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Little Things That Bother You

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People who don't know the difference between 'dominant' and 'dominate.'

Dominate is the act. It's the verb. It is what someone does.
Behind closed doors, Sally secretly loves to dominate her boyfriend, Jake.

Dominant is the person, or their preference.
Jake has come to accept that his girlfriend is also his dominant. It was...different at first, but now he really enjoys it.

Sally would not refer to herself as a 'dominate,' though. That would be like me saying I am a writing, and that I like to spend my evenings writer.
Fades...I totally wanna have your babies for pointing that out! It's one of my biggest pet peeves! ^_^

As for me, I hate little Beta punks who go around acting all Alpha until they come face to face with a real Alpha, then cower in the corner like little bitches. They only act tough against those they perceive as being weaker than themselves. They're nothing but bullies. A real Alpha backs down from no one and protects those weaker than they are.

Sorry. Got kind of ranty there. Just seems to be a lot of those popping up lately and I felt the need to vent my frustrations...
As_Day_Fades said:
People who don't know the difference between 'dominant' and 'dominate.'

Dominate is the act. It's the verb. It is what someone does.
Behind closed doors, Sally secretly loves to dominate her boyfriend, Jake.

Dominant is the person, or their preference.
Jake has come to accept that his girlfriend is also his dominant. It was...different at first, but now he really enjoys it.

Sally would not refer to herself as a 'dominate,' though. That would be like me saying I am a writing, and that I like to spend my evenings writer.

Dominant is an adjective actually. Dominator would be the noun. Domini would be the Latin root.
Dominant can be used as an adjective or a noun. In daily life it is most commonly used as an adjective, but in reference to the BDSM style it is used as both an adjective and a noun. Dominator is also a noun, but while it can be used for the style, generally it would be used in a different context.

When I put up a request thread and some bobo retard responds with 'are you interested in your second idea?' If the thread was older, of course, I get it, you want to make sure if I'm still interested in that one particular aspect. If there's been a lot of responses from others you want to make sure a particular storyline idea is still available, I get that too. But when the thread is less than a day old and there are no responses to it yet, gee, I dunno. I might just be.

If you're looking for an icebreaker, how about being less useless and try messaging me with more than one line? Take the idea that has piqued your interest and build on it. Show me your creativity. This is the place for that sort of thing.
Chicks who join in on RPs solely for the purpose of trying to get their character with the main male character and ignores all posts that don't have to deal with him. If you wanted a one on one, you should have asked for a one on one with that guy. A public RP should not become centered on two character's 'romance'.
when the dog i'm babysitting gets sick

when my dog is so scared of visitors he pees on me

when there's no more ice-cream


when someone gives me clothing that is 2 or 3 sizes too big

when someone asks me what I do for a living. Not a big deal for someone who has a job or career, but for someone who doesn't, it's embarrassing.

when I'm in the movie theater watching a movie for the first time and someone sitting nearby who's already seen it tells there companion what is going to happen before it happens.

when I take someone to see a movie I enjoyed, thinking they would enjoy it too.. and they fall asleep.

Lost internet connection.

When the power goes out.

When Second Life goes down and I get kicked off

When Second Life vampires send me a 'bite' request OR try to get me to join their family/clan.

When I join a Second Life Vampire family/clan and all we do is hang out in newbie hotspots and ask people to join us. Come on! I don't want to recruit anyone!! Recruit them your damn self!

When someone sends me a pm and seems excited about writing with me but then never posts a reply. :(

M.A.S.H. not being on tv as often as it use to be

Quantum Leap not being on tv anymore

Getting sick on Halloween, and not being able to go out on my favorite holiday!

Not being able to get a free restaurant meal on my birthday, because they are closed on my birthday!

When someone tries to talk me into role playing in IM or Chat, when I've already told them I don't want to RP in IM or Chat!

When someone expects me to do an exact word count! Are you here to role play or grade?

Mixing up there, their and they're bothers me too, but do you have to point it out every time that mistake is made? Like you've never accidentally wrote 'their' when you should have wrote 'there'. Unless it's done more than occasionally, and as long as I can understand what they meant, I'll let it go.

People who ask for partners? Are you kidding me? Isn't that why we're all here? You don't automatically have a writing partner after registering. The only way to get one is to ASK!!!

When someone who's likes and dislikes are too different than mine (most of my no's are on their favorites or yes list), and they know it, but they ask me to write with them anyway. If planned right there is a chance both of us will enjoy writing together, but there is a bigger chance because of the big differences in our likes and dislikes that we won't enjoy writing together. There's a reason we fill out our likes and dislikes!

When my avatar in Second Life is shopping or just hanging out and someone who thinks they are a 'Master' tries to talk me into being their slave or submissive. A true Master will not try to talk someone into it, they will seek someone who wants to be a submissive or slave. If you have to talk someone into it, then they are NOT ready for it!!
When unis/profs don't have the decency to send you a flipping email to tell you a class is cancelled. Dx FUUUUUUUUUUU.
When people ask me a question in public, and won't take I don't know for an answer.


They say "Do you know where I can find (insert noun here)."

I say "I don't know."

Then they say "But I have to know because (insert reason here)."


Why must you pick ME for this question, I'm just out minding my own business, and they ask me! :mad:
When I am pedaling my bike up a hill and the tension on the chain causes it to go "Krunk-Lunk" and it changes gear, totally throwing off my stride and sending me headlong into the bushes.
When people argue loudly and act as if you aren't even there. ._______.
When my roommate buys food(Since food is one of her expenses) and she sets aside all the good stuff for herself and bitches if anyone else gets into it.
What bothers me is the closed-mindedness to kinks by kinky people. The "my kink is alright, but yours is not," attitude that pervades all these erotic forums. Even Literotica, which claims all the time not to be this way, still is.

To be honest, vanilla sex makes me shudder in private, but I don't post disparaging comments in my NO LIST about the missionary position.
Jess said:
What bothers me is the closed-mindedness to kinks by kinky people. The "my kink is alright, but yours is not," attitude that pervades all these erotic forums. Even Literotica, which claims all the time not to be this way, still is.

To be honest, vanilla sex makes me shudder in private, but I don't post disparaging comments in my NO LIST about the missionary position.

I think a big reason for that(at least in request threads) might be just to indicate very clearly for others what someone absolutely will not do. Some people see a "do not" list and think either 1. "Oh, they just haven't tried that kink with the right type of person yet - meaning ME." or 2. "Maybe if we have enough chemistry and the story's good enough I can slip it in and it'll be okay." For some kinks and for some people, it's really difficult to find willing partners. Whether they're just lazy or really desperate, they'll introduce it to somebody who has listed it among several other things on a "No" list, just to take a shot.

Expressing extreme distaste for a particular kink is sometimes related to that; people have been approached before and think, "Maybe I just wasn't clear enough; Let me spell it out in emotional language for anybody else looking to play with me."

It's just one possible reason and I'm not saying it is THE reason for it. Some people are just prejudice against a particular kink. Like foot fetishists - what the fuck is wrong with those people??? lol

A thing that bothers me: guacamole.
RoryN said:
A thing that bothers me: guacamole.

I hate it when resteraunts put avacado in anything that shouldn't have fucking avacado in it. Like Sushi. I also hate it when they put cream cheese in Sushi. It has no business there. Like Mayonnaise has no business on pizza (and yes people do put mayonnaise on pizza).
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