve believed him, or asked Jarvis if tony was telling the truth, but he’s letting Tony have his fun, cause each excuse out of tony’s mouth to drag the catholic cap to mardi gras, is getting more ridculous then the last.”Clint smiled before frowning. “Loki is upsetting, but he’s well behaved mostly these days, now that he’s regularly getting laid.”Clint said making a face before sighing. “Jarvis, can you have the Reindeer get up here if he’s not in the middle of something?”
"yeah that's what i was thinking." he admitted with a smile before nodding. "thanks Jay." he said before cocking his head to the side when Jarvis asked Loki to pop upstairs to Clint and Phil. Loki looked a bit curious as he took a step and vanished in a swirl of emerald flame and glittering gold dust. " did we not realize he was gay when he was invading us?" Steve wondered. "it's so obvious now." he admitted. "you know... being that he's not human... do you think the whole 'invasion of earth' was just a mating ritual or something?" "...that's kind of twisted logic isn't it?" Grant asked, looking very amused. "it's possible though." he admitted, scowling at his castle, his head tilted. "when did this happen?"

Phil looked very amused. "Tony... Marti Gras is a religious ceremony." he admitted. "or it used to be." Phil admitted with a grin. "i'm pretty sure Steve is well aware of what Mardi Gras is. they did have it in the nineteen forties you know." he admitted, looking amused. "it wasn't as... depraved as it is now but for the day and age it was just as bad." he admitted with a chuckle before wrinkling his nose. "don't remind me that his sex life is better than mine." he ordered with a huff, blinking when there was a knock at the door. Loki, being that he didn't want to get shot, had appeared outside of the room. "er.... come in?" "you asked me to come over?" Loki asked, blinking at the carvings. "oh my. where did you find this?" he wondered, fingers stroking the carvings before tensing. he was moving before any of them could twitch, his hand wrapped around Phil's throat, lifting him off his feet and slamming him into the wall. "Kree!" the godling hissed, eyes bleeding to red, skin slowly fading to blue in his face. "do not move, Kree Scum." Loki hissed, setting a finger to Phil's forehead and applying just enough pressure with a nail turned talon to draw a single bead of blood before he froze again and dropped Phil, who gasped for air and aid there in case Loki attacked him again, Loki examining the single drop of blood before staring at Phil. "where the hell did you come into direct contact with Kree Blood?" he demanded. "Full blooded Kree blood at that."
“.....I don’t know. But we should have. No normal man wants to accessorize his outfit with horns.”Tony snickered a little before looking thoughtful. “....You know. Considering Thor’s been named king, and would need a strong mate....maybe. Oh gods, that’s a disturbing twisted logic to it.”Tony groaned before laughing at grant. “You just built it.”
“Not how tony and Gambit celebrate it. Gambit might go to church, but its not one for tony.”Cling snickered before nodding. “Probably. And I think tony knows, or guessed steve knows, but he’s enjoying his idea of pulling a trick on the man.”He looked amused before smirking. “Don’t get all huffy cause the state of your sex life is your own fault.”Clint said with a superior sniff, snickering when loki knocked. “We did. And ph-”Clint broke off moving as loki slammed the other into the wall, gun at his neck, tensing to fire, “Let him go, Liesmith.”He snarled finger twitching, starting to pull the trigger even as loki dropped him, keeping the gun on loki, shifting slightly to check on phil, even if he didn’t move, still a breath away from blowing his brains out. “That’s what they used to bring him back. We....we are still working on how it worked.”Skye said as she stepped out of the room she’d been working in, having come out to investigate what was going on, eyes wide as she froze in the door, watching the three.
Steve sniggered a little before nodding. "you know. i wouldn't be at all surprised." he admitted with a shake of his head before smirking. "you know, maybe that's why Loki's being so nice now. we're Thor's friends so Loki has to play nice with us or Thor will stop fucking him." Steve mused Grant laughing because he knew Steve was going to pay for that comment when Loki learned of it. "...did i?" Grant wondered before shrugging and pupped a flag on top of the tower. "all done then i guess."

"if he's Cajun, wouldn't Gambit be religious?" Phil asked, looking amused. "it is my fault." he admitted with a smile. "couldn't bring myself to sleep with anyone else when you thought i was dead. just seamed even more wrong." he admitted before was taken surprise by Loki. "i apologize." Loki said once he had backed off. "i saw the Kree markings and i thought Phil was a Kree disguised as Phil." Loki admitted, making Phil blink. "what?" "the Kree are... superb shapeshifters. they often take human form and come on earth to check their... offspring." he admitted. "i thought one of the more... nefarious ones had gone so far as to take the place of a dead man." Loki admitted, Phil blinking as he realized Loki had thought he was an impostor. "it's okay Clint." Phil finally said, Loki examining Skye. "the Kree are... parasitic." he admitted. "if enough of their blood was used to bring Phil Coulson back to life, well... they could very well turn him into a human trapped inside of a body controlled by the Hive Mind of the Kree. that's why he does this." he swept a hand at the carvings. "it's the Hive Mind exerting it's control on him because the blood is taking control of the decision making part of his brain. the first thing it will do is make him be afraid to seek help, so that the Kree can keep as much control as they can on their new host." Loki admitted. "then they start the obsessions which will lead them, ultimately to a world ending power that will cause a fifteen mile radius of death and destruction while reverting any being with pure Kree Blood nearby into mindless super-powered slaves." Loki admitted, examining Phil. "your mental self control is staggering."
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