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The Monster School

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Not knowing what the next class was or where it was, she just wandered around the school grounds, really thinking see needed to get some actual clothes on. She sighed and reached a hand out to an apple tree, making a branch full of apples come to her. She picked one off and let the branch go back to normal. She bit into it and savored the taste, giggling some. She started to walk back to the dorm rooms, munching and spacing out.
Zasso sighed, locking the greenhouse. He turned and slowly strolled to the his dorm. Fumbling with the small keys, he finally unlocked the door to his room. Forgetting to close the door, he collapsed onto his bed, falling asleep instantly.
She strolled by Mr. Zasso's room and noticed it was open, and stuck her head in, wondering if he was ok. She saw he was asleep on his bed and giggled at him. She walked into his room and closed the door, thinking to pull a prank on him. She summoned up several poison ivy plants, and had them wrapped around Zasso's legs and arms. She smiled and summoned up a bush in the corner, hiding in it.
Zasso woke up with a yawn, casually breaking the vines as if they were not even there. Looking around, he spotted a bush that seemed out of place. Smirking, he said,"It's going to take a lot more than a few weeds to hold me."
Locking the door as he passed, the Ent sleepily sauntered over to the bush and lifted Sylvia into the air by one of her legs.
"Thought you'd fool the Botany teacher with a little plant mischief, eh?"asked Zasso, obviously amused, and in a good mood.

She tilts her head to the side after the class, before looking at the planets somehow she understood as what they where staying, they her "Well, that was interesting." She said to herself, before walking out of the room. How could talking to a planet be useful to her, she had to think about that one.


