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Quix's Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

I’m very strangely attracted to him xD
I think I’m at that part of the month where I just want to climb anyone like they’re the sexiest pole xD I won’t but that’s my mood these days.

I just don’t know how it’s creepy…or which video you’re referring to as creepy xD
Well, I know you did have the hots for Pete Norris, and Nick Cave does look like he could be a serial killer, so that's understandable!

Henry Lee, and not freaky. I don't really know the word I was searching for. Just the ambience/atmosphere/interaction between them, as I was contemplating the lyrics, and the fact she murders him, with an exhausted brain, xD

Henry Lee Lyrics

Get down, get down, little henry lee
And stay all night with me
You won't find a girl in this damn world
That will compare with me
And the wind did howl and the wind did blow
La la la la la
La la la la lee
A little bird lit down on henry lee
I can't get down and I won't get down
And stay all night with thee
For the girl I have in that merry green land
I love far better than thee
And the wind did howl and the wind did blow
La la la la la
La la la la lee
A little bird lit down on henry lee
She leaned herself against a fence
Just for a kiss or two
And with a little pen-knife held in her hand
She plugged him through and through
And the wind did roar and the wind did moan
La la la la la
La la la la lee
A little bird lit down on henry lee
Come take him by his lilly-white hands
Come take him by his feet
And throw him in this deep deep well
Which is more than one hundred feet
And the wind did howl and the wind did blow
La la la la la
La la la la lee
A little bird lit down on henry lee
Lie there, lie there, little henry lee
Till the flesh drops from your bones
For the girl you have in that merry green land
Can wait forever for you to come home
And the wind did howl and the wind did moan
La la la la la
La la la la lee
A little bird lit down on henry lee
No, no, lol. I meant in the song. The fact that they're acting like lovers as she sings about murdering him out of jealousy, and dumping his body down a well.

Nick Cave is still alive and kicking.
Poor confused Mali
But the Henry Lee video...
I kinda liked it, in a weird, weird way.
Anyone who talks to me for long enough ends up confused, xD
Me too, but I can't exactly explain why. I do love duets, however, I think with both Henry Lee, and Where The Wild Roses grow, in particular, it has to do with the contrast between the romantic tone of the song, and the actual dark nature of it.
Oh. Well yeah I guess that is a little creepy, especially since the ‘la la la’s’ make it sound so…happy xD
I just know I really liked it. I was singing it after listening to it. The ‘la la la’ part lol. Plus Nick Cave is sexy in that serial killer kind of way. He could be my Peter Norris any day xD
Malicious Lullaby said:
He could be my Peter Norris any day xD
I am just glad to see I am not the only one interested in the mysterious Peter Norris. But then again, try as I might to deny it, I have a well known asshole problem.

*Looks over her current rps and who she is playing opposite.*
There is the artist who is selling his wife off for six figure sums, the super villain corrupting my heroine under the guise of therapy, the greedy businessman who wants to break a strong woman, penultimate charming asshole Handsome Jack, and the literal demon. Yep, hard to deny a fondness for magnificent bastards.
That's quite the cast of bastards you've got there, Xana. I may have to see if I can add another one (or two) to your list, although I'm not sure anyone can compare to Handsome Jack. Even I love and admire the guy for being the perfect asshole he is, xD!
So Dad's been in rehab for the last week, and when I last to Mum, he was supposed to be released today after spending a 'test night' at home.

Then I get a text a few minutes ago to say that he'd had a bad night, and she had to call the Ambulance this morning to come and collect him. The Doctor's believe he suffered a minor stroke, so he's been readmitted before even being released.

The poor bastard can't take a trick, and it's become almost amusing in a weird, totally black-humoured, what else can you do but laugh or cry, kind of way. As I said to Mali in a conversation the other day, if he believed in God, it'd be a competition. "I thought you were all-powerful, then go on, try and fucking kill me." xD

Edit: I spoke to Mum again after getting the text and, by coincidence, she mentioned a conversation she'd had with someone the other day. They'd asked if Dad was religious, and when she replied no, they said, "Well, it must be just pure pigheadedness and determination that's keeping him alive, because if he was, he'd likely have already allowed himself to slip away peacefully by now." An interesting thought, but as the saying goes; 'Better an uncomfortable truth than a comforting lie.'
Just when I think my one remaining PM roleplay has died, I randomly receive a response, two and a half months after I sent my last, to brighten up my day. The story's being going for well over a year, with a grand total of around forty posts or so, so to say the pace is relaxed and stress-free would be an understatement.


