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Mark My Soul(Avengers)Lady/Moon

“Hoping if I woke up, I’d convince you morning sex was happening.”Tony muttered before perking up, “Oh yea. Bouncing boobs.” “Is this how you convince him to work out?Watching you work out?”Thorne snickered looking amused as tony purred happily at even a simple forehead kiss. He was utterly adorable sleepy. “...It doesn’t. Don’t be violent. I’m going running with you, no need to be threatening.”tony whined a little as thorne’s eyes went wide. “So I see.”The princess said looking at steve startled before snickering. “Sounds good. At least that way I wont feel bad for making you do the girly stuff with us.”Thorne smiled a little. “A tad. It’s just odd hearing things before they happen.”Thorne said, really only finding it creepy because of what she was hiding, so very scared of what they’d figure out, and wondering how she could hide it from him if he was just going to see it. “...Shush, you. Don’t encourage the dog to piss on me before it’s even born.”Tony whined as he finished his coffee before heading off to get changed. “Kay.”Thorne said looking worried as she watched him take care of her arm, before smiling a little. “Good. It’s good to know it’s not going to scar.”she said looking relieved and glad she’d be able to take care of it before the marks started to reheal. “Thanks.”She said standing, kissing his cheek before heading off to change, returning in workout clothes and gently clipping the dog leashes on the dogs, snickering as the greyhounds started prancing around excitedly, realizing they were going out.
Pepper rolled her eyes. "not happening." she informed him before smiling at Thorne. "why not? it works." she pointed out with a chuckle and a shake of her head. "you know, he's kind of cute in the mornings." James admitted, smirking at Tony. "we should keep him Steve." "no." "but i swear i'll take care of him, i'll feed him, walk him, i'll clean up all his messes!" "no." "please?" "no." Steve stated, looking amused even if his voice was firm. "you never let me have any pets." "i gave you a gold fish." "it was dead!" "well. how was i to know it was old? you have two dogs." "but those are Thorne's." "we're keeping a puppy anyway. so then we'll have three." "we're keeping a puppy?" "of course we are."

"don't worry." Pepper said with a smile. "he doesn't typically see things like secretes or inner thoughts. he can't read your mind or tell you what choice your going to make. he can only see things that are actually going to happen. the choices made i mean. like how Chris decided to call the police. he saw that because Chris made the decision and did it. he sees the pups futures because whoever picks up Blue has already decided the name and breed and to contact you for a pup." Natasha admitted. "he knows the genders because they are already male and female in the womb and the one pup is already a runt and the other already malformed." she admitted. "even then, if someone changes their mind, the future he sees changes too. it's not a science, he can only see futures that specifically will happen, for lack of a better explanation. and even then it's only futures that directly relate to the people he is close to. if he focuses he can get vague ideas on what people should do, or how they might feel. sometimes it works as an early warning system, but it's not much more interesting than that." she promised with a smile.

