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Quix's Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Maybe you should have chosen your nickname on BMR to be Mr. Obnoxious instead, haha! XD I guess that the child you was just a mini version of your current self in other words. The "What are they, bitch of the year awards?" had me laughing at 6 AM in the morning when I checked BMR. Family reunions must be interesting with you guys!
The first question is, what are you doing up at 6am, and the second, what are you doing checking BMR at 6am? xD

I knew I shouldn't have agreed to share when you asked; I'm simply quixotic. However, I did briefly consider making Mr Obnoxious my name, but then thought that may lead to me receiving even less requests than I do now, and being in the negatives would be quite embarrassing, so decided against it!

Glad I could start your morning with a laugh; if you think I lack subtlety at times, you should meet my brother!

Believe me, family get-togethers can be very 'interesting'. xD
I wake up at 6 AM in the morning because I have to get ready for the classes which start at 8. I'm pretty slow in the morning, so I just wake up earlier so I won't be late. XD The first half of hour is spent mostly on checking BMR and other websites from my phone and shuddering at the thought that I have to get out of my warm bed.

Why? I love your stories! We all do. XD But yes, Mr. Quixotic it shall be, forever and ever.

Ah, if only I could be that blunt at times! You should teach me sometimes.

Either ways, I'm off to bed now. 1 AM here and again have to get up at 6 AM in the morning. *cries in Romanian*
Ah, we have that slow in the morning thing, in common. I really should never send or read any PM's until I'm on least my second cup of caffeine. My brain gets out of bed about an hour after the rest of me, and they actually make sense then.

I'm sure there'll be more randomly pop up here and there, xD

Only if you teach me sarcasm? In Romanian! xD

Enjoy that five hours of sleep!
Anyone who knows me, has written with me, stumbled across this journal, or perused my threads would most likely know, or have heard of, 'Internet Killers.'

This was a story, which though only twenty-four posts 'old', was close to my heart, and one which has forever felt unresolved.

A lot of the reason for that, apart from the dynamic the two characters, Pete Norris and Analise Helm, had between them, is that I know from conversations that my partner wanted to continue on with it as much as I did. However, unfortunately, due to various circumstances, she couldn't.

It was also my first ever thread roleplay, and done there deliberately as when discussing the plot we'd both decided that, though neither of us derived any type of sexual energy from it, we did want to write something provocative and shocking, just for the pure fun of it, and what was the point of doing that, if it wasn't public? Oh, some of the plans we had! xD.

Anyways, an idea randomly occurred to me, when re-bumping the plot the other day, of how I could bring about an end to the first story, whilst also keeping Pete Norris 'alive' for a potential sequel in a logically consistent way.

In line with the original concept; ensuring I don't do any disservice to the intended dark theme (meaning the following post contains extreme content, but hey, it was damn fun to write), I present my resolution to the original:

'Internet Killers' (Extremely dark content)

She’d been just like every other woman. Weak. She’d thought she could handle it, the sight, the smell, the sounds of death. That expression of realisation, the screams, the gaping wounds, the bite marks, the scrapes caused by the knife, the pink quick beneath the woman’s ripped fingernails, bleeding, and causing the trussed, bruised and battered twenty-three year old victim to cry out in further agony when Pete Norris, with a smile, literally poured salt on the wounds. The bruised face and cut lips, teeth removed with a pair of pliers, before, with wrists bound behind her to a tree, he’d raped her mouth. Then her cunt. And finally her ass. All the time Analise Helm had watched.

She’d told him she could cope, that she wanted it, and had selected the victim herself. Engaged her in conversation, talked her into the vehicle, where the triple murderer and rapist waited. Assisted in binding her arms and legs, and taunted her with what was to come as Pete had driven them through the dead of night, until they were so far into the woods that the pale moonlight barely filtered through the canopy of leaves above, and left the small clearing shrouded in shadow. Somewhere they’d not be stumbled upon, where a woman's screams would not be heard, where the man could enjoy himself, and test Analise's resolve.