Heading down the Coast with my oldest brother tomorrow to see Mum, and visit Dad in Hospital, so won't be around over the weekend (which means any story responses probably won't be done until at least mid next-week). Called her last night to say that there around midday or so and, of course, with all the stress and everything she's been under, and spending most of her time by Dad's side, her first reaction was to worry about making sure that we'd be fed when we arrived!

I just shook my head, and was like, "I think that really should be the least of your concerns", but maybe it's part of her way of coping. How she hasn't broken down, or lost it, over the last couple months I'll never know.


I just received another request from a newcomer who has no story posts or request threads on the boards, and no F-List either, and that leads to an automatic hesitancy on my behalf to discuss potential stories. I'm well aware that I can be difficult (more aware than anyone else), when approached, however it doesn't stem from an intent to be difficult, but from how my thought process works, and me requiring contextual information.

Plots and pairings don't attract me, but an overall picture of what the other person likes to write about, overarching themes they're into, and preferred character dynamics, do, and I need to be able to see those expressed in their own words, without prodding or me needing to draw them out, as if trying to get blood from a stone. I work backwards, give me the big picture first, and the details will then take care of themselves.

However, when I request that type of information, it's not often people seem to understand what I'm asking for, at least in the way that I want/need it, and that can lead to some very frustrating exchanges, and a lot of that frustration is caused by the fact that on a linear/global thinking scale, I'm pretty much off the charts on the global side (11/11 on the Felder-Soloman Index), and whilst I know it means my thought process will most likely be different to that of the person I'm communicating with, that doesn't change the way it works.

In that regard, I found this handy little explanation of the difference between the two:

To determine if you are a linear or global thinker, you first need to understand how a thinking style is different from a learning style. In basic terms, a learning style is how you receive new information. The three primary learning styles are Visual, Auditory, and Tactile.

But a thinking style is how you process new information; in other words, your personal thinking style is your most comfortable (and efficient) way to analyze and act on new information that you have already received. The following thinking style definitions should help:

LINEAR STYLE (or Left-Brain Dominant)

Linear thinkers prefer a very structured approach when processing information. If instructions use a sequenced format (Step A, Step B, Step C, etc.) strong linear thinkers will feel more comfortable starting "Step B" only after "Step A" has been fully completed. Overall, linear thinkers like structure and predictability. Mathematics & Accounting are considered linear-oriented subjects.

GLOBAL STYLE (or Right-Brain Dominant)

Global thinkers (or "strategic thinkers") are more comfortable with new information if they can put it into context with the big picture. They also tend to be impatient with linear subjects and step-by-step instructions - they prefer access to all the information early on so they can relate it to their overall goals. Philosophy & English Literature are considered global-oriented subjects.

Here are two broad examples of how strong linear thinkers and strong global thinkers might approach the same task differently.

Planning a Road Trip

Strong Linear Thinkers will plan out every detail of the road trip; they will determine - in advance - which roads to travel, the location of restaurants along the way, and the necessary items to bring.

Strong Global Thinkers will get in their car and drive.

Assembling Furniture, Toys, or Electronics

Linear Thinkers will neatly lay out all the parts and read the instructions carefully before starting the assembly.

Global Thinkers will look at a picture of the assembled product and then try to put it together like a jigsaw puzzle (e.g. "this piece looks like it fits here, this piece probably goes here...").


And a writing sample I thought I'd place here, as it's quite different from my usual. Or at least it was for me from the perspective of writing it. I've no idea if it actually reads any differently:

Southern Sins: Lust And Voodoo - Xeres

Michael felt like he'd entered another world; one back in time; when he stepped through the heavy door. The air appeared to thicken and to close in around him, and to contained particles of smoke, invisible to the naked eye, but its presence able to be inducted. The sound of the entrance bell slowly clanging to a stop, and the noise of the door as it shut behind him, startled the reporter, and forced him further into the shop, where a momentary shiver, as if fingers dipped in ice had been trailed down his spine, caused goose-bumps to break out on his skin.

The Journalist had been so immersed in contemplations of how he'd approach Madame Estelle that as his eyes had become accustomed to the gloom, and the different quality of light from that of outside, he'd run headfirst into the tendrils of a hanging plant, which felt to him as if a spider scurried across his scalp, and his gaze had alighted on a dried snake, head raised and fangs bared, prepared to strike, in his direct line of sight. Instinctively, his arms had raised to ward off the danger, and he'd stepped back on his heels in the red dust that now coated his shoes to avoid the spider.

