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Jugger x Shani

Nodding, Darian moved so that he would strip them both completely, slowly and sensually and making sure the fabric of her clothes would stimulate her skin to tease her. He soon moved her legs open and crawled over to her, prodding her with his cock and looking into her eyes with a smile. "I will be glad to make love to my dear sweet Katrina..." He said before slowly plunging in his cock into her pussy.
Katrina twisted and moved as the fabric brushed upon her flesh., teasing her even more so. As her legs opened she watched as Darian climbed in between them, she whined as he prodded her entrance. She smiled up at him as he smiled down at her. Katrina purred softly, then whined as he slowly pushed into her.
"Sh...Sh...Its okay..." He said gently to her as he reached down and cupped her face with one hand and used his other hand to keep himself up while he began to thrust into her. He smiled and moved so he was now on his knees, making it easier for him as he thrust into her, though he was still leaned over her and caressing her cheek as he made love to her. "Katrina..." He said his lover's name with such happiness.
She calmed down a bit become quiet as he caressed her face, Katrina purred again, she nuzzled his hand a bit. After a little while Katrina started to moan in pleasure, as they made love. "Darian..." She spoke in a hushed whisper, smiling up at him. She was glad that Satine had hired him and that he had liked her, granted she never thought she'd fall for a human. She was also happy that she was able to save him, and turn him into a cat creature.
Darian smiled as he continued to thrust into her. His lips went to hers once more and he began to move faster into her, harder now as well as his cock went through her tight pussy and filled her up with his length as he thrust. He could feel himself coming close to cumming. He was so close. So he pulled out and laid down next to her. "I was about to cum...I didn't want to cum inside of you, like I said. I know restraints."
Katrina kissed Darian back passionately as they made love, she moaned softly into their kiss as he moved faster. She got louder as he went harder into, hitting the right places. It was amazing, Katrina's walls began to squeeze at his cock, as she was fixing to cum. After a few good thrusts Katrina moaned out in pleasure and came. She was panting as she laid there. "Yess... it's a...good thing that you do..."
Nathan frowned as he could hear Katrina's moanings from where he was at. 'I must remind myself to soundproof the basement more...' Though the moanings were faint and his senses were indeed heightened due to his vampirism. "Is it alright to let those two cats just play grab ass with each other as the girl is in heat?" Nathan asked Satine gently, not trying to seem angry or annoyed. Just concerned.

Darian smiled as he pulled her close and into a hug. "I love you so much Katrina..." He said gently as he closed his eyes and laid there next to her, sleeping with her and letting her see how much he loved her.
Satine could hear the two but was ignoring it as she finished packing her things, for the weekend. Satine looked at him, "I don't really know Nathan...We've never had two of the same species before and never in the cage together, the cages were designed to keep the females in and males out... unless prisoner of war then they were in the back cages those you can't break out of. I assume it's alright so long as Darrian doesn't spill his seed inside of her.." Satine stated the issue had never come up before. She moved behind Nathan and began to rub his shoulders to relax him.

Katrina smiled and continued to purr, cuddling into Darian. "I love you too..."She stated softly, before closing her eyes, getting comfortable, ans falling asleep. Safe in Darian's arms, close to his heart.
Nathan relaxed to her hands as they moved against his shoulders and his head lulled around, but he didn't moan or groan in pleasure. Though, he was obviously enjoying it without having to make it audible. "If you say so, Satine...I do not want to have to deal with a baby cat...That is when they are most furious...small but so tempermental...Unless tamed early in birth, but even then its difficult." He said with a murmur as he moved to lay back and put his head on her shoulder and looked to her with a smile.
Satine smiled as she could feel Nathan relaxing, it normally worked. "Very true, same with dogs, wolves, cats, foxes, birds, humans...The list goes on of how frustrating and annoying babies can be...I don't know, I think it may be cute and a good thing to have a little baby... something, running through these they once did...liven things up a bit, could be interesting...I'm sure it won't happen though, Darian will probably reject her offer while she's in heat at least until he grows into the new body, so we don't have anything to worry about for a while." Satine spoke softly as she continued to massage his back and shoulders. As he leaned back she wrapped her arms around him and held him, smiling.
