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Quix's Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

That's why you should never get out of bed!
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

The mention of Christina Ricci on Mali's journal, brought to mind one of her lesser known films, which also stars one of my favourite actors, Samuel L Jackson. If you like unusual, character and dialogue driven films, 'Black Snake Moan' is definitely worth watching. That Christina Ricci spends the majority of the film half-naked has nothing to do with my recommendation!

RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

I hardly even noticed; I was lost in those doe eyes of hers!

I just love the feisty characters with an attitude she portrays. Another of hers; a comedy; well worth watching is 'The Opposite Of Sex', if you haven't seen it.


And I can't forget The Ice Storm, which is amongst my top five favourite films. Not so much for Christina Ricci, as her character is a little young (still, Wendy Hood is unforgettable), but for the movie itself.
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

In a little bit of a limbo with some of my current stories.

One long-term story, which we're both keen to continue, has been on hiatus for a couple of months due to that darn real-life intervening, and unsure when it will be picked up again, whilst another, which is nearing a conclusion, is also on hiatus. My partner and I both wanted to fully finish that scene, so I'm hoping that I'll still have the muse for it when she returns. There's probably only half a dozen or so posts to go.

A third; my collaborator hasn't been online at all for two weeks, which is unusual. As well as hoping that everything's okay - as she's a person I have a lot of time for - I miss the story. A rarity for me, it's to contain an ongoing Dom/Sub theme, and she's one of the very few, if not the only, person on BMR, that I'd write that pairing with. Not due to writing ability, or because she's 'better', or more fun to write with than others; simply because of an intuitive meeting of the minds in what drives the dynamic, the substance behind it, how the pairing/characters are played, and a shared interest in exploring some particular scenario's.
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Just had our monthly staff meeting, and at these, we always have a few motivational, or humorous video's shown. For some reason, the one played at the end of today's meeting put me in a happy mood, so thought I'd share:

RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

All responses sent, except for one - my slow-burning PM roleplay, which I'm waiting for the inspiration to strike me for, to reply - so now just need to sit back and wait for the inevitable five responses to all hit me within an hour or two of each other, and stress me out all over again, XD

A quiet Friday afternoon at work, too, which is really the calm before the storm. Not only is next week the end of a month, but it's also the end of our Financial/Tax year, which is my busiest time of the entire year. I guess I could always spend the rest of the day trying to organise myself in advance for when the 30th of June hits, but that'd be against my nature, so instead have been google-ing some quotes.

Another of my favourites, Bertrand Russell:





RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

I'm over the moon!

I've mentioned on this journal, and to most of my partners at times in conversation, my lack of visualisation ability and inability to retain images in my mind, - which is why I find vivid imagery and physical descriptions the hardest thing to write -, however have always struggled to express exactly what I mean by it, or even know myself if what I experience/don't experience is any different from what others do.

When people say that they 'picture things in their head' I still retain the impression that they're speaking metaphorically, as actually being able to 'see' something, as if it existed, or recall an object visually, is something I've never experienced, and to try to comprehend what that's like is akin to me attempting to interpret a foreign language.

Imagine my surprise and delight yesterday, when the subject came up as I was chatting with the photographer at work, and decided to google it again, and discovered that only recently has the inability to visualise been scientifically recognised, and, this month, given a name - Aphantasia.

It's difficult to believe that up until 2005 this condition (if you can call it that), did not appear in any Scientific Literature, and no studies were conducted until 2010; I'd have thought it would have come to someone's attention much earlier; but a Professor in the UK is now conducting serious research, and I've emailed him as requested in the news article linked above. It will be interesting to see what/if anything comes of it.

It's just nice to know more, and have some questions answered.
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Have moved a couple of my stories to the on-hiatus list, just get my head around exactly where I'm at. I know my partners want to pick these back up/continue when real-life allows. Will be interesting to see what happens if they all return at the same time!


Received an approach yesterday, which went something like this:

Her: Hey, I love your thread, I agree with every word, would you like to discuss writing a scene together?

Me: Hey there, sure. Can you give me an idea of what you're looking for/like to write about.

Her: I'll just link you to my old thread.

Me: (after being linked to her thread). They're all stories about your character being made into a pet, which isn't quite in line with what I requested.

Her: I know, but that thread's a couple of years old. I'm not interested in those types of stories anymore.

Me: I'm not really sure why you'd direct me to an old thread when I asked what it is you were interested in, then tell me after I read it that it's not what you're interested in? (bangs head against brick wall) Would you like to tell me what is is you are interested in?

