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Hidden (lady/moon)

"Should be able to. I've stopped lots of people. I stopped the WSC from blowing up the world. I should have stopped this."tony muttered even as he butted his head against steve's hand like a touch starved kitten, whining quietly. Shaking his head sharply. Oh yea,this was going to be was one thing when he fought the whole time down,butto be dumped into subspace without being prepared left the billionaire even more lost and easier upset then normal, much more likely to pick at his scars and not believe praise."am not. Messed up."tony muttered even as he pressed against the other's legs,resring his head against his thigh."..dont deserve a reward...should have been better...stark men are made of iron...should be better..."oh...yes. howard's words surfaced more when he was surprised, ripping him apart.

"Of course sir."jarvis said before relaying that pepper and fitzsimmons were on their way with the kids. Sarah frowned slightly from the couch watching her father."go. Help him take care of tony if you need..."sarah said relaxing slowly knowing that now that the danger was past she'd heal soon enough
he snorted. "i don't know what the WSC is." he admitted. "besides, you couldn't stop them from trying to blow up the world now could you?" he asked sternly. "you cannot control people Tony. you cannot stop Hydra from being Evil. besides, you save the world pretty much every day. sometimes bad things happen. there's nothing you can do to stop that. all you can do, is do your best to minimize the damage that they do. no one here died. no one here was hurt too badly. that is a victory Tony." he promised as he stroked Tony's hair before gripping it tightly and forcing Tony's head back. "are you arguing with me Tony? you are a good boy if i say you are a good boy." he growled, though he looked amused. "you know. during the war, Howard stark killed three thousand people. all of them innocent by testing a Bomb on a small city." he stated simply. "your father, was a psychopath. he had no feelings, no emotions, no guilt. you are twenty times the man your father was." he promised Tony. "and he had no right to make you the way you are. you are a good boy. MY good boy. not Howard's. not Obidiah's. not peppers. MINE."

James shook his head. "he doesn't need me right now." James admitted. "i'll make his head-space worse. when he gets like this, Steve is about the only person who can handle him. possibly Pepper, but i'm not sure on that." he admitted. "the last thing we need is me in there making it worse." he admitted, looking up as Pepper and the kids came in, Adam babbling away as he always did, crawling into James lap as Jas was settled, carefully, into Sarah's arms.
"Its who controlled shield..totally atopped their nuke..."tony muttered whining quietly. Sounding so very broken."but I should be able to. Stop everything. I destroyed so many before...i just want to save them now..."tony whimpered loudly as his head was pulled back his eyes wide and tearful as he looked at the other"n-no."he stuttered even if he had indeed been arguing.""he muttered swaying into him a little.

"No.lets not make it worse."sarah muttered looking worried even as she fussed over jas and made sure he was okay,amused that the baby was just happy to have his parents there.
he blinked a little. "oh. your talking about..." he swallowed thickly and stopped himself. he hated thinking about when Tony had vanished into that dark hole in the sky and almost hadn't come back out. "you can't stop everything Tony. the only person who blames you, is you." he scoffed before smirking at Tony. "that's right. you weren't arguing with me. it's not your fault. because i say so. because your mine. and if i say it's not your fault than that is the truth." he stated sternly. "now. get on your feet." he ordered. "we're going to the bedroom and i'm going to teach you your place."

James nodded as he held Adam, who was content just watching Jas. it was horrible sometimes, because if Jas was upset, then Adam was too. no matter the issue. if Jas cried, then Adam cried. once Jas was calm, Adam was calm. it was rare for Adam to be upset unless Jas was. the only time Adam cried was when he got booboos. and even then they had to be decent sized ones. like this morning, when he'd run full tilt into the doorjamb.
Tony swallowed hard, “Then I disappeared, and made things go boom, and it was awesome, but then I fell and it was horrible and...”Tony rambled a little, more prone to rambling like this then normal, whining a little at steve’s words. “Okay. Steve’s right. Always right.”Tony muttered pressing his face into the other’s thigh, relaxing into him, before nodding, getting to his feet, before frowning a little. “Isn’t my place on my knees?”he muttered even as he let the other direct him towards the bedroom, before frowning slightly. “...where’s jamie?He’s not mad at me is he?”He muttered.

