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Shining Life(Marvel) Lady/Fox

he rolled his eyes. "i am an amazing cook." phi was an amazing cook, he just hated cooking so tried to pass it off on other people. "hunter is never allowed to touch the stove again." Hunters one attempt at cooking had made them needing to replace the stove. he smiled sheepishly and shrugged. on Hunters night to cook, he usually bribed someone else to do it or someone ordered fast food and went to collect it. "i can fire you! i'll make Pepper fire you. she used to like me." he admitted. "....Boffing. i'm goig to use that one on Thor. Boffing. yes. i like it." he admitted with a chuckle. "normally i just call it fornicating but i think i'll use Boffing from now on." "oh god. Tony's infected Loki...." Phil groaned, Loki cackling at that response. "don't worry, Tony will settle down once we're not 'new' anymore." Phil promised.

Fitz was immediately distracted by the suit when it came up, his eyes glittering in awe as he examined it, from a distance of course, not about to touch without permission. he'd heard of the impressive defenses of the Iron Man Suits. Loki blinked as he was struck in the head, there was a long moment of silence while Loki waited to see if anything would happen before he gave a little startle, a aborted yawn and then collapsed onto the floor, asleep. " i didn't realize it would work on... uhm... on.. uhm... on..." he snapped his fingers at Tripp who smiled. "Aliens?" "no... no... uhm." "Asgardians." another snap and a point. "Loki's not Asgardian. remember, the Icers didn't work on Lorelei or Sif or the Kree." Phil reminded them. "Loki is Jotun, i'm not sure how big the difference is." Phil admitted, looking very delighted that the Icers worked on Loki. "oh. no problem!" Fitz said, looking very delighted. "we have tons of different kinds of Styles!" he admitted, waving Tony over and showing him the many different kinds of gun styles they could choose from. "i'll need wrist and wrist power uhm, uhm.... uhm.... designs? to know if it can be attached to your suit but i know how possessive you are over that so if you like i'll give you the designs of the Icer instead, i know you'd never steal the designs." he paused and looked at Loki who was still laying where he'd fallen because no one wanted to touch him. Fitz really wanted to get his hands on that Scarf. it was such a nice scarf, warm and comfy looking. he was pretty sure Jemma had to be fighting the urge to take more than a blood sample from the out cold Jotun.
“I don’t believe you.” “He is. He just dislikes it. Makes Clint do alot of the cooking.”Tony said s,iling a little. “...Used to. Besides, if she didn’t fire me after we broke up, she wont fire me now.”Tony said rolling his eyes a little before grinning. “Awesome. And you have to explain it as I did. That it’s cause he’s old that he’s getting a old word.”Tony said grinning at phil’s words.

Tony paused, staring in startlement as he watched Loki drop before looking thoughtfully at the gun. “Jotun. He’s a ice giant. Maybe they’re more vulnerable to drugs. Though he’s a sorcerer, I wouldn’t think this would work so easily.”Tony said thoughtfully as he got up, snagging a marker as he bent down at loki’s side, smirking as he doodled on the godling’s face, a miniature of thor’s hammer and ‘I love thor’s hammer’ soon enough making a appearance. “Though he is able to change shape, wonder if drugs in general effect him differently.”Tony muttered before grinning, “No, sorry. Not sharing the repulsors. Just bring them to the lab when you guys come back, and I’ll let you help me put them in.”Tony said smiling a little as he sat back on his heels, straightening after a moment. “I better get sleeping beauty back before Spangles starts wondering if I’m on the run for committing murder or something equally disastrously evil.”
"i hate cooking, but i do like to be recognized for the few talents i have, even if i hate them." Phil admitted. "....well she should. your fired." he decided. "i'm not sure what your fired from, but you are." even if he was amused at Tony and Loki's by-play he was also very freaked out.