Her: (No response)


Work is crazy, so replies and OoC will be sporadic this week. I may find the time to write, or may not; it depends on how things pan out - sometimes this site/writing is a good way to de-stress, or allows my brain to relax, and switch from one task to another. The amusing thing about end of Financial year is that the job I'm most dreading, and most stressed about, is having to do all my damn filing for the last twelve months, and set up new ones for the new year. Not because it's tedious, but because people really have no idea how difficult and mentally exhausting I find that, supposedly simple, task!
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Mr Quixotic said:
Received an approach yesterday, which went something like this:

Her: Hey, I love your thread, I agree with every word, would you like to discuss writing a scene together?

Me: Hey there, sure. Can you give me an idea of what you're looking for/like to write about.

Her: I'll just link you to my old thread.

Me: (after being linked to her thread). They're all stories about your character being made into a pet, which isn't quite in line with what I requested.

Her: I know, but that thread's a couple of years old. I'm not interested in those types of stories anymore.

Me: I'm not really sure why you'd direct me to an old thread when I asked what it is you were interested in, then tell me after I read it that it's not what you're interested in? (bangs head against brick wall) Would you like to tell me what is is you are interested in?

Her: (No response)

I laughed harder than I should have.

It's like... what exactly are you looking for then...?

RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

lait said:
I laughed harder than I should have.

It's like... what exactly are you looking for then...?


Glad I could bring you back to life with a giggle :)

Sometimes I think it's just me, and that how I'd interpret the question is different than how others do. I ask it quite often when someone approaches me, to try to gauge if we have similar tastes, but rarely get the type of response I'm looking for.

For intance, and this is common, when I asked someone else the other day to give me an idea of what they liked to write about, they came back with 'Science Fiction and Fantasy'.

The way I think of it, if someone asks what the movie, Bladerunner is about, and I respond with 'Science Fiction', I'm not really telling them much. I could give the same response for 2001: A Space Odyssey, or a thousand other movies, yet they'd all be completely different films, with differing themes, and 'about' different things.


A little disappointed, we had snow clouds hovering overhead for most the day, but they've disappeared with dropping any snow!

We very rarely receive any; about once every three years; so when we do, everyone gets super excited!

RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Mr Quixotic said:
Glad I could give you a giggle :)

Sometimes I think it's just me, and that how I'd interpret the question is different than how others do. I ask it quite often when someone approaches me, to try to gauge if we have similar tastes, but rarely get the type of response I'm looking for.

For intance, and this is common, when I asked someone the else the other day to give me an idea of what they liked to write about, they came back with 'Science Fiction and Fantasy'.

The way I think of it, if someone asks what the movie, Bladerunner is about, and I respond with 'Science Fiction' I'm not really telling them much. I could give the same response for 2001: A Space Odyssey, or a thousand other movies, yet they'd all be completely different films, with differing themes, and 'about' different things.


Def a good baseline inquiry, particularly since it forces them to sort of articulate an interest that you can gauge your own style and themes with. One question though that constantly trips me up is "what kinks do you have?" Don't get me wrong, I'm a big plot guy, I like the occasional oneshot but for the most part, I'm in it for the epic journey, the character interaction/development and growth. But I have a short attention span and get sexually excited in a way that I like to blow off steam using the story setting and characters. There as to be sex often. Not so much that it disturbs the narrative but in the way that if we were to take the thing and market it as a book, there'd be no way we could get away from labeling it within the erotica genre.

But thing is, I'm pansexual/gray asexual and I'm not particularly interested in the whole rigamarole of BDSM with contracts and training and the like. My kinks aren't vanilla though. More I like drama revolving around sex, sometimes noncon used as a plot device and a way to shoehorn violent dominance and sadism without the strict guidelines of BDSM. But... noncon isn't required for a plotline. That's the feeling I get a lot of times that when you start listing off kinks you have, instead of seeing possibilities, people see a list of requirements. Because why would I put on the list something that I'm not interested in or desiring at this moment?

For instance, the book I am writing with heartlesskitten that started as an rp here, it starts off with a sort of noncon situation but more in the "extortion" vein rather than abusive or violently overpowering someone. And the sex scenes in the beginning of the book are motivated by this pressure of will upon another person but the sex itself is actually mutually beneficial as far as pleasure, my character basically seducing hers to elicit enjoyment from her to better the experience for them both. However, a bit later in the book, my character does end up raping hers in that violent way, while in a drug-induced haze. But it's one scene and it happens several chapters into the book. It's not something I asked for right off the bat and it's not something I said needed to happen for my enjoyment of the story. It was decided upon together, after the story and character interaction was established as something "hey, this should happen".

How do you bring this up to someone as something you're okay with and even like without that becoming the focus of the story because it's not necessarily a kink you favor above all others? I don't know, it's just a question that I always dread, preferring to focus on what my partner would like to happen and catering to that because it's simply easier, especially if a lot of the things they enjoy overlap with my internal list.

Since I am so focused on story, the actual "what do you like to write about?" question seems like an easier one to answer and get a response to.