Valdemar was sitting in his classroom awaiting for the students to come to his class today. His class room from the outside look normal, but the inside where definitely weird. As soon as you open up the room you could see nothing but an endless void with chairs and desk around. Valdemar was stilling up at his desk reading something as he waited. Many demonic looking pieces of arts where scatter about the room.
She had the fine wine and said to herself "well he knows his wine no big deal" she then got dressed but this time she wore a black tank with blue jeans with holes in them and black leather boots. she then heading to her first class which was valdemar for he was a interest to her. She walked right into his class and walked right up to the teacher and said "were do i sign up".
(ignore that last post about her being in the green house)
Valdemar pulls down the paper he had in front of his face "Oh, you want to take my class." He puts down his paper, before snapping his fingers and a sheet of paper appears in on of his hand, before a pen appears in his other hand. He places them down before her, before looking up to her "Sign here for normal classes, and here for private lesson." Valdemar pulls out another paper it was a waver "All student gotta sign this before taking my class, it is a hard class, so don't wimp out on me."
Aine, having already left her first class, flew around the school campus riding her silver staff sideways. She looked at her white ruffled dress, thinking she should change her outfit. She flew to her dom room and quickly went in through the window.
Her room was slightly bare with just a bed, wardrobe, desk, and a full length mirror but she knew that would change soon. Stepping infront of the full length mirror she held her staff horizontally and closed her eyes.
In her minds eye she visalized what she'd like her outfit to become. When she opened her eyes she smiled gleefully. Now she was dressed in an aqua colored crop top showing off her flat stomach, she also wore a black skirt, blue knee-high socks, and black converse.
With a cute twirl Aine made her way to Professer Valdemars clasroom.
She struggled vainly in the Ent-man's grip, shooting more vines around its form to drag it down. "Let me go! It was only a joke!" She yelled out, hitting her staff against his arm repeatedly. She was starting to blush, seeing that his eyes were going over the curve of her leg. She eeps loudly, and battles harder, sparks flying from her. She didn't like the feeling that she was somehow over her head by 6 feet...
Zasso gently put Sylvia down on the ground, before standing up again, saying,"If you're going to do something to me, make sure that it won't fail, beforehand."
For some reason, he had just begun noticing the girl's perfect form, though he could not pinpoint the origin of his mild attraction. He did not realize that his hand was still resting on her ankle.
When Aine enter his room, he looks up at her smiling at her "Well, well it seems that we have another bird for my class." He chuckles, before standing up. The room when she enter she would notice that there where no walls no floor, nothing that look to be a room, but yet he was standing there like he was on a solid. When Aine would enter the room. Her and other girl could see the color shade around the room fade from black to blue. Valdemar snaps his fingers, before a paper appears before Aine "All student who take my class must sign this. The first line is for the class. The second is for private lesson and the three is just so I know you will do your best." He told Aine, before he disappears in a puff of purple smoke. Reappearing in the purple smoke behind her "My class is tough just to let you know." Both girls would notice that when they touch the pen to the paper it would write "You gotta place it on your thumb." The pen would draw a little amount of blood from them, before writing on the lines they desire to have.
She looked down at his ankle and shook it, trying to get him to let go. "Good advice, sir..." She said, finally getting her ankle free. She knelt down, rubbing her ankle and accidently granting Zasso a look down her shirt. She was wearing a light green bra, with roses on it. She stood up after rubbing life back into her foot, and smiled up at him.
Aine gasped when she entered the strange room, it gave her the mild feeling of floating. She looked over the paper before grabbing the pen and wincing when it pricked her.
She signed all three lines and handed the paper back with a pleasent smile.
"Even though I'm a witch of light it helps to learn a little bit about dark." She said to him. She wanted to show him respect but what should she do? Aine abandoned the thought of bowing, or shaking hands. So after a minute of looking befuddled she simply giggled nervously.
Then she went to a desk, using her staff to fly over to it looking down quizcally at the floor.
Zasso shook himself out of his lust-filled trance. Standing up, he walked to the door and unlocked it.
"C'mon, we're going into the forest." said the Ent.
A short while later, the two arrived at an extremely secluded spot, isolated among the trees, the sun shining brightly, overhead.
"Your next lesson, will be to 'befriend' the plants here, using what you know."said Zasso with a smile, sitting on a boulder.
"Ummmmm, what are we doing here...? We should be back at the school...I have classes to go to...." She said, looking around warily. She didn't like being alone with the Ent-man, knowing the looks he gave her in his room. She was regretting everything now, making an oath not to fool around with pranks again.
Zasso saw that Sylvia was nervous and said,"I'm not going to do anything you don't want me to. All I ask is that you show me the full capacity of your powers before I help you improve on them." With that, he stood up, crossing his forearms in an 'X'. Immediately after, he extended his arms out in a pushing motion, causing the dense forest area to be transformed into a beautifully lush meadow of soft green grass.
"Well...if you say so..." She smiled and started stretching, working out the tension in her muscles. She pointed her staff at him, and muttered a short word of power. Black vines shot out of her staff's head, wrapping all over the Ent, and constricting, digging their thorns into his. She wrapped him in a cocoon of black vines, then she grew the thorns till they were a full 6 inches in length. She giggled and thought she had won.
Zasso felt each of the vines puncture his body. The pain felt good, invigorating him, fueling his very being. Suddenly, he tore through the vines with no real problems. His wounds healed in seconds as he stood there, triumphant.
"You caught me off guard, but it'll take quite a bit more to hold me."he said, continuing his evaluation,"Your arrogance, along with your improper approach would have cost you your life, had I been trying to kill you."
She roared at him and summoned a flurry of leaves. She stripped the trees of leaves in a 50 yard radius, making them swirl around Zasso. She yelled out a long litany, turning the sides of the leaves into razors. She then commanded them to cocoon the Ent, tearing into him. "Haha! Take that you stupid branch!" She yelled at him.
Zasso stood there, his wounds healing before her eyes as he chuckled deeply. His hand flicked in Sylvia's direction. Instantly, she was whipped by a vine, a large red gash forming on her stomach. "Keep your guard up! Be ready for anything!"yelled the Ent, whipping her once more.
"Learning about the dark eh?" He turns to her, before leaning in "Let me ask you a question then miss light witch?" He gives her a grin, before speaking again in his playful tone "Just because it is dark magic, does that mean it's evil?" He tilts his head to the side "The answer is no, it all in who is wielding it and the eye of the beholder. What I reprieved as good doesn't mean that you will think it's good." He told her, before walking over to his desk and picking up an orb off of it. It was black, before he sits on the end of his desk "In this class you will learn control, combat, and about the dark arts as you so call them."
"Son of a Bi--- OUCH!!!" She screeched in pain, holding her belly and dropping her spell in reaction. She pulled her shirt to the side and felt her wound, feeling a slight trickle of blood. "Damn it..." She glared at Zasso, her eyes blazing green with power as she sucked the energy from the ground around her. She thrust her hand out at him and screamed out a word, unleashing a cone of frost at him. Sparks were flying from her as her angry started to control her body, they glowed the same green as he eyes and made small flames where they landed.
Zasso suddenly rammed her, charging through the frost, shouldering her with the force of a freight train. Wasting no time, he uppercutted her into the air, catching her, one-handed, by both wrists as she fell. Using his free hand, he snatched her staff, throwing it to the ground as he chuckled once more.
"Now, now. Anger isn't the answer." he said, taunting her.
She yelped out in pain at first, but her sense was soon skyrocketed into the sky, leaving her limp in his grip. The green glow was snuffed out like a light, and the sparks stop falling. A darkness started to weep through her shirt, turning a large part black with blood. Blood also trickled from her nose and mouth, dripping onto his leg.
Zasso traced Sylvia's wounds with his free hand, healing them instantly. He suddenly removed her shirt and pants, along with her shoes/socks, as they were all stained with blood. Staring at her almost naked form did something to him as he felt a faint stirring in his loins.
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