Sarah smiled pleased that both kids were doing okay, shifting a little to lean into her father, still in enough pain that she wanted her dad, nuzzling his shoulder a little even as she closed her eyes, smiling slightly. “So, did we miss anything important here since yesterday?”She muttered tiredly.
he shuddered and yanked on Tony's hair a little. "stop talking about New York." he ordered sternly. "and that's right. i'm always right." he agreed. "your place is wherever i want you." Steve stated smugly. "James is watching Adam." he explained. "he's not mad." he promised. "he'll join us once he's sure Sarah is okay." he promised tony. "now. into the room, strip naked and get on your knees. it's time you shut up for a bit."

James smiled as he kissed her forehead, supporting her as Gabe stroked her hair and kissed her face and did his best to keep her calm. "well. Adam ate all the crayons so he has rainbow poop." James admitted with a chuckle. "and of course Jas poops every ten minutes." he admitted. "he has been babbling a bit. i think he's been trying to mimic Adam." he admitted with a smile as James tickled Adam, making the boy giggle happily.
Tony yelped as his hair was jerked, whimpering as he swayed a little. “Oh. Okay. Adam needs watched. And sarah to”Tony muttered relaxing fully as the other reassured him taht james wasn’t made, swallowing hard as he walked into the room, swallowing thickly as he stripped down slowly, sighing quietly as he slid to his knees, hands resting on his thighs, simply waiting for him to tell him what was next. Trying so hard to keep his head from overthinking things.

“well, that had to freak out tony.”She snickered wondering just what that conversation had been like, before smiling. “He does not. He doesn’t poop that much.”Sarah rolled her eyes a little, smiling a little as she stroked jas’ hand. “Oh are you sweetheart?Trying to talk now.”She muttered grinning as the baby made grabby hands. “Dadadaadadada!”He demanded.
he nodded. "precisely." he agreed, watching Tony kneeling. "where are you sitting Tony?" he asked, wondering if he needed to use the strap or if he needed to touch Tony first. he knew if it was a negative number then Tony was still sitting in a bad head space. not something he was willing to allow. he knew a good strapping tended to straighten out Tony's head, particularly if Steve kissed each mark in-between and told Tony what a good boy he was. hell, who cared, he was going to do that even if Tony was in a good head space because Tony would love it, Steve would love it and it would give James time to get there.

"yeah he was pretty terrified when he realized his child had just eaten an entire box of crayons. the big ones." he admitted with a chuckle. "he was so full from Crayons he didn't even want lunch." he admitted with a snicker. "he does poop that much!" James protested. "you'll know i'm right by the time he's potty trained." he admitted with a chuckle, Gabe grinning as he let the tyke latch onto his fingers. "Dada, that's right, dada."
“...Negatives...I can...think....just not well.”Tony muttered blinking slowly as he looked up at the other, starting to come up a little, the praise and claiming having steadied him, but still feeling off balance. “...Love you.”he muttered looking up at the man, wide eyes still filled with to many memories, trusting steve to help him. Needing him to.

“Poor tony. Though if you think about it, it’s probably better then whatever tony put in his mouth at that age.”Sarah said snickering a little before shaking her head.”He does not.”She smiled amused as jas grabbed at gabe’s fingers, smiling slightly as she looked at james, “We’re okay you know. I’m fine.”She promised kissing his cheek.
he nodded. "i can fix that." he promised as he stroked Tony's hair, smirking a little as he moved over to their bags and pulled out the long flat strap that he liked to hit Tony with because it raised a thick welt, but no matter how hard he hit tony, he couldn't actually hurt the man more than a bruise and a welt. "i love you too Tony." he agreed with a smile, stroking those precious lips. Tony didn't say it often, but when he was in a bad head-space he tended t say it. seeking reassurances and reciprocation. "are you ready Tony? i'm going to hit you until you forget everything." he promised. once he had Tony's okay he brought the strap down across those slender shoulders, smiling as he leaned down, kissing the mark and tormenting it with his tongue and teeth before repeating the procedure until Tony was a sobbing, broken mess.