Sorry to intrude, just saw the interaction and thought I'd join in....
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Rudolph Quin said:
Mr Quixotic said:
Glad I could give you a giggle :)

Sometimes I think it's just me, and that how I'd interpret the question is different than how others do. I ask it quite often when someone approaches me, to try to gauge if we have similar tastes, but rarely get the type of response I'm looking for.

For intance, and this is common, when I asked someone the else the other day to give me an idea of what they liked to write about, they came back with 'Science Fiction and Fantasy'.

The way I think of it, if someone asks what the movie, Bladerunner is about, and I respond with 'Science Fiction' I'm not really telling them much. I could give the same response for 2001: A Space Odyssey, or a thousand other movies, yet they'd all be completely different films, with differing themes, and 'about' different things.


Def a good baseline inquiry, particularly since it forces them to sort of articulate an interest that you can gauge your own style and themes with. One question though that constantly trips me up is "what kinks do you have?" Don't get me wrong, I'm a big plot guy, I like the occasional oneshot but for the most part, I'm in it for the epic journey, the character interaction/development and growth. But I have a short attention span and get sexually excited in a way that I like to blow off steam using the story setting and characters. There as to be sex often. Not so much that it disturbs the narrative but in the way that if we were to take the thing and market it as a book, there'd be no way we could get away from labeling it within the erotica genre.

But thing is, I'm pansexual/gray asexual and I'm not particularly interested in the whole rigamarole of BDSM with contracts and training and the like. My kinks aren't vanilla though. More I like drama revolving around sex, sometimes noncon used as a plot device and a way to shoehorn violent dominance and sadism without the strict guidelines of BDSM. But... noncon isn't required for a plotline. That's the feeling I get a lot of times that when you start listing off kinks you have, instead of seeing possibilities, people see a list of requirements. Because why would I put on the list something that I'm not interested in or desiring at this moment?

For instance, the book I am writing with heartlesskitten that started as an rp here, it starts off with a sort of noncon situation but more in the "extortion" vein rather than abusive or violently overpowering someone. And the sex scenes in the beginning of the book are motivated by this pressure of will upon another person but the sex itself is actually mutually beneficial as far as pleasure, my character basically seducing hers to elicit enjoyment from her to better the experience for them both. However, a bit later in the book, my character does end up raping hers in that violent way, while in a drug-induced haze. But it's one scene and it happens several chapters into the book. It's not something I asked for right off the bat and it's not something I said needed to happen for my enjoyment of the story. It was decided upon together, after the story and character interaction was established as something "hey, this should happen".

How do you bring this up to someone as something you're okay with and even like without that becoming the focus of the story because it's not necessarily a kink you favor above all others? I don't know, it's just a question that I always dread, preferring to focus on what my partner would like to happen and catering to that because it's simply easier, especially if a lot of the things they enjoy overlap with my internal list.

Since I am so focused on story, the actual "what do you like to write about?" question seems like an easier one to answer and get a response to.

Sorry to intrude, just saw the interaction and thought I'd join in....

No worries Rudolph, the comment is appreciated. A lot of it comes down to my having a global thinking brain, rather than a sequential one, which means that I require the big picture first - in this case the 'about', or overarching theme - before the details can fall into place. I also like to ask open questions as I require reflection, and to have people express thoughts in their own words, in order to be able to fully 'get' if we're coming from the same place, and to know if I've been understood. "I agree with you", or "I like what you like" type replies hinder more than they help, and lead to frustration.

In regards to what you've said about your story, and kinks, I see where you're coming from. Whilst I like sexually based stories, I very rarely derive sexual energy from them, and most of my 'kinks' are contextual ones; such as exhibitionism, infidelity, voyeurism, betrayal, and the like; rather than ones which directly relate to the physical act itself. It's how they occur, and the context in which they occur, rather than the occurrence itself that I like to write about.

I've a current roleplay going that included a violent rape in the initial post, which is there solely as plot device, and to provide a logical basis for the rest of the story, and another which reached a point of where my partner and I needed to decide, 'Okay which way do we go, force, or forced pleasure', in a scenario that just came about as we were writing, rather than it being pre-determined.

I think many people are here to write out certain fantasies, and a lot of the stories seem to be created from a shopping list of kinks. There's a multitude of things I'd be willing, and actually like to, include in a roleplay - even a Dom/Sub, Master/Slave dynamic, of which I'm certain my dislike is well documented - as part of the bigger picture, however mentioning that one particular thing means it can quickly be turned into, or assumed to be, the sole focus.

Congratulations on the book by the way, I've read a little of the roleplay with Heartless Kitten, and look forward to the book when it's published.

Edit: And, of course, me being me, I went back and changed the wording of my intitial post because I didn't like it, after you'd already quoted the original :)
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Mr Quixotic said:
No worries Rudolph, the comment is appreciated. A lot of it comes down to my having a global thinking brain, rather than a sequential one, which means that I require the big picture first - in this case the 'about', or overarching theme - before the details can fall into place. I also like to ask open questions as I require reflection, and to have people express thoughts in their own words, in order to be able to fully 'get' if we're coming from the same place, and to know if I've been understood. "I agree with you", or "I like what you like" type replies hinder more than they help, and lead to frustration.