"Mm...Though...I do not want any children in this house...At least not while we are living in this place. I cannot stand crying and the smell of dirty diapers. It would be a burden unless we 'hire' more people to take care of the child while the parents still work...Or rather...the parents will take care of the child and we'd need replacements for them until the child is able to take care of itself." He sighed and looked up to her. "Do not think of me as a cold man for this. I would rather not go through the trouble of enslaving others, even if its temporary. I feel I've been a bit rusty and besides...I know not of any other beasts around these parts that are not what we have already. We would have to go foreign if it would come to this."
Satine tilted her head at his statement of not wanting children in the house. "The house is big, enough, for a baby...The crying maybe bothersome, but while your asleep it would be awake, and while you're awake it'd be your room is on the roof basically while Katrina's is at the far end of the middle floor, and Darian's is right by mine. You probably wouldn't hear it...Well we could rearrange the schedules while one works the other cares for the child, and vise versa..." Satine was trying to find ways around his logic, she wasn't too sure if it would work or not. She continued to smile until he sighed then her smile faded. "Yeah...your right we don't really need anymore servants right would be a hassle to train new ones...we have one of almost everything around here and some foreign ones... The only one we no longer have is human..? She stated agreeing a bit with Nathan, since Darian became a cat creature now. Satine sighed softly, gently placing her hand on her stomach, "You know...I've always wanted a child..." She said, just a bit of information, that Nathan may not have know, her never really letting on about ever really wanting children, maybe that was why she babied many of the servants. When they were hurt or sick or when Nathan yelled at them, she was always there when she knew about it and made sure they were taken care of.
"I had always figured that you would be the kind of person to have wanted a child." Nathan stated as he reached over and placed a hand on her stomach. "I would have gladly had given you my child, would it have been possible for the likes of we. Though we must make due with these servants we have picked favorites with. And as for Darian and Katrina...They may pose a problem...Just hear me out on this, but if the two of them, both of them being the same species and both different genders, live here together...the others will want to have mates of their own...And then what? This house will go from our house to being just a breeding ground."
When he placed his hand on her stomach as well, she smiled softly and looked to him. "I know you would have...and I would have gladly excepted carrying it." She replied if only it were possible. "Yes you're right, we do need to do something. That's why I had thought of the servants cottage while that string was in me trying to get them to go, trying to save Darian and when he tried to attack me for it. He didn't want to take's not too far into the woods, it's not as big as our house, but it's not small either...You're right we don't need to have a breeding ground in our mist."Satine agreed with him there, eventually they would have to set people free or brack families up and she couldn't bare it.
"I don't know what to do then. Darian and Katrina are going to have to leave if they have a child. Until then, I think its alright at least for them to stay here. But when she's pregnant, we have to kick them to that cottage you are speaking of. We don't want a rebellion on our hands. And you know just who will win. There is a reason why WE are the owners of all these servants...And Satine...should you wish to hire another human, do it then. Just do not take a risk with the mercenary anymore. I was against it when Darian arrived and I'm still against you hiring any more mercenaries. Just kidnap someone. You were too soft back then and put us all in danger when you denied the want to kidnap someone and just hire a human mercenary."
"Well then, we will wait and if and when it happens we'll get the cottage set up. They can stay there if they wish or move on, but I don't think that wise with the diminishing cat population. We don't need a rebellion, that's the last thing we need or want. I know Nathan...Alright if I decide to want another one I wont hire a mercenary...I know it was risky but I thought a mercenary could be helpful..How was I to know they break down quickly. Nathan I've always been soft, besides when I was human, the fear of death scared me more back then...but after my family died I was soft, and looked to you for protection, safety, guidance, and love." Satine smiled softly at him.
When she mentioned the death of her family, his frown deepened and he lowered his head, his banes now hiding his face as he seemed to swell up in sorrow for what he had done to her and stayed silent. He felt so horrible still...centuries passed and he forgot about that incident with her family and when he remembered, he would never live this down. He didn't love her back then as much as he did now, he was just there to cause her torment and eventually felt a small spark of love for her but it wasn't as strong as it was now...He figured thats why is hurting him so much now rather than when he actually did remember.
Satine's smile faded just as softly as it was there. She knew he felt bad, for what he had done, the pain and suffering he had caused her. Satine wasn't thinking when she had said that, she spoke about her families death from time to time...but it was different knowing that her lover, her partner, the man she trusted her life to, he who took her life and tried to damn her in eternal suffering watching the ones she loved die...the cause of the Black Death. Satine wasn't trying to use it against him in anyway, she just had a blank moment. Satine gently cupped his face, smiling once again trying to let him know it was okay, granted What he did centuries ago was rotten, but Nathan was all she had, from a time long since dead and she loves him and to her that's all that matters. Satine pressed her lips softly to his forehead.
