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Experimenting (DonVoltonus & SN)

"Well, for some time you've only had level one clearance. In these times, the existance of dragons is almost commonplace. I've been thinking of a way to introduce things of a higher clearance without and widespread rumor and panic. I've realized porn is perfect. Somebody sees a dragon fucking a girl, now they know dragons exist, but they can't say too much, they don't want to explain how they know."
Caitlin listened closely as the woman explained everything. She smiled and nodded at the idea. "So, you're saying that you would get me to higher clearances?" She asked, leaning back on the metal table. She was interested in being fucked by other species than dragons.
"I'm saying I have the ability to do so, yes. The question is do you want the responsibility? If you get pregnant from a classified race, you'll need to stay here until it's born, and surrender any young."
She ran a hand through her blonde hair and sighed. "I understand." She smiled softly and studied her stomach. She wondered what other species she could get pregnant from.
"Alright then, come." She lead her down a series of hallways, to an elevator with blast doors.
She put her hand on a scanner and her eyes up to one as well. The door opened with a clank and she led the girl inside, pressing a series of unlabled buttons.
She nodded as she pushed herself off the table. She followed her down a series of corridors to an elevator with blast doors. She looked around and followed the woman inside once the doors opened. She never went to this part of the facility. She hoped she would be able to go to other ones with this woman.
"Now stay quiet, hands at your sides, head down." She led her into a hallway. Along the walls with large eyes, some type of biomechanical beings that silently watched as they passed, leaving through another door. "Sentries, if you're not coded in this facility they'll watch you very closely for any sign of agression."
She looked at her questionably and sighed, nodding. She hung her head down as she kept her hands to her side. She followed the woman and evened her breaths out. She didn't want to get in trouble.
once they were past the hall there were no more eyes lurking around.
"Okay, now put your hand on the pad and look into there." She said, pointing to a console in the middle of the room.
She sighed as they moved past the eyes. She straightened up then nodded. She splayed her hand as she put it against the console.
A bright red light flashed for a moment, then it was done.
"Good, step back." She scanned her own palm and eyes, then typed something into a keypad.
"Alright, you're in the system."
"Now lets see..." She typed on the computer. "What sort of mytical beast have you fantasised about?"
She rolled her eyes and giggled. "Okay. Well, I don't know. Which species do you think I would like?"
"Hmm, well you'd enjoy a chimera, but we'll need to put you on an antivenom regimen first, so I think a gryphon would be a good starting point."
She listened and nodded. "Gryphon it is." She smiled and set her hands on her hips. "You're fun hanging out with." She giggled.
She smirked. "If you ever get enough clearance, I'll show you a really good time." She said cryptically.
She grinned. "Come along then." She led her to a habitat that mimicked mountain peaks.
A huge griffon swooped down and landed before them, a silver lion's body, with a black eagle's wings and head.
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