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Quix's Random Bullshit Thread (Comments Welcome)

Ever had one of those weeks where your brain just doesn't want to cooperate and even attempting to put more than one coherent thought together in a row seems like way too much effort? Thank you for those I'm planning with for your patience, and I'm excited for a potential female serial-killer plot to be starting soon!


So, given the above, my mind to withdraw into one of its more insular/contemplating the universe moods, and that led to me stumbling across this brilliant piece of work! (If only the person who subtitled it could spell better!)


Would make the perfect theme song for my Adam and Eve story, and again reminds me of just how grateful I am to my own parents for encouraging us kids, not to believe or disbelieve, but to question and make up our own minds. Not just in the matter or religion, but all aspects of life.
Sorry for the radio silence to most for the past week or so. Have been dealing with some major stuff at work, which won't be resolved until this Friday, so my brain's kind of gone even further into its shell than it was last week, but should back to normal by the weekend. Whether that's a good or bad thing for others, I'm not sure! :)


And, the above might have led me to being more irked by the following than I should be. Or, I don't know, might just be an ordinary Quix rant that I'm only now getting around to posting!

You know what I shake my head at and makes me immediately click the back button on a RT? Well, apart from spotting the phrase 'submissive female', of course!

When I see them talk about how 'brilliant, literate, full of quality, high-standard,' etc, etc, etc their writing is.

Possibly because I err on the self-critical side in regards to my own and think much less of it than I probably should, whereas others seem to go in the complete opposite direction.

And, before anyone counters with 'What about your threads?"

As user-unfriendly and 'intimidating' I'm fully aware they can appear to others - some find them that way, some don't, depending on their perspective and how they interpret or gel with my sense of sarcasm/ humour, a lot of the point in writing them as I have -, they are all about character agency with nary a word about any perceived writing ability. Or lack thereof!

That ability to portray a character who is an equal (or close to it) driver of the plot, to me, is a much more important factor in the creation of a truly collaborative and engaging story, and what I look for over all else when it comes to potential partner compatibility, than any self-stated capacity to string sentences together like Shakespeare. Without that first, which is still extremely rare to find in female characters, I honestly couldn't give a flying fuck about the second; it's irrelevant.


In positive news, I've finally, finally started a new story with a brand-new partner on BMR. Yep, another serial-killer one, but as mentioned in the post above, with a twist!

A female killer who drains her victims' blood and uses it as paint to capture them in art, coupled against my FBI agent investigating the murders.

Should shortly be receiving the opener on E for my historical western, cowboy conman atheist preacher story as well.

Both should be a blast.


Something I read recently brought the following classic song to mind and I haven't been able to get the chorus out of my head ever since. Rather than post the original version, instead a more recent duet with Taylor Swift.



Oh, and a late edit! The same-sex marriage plebiscite results came in last week with a 68 percent majority voting 'Yes', so looks like it will be legalised by Christmas.

Which is great news, but what pissed me off is that somehow I missed Tim Minchin's musical contribution to the debate and only stumbled across it now.

However, I guess no time is ever too late to post some of the always subtle and never anything but politically correct Tim?


Sung to the tune of the iconic Peter Allen song, "I still call Australia Home."
Well, thank fuck that work week is over! Normal transmission should resume next week.


Sad to see a Rock legend passed away last week.

RIP Malcolm Young, co-founder, rhythm guitarist, backing vocalist and songwriter for what must be Australia's most famous and best-selling musical export, AC/DC.


But anyways, in honour,; a couple of favourite AC/DC songs, of which there are many.


And Highway To Hell with lead vocalist, Bon Scott, another who died well before his time.

Well, was hoping to catch up on PM's and at least a couple of replies this weekend, but a thunderstorm yesterday has taken my internet down.

Need to wait to at least tomorrow for a tech to come out and get it back up and running, so all might be delayed by a day or two. You only realise just what a pain not having net access is when you lose it, and I really need to get a better phone :)
Finally, after five phones calls to three different countries and four days later, my home Internet is working again. The irony is that when the tech's came, I discovered the connection issues I'd had for the last three days were caused by me following instructions from the guy from Capetown, South Africa that I was put through to on my first call. If I'd just left things as they were after it'd been taken out by the thunderstorm, it likely would have been back up and running by itself the next morning!


In good news, my Dulce Periculum partner has returned, keen to resume our story after a short hiatus. Can't wait to get back into Todd Lowry's psychotic head again!