"this is true." Jame agreed. "motor oil and antifreeze are not good snacks for children." he admitted as he smiled. "i know your fine, but Steve is doing the whole 'strapping' thing and i don't like the sounds." he admitted. Steve couldn't use the strap when Jame was present, because it made James think of Hydra, who used to use belts, straps and other such things on James to make him behave. usually on his face. they saved his back for a whip or a flail.
Tony whined quietly, butting his head against steve’s hand as his hair was petted, turning his head to watch steve get the strap, smiling a little. “Good. Love James to.”he muttered biting down gently on steve’s finger as he stroked his lip, smiling a little, whining in pleasure at the promise, “Kay.”He nodded by the time he stopped his back was raised and welted, the billionaire leaning against the edge of the bed, crying quietly utterly broken apart.

“No, no they wouldn’t be. And you totally know he tried to snack on them.”She snickered a little before wincing, gently running her fingers through james’ hair, leaning into him a little. “Ah. Okay. Well, I’m going to take a nap kay?Just move me over when your leaving.”She muttered already starting to fall asleep leaning against him. healing that much had taken it out of her
he smiled a little as he nodded. "he loves you too." he promised. "he'll tell you so himself." he promised. "there's my good boy. look how pretty you are when you cry." he murmured, stroking the markings as James appeared, smiling as he examined them. "we're done with the hitting." Steve promised. James chuckled and nodded as he walked in, giving Tony a kiss. "my, but you do look lovely like this." he admitted, stroking the marks. "and such pretty tears. such a good boy for our Steve aren't you?" he asked with a smile. "i love you." he admitted as he kissed Tony again, smirking at him. "where are you sitting Tony?" Steve asked, his head tilted, wondering if Tony needed a bit more attention or not. he wanted to let James have a turn first. James had left Sarah, fully healed and in Gabe's capable hands, both of them napping.
Tony whimpered a little as steve stroked his back, tears sliding silently down his cheeks as he blinked stupidly at the man, smiling even happier when james appeared, making happy noises nad grabby hands. Moaning as james came over, kissing him back before shuddering as james stroked his back. “Yes. Yes, I’m good. Steve told me so.”he muttered nuzzling the other.”Love you to.”he muttered, indeed, the words came easier when he was down hard, when he was fully functioning, getting him to say I love you was like pulling teeth, but he was good at saying it now. “’m okay.”Tony muttered nuzzling his cheek against james’ shoulder as the other sat on the bed.
James grinned as he examined Tony, head tilted curiously as he moved over and let Tony grab him. "you are good." James agreed with a smile. "such a good boy for us aren't you Tony?" he asked, his head tilted down for another kiss, smiling as Tony said those precious words. "you fuck him." James ordered. "i want his mouth." he admitted, not about to admit to the cracked ribs that where taking their time healing. Tony could suck and James would suffer minimal pain so long as he laid still. "..." Steve cast a suspicious look at him but got the lube as James settled at the head of the bed and unzipped his pants, tugging his cock out and wiggling it in Tony's direction.
“I try.I do.”Tony muttered wrapping his arms around the other, clinging to james, smilign a little as he kissed the other back. Looking up at james startled as he realized the other was passing, a soft hurt look crossing his face at what in his state, he took as a rejection. Even if steve was going to fuck him, and he got to suck james’ cock, it wasn’t like james to pass on fucking him. Maybe he really was mad at him? Edging away from the good mood that had settled, he bit his lip as he turned his attention to james’ cock. Shifting closer as he slid his mouth down over the other, turning his full attention to giving the best blow job james ever got, just in case he really was mad at him. Because tony didn't understand normal relationships, so his apologies usually included sex somehow.
James smiled at Tony before wincing at the hurt look. "hey. hey. i'm sorry. it's okay Tony... i'm just nursing some broken ribs... don't tell Steve okay?" he asked, examining Tony. knowing he'd latch onto the 'i have a secrete that Steve doesn't know!' more than anything else. "Fuck, Tony your mouth is like heaven." he moaned, tipping his head back as a silky smooth finger slipped inside of Tony's tight little ass, Steve was fingering Tony open and watching James get a blowjob.