At first, the high hopes he'd held had been boosted with her actions, and he'd believed Analise may be true to her promise. But as Cherie McMahon’s clothes were cut from her supple young body, and the blade sliced through her skin, Pete had noted it. The doubt in Analise’s eyes, the nervous shuffle of her feet, the way her gaze attempted to shift away, the soft cough and splutter that broke through the still night air. Still, he'd said nothing, and continued his work. Cutting, slicing, goading, slapping, kicking, punching, until finally his exertions had aroused him enough that he could no longer wait. That’s when he fucked her holes in turn, if fucking was the appropriate word. Every action was designed to cause torment, to elicit another high-pitched squeal of terror, anguish and despair. To hurt.

The girl’s eyes had glazed over, but Pete hadn't allowed the bliss of unconsciousness to claim her. A slap, a twist of the blade, a splash of water, the application of his lighter to her sensitive flesh. Her screams were music to his ears, her struggles, what he lived for. It was the aroma of frying skin, the stench akin to that of roasting pig, that finally did it. Analise Helm, face pale and breath heavy, had, with a groan of pure desperation and horror, thrown up.

If she could have had escaped then, made a run for her life, she would have, though where would she have gone? Fortunately, however, that was impossible, with the precautions he'd taken. As flames lit the night sky, and lapped at the screaming, screeching and writhing body of the young woman whose legs and thighs he'd doused with gasoline and set ablaze, Pete had shaken his head in disgust and disappointment. "I believed you could handle it, Analise. I believed you were strong. Lying, fucking whore."

Her arms and legs were bound, a choke collar placed around her neck and attached to a short chain, the other end of which was hooked to the top of the driver's side car door. It left Analise Helm unable to move her head, and with her eyes propped open with matchsticks, to look away, either. Of course, she'd resisted, but Pete had insisted. She needed to continue to prove herself, and he didn't want a knife in his back if she had doubts, or couldn't deal with the reality. She'd screamed and fought, and kicked and scratched, but in the end, what could she do? He possessed superior strength.

The first strike of his steel-capped boot had snapped the chain, and almost taken her head clean off. It possibly would have, if the momentum hadn't been stopped by the metal frame of the vehicle door, which created a wet, thudding sound, comparable to that of a water-melon striking the ground after being dropped from a ten-storey building. Pete Norris had thought he'd killed her, however the groan of pain, and gurgled breathing he heard emanating from her mouth and newly rearranged nose, told him that she'd merely been knocked unconscious. The next strike cracked her ribs, then he'd thrown water in her face, and entertained himself by adding a little fuel to the fire; Cherie remained alive and kicking, but had stopped screaming; and reveled in the sight of the other woman's throes of agony until Analise had regained enough of her senses to be able to feel what came next.

At least the dyke experienced a cock before she'd died. Pete's ego would have loved to believe that the howls and moans he'd elicited from Analise had been due to his sexual prowess, but he was realistic enough to know that they'd instead been caused by the serrated blade placed between her broken second and third ribs, strategically positioned to avoid any major organs, but deep enough so that each thrust forced it to twist and turn inside her, and the tattooing of her face against the metal ridge of the vehicle's roof as he'd raped her.

Eventually, she'd ended up on the funeral pyre with Cherie, and Pete had watched with an amused, satisfied expression until both women were nothing but charred flesh and bones. The young woman had a head start, and it had taken Analise an hour longer to succumb to the flames.

"Goodbye, Ms Helm."

Pete Norris spat directly in her face, or where it had once been, as one final insult, before, with the sky now lit with the first rays of the sun, he departed the scene.