Then he'd admonished himself, stupid fucking superstitions, as he recovered his composure and balance, and recognised the dried animal for what it was; the snake had probably been dead for longer than he'd been alive; and that the plant was just a plant. Fortunately, the incident was over in a millisecond and had, he fervently hoped, gone unnoticed. Michael had seen it all before, of course - if one lived it New Orlean's, it could hardly be avoided - but that had been in the market stalls and larger boutiques that lined the main thoroughfares, where the atmosphere wasn't quite as intimate, and he took a moment to appraise the unfamiliar surroundings.

The interior was small and crowded, lit by candles and lamps, with every possible nook and cranny crammed with trinkets, dolls, animal appendages, masks and talismans, and a bevy of customers browsed the merchandise. Tourists or locals? His innate curiosity compelled the questions, and induced him to finger various items, and to even lift some, inquisitive of their purpose, from a resting place for closer examination. The man displayed great care to not knock any of the shelves, or to bump against the cabinets, in case the items should fall and break, as he walked.

With gentle nudges, and touches of the shoulder, Michael weaved his way through the clientele to the rear of the boutique, where he'd noted the figure of what he took to be a woman silhouetted through a partially closed curtain. A stock room, and the mysterious Black Witch, he presumed. The rap of his knuckles on the oak service desk cut through the eerie silence, reminiscent of a library, where people spoke in hushed whispers, when he leaned across the counter, and in a clear, strong voice, called out. "Excuse me, I'm looking for Madame Estelle."
Not the cheeriest of weekends. Was actually surprised that Dad looked reasonably well when I saw him in the Hospital; much better than I expected actually; but being stuck there is getting him down mentally. He's obviously depressed, and when Mum said 'You'd rather be at home?", he just half-shrugged and mumbled, 'Or somewhere else."

I think it's not helped by the Hospital being short-staffed, and having no physiotherapists working weekends, and no rehab, so all he can do is sit there and stare at the four walls, which he believes he could just as well do at home. He really has no idea how much Mum struggled with him when he was at home for the night last week, and had his minor stroke, or how bad he was, so he blamed her a little for an 'over-reaction' which resulted in him being placed back in care.

As for Mum, she thinks the latest setback was brought on by the stubborn bastard overexerting himself, and trying to prove too much to the Doctor's in an effort to be released. Hopefully he will be in a state to go home sometime this week, which should improve him mentally.


On a brighter note, shit hit the fan a little at work on Friday, in regards to the legal action being taken against the owners by his ex-business partner, which means the place is going to be crawling with Lawyers and Accountants come tomorrow. Could be the week from Hell, not sure yet.

Damn, that wasn't so bright now, was it? Luckily I had a couple of awesome story responses to come back to. Oh, and it was quite entertaining to see my brother, the self-proclaimed family Scrabble champion, have his ass handed to him by his Mother! :)

Will try not take too long with any replies, and have one mostly drafted which I should finish tomorrow, but it may be mid-week or so until I can get to the latest

In a strange sort of mood today. Just can't seem to get motivated to do anything at all, and even thinking about writing seems way to hard. I think it's the first time I've ever been hit by writers block. Usually, it's what I call writing block, in that I after I let the replies float around in my head for a while, ideas start to form for what I want to write, or what direction I want to head in for my next post, and it's putting my thoughts into a coherent, logical order that takes the time, but today I'm drawing a complete blank.
/provides many brain massages
Who needs to do work when you can just relaxxxx?
Aww, thanks Lait. Waking up to brain massages is always good for a smile, and I think it must have helped!

Yesterday was pretty much the first time I've really gotten down about the situation with my Dad. Just seeing him so depressed in the Hospital on Sunday, and knowing that if he does get out, he'll never really be active again, and only a shell of who he once was.

I think in a lot of ways, I was projecting my own worst fears. I bang on a lot about my independence, and almost compulsive need for personal autonomy and self-determination, and Dad's much in the same vein. I can only imagine how much not being able to do anything for yourself, even go to the bathroom, hurts, and how degrading and humiliating it must be, to be solely dependent on others, particularly when the mind is still sharp. If it was me, I'd rather be dead, and I'm pretty sure that's how he feels, but his natural instincts, and need to fight against the odds, won't allow him to let himself slip away easily.

Mum's going to talk to the Hospital today, and at least see if she can get him released to come home, so she can look after him there. He's only in rehab, where they can keep an eye on him, and not undergoing any actual treatment, so hopefully they'll agree.

Edit: Just found out they've agreed to try him on another home visit tomorrow night, and see how it goes, so slightly more positive.