Tony whined a little, frowning slightly as he realized what aws wrong, before nodding a little, perking up indeed at the thought of having a secret that steve didn’t know. Really, james did know how to make tony forget about his own insecurities for a moment. Shuddering as steve pressed his finger into him, he whined a little as he shifted back against steve’s fingers, moaning around james’ cock as he blew him, trying to make him lose control, and most especially forget about how hurt his ribs were.
James smiled at him and ran his fingers through Tony's hair. "such a good boy." he praised before cursing again as he felt Tony's efforts upon his cock, tipping his head back as he simply enjoyed. he was glad he had full control of himself because if he'd started thrusting like he wanted to, it would have hurt like a goddamn bitch. Steve on the other hand had moved from one finger to two and was grinning as he took his time. he couldn't for too long or Tony would turn on him, but for now it was pretty damn nice.
Tony moaned at the praise, closing his eyes as he focused, whining quietly as steve took his time. Whining quietly as he blew james, growling absently the longer it took, and didn’t get fucked. Teeth scraping over james’ cock as he raised his head, glaring over his shoulder at steve, to wound up and having been dumped into subspace without warning, he was to wound up to put up with teasing as long as normal. “Please, cap, please.”he begged quietly.
Steve smiled as he watched and James yelped, shuddering at the sensation of teeth on his cock, throwing his head back. he loved it when Tony added a little bit of tooth to his bow jobs. it took everything he had not to start throat fucking the other. instead he forced himself to settle before stroking his hair, urging him back down around his cock as Steve slid his blunt cock against Tony's ass before slowly sliding inside.
Tony laughed softly as james yelped, smirking as he squirmed, moaning around the other’s cock as steve pressed into him, whimpering. Eyes closed as he focused on giving pleasure and feeling it, squirming as he came with a cry, teeth scraping over james’ cock, ever so careful to not hurt him, but knowing james liked it to. Blinking hard and rapidly as he tried to keeping it together as he came
James moaned, watching Steve push inside of Tony was amazing. he shuddered as he thrust, just a little, gasping as his ribs flared very painfully. yep, not doing that again. "fuck. fuck. Tony, Steve. Tony." he moaned, shuddering hard, struggling not to cum, not yet. not just yet. Steve moaned eagerly as he felt Tony cum around him but didn't stop, slowly slipping in and out of the other, he wasn't about to pull out just because Tony came sooner than expected.
Tony shuddered rolling his eyes up to look at james as he gasped, worrry layered over lust as he studdied the other. Whining quietly squirming, panting quietly as he sucked on the other, taking his time blowing james, even if it was obvious in the heavy lidded look that all he wanted to do was cuddle and curl up and maybe get some sleep. But he was a good boy, he so wanted to take care of his lovers, even if it meant staying awake just for a few minutes longer.
James smiled. "i'm okay." he promised, stroking Tony's hair. "just a little bit more lover." he moaned, shuddering as he held back on his orgasm a bit until he could cum with Steve. then they where doing kust that, James arching, making a strangled noise at the mix of pain/pleasure/pain as he shot down Tony's throat as Steve came into Tony's perfect little ass, Steve moaning as he kissed the back of the others neck before carefully tugging him off of James and laid him next to the other instead so Tony could snuggle without James having to move. "go to sleep." he ordered with a smile, stroking Tony's hair.

in the morning, Steve was, as always, the first one up and James was perfectly healed so it didn't hurt, the way Tony was clinging to him like a monkey.
Tony whimpered in pleasure as they filled him up utterly pliant and content as he let them rearrange him so they were all comfortable,snuggled against james."love you guys."he muttered as he drifted off to sleep.

Tony whined a little as he pressed his face into james' chest waking up despite not wanting to. And indeed he was clinging like a monkey as he nuzzled the other."you okay?"he muttered worriedly when he raised his head to look at james worriedly.despite knowing he healed quickly,he couldnt help but worry
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