"Pepper's right. it's not a... uh, power? that can search out your exact future. or see things you want hidden." he admitted. "people always change their minds, it's almost impossible to tell what a person is really going to do. it's only when someone makes a decision and carries it out that i can see it. or a future that is irreversible. like how in fifteen years Pepper is going to get ovarian cancer and survive. but she and Tony will never be able to have children after that." he admitted. "however, they might have children before that, it's just something i can't see, because they haven't so much as thought about it, see?" James asked with a smile. "your secretes are safe, and if you decide you want to tell us, and i see before your ready for us to actually know, i won't tell." he promised, smiling as she kissed his cheek. he let her go get changed and he set up as well in a long sleeved jogging shirt. he'd get too hot, but he didn't care, so long as the marks where covered. "we all set? where's Tony?" Pepper demanded, wearing her cute little mini shorts and tank top.
“It could!”Tony whined a little. “So it does. And it’s fairly amusing really.” “I’m always cute, Barnes.”Tony grumbled making a face before huffing. “I am not a pet!Stop it.”Tony whined a little. “well, there’s two puppies already claimed.”Thorne said looking amused before relaxing, realizing that she was going to be okay. Whatever james saw, then she wouldn’t have to worry about him saying anything before she was ready. “That’s cool actually. Probably better then simply being able to see everything really.”Thorne said smiling a little before studying tony, tilting her head at the idea of him having kids. “Don’t look at me like that.”Tony grumbled, indeed definitely not considering kids just yet. Despite being 34, and extremis making him look younger, the man was still having issues with the whole family/relationship/parenting thing. And pepper really was his perfect match, since she simply was with him, not pressuring or pushing things, simply letting him come to the decision on his own, only sometimes prodding him if he needed it. “okay.”Thorne said looking relieved, smiling a little as she changed into her own t-shirt and shorts, knowing for the moment the burn needed air and not willing to risk scarring even if she’d feel better with long sleeves. “I’m here. Stop being so awake.”Tony grumbled as he walked out wearing his normal workout clothes, the basketball shorts and tank top with running shoes. "Ready to go?"He said laughing as he pushed the button for the elevator, snickering as the dogs bolted excitedly in, eager to see where they all where going.
"Your an ugly hag." James stated calmly, patting Tony on the head again. "nothing at all compared to my Stevie." "i'm human perfection James, that's not a fair comparison." Steve pointed out. "three. three are claimed you just don't know whose going to claim Blue yet." James admitted with a smile. "i think i'd g mad if i saw everything." he admitted. "usually i only see enough to warn us if there's an attack coming." he admitted with a smile. "and that's more than enough for me." he admitted. "i'm going to have Ovarian cancer?" "yes. in about fifteen years. you'll catch it very early because you're going to start being tested every year just in case." James admitted with a smile. "i'll do that then." Pepper agreed. "and if Tony decides he wants kids after i can't, well adopt or get a surrogate." she decided simply. "now then, off we go!" she ordered with a grin, Steve and James both laughing as they stepped into the Elevator, heading off on their run. the dogs made it the whole two miles and so did Pepper. she took a morning run every morning. Steve and James dropped them all of at the apartment and continued their run, heading off at twice the speed. Pepper giggling at Tony's grumbling.
“I am not!”Tony whined, growling as he was patting. “And he is perfect. Definitely worth going for a run for really.”Tony said thoughtfully smirking at steve. “That’s probably for the best. Seeing more would be to much.”Thorne said thoughtfully. “Good. You need tested.”Tony muttered nuzzling pepper a little before snickering as they went for their run.

When they finished tony grumbled, making a face at pepper. “We’re going to go shower. Then you can go do girly things.”Tony growled as he pulled her towards the bathroom, thorne laughing as she headed to get her own shower. By the time she came out, she shook her head in amusement when pepper and tony stumbled out, the billionaire already intently working on his tablet as he settled in to work while he waited for the super soldiers. “Ready to go?”Thorne smiled a little looking at pepper, looking better then she had, more relaxed. Content for the moment, worries forgotten in front of the pleasure of going shopping for herself for once.
James smirked. "you even growl like a pet." he teased with a chuckle. "i'll get tested." she promised with a chuckle and a shake of her head. "okay. a shower sounds nice." she agreed, letting him have all the sex he wanted in praise for going jogging. he wasn't very good at it after all. "yes. let's go shopping!" Pepper agreed with a smile. "we'll need to get you some of everything, including soap and shampoo. makeup too though your adorable enough without it." Pepper admitted with a smile. "of course you'll need a whole wardrobe." she admitted, taking the card from Tony as she passed. "thank you Tony." she stated happily. "we should get our nails done at a nail salon too! a manipedi would feel great today i think, don't you?" she asked with a smile. "maybe we could get a facial too?" she mused. "and of course we'll have to stop somewhere to eat. i'll let you choose." she decided. "i can never decide what to have." she admitted. "of course we'll have to spoil the dogs too, and the cute puppies they'll be having. i don't know if Tony will take the malformed puppy, but i know of me and Tony don't then Steve and James will so at least i don't have to worry about the poor little thing."

