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Experimenting (DonVoltonus & SN)

Her eyes widened when she felt the back of her womb finally gave way to his cock. "Holy...." she grunted in pain and focused on breathing in and out.
She started to cough up blood as he pushed between her organs, yet she continued to moan and rock her hips. "I don't think I can last longer." She complained.
"I'm not the smartest woman. I was hired for my looks mostly." She smiled and continued to rock her hips.
She nodded in satisfaction and arched her back, crying out in pleasure. "Fuck. That sounds and feels about right."
She moaned and felt more blood dribble out her mouth with cum mixed into it. She leaned against the wall as her breathed started to get slower. "We have to do that again."
She leaned against the wall as her vision started to get blurry. "Ooh. That's even better. I'm definitely up for that." She mumbled before she closed her eyes and slumped against the shower wall.
She would wake up on a simple exam table, her boss leaning over her. "Welcome back dear. I do wish you'd told me of this willingness to die, I have many creatures very dangerous to breed.
As her eyes opened, she groaned as the light hurt her eyes. She looked up and rubbed them before smiling at her boss. "It was a spur of the moment decision. But now that I know, it seems more exciting now that I've tried it."
She grinned with anticipation and clapped her hands. "So, yo aren't mad at me for doing this behind your back?"
She giggled and blushed slightly. "You're hilarious. I guess it does. Are more beasts lethal?" She asked and grabbed a lab coat to cover her naked body.
"Wonderful. Now, we have a very dangerous male know as the Tetsucabra. He's quite violent once he's done mating."
(Can you google it?)
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