"so, uhm. maybe because his genetic code is so flexible?" Fitz asked Jemma, moving over to poke Loki, who twitched, mumbled and rolled over. not down for the count like humans, simply asleep. though, he didn't wake up when Fit kept poking him. "who knows how, uhm, magic might affect the Icer... we should study this." Fitz admitted, wondering if he could prop Loki up in the lab like a demented sidekick? that would be a lot of fun. "stop giving my Agents bad ideas!" Phil commanded of Tony while Fitz, Hunter and Triplett snickered at the juvenile acts going on around them. "okay! here..." he fussed around in a massive drawer for a moment before handing them to Tony, the schematics for the Icer's projectile and bullet designs. "and this is for the Captain." he pulled out a gun case and handed it to Tony. inside was a gun, an Icer to be exact and it was even Steve's favored type of gun, when he had to use a weapon. there where three gun clips, each full of bullets. one the night night gas. one a tracking system complete with an attached micro GPS system and the other was normal bullets. Steve was going to be delighted. "don't tell Steve!" phil ordered. the last thing he wanted was for people to know he'd had another heart-attack. third one even. not even May had known, well, she did now dammit. "i think Steve knows better than that by now." Phil assured Tony. "are we sure he's really asleep?" of course he was, Loki would ever have tolerated a pen near his perfect skin. he was extremely vain after all, he shampooed his hair twice and wore makeup after all. and he was always preening to make sure he looked as perfect as possible.
"Maybe." "It seems to have put him to sleep rather then knocking him out. Wonder if it'd be the same or thor or steve." "I'll try when thunderbolt is on world again. It'll be fun."tony smiled a little."I've never had a bad idea in my life, zombie. Stop acting like my boss. I didn't listen to pepper, I'm not going to listen to you."tony pointed out as he sat back on his heels studying loki. Looking up when he was handed everything he raised a eyebrow, smirking at phil."I see your as much a fanboy as ever. Hawkass is going to be jealous....I'm gonna have to work this into a bow...otherwise he won't talk to me..."tony sulked a little even as he stood up, "I'll tell steve whatever I want."tony said stubbornly before laughing out loud."syeve knows nothing. And yea otherwise I'd have never got near him with the pen, much less be able to put his dear...something's...."tony never had quite figured out the current relationship between the two kings."name on his face. He'd have a cow."tony said before stepping into the suit, tucking everything into the section designed to carry stuff before picking up loki."two days, then come back to the tower. But then clint should be over the urge to cause bodily harm."
(just so you know (since i mixed up the last post) Fitz gave Tony the Gun case, not Phil ^^; sorry.)

"it's interesting. can we keep it?" Fitz asked curiously. "absolutely not." Phil stated firmly. "can i have a puppy then?" "no." "...kitten?" "no." "monkey?" ", Fitz you may not have a mammal for a pet." "a snake?" "we'll see depending on the size." "sweet." Phil sighed, it had already started. he had a feeling Tony was going to go back and get a monkey for Fitz now. "are you sure i can't have a monkey?" "yes, Fitz i am very sure." "Fitz made it specially for Captain America." Phil stated with a chuckle. "he has a Bow, a Widows Bite version and one for Bruce as well." "we haven't finished those yet." Fitz said quickly. "i know. but you almost are." "almost." Fitz admitted. "i'll bring them with when we come back." he promised Tony. "his... somethings?" Phil asked, looking a bit amused. "i take it he still hasn't regained brother status with Thor?" "....m not sure he ever wanted brother status with Thor...." Fitz mumbled under his breath. "are you sure it's safe to do that at all?" Trip asked, examining the Godling. "he won't... you know. smite you?" nah, worst Loki would do is turn Tony into a woman for a few days. again. "i'll be back." Phil promised with a smile. "i might come a little earlier, depending on how much Fitz pesters me." he admitted.
“It is awesome. And don’t worry fitz, you’ll have a overgrown puppy living close by soon enough. Just don’t complain when Spangles drags you out of bed because he wants to go outside.” Yea,definitely not he first time tony had called Steve a overexcited puppy of a human being. “Yes, we’re very sure. Living things aren’t allowed near me, I kill them somehow. So no pets.”Tony said before perking up, “Good. Tehy might be more forgiving with the supply of weapons.”Tony said thoughtfully before smirking. “Yes something. And not sure if it’s considered brotherly to be knocking boots as much as tehy are, so their status is currently ‘something resembling diplomatic meetings between kings’.”Tony said wisely, smirking at teh shocked and startled looks he was getting. “Nah. Worst thing is I’ll be having sex as a female for a few days, which is a new and exciting prospect that I’ve been threatened with before.”Tony said snickering as he nodded. “Well, we’ll see you when you get there.”

