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Rocking Relations

He smiled and pulled her a little bit closer forgetting about the bulge in his pants. "I understand just fine Emma." He felt himself poking at her and then a huge blush appeared on his face. "S..sorry your just so beautiful." He pulled away from her hoping he didn't just ruin the relationship they just started. "Maybe I should shower once you get the water warm for me."
Feeling the bulge in his pants against her stomach, she blushed brightly and looked down between them to see just how big the bulge was. "It's okay Jeffy." she whispered to him before nodding at his mention of a shower. "Yeah, that might be best. I'll go take care of that pizza I pulled from the oven after starting the shower." She kissed him on the cheek before pulling away. Padding over to the shower, she started the shower and played with the faucet until the water was warm. "There you go. I won't be far if you need anything. There's a clean towel in the cubboard and you can use the shampoo and body wash if you want." Smiling up at him, Emma turned and slowly left the room.
"Thanks beautiful." He said softly before kissing her back. Jeff waited for her to leave the room before he pulled his pants off. Stepping into the warm water he closed the shower door behind him. He grabbed the bar of soap and started cleaning himself up, though he made sure to ignore the stiff he had below his waist line. At least until it went away before cleaning himself there. He stepped out of the shower fifteen minutes later only to curse himself mentally. He dried off then wrapped himself in the towel heading down the hall. "Emma where did you put the clothes Matt brought over?" he called down the stairs. He prayed they weren't down there with her.
After she left the bathroom, closing the door behind her, Emma headed downstairs and placed the pizza into the fridge so that they could eat it later before heading downstairs to check on the clothing. As she was folding the dried clothes and placing the wet clothing into the dryer, she remembered that she had placed Jeffs clothing on the kitchen table. Rushing upstairs, she ran into the kitchen and as she neared the steps, she heard Jeff calling downstairs about his clothing. "I'm bringing them up now Jeff." she called back before starting up the steps. "Sorry, I had forgotten to bring them up." She held them out to him and smiled sheepishly.
His brown hair looked black as water dripped from the tips. His muscular body much easier to see now that he was only wrapped in a towel. A towel that was almost too small to fit around him completely, he had to hold both ends shut with his hands. If he were to let go of the towel it was surely going to fall from his frame. "Sorry I should have asked before I got in. I'm so stupid at times." he admitted, he knew he wasn't the best at remembering things. mainly when they didn't seem important at the time.
Her cheeks flushed bright red when she looked up at him while walking up the steps. She could almost see up the towel as she moved up the steps. "We were both distracted. I don't think either of us would of remembered." she said to him once she reached the top of the steps. Emma took a deep breath before sighing and smiling shyly up at him. "Do you want me to place your clothing into my room so you can change?" she asked him.
"That depends if your going to stay in there with me." He spoke thinking it was all in his mind. Of course he wouldn't have actually said that to her if he hadn't been looking into her blue eyes. He had gotten so lost by her beautiful face, and even more so in her beautiful eyes. His eyes were dull a brown color with minor specs of green in them. He wanted to reach out and touch her but he quickly remember the towel and held it in place.
Emma arched an eyebrow after he spoke and she laughed softly before shaking her head slightly as she began to blush darkly. She cleared her throat and rubbed the back of her neck gently with her hand before answering him. "Well, I suppose I could stay in the room with you." she said to him. She smiled gently and readjusted her hold on his clothing while looking up at him.
He blushed even darker now hearing that his words had left his mind for others to hear. A..Alright." He said his feet walking backwards heading back towards her room. Jeff wasn't shy but for some reason he had to shake it off around her, It didn't take that long just to get to her door before he was ready. He smiled and walked into the room. "Can I have a kiss before i change baby?"

[dominance coming soon I promise just need to get him past his mind set.]

She giggled softly and nodded slightly after they reached her room. "Sure." she said softly. "Let me put your things down on the bed first." She entered her room and walked over to her bed, laying the folded clothing down on the bed before turning to him with a small smile. As she stood there, she looked him up and down. Even though Jeff wasn't built like Roger was, he was more attractive in her opinion.
Jeff smiled leaning in to kiss her lips before he got changed. He was still a bit shit about changing in front of her but she had agreed right? He let his hands slip away from the towel holding her hips. He softly licked her lips the towel holding for a second before falling off his body. "I know I've said it a lot today but your really are beautiful Emma."
Emma placed her hands on his sides as she moved sloser to him and she kissed him back with a sigh, her fingers caressing his skin. She felt his towel pool around her feet and she blushed a little with a small smile. "Thank you again. The way you say it makes me happy." she said softly. "At least you say I'm beautiful and not hot like Roger does."
[damn sorry I didn't see the e-mail for this one come up ^^]

"There's a difference in being hot, and being beautiful." He explained his hands sliding under her top to rub her bare sides near her hip. "I know how he treats you, that's why I wanted to take you. You really do deserve so much better Emma." His lips moved to her neck softly sucking on it hoping she would allow him a mark of claim to her.
(It's alright. ^.^ It happens.)