"Ohhhhh fuck." Pete shuddered, and groaned in his chair as he re-ran the events of that night through his mind; each detail as vivid as it had been at the time. His legs writhed, his chest heaved, and he panted and puffed, then collapsed in his seat. A moment later, he opened his eyes, reached for a tissue, wiped up the ejaculate, zipped himself in, tossed the soiled paper into the wastebasket, and allowed his gaze to drift to the monitor of the laptop in front of him.

Analise Helm may have been dead, but the concept she'd ignited in him, lived on. A partner.

"Five dead bodies. Five families who'll forever live with the pain. How many more?

This board is filled with pretenders and fakes, men who only wish they had the balls to do that which I make reality. Women who believe they could cope with the experience of observing that reality, but throw up when it's presented to them on a platter.

Who is weaker of mind and will, man or woman?

Who can stop me?

Who would join me?

The lights darkened, Pete Norris reached for his Pepsi, and fixated his eyes on the message he'd typed out on screen. Somewhere, on the dark net, lay a stronger and more capable version of Analise Helm. Waiting to be discovered.

Dad was released from the Hospital yesterday, and returned home. Honestly, three weeks ago, none of us expected him to come at out at all. He'll need some further rehabilitation/physio, however, the last time I spoke to him, he was in a better frame of mind, mentally, than I'd seen him for quite a while. I think, after coming so close to death, he's ecstatic that he'd once again beaten the odds. The innate human survival instinct is an amazing thing.


Yes, you've heard this all before, multiple times, but it continues to frustrate. Really, how difficult is the following concept to understand, when it comes to people responding to my request threads:

"Please, do not message me with nothing more than what what you want to happen to your character; but also with a preparedness to have your character want something; where she brings her own, independent, motivations to the story."

I'm constantly bombarded with the former, but the latter is as rare as hen's teeth, and then, when subsequently referred to, generally met with a point-blank refusal.

Others might enjoy it, but I am not here to do nothing but continually play opposite one-dimensional, cloned archetypes, lacking in definable personality, motivations, desires, goals and individuality, making them virtually indistinguishable from every other female character who's gone before them.

Fortunately, there are exceptions, and to my current partners, thank you for being so awesome, and for portraying unique characters with their own identity, who'll remain with me for a long time after the stories are completed. :)

Another Holiday weekend, this time for Labour Day, and tomorrow is the Australian Rules Football Grand Final; played at the Melbourne Cricket Ground each year, in front of over 100,000 people. Unfortunately, my team didn't make it, but the team that beat them last year, did, and is going for their third Premiership in a row.

Of course this, and knowing how much Mali adores football, leads to me needing to share a couple of related songs.

The first, I don't think I've posted before, but it doesn't matter if I have. It's not as though I won't be hearing it a gazillion more times over the weekend anyway, xD


And the second is an Australian classic, sung each year at the Grand Final, and at most other major events, which always sends a chill down my spine, and makes me feel all patriotic. It's about a swagman who drowns himself in favour of surrendering to the authorities after being caught stealing a sheep. Many think it should be our National Anthem, and Waltzing Matilda actually came in second to Advance Australia Fair when a vote was held. Britain has God Save the Queen, America, The Star Spangled Banner, Romania, Deșteaptă-te, române! (I did have to google that, Sumi, xD), and we almost had one about a sheep thief! I guess that says a bit about our culture, heritage, and disdain for authority.

There's many different interpretations, and though not the classic, I quite like this one. Mostly because it's sung by the talented Kate Ceberano, who'll be performing the official National Anthem this year:

I almost skipped reading this whole post, just because I'm not a fan of football (well, then again, I never had the patience to watch sports, and practicing them would often result with me failing very hard), but when I spotted some diacritics I had a moment of "wait, is that romanian I see?". XD Thank you for mentioning my little forgotten country too, haha! You got me thinking for a little while what would our anthem be translated like. Wake up, Romanian! sounds so silly. Thankfully, there's a prettier version for it. Awaken thee, Romanian!