Anyways, in a much better frame of mind this morning, and that's a good thing, because work is going to be kicking my ass. OoC chatter, and story replies, may be a little slow for the next couple of days.


On a brighter note, and it's something that always lifts my mood, regardless of the rest of my day.

There's a couple of people here I've discussed potential stories with that unfortunately didn't work out, but with whom I still randomly keep in touch. One in particular pops me a message whenever a holiday or event is coming up, and this time it was a reminder that it is, indeed, pumpkin season.

Unfortunately, Halloween isn't really celebrated here, but I might try and change that. Costumes and candy sounds like way too much fun!


One other thing I'll say is - and this isn't in reference to me - please people, if someone declines to write with you, just accept it gracefully and move on. They obviously have their reasons, whatever they may be, and which they're under no obligation to explain, and to continue to ask or message in an effort to force a change of mind displays a lack of common courtesy and respect.

"if someone declines to write with you, just accept it gracefully and move on. They obviously have their reasons, whatever they may be, and which they're under no obligation to explain, and to continue to ask or message in an effort to force a change of mind displays a lack of common courtesy and respect. "


On a side note, its good to hear that your dad can at least go home and not feel miserable at a hospital :(
Sure the independence thing might irk him but home sounds a lot better than being tangled in tubes on an uncomfortable bed
Hey, that was a little more direct than my post, but then I am renowned for my subtlety!

Thanks for that, I think it's a lot of the problem. He's not tangled up in tubes, or undergoing any treatment, and they aren't doing anything except keeping an eye on him, so he's just sitting in a room all day, for no purpose, really. At least at home, there'll be more options. Hopefully it'll cheer him up some, and he won't have another bloody stroke; then again, why suffer the same condition twice in a row, when he has so many more to attempt to get through!

The good thing too is, my other brother (the one I didn't travel with last weekend) is down there for a couple of days, and Dad's not completely incapacitated. At least the Hopsital room has a television, and he did manage to sit and watch the horse-races all day Saturday, read the form guide, and place bets on his mobile. Ironically, for the first time I can recall, he's hit a winning streak :)


Just had a friend PM me this, to give me a laugh, and it worked, so I thought I'd share.

Dad spent the night at home last night, and everything went okay, so he's been released from the Hospital. Spoke to him a little while ago, and he's sounding much more positive. Apparently the Doctor told him he was 'fragile', and I was like, "I could have diagnosed that, without a medical degree, and you wouldn't have needed wait four hours to see me." Then again, I probably would have charged him. xD


I want to give a shout out to my wonderful, 'Not So Snow White' partner. I can't recall the exact date, because we commenced the story on PM, but I'm pretty sure it was around the end of October (after two months of planning, xD) last year that we started it, so it's now twelve months old.

It's one of those stories that goes in fits and starts, due to real life commitments and the like, but I love it, and look forward to every post, as well as the OoC banter exchanged even when responses are slow.

We've just finished the first chapter, "Sleepy", so by my calculations the entire roleplay should be completed around, um, 2022?

Following that, we intend to move on to Little Red Riding Hood.


Not a rant as such, more an observation. I think the majority of people who've ever looked at a thread of mine are aware that I do not like submissive, (I reiterate, meant personality wise, in an adjective sense, not necessarily as a noun), or naïve/innocent type female characters, and though I still receive a few approaches offering up such, I also quite often get another side of the coin.

The wording of my thread titles, and within my threads, is very deliberate; 'Non-Submissive' simply means I'm looking to write against female characters who are not submissive. However, there are those who take that as me requesting a 'sexless, ball-busting, ice-cold bitch,' or 'dominant' woman. Not at all. Simply ones who are confident and secure in both themselves, and their sexuality - attributes the majority of females expect of, and demand in, male characters they write opposite, but then apparently struggle to comprehend how a male could prefer those very same attributes in the female characters he writes opposite, or why hers should display them in return.

Also, I've never understood why it appears so many people can't think outside of stereotypical submissive character/dominant character labels, and seem to believe a story cannot be written unless one of each is predetermined before the first word is placed on the page, or realise they are only two extremely narrow ends of a very wide spectrum, and that not shoving each character into a little box before you even start provides so many more options as to where the story can lead.
That was genius. Pure genius.
I don't know if it's because i'm shit tired but I haven't giggled this hard in a long while
Thank you to your friend who PM'ed you
It still makes me laugh every time I play it. Our sense of humour tends to be dry, and more like the British than American.

Oh, and there was another video linked to that which had Americans testing more Aussie treats and snacks. I can't believe you guy's don't have musk-sticks, and Jaffa's! Seriously, you're missing out.