I keep forgetting that some animals I'm so accustomed to seeing/knowing about are actually native and unique to Australia and that others might not be aware of them. A conversation today reminded me of this particular amazing and beautiful bird:


The Lyrebird, aka Nature's Best Mimic.
A nice Publishers rejection letter that appeared as an article on I guess previous generations were just more honest?


If only someone had been afforded the opportunity to send E L James one along similar lines! Damn the advent of self-publishing!


And a second letter that appeared in another article today. Proof that in the ninety years since the one above, we've moved out of the Dark Ages and gender stereotyping is no longer a thing in Australia. This one, from a Father in support of his Daughter's school's valiant attempts to further propagate that concept and promote equality between the sexes!


*Bunnings is a nation-wide chain of warehouse sized hardware stores.
RedRose said:
Oh my, that rejection letter! As a writer, I would be traumatized ;)

I'm sure many would be, but I've always been a big believer that:


And no point in giving someone false hope :)


After fifty-five hours of debate, over one-hundred and fifty speeches in Parliament, our Ex Prime Minister doing anything he could to delay it, and who knows how many rejected amendments, including ones to have two different definitions of marriage, one between 'man and woman' and the other between 'person and person', the 'Marriage Equality Bill' was passed unchanged last night. Which means same-sex marriage is now legal in Australia.

Along with Victoria being the first State in Australia last week, which will hopefully inspire others to quickly follow suit, to legalise Assisted Dying for the terminally ill, it appears we might finally be freeing ourselves from the chains of myth inspired 'morality'.



In other good news, my historical-western-cowboy-atheist-conman-preacher story has finally started on E. Of course, after receiving the opener, my brain turned straight to 'What the fuck am I doing, am I actually going to be capable of writing this," which happens to me every time I take on a new story, and will hopefully settle down soon. Though, since this is my first foray into historical, that insecurity is a little worse than normal!
Since my stalking was discovered.... I will pop in and say hello. :) I felt some warm and fuzzies as I read the parts about how happy you were with our roleplay!
Miss Eleanora said:
Since my stalking was discovered.... I will pop in and say hello. :) I felt some warm and fuzzies as I read the parts about how happy you were with our roleplay!

Of course, I was stalking your stalking, and always nice to see a new face (Avatar!) around here. Glad I could give you the warm and fuzzies, but how could I not be happy, it's not every day I get offered up a murderous vixen to write opposite. Plus the opportunity to learn something about art! :)
Work Christmas party this Friday night; A 1970's disco theme, so another costume needed!


I think it suits me!


Dulce Periculum is up and running again on E and since my partner is awesome, I asked if she'd like a shameless plug on BMR. Her reply, "I'll take exposure anywhere and everywhere it is offered!," so here it is!

If anyone's looking for some reading material to gift this Christmas, and especially for those who enjoy Twisted Fairy-Tales and Erotic Fantasy, look no further!



The author comes highly recommended (plus, I negotiated a commission!), so go ahead and buy one of each, no make that two, for all of your family and friends!


Have almost finished the opening post for my western story, which I'm still a little insecure about, but hey, at least if I end up happy about nothing else, I do like the character name I came up with. Jeremiah Pickett :)

SithLordOfSnark said:
Haha, that costume is amazing.

It is. Unfortunately, I had to pay extra for the thick matt of chest-hair that Mother Nature wasn't kind enough to grace me with!


Ended up quite happy with my first post for the Western Story.

The Chaperone[/color] (Quix and Bunny)]



Jeremiah Pickett had the crowd in the palm of his hand, every head in the crowd bobbing in agreement as he warned of eternal hellfire and damnation due to those who turned their back on the Lord. His hands flew along with his words, coat sleeves of his black jacket flapping against his arms, and his deep blue eyes sparkled with fire. "Repent and Follow the Lord, or ye shall all burn in Hell. Follow his word and ye shall reside in paradise. Do all ye believe?"

Before the crowd could answer, the man standing on a wooden stage placed his elbow on the lectern, leaned forward, cupped a hand to his right ear and repeated the question. This time, stretching his vocal chords to the limit. "DO YE BELIEVE?"


A chorus of screamed replies reverberated around the canvas tent, but it wasn't enough.