When he arrived at the tower clint paused staring at the godling Tony was carrying even as jarvis dismantled his suit. “What did you do to him?’ “Knocked him out.”Tony said setting him on the couch before smirking at his waiting team. “Hello.” “What did you do?” “Oh, you know. Scaring and disasterously evil things.”
Fitz blinked and Phil started laughing. "do you call him that to his face?" he asked, looking very amused. "i like outside." Fitz admitted. "oh. okay." Fitz looked a bit curious about that. maybe Tony released a small minute amount of electrical discharge the way Jemma did. which was why she couldn't keep plants alive, he'd never heard of it affecting animals before though. "uhm, i don't know how much you would be interested, but we've made lots of things." he admitted. "we've uhm, even made some handcuffs that can control Asgardians." he admitted. "if your interested." he looked very shy, but very hopeful, as if he wasn't sure Tony's hadn't already made something super cool that worked better than silly handcuffs and expected to be told to buzz off. "...knocking boots?" Hunter asked, just for further clarification. "...diplomatic meetings between kings...?" Tripp asked, looking even more amused. "... he can turn you into a woman and you drew on his face?" Tripp asked, staring at Tony. "you need help man." "...might be kind of awesome to be a woman for a day. don't deny it, you'd totally do it." none of the other men could deny that.

" did you knock him out?" Steve asked. even repeatedly slamming Loki's face into a steal plate hadn't done much to the godling. "....Tony? seriously, this is awesome, how did you do this?" Steve asked, poking Loki in the face a bit, leaping back as if scalded when the godling gave a sleepy murmur and settled back down. "...did you... draw, on his face?" he asked, looking at Tony, blue eyes glittering with laughter. "you drew on his face. he's going to turn you into a woman again, or worse." "he's totally making your Suit Hello Kitty again." Natasha admitted with a grin. "anyway, you got a present." she informed him, jerking her thumb at the box laying on the table behind her. "you can have it if your promise me Phil isn't dead."
“Yes. I have. I told him I refused to go on his walks with him, since he’s like a overbearing puppy when he gets running, and that unless he’s tied to my bed, I’m not holding a leash of any kind, and since he’s a puppy he really should have a leash when he’s in public.”Tony said wisely, before perking up, “You did?Can I have a pair?Make me a pair to go with the gun. Tying loki up will be amusing. Tying him to Thor’s bed will be even more amusing..”Tony said sounding interested and excited at having another person to plot awesome toys with. Grinning at hunter he nodded. “I’m testing out how many different ways I can say ‘fucking’ without actually saying it. Watching Loki figure out modern slang is quite entertaining.”Tony said wisely before grinning. “He can, and I did. I actually made fun of him actually in the drawing. And everyone keeps telling me I need help, but I don’t think so.”