James and Steve where smiling when they returned, each patting Tony on the head to let him know they where back before heading in for a shower and to get dressed. "okay Tony. why get us alone? what's wrong?" Steve asked, worried.
Thorne grinned laughing a little. “Well, you’re fairly adorable yourself. But yes, makeup would be good.”Thorne said, wondering how to get what she really needed without everyone figuring it out. She’d have to wait. “Lots of long sleeves. Though shorts and some kapris since its warming up.”Thorne said, knowing pepper would understand the desire for long sleeves, after all, she did live with james part of the time, was used to people covering up even if it was hot out. “Welcome.”Tony muttered in that vague way that said you just knew he wasn’t really listening as he worked sprawled out on the couch. “Oh. Yes. We should do a spa day thing after lunch.”She grinned before nodding. “We’ll save the pet stuff for last.”She grinned as they headed for the shopping district, before nodding. “Definitely wont have to worry about the pup.”Thorne said pleased that she wouldn’t as they started shopping. Definitely feeling a little overwhelmed as she let pepper direct her through the boutiques. Despite being rich in her own right, she hadn’t really shopped simply for the sake of shopping with a friend for years.

Tony growled absently at being petted like a dog, though he didn’t respond otherwise, to focused on work before looking up when they got out. Sighing softly as he ran his fingers through his hair he rubbed a hand over his face. “Sweden gave us 24 hours to return both chris and thorne to the embassy, otherwise they will take issue. I’m heading to the embassy to talk to teh ambassor, figured making you two go with me to impress on them that it’d be a monumental bad idea, along with having the president’s approval to keep her here as a political refugee, would be a good idea.”
she chuckled a little. "i look like an old lady without make up. a dried up husk." she admitted with a giggle. "alright, long sleeves. well, i'll let you pick whatever you want." she promised with a smile. "i need a new coat." she mused. "Spa day! great idea!" Pepper agreed. "we can get back massages!" she decided. "and facials, a mud bath, get our nails and toes done, it'll be great!" she agreed, beaming at her. "it's so nice to have a girl friend to do things like this with. i'd have considered asking Natasha, but she scares me a little bit." Pepper admitted with a chuckle. "here. this place is the best." Pepper informed her with a smile. "we can buy anything you like and they have the most amazing dresses here." she admitted happily. "you can get most of your accessories here too. purses, shoes, makeup, glasses, hair ties, ribbons. anything you want." she admitted, smiling at her.

"oh? that's what the phone call was last night?" Steve asked curiously. "they must have given the president a similar message then." Steve mused. "i'd be happy to go." Steve agreed, James nodding. "we'll keep her, and you safe." James promised. "lets get our suits on." "James... come on, i hate those stuffy things." "no. our suits." "oh. well that one's not much better... better than the original one i suppose. i can't believe they had me wearing spandex." Steve grumbled, soon kitted out in his kevlar and leather Captain America outfit.
“you do not. You;re not that old.”Thorne smiled a little, though she was closer to the boys age at 24, then tony and pepper’s. “That does sound great.”Thorne snickered a little before nodding. “It is nice to have a girlfriend. Its hard at home, having friends. Between...chris...and responisbilities and everyone not really forgoetting who I am, its hard having friends.”She shrugged a little before grinning as they started shopping. “Good. And we can just have it delivered right?I mean to the apartment, instead of carrying everything around?”She said starting to pick out stuff.

“Yea exactly. Pepper told them no way, but I know its not going to be that easy.”Tony sighed as he snickered"I thought you'd be comfortable in a suit. It's like military dress."tony snickered before adding." should just be happy with the suits. Better then the original.”Tony poointed out grinning as he looked the suits over, making sure they fit well and were good, always the inventor making sure his creations were okay, before heading downstairs. “lets go then.”
she chuckled. "okay no, i'm not that old, but i LOOK that old." she pointed out. "it's the stress you know. i'm lucky i don't have more gray hairs than i do. or wrinkly skin." she admitted with an impish grin. "of course it's great! i chose it." another reason why Pepper was such a good match for Tony. "well, you and i are going to be good friends." Pepper promised with a smile. "and i will hunt down anyone who dares hurt you." she promised. "now. what do you think of this dress?" she asked, holding up an adorable long sleeved dress in silver and gold up to her to compare the coloring. "of course we can have it delivered." she scoffed. "you think Tony carries all the stuff he buys me?" she asked, looking amused. "for that matter, do you think i would ruin my perfect manicure on such a thing?" she asked, looking very amused. not unlike Tony when he was mocking someone for not being as smart as him. "hey! we should get a hair cut too!" she decided, clapping her hands. "you'd look so gorgeous with a cute haircut! i'll bet the boys will drool when they see you!" she admitted, nodding.