Waltzing Matilda surely doesn't have the same, let's say theme, as other anthems, but that makes it more unique. You know, the more I read your journal, the more I find out something new and interesting about Australia. XD
We just grew up with Australian Rules Football being a part of our lives; it's one thing the entire family can agree upon! I forget about your propensity for falling over (actually, no I didn't, xD).

I was going to put the translated name of your anthem here, but then thought that wouldn't be right, I should use the proper one, in the Romanian launguage, xD. I much prefer, 'Awaken, Thee Romanian!', as well.

You just me taught me something, too, what diacritics are!

It's kind of strange; although the indigenous people were here for forty thousand years before European settlement, they were mostly nomadic, with no written language, and left no recorded history or permanent structures, so I get a little 'jealous' of, particularly European countries, like Romania and others, where the history goes back much further. We don't have cenutries-old castles or churches and the like. Not to mention Transylvania, and Dracula, xD

It's fun to share, because it makes me think of things I don't usually think about, and then each time I do, my brain shoots off in another (somewhat related) tangent, so here's more randomness, xD. Australia is home to one of the most unique, and weirdest, animals on the planet.


The Platypus. A semi-aquatic, venemous, duck-billed, beaver-tailed, web-footed, egg-laying mammal, with no stomach, it navigates and locates food underwater solely by use of electro-perception, When scientists first saw it, they thought it fake, and that a taxidermist had just sewn together parts from other animals to try and fool them.

How it's related is that the man who penned Waltzing Matilda wrote another poem everyone learns when studying his works at school. A J 'Banjo' Patterson was one of our great early literary figures who wrote mostly about Australian life in late 1800's, and early 1900's. The Man From Snowy River is amongst his other poems, if anyone has heard of/seen the movie or tv series based on it:

Old Man Platypus

Far from the trouble and toil of town,
Where the reed beds sweep and shiver,
Look at a fragment of velvet brown -
Old Man Platypus drifting down,
Drifting along the river.

And he plays and dives in the river bends
In a style that is most elusive;
With few relations and fewer friends,
For Old Man Platypus descends
From a family most exclusive.

He shares his burrow beneath the bank
With his wife and his son and daughter
At the roots of the reeds and the grasses rank;
And the bubbles show where our hero sank
To its entrance under water.

Safe in their burrow below the falls
They live in a world of wonder,
Where no one visits and no one calls,
They sleep like little brown billiard balls
With their beaks tucked neatly under.

And he talks in a deep unfriendly growl
As he goes on his journey lonely;
For he's no relation to fish nor fowl,
Nor to bird nor beast, nor to horned owl;
In fact, he's the one and only!

And to bore everyone even further, another of Patterson's poems that stuck in my head, xD

The Man From Ironbark

It was the man from Ironbark who struck the Sydney town,
He wandered over street and park, he wandered up and down.
He loitered here, he loitered there, till he was like to drop,
Until at last in sheer despair he sought a barber's shop.
"'Ere! shave my beard and whiskers off, I'll be a man of mark,
I'll go and do the Sydney toff up home in Ironbark."

The barber man was small and flash, as barbers mostly are,
He wore a strike-your-fancy sash, he smoked a huge cigar;
He was a humorist of note and keen at repartee,
He laid the odds and kept a "tote", whatever that may be,
And when he saw our friend arrive, he whispered, "Here's a lark!
Just watch me catch him all alive, this man from Ironbark."

There were some gilded youths that sat along the barber's wall.
Their eyes were dull, their heads were flat, they had no brains at all;
To them the barber passed the wink, his dexter eyelid shut,
"I'll make this bloomin' yokel think his bloomin' throat is cut."
And as he soaped and rubbed it in he made a rude remark:
"I s'pose the flats is pretty green up there in Ironbark."

A grunt was all reply he got; he shaved the bushman's chin,
Then made the water boiling hot and dipped the razor in.
He raised his hand, his brow grew black, he paused awhile to gloat,
Then slashed the red-hot razor-back across his victim's throat:
Upon the newly-shaven skin it made a livid mark -
No doubt it fairly took him in - the man from Ironbark.