“New toys, courtesy of the geek squad on phil’s quinjet.”Tony said laughing holding up the briefcase, “I have presents, including what knocked loki out. I’m putting it in the suit, and they made a gun for you.”Tony smiled laughing as steve jumped back. “Jumpy cap?”Clint teased even if he tensed a little watching loki before shaking his head as he snapped a picture of the drawing. “He did draw on him. Seriously, he’s going to kill you for advertising his love for thor.” “not that big of a secret. Everyone knows it. And he totally wont, I plan on bribing him with letting him talk to grant. Reindeer games is a godling, he should have a idea on our mystery goddess.”Tony said having just thought about it on his way back before grinning. “Alive, well, and on his way back in a day or two. Though it might be sooner, matters how much his tech genius annoys him to come back.”
Fitx snickered a little and shook his head. "i don't run. i'm bad at running." he was good at running, or rather, he'd used to be good at running until he'd lost too much oxygen to his brain. now he was lucky if he could walk in a straight line. "sure!.... they're... uhm... somewhere..." Fitz paused and then wandered off to find them, though he ended up getting distracted long before Tony had left, his capacity for interacting well used up. "you, are an evil, crazy man and i love it." Tripp admitted with a laugh.

"Phil has his own geek squad?" Natasha asked, sounding rather jealous before pausing. "oh wait. we have a geek squad. your just cooler than most geeks." she admitted, watching Steve crack open the case and picked up the gun, checking to make sure it was unloaded before handling it, checking the weight, the trigger pressure and how fast he could take it apart to clean it, humming happily. "this, is a high quality gun." he admitted, snapping the empty gun into his hip holster before picking up the manual. "are we sure it's Love?" Natasha asked, smirking. "i'm pretty sure he just wants to fuck Thor senseless and then go on his way." "gross." Steve complained, snorting a little before grinning when Natasha nodded. "you may have your present." she informed him, flopping down into a seat next to Clint, using her phone to check on Grant's status. still asleep. damn, he had really been exhausted.
“He does. And I am so much better then a simple geek squad!I’m a one man squad, I’m king of the geeks, and I totally rule-” “Tony, stop.”Bruce ordered him before he could start ranting even more, looking amused as he settled onto the couch, watching steve check out the gun. “It is. They’re also making widow’s bites, and a bow with the icer stuff in them, along with toys for the rest of us....apparently arming the avengers well, is important. As if I couldn’t do it. But these are really cool.”Tony said huffing a little before grinning. “well, it’s probably not love. At least not in any way we understand it. But getting them to fuck is going to happen, no matter how much thor is resisting.”because he knew the blond was being stubborn and annoying in refusing his foster brother, and damned if tony didn’t think it was working to make loki want it more. “Awesome.”Tony grinned nearly wiggling himself like a overexcited puppy as he picked up the present and collapsed onto the couch next to clint. “How’s he doing?”Clint muttered looking over natasha’s shoulder, wincing at the sight of grant sleeping, damn. “....But....I thought you were hiding my stuff?And these aren’t mine.”Tony said sounding utterly confused.
"yes but your not 'only' a geek squad. you spend a lot of your time catering to masses and saving the world." Natasha pointed out. "a geek Squad, a real geek squad's only job is to geek." she reminded him with a grin. "and while you make very impressive things, different geeks think differently and have different ideas." she admitted. "it's good for you to hang out and trade ideas with other geeks." she admitted with a smile before looking eager at the idea of a few more widows bites. more options where always a good thing. "can Loki even feel such base human emotions?" Steve wondered. "it is funny watching him and Thor spite and fight with each other." he admitted. "still sleeping." Natasha admitted before smiling at Tony. "we decided that such loyalty deserved a reward." Natasha admitted. "so you get to keep your