When she cupped his cheek, he looked to her silently and saw her smile. When she kissed his forehead, he closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close, moving from letting her kiss his forehead to having her kiss his lips. He kept his eyes closed as he kissed her and a small bit of tears formed in the corners of his eyes, but it wasn't nearly enough for him to actually shed literal tears whatsoever...but it would have to do for a vampire like he. Soon he pulled away. "Lets just make sure everyone is ready for tomorrow."
Satine saw the sad look in his eyes, She cuddled into him as he held her close. As she was re-positioned she kissed his lips softly and gently, putting care into it. Her eyes had closed, focusing on letting the love she felt pour out into her kiss. When she re-opened her eyes she saw the the water form in the corners of his eyes, gently with her thumbs she wiped them away. Satine looked at him curiously as he pulled away from her, "Alright dear...let's go check." She replied standing up waiting for him so they could walk together, Satine not at her full strength, yet.
Nathan shook his head to Satine and sat her down. "I forgot about your condition...Just lay down, okay? I will go and check up on everyone." He kissed her lips gently and moved to leave, going out to see Magenta first. When he arrived, he frowned and crossed his arms. "Are you ready for tomorrow yet Magenta? I hope you are ready...we won't be coming back until the trip is over, so once we leave...we're gone for a bit. It'll be too much of a hassle to go back and forth."
Satine looked up at him curiously as he sat her back down, she smiled slightly. "Nathan...I'll be fine....Alright, I'll stay here..." She stated, Then kissed him back, she watched as he walked out of the room. She climbed up further onto the bed, laying down waiting for him to return. Magenta lay on her bed staring up at the ceiling, lost in thought. Once she heard his voice she turned her head, seeing him she sat up and looking in his direction. "Yes, both Katrina and I are ready for the trip. Ve don't have much to pack, vhat ve vill need is in Trina's basket." SHe stated then looked at him curiously, "Vhy do you seem so cold? is every thing alright?" She asked unsure of his frown, and his arms being crossed he hadn't been like that toward her since, before the puppet and before he freed her.
"I was just reminded I caused the worse thing in Satine's life. I just need a distraction right now and was hoping you could help me with that." He said as he walked over to her bed and sat down on it. "I'm not asking for sex or anything unless thats all you can think of. I just need to take my mind off of it somehow otherwise I'll just kill the entire mood of this trip." He sighed and uncrossed his arms and laid back on her bed. "I just feel so terrible..seeing the sorrow in her eyes...I caused so much grief to her, I took away her mother and her humanity...No...I also took away her other family as well...Though she said that they were dead long before I met her..."
"Oh...I see...I'm sorry...It must be horrible to live vith such guilt now that you remember it..." She felt bad that he was so burdened by what he had done to Satine. "I'll help however seems fit...Nathan." Magenta scooted over so he could sit down on the bed as well. Magenta sighed softly trying to think of a way to distract him, so he wouldn't think about it. "Vell, she can't very vell hold it over you've said it vas a long time ago...But of course anyone vould be hurt, to know that millions of people were wiped out including their family, that wasn't a force of nature or an accident...Oh that could be true but it could also be her coping vith it. You've got to let it go...I mean there's nothing that can change the course of time, Satine vill need time to get over it as vell...Life is for the alive, and the undead....Neither of you can live in the can only go forward now, I'm sure Satine vill be upset, vhen various servants don't live forever...." Magenta figured maybe talking about it more so he doesn't have it all bottled up might help him, if not she would find another way. Magenta cuddled up next to him, trying to ease hid burden. Magenta was mans best friend after all depending on who.
When Magenta cuddled up next to him, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into him, having his face buried in her neck as he stayed silent with her. "I don't know what I'll do when you die, Magenta....I don't want to see you die. There was a time where I thought I could just kill you off at any time I decided but I see how stupid I was..." He pulled her tighter against his body but it was not hurting her. "I'm growing soft for expressing so many feelings...I used to kill so many for my own pleasure and now I am starting for some of our servants. It disgusts me to know I'm changing with age..."
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