He fetched a wild up-country yell might wake the dead to hear,
And though his throat, he knew full well, was cut from ear to ear,
He struggled gamely to his feet, and faced the murd'rous foe:
"You've done for me! you dog, I'm beat! one hit before I go!
I only wish I had a knife, you blessed murdering shark!
But you'll remember all your life the man from Ironbark."

He lifted up his hairy paw, with one tremendous clout
He landed on the barber's jaw, and knocked the barber out.
He set to work with nail and tooth, he made the place a wreck;
He grabbed the nearest gilded youth, and tried to break his neck.
And all the while his throat he held to save his vital spark,
And "Murder! Bloody murder!" yelled the man from Ironbark.

A peeler man who heard the din came in to see the show;
He tried to run the bushman in, but he refused to go.
And when at last the barber spoke, and said "'Twas all in fun—
'Twas just a little harmless joke, a trifle overdone."
"A joke!" he cried, "By George, that's fine; a lively sort of lark;
I'd like to catch that murdering swine some night in Ironbark."

And now while round the shearing floor the list'ning shearers gape,
He tells the story o'er and o'er, and brags of his escape.
"Them barber chaps what keeps a tote, By George, I've had enough,
One tried to cut my bloomin' throat, but thank the Lord it's tough."
And whether he's believed or no, there's one thing to remark,
That flowing beards are all the go way up in Ironbark.
It appears that I'll be taking up a second story with another old partner. I always feel good, when I write with someone for a second time. What my partners, or some of them, are aware of, that others might not see is, despite the hyperbole of my threads, (which have nothing to do with writing ability, either mine, or that of a potential partner), that I'm still extremely critical, unsure of, and insecure about my ability to write, and am sometimes struck by the thought that me being able to continue to get posts out stories that I'm happy with, and my partners enjoy. is somewhat of a fluke, and one of these days I'm going to be caught out.

I don't like being not good at something (or at least something that I want to be good at), and regardless of what anyone else might say, until I can convince myself in my own mind that I am, or at least capable, that insecurity remains, so receiving the validation of, 'oh wow, so-and-so wants to write with me again, I must be doing something right', is a boost.

It's not a 'bad' thing, in fact, it's just the way I am, and I see it as a good one. A challenge, or some type of conflict, even if it's internal, is what I thrive on, and without those, I have no motivation to improve, or to put effort into something, and the only person who can ever convince me, or change my mind about anything, is me. xD


Spoke to Dad yesterday, which was quite amusing. He said that he'd just received the Doctor's report from the Hospital, and I asked what it said.

He was like, "It said I was delirious for five days, and nearly dead."

His tone was one of amazement, and wonder, like he couldn't believe it.

My response? "Well, duh!," xD

Something that just came to mind, is how my craving for an extremely dark-themed roleplay coincided with what was happening with Dad, and as he recovered, that particular craving receded. Maybe I was subconsciously looking to release some pent-up frustrations through writing? Who knows, xD
When it rains, it pours. From nothing to write, to three story replies all being received within a few hours of each other, including one to Snow White, which had been a while (One day I'll say something to provoke a certain person, who prefers to remain invisible, to post to this journal! She'd expect nothing less, xD). I'll try and not take too long with my responses.

On a somewhat similar note, after only having it once before, I received three approaches from female writers in the last three days, who only write male characters, wanting to know if I'd be interested in a male/male story. Whilst I appreciated the offers, I had to politely decline, as it really defeats the entire purpose of what my request threads ask for. I did find it interesting, being a male, and with the male mindset coming naturally to me, that a couple mentioned they actually find it more difficult to write characters of their own gender, than that of the opposite.

