Seven minds. One body. (Rskde x SketchyEquine)

Jan 30, 2017
United States

Christine: The devious drunk.
Sarah: The sheepish girl.
Richard: The violent one.
Kaitlin: The nerd.
Bertha: The old, motherly woman.
Wendy: The murderer.
Bree: The original.

Bree sat silently in her room, staring out the barred window. The weather outside looked so beautiful. She missed going outside. She had not been allowed outside the entire time she had been housed in this facility: a rehab center for the clinically insane. That was how they ruled her: insane. Bree didn't think she was insane. Maybe one of her personalities was insane, but Bree wasn't. She was just your average twenty something girl. She liked spending time with friends and working. She enjoyed good food and local bars. She lived a simple life. Except, of course, the fact that she was crazy.

Bree had Dissociative Identity Disorder. This meant that she had multiple individual people all living inside her mind. Each one of her identities had a different personality, set of interests, collection of characteristics, and motive. Unfortunately, one of her identities had a very cynical set of motives. Wendy. Wendy served as Bree’s protector, and the identity took it upon herself to rid the world of a few abusive individuals: Bree’s parents and, more recently, Bree’s ex boyfriend. That decision, made by only one of the identities, landed all seven of them in a modern insane asylum. But, how could a judge only incarcerate one of Bree’s puzzle pieces? It was the only way.

A buzzer sounded throughout the building. Bree stood, wearing her issued grey sweatpants and white t-shirt and waited in view of the door with her hands in plain sight. It was standard procedure, and if you broke it you weren't allowed to go to the community room. There patients could interact and meet their social needs so long as they were determined safe to interact with the rest of the crazy people community here at the facility.

Bree has been here for several weeks, but only the last few days had she been allowed to go to the community room and interact with the other patients. She enjoyed it even though the guards were mean and the other patients usually weren't very good conversation. The majority would just glare or mumble to themselves, but at the very least the change of scenery was good for morale. Therefore, Bree always acted right when the buzzers went off and always took the anxiety medication they gave her in the morning to help keep Wendy at bay. No one liked it when Wendy came out.

The guard came in and Bree gave a soft smile, showing her hands. “Good morning, sir.” She whispered, holding her arms up in the air as the man patted her down to make sure she didn't have anything that wasn't allowed, of course there was nothing to find. Then she walked out into the hallway as directed and smiled as she headed towards the community room. There were a few other patients in the hall, all older and slower than Bree, so she speed walked past and claimed herself a spot in the community room before anyone else could take it. The 23 year old pale redhead sat in the bay window, her rump resting on a pillow as she soaked up the sun’s rays with a smile.

Gosh. It really was so beautiful outside.

Bree soon managed to drag her eyes away from the sunshine and allowed herself to look around the room. In the simplest terms she was ‘people watching’. In all honesty there probably weren’t more interesting people to watch go about their day than the crazies. They were always doing interesting and unexpected things that might make someone smile or cringe. Nothing was ever simple in a mental hospital and they were all here for similar reasons: they were fucked up and they had fucked up. Simple. Easy. Understandable. But not a single one of these people would ever admit they were a danger to society- Bree included. After all... Bree wasn’t dangerous. Wendy and Richard were dangerous, but Bree wasn’t. Actually, Bree was quite sheepish due to so many years of abuse.

Light eyes continued scanning the room until they finally feel on something very interesting to Bree. A man. A young man, to be specific, and there weren’t many people around her age in this place. Her brows rose a bit in surprise as she just stared at him. She has never seen him before, so that meant one of two things. Either he had gotten in trouble and kept in his room the last few days when they had actually allowed Bree out or he was a new arrival. Bree just stared at him, head slightly askew, and she waited. She couldn’t help but wonder what made him crazy like the rest of them. He looked normal, at least from where she sat in the warm sunshine with her baggy clothes eating up her feminine figure.
Ryan had only been around for a day, the week before was possibly the worst time of his life. He had been in court, and in questioning, and then in a hospital.. Then finally he was transported to a facility for the clinically insane. He had talked to no-one here, considering he didn't believe that he should be here considering his 'disorder' was not how he defined himself. Now at the age of twenty five, he had been diagnosed with PTSD, or 'Post Traumatic Stress Disorder' which had been apparently induced by his time in the Marine Corps overseas in places like Afghanistan. It was fairly obvious that he was a military type, his body was very muscular but athletic, luckily this place had a gym that he had been cleared to use. He looked like an outcast, standing in the corner of the room with his eyes fixated on the guard that had dragged him in here with the excuse that it would be good for him to be around others.

Unfortunately he had been literally dragged from sleep and taken to this horrible room filled with insane people. He didn't look like them, he didn't act like them.. He didn't feel like them either. That guard really had a beating coming, not only had he acted like a complete asshole to get him out of bed in the morning, but he had hit him in the back of the head with his baton. Ryan was definitely thinking about a plan on breaking both of this man's legs, though it would probably get him locked up here for a couple more months. He bites the inside of his cheek as he thinks about the terrified face the guard would make when Ryan had his puny throat tight in his large hand.

During one of his attacks he had ended up killing one of the doctors trying to 'help' him, which of course had consisted of the doctor trying to figure out what exactly made him freak out and then using it against him. So when Ryan had panicked he had taken one of the Doctor's hidden operating tools and performed surgery of his own, which resulted in a screaming nurse and a pair of handcuffs on his hands before he could even realize what he had done.

His job in the Marine Corps had been for Force Recon, he had been around many battles and had seen many people die, he was definitely desensitized to death and destruction, which would explain why he was so easily able to commit that murder without a second though. He had felt threatened, but nobody in the court cared that the doctor had broken his oath by triggering Ryan's disorder.

He closes his eyes and sighs to himself quietly, he was already feeling a little lonely and isolated, he just wished they would put him back in his room already. The guard he had been staring at walks over to him, holding a baton in his hand. "The fuck you looking at? Why so cross?" His eyebrows raised while looking to him, making Ryan raise his eyebrows in return. "Zoning out." He says while lifting a hand to his head and twirling his finger in the form of the 'I'm crazy' motion. The guard just huffs and walks away, making Ryan grin, looking away from the guard now so that he could go back to day dreaming. He didn't feel like a threat to society, he could hear some of the conversations going on around the room.. These people were the threat, not him.