In regards to what you've said about your story, and kinks, I see where you're coming from. Whilst I like sexually based stories, I very rarely derive sexual energy from them, and most of my 'kinks' are contextual ones; such as exhibitionism, infidelity, voyeurism, betrayal, and the like; rather than ones which directly relate to the physical act itself. It's how they occur, and the context in which they occur, rather than the occurrence itself that I like to write about.

I've a current roleplay going that included a violent rape in the initial post, which is there solely as plot device, and to provide a logical basis for the rest of the story, and another which reached a point of where my partner and I needed to decide, 'Okay which way do we go, force, or forced pleasure', in a scenario that just came about as we were writing, rather than it being pre-determined.

I think many people are here to write out certain fantasies, and a lot of the stories seem to be created from a shopping list of kinks. There's a multitude of things I'd be willing, and actually like to, include in a roleplay - even a Dom/Sub, Master/Slave dynamic, of which I'm certain my dislike is well documented - as part of the bigger picture, however mentioning that one particular thing means it can quickly be turned into, or assumed to be, the sole focus.

Congratulations on the book by the way, I've read a little of the roleplay with Heartless Kitten, and look forward to the book when it's published.

Edit: And, of course, me being me, I went back and changed the wording of my intitial post because I didn't like it, after you'd already quoted the original :)

I totally get what you mean and I feel like I handle things in much the same way. I used to do a lot of seat of my pants type rping where my partner and I would try to surprise each other with posts and direction. Although fun, in a way, and challenging, reading back over those rps... it feels like two people cock sword fighting, or the egos like in an old cartoon jerking the spotlight over themselves at every opportunity. It never really went anywhere, not in a coherent or balanced way. I remember while chasing some targets, we had on the agents side, everybody in a car ride forever. No, literally, just talking back and forth, little dramas and overrevealing info that wasn't relevant, just to constantly make our character the center of each post we made. So, definitely, at least a theme, a vague goal to start with, something to kind of aim for, and a clear starting relationship, some sort of feeling or interaction to start off with(usually a toxic or problematic one because I love that as a hook and I love taking bad characters and trying to set them on a course to be molded into better people; not always a clear cut journey or progression of events, because like humans, they'll fail sometimes, but that's the kind of story I enjoy reading and being a part of).

Also, I don't really know how to classify my sexual energy while rping. It's almost like it is something else because it's not like I beat off while posting and never feel the urge to(reading back over those scenes though, during editing, I have discovered that they are very stimulating ^^; ). But yeah, like you said, from an intellectual standppoint, it's exciting to dramatize things and gives me a non-physical hardon.

For instance, with the kinks vs themes thing, I love the aggressive male archetype. Masculine, arrogant, violent temper, sex appeal, snarky, clever. I get this "turned on" sensation that isn't physical, when he pushes people around, when he's abusive either verbally or physically. I like to put him in situations where almost voyeuristically, he is forced to confront others for bad behavior, particularly if it's taboo, and be shamed and usually have him react defensively or smugly to that attempt at shaming him. I like to see him brought down a few notches, either getting his ass kicked by someone stronger or through pegging, having to struggle with a homosexual implication in the desires of his body(he's usually not enlightened enough, at first, to realize that getting fucked up the ass and liking it =/= gay; I love it though, I love making that masculine, aggressive hot shot of a man worry about the desires of his body betraying him). However, like I said, rape is not a must needs insert, abuse is not, voyeur sex is not, and pegging is not. It's very situation specific, very character reaction and interaction specific.

I feel like in that way, context versus occurrence, we're on the same page. Thanks for he conversation! And yes, definitely will let everyone know about the book when it's on the market. At the moment, I'm kind of impatient with my volunteer editors, but I would sort of like someone to be able to go through and help me figure out where problem areas and the like are. It's a big project and I feel a little overwhelmed at times. ^^;
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Rudolph Quin said:
Mr Quixotic said:
No worries Rudolph, the comment is appreciated. A lot of it comes down to my having a global thinking brain, rather than a sequential one, which means that I require the big picture first - in this case the 'about', or overarching theme - before the details can fall into place. I also like to ask open questions as I require reflection, and to have people express thoughts in their own words, in order to be able to fully 'get' if we're coming from the same place, and to know if I've been understood. "I agree with you", or "I like what you like" type replies hinder more than they help, and lead to frustration.

In regards to what you've said about your story, and kinks, I see where you're coming from. Whilst I like sexually based stories, I very rarely derive sexual energy from them, and most of my 'kinks' are contextual ones; such as exhibitionism, infidelity, voyeurism, betrayal, and the like; rather than ones which directly relate to the physical act itself. It's how they occur, and the context in which they occur, rather than the occurrence itself that I like to write about.

