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Jugger x Shani

"I've tried to avoid him, vhich vas hard granted I vas his servant. I've never paid much attention, he vould be dark to me I never tuned into it. That's a good idea snooping around can lead to trouble...expesically theirs. You never know....vhat lays behind closed doors. I know only a few dark things that he sorta shared of his past..but he seemed so hurt by it now and it was strange..Satine downstairs just a bit ago seemed unphased by it..I vonder if he had told her...?" Magenta finished folding her things, moving to Katrina's. "So vhich do you like?"
Darian shook his head. "I would assume he did not." When she pulled out Katrina's clothing to start showing him what she had, he frowned. "I do not know...I do not know women fashion, it was never really a priority for me due to my past job. Socialness to me, so I would not know what is fashionable and what is not. Though...I would assume from what I've heard all before throughout my travels, revealing is much better and sexier."
"I don't know I'm sure he may tell me vhether he did or didn't later..." Magenta looked at what Katrina had, she had just as much as she did, beggers can't be choosers. She listend to Darian, "Do you think we've ever paid attention to fashion, ve're in the middle of no have no one to really learn from, Satine tends to stay in the Victorian era, Less could be attractive I guess, maybe ve are too different from the vorld out there..." She stated and just started to fold a few things Katrina could look it over later or pick and choose what she wanted to wear. "I can't vait, an actual vacation, it should be great except for vhat's her face..."
"Don't let the witch ruin your vacation." Darian reassured her. "Just have fun. Nathan's probably taking her along just to make her a pack mule or something. Just try not to let the girl get to you, alright?" He smiled and patted her head. "If we're packed up...maybe we can bring the clothes down for Katrina to see to make sure she likes what it is that we packed for her?"
Magenta sighed, "I'll try not too, I hope she's there for she's knew maybe he doesn't trust her to be alone vith the others in the house..." she replied that would also make sense. "I'll try." she smiled as he patted her head. "Sure ve can...but don't you vanna pack you things first?" she asked curiously.
Darian shook his head. "I have no clothes other than my working clothes. Several sets of them anyway. I just assumed I could swim in the waters of the beach in just my boxer shorts rather than a swimsuit. Do you think that that would be alright for this trip?"
"Ve'll have to go get you some, Once Satine is better I'm sure she'll take you. I think that's fine, It should be ve don't own bathing suits, so I'm grabbing us an extra panties and extra bra's. ve don't go on vaction much. I think this may be the first real one. Let's go see Trina." She smiled and explained she walked towards the door, with the basket.
Once they were down there, Darian went inside the cage with her and wrapped Katrina in his arms and held her close to him as Magenta showed her the clothes she thought she wanted to wear for the beach vacation. "I did not know what it was that you might have to wear, so I allowed Magenta to pick out your clothes for you."
Magenta went into the cage with Darian and Katrina carring the basket. Katrina cuddled into Darian lovingly, as he held her. She then noticed the basket, "Magenta...? Why do you have my basket?" Magenta looked over to Katrina, " needed something to carry our things in , ve're gonna be gone a few days." She stated softly, Katrina nodded her head. Magenta took out what she packed for Katrina showing her the outfits. "Those are fine thanks..." She stated she was a little upset that Magenta didn't ask to use the basket before hand, but she was annoyed due to her heat as well so it wasn't all Magenta.
Darian frowned. "Perhaps I could ask Satine if she has extra suitcases or something of the sort...She's been alive for some centuries and she's got a great many clothes...I would assume that she has some suitcases for whenever she goes out on trips like this. If you would like, the next time I see her before we leave, I will ask her for a spare. Then I will bring it to you two for you to pack your things in it instead of the basket."
Katrina looked up to Darian, "Thanks...but, Don't worry about it...It's just a basket...after all. It's not like Maggie and I have a lot to pack anyway. The basket is fine." Katrina said lighting up a bit, not wanting to get on the topic that she was put in that very basket, when she was younger to come and be a servant. The memories that an object can hold is interesting, some painful, some wonderful. "I'll go bring it back up stairs," Magenta said as she repacked the clothing. "Just be careful with it.." Katrina said. "Don't vorry I vill be...goodnight you two." Magenta said and with that she went upstairs to put the basket in their room. Magenta wondered how this was going to work, the room situation, Since her and Katrina shared a room, She wondered if she'd be moved to a different room or if Kat would go into Darians room, or Darian going into their room. She'd probably move to a different room now that Katrina was in love, and found another, to be together with. While Magenta was more so alone, she had the Master, whom she loved but it was hard to share, for he also loved Satine, and Satine loved him, they were together way before she was born, in a way she wanted her own love one she didn't have to share, until that day she would stay with the Master, even during she would still probably stay with him She loved him.