Suddenly he feels a pair of eyes on him, his eyes open and he looks to the guard, who was now occupied with escorting one of the insane out of the room. He looks around until his eyes set on a beautiful woman sitting at the window. He walks through the tables set up in the middle of the room, past the muttering and sometimes giggling insane to the woman who had been staring at him. "Morning." He says to her while looking at her. "What're you in for?" His eyebrows raise, similar to how he had raised them at the guard who had challenged him. He had half a mind to beat that guard to death, but that would not have secured his freedom any faster.

"You don't look like the type of person to get locked up in a place like this, if you don't mind me saying." His accent was that of the North-Eastern American one.
Bree tensed up when his eyes met hers and she quickly looked away. Shit. Shit. Shit. He caught you staring. She thought to herself as her hands suddenly gripped her knees tightly. She had obviously never seen the man before so she had no idea what he was in for. That combined with the fact he seemed to weigh probably twice what she did made him a major threat for her. He could easily take her out just for looking at him funny. Damnit, Bree. Wendy muttered inside her head. You’re the original. Why do I have to do everything for you all the time? This guy is about to kill you because you couldn’t keep your eyes low like I told you to.

“It’s okay, Wendy. I don’t need you right now. Go back to sleep.” The whispered, head turned towards the window som that no one could see her talking to herself. That was definitely a surefire sign that she was batshit. Wendy would have loved to take the body and use it to throw a ew punches at the man who dare hone in on her like that. As far as Wendy was concerned, men were dangerous. Both Bree’s father and ex boyfriend had beat the sit out of her and Wendy had spilled their blood for it. As a result she no longer wanted Bree to have anything to do with anyone who could hurt her. If anyone tried surely more blood would be spilled.

All seven of Bree’s identities were formed to fulfill a need. Wendy was there to protect her. Sarah was there to keep her out of situations that would get her in trouble. Christine allowed for Bree to fulfill her sexual desires and have a release. Richard allowed for a way to expel pent up anger and rage. Kaitlin got Bree through school so that Bree’s parents wouldn’t have another reason to hit her. Bertha was the support and comfort that a normal person’s mother would have provided. Bree was a little bit of all of them, but she was mostly just a broken, fragmented girl who had been screwed over by the fate of the universe. Her brain was broken. Her body had been broken. She had seen and felt things that no one else on the planet would ever truly understand. Trauma. Trauma was what had made one person into seven.

When the man finally got close to her, Bree looked up at him. “Good morning.” She spoke up, her southern drawl filling the space between them. Unlike him her voice was very flavorful making her sound almost foreign in comparison. She could thank growing up in Texas for that. Her jaw tensed causing her masseter muscle to bulge a bit as she looked up into his eyes. Deep within her Christine was brooding and already plotting to jump the man’s bone. He was the first good looking thing the slut had seen the whole time she had been locked up, by Bree managed to keep her at bay at least for now. However, they both knew that eventually Christine would overpower Bree and take over the body for some fun. “Well… That should be obvious.” Bree let out a little laugh. “I’m crazy. We all are if we’re here.” She twirled her finger in the air tauntingly just as she had seen him do to the guard a few moments ago. Bree didn’t miss much.

“Well. To be honest, I’m not the type of person she should be locked up here, but you wouldn’t know anything about that. It’s not worth going into now. I’m sure you’ll figure it out.” She shrugged and soon sat up, crossing her les and tucking them underneath her petite body. She was small, only about 5 feet tall thanks to her stunted growth, and her body was exceptionally thin although not nearly the state of the bodies of the anorexic women that could be seen around here who were in for some sort of possession or influence. “If you stay here long enough you learn what’s wrong with everyone. Group sessions and people watching make sure of that.” She nodded, motioning for the guard. “Like him. He’s not a patient, obviously, but he’s violent and will use any excuse to smack someone with that baton, although I have a feeling you already knew that- based on the way you were looking at him like he’s a meal.”

Bree ran her hands along her thighs as she thought quietly to herself, but she made sure to leave enough room on the windowsill for him to sit and enjoy the sunlight with her if he would like to. You must be careful, Bree. Don’t forget the time your arm was broken by a good looking guy like him. Wendy retorted between Bree’s ears, but she ignored it this time. Bree wanted to think there were still some good men in the world. Men who were worth more than the quick fuck Christine was begging for.
He had seen her look away, he knew that she probably wasn't very good with confrontation, nobody here seemed to be so good at talking in a social manner. His eyes examine her face for any sort of emotion, most would feel fear when he approached them, but she just looked away to the window.. Certainly something he wasn't used to. At least she talked to him, she seemed.. Normal enough until she admitted that she was crazy to him. "I'm not crazy." He says, watching her scoot over to make him a space. He sits down and lifts a knee to his chest, one of his shoes remaining on the floor while the other sat on the window sill.

"You and I are similar, though I don't like to stare at people unless I want to kill them or be their friend." He smiles, it was obviously supposed to be a joke but his smile fades as he realizes she might not understand it. "Yeah, that guard over there is a bit of a prick, isn't he?" He asks while looking back over at the guard. He returns his eyes to hers, his eyes finishing scanning over her face as she had turned away from him before. "Honestly I want to kill him, he hit me in the back of the head with that fucking baton." He growls quietly, turning his head to look out the window, the sunlight was pretty nice.

"How long have you been locked up in here?" He asks her. "You don't look like the rest of those people out there, everyone in this room but you and me are over forty and giggling like lunatics." He chuckles, biting the inside of his cheek again. "Then again, there are a few really young people.." He says while looking around the room to examine the state of some of the patients. "Is that why you were staring over at me? I just arrived yesterday, I don't know the operations of this place yet." He admits quietly, trying not to raise his voice so that the guards might hear.

"Point me around the room then, if you won't tell me what's wrong with you, show me this 'people watching' thing." He says with a chuckle. "I shouldn't be here either, if it makes you feel any better.. Some people here seem to be much crazier than you and I." Ryan rests his back against the wall inside of the window sill, putting his hands behind his head and accidentally brushing his elbow against her arm. He was wearing the same uniform as her, a white t-shirt and gray sweatpants.

"My name's Ryan by the way.. Nice to meet you." He says while offering his large hand to her much smaller and fragile looking one. "Might I ask for your name?" He asks her, his face had gone a little softer, he was a little less on edge now that he had talked to her.
Bree let out a small laugh as he stated they had something in common. “You’re right. I was just sitting over here and plotting to kill you.” She teased although deep in her mind Wendy whispered. He’s right. That’s exactly what I was doing. And it made Bree look away again as her face went stern and she scolded the woman internally for thinking such horrible things about someone she had never met. She looked back to the man and gave a nod in understanding. “He’s smacked my hands with it a few times, but you learn to behave and he’ll leave you alone. You just can’t give him anything to hit you over.” She whispered wisely. She had been avoiding being smacked around since she was old enough to remember. By now she was an expert at it. Bree could read the cruelty in people, and she didn’t see any of that in this man.