For five minutes the back and forth continued, until finally Jeremiah was satisfied and his booming quietened, allowing hushed conversations to start up between members of the congregation. The man savoured their exultation for a few moments, then stepped away from the Lectern. "Please, allow me to continue the Lord's work. Give whatever you can afford so that I can spread His gospel throughout the country." He removed the scuffed Preacher's hat from his head, revealing a mop of stringy brown hair that fell to his shoulders, and planted a benign expression on his face. All rage and fury gone from his tone and no longer screaming, his voice still garnered the audience's attention.

Many walked past, praising his services and placing coins in the hat, filling it to the brim with copper and silver, with a glint of gold or corner of a bank-note to be seen here or there. Up close, he appeared older than he did from a distance, his full thirty-eight years with crows feet at his eyes and lips and a face weathered by the sun. Leathery, as were his hands, which were also scarred and calloused. Working man's hands, not a Preacher's. However, most didn't notice, too captured by his gracious appreciation for their generosity that didn't stop, not even when the majority of the crowd had dispersed and Pickett knew he'd almost milked the residents of Junction of all that he could. He shot a disarming grin at a Mother and ruffled the hair of the impatient young boy who tugged at the sleeves of her raggedy dress, reminding him to respect his elders.

When only the final stragglers remained to deposit their offerings, his mind drifted to the quart of whiskey awaiting in his wagon and the pleasures to be purchased at Miss Kitty's whorehouse, before the approach of an elderly lady brought him swiftly back to the present. Despite the dropping of her eyes in a display of respect, the woman's demeanour and clothing and the strong, sure grip she placed on his arm immediately told Pickett she was an out-of-towner. Not some dirt-poor rancher's placid wife struggling to provide for a family in the isolated dustbowl of Junction.

That was soon confirmed by her mention of Philadelphia, and he followed the direction of her wave, eyes alighting on Ms Vanderholm's companion. Though his appraisal of the younger woman was brief and subtle, it was thorough. Young, refined, beautiful. The type not often seen on Jeremiah's travels. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss Vanderholm." Courtesy slipped glibly from his lips when he returned focus to her Aunt. "It is indeed a rarity to find the pious and virtuous this far from the cultured environs of Garden Estate, but that's precisely why I'm here. Vicious, cruel creatures without mercy, the savages who inhabit these lands can hardly be called men. However, even they must be offered the chance to repent their wickedness and kneel at the feet of Thy Holy Father."

If he was laying it on a little too thick, Jeremiah wasn't certain, Miss Vanderholm's words had piqued his interest and rat cunning instinct had him thinking that if he played his cards right, the conversation could pay off to his advantage. Just how, wasn't clear yet. "It's only my profession that has afforded me respite from their depravity, for every man deep in their heart, whether they admit it aloud, fears the wrath of God and those who serve in His Army." Every man, that was, except Jeremiah. His gaze darted back to her youthful charge, "Not a place women should travel alone," then he graced Ms Vanderholm with a sweet smile of his own. "So, pray tell me, how can I assist you and your" - Pickett refrained from using the word, lovely - "niece on what I presume to be a long and arduous journey?"

A morally bankrupt and sexually depraved, hypocritical 'Man of God' hiding behind a guise of religious piety. Not like that reflects real-life!

Already have a feeling that Jeremiah Pickett is going to be one of my favourite ever characters to write :)
Lucky you! I think I mentioned to you before about my desire to have a western RP. Originally I wanted to play a crossdressed woman posing as a man and sheriff, but I recently saw a video about how prostitutes essentially built the wild west into a community, and how they wielded significant political power. Now I want to play a politically savvy and ambitious woman building her empire from within her brothel. If only I didn't already have too many awesome rps going on.
xanaphia said:
Lucky you! I think I mentioned to you before about my desire to have a western RP. Originally I wanted to play a crossdressed woman posing as a man and sheriff, but I recently saw a video about how prostitutes essentially built the wild west into a community, and how they wielded significant political power. Now I want to play a politically savvy and ambitious woman building her empire from within her brothel. If only I didn't already have too many awesome rps going on.

I do remember you telling me about that. This one kind of grew organically from bouncing basic ideas back and forth. I was surprised as anyone when I suggested an Historical Western, but it was a natural extension of the character dynamics and themes we'd come up with and just slipped out! Unlike on BMR, once a PM's been sent on E, you can't take it back, xD

A corrupt lawman could be good paired against your ambitious Madame. We can keep it in mind for the future; at least with my current one, I'll gain more confidence in my ability to do a different setting and time period justice. Or, alternatively, completely fuck it up and vow never to go near it again :)
Don't know how I missed this before, a poem that was released in 2014 and apparently went viral back then, which I only stumbled across today and immediately struck a chord with me.