things and i dug this up for you." she admitted. Steve had been very approving of the thing that Natasha had picked out for Tony. it was a massive card book. one that had plastic sheets with lots of pockets for trading card collections. inside of it was every single, complete set or Captain America trading cards, all numbered 0001. or, in some cases 001. from the very first ever made, to ones that had only come out a week ago. several of them where even signed, with fading ink showing Steve had signed them back in the 1940's. a single card was well worth, billions, even more depending on who was trying to buy the card. Tony literally had the biggest, most completed, perfect set of vintage Captain America cards ever made. all in pristine condition. only Natasha seamed to realize that Steve had slipped away, not wanting to see the emotional result of the card collection.
“Ah. Well, someone has to feed my ego. Dealing with the public does that. Don’t make it sound like I’m doing it for the good of mankind.”Tony said, even though Clint was silently snickering because he knew tony did it because it helped people, not because he fed his ego with iron man. “indeed. Geek time is amazing and going to be awesome.”Tony grinned before snickering. “I’m sure he can. I mean, he looks human, I assume he can feel. And it is quite amusing really.”Tony agreed before frowning, looking utterly confused and lost as he started flipping through the book looking lost as he looked up at the two assassins, gripping the book tightly as he clung to it. “T-thanks.”he said before bolting up off the couch and you could hear him nearly running for the lab. “....Should we be worried about that? I mean, we could probably get loki awake to go talk to him....or steve...”Clint paused frowning as he realized the captain wasn’t in the room anymore.
"we all know the truth." Natasha informed Tony with a roll of her eyes before grinning because she knew Tony was always excited to meet new geniuses who would put up with his insanity. "i dunno. he's insane. insane people don't feel things do they?" Natasha wondered, her head tilted. "might have to ask Sam about that won't we?" she asked with a grin. "no problem Tony." she said with a smile before looking at Clint. "no. he needs to be alone for a bit." she admitted, watching Loki before nearly shreiking when Loki suddenly sat bolt upright with a gasp. "TONY!" Loki yelled, leaping to his feet. "TONY! you shot me in the head!" he raged before glarig at NAtasha who was laughing wildly. "what are you laughing at Wench!?" he demanded before blinking when she just pointed at his face. a flick of his fingers ad there was a mirror in his hands. a single glance was all that was needed before Loki's eye started twitching. "TONYA!!!!!" that made Natasha blink. confused before she cracked up, realizing Loki had just turned Tony into a woman, a flair of green smoke and Loki was gone to do whatever Loki did when he was feeling slighted and picked on. "Lady Romanoff, you wished to inform me when Mr. Ward woke." Jarvis informed them. and indeed Grant was awake, sitting at the end of his bed and just sitting there. it was a position Natasha knew well. it was the 'position'. Agents took the position after waking up at the end of a mission, or when they did not know their mission and simply waited for orders. he'd stay like that for days on end, she knew, if no one issued orders or he didn't snap out of it on his own. this was, essentially, him loosing his grip on the little bits of tape and glue that had kept him functioning up until now.
“Do not!”Tony huffed before nodding. “No, they feel things. And he’s not that insane.”Tony said rolling his eyes before nodding. “We’ll ask sam.”He agreed. Clint bolting to his feet tense before starting to laugh as tony freaked out. “You got hammered.”he said nearly giggling as he watched the other. Grinning as he realized what tony was going to be a girl for awhile. Calming he swallowed hard. “Come on, let’s go see to Ward, then see if Tony’s up for company.”Clint said heading downstairs, stepping into the room, he looked at the agent for a long moment. “Are you hungry?”