“I’ve been here…. Three weeks? Maybe four. I’m not sure. The days kind of all just run together. They haven’t been letting me out here for more than a few days. Until then they deemed me too dangerous to interact with the others. If this is your first day I guess that should tell you I’m a lot crazier than you. They go on a point system around here. You have to have a certain amount of points to be allowed in the community room. If you make enough progress and get enough points you’re allowed other benefits like private visitations with your friends in the hospital and a pass to have outside guests like family and friends come see you. It appears as though you’ve started with enough points to do this at least.” She smiled reassuringly at him. “It will probably be a lot quicker for you to get out that way. Earn enough points and you’re a free man. However… try and kill the guards and you’ll definitely lose some points.”

Bree let out a little laugh as he asked her to elaborate on her people watching and she shook her head. “If I did that then you wouldn’t have to learn anything on your own. That wouldn’t be fair, would it?” She teased, scooting back as soon as his elbow made contact with her. “We all go to group therapy sessions together if we can talk any sense. I’m sure you’ll learn things about me in time that will make you eat those words.” She commented and watched as he leaned back. It seemed almost as though his uniform and her own were the same size seeing as it fit him so much more nicely that it fit her as her sweatpants barely clung to her narrow hips.

“I’m Bree.” She whispered, reaching out and wrapping her long, narrow fingers around his hand in greeting, but as soon as she did her eyes glazed over. She shouldn’t have touched him. It was enough to push Bree out of the driver’s seat of the body they all possessed. “Hiya, Papi.” The woman purred, taking on an accent much unlike that which Ryan had just heard. Now she spoke like she can from the heart out the southern cost with a rich latino accent rolling over her tongue. Bree was gone. Now it was all Christine.

Christine willed Bree’s body forward and instead of sitting beside him like a polite stranger would, Christine quickly moved to straddle Ryan and she let her haunches rest on his muscular thighs. “You are the spiciest piece of meat I have seen since being dragged to this hole.” She smirked mischievously. “And if you want pussy your age you’re going to have to go for mine. Otherwise you might find dust in the cunts of these old hags on account of them not being used. What do you say, papi?”
Ryan chuckles, they seemed to share the same sense of humor, which was a relief considering some people that he had met didn't exactly appreciate his mean look and humor. "He got me on the back of the head, I'm gonna shove that thing up his ass one day." He says, shaking his head as he closes his eyes again, though he opened them again when images of some of his deployments flashed through his mind. His dreams were often like movies or powerpoints, since he wasn't an active dreamer he had no control over what he saw or what he did in these dreams.. Or nightmares. These images were what caused him such mental pain, as he had spent countless nights awake and staring up at the ceiling.. It didn't help that he was often alone when attacks like those ones had occurred.

"Might as well lose a couple of points, then.. I don't have any friends on the outside.. None that would attend my funeral or even come to my court hearing." He says with a small sigh. "Not that they could.." They were all dead, or 'dead' considering the government didn't want their lives to be talked about.. Maybe getting him locked in a loony house was the governments way of discrediting anything he might have had to say about the mission he had been tasked to undergo. His body had been sculpted by these missions, and so had his disturbed mind.. So many things that he had been asked to do that were immoral or unethical. And yet he did them, part of being a Marine was to never question orders no matter how outrageous.

A smile spreads across her face when she places her hand in his, he had noticed that when his skin had touched hers the last time she had noticeably moved away from him. He watches as her eyes change.. His eyebrows furrow together gently, touching him had stirred something inside of her it seemed. Very suddenly she had changed, and he began to understand what exactly was wrong with her mind. He had experienced multiple personality disorder before, though that was for medical training to be able to spot what was wrong with someone, they had been introduced to a few cases of mental and physical disorders to get a better idea of who was a threat and who was not. It was more of a social experiment to show the Marines that some dangerous disorders were not very obvious, much like Bree's.

She seemed to become an entirely different person, that was especially obvious because of the new accent that she was using, even speaking a little bit of Spanish to him. "Hi." He says awkwardly, not really sure how to react to her calling him 'Papi'. "I don't think I'd have sex with a much older person anyway." Ryan laughs in response to her talking about the cunts of the other people in the mental ward. "I just met you.. Bree, is that still your name?" He asks, as he knew that often times the other personalities would have their own unique names. This was definitely the first time he had ever really been in a social conversation with a person like that, as the other time he had seen one they just observed a conversation with a doctor.

"You're not so bad yourself." He shakes his head, his body tensing up a little when she straddled him, his breath hitching quietly, but loudly enough for her to audibly hear it. "This place is a little public, don't you think?" He asks with the raise of his eyebrows. "I doubt there's anywhere to do that sort of thing, doesn't seem like a thing that a loony house like this would promote." He says while biting the inside of his cheek, trying to keep himself from touching her or looking at her body as she was very very close to him now.
Luckily for Ryan, the issued uniform that they all wore left just about everything to the imagination. There wasn’t much to be seen that could be a temptation. However, Christine was still firmly planted in the man’s lap. “Ay. No. I’m Christine, papi, and you better remember that. Someday I’ll have you moaning it, mark my words.” She whispered, leaning in to lick along the length of his neck in what the self-proclaimed whore thought was seductive. However, most people just seemed to cringe about it. The Latina arched her back, pushing her ass along his thighs in an attempt to tempt him. However, she quickly realized that he wasn’t buying it. “Ah. Eres un mojigato. Trabajaremos en eso.“ She purred into his ear. She could only assume he didn’t speak Spanish. Not even Bree spoke Spanish.

“Hey! Miss multiple personality! Get off of him before he kills ya!” The guard that had been giving him trouble yelled from across the common area, making Christine roll her eyes. “Busted. But at least now we know what you’re in for. Partially. Welcome to the murderer club, compañero.” Christine gave him a wink before leaning in to give him a peck on the lips, her own lips sweet and soft on his for the half a second that they were in contact. Then, Christine retreated by crawling off of his lap and putting her hands in the air in surrender. “Relájate, bastardos. Estoy fuera de él.” She then looked over her shoulder at Ryan again and winked. “Be nice to Bree. She’s a good girl and if you’re bad you’ll have Richard and Wendy to worry about. You won’t like them nearly as much as you liked me.” She taunted, motioning to his groin where she hand just been sitting.