I've a current roleplay going that included a violent rape in the initial post, which is there solely as plot device, and to provide a logical basis for the rest of the story, and another which reached a point of where my partner and I needed to decide, 'Okay which way do we go, force, or forced pleasure', in a scenario that just came about as we were writing, rather than it being pre-determined.

I think many people are here to write out certain fantasies, and a lot of the stories seem to be created from a shopping list of kinks. There's a multitude of things I'd be willing, and actually like to, include in a roleplay - even a Dom/Sub, Master/Slave dynamic, of which I'm certain my dislike is well documented - as part of the bigger picture, however mentioning that one particular thing means it can quickly be turned into, or assumed to be, the sole focus.

Congratulations on the book by the way, I've read a little of the roleplay with Heartless Kitten, and look forward to the book when it's published.

Edit: And, of course, me being me, I went back and changed the wording of my intitial post because I didn't like it, after you'd already quoted the original :)

I totally get what you mean and I feel like I handle things in much the same way. I used to do a lot of seat of my pants type rping where my partner and I would try to surprise each other with posts and direction. Although fun, in a way, and challenging, reading back over those rps... it feels like two people cock sword fighting, or the egos like in an old cartoon jerking the spotlight over themselves at every opportunity. It never really went anywhere, not in a coherent or balanced way. I remember while chasing some targets, we had on the agents side, everybody in a car ride forever. No, literally, just talking back and forth, little dramas and overrevealing info that wasn't relevant, just to constantly make our character the center of each post we made. So, definitely, at least a theme, a vague goal to start with, something to kind of aim for, and a clear starting relationship, some sort of feeling or interaction to start off with(usually a toxic or problematic one because I love that as a hook and I love taking bad characters and trying to set them on a course to be molded into better people; not always a clear cut journey or progression of events, because like humans, they'll fail sometimes, but that's the kind of story I enjoy reading and being a part of).

Also, I don't really know how to classify my sexual energy while rping. It's almost like it is something else because it's not like I beat off while posting and never feel the urge to(reading back over those scenes though, during editing, I have discovered that they are very stimulating ^^; ). But yeah, like you said, from an intellectual standppoint, it's exciting to dramatize things and gives me a non-physical hardon.

For instance, with the kinks vs themes thing, I love the aggressive male archetype. Masculine, arrogant, violent temper, sex appeal, snarky, clever. I get this "turned on" sensation that isn't physical, when he pushes people around, when he's abusive either verbally or physically. I like to put him in situations where almost voyeuristically, he is forced to confront others for bad behavior, particularly if it's taboo, and be shamed and usually have him react defensively or smugly to that attempt at shaming him. I like to see him brought down a few notches, either getting his ass kicked by someone stronger or through pegging, having to struggle with a homosexual implication in the desires of his body(he's usually not enlightened enough, at first, to realize that getting fucked up the ass and liking it =/= gay; I love it though, I love making that masculine, aggressive hot shot of a man worry about the desires of his body betraying him). However, like I said, rape is not a must needs insert, abuse is not, voyeur sex is not, and pegging is not. It's very situation specific, very character reaction and interaction specific.

I feel like in that way, context versus occurrence, we're on the same page. Thanks for he conversation! And yes, definitely will let everyone know about the book when it's on the market. At the moment, I'm kind of impatient with my volunteer editors, but I would sort of like someone to be able to go through and help me figure out where problem areas and the like are. It's a big project and I feel a little overwhelmed at times. ^^;

Thanks for the conversation as well, Rudolph. Just a quick reply, as I always feel the need to acknowledge what others have said to me, but that can sometimes turn my replies into a novel, or create a never-ending circle, where I'm not sure where/when to stop!

I agree with pretty much all you've stated, or can see where you're coming from, and though I think the characters we like to play differ, we do seem to be similar in regards to the intellectual stimulation, and the context versus occurrence.

As far as your novel goes, I can't imagine how difficult that waiting must be. I wonder if any author has ever been totally satisfied with their work, either before or after the editor's have been through it. I can understand the feeling overwhelmed, and wanting to find someone to read it with a fresh eye, and pick up things that someone close to it may have missed (an assumption from your words, on my part). It's an enormous job, but I'm sure once it's finished, it will all have been worth it.

As an aside, I had to laugh at the Dean Koontz comments on your own thread. I used to love him, then he became repetitive, and I only bought him when I was out of options, as I at least knew he'd be entertaining. Then I read 'The Taking', which is basically a sermon on Good versus Evil (with, of course, Koontz on the side of Good), with the most contrived ending imaginable. It was if he got 400 pages in, then thought, "I have no idea how I'm going to finish this", so he made something up on the spot, and shot it off to the Publisher's. I haven't touched a Koontz since.
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Mr Quixotic said:
Thanks for the conversation as well, Rudolph. Just a quick reply, as I always feel the need to acknowledge what others have said to me, but that can sometimes turn my replies into a novel, or create a never-ending circle, where I'm not sure where/when to stop!

