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Sold By My Family (Guardian Angel and Lunarwolf)

It did take the pair out twenty minutes before they were joining in the office and Kelly was apologizing to the man, stating that Ianite had wanted to look a bit more presentable. No it was obvious that Ianite didn't want the man to know what had fully happened - so just made it seem to be that she had dirtied herself while in the garden. Now she was wearing the dress that had been made by the guard's mother.
This had the pair of them nodding before Ianite was taking a seat, although Kelly took to standing behind her as most servants would.
Adrian nodded pleased that she would maintain her status. ADrian then looked at Ianite "I saw how you were just treated and it will not be tolerated at all"
Ianite was just looking over a bit startled to hear that he had seen this and she was looking towards the ground.
"you are soon to be the mistress of this house hold that staff needs to respect you" Adrian wasn't mad at either of them but he knew that this needed to stop
Ianite was just speaking in a soft voice, "The maid tripped and I just happened to be in the way." Nope she was covering for the woman it seemed.
"no she didn't Ianite I watched the whole thing and you need not cover for the staff either" Adrian leaned forward and looked her in the face "this stops today I will not have my wife mistreated"
Adrian leaned back in his seat and then looked at Kelly "you report directly to me from now out you main and only job is to tend to Ianite if a staff member disrespects her I expect to be told or for you to inform the head butler"
Kelly was just looking towards Adrian for a moment before she was nodding her head before she spoke, "I meant to report sooner but... They found out that I knew and had threatened me. But... I overcame the fear."
"if you are harmed or retaliated against I expect to be told as well" Adrian looked at Ianite "this my not be how you pictured getting married or the family you wanted but I will not let you be harmed"
Ianite was just looking for a moment in time although there was only a sad smile before she spoke, "I never pictured getting married - especially not into a loveless marriage that was only.... because of my parent's greed."
"we all have things happen that we dont want but they must but give me time your parents will pay for their greed" Adrian looked over as tea was brought in for them
"They have money... That is all that mattered to them. They were willing to sell me without even a second thought." Ianite was speaking after a moment in time. A cruel thing if he truly thought about it. It could have been somebody nearly two times her age that was offering - and they would have accepted it just because they wanted money.
"and they have debts as well, debts I am in the process of buying when all is said in done they will owe me much more than I paid for you" Adrian knew it sounded cruel that he had paid for her but it was the truth "when I am done they will lose everything as I will call in all their debts and when they can't pay the king will strip them of their lands and title" Adrian looked at her "you will be safe however the king will expect nothing from you as you married into my family and are no longer considered part of your family"
"And then what happens to me should we decide to get divorced ever. I would have no where to go." Ianite was commenting after a moment in time before shaking a head a bit.
"the king wouldn't let us divorce my rank is too high the most that would happen is I would continue to provide for you and you would be able to live your life as you wished." Adrian knew the king would push them to have at least one child but he would wait to brooch that until later
Ianite was just giving a nod of her head before she was speaking "I guess there is no choice. What will happen to the staff within my family's home when all is stripped from them.... " no there was a maid in particular that she wished to bring there with her. Perhaps he would allow it. The woman had always been an helpful to Ianite throughout the years - and had been nothing but loyal to Ianite.
"they will lose their jobs if you have someone that you wish to keep send them a letter and let the butler know who they are so that he is aware when they arrive" Adrian would let her keep some staff but he couldn't take the whole lot of them and he honestly didn't trust them either
"Any letter I send will only be burned. There is only a single maid I wish - she has been at my side throughout every thing. She is the only one I trust. Her name is Calla and...all of the other staff there are nothing more than greedy." Ianite spoke after a moment in time.
Adrian nodded his head and leaned back before thinking "I can send someone to get her we will need a description of her so that my man knows who to look for. or i will go myself to get her"
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