Bree’s eyes went blank once more, gazing into nothingness and her hands free fell to her sides: carried down by gravity. This time the stall between identities lasted much longer than it had when Christine had taken over. Deep in the confines of the woman’s mind her identities were arguing over who should get to see the light and take the reins. Bree, the original, was furious. Not only had Christine taken over in the middle of a conversation, but she had also blindfolded Bree meaning the Bree had no idea what had happened between Christine and Ryan nor how long Christine had taken over for. Eventually after battling for several seconds the woman shook her head and her eyes came to life again. They quickly scanned the room and she let out a sigh of relief after inspecting the situation. Bree had only been gone a few minutes and she was back in the light again- controlling her own body.

Bree looked to Ryan and bit her lips hard. What did you do, Christine? she thought, hoping her alternate personality didn’t just make an enemy out of the one person she had liked so far. “I’m sorry.” She finally blurted, toying nervously at the ends of her hair. She could only assume what had happened seeing as all of her personalities, with the exception of Richard, already found Ryan attractive. Bree was no exception although, unlike Christine, she had no intentions of acting upon it. No man would want to date a crazy like her. “I hope she didn’t harass you too much..” she mumbled, looking down to her shoes. “I guess you at least known why I’m in now. That didn’t take long.” She said, refusing to make eye contact with him as she let out a half hearted chuckle. Touching brought on the switches fairly often, and she couldn’t always control it when stimulated like that. At least, she thought, it was Christine and not Wendy who had jumped out.
His knuckles go white as they tighten against the window sill, feeling her body move against his. She definitely seemed to have practice, perhaps this personality of Bree's was the sexual one. A soft groan leaves his throat when she licks his neck, causing his head to turn so that she had better access to it, his eyes going half-lidded for just a moment before he moves his head again, not wanting her to distract him again. After all, he had just met this woman, he doubted that Bree would want this from someone she met nearly ten minutes ago. "Fuck, you keep doing shit like that and it might happen." He chuckles. "Christine, I'll remember you." He says, he could tell that she was going to be trouble, maybe he should be more careful about touching Bree in the future.

Ryan actually knew Spanish very well, he knew a few languages including Arabic, French, and German.. But those were the only ones he could hold a conversation with, he knew bits and pieces of Polish too, but wouldn't be able to talk to a Polish person for very long. So when she spoke Spanish to him his smile just turns into a grin. "Ya veremos." He mutters back to her with a chuckle. Another groan leaves him when she moved her hand to his groan and pushed her ass against his thighs, he could feel it through her baggy sweatpants and he was starting to want it badly. He was growing aroused beneath his sweatpants, and she seemed to know that.

Just as his hands were about to move to her hips, he hears the guard who had been giving him shit earlier call out to her, causing his hands to remain cemented in place. "Yep. Busted." He agrees, almost sighing in relief that he wouldn't have to be tempted anymore. The next words to leave her mouth left a bitter thought in his mind, he had killed so many more people than the one doctor that he was serving this time for. Her lips are very suddenly against his, and then off of his lips before he has time to react, he certainly enjoyed the kiss, considering he hadn't been kissed since before his last deployment.. Before his girlfriend had left him and before he had come back home a shell of his former self. "Who knows, Richard and Wendy sound lovely." He says, unsure of what exactly those personalities had in store for him. Then Christine is off of him and motioning to the erection that was obvious in his pants, she had definitely managed to catch him by surprise.

Then Bree was back, she seemed to be regretful and apologetic. "You have nothing to apologize about, Christine was.. Interesting." He laughs while rubbing the back of his head, his body starting to calm down now. "So you don't.. See anything when you switch personalities?" He asks her while leaning forward, looking to her and talking to her normally, trying to let her know that he was still looking to be her friend. "I'm interested in meeting some of those other personalities, but I do like you as just Bree." He says jokingly, a laugh leaving him. "She didn't harass me.. Hey, it's my fault, I shouldn't have touched you." Ryan says while looking to her. "Don't blame yourself, I know that you had no control in that situation." He could tell by some of her actions that she was very nervous, from not looking at him to messing with her hair. "So.. I think I'll probably be back here tomorrow, if you want to hang out again?" Ryan asks her.
Bree glanced up, noticing the slightest of bulges in the man’s pants and her cheeks when red. No, Bree wasn’t a prude who had never touched a man on her own or gone after something she wanted. However, she was nothing like Christine. She wouldn’t hook up on the first date and she certainly wouldn’t have done anything to ease any sort of erection out of the man. Bree could already tell that Christine had touched him, she just didn’t know how. She dragged her eyes upward to his face to avoid the reality of what she had just done inadvertently, and bit down on her lip. Why couldn’t he just be a nice old man that Christine would have no interest in jumping? And that Bree would have no interest in jumping either… that would definitely make things easier.

“Sometimes I see and sometimes I don’t. Myself Andes has of my other identities have the ability to ‘shut the blinds’ at times per se. Although it’s not always an option. And sometimes we choose to look away during situations to avoid… issues.” She hesitated. Every time she had chosen to look away it was because Wendy or Richard, her protectors, were taking a beating or fighting back. Ignoring life was a sign that Bree was not enjoying life. “This time… Christine just blocked me out. Probably because she knew I wouldn’t approve and because I didn’t invite her into the light. She just kind of took over.” Bree shrugged, rubbing her forearm. She had yet to get over what had just happened, and she was still nervous about the whole thing.

“You will probably meet them all eventually if were in the same vicinity long enough. But they’re not all as fun as Christine. There’s a reason I’m in here with criminals, Ryan.” She admitted with a little shrug. Bree had the blood of three people on her hands. “Don’t apologize. Neither one of us could have known a handshake would awaken my horny alter ego.” She finally teased him a little before shrugging, finally starting to relax seeing as he didn’t seem angry with her. “Just promise me you won’t actually fuck her. Not unless you fuck me first.” She scrunched up her nose playfully, but she was only mostly kidding. There was still that part of her that wasn’t opposed to the idea. Although she’d have to get to know him first. Christine had fucked plenty of men using Bree’s body, but none of them were people that Bree wanted to get to know at all. Ryan was different. She might die of embarrassment if Christine slept with him and she had to face him the next day in the commons.