I agree with pretty much all you've stated, or can see where you're coming from, and though I think the characters we like to play differ, we do seem to be similar in regards to the intellectual stimulation, and the context versus occurrence.

As far as your novel goes, I can't imagine how difficult that waiting must be. I wonder if any author has ever been totally satisfied with their work, either before or after the editor's have been through it. I can understand the feeling overwhelmed, and wanting to find someone to read it with a fresh eye, and pick up things that someone close to it may have missed (an assumption from your words, on my part). It's an enormous job, but I'm sure once it's finished, it will all have been worth it.

As an aside, I had to laugh at the Dean Koontz comments on your own thread. I used to love him, then he became repetitive, and I only bought him when I was out of options, as I at least knew he'd be entertaining. Then I read 'The Taking', which is basically a sermon on Good versus Evil (with, of course, Koontz on the side of Good), with the most contrived ending imaginable. It was if he got 400 pages in, then thought, "I have no idea how I'm going to finish this", so he made something up on the spot, and shot it off to the Publisher's. I haven't touched a Koontz since.

Not a problem! We can continue to talk. Your thread seems like one big hangout cafe, where every night we start out with you at the table first, so, I don't mind keeping the conversation going. I just didn't want to monopolize your journal.

That sounds awful. Even if he wrote it that way, it'd be nice for someone to stop and say, "maybe workshop it a bit before we say 'print.'"

Life Expectancy was my death knell for Koontz. Because it starts on the eve of this guy's birth, but goes into desperate backstory explanation of how he's living on borrowed time, because a maniac that attacked the hospital where he was born, killing everybody, passed his mother by. I mean, that setup right there, you just feel Koontz biting his lip over a boyish grin and wiggling his arms as he breathes "SYNCHRONICITY!" But then it goes further like with a prophetic dream that details the exact day when he'll die and it's on his birthday several years later. As the teen's parents are called away, nervously leaving him in the house with instructions to stay put, stay safe, to basically not do anything for the entire day to hopefully outsmart the fated and predicted death, you feel Koontz asking, "How am I gonna outsmart myself this time?" with a smug little eyebrow lift and secretive grin. Just not my cup of tea, at all.

I could go on and on about Koontz being full of himself... but that feels like exactly what he'd want me to do! So... I won't!

It's a monster. It was supposed to be all one book, because that's what the rp was, about 50 pages, 920 posts, that turned out to be 1,650 pages when transferred and pushed together into one document. That really is the hard part. Because part of me wants to just push it off to print now. But then you spy a missing word here, a repetitive word there, and you grab it before it's lifted off, "Now, wait a second, not yet". Going through and finding those problems isn't easy and finding someone who has not only the know-how for what to look for but also the willingness to go through the entire thing for just a small amount of money, is hard.
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Rudolph Quin said:
Mr Quixotic said:
Thanks for the conversation as well, Rudolph. Just a quick reply, as I always feel the need to acknowledge what others have said to me, but that can sometimes turn my replies into a novel, or create a never-ending circle, where I'm not sure where/when to stop!

I agree with pretty much all you've stated, or can see where you're coming from, and though I think the characters we like to play differ, we do seem to be similar in regards to the intellectual stimulation, and the context versus occurrence.

As far as your novel goes, I can't imagine how difficult that waiting must be. I wonder if any author has ever been totally satisfied with their work, either before or after the editor's have been through it. I can understand the feeling overwhelmed, and wanting to find someone to read it with a fresh eye, and pick up things that someone close to it may have missed (an assumption from your words, on my part). It's an enormous job, but I'm sure once it's finished, it will all have been worth it.

As an aside, I had to laugh at the Dean Koontz comments on your own thread. I used to love him, then he became repetitive, and I only bought him when I was out of options, as I at least knew he'd be entertaining. Then I read 'The Taking', which is basically a sermon on Good versus Evil (with, of course, Koontz on the side of Good), with the most contrived ending imaginable. It was if he got 400 pages in, then thought, "I have no idea how I'm going to finish this", so he made something up on the spot, and shot it off to the Publisher's. I haven't touched a Koontz since.

Not a problem! We can continue to talk. Your thread seems like one big hangout cafe, where every night we start out with you at the table first, so, I don't mind keeping the conversation going. I just didn't want to monopolize your journal.

That sounds awful. Even if he wrote it that way, it'd be nice for someone to stop and say, "maybe workshop it a bit before we say 'print.'"