"he's completely nuts." Natasha huffed, rolling her eyes before watching Loki freak out, having completely laughed in his face to keep him from noticing Clint. "Hammered?! Hammered?!" Loki hissed. "i'll show you hammered!" oh that wasn't a good thing. if Tony was lucky, all Loki would do was remove every drop of alcohol in the house. Ward stood and turned to face them, face blank and eyes expressionless as he waited for orders before he hesitated. Handlers did not ask questions unless it was in regards to a mission and they did not solicit opinions. ergo, these where not Handlers. still, this could be a test of some kind. Garret was nasty for tests. but Garret was dead, so who was his handler now? did he not have one? "Handler Status?" he finally asked. that was safe. he was allowed to ask that. "pending." Natasha informed him. he blinked a little. what did that mean? it meant he didn't have one yet. "...i am hungry." he had been asked to offer an opinion so he would obey. that seamed the safest option. "Good." Natasha praised. "come on then. we'll get you fed and we can talk some while we're waiting for food." she decided. "i want to know more about Phil." she admitted. she didn't feel in the least bit bad about using Grant like that to get information.
Clint glanced at Natasha at the question, glad at least she was aware of how to help the best. While he’d been around during those nasty few months when they’d first brought her in, he’d also been a mess from his own missions, working to keep his own head together. He might have been one of shield’s older agents, but he’d joined late, nearly in his thirties before he’d joined up, left him scrambling to fit in and prove himself. “Yes. I do wish to know more about what phil’s been doing since he’s been gone.”Clint said as they headed for the kitchen, smiling a little as he started to cook, glancing at grant. “Okay, start talking.”
Natasha smiled a little as Grant just nodded. he settled down into the chair that she instructed him to and played with the handcuffs. they where to keep him from running away, he remembered. though, he couldn't remember why he wanted to run away, these people where very nice. nice like Phil and Skye. he wanted to stay, so he obeyed. he started talking. spilling every mission he had gone on, everything that had happened to Phil, everything he had learned, they had learned about the Kree and about the odd symbols that Phil insisted on carving and how Skye had been infected but how nothing had happened. he talked about how Garret had come back, how 'the pain' had started and then he had forgotten. he talked about how Phil had finally gotten control of the Carving but had developed an intense obsession with where the carvings had led him and how he suspected Fury, or worse Hydra had planted suggestions into Phil's head to avoid the Avengers for fear of the worst happening. he explained why he thought so, Phil shying away from any mention of the Avengers as if no mention had ever been made unless it was one of his 'tony is an asshole' rants. he explained how he had betrayed Fitz, and how when he'd realized he had hurt the man he had started to look at as a little brother he had thought about killing himself, but that it wasn't fair to Fitz to deny him that right, so stayed alive waiting for Fitz to come down and met out the fair punishment. talk to Phil soon turned to talk of Skye and how he had thought he was in love with her, but really he had just felt brotherly affection for her, how he had been unable to tell the difference because 'the pain' made everything confusing and lopsided, sharp and over exaggerated and too much. by now he was sitting in his chair, silently crying because everything was gone and nothing was left but 'the pain' and waiting because his only hope for being okay again was asleep in an icy tomb, probably never to be found again. Natasha rather regretted asking him to talk now, but she was a lot less angry at Phil now.
Clint frowned looking interested as he finished the food, before setting the steaks in front of the other two, looking freaked and disturbed at the idea. Sick as he considered phil being afraid to get in touch with any of them, even if he hadn’t wanted to talk to clint, he should have had someone. Looking at grant as he started to cry, he wrapped a arm around the other, looking pained as he glanced up at natasha. “Let’s put him to bed....Jarvis? If Loki’s still on world and reachable, will you have him come back?”He asked, having a thought.