“Yes. We’ll see each other tomorrow.” She nodded before turning and heading back to her room. Her short stride had to work hard just to keep up with out jogging as the lanky guard lead her back to her room and locked her in when they got there. One by one they started escorting everyone back to their rooms so the day could proceed with doctors appointments, private visits, meals, etc. Bree herself didn’t have any appointments that day nor did she have enough points for private visits or the skills to pick the locks, so she sat cross legged on her bed the rest of the night and allowed Kaitlin to do some studying and Sarah to do some childish drawings with crayons before bed. Bree was always sure to let her personalities shine through regularly so that they would get pent up within the confines of her mind. Even Wendy, when it was safe, was allowed to take the driver's seat and do things she liked for awhile- which was usually listening to heavy metal and drawing heavy black circles around Bree’s eyes. They all got to drive the body, but the true owner was Bree, and they all acknowledged it. Everything there belonged to her at the end of the day.

The next morning, Bree woke up to the buzzer and smiled. For the first time since being admitted she had something to look forward to: seeing her new acquaintance.
Ryan nods to her explanation of how her mind worked, it was pretty interesting to say the least, people like Bree were really unique and he found himself liking that aspect of her. "I promise I won't fuck her unless I fuck you first." He says with a laugh, leaning back against the wall as he thinks about how difficult it might be to resist Christine over and over, maybe he would just try to get to know Bree more, he didn't know if she was even interested in him, though the way that she was biting her lip while talking to him seemed to indicate that she might like him about as much as Christine did.. Then again she was also as crazy as he was, so there was no telling what was going on in her mind.

And with that, his first actual social experience in the mad house had ended, he watches her as she walks away, out of the corner of his eye he sees his own guard approaching. "Alrighty, lets go." He says with the roll of his eyes. Ryan just holds up a finger, watching until Bree had disappeared before looking back to the guard and standing up. "Hey, don't you make me wait on you again bitch, you hear?" The guard asks with the raise of his eyebrows. Ryan just laughs. "One day I'm gonna get out of here, and then I'll be back in when I mount your head on a spike." He growls to the guard before walking back to his room, the guard was intimidated enough that he decided not to use his baton on Ryan.

He also didn't have anything planned for the day, he spent his time staring at a wall and bouncing a tennis ball against it, he had luckily been provided with a few things to keep him occupied. "Hey! I want to go work out!" He calls to a guard passing by, who lets him out to go to the gym. He works out for as long as he can.. Though he wasn't sure why, maybe to impress Bree? He honestly wasn't sure considering he had worked out the day before and technically didn't need to lift weights, he could've easily just done pull ups in his room or something of that sorts. Once he was done he was escorted back to his 'room' more like cell for lights out. He lays down in his bed and sighs quietly as he stares up at the ceiling, there was no way in hell that he would allow himself to fall asleep. Even with his vigor he passed out a few hours later, only to be awoken by the haunting faces of some of his friends, and the laughing, destroyed face of the doctor that he had murdered.. Plus a play-back of him actually committing the murder, a red tint going around his vision that only wore off when he woke up.

In the morning despite being tired he hears the buzzer and sighs with relief, at least now he could go and do something that he might enjoy; talk to Bree. He stands up and raises his hand to that same guard, who scoffs when he cannot find an excuse to whack him with his baton. Ryan is escorted to the common room, being the first one there he sits on the same window sill that they had been at before, his head looking around for Bree, since he had seen which hallway she had gone down, his eyes are fixated on that hallway, hoping to see the tiny redhead walking to the common area any moment now.
Bree stood, pulling on fresh clothes and sending hers off to be laundered before she smiled at the crayon drawing beside her. Sarah was eternally a child even as she lived in Bree’s mind and she was the only one that Bree seemed to have total control over. She could blind, call, and send away Sarah whenever she wanted, and that was reassuring. Sarah didn't need to see all the horrible or adult things that Bree had happening in her life. Sarah’s innocence was to be preserved at all costs. She picked up the drawing, deciding to take it with her to the community area. None of the guards had any qualms with that. After all there was literally no way that Bree could hurt anyone with it.

She smiled when she saw Ryan sitting in her favorite window. She walked as briskly as she could on her way to him, her smile beaming, but it was still Bree herself driving. “You got the prime real estate today. I almost never manage to snag this window. Yesterday was a lucky day for me, but two days in a row is really a treat.” She spoke before sitting beside him on the window sill. Upon meeting up with him the second time she was reminded just how much he dwarfed her. “How tall are you, Ryan?” She asked curiously, looking him over. It was such an innocent question, but she couldn’t help but wonder. With his size she knew it would have been very easy for him to push Christine off of him, but she knew that he hadn’t. Christine had told her the man had no complaints, although not many details were provided beyond that.

Finally, Bree laid down the drawing on Ryan’s lap. It was a coloring page with an outlines flower that had been crudely colored in. It wasn’t perfect, but it definitely wasn’t colored in by a baby either. The child within Bree was old enough to know to try and stay within the lines. “You said you wanted to meet my personalities. Well. One of them colored this last night and requested that I give it to you as a thanks for not jumping ship on us.” She smiled, looking up to his eyes. “Her name is Sarah. Shes 6. She’s shy so she doesn’t want to talk to you, but you should know that’s from her.” She nodded kindly before crossing her legs beneath her like the day before. This particular day, Bree was rejuvenated and she no longer felt threatened by Ryan, so she had a better hold on the other six. She had made the decision to put blinders on her protectors. She didn’t really want to hear their negativity today.

“I hope that’s not too weird.” She reached back, rubbing the back of her head a little nervously. “Yesterday one of my personalities tried to take your pants off and now I’m telling you that there’s also a child in my brain. I’m a whole package of crazy.” She laughed lightheartedly as she waited for a reaction out of the man. “Also… this is Bree… if you couldn’t tell.”
Ryan's face lights up when he sees Bree walking quickly towards him, she had come from the same hallway that she had left from just the day before, just as he had predicted. By now, the guards were beginning to notice the two of them hanging around one another, hopefully it wouldn't mean anything bad for the two. "I had a feeling that you liked this window." He says with a laugh. "So I figured I'd get it for us again, I'll try to do the same thing everyday, my cell is really close to the Hall." He explains to her. A grin spreads across his face at her first question to him. "How tall am I? 6'1." He tells her while leaning back against that same wall. Familiarity and schedule were two things that kept the human mind sane, which is why torturers would often just make sure that the person they were torturing could never make a routine out of their torture.