Darian smiled as Magenta left, looking to Katrina and began to cuddle with her, holding her close. "Katrina...I know that you are in heat...and I wish to aid you in this. Though...I promise I will be as careful as I can be so that I do not impregnate you. If you wish. It must be hard, having to give up natural desires even now having a lover which you wish to make love to." He held her closer. "I do not want you to feel as if you are alone in any sort of way whatsoever."
As he held her close Kat squirmed slightly, his body heat was making her warmer. "That's why I'm in here...Darian you know I want too... I really want too. But I cant control myself..." Katrina said and her nails dragged on his pant leg. "No it's very difficult to give up such desires....It's very hard and I'm trying not too...but I want to...need too." Her back arched slightly as he held her closer. "I don't feel alone...alone how? She asked curiously.
"I don't know. I would just assume you might feel so alone in this cage since I was gone most of the time you were in here. I would like to let you have your desires. And no, you probably cannot control yourself, or maybe you can. I am not entirely certain...but I will stop if things get too...deep in the moment. I do not have to use my actual manhood to please the woman I love, there are other ways to relieve your heat."
"Sure I've been alone, but I'm used to that. I've been in here alone many tines before. I dont normally act on them, if anything me and Maggie would play around. No not normally. Okay, if you gave the will to stop... But it's not the same..."
Darian frowned as he listened to her, her words confusing him as to what her intentions seemed. She was somewhat driving away from what he wanted to do for her and when she spoke of his will to stop, he was even more confused. "So...What is it exactly that you wish that I do for you, Katrina...?"
Katrina had responded to him becoming confussed as well. She thought for a moment, about his question. "I want make love.. to me, Darian." She stated seductively. Sheneeded to be rid of her heat and want to make love, with the man she loved.
Darian grinned when she spoke so seductively to him that he should make love to her. He nodded to her and leaned in for a kiss, kissing her lips passionately as he pulled her closer to him so he could feel her body heat against his and vice versa, wanting her to be warm in this cold basement that she had to call a home until tomorrow.
Katrina kissed him back just aspassionatly. She had missed him when he ran off got the two days. As she was pulled closer she held onto him, her back arched slightly. Katrina needed this, she kneaded her fingers on his shoulders. When in heat it felt like she on fire.
Darian would continue to kiss her with passion, though his hands moved down her body slowly and sensually before grasping onto her butt and began to massage it, getting a good feel for his lover's buttocks and afterwards he moved that hand a little forward until he was rubbing her inner thighs, his hands going up and down and teased her pussy by going close to it, but never touching it.
Katrina's lips never left his, as he slowly moved his hands down her body Kat squirmed slightly letting out a soft whine. Her back arched even more as he grabbed as her bottom. As Darian teased her by touching her thighs getting dangerously close to her womanhood she whined as a kitty cat would, get body shook slightly.
Darian laughed a little at how she was acting toward his teasing to her. He smiled and pulled away, looking into her eyes before he moved on top of her, his mouth now going up and down her neck ever so gently as his hand slipped into her pants and panties and began to slowly rub his fingers along her crevice, teasing her a little more before he began to push in two of his fingers, each going in as deep as he could work his hand to make them.
Katrina didn't know why he was laughing, maybe he was just enjoying himself, since she was very cat like. Katrina looked up at him as he climbed on top of her. She sighed softly as his lips kissed up and down her neck. Katrina whined as he touched her womanhood she wanted him, he heat was acting up. Kat felt as his fingers pushed as deep as he could into her. It felt so nice.
Darian smiled and moved his face to look at hers as he fingered her slowly. His lips grinned gently to her and he laid down his head beside hers, his fingers still working magic against her pussy. "Just let me know when you want to go further, my lovely Katrina..." Darian said lovingly to her.
Katrina whined as he fingered her slowly, it felt good and she wanted more. She didn't want to rush but she also wanted to she wanted him, she wanted more. She gave it a minute or two, before she verbalied thst she wanted to move on. "Can we go further Darian my sweet loving Darian." She spoke sweetly.
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