This Is For The Women Who Don't Give A Fuck[/color]]

by Janne Robinson

The women who are first to get naked, howl at the moon and jump into the sea.

The women who drink too much whisky, stay up too late and have sex like they mean it.

The women who know they aren’t sluts because they enjoy sex, but human beings with a healthy sexual appetite.

The women who will ask you for what they need in bed.

This is for the women who seek relentless joy; the ones who know how to laugh with their whole souls.

The women who speak to strangers because they have no fear in their hearts.

The ones who wear “night make up” in the morning or don’t own mascara.

The women who know their worth, who plant their feet and roar in their brilliance.

The women who aren’t afraid to tell a man to get the fuck out of her heart if he doesn’t honour her heart.

This is for the women who rock combat boots with frilly skirts.

The women who swear like truck drivers.

The women who hold the people who harass or wrong them with fierce accountability.

The women who flip gender norms and false limitations the bird and live to run successful companies giving “the man” a run for his name.

The ones who don’t find their success a compliment just because they have a vagina.

Women like Gloria Steinem who, when she was told, “We want a writer, not a woman. Go home,” kept writing anyway.

This is for the women who drink coffee at midnight and wine in the morning, and dare you to question it.

For the women who open doors for men and are confident enough to have doors opened for them.

Who use “no” to be in service for themselves.

Who don’t give a damn about pleasing the world, and do sweetly as they wish.

For the superheroes—the single moms who work three jobs to make it. I salute your resilient, cape-flapping, ambitious selves.

This is for the women who throw down what they love, and don’t waste time following society’s pressures to exist behind a white picket fence.

The women who create wildly, unbalanced, ferociously and in a blur at times.

The women who know how to be busy and know how to plant their feet in the earth and get grounded.

These are the women I want around me.

And, to accompany it and along the same lines, I found this a little amusing.

6 Historical Women Who Gave No Fucks[/color]]


You know, I'm scared that one day I'm going to be accused of being a feminist! Oh well, I've been called worse, and anyways, they are the women I want around me, both within story-writing and without!
A (rather lengthy) piece on writing that I came across in my googling. It's theme is something I try to express on my threads, particularly in the 'Notes on Plotting' in one of them. I don't think I've ever fully able to articulate as well as I'd like.

Firstly, what what I actually mean and secondly, the 'why' behind the reasons I prefer to work backwards from 'character purpose' and 'end goal' to first decide what we want to write a story about when it comes to developing a plot, before filling in other details from there. And why simply throwing out a random pairing or opening post doesn't work for me.

Maybe I didn't even know the true reason and this all coalesced it. I know everyone's different, but this really does speak to me when it comes to stories and wanting to feel as if they and the characters have a sense of purpose.

Why Your Characters Need To Have A Goal[/color]]

Original article found here:

If conflict is the lifeblood of a story, the protagonist’s goal is its compass. A story about a person without a goal wanders aimlessly through page after page and will likely leave readers scratching their heads, wondering what the story they just read was all about. Your prose may be flawless, your plot points exhilarating, your dialogue gripping, but without the compass of purpose to guide you, these elements stand alone, struggling to come together into a meaningful whole.

Not sure if your character has a goal? Below I’ll look at three ways a protagonist’s goal guides other elements of the story and how each one can be a clue to honing a protagonist’s uncertain purpose.

A quick definition
I want to start out by defining what I mean by a protagonist’s goal or purpose. Sometimes those terms can sound grand and sweeping, but let me simplify it for you. What we really mean by goal or purpose is: What does your protagonist want? It can be something epic like taking over a kingdom or winning the competition of the century or something more internal like wanting to reconnect with estranged family or get a date to the prom.

1. A goal guides plot

Maybe the most obvious way a protagonist’s goal guides the story is through the plot. A friend asks you, “What’s your book about?” If you know what your protagonist wants, it’s easy to summarize how he or she goes about getting that thing. If you’re not sure, though, you may end up listing a series of thrilling events strung together into a story. Step back and try to look at your story objectively: is it guided by a discernible journey your protagonist takes to get the thing he wants most or is it a series of events without a clear and cohesive trajectory?

