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The Rapture OOC

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Hey, just as a reminder to all, it might be good to do character checks every now and again. They don't cost you a turn and it's good to know what's going on with your characters.
Also the reason I say that is because you will never know certain things, like fatigue, sexual frustration, rads, hunger, insanity, or if you're high. Because in case you forgot, drugs exist in this game, because why not. :3
Oh, hey. Forgot to mention that you should really only expect to play this during a weekday. Weekends are kind of... well different in a sense. So just sit tight till Monday. :D
Sowwy. I would've posted yesterday, but I'm helping my roommates deal with flooding after a storm last night... Probably tonight or tomorrow morning I'll post
Sorry about my in-activity recently, friends. I've been getting pounded by real life (Not in the fun way either), and have just been hellaciously busy. I hope everyone else is doing well.

Ooh, sorry to hear about the flooding.
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