“....Steve?”Tony said poking his head around the elevator door, because steve had a whole floor apartment, and while tony usually just waltzed in, he didn’t feel right this time. “Captain”He said sounding anxious as he waited to be left in for once in his life.
Grant had somehow finished his meal while talking and was now quite distraught about everything he had done. he flinched at the arm wrapping around him but didn't try to get away from the pain he was expecting. "our the last person i ever expected to call for me." Loki admitted as he walked in, face free of marker and wearing high healed boots, leather pants, a green silk shirt and another scarf. Loki had developed an odd taste for scarves. "...whose this?" Loki wondered before tensing as he peered closer at Grant. "my god. i thought you and your kin where dead centuries ago." he admitted, looking the man over. "how curious, have you meant to trap yourself in such a fragile, helpless form?" he wondered. "what, you mean human form?" Natasha demanded. "humans are weak and helpless compared to other species. your still evolving after all. give yourself a few hundred thousand years and you'll be delightfully difficult to deal with." "...i'm not sure that was a compliment."

Steve was standing in front of the massive windows, though he wasn't looking out them the way he often did. he was, instead, working on two paintings. Steve, before the Serum, had Protanopia, form of color blindness. Red, orange, yellow, and some shades of the brighter green had been nothing more than shades of gray and black which was why he had never taken to driving a car. stoplights had been too dangerous, as all of them where simply dark spots. stop signs, yield signs and other such things had only been black shapes. because of this, Steve had adapted his art only to vivid grey-scale drawings. it wasn't until he moved into the Tower that his preferred medium had changed and he discovered oil paints. now, Steve favored extreme vivid colors and sharp contrasts that he had never been able to see before the Serum. today he played with two, almost done paintings, a bright Purple and Orange Butterfly stood next to a huge Birch Tree Steve was covered in paint but he looked very relaxed and content and he looked up at Tony when he poked his head in, wiping his hair out of his fae and leaving a bright orange streak behind. "hey Tony. something wrong? you didn't blow up the kitchen or something did you?" wondering why Tony was looking so anxious.
“Yea I’m not exactly excited about asking for you either.”Clint said making a face snickering a little at the other’s fashion sense before looking at grant. “His name is Grant ward, and he’s turned himself in to avenger’s custody because he’s missing....a goddess, he says. I thought, since you’re sort of a god, you might be helpful.”Clint said. “And well, he’s been mentally controlled and damaged, sorta like what you did to me, so I thought, well, you could help maybe.”Clint shrugged before laughing at natasha’s offense. “It wasn’t a compliment, he’s calling us unevolved.”He grumbled a little.

Tony frowned looking around a little smiling slightly as he saw the captain. His slight amusement breaking a little as he saw just how covered the other was, before heading into the room, though he looked around, the binder of cards held to his chest nearly like a shield. “Of course I didn’t blow up the kitchen. I don’t cook.”he muttered before looking around before shoving the book towards him. “I can’t keep these.”
Loki shrugged before focusing on Grant intently. "no. that's not his True Name." he murmured before gently taking Grant's chin and tilting his head up so he could look deep into Grant's eyes. "hmmm... no. this is nothing like what i put you through." he admitted. "while you are, no doubt, extremely traumatized by what i did, which is completely understandable, you where not damaged in the process. whatever... Hydra? did to him, they nearly mushed his brain. i've never seen so many dead spots. some of these won't heal even with his genetic advantages." Loki admitted, scowling. "what the hell did they do to him?!" he wondered. "Valhalla and beyond his mind is like Swiss cheese!" Loki protested. "i can't begin to know how to fix this." he admitted, looking horrified before pausing. "but... there might be... if she's still alive... it might be possible..." he mumbled. "i have to go research this." Loki admitted, looking very thoughtful as he vanished, Natasha lifting an eyebrow. "well. that's... i'm not sure if that's good news or not." she admitted. "he was nice." Grant said, sounding much more calm and happy and he did look very much like he had taken a good shot of weed. while Loki hadn't healed the damage, he had obviously managed to help Ward somehow.