Let’s look at an example to illustrate this idea. I like to think of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Fellowship of the Ring, the first book in The Lord of the Rings trilogy. There is a large cast of characters, a handful of subplots, tons of worldbuilding and intricate details of the fictional world to get caught up in, but at the heart of the story lies Frodo Baggins who is tasked with the job of carrying the One Ring out of the Shire, eventually on to Mordor to be destroyed. That is his one goal, and the plot points that drive the action of the story are guided by that goal.

So how about you? When you look at the action of your story, can you see that it’s guided by your protagonist’s goal or do you find a meandering trail of unrelated events? By identifying what your character wants, you can set him or her on a path to pursuing that thing. Whether the character succeeds or fails, you’ll be on your way to writing a cohesive and compelling plot arc.

2. A goal guides character

Have you ever had a problem getting a character to really come alive on the page for you? You’re not sure what their character arc looks like and you can’t figure out why. There are many reasons this happens, but a common one is that this character lacks a driving goal or desire. It is the striving of our characters that brings them up against obstacles that change them. If they don’t have some guiding purpose, how can they change over time? That trying and succeeding or trying and failing is the fuel of a powerful character arc.

Back to Frodo. The hobbit is a reluctant hero. Curious about the world outside the Shire, he starts down the road with some sense of adventure, like his uncle before him. But along the journey, despite the wondrous places he visits and other races he meets, Frodo realizes that all he ever needs is right there at home. But if he’s to complete his task of getting the One Ring to Mordor, he may never be able to see the Shire again.

Can you see how Frodo’s goal was the catalyst for his internal change? The lessons he learns about himself are inside him all along, but it’s the pressures of fulfilling his goal that unveils those insights. So, ask yourself again: “What does my protagonist want?” If you’re not sure, dig a little deeper. Look at all the things you already know about this character and extrapolate from there. Desire usually comes from passion; if you can identify what this character is most passionate about, you’ll be on your way to knowing what he desires most and to what lengths he would go to get it. And it’s in the striving to get what he wants most that you’ll see his transformation.

3. A goal guides conflict

Are you struggling to know what comes next in your story? If your protagonist doesn’t know what she wants or how to go about getting it, it’s tough to maintain a consistent sense of conflict in your story. When your characters are driven by purpose, their daily lives and interactions fall into place and the objects, people, and forces that stand in their way create a delicious sense of conflict. Without this compass of the goal to guide your character, the obstacles they face are arbitrary and fall short of creating a compelling conflict that can carry the whole scope of the story.

There are many individual conflicts for Frodo along his winding road to Mordor, but every force or person that opposes him is in one way or another trying to stop him carrying the One Ring to Mordor. There’s no rogue conflict coming out of left field that doesn’t somehow tie into the main story conflict: Can good overcome the evil of the One Ring once and for all in Middle Earth?

What conflict lies at the heart of your story? Can you see one definitive struggle there or are there many interesting but unrelated small conflicts that you’re relying on to get you through? If you’re missing that sense of cohesion, start with your protagonist, figure out what he or she wants most, set them on the road to achieving it, and watch the conflicts naturally stack up against them.

So what?
So what’s the big deal if you do find that all this time you’ve been writing a thrilling story that doesn’t revolve around the protagonist’s goal? Well, by now I hope you can see that all the intricate moving parts of a story rely on a main purpose to guide and direct them, to help them from wandering aimlessly in a narrative wilderness. But more importantly, I think of this as a question of art imitating life; do we as human beings wander through our days without any sort of guiding force to inform our actions? No, we are inexplicably driven by desire in some way or another; and, unlike any other force in our lives, it’s that sense of purpose that writes the twists and turns of our unfolding stories. That’s why we read isn’t it? To learn, to grow, to be entertained by that familiar but altogether novel sense of our own dramas played out on the pages. Don’t do your book and your characters the disservice of fumbling around without a purpose. Dig a little deeper, find out what your characters want most in all the world, and then help them go about getting it, or failing to get it.

It's also why I generally ask prospective partners, "What does your character want, what's her purpose?" Unfortunately, the answers I most commonly receive being along the lines of "Huh?" or "Um, well the only reason my character will exist in any story is to be your characters goal, screw her having any of her own."


And damn, I've been trying to be good and avoid this so that Santa brings me lots and lots of presents, I really have, but I can't restrain myself any longer.

