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Home is where the Black is (Anansi and Sorrow.)

He laughed softly as he ran his fingers slowly through her hair and down along her cheek before he leaned in and gently cupped her chin. For a moment his eyes softened and he seemed slightly lost before he pulled back and began to eat rather quickly with a slight pink tinge to his face.
She grinned at him, resting her hand over his and the usual look of confidence and bravado eased, true contentment behind it. Smiling to herself she finished her meal and returned the dishes to the kitchen, stretching after.
"Darling, I'm sure you don't have to do washing, we have a wait staff" He said as he wrapped his arms about her from behind pinning her to the sink with a gentle press of his hips before he leaned in to kiss the back of her neck softly.
She blinked and shrugged "Too long in the Black doing my own work. It feels more then a little odd to have someone wait on us." she mused and leaned against him softly, closing her eyes.
"Leads to more us time." He said slowly before he stroked his fingers along her hips and slowly encircled before he locked them about her resting his chin on her shoulder while nipping at her cheek. " want to go see the pool?"
"Would you like to learn?" He asked her slowly. "We have a rather large pool up on the roof, no one has to see you flounder about."
"I'd like to teach you something darling." He said to her slowly as he stroked his fingertips in a slow circle around her navel. "Cmon.." He said slowly.
"Ah as you wish." He said to her slowly before he pulled back from her. Slowly he made his way towards a the door heading out to the terrace as he lifted his shirt stripping it off and tossing it to one side before he slid the glass door to one side.
Hawk sighed, and followed him a few moments later, looking across the view "When I was in the War I nearly drowned on a seaside planet, been afraid of deep water since." she murmured, voice low.
"You don't need to explain darling." He said to her softly as he began to shift his arms back and forth his eyes closing as he did so. His breathing slowed and his movements became more fine, a delicate dance of sorts being performed as he shifted about on the terrace.
She shrugged "Felt right to do so really." she replied, an errant breeze rippling at her hair and clothes as she watched him, envious of the grace he seemed to have in each step.
He slowly shifted his hands and as he did so objects about him began to move in a slow pattern, however not all of them moved at the same pace though of similar weight. "I seee, but you didn't my darling."
Still watching him, she cast a glance about, no one was around and they were too high up to see the objects float in the air. "What am I no' seeing?" she asked, raising a brow.
"Im saying I see your point but you dont have to do it darling, not that you dont see something."He replied to her as objects began to lift around him. They began to circle around him, each at a different speed.
"Indeed" He said as he looked to her and slowly her clothing began to move, the edge of her pants pulled slowly from her flesh before being released to snap back against her skin.
"I can't enjoy the feel of my lover?" He said slowly as he turned from her. "I didn't expect you to get all shy on me." He said with a snicker.
"Oh cmon...worse case they go nuts and rip you in twain." HE said as he continnued to shift object about himself in a slow revolution. Like his own little solar system.
"Mmmm" He said as he looked back and forth and shrugged. "Destruction of memories comes in handy."
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