And, lastly, its nice to know that I'm not the only one my conclusion to Internet Killers brought closure to, xD
Mr Quixotic said:

Something that just came to mind, is how my craving for an extremely dark-themed roleplay coincided with what was happening with Dad, and as he recovered, that particular craving receded. Maybe I was subconsciously looking to release some pent-up frustrations through writing? Who knows, xD

Well yeah! Writing is a great outlet to let out certain emotions, frustrations and whatnot! How do you think I survived high school? xD I'd be dead without writing. No joke, despite my fear of actually dying.
Malicious Lullaby said:
Mr Quixotic said:

Something that just came to mind, is how my craving for an extremely dark-themed roleplay coincided with what was happening with Dad, and as he recovered, that particular craving receded. Maybe I was subconsciously looking to release some pent-up frustrations through writing? Who knows, xD

Well yeah! Writing is a great outlet to let out certain emotions, frustrations and whatnot! How do you think I survived high school? xD I'd be dead without writing. No joke, despite my fear of actually dying.

I guess, I don't often have really specific cravings, and didn't realise at the time that may have had something to do with it. It makes sense, and I do find this journal often helps clear thoughts out of my head! I'm glad you had writing to help you through, xD.

Finally booked my car in this morning to have a safety defect rectified, that I received a recall notice for last December. Who says I have trouble getting things done until they absolutely need to be!

I'm not sure if this is a new BMR record, but I just noticed there's forty-four people browsing the Roleplay Requests by Males forum. (And, of course, this idiot then had to bump; wtf am I doing! xD)
Got the news last night that Dad's back in Hospital, in the town where he lives. Don't think I mentioned it previously, but amongst his other health problems, he's also a diabetic, and suffered a Hypoglemic attack. The ambulance officer's said, when they arrived, a few more minutes and he wouldn't have survived. Of course, a few hours after being taken to Hospital, he told them he wanted to go home, but they refused to release him. Not sure yet what the full prognosis is.


On a more upbeat note, putting this rather self-indulgent writing sample here. I have to thank my partner for being gracious enough to just grit her teeth, and allow me to take the piss out of the Shades of Grey phenomenon whenever I can.

The post also includes something I've never written in a story before, and with most male characters (including my own), usually being some type of sex-god with incredible stamina, who can make any woman orgasm at the drop of a hat, a taboo subject I don't think I've seen in any other. I'm sure anyone who reads to the end will see what I mean, xD

Not So Snow White - Quix and Aurelia

He should have filmed it; set up a hidden camera on his bookcase, between the handcuffs, and the paddle with which he'd just spanked Sofia's gorgeous ass. The sound of it smacking against the fabric of her trousers and hitting the flesh underneath caused the teenager to bite his lips, and groan aloud. His eyes had remained open, and he could see what must be lust in his new submissive's gaze, and that she was unable to hide a pleased smile. Imagine if he'd been able to catch it on film, to allow everyone to see his power, and how he'd transformed the young woman, in a matter of less than an hour, from an A grade student, and a girl all the members of Delta Tau Chi spoke about fucking, but secretly considered out of their league, into a grovelling, submissive pet, begging to be punished.

The young man could upload it to the net, and rake in millions; possibly even offer lessons to those who wished they possessed his unique talents with women. However, it was too late, but there was always next time, for the way in which she reacted to each strike, and deferentially acceded to his orders, left him in no doubt that there would be a second. Then another thought struck. Instead of a home-video, he could pen a self-published electronic book, and offer it for sale on the net, which mothers and daughters alike could download in private, and masturbate to in secrecy.

'Shadows of Sofia', he'd call it, and every female in the Western world would soon be wet for this fictional character; not realising that the novel was fact, and that indeed, a man such as he existed, and the manuscript a manual on how to take control of a woman, and teach her what it was she truly desired. Possibly it'd be turned into a feature film, even three, but who would portray him? Jamie Dornan? Taylor Lautner? Perhaps someone older, Johnny Depp or Brad Pitt? He'd need to change his name though, Stuart wasn't pretentious enough.

