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Sold By My Family (Guardian Angel and Lunarwolf)

Ianite just jumped a little bit and found herself backing away from him rather quickly, only to trip over some clothes that were on the ground and fall to the ground. She was a bit wide eyed and a little pale - startled and more than a little frightened.
"I am not mad at you but the maids here don't need your help I have plenty of staff here" Adrian offered his hand to her to help her up
Ianite was just looking for a moment before she was speaking in a soft voice, "I....I'm sorry..." She was speaking in a soft voice before she was taking his hand to get up.
Ianite was just giving a small nod of her head before she was just lowering her head and was questioning in a soft voice if he was going to lock her up as punishment.
"no I am not I would rather talk to you and explain why what your doing isn't ok" Adrian was starting to hate her parents more and more
Ianite was just looking up for a moment although she more seemed fearful than anything else, but it was obvious that she was listening to what he had to say.
Ianite was just nodding her head after a moment in time before she was giving a small curtsy and just hurrying off.
As this was happening, Darian was just getting some papers taken care of, just tapping his fingers on the desk for a brief moment in time. There were a few important documents sitting in front of him but at that point he really didn't want to deal with anything that was happening. It was rather cumbersome and annoying.

Ianite ended up returning to her room and was going over to sit in a corner, just drawing her knees to her chest.
Some of the soldiers were looking towards her for a moment in time, and there were some that were against her being there, but there were others that didn't seem to mind at all.
Cat didn't care what the men thought she had trained long and hard to get where she was and when one soldier was brave enough to challenge her she took him up on the spar and became delighted to have someone to spar with even if this was the only time.

Several minutes later Darians butler arrived to inform him that the soldiers were not happy with Cat being there and wanted her gone. the butler had over heard them all talking and it seemed like her binging in the training hall really irritated them
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Darian was just looking towards his butler for a brief moment in time before he was commenting, "You know I don't know why it is an issue that she is in the training hall at all. What is the damage that is truly being done with her there. I think that the problem is.... is that a number of the men are getting tired of being beaten by a woman." With that he was just shrugging his soldiers and was stating, "Besides.... I am one of the few Dukes that do not care if a woman wishes to become a soldier. If they are determined enough to want to fight for their kingdom - then I will not stop them. I will not treat them any different from any of my men - and this hasn't changed at all with the numerous woman that we have trained."

Meanwhile, a butler would be finding their way to Adrian to just inform him that it seemed like Ianite was out in the greenhouse at the time - something that seemed to bother some of the servants within the household. It wasn't as though she was doing anything - just tending to some of the plants that were there, and it wasn't as though the elderly gardener really mind at all.
The butler bowed and then said he would let the men know of the man’s words so that they stopped complaining

Adrian looked at his butler and listened before speaking “leave her be she is still adapting and gardening is a noble ladies pursuit”
"If they have a problem with it - they can come to me directly." Darian was commenting after a moment in time as he watched over the sparring grounds from his windows.

This had the butler nodded before he spoke, "Also... It seems that a few of the maids that you assigned to tend to her haven't been doing their jobs. Kelly nervously came to me about it this morning. She went to get warm water ready for the young lady and the other two maids assigned dumped it out and filled it with cold water for her to wash with. Then they dressed her clothes that were akin to a peasants clothing. This has been happening the last few days - Kelly just now got the courage to come and say something."
Adrian looked at him “fire the two maids and promote Kelly she will be my fiancés personal maid from here on out” Adrian wouldn’t put up with the behavior of the two maids at all and he would see to it that she was properly tended too

Cat finished sparing with the men who had given her a chance and then turned and headed back to her room
The butler was nodding his head before he spoke, "I wanted to inform you of the problem at hand before making a decision." With that he was bowing and heading out so that he could take care of the problem at hand. No he could tell that the other two didn't care - because they weren't anywhere near their lady at all like they should have been. Kelly on the other hand was actively in the garden actually helping Ianite at the time.
Adrian nodded his head and then watched as the male left the room before turning and looking out of the window at the courtyard. Adrian would make is clear his wife was not someone to be disrespected.
Ianite was just tending to some of the flowers in the garden - although Adrian would actually first hand get to see some of the abuse that she was dealing with - stuff that she didn't even seem to complain about. He would witness one of the maids seem to "trip" and spill a bucket of dirty water all over her. He would also see Kelly seeming to be reacting and scolding the person, helping Ianite up to her feet to get her inside and out of the cold air while wet.
Adrian watched it all happen and soon sent for both Kelly and Ianite as well as his butler. Adrian knew this marriage wouldn't work all that well if she was being abused by his staff and he planned on putting all of it to and end
They were being approached but Kelly was straight up telling the guard that was sent that they would be there as soon as she helped Ianite get dried off and changed.
the guard in questions leaned down and spoke softly "my mother sent a dress for the lady its hidden under her bed in what looks like an old sack" the males mother was one of the best seamstresses there was and she would solely for Adrian
This had Kelly looking towards the man for a moment before she was giving a small nod of her head and was heading off so that they could get inside.
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