"If you're asking questions then I get some too.. Are you a natural redhead?" He asks. "Because your hair is gorgeous." He smiles, his hands resting in his lap. He wouldn't make the same mistake of drawing Christine from her like he had done just the day before, he wanted to talk to Bree right now after all.. And he had made Bree a promise that he was unsure if he could keep if Christine took the wheel for too long.

His eyes watch her place the drawing in his lap, listening to her while scanning over the drawing with his eyes. "Well, Sarah is a very talented artist for her age." He says with a smile on his face. "Does she age as you age or is she eternally six years old?" He knew that the questions were a little personal, but he did want to get to know Bree, and the subject interested him. "I told you I'd see you today." He says with a smile. "I would never just jump ship after making a promise like that." Ryan smiles before leaning forward to look at the drawing some more. "I could hang it up in my cell if she wants me to do that." He offers.

"I could tell that it was Bree!" Ryan laughs while shaking his head. "I'm going to assume that your personalities all have different tones of voice, your voice is the same as when I met you yesterday." Ryan says with a small chuckle. He was happy to see her smiling at him. "I think you and I should meet in here whenever we can.. I really need a friend here." He admits to her, reaching a hand up to rub the back of his head, they seemed to have the same nervous habits. "You're not weird, Bree." Ryan says to her quietly. "You're more sane than that guard over there." He grins. "But you are crazy, just like me.. We have that in common."
“You’ve got 14 inches on me. 13 inches on one of my tall days. I’m 4’11”. But if anyone asks, tell them I’m 5’0”. The truth is too painful.” She teased. Sarah let out a small laugh and nodded. “Yes. I’m all natural fire. Soulless and all. You better stay away.” She teased, giving him a little wink. Bree was flirting with him. Poorly, sure, but she was. He had just called her gorgeous, or at least her hair. But she was going to go ahead and hope he was referring to the entire thing. “I was the only redhead in the family, but you can blame my Irish roots. The accent didn’t seem to translate though. I’m stuck sounding like a southern Bell my whole life.”

She watched nervously as he scanned the drawing, her fingers fidgeting in her lap. She looked back up at his face when he questioned her mind once more. However, she didn’t mind his questions. They were obviously not meant to cause her any turmoil. He was just genuinely curious about her. “So far Sarah has always stayed six- the same age as she was when I created her. I was also six and Sarah was my first friend. She was my first personality, so I keep her the most protected.” She admitted with a little shrug. “I don’t want her to see any evil in the world, but she certainly doesn’t seem too afraid of you, which is good. She’s afraid of most people.” Bree explained, her hands rubbing her thighs softly. “I think she would really like it if you put it in your room.”

Bree looked down at Ryan’s hands and her expression went soft. He was being cautious. Also Bree did not yet know what landed Ryan here, she had a hard time believing he was a bad person. He had known her all of 24 hours and he was already being careful not to set her off. It was a simple gesture, but it meant more than she could ever explain. “Their tones vary some, yes, although Christine and Richard are the most unique. Christine is the only one who’s bilingual and her accent is very thick. Richard talks as deeply as can be managed with my tiny vocal cords and his voice is very scratchy. Whenever he’s been driving for awhile my throat always feels sore. He’s rough on it, but that’s no surprise.” She looked up at him, her light eyes watching him very closely.

“I am weird. There’s seven people living in this noggin.” She tapped her knuckles gently against the side of her own head. “But I’m also crazy, just like everyone here, which makes it seem a little more normal.” She smiled. “The guard is just an asshole. I can promise, however, that I’ll never smack you with a baton. And I hope that in return you can promise never to shove one up my ass.” She winked before bravely reaching out and touching his hand. Unlike before, her gaze remained constant and Bree stayed in control as she wrapped her small hand around his ring and pinky finger. She gave it a light squeeze before releasing.

“What happened with Christine yesterday doesn’t mean you have to walk around on eggshells. I’m not some sacred thing that you can never touch or bump into. Plus… the better you know me the less of a surprise it will be if Christine or one of the others comes out. You don’t need to be afraid of hurting me.” She reassured him as she kept ahold of his fingers. She wanted him to understand her better because one simply couldn’t have Bree without having all of the others and their quirks as well. It was a package deal. “However… on the subject of Christine…” Bree spoke, biting her lip again. “Will you please tell me what happened? Asking her is like asking a brick wall. I want to know if I crossed a line, Ryan, so I would appreciate the honesty.”
Ryan grins to her, she was flirting with him. "I like smaller girls." He admits to her while biting the inside of his cheek "And I like redheads." It was something that he had always liked, something that had definitely caught his eye the first time that he had seen her. He was a little better on the flirting side of things than she was, but he found her nervousness cute if anything. "I don't think I'm going to be staying away." Ryan admits while leaning back against the wall. "My ancestors came from Germany, I've had a warrior in every generation of my family." He stops there without going into any other detail, not wanting to talk about his career in the military just yet, it just brought back too many painful memories.

"So she stays the same age.." He nods while looking at the drawing. "Well, she's very good.. You're right to keep her from the evils of this world." He says quietly before gently folding his drawing and slipping it into his pocket. "I think it'll go on the wall, then." Ryan chuckles while looking down at her hand as it gently takes his fingers, her skin was really smooth and the contact was so unexpected that it sent a light shiver down his spine. "There was a fairly obvious distinction between you and Christine." Ryan laughs while allowing his hand to take hers now, looking down at their two hands. He was a little afraid of this sort of connection, the last time he had experienced something similar to this it had ended in pain.

"Having seven people in your head doesn't make you weird, it just makes you crazy." Ryan grins while giving her hand a small squeeze. "It is a little odd that one of you is a man though, I couldn't imagine your vocal chords appreciate that." He says jokingly after she had explained to him about Richard's unique voice. "Well, the anorexic kids aren't crazy exactly.. But yeah, everyone else here seems to be crazy." He laughs. Ryan was happy that she was able to remain in control, and confident that she could touch him.. He enjoyed touching her too. "Your skin is really soft." He mutters to her quietly while looking down at their hands. He looks to her when she asks him about Christine and he nods to her when she asked him what exactly Christine had done and if she had crossed the line at all.