As anyone who's known me a while and/or has read this journal over the past couple of years would be aware, whenever December arrives I tend to search out some alternatively themed Holiday inspired songs to offset the Carols and religious dogma I'm inundated with in the lead up to the 25th.

This year, it's some from a you-tube channel I discovered not long ago, 'Talking Primate Sings', and although the vocals aren't the best, that's really not the point :)

Thank God I'm A Country Boy An Atheist[/color]]


White Christmas Jesus[/color]]

I'm afraid you're probably just a bit too complicated and merely well educated, for us simple women folk who only know the life of making bread and laying in the horizontal position in bed, Quix. It's sad, I know, to hear the truth, but damnit, we just can't keep up with all these rules and stuff you have. Wanting to plot and give depth. I don't know what you think is gonna happen showing us that article anyway, we can't read anything but the bible!

On the other note;

Lies! You only like the first song because it mentions your man crush Tim Minchin and that I am convinced of! xD In the next year when I give you another post... xD Adam and Eve are gonna rock holidays, murder style!

So here... just for you. Merry ChristXmas~! Only this lovely bastard can make such a song dodge Christmas but also touch your heart. <3

Aurelia said:
I'm afraid you're probably just a bit too complicated and merely well educated, for us simple women folk who only know the life of making bread and laying in the horizontal position in bed, Quix. It's sad, I know, to hear the truth, but damnit, we just can't keep up with all these rules and stuff you have. Wanting to plot and give depth. I don't know what you think is gonna happen showing us that article anyway, we can't read anything but the bible!

On the other note;

Lies! You only like the first song because it mentions your man crush Tim Minchin and that I am convinced of! xD In the next year when I give you another post... xD Adam and Eve are gonna rock holidays, murder style!

So here... just for you. Merry ChristXmas~! Only this lovely bastard can make such a song dodge Christmas but also touch your heart. <3

Well, butter me buns and call me a biscuit; who let you out of your box!

I wasn't really expecting others to read it, was more just for me, and my need/preference to first decide what a story's going to be 'about' and what the characters motivations and the 'ultimate goal' are, before the other details in regards to what would work best such as pairings, settings, set-up, etc, can fall into place.

But, you know what, you're right with the rest. However, not happy with the person who let you out of the kitchen or bedroom and allowed you to read the bible! Even it says it's one of those first two places you belong, xD


On that other note; damn it, you caught me. Tim Minchin is my man crush, well the only living one anyway; the other two are Robert G Ingersoll and Christopher Hitchens, xD I do love that song and its message. It's one of his least offensive, too!

Do you mean 2018 or 2019 for your next post? No rush, but damn-it, you did just make an idea pop into my head of Adam and Eve disguising themselves as Santa and a Sexy Elf (we can decide who plays which, later) who sneak into the Policeman's Christmas ball to plant a bomb and blow some of megalomaniac God-Daddy's evil minions to smithereens on the eve of his Son's birthday!
That was a great article to read. :) It reminds me of things that they had us read in creative writing class back in college. Goals are very important, if a character doesn't have a goal they are hollow and shallow things, more like dolls than actual people. One of the best sensations is knowing that your character will come alive and almost act on her own when you write a scene. You can't have that without goals. So thank you for another great insightful article!

PS. Still good in my book. Maybe I should write Santa and vouch for you? ;)
Mr Quixotic said:
Well, butter me buns and call me a biscuit; who let you out of your box!

I wasn't really expecting others to read it, was more just for me, and my need/preference to first decide what a story's going to be 'about' and what the characters motivations and the 'ultimate goal' are, before the other details in regards to what would work best such as pairings, settings, set-up, etc, can fall into place.

But, you know what, you're right with the rest. However, not happy with the person who let you out of the kitchen or bedroom and allowed you to read the bible! Even it says it's one of those first two places you belong, xD


On that other note; damn it, you caught me. Tim Minchin is my man crush, well the only living one anyway; the other two are Robert G Ingersoll and Christopher Hitchens, xD I do love that song and its message. It's one of his least offensive, too!

Do you mean 2018 or 2019 for your next post? No rush, but damn-it, you did just make an idea pop into my head of Adam and Eve disguising themselves as Santa and a Sexy Elf (we can decide who plays which, later) who sneak into the Policeman's Christmas ball to plant a bomb and blow some of megalomaniac God-Daddy's evil minions to smithereens on the eve of his Son's birthday!

