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Deadman in Wonderland (Private with DarkMudkip)

Nana held her nose and whined lightly, the flick hurting much more than it normally would, due to it have just been broken and set. "H-Hai." She muttered through her hands.
Masamune's week in solitary went by rather slowly, but he was finally released none the less. As anyone could assume, Masamune was probably very angry, missing two matches that were rescheduled, but were still missed.
(( ヾ(´༎ຶ╻༎ຶ)ノ゙ ))

Megohime had a relatively easy week without Masamune, so when she heard he was out of solitary again, she wasn't happy in the least.
This was her job however, so she kept herself busy doing rounds, keeping things in order.
While Masamune made his way to his room, he spotted Megohime and his blood boiled and he practically bomb rushed her, slamming her into the wall by the throat.
Once more, just like the first time, Megohime was caught off guard and hit the wall hard, losing her grip on her gun. "What the hell?" She grunted when he got his hand under her helmet and his hand actually wrapped around her throat, cutting off her airway.
"You really fucked up this time, lady. You cost me some much needed stress relief and I'm afraid that I still need something to wail on to calm my raging nerves. So, it's lucky for me and unfortunate for you that you happened to be in my line of sight." He growled.
Megohime ground her teeth and groped her side for her pistol, her body fighting to take a breath, even though she did her best to remain calm.
Megohime's helmet bounced hard off the wall, making her ears ring, and black dots dance in her vision. At some point when Masamune was slamming her against the wall, her helmet finally came off, so that only her head now was hitting the wall.
The female guard groaned in pain, blood soaking her hair from the wound on the back of her head, her body going limp as her limbs grew heavy and she became disoriented.
He stopped, actually caught off guard by the sight of her face. He then realized just how badly this would for him and he dragged her back quickly to his room.
Megohime felt as though she had lost control over her body, not fading into unconsciousness, but everything seemed to be viewed through tunnel vision. When they got to Masamune's room, she closed her eyes - the one thing she could barely manage to do - and feigned unconsciousness.
Masamune cursed and swore under his breath repeatedly as he shoved her into his closet, shutting the door and locking it while he tried to figure things out.
Megohime sat in the cramped closet, blood still oozing from the deep gash on her head. She opened her eyes once more, looking around to see if she could use anything, and that's when she noticed her radio was still clipped to her belt - her only problem was she still couldn't move.
"I should probably just drop her off somewhere. No, fuck, she'll just rat me out. Dammit. I can't kill her. Well, I could..." Masamune mumbled to himself.
Megohime was working on curling her fingers to get herself moving again when her radio crackled, hissed, someone speaking on the other line. They weren't asking for Megohime, just having a conversation with another guard, but the radio was still very loud. She cursed internally and closed her eyes once again.
Megohime was starting to panic herself, she couldn't move much, and was trapped in his room. Calling herself, she reminded herself that they would notice her absence within forty-eight hours at the most.
"God dammit." Masamune grumbled and opened the closet, grabbing her and dragging her off to ditch her. If she did rat him out, the asshole that forces him to fight would protect him. He was too valuable.
A hand wrapped around Masamune's wrist, and thought the trip was weak, Megohime still held on for dear life. "You're... So fucking screwed now... Asshole.." She grunted, glaring up at him through her disheveled hair.
She scoffed and her hand slipped away from his, having no such strength to keep it there. "I'm gonna make sure your life is shit in here.." She mumbled.
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