Those unconscious musings were interrupted by the denim of his jeans stretching, and his aching cock as it lengthened and stiffened. He moaned aloud, and ordered Sofia to release it. Just a taste; he'd make her suck for a minute or two, to gain a little relief for himself, and tease her. If he was this aroused, then surely, the raven-haired girl must be dripping underneath her clothes. He'd taunt and toy with her, until her pussy throbbed as much as his cock, then he'd cuff her, and spank her again and again, and not allow her the release she so craved, or the fucking she desired so badly, until she was a blubbering mess, totally and utterly beholden to her Dom. His bitch for life.

Any potential doubts that she wasn't totally into it; not that he held any; would have been dispelled by the eagerness with which she reached for his trousers, as if she wanted nothing more in the world than to gobble him up. Stuart's eyes closed, and he writhed in anticipation of what he was certain would be the blowjob of his life. Not that he had many with which to compare it. "Ohhhhhhhhh fuck." It wasn't Sofia's touch that elicited the moan, but the dirty talk that slipped from her lips. "That's it slut, tell me how big it is. How much you love it. Tell me I'm the man." Stuart panted, his hands curled into fists, his entire body lifted off the chair, his skin broke out in goosebumps, and his eyes rolled back in his head as he shuddered, and cried out in ecstasy, with the first touch of her hand on his freed erection, and subsequent flick of her tongue.

Then she took him into her mouth, and simultaneously pumped the base of his shaft, and that was when, as the warmth in the pit of his stomach spread outwards, Stuart realised what was about to occur. Shit, not so quick. "Stop it, bitch." He kicked out with his legs, and scrabbled his feet on the carpet as his body lurched forward, and he planted a hand either side of her head. "Enough." The words came out as a hoarse whisper, and he pulled her mouth off his manhood, but it was too late. With his body bent over, the young man's hips bucked and writhed, and then he exploded, shooting jets of hot cum onto the fabric of his shirt, and staining his jeans with the mess. For five or ten seconds, he groaned and panted, and came, then when he stopped spurting, collapsed in his chair with mouth agape, and arms hanging over the sides.

He lay that way for a few moments, then slowly lifted his eyes to Sofia, and all colour had drained from his face. He may not have been that experienced in the ways of a Master, but he knew that cumming within fifteen seconds probably wasn't the done thing, and could only hope that she would forgive him. Or not tell anyone. Stuart Thompson had never been so embarrassed in his life; thank God he hadn't filmed it; and with his Adam's apple bobbing up and down uncontrollably, and in a voice that had lost all semblance of confidence and authority, he was unable to hold Sofia's gaze when he, almost inaudibly, whispered "Sorry," and silently prayed for the Earth to open up and swallow him whole.
I surprise myself sometimes, but then I don't! Managed to get replies out to all the stories I received responses to at around the same time, within a couple of days; about two and a half thousand words over three different scenes. I sometimes liken my brain to a pressure pressure cooker; it will just let things build up until it feels it's about to explode, and needs to release some of the 'steam'.

When that happens, I'm capable of incredible concentration and focus, and getting things done extremely quickly. The problem is, when the pressure isn't there, I doesn't feel the need to do anything, and find it almost impossible to get motivated to think about, worry about, or complete a task, and it's why I generally can't fully finish one story response until I have a back-log of others to reply to.

It's nothing to do with how invested or interested I am in a story; I wouldn't be writing them if I didn't love them all; and it's not just roleplay related; it applies to pretty much every area of my life, and can create some fun little conflicts with those people are super organised, and need to know the status of something, and have everything planned out. Especially at work, since when I receive a task, I usually just glance at it, figure out what needs to be done, and how long that will take, then throw it in a drawer and not bring it out again until just before it's due to be completed. The standard

"How's such-and-such coming along, Quix?"