"She straddled my lap, licked my neck, told me I was a prune in Spanish, and then kissed me before you went back to yourself." Ryan explains to her, watching her bite her lip.. Another really cute thing that she did.. Why was he thinking about her like that? He shakes his head before sighing quietly. "You didn't cross any boundaries, you couldn't help it and Christine just seems to be.. Eccentric in nature, so I'm not mad and you shouldn't be mad." He says. "I didn't know if touching you would have caused you to change again.. No offense to Christine as lovely as she is, but I would like to keep talking to Bree for right now." He admits. "I won't be so cautious in the future, then.. I guess I was just waiting for you to tell me that I didn't need to be careful." He smiles to her.
Oh my god! He’s flirting with you! You’ve got to let me out, girl! Christine shouted inside her head causing Bree to look down and away for a moment as she tried to silence the voices inside. She wasn’t going to let Christine out. Not right now. Not to mention the guy had just said that Bree was the one he wanted to spend time with. “Not now.” She whispered almost inaudible before looking back up at Ryan as she continued to hold onto his large hand. “The anorexic kids are the other ones remotely my age, but there's still a lot of them in their 40’s or 50’s. Plus… they’re kind of downers. All they ever do is complain but the only reason they’re here is because they’d die in real prison. They need all the counseling that they can get.” She shrugged. “We’ve all made mistakes. That’s why we’re here, but I’d like to try and make the best of what I have here. No, it’s not ideal, but I’m alive, I’m not on death row, and I just made a really cool friend.” She grinned at him.

“As far as physical contact… I’m usually okay so long as I’m not in a bad situation. Yesterday I lost it because I had gotten scared. I was fine with you by the time we shook hands, but I guess I hadn’t gotten Christine roped in yet. It scared the shit out of me to have a guy as big as you come straight for me right after you caught me staring.” She admitted, hoping he would understand. “I haven’t always had the best luck with approaches like that.” She decided to leave that vague, just like he had with the warrior statement. Bree’s ex used to stare at her and approach her just like that before he would beat the hell out of her. There was a part of her, Wendy specifically, that would always be on edge around anyone who could hurt her. “If you’re worried, just ask.” She smiled.

She listened intently as he told her about Christine and she blushed. She appreciated his honesty, but curse the slut. “I’m betting she called you ‘papi’ too.” She retorted as she looked into his eyes. “Yes. Very eccentric. Also very avid about getting into your pants. For that, I apologize. Unless… you want that sort of thing. In which case I can tell you it won’t be easy finding an opportunity.” She released his hand soon after that comment, nervous that her palm might start to get sweaty. That statement was bold, perhaps even too bold and fairly uncharacteristic of the woman. She had essentially just offered to have sex with him if he wanted to, and she hardly even knew the man. Much less if he was safe to sleep with. It wasn’t like there was an abundance of STD tests or condoms in a madhouse. They didn’t want the loonies fucking all over the place.

It was soon after that the guards started taking people to their rooms. Bree took at last good look at Ryan before standing up in front of him, Still seemingly dwarfed by him. Silently she pressed her hand to his cheek and leaned in, lightly pressing her lips to his. The kiss was hesitant and gentle, but it lasted a few second’s longer than the kiss he had received a day earlier from Christine. When she pulled back, Bree looked into her eyes with her face in close proximity to the man’s before she whispered. “There. I wanted it to be me who was the last person you kissed. Not Christine.” She smiled before walking towards a guard to be escorted to her room without any further commentary. She would let what just happened simmer for Ryan awhile. After all, he had been flirting. She didn’t think he would be made she had kissed him.

After lunch, Bree had an appointment: group therapy to be exact. She would get to go sit in a circle with several people who weren’t even capable of speaking and talk about her life and her mental illness. Since she and all of her identities were coherent, she was one of the people the Doctors talked to the most. Her story was an interesting tragedy after all, like reading a Shakespeare novel if you asked Kaitlin. She followed the guard where she took a seat in the large circle between a couple of sweet old ladies with dementia. There were only a few seats left, but she just stared at the empty chair across from her hoping that it would be Ryan who took it. She didn’t even know if he was eligible for group therapy, but she wanted to see him more than anything.
Ryan smiles at her and gives her hand another gentle squeeze, for someone his size he seemed to be very capable of kindness. "Yeah.. If I'm honest there's sometimes I'd rather be on death row than be stuck with my own mind." He admits to her. "Christine overheard a guard talking about what I had done, did she tell you?" He asks her quietly while biting the inside of his cheek, he knew that she must've murdered someone too, but she couldn't have possibly killed as many as he had. "You're probably one of the most interesting people I've ever met." He says to her with a laugh. He looks down at their hands when she breaks their embrace, his own hand returns to his lap, it had begun to grow a little sweaty from their contact and his nervousness of blowing the first good thing to happen to him for quite awhile now.

"I understand that my outer appearance is pretty scary." He laughs. "But you don't seem like the type of person who would just roll over if someone attacked you, I feel like one of the people in that brain of yours might've gotten you locked up in here to begin with, eh?" He smiles. "Little miss danger to society." He playfully pushes her shoulder with that same smile on his face. "I'll remember to ask in the future.. But I think I'll be understanding what boundaries we have in the future." He hoped that there wouldn't be any boundaries in the future, maybe they could start something in the future. Ryan laughs when she begins to talk about Christine, nodding his head along to her questions. "Yeah, it was a little strange when you switched from you to someone calling me 'Papi' with every sentence." He smiles. "I have to admit, it was a little hard to resist.. I was mostly in shock considering how fast she took over and pounced on me." Ryan admits to her, examining her face when she blushed.

Ryan turns to watch the guards begin taking people, he felt his shoulders slump a little, not wanting to leave Bree's side just yet, she was the highlight of his day so far. He turns back to her to say his goodbye, as he had seen his own guard walking towards them. She placed her soft hand on his cheek and his eyes lock with hers, his face softens and his heart starts to pound when she leans in. He closes his eyes and presses his lips back against hers, sighing softly when she broke away from him. "I didn't kiss Christine, she kissed me." He mutters to her quietly, watching as she left him to go to wherever it was that she needed to go. He stands up and stuffs his hand in his pockets as he starts to walk with his guard back to his cell. The whole way the guard was talking to him. "So, you and that crazy girl, huh?" He asks with the raise of his eyebrows, giving Ryan a poke with his baton. "You know she has seven people in her body, right? You into crazy bitches or something?" The guard asks while poking him again. Ryan could feel himself getting angry now, he was talking about Bree in that way.. His new friend. "Poke me again, and that baton is going to a place where the sun don't shine." He growls quietly, to which he received a crack on the back of his head, making his guard chuckle.