Steve grinned a little and shrugged a shoulder before blinking and frowning. "you don't want them? why not?" he asked, looking a bit upset. "i was sure Natasha would know you well enough to grab something you'd like." he admitted, wiping his arms down with turpentine to wipe off the paint properly before wiping down all of his brushes with it and rinsed everything off with warm soapy water. "are you sure you don't want them Tony?" Steve asked, looking upset as well. "if it's about how much they cost, don't worry about it, i never paid a cent for them." he promised. "and Natasha said you loved the trading cards you have, so...."
“Well, that’s the only one we know.”Clint sighed before frowning, wincing as he realized just what differences were there, and looking sick as he realized just how damaged it was. He knew it had been bad, it just had never thought it’d get loki, who by far probably had the most experience of anyone living with this sort of thing, angry and horrified “It’s a brain washing machine, hook him in and pretty much fry him if I understand the science behind it.”Clint said before nodding. “Okay, go research.”Clint said before looking at natasha, “Me either, but if it helps, it’s worth trying....and Grant’s calmer at least, so that’s a good thing.”
Tony bit his lip because he really, couldn’t deny that he wanted them, but he couldn’t keep them either. Watching the other even as he held onto the binder, but not as desperate as he had been, for all the world like he was hiding behind steve’s shield. “...It’s to much. I can’t...It’s...Not right taking your stuff. I have my stuff, that I searched and bought for, I don’t deserve this steve.”He said looking anxious and upset, knowing the other was upset to.
he nodded. "that's to be expected. for... his people, names have intense power. thy will give their kind their True Name, but if he where to give a human his True Name they would have immense control over him. much like stories of Genie in your fairy tales." he admitted. "it's a form of slavery that, if employed correctly, can render one of his people nothing more than a mindless being that only does as it's told. i doubt he would be handing out his True Name even if he could remember it." Loki admitted. "fascinating... horrible. disgusting, but fascinating." he admitted. "fry him? yes. with electricity." Loki mumbled, scowling a little. Grant smiled when Loki had left and was easy enough to settle him into bed so he could sleep. " are you feeling?" Natasha asked, wondering how Clint felt. Loki had just openly admitted to fucking Clint up, she wasn't sure how he'd feel about that. as far as she knew, he had never apologized to Clint or offered any explanation at all.

Steve blinked a little before he smiled a little, realizing, or thinking he realized, why Tony was having such a problem. "Tony. relax. okay?" he asked, gently pressing the book back into Tony's chest and wrapping Tony's hands around it so he was holding it firmly. so Tony couldn't drop it. "i want you to have it." he admitted. "i didn't even now i had it. the things been gathering dust since the nineteen forties. the only time it's touched is when someone takes new cards into that dumb storage unit to put new cards into it." he admitted. "i want you to have it because i know you'll take care of them, and you'll appreciate them properly. i don't like looking at them. they make me think of things i don't like to think about." especially since a lot of the collections had commandos cards in there and he didn't like to think about Bucky or the commandos or Peggy.
“Ah, that makes sense.”Clint said looking thoughtful, even if he was still weirded out at the idea of grant not being really human, before shuddering at the idea of someone being like that. Even his brainwashing, he’d had choices. Granted, he’d made ones that helped loki, or did what he wanted, but loki’s command had been loose enough to allow the agents free rein to completely take control and decide what to do best. “Yes, they did.”Clint agreed, looking equally sick at the idea before smiling as they settled grant into bed, glancing up at the woman as he sighed, shoulders slouching a little. “Currently, I’m a little more weirded out that Tony’s currently female, and that Phil’s alive, then knowing Loki knows he fucked me up.”

Tony frowned, but let the other push the book back into his hold, biting his lip a little before nodding. “Oh....okay. You’re sure? I mean...I....I’m not that great. Or special enough to have them. There’s better people to have them.”He said frowning a little, because howard had showed off everything he owned.....then put it in his will that instead of tony getting the collection, it had been sold off at his death, with a stipulation that Tony couldn’t buy it. It had taken him years and a fortune to track down everything again. “ long as you’re sure. Thanks Steve.”He smiled at the other.
she grimaced a little and shook her head. "yeah. i'm a bit weirded out by that too." she admitted with a sigh. "come on. let's go check on Tony and tell Steve what we found out about Phil." she decided. "and bring a camera, i want to take pictures of 'Tanya'." she admitted with a grin. hoping blackmail material might make Clint feel better.

Steve smiled at him. "i'm very sure Tony. i never look at the crap. i'd give it all to you, but i like to have a fw things available when i need to bribe you." he admitted with a grin. "there's no one better than you to have it. you won't loose sight of me, in all that Captain America." he admitted. "i'm very sure." he promised before he paused. "...did you do something with your hair?" he asked, looking a bit confused, wondering why Tony looked so... feminine all of a sudden. "...Tony? do you have... breasts?" Steve asked, looking startled before he set his fingers on his nose. "...what did you do to piss off Loki?" he wondered. he had not seen Tony as a woman before, but he'd heard about it.
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