Emma shivered when he touched her sides and she ran her hands up his sides and along his muscular back, feeling the ridges of his muscles beneath her fingers. As his lips came into contact with her neck, she softly moaned and closed her eyes as she let her head fall back and slightly to the side. She lifted one of her hands from his back and buried it in his deep hair.
Jeff couldn't help but grow a bit stimulated at her moan. His dream she was always moaning for him and it made him think of ever dream he had of her in it. His hands slid up the front of her shirt a bit more daring running his somewhat rough hands over her chest. His cuts he inflicted on himself from his nails already dry and half way to healed. He continued to suck on her neck but a bit more roughly making sure the mark would be well seen, mainly for Roger.
Emma arched her back a little and pressed her breasts into his palms with another moan. His rouch hands felt wonderful against her cool velvety soft skin and her ears twitched while her tail swished back and forth happily. As he sucked upon her neck a little more roughly, she groaned gently and closed her eyes. The neko knew that she would end up with a hickie, but she didn't care. His lips just felt so good against her neck.
He ran his tongue over the hickey he left on her neck. He knew he should have asked but the moment was starting to take over as he pulled her shirt off her body tossing it to the side. He knelt down kissing her stomach running his hands over the front of her body. his fingers trailed over her nipples as he started sucking softly on a spot near her abs.
She watched him kneel down before her and she began purring softly as his rough hands ran over the front of her body. As he kissed her stomach, she mewled and sucked in her stomach out of instinct when he hit a ticklish spot before he began suckling on her skin once again. Emma buried a hand into his hair and gasped down at him. The girl knew that she should of closed her bedroom door and locked it, but she was too into the moment to care.
His hands ran up and down her legs as he continued the hickey on her stomach. His cock was growing nice and hard at the sounds she made. His hands slid around behind her gripping her ass before running over her tail. "May I?" He asked as his fingers slid inside the waistband of her shorts.
Emma slowly nodded and swallowed gently. "Yes, you may." she said softly and she smiled gently. "C-could you pet my tail again? Please?" She bit her lip and smiled sheepishly down at him while running her fingers through his hair.
He had started inching her shorts down until he heard her question. with a smile on his lips and a soft extra kiss to her stomach he slowly brushed his fingers over her tail once more. Before he finished at the end of her tail he ran his hand back up ruffling the fur of it, then slowly brushed it back down. He continued to slide her shorts down once he had appeased her tail. The shorts pooled on the floor at her feet before he pet her tail once more while his left hand moved to play with her nipple and right breast.
When he ran his hand down along her long tail, she purred and closed her eyes with a content smile on her face but then he ran his hand up along it and ruffled the pink fur. Her eyes snapped open and she gasped while arching her back, looking down at him with wide eyes. "Jeff!" she breathed. "Don't do that. It feels funny." As he pulled her shorts down, she carefully stepped out of them and kicked them to the side. Once they were off, she was left standing there in nothing but her panties. As his hand moved up to play with her breast and nipple, she moaned again and ran her hand down along his neck.
He smiled and ran her fur back it's normal direction. "I'm sorry baby." He said softly standing up kissing her lips. "I'll leave it up to you if you want to take those off." he said softly moving to lick her nipples. his hands rubbing her stomach a bit. he knew that his pet cat loved it when he pet her stomach maybe it was the same with a neko. His lips drew her nipple in softly sucking on it.
Emma shook her head with a smile. "It's okay darling." she said softly before they kissed and she wrapped her arms around him. The combined feeling of him rubbing her belly and licking her nipples caused her to moan a little louder and begin purring loudly, the sound rumbling deep in her chest. As he suckled upon her hardened nipple, she removed her arms from around him and reached down, slowly pushing her panties down her hips before letting them fall down around her feet so she was standing there naked with him.
He slides his hands down her body pulling the panties from her. He sat down on the edge of her bed moving the clothes of onto the floor. "You can do what you want to me Emma." He spoke softly. He was sure roger was forceful with what he wanted her to do, and though him and roger both liked sex a bit roughly Jeff was different.
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