That was the last straw.

The guard had had this coming for the past three days, Ryan whips around and smashes his fist into the guard's face, there were a few members of the staff up the hall who came running but it was far too late, considering how fast Ryan was able to work with his knees pinning the guard to the ground while his fists continued to punch the guard into the floor, slowly his hands becoming coated with the guard's blood. Fairly soon, Ryan feels a syringe in the side of his neck and he slumps over, only to be dragged to his cell while his guard was taken to the hospital to be treated, as he was bleeding from every hole on his head, both his ears, his nose, and his mouth. Even his eyes were bloodshot. Ryan was thrown into his cell and placed in confinement for the rest of the day plus the next, the doctors were planning on putting him into solitary until one of the guards from the common area had commented that Ryan seemed to be really calm around Bree. So a test was in order, after a day and a half in solitary he would be allowed to see Bree again in the common area, a day and a half was plenty of time for him to have regrets about what he had done.. Not because he had hurt someone, but because he couldn't see Bree. He had pinned the picture that Sarah had drawn him to the wall next to his bed, he was almost proud of it, it was a gift after all.
Bree’s positivity began to fade the first day that Ryan wasn’t there. They refused to tell her why he was gone, but she wanted nothing more than to be with him. It was amazing how attached she had gotten to him so quickly. In a matter of two meetings she had become reliant on him. She didn’t even sit in the window sill hat morning. Instead she sat hunched over one of the tables in the corner and stared at the pages of a book although she didn’t read any of it. She didn’t even want to be in the community room anymore if Ryan wasn’t going to be there. So she pouted and her therapists noticed almost instantly that her moral had gone down. She wasnt going to continue to improve if she wasn’t with him. Whether she wanted to admit it or not, so needed him now.

Something, she wasn’t sure what, possessed her to look up from her book toward the male ward that she knew Ryan lived in. And there, like a gift from God, he stood. Her eyes widened in shock and she stood up out of her chair before literally running towards him. She sprinted, throwing her arms open, and jumped up, wrapped her arms around his neck and shoulders and holding onto him tightly with her feet up off of the ground. “Oh Ryan.” She whispered, burying her face in his neck. “I thought they might have moved you to a different facility because you weren’t actually crazy. I was so scared I would never see you again. I didn’t even know your last name. I never would have found you.” She rambled, still making him hold her up, although it wasn’t much to hold. The girl only weighed 90 pounds.

She pressed her lips to his over and over again in small, short pecks. She couldn’t get enough of him in that moment. She wanted to kiss him a thousand times, but she managed to hold back. “Where have you been? Did you get in trouble? What did you do?” She shot off the questions rapidly to him, needing answers.
Ryan walked from the male ward with his new guard, who had to wear protective gear, he even had a taser on his hip. The guard walked off when Bree ran towards Ryan, his face immediately lights up with a smile, his arms wrapping around her when she pounced on to him, his hands keeping her held close to him and his forehead resting against hers as she pressed her lips against his over and over again. He sighs quietly when her face is buried in his neck, he missed her too, it had only been a day but he still couldn't help the fact that he wanted to see her every single day.

"I missed you so much, Bree." He mutters to her quietly while resting his forehead against hers again. "Trust me, I'm off my fucking rocker." He laughs while moving with her to rest his back against a wall, to limit the eyes that were currently on them. "Henderson, that's my last name." He tells her when she said that she would not have found him if he had been moved. He kisses her one more time on her lips before breaking to tell her his story. "The guard that was being really mean to you and I? I put him in the hospital." He explains to her quietly. "He was talking trash and hitting me with that baton.. I wasn't thinking straight so they confined me to my room.. I don't know why they let me out today." He admits to her quietly while holding her against him tightly.

"But I'm here now, that's what is important." He says to her quietly before pressing his lips to hers again, having missed her and her lips dearly. "I'm crazy enough to miss a girl so much only after having met with her two times." He laughs while moving his head to her neck, his eyes closing with comfort, no longer caring that there might be eyes on them.
Bree smiled at him, her red locks acting as almost a curtain for them. She listened intently as he told her the story and she shook her head a bit. “Ryan. You can’t do that. They’ll throw you in a hole and never let you out. You have to be good.” She whispered, soon wrapping her legs snugly around his waist to help hold her up. “There’s nothing he could have said that would have been worth the punishment. You just have to ignore the bullies.” She reminded him, completely pressed against the length of his upper torso, her legs between his lower back and ass and the wall. “However… I do hope you didn’t hospitalize him by way of shoving a baton up his ass.” She finally teased, nuzzling her face into the side of his temple softly and taking a deep breath, familiarizing herself with the masculine way he smelled.

“Gossamer. My last name is Gossamer. Like the cobweb, but capitalized.” She teased. “Bree Gossamer. Don’t forget.” She smiled, cupping his cheek affectionately as he held her up, taking note of the bulge in his biceps from the effort. “If that’s a type of crazy, Ryan, then we’ve both caught that bug. I’ve been moping ever since you left. I missed you terribly and I’ve only just met you.” She smiled down at him until he buried his face in her neck. Although they were both dressed in matching outfits, Bree could feel the heat radiating out of Ryan’s core. He was something of a space heater which felt quite nice to such a tiny woman who always seemed to be freezing cold.

“Are you going to tell me what’s wrong with you then? You don’t have to tell me what happened, but you know about my identities. I think it’s only fair for you to tell me how you’re crazy, Ryan. Are you a kleptomaniac or something? It’s not all adding up. You seem too normal to be here, yet you aren’t falling apart like one of the self mutilators. You’re so… healthy and normal.” She mentioned, just eyeing his face as he continued to hold her up. Of course, she hadn’t seen him naked so perhaps their were cuts or burn marks all over his stomach, but she had a feeling that wasn’t true. She didn’t think there was anything wrong with his body… just his mind, and she wanted to get inside it to find out just what that was.
"I know.." He whispers to her quietly. "And it won't happen again.. I'd probably be doing it a lot more if I didn't have a reason not to be locked in my cell." He says while nuzzling his face against hers, both of them exploring each other as much as possible. "No, I beat his face into a red pulp." He says, his hands still had some of the guard's dried blood splattered on them, it was almost impossible to get all of it off, especially considering that each room did not have a bathroom or shower, they had to be escorted to a bathroom and showers were only on community shower