Life Expectancy was my death knell for Koontz. Because it starts on the eve of this guy's birth, but goes into desperate backstory explanation of how he's living on borrowed time, because a maniac that attacked the hospital where he was born, killing everybody, passed his mother by. I mean, that setup right there, you just feel Koontz biting his lip over a boyish grin and wiggling his arms as he breathes "SYNCHRONICITY!" But then it goes further like with a prophetic dream that details the exact day when he'll die and it's on his birthday several years later. As the teen's parents are called away, nervously leaving him in the house with instructions to stay put, stay safe, to basically not do anything for the entire day to hopefully outsmart the fated and predicted death, you feel Koontz asking, "How am I gonna outsmart myself this time?" with a smug little eyebrow lift and secretive grin. Just not my cup of tea, at all.

I could go on and on about Koontz being full of himself... but that feels like exactly what he'd want me to do! So... I won't!

It's a monster. It was supposed to be all one book, because that's what the rp was, about 50 pages, 920 posts, that turned out to be 1,650 pages when transferred and pushed together into one document. That really is the hard part. Because part of me wants to just push it off to print now. But then you spy a missing word here, a repetitive word there, and you grab it before it's lifted off, "Now, wait a second, not yet". Going through and finding those problems isn't easy and finding someone who has not only the know-how for what to look for but also the willingness to go through the entire thing for just a small amount of money, is hard.

It can be quite a challenge for me to gather my thoughts and put them into words! I like the hang-out café concept.

I have my doubts that if was anyone but Koontz, or another author who spouted out a book each year, and knew whatever they wrote would sell regardless, that it'd have been published. Just had a look on Amazon and 25% of the reviews were 1 star.

I've read Life Expectancy, but can't recall anything about it, which probably says a lot! I started to get tired of him when I realised his novels all followed the same basic outline, then I read his non-fiction book on writing, and he came across as a pretentious prick, who thought he was much more humourous than he actually was.

I'm amazed at how lengthy roleplays actually turn out to be, when compared to a standard novel. The issue, at least for me, when you try to go through and look for those types of things, is that you tend to read what 'should' be there, rather than what is, so it's so easy to miss something, and then finding someone with the attention to detail, and the time, for little pay, I get why it's so hard. Not sure how you're going about it, asking people to review the entire manuscript, or parceling off chapters to individuals?

If it's just the obvious things that you mainly want picked up, which require no expertise in grammar/story flow, etc, possibly put a call out to anyone who'd be willing to review a small portion. If a couple of people go through one chapter, each after the other, hopefully between them, most of the little things will be picked up, Then after that's done, have it reviewed as a whole, but I don't even know If that'd be possible to arrange, or able to be incorporated into how it's been edited so far.


On another note, woke up to the news yesterday morning that one of our High profile sporting coaches (Phil Walsh, Head Coach of the Adelaide Crows Australian Football team) had been murdered by his son.

Australian Rules Football is a sport I've grown up with, played, and follow closely, and whilst unfortunately these things aren't an uncommon occurrence, the high-profile aspect of it caused it to come as a bit of a shock.

R.I.P Phil Walsh.

RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

It is tragic, and I guess when they're high-profile, you feel you know them a little.

That depends on what you call Football, XD. We have four different professional codes here, which are all called Football - Australian Rules, Rugby League, Rugby Union, and Soccer - and which State (or Country) you were born in has a lot to do with which you're most likely to follow.

Australian Rules is the indigenous game, not played anywhere else. I posted a couple of videos on it in my journal somewhere, but I'll aways take an excuse to post some more, XD

A football song (since I know how much you love football)


And some highlights, which may give you an idea of the game XD

RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

I think got through thirty-nine seconds of the actual highlights of the games before I paused it. Too too too violent! They need more padding! They need more protection!! >.<
But I like the football song. Made me happy as a clam ^^
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Malicious Lullaby said:
I think got through thirty-nine seconds of the actual highlights of the games before I paused it. Too too too violent! They need more padding! They need more protection!! >.<
But I like the football song. Made me happy as a clam ^^

Thirty-nine seconds? You didn't even make it to the violent bits, XD

I've always been curious as to what it is that makes clams so happy.


Receiving a compliment from one of my writing partners, and knowing I hit the mark with my reply, always brightens up my day.

The muse finally hit me to response to my one remaining PM roleplay; where I'm having lots of fun playing around with the 'Bear' brother's sibling rivalry as they compete for Goldie's affections, with Papa lurking in the background ready to assert his seniority:

Goldilocks And The Three Bears - Quix and Cyan

Edmund's eyes lit up further with her compliment, "A prince needs his princess, will you be mine?", and pecked her lips lightly again and again. The thought of coercing or manipulating her into agreeing to bed him quickly slipped to the back of his mind as he noted her head fall down, and eyes lock on the water. The young woman's day had been burdensome enough, and the elder Bear boy felt a sensation of guilt. It wasn't fair that he in any way add to her worries, and his demeanour swiftly brightened. Just spending time in her company was enough. For now.