And I just got told I was good, almost too good, at writing misogynistic asswipes. I'll take that as a compliment, I think, xD
Yesterday for some weird reason after that video finished playing there was a little icon for
"Boarder Security Australia" I basically stayed on your journal page for a good maybe 40 minutes and watch three videos.

First video, the guy was basically high off his rocker on 253 grams of heroin denying that he's never taken drugs in his life but his eyes are bloodshot and squinted and dazed. The video said the street value of what he ingested was $88,000.00 and my mind was literally blown. Second video. All I need to say was that the guy had Hash between his ass cheeks. Third video, this little Asian guy had fucking bird nests, like a whole container of just bird's nest that are worth about 2-3k each.
/shakes my angry fists

YOU'RE TOO GOOD AT IT and I don't know if I should be worried or amazed you can pull it off so well considering how awesome of a human being you are.
I clicked through those as well, and occasionally watch Border Security on tv. I just shake my head at some of those people. It's a wonder he didn't frigging kill himself. $88,000 worth of Heroin! The Bird Nests are probably worse, though. Because we're so isolated, we're free from a lot of animal and plant diseases that occur in other countries, and want to keep it that way, xD

It's fun to play up on stereotypes, and, to be honest, to see if I can evoke a reaction, and I have to give you a shout-out as well, for having the inclination, and courage, to write one of the rarest characters of all; a female serial-killer, xD

Arggh, I'm incredibly lucky to have the partners I do, and such a wide variety of personalities to write opposite of. Each and every one of you is totally awesome, as are your characters.
That much heroin should kill anyone.
It's funny because they stopped him because during his travels he's stopped at three (if I remember right) of the world's heaviest drug smuggling countries. Way to make yourself noticeable. He should have just held up a sigh that said "I'm high as fuck right now. Come get me."

You awesome Australians, you.

Well you've got plenty from me. xD
Gotta reverse the rolessss in lifeee. Keeps things interesting y'know? ;'D xD I find it a lot more enjoyable too than the typical male serial killer, female kidnapee kind of ordeal. Plus even outside of writing and stories and all that jazz you don't hear a lot about female murderers because before we started writing I did a search on the worst female murderers in the world and I was very disappointed at how short the list was.

It should, it was probably in balloons, or whatever they do, that sometimes burst inside them. That wouldn't be much fun.
I know, it's like, "So, you've been to Bali twelve times in the last year, for no more than three days at a time, that's not suspicious, is it?"

That's what I aim for, xD
I have to agree, and I find it much more enjoyable as well. I've mentioned on here before that I have an interest in true crime, and watch the CI (Crime and Investigation Channel) a bit, and mentioned the names of a few shows. There's:

Snapped - Women who snap and kill their partners
Wives with Knives - I think that one's self explanatory, and
Diabolical Women - which I've never actually seen, but can kind of guess what it's about!

You could watch them for inspiration, xD

Or just read up on Rose West, probably the most heinous of them all.
A little sad one of my stories has been hit by real-life, and has to go on hiatus. However, real-life always takes priority, and we'll keep in touch, and plan to pick it back up when time permits. In the meantime, at least I'll save on flowers and chocolates. You always need to look for some positives with these things, xD

On the flip-side, it was good to unexpectedly hear from a friend who, also because of real-life, hadn't been around for a while.


This Tuesday is Melbourne Cup Day, one of the major events on the Australian Calendar. A horse-race, also know as 'The Race That Stops A Nation', it's held the first Tuesday of every November, and is a Public Holiday in Melbourne, the capital of Victoria.

In other States, most businesses hold a function, and many close down for the afternoon. Where I work is closing at 12:00 pm to head to a local bar for lunch and drinks. It's always a fun day, and part of our culture. Even people who never gamble will have a flutter on the Cup, and last year one of the women I work with had a $1 mystery bet, and won $2,000!!

I might be wrong, but I think Australia could be the only country in the world where the most popular exhibit in their National Museum, is the heart of a racehorse.


Phar Lap is an Australian legend. He raced in the late 1920's, and early 1930's, through the Great Depression, and because he was purchased cheaply by a struggling trainer and looked anything but a Champion, then went on to be virtually unbeatable, became the people's hero in hard times. Considered by some experts as the greatest racehorse ever, he survived a drive-by shooting assassination attempt in 1930, forced the rules of racing to be changed to try and stop him, and in 1932 traveled to North America to win the World's richest race, where he died five days later in the arms of his Trainer, suspected of having being deliberately poisoned by American Gansters.
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