"Haven't started it yet."

"But it's due by the end of the week!"

"Don't stress, it'll be done."

conversation doesn't go down too well with some.

I guess, with roleplays, as there's no actual 'required completion date,' they can prey on my mind, and I use the 'second story to respond to' as the deadline to finish the first.


On the subject of stories, one I had in planning with a previous partner has been put on hold for the moment. Hopefully we'll come back to it when time allows.

Still have the supernatural erotic suspense thriller/murder mystery that my partner is working on the opener for. She's asked me to help think up an appropriate title for it. Damn, I'm terrible with titles, I've even been known to offer to write a starter in exchange for my partner providing one, xD.

Unfortunately, I also had to drop one that I wasn't really feeling. Arggh, I hate sending that PM!


Heading to the Floriade Night-Fest tonight. It's a flower festival held each Spring that draws in half a million visitors, and is one of the major attractions in the city I live in. Exciting City, huh?



Actually, I will admit, it's pretty damn cool. I think, not being able to retain or create images in my mind, that I appreciate these kinds of sights even more. Maybe it's because each time I see them, it's as if I'm seeing them for the first time again, xD


And in a slight piece of irony, a grumpy 70 year old employee we have working here has just complained to the owner that he's sick and tired of everyone calling him 'Grumpy Old Man', and that he needs to put a stop to it, xD My thoughts? If he wasn't a grumpy bastard, most people probably wouldn't call him one!

Dad's still in Hospital, and suffering from Delirium, but slowly improving. Not too sure yet if, or when, he'll be released, or if it's a result of the Hypoglycemic attack, stems from the previous condition, or is something new. Mum spoke to his Doctor, who said that the decision to send him up to the Hospital here a few weeks ago was a difficult decision to make, but in the end, it's their obligation to do everything possible to prolong human life. She's hoping after the discussion, that if he worsens to that state again, next time they'll just allow him to slip away peacefully.


Anyways, on a Sunday morning, with a cup of coffee in hand, and all story responses up to date, I had to turn to randomly googling more quotes, this time from the late and great George Carlin. I love the way comedians can hit the nail on the head in a few words, get away with stating opinions may others can't, or won't, and make you laugh at the same time. I can't express why, exactly, but when in a contemplative mood, I always turn to atheistic or philosophical musings, quotations and literature for inspiration, and they never fail to put me in a better frame of mind.








And George Carlin Live

And it always warms my heart to find another Atheist. I hope you watched his live routine; it cracks me up every time, xD
No worries Mali, I just didn't want to randomly mention it in PM, as really, now, it's just one of those things I've become accustomed to, and don't want anyone to feel awkward, or put the conversation on a downer, particularly you, as you've had such a positive couple of days.

However, what I am disappointed in, is that it's taken you so long to read this thread. I thought we had a pact to both hit the refresh button on it at least a couple of hundred times a day each, xD
It’s never a downer! At least not in our conversation in the PM!
I’m sorry I didn’t read sooner :[ I don’t even have an excuse since my stressful stuff this week ended on Wednesday :/ I’ve just been a bad bad friend and partner. I’m sorry.

I know! I've been horrible! Raving on and on about my good days while it's certainly not good news at all that your dad is in the hospital again!
Stop that, lol. You haven't been a bad anything! Keep that talk up, and I'll need to punish you. Or not punish you, whichever the case may be, xD

And hearing about your good days was good for me!
I know your weakness, xD

I know I can vent to you anytime, and its much appreciated, and why you're such a good friend, xD

Now, go enjoy that wine, and have one for me!
Shush! That is brilliantly evil for you to attack my weakness like that!

I try ^^ I was also proud to use that whole ‘bark up my tree’ thing xD Buahaha!

I am! I am! I am trying not to go to the bathroom yet otherwise I will break the seal! Then I will pee constantly.

I am very aware that I am saying this on a very public thread on a very public forum lol.
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