"That's okay, you're unlike any girl I've met before." He maintained eye contact, and nodded to affirm the truth of his words as her slim arms moved back around him, and his larger, more muscular ones, embraced her. The soft swell of her breasts pressed against his barrel-chest, and he pressed a light kiss to the top of her head when another voice cut through the night air. A voice he heard every day of his life, and that he'd recognised anywhere. He didn't have to turn to see who it was before he issued his threat about harming him.

"Just wait until you get to know him; you'll want to hurt him too." Edmund hissed under his breath as Walt barked out his order, and began to enter the water. The elder boy glanced at Goldie and rolled his eyes; not caring that it was dark, or late, until it struck him that her lips had turned blue, and if they remained longer, she could well catch a chill, and for that, she could blame him. He squeezed her hand in return, "Don't concern yourself with Papa. I'll wager my life, this has nought to do with him," then shot her the best smile he could muster, and swivelled to face his sibling.

The curve of Walt's lips turned from a scowl to a smile when her hand left Edmund's and the young woman approached him. The elder Bear muttered a curse under his breath, that may have shocked Goldie if she'd heard it, and restrained himself from calling his brother an interfering fool. That'd only encourage the idiot. Instead, he watched in silence, with stomach twisted in a jealous, irritated knot, as his sibling enjoyed the sight of a dripping wet Goldie reaching for her clothes, and the younger boy flicked her a grin. "You're not in trouble or anything. Papa just wants us all home for dinner, and to work out sleeping arrangements for tonight."

Edmund exited the river as Walt reassured Goldie, and watched his sibling's nimble, and slightly trembling, fingers touch the ties of Goldie's dress, and bit his lip at the way his hands deliberately brushed her skin when he completed the knot. Then Walter placed his fingers on her elbow, "Do you recall the way, or shall I guide you?", and began to lead her subtly, but firmly, away. He shot a satisfied smirk over one shoulder to Edmund, who stood with hands clenched into fists by his side.

Walt knew full well that his brother wouldn't dare threaten physical violence, or reveal the full extent of his jealousy in front of Goldie, so that had given him renewed boldness. "Why don't you gather the remainder of Goldie's things, and we'll see you back at the Cottage, Ed." The youngest used the shortened version of the name he knew his brother despised, then leaned in to whisper in Goldie's ear, his lips close enough to brush her blonde hair.

"Maybe you and I can bathe together next time?"

"Bye Goldie." Edmund's voice was hoarse, and the anger barely restrained, as he slipped his shirt on over his head, and tried to bore a hole straight through his sibling with the heat of his gaze.

Walt ignored his brother, and arched a brow at Goldie as they reached the edge of the forest, and spoke loud enough to ensure Edmund could hear. "I'm much more fun. Sometimes I think poor Ed was born without a sense of humour. Are you hungry?"

'So, I finished reading your post and this was my exact reaction: *dark giggles* "YES." -

was the OoC response received, and what I'd been aiming for, which put a huge smile on my face, but I'm not sure, maybe you need to be invested in the story.

I think we're just about to break some sort of record with Goldilocks And The Three 'Bears' - a sexually themed story, which will be a year old next month, and still sex-free!


Apart from that, a couple of my other active stories have slowed down, due to my writing partners real-life commitments.

Only one response to write as we speak, which is for Mali, who, as she did with our first story, has created another amazing character who's a joy to write opposite.

It's in the works, Mali. Patience is a virtue :)

RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

I don't like too much violence. Lately, when I am watching violent things, I start laughing. But watching the first 39 seconds of that video, each time they jump up to catch the ball, they are kneeing someone in the face and I am constantly cringing! Not even an giggle of laughter! I'm a wimp. Don't hate me >.<

Clams are happy because...they are always singing. Haven't you seen the Little Mermaid when the clams are singing along? They feed off of our happiness. That's how they make their pearls O.O

I'm trying to be's not my fault you're such a bomb diggity writer and partner!
RE: Quix's Writing Samples And Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Malicious Lullaby said:
I don't like too much violence. Lately, when I am watching violent things, I start laughing. But watching the first 39 seconds of that video, each time they jump up to catch the ball, they are kneeing someone in the face and I am constantly cringing! Not even an giggle of laughter! I'm a wimp. Don't hate me >.<

Clams are happy because...they are always singing. Haven't you seen the Little Mermaid when the clams are singing along? They feed off of our happiness. That's how they make their pearls O.O

I'm trying to be's not my fault you're such a bomb diggity writer and partner!

I guess I'm just used to watching it, and they don't get hurt (doing that, anyway) as much as you'd expect.

I won't hate you for not liking football, as long as you don't hate me for never having seen The Little Mermaid!

I'll teach you that patience thing, if you like. You're a pretty bomb diggity writer and partner yourself.
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