What the sam hell?! You can't use my biscuit line also while calling me out for climbing out of my box! You rat bastard! <3

We gonna read it so we can argue with you... at least, that's the only reason I would. xD

I actually think basing a story about the, well duh, story, is better then starting by just building a character. An ultimate goal is all anyone should be working for, so to me, your thought processes makes sense already and see no need to justify it.

Also, I clearly remember you letting me out. Remember? You left the key cause you said my food just was too good.


Caught you, psssh, it was so obvious. You swoon and everything. I also sorta figured Infersoll for merely the quotes, but had no idea on Hitchens. Though now reading on who he was and such, it explains a lot. xD

Uhh.... we'll see. Hah! I'm hoping the former, but you know holy shit, you would come up with the awesome idea of them dressing up and going all terror style into the police station! SO many good ideas, maybe by the time we get to next Christmas we'll be in a spot to do such a thing! xD
Miss Eleanora said:
That was a great article to read. :) It reminds me of things that they had us read in creative writing class back in college. Goals are very important, if a character doesn't have a goal they are hollow and shallow things, more like dolls than actual people. One of the best sensations is knowing that your character will come alive and almost act on her own when you write a scene. You can't have that without goals. So thank you for another great insightful article!

PS. Still good in my book. Maybe I should write Santa and vouch for you? ;)

I've never taken a writing class, and know very little about 'theory' but to me, it's just kind of commonsense. As, in how can any character/person be interesting if they have no goals and/or lack the agency or will to try to make something happen themselves? So, not just in that regard, but also with story itself needing a direction and sense of purpose, it's nice to find some of this stuff that explains or helps clarify what sits in my head intuitively but I haven't been able to express as well as I'd like.

PS: You can try, but I've been writing him letters since ever I can remember and he's yet to listen to me


Aurelia said:
What the sam hell?! You can't use my biscuit line also while calling me out for climbing out of my box! You rat bastard! <3

We gonna read it so we can argue with you... at least, that's the only reason I would. xD

I actually think basing a story about the, well duh, story, is better then starting by just building a character. An ultimate goal is all anyone should be working for, so to me, your thought processes makes sense already and see no need to justify it.

Also, I clearly remember you letting me out. Remember? You left the key cause you said my food just was too good.


Caught you, psssh, it was so obvious. You swoon and everything. I also sorta figured Infersoll for merely the quotes, but had no idea on Hitchens. Though now reading on who he was and such, it explains a lot. xD

Uhh.... we'll see. Hah! I'm hoping the former, but you know holy shit, you would come up with the awesome idea of them dressing up and going all terror style into the police station! SO many good ideas, maybe by the time we get to next Christmas we'll be in a spot to do such a thing! xD

Speaking of those who never listen!! I can do whatever the sam hell I like, and you gave me that line so it's mine now.

One of these days you'll even win one, xD

Yep, for sure, and especially with my preference for character-driven stories. There's really no place to drive them if they don't have an ultimate destination in mind except around and around in pointless circles!

I believe my exact words were, "I'm gonna let my little submissive pet out of her box for five minutes so she can go make me a sammich!" You weren't meant to stay out or steal my food! I'm starting to think you're untrainable.


At least I'm man enough to admit to the swooning.

Ingersoll is an easy guess, but now you mentioned it, I haven't really posted much Hitchens;

So this is your fault![/color]]






I'm hoping the former, too, but I'm not going to wager my life on it. Glad you like the idea; I've got plenty more thematically appropriate rolling around in my skull!
Back after a nice week or so away, catching up with family and my best mate down the coast. All went off without a hitch, and everyone in my family's even still talking to each other! That's always a plus, and a minor Christmas miracle in itself!

Hope everyone else had a great break, and thanks to the majority of my partners for colluding to post whilst I wasn't here to give me every story to respond to, except two (which I'm expecting to not be far away either!), on my return! Luckily I'm not due back at work until the 8th of January, so if I start now I might catch up by then! Xana, I blame you!

So, why the hell do I keep bumping, am I just a sucker for punishment and self-imposed stress? Honestly; it's because there's about a million-to-one chance I'll find what I ask for anyway, so I can basically do so with impunity! And, if I did happen to find it, well I'd move heaven and earth to make time for another writing partner as awesome as the ones I already have, xD
Sympathetic for my plight, as always. Just because you can easily write more in a day than I'm capable of in a month, xD And, of course, right after I make that post, I receive another reply. Only one more to go now until I owe on every single story. Bring it on!! xD
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