"of course it's not." Steve scoffed, rolling his eyes before shaking his head. "military dress and suits are not the same thing." he stated simply. "for one thing there's no tie choking me." "for another, there's a different mindset when your in full military dress." James admitted. "when your in military dress, things like that's uncomfortable' fade into the background." James admitted. "it's not unlike being in subspace at times, only not as pleasant." he admitted with a smile. "it's the same with these suits. i put on my Soldier 'costume' and most of my mind slips into 'Battle' and 'serious' because when i put this suit on, it's for a reason." Steve nodded. "i guess Military dress and Superhero outfits sort of trigger different aspects of our personalities." Steve admitted. "where a run of the mill suit doesn't." he admitted, zipping up the last of his suit, James following. they let Tony examine them in an 'at ease' position before following him out, faces firm and serious. they would go into this one hundred percent the superheros they where. the Swedish Government didn't stand a chance.
"Well considering you have to put up with tony's shenanigans I'm not surprised at grey hair."Thorne teased smirking before smiling a littletter amused at how very self assured the woman was before tilting her head blushing as she considered the dress. It really was a perfect match for the slightly pale woman. "I like it...and well he might not,but I'd pay money to watch him try carrying everything. It'd be amusing to watch."she snickered before blushing,responding with a shy smile to the idea of the boys drooling."haircut clothes spa...are you sure?it'll be a all day thing..."she said frowning a little worried the CEO had better things to do.

"...I find this cod using as I act the same both in and out of the suit...maybe it's a military thing..."tony said frowning a little smiling pleased as he studied them,before settling into his own version of 'at ease'. When they arrived at the embassy he sighed quietly as they walked in, startled to find chris and thorne's mother, Sarah waiting for them. "Mr. Stark, I am hoping you've come to your senses and returned thorne to the embassy." "Uh no."tony frowned at the woman glared at him."your 24 hours are nearly up mr. Stark." "I know but we're not making her come back. You can't treat her like a wayward child, she's a adult." "She is still my daughter and a subject of my country."
she smiled a little. "exactly. of course even if i did have gray hair you wouldn't be able to tell because i dye it." she admitted with a giggle before laughing. "your right! that would be worth money to see! i should make him come shopping with me next time he annoys me. i'll video record it. it'll be perfect blackmail material." she admitted happily. "of course i'm sure! it's not often i get a whole day off to do whatever i want." she admitted. "even rarer to get to spend my day off with someone i like!" she admitted, smiling at her. "lets see what other clothes we can find in here for you." she decided, humming as she looked around. soon enough they both had massive piles. "oh you have such a good eye for colors and fashion!" Pepper chirped, delighted with her shopping companion. "you know, Tony actually asked me why i needed the same sweater in three different colors? why are men so obtuse?" she wondered.

Steve smiled at Tony. "you where never trained to have different mindsets either. Military personnel are. as are kids who have had to struggle to survive." Steve admitted. "we have different aspects because we needed them to survive. after all, if James was as lippy as he was in the military, do you think they would have allowed it? they suppress parts of our personalities to help us survive battle." he admitted. "while you've seen battle, you've never seen war either." Steve admitted. "War changes a person. just like being tortured changed you." he admitted. "you have different aspects too, you just don't notice them. they aren't fine lines to cross the way they are for us." he admitted. "after all, your business personality isn't the same as your genius personality at all." he pointed out with a grin. "Your Daughter is of, at this moment a political asset." Steve informed the woman suddenly, his voice as cold as ice, his words as sharp as knives, his eyes like a sparking flint. "You expect us to simply hand over the future leader of your country over, when we all know she'll be dead before the weak is out? no. you are fools to think you have any power, any chance at all of forcing her anywhere. particularly when the President of the United States has granted her Political Asylum here. You are stupidly grasping at straws in an attempt to sweep this all under the rug. hoping if we hand her over she won't press charges and show the entire world just what kind of monsters you and HE are." he turned his attention fully onto Chris. "as for you. if i ever see you within fifty feet of Thorne again, i will gut you like the rabid filth you are." James just stared at them, fingers dancing along the blade.
“It really would be. Next time he does something wrong, cause then he’ll feel like he has to come, since it’s punishment.”Thorne snickered a little before relaxing, grinning a little. “Well then, we’ll do this.”Thorne said perking up at the idea of having just a day to do nothing but girl stuff, before grinning as they had a massive pile of clothes. Pleased at everything they’d gotten she paused, staring at the other woman before shaking her head. “Men are idiots. Thats a obvious thing. Let’s get everything shipped to the apartment, and go get our hair done.”Thorne said, happy with the idea of a whole makeover, as if she was restarting her life.

“Hm, I guess that makes sense.”Tony said looking thoughtfuly as he considered the lines that changed people. Frowning at Sarah as she looked at them all. “Yes, I do expect you to had her over. You’re over exaggerating.” “No, we’re not. Your son in law hurt her, badly.” “She’s always been a drama queen. Overly emotional.” “Are you seriously saying she burned herself?”Tony stared at the woman, not sure what to think. “Of course.” “...This isn’t working. She’s pressing charges, and filing for divorce. Deal with it.”tony said disgusted, knowing that he was losing his temper, but this wasn’t working. “What?”Chris stared at the three men, glaring at them. “You wont be seeing Thorne again. And stay away. We’re leaving.”Tony sighed knowing there really wasn’t anything they could do, and having only really come because he had hoped to keep it from becoming a all out fight over the girl who was still recovering herself. “Don’t let her fool you, my wife is a master manipulator. She’ll get what she wants, when she wants it. The Captain and the Soldier, just another prize to feed her vanity.”Chris snorted shaking his head in disgusted amusement as he watched them leave, already plotting how to get Thorne back, and gone. And believing his words true. Knowing what he knew, knowing what he’d tried to burn away, he had no doubt this was a simple plot to thorne to get what she wanted.
Pepper smirked. "exactly. and it will be a punishment." she admitted with a nod. "one he will deserve sometime soon no doubt." she admitted with a chuckle. "men are idiots!" she agreed, nodding happily before smiling at the Cashier. "all of this to Steve Rogers residence please." she ordered, the woman nodding and tapping into her computer for a moment before yelling for someone in the backroom to make the delivery. "come on! i know the perfect place. they'll do everything! massage, mud bath, mani-pedi, hair cut, everything!" she admitted happily, dragging her into a posh place that smelled like flowers and was crisp and clean and polite where they could be pampered like queens.

"you are an idiot." Steve stated calmly. "believing your own lies. what fools." he stated, glancing at James who nodded. "over exaggerating?" James demanded. "i suppose you'll say i was over exaggerating when my brother tried to carve my markings off?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow at them. "you know. it takes a person a great deal of effort to press their own arm into an electric stove. over 99% of people are completely incapable of it do to their flinch response. even me, i can't even do it." James admitted. "Steve certainly can't. are you trying to tell me Thorne is of more strength than Captain America? the people who are manipulating people is you." James stated simply. "Steve and i grew up on the streets. we know when someone is trying to sell an angle and it sure as hell isn't Thorne. there are things that people just can't hide, no matter how long they've been telling the same lie over and over again." James admitted, pointing at Sarah. "you cannot fool me." he informed her before smiling. "yes. she's filing a report. and since you already fucked up with the police with your inconsistency and inability to keep a civil tongue, they believed Thorne before they ever even set eyes on her. idiot." "James, no name calling." Steve ordered. "we're leaving. and believe me when i tell you. you will never have Thorne again. someday, soon, you will all regret treating her this way." James warned. "you will all die, violently if you ever dare set so much as your eyes upon her ever again." James warned, eyes burning brightly. "She belongs to us now. and that is the way it is."
“No doubt. Tony couldn’t behave if you paid him to do it.”Thorne snickered amused because she knew tony. “Thanks Pep.”She smiled pleased as the other paid, grinning as she followed. By the time they left, Thorne looked utterly changed, relaxed and content for the moment, her long blond hair cut and styled, the massage having relieved stress, nails and toes done, looking for once looking like she had before she’d ever met chris, happy and content. “Dog supplies, then back to the apartment, see what the boys are doing?”

Sarah glared shaking her head. “I do not know what your brother tried to do to you, but I know my daughter. And thorne would do anything to get attention.”Sarah growled, it was obvious she had begun to believe her own lies, sighing softly realizing for the moment, the fight was lost at least for the moment. Chris glared at them, but ground his teeth to keep from yelling at them, already planning on how to do this. “Fine. Keep the whore.”He snarled as he walked out. “James, don’t kill him. Not here.”Tony growled gripping the other’s arm a little, just enough to keep james from instinctively going after the man, leaving with the two super soldiers he took a shuddering breath rubbing a hand over his face as they headed for the car.”You know, that actually went better then I thought.”
Pepper smiled at her. "no problem." she promised. "you look so perfect!" she admitted once they where done just as relaxed and happy. "dog supplies it is." she agreed, giggling as she dragged Thorne along with her to the biggest pet store available, buying as many toys as they could fit into the cart with all the other supplies. "to Steve Rogers residence please." she ordered the man who was ringing up their purchases.

James just smiled. "there's a look in a persons eye, when they've been heavily abused you know. a look that can't be faked." Steve stated suddenly. "and if Thorne is desperate for attention, it is only because you have denied it from her for so long." Steve stated calmly. "you will never see your daughter again. if i have my way, you'll be in prison right along side your precious Prince. it's a sad day when you choose a would be usurper to the throne over your own flesh and blood you know." Steve admitted calmly. "call her a whore again you snot nosed little shit stain and i'll see how far up i have to shove my fist before i can pull your spine out through your rectum." he warned, James just snarling. "no. they are biding their time. they have other plans up their sleeves. that Chris. he's disgusting. he feels a lot like that filthy Red Skull did. like he's plotting the best way to torture you for 'science'." Steve muttered, disgusted. "how can people like that exist? ruining Thorne's life like that and actually believing she deserves it?"
“Thanks.”Thorne blushed a little at the praise. Like steve said, for the moment, the look of abuse was gone for the moment, the pain and fear forgotten in face of simply enjoying the day. Grinning as she filled up the cart, she laughed as they headed home. “Steve’s not going to know what to think. We got enough dog stuff to last us until the end of the world. We might not have room in the apartment.”She said giggling a little.

Chris paled a little as he left, both swedish royals looking shaken at the threat. “Hm, listening to you threat people is always a interesting experience.”Tony snickered a little as he slid on his sunglasses, before nodding a little. “He is. And I have no doubt that he’s planning things.”Tony paused as he slid behind the wheel before shaking his head. “I don’t know, but to them, she deserves it simply for not bearing a mark, she’s a second class citizen because of it. Every royal in her bloodline, has always had a mark, a perfect prince or princess to be their match. Thorne’s...condition, has left them with the foolish idea that she’s simply theirs to do with what they want. She’s not. And she’s not going home.”Tony growled before looking at the two. “Do you two need to burn off that anger before we go home?”He said, nervous about going back, simply because he knew thorne wouldn’t respond well to the anger even if it wasn’t directed at her.a
Pepper giggled a little. "i know! isn't it fun!?" she asked, smirking. "maybe this way they'll move out of that apartment and into the tower?" she mused. "Natasha is moving in you know. and Clint has been moved in for a while. poor man. his bonded died during the invasion and he hasn't been acting right. we think he's in a set of denial but he won't talk to any of us about it. he just smiles, or shrugs and wanders off." she admitted with a sigh. "and hen theirs Bruce. don't tell anyone but he doesn't have a bonding mark Either. not anymore. there was an accident and it was stripped off." she admitted. "we're not sure if it's because after Hulk came out he was incompatible with anyone, or if his genetics where changed that much. either way, he's been struggling for some time now, poor guy." she admitted before shaking her head. "sorry. i got all sad on our fun day." she frowned before brightening. "let's get dinner!" she decided. "i know this place with the best cheesecake!"

Steve chuckled a little and shook his head. "it makes James hot." "you bet your ass it does." James agreed. "although i'm not sure you want to touch that thing back there. lord knows what kind of diseases it might be carrying." "good point." Steve agreed. "men like that are always planning things. he hasn't fully made up his mind, so i can't actually tell what he wants to do, but i know he wants Thorne dead more than anything else." James admitted. "they think wrong." James stated, his eyes narrowing. "there's something that puzzles me. they acted as if it was no surprise that she would go to us. why? they said she 'wanted' us. us specifically." Steve admitted. "l wonder why they would think that when it took us so much effort to get her to leave with us?" he wondered before nodding. "we do. stop at the Gym." Steve had used his money to buy his own gym. he and James would beat the shit out of each other, fuck like rabbits and then be fine. "we'll make our own way home after that." Steve promised.
"I'm sure they might consider it. Though tony scares them enough with the bots they might not."thorne snickered a little before wincing at the thought of her bonded being dead. It'd been bad enough feeling the icy cold of them being 'asleep' she couldn't imagine forever gone. "It's a good thing he has you guys then.both of them...all of you guys really. You might not live together but you're there for each other."thorne smiled sadly because more then anything almost,she wanted that."it's fine. We're having a good day....and cheesecake sounds good."thorne agreed smiling brightly.

"It makes me hot to. Pepper's going to wonder what we got up to."tony snickered a little smiling slightly before sighing."good thing she's got the world's best body guards then. We'll just have to be ready for whatever he plans."tony said before frowning thinking about it."I don't know...but you're right. Neither of them were surprised that she left with you...."tony frowned thinking it over before nodding as he headed for the gym."in that case I'm heading back to the tower. Natasha's moving in today and I want to see if I can make a discreet weapon for thorne."tony sighed as he pulled to a stop in front of the gym."call if you need anything okay?"
she giggled a little. "i think Steve isn't nearly as frightened of them as he pretends to be. he likes Dum-E and Jarvis just fine. he doesn't like U so much after the silly thing sprayed him down with a fire extinguisher though." she admitted with a smile. "yes. he does have us. we all have each other." she agreed, smiling at Thorne. "you have us too you know. your part of our family now." she admitted happily. "besides, we have Bruce, Natasha and Clint all living in the tower now. as well as some girl named Skye and a couple that goes by Fitzsimmons. Tony practically kidnapped them." she admitted with a snicker. "those two are just odd." she admitted. "cheesecake it is! we'll get a whole one and share it with the boys!" she decided.

Steve snickered a little. "well, you could always stay and watch." he teased. "no he can't." James growled possessively. "now James. you have to learn how to share." "no i don't." James hissed, Steve chuckling as he shook his head. "i think that maybe i was right. i bet you Thorne is my daughter, grand daughter or great granddaughter. i know they froze some of my sperm." he admitted. "she could easily be closely related to me, or even to James. might explain why we're so overly protective of her to be sure." Steve paused, startled. "Natasha is moving in with you? i thought she as taking care of Clint? did something happen?" no, Clint was just tired of living out in the middle of nowhere and being alone. "we'll call." he promised, sliding out of the car. "drive safe." he ordered, watching Tony leave before dragging James into the Gym. glad it was closed for now.
“That sounds like steve.”Thorne snickered a little before nodding, offering a shy small smile. Cause well, she wanted to believe they were there for her, but it took alot for her to trust. “That’s amusing. Kidnapping the scientists.”Thorne snickered at the idea, nodding as tehy headed off to get the cheesecake.

“Hm, no. I like having all my bodyparts were they belong.”Tony decided snickering a little before tilting her head, “That makes sense. If the royal lines added super soldier to their lines.”Tony said before nodding, “She is. And no, clint’s just tired of being alone, so he’s moving in.”Tony shrugged before nodding. “Always am. Later.”He said snickering as he watched them go. Definitely amusing those two.

Nearly two weeks later Thorne smiled happily as she watched her dogs, settled onto the floor next to watch, grinning amused as chase went between checking on Shara, and nudging at thorne, as if he was trying to get her to help his distressed mate. “Shush, sweetheart, there’s nothing I can do. It’s normal, there’s nothing wrong, you’re just going to be a papa soon.”She muttered gently stroking his head before smiling up at steve as the man walked in, it was early, but she’d been up most of the night when she realized shara was going into labor. Settled into the small clean corner of the living room they’d set up specifically so shara was close to everyone still, without being in the way. “Hey.”she smiled happy. Looking better then she had in years. The long sleeves of her sweater hiding the newly healed skin, and like the boys, incapable of scarring, so despite chris’ efforts, the lines of the mark was as dark and brilliant as ever.And despite her efforts, she hadn't figured out how to get the tattoo covering paint, so she was simply covering them.
Steve smiled as he walked in, wiping his face with a damp towel. he'd gone running to burn off his anxious energy. he'd never seen an animal in labor before and he'd nearly flown apart. James of course was still sleeping through the whole thing. "hows she doing?" Steve asked, settling down next to the other, looking worried, gently patting Chase's side. he glanced at her arms but didn't say anything. he assumed she had scars and that was why she kept them covered. it bothered him though that she would hide from him like that. especially if they where related the way he assumed they where. "Tony's on his way with Pepper." he admitted softly. "she nearly had to drug him to get him to calm down." he admitted. "he's going to be calm once he gets here though, i'm sure. he knows that Shara needs calm... is there anything i can do for her? water or something?" he asked, frowning as James staggered in, rubbing his eyes and sitting down to wait with them, still half asleep. "morning." Steve murmured. "Mmmmblll..." James was not a talkative person in the mornings.
Thorne snickered a little, amused because he’d been nearly as anxious as chase was. Smiling slightly as she gently stroked chase’s head. “she’s doing okay. Nearly there actually. Pups should be coming any minute.”She smiled a little as she snickered. “Really? He’s that excited about a dog?”She said amused before nodding. “Water would be good.”She said handing him the small bowl she’d filled, “Here. Give it to her. Slow, don’t give her to much at once.”She smiled a little as shara sipped the water, smirking as james stumbled in. “Morning. You want to help with puppies?”She said snickering because he was just so adorable like this. Glancing up at the sound of the elevator, she smirked at the sight of tony nearly dancing in place, even if he was being quiet. “HEy. How’s it going?” “Any minute now.”Thorne smiled a little as she moved over as shara whined, smiling quietly as she gently helped shara start delivering the utterly small puppies, barely as wide as steve’s hand really, just so tiny. “Towel.”She said nodding towards the clean towels sitting next to steve, letting shara sniff the pups even as she cleaned them up.
Steve smiled a little and shook his head. "this is really exciting." he admitted. "so of course Tony is triply as excited, especially as he gets to keep one of them." he admitted, taking the bowl and gently holding it so Shara could lap at it. "es." James grunted, rubbing his eyes. "Morning." Pepper stated softly as she walked in, followed by Clint Barton and Natasha Romonoff. "Thorn? this is Clint and Natasha. guys? this is Thorne." Pepper introduced. "oh, where's Bruce gone?" "Bruce came?" James and Steve both asked, looking a bit surprised. Bruce very rarely left the Tower. "he did." Pepper admitted, smiling when Bruce walked in. "sorry. i forgot my med kit. i don't work on animals that much but i should be able to help if there are any complications." Bruce admitted, smiling at Thorne. "hello. i'm Bruce Banner. it's nice to meet you." so, this was the man with no markings at all. born with one only to have it stripped away from him. Steve handed her the towels and gently washed the puppies she told him to. James had been right. two males. one male barely half the size of the others, and one with a twisted foot that would probably have to be amputated. the other three where all girls and perfectly healthy. "they're so small!" Pepper gasped, holding a tiny form in her hands to keep it warm. "i know... so tiny..." James agreed, holding the gimpy puppy while Steve gently kept the runt warm. "so, this is Blue." he mused, smiling at the little pup. he had already been claimed by a man who ran a Dog training center for racing dogs. the man had three world title dogs already and had seen Shara and Chase's pedigrees and knew he had to have one of the puppies.
“Ah, that makes sense. He really is easily excited.” “Am not.” “Tony, I considered traq’ing you on the way here cause you couldn’t stop bouncing.”Clint pointed out rolling his eyes a little before smiling. “hello.”He said quietly walking closer. “Its good to finally meet you.”Natasha smiled a little before nodding. “Yep. He wanted to help.”Natasha smiled smiling a little, so proud of bruce for leaving. “hello.”Thorne said smiling at the man, smiling as they all settled in to watch the puppies. Nodding at pepper’s words. “Well, greyhounds aren’t that big.They’re cute.”Thorne muttered gently holding one of the girls, before snickering at tony who was practically vibrating in place as he picked up one of the girls, gently cleaning her up and wrapping her in the towel gently, for just a hyper man, he was being surprisingly gentle. “So it is. He’s already looking good.”Thorne muttered looking blue over, making sure the runt was okay, before checking them all, looking relieved that besides the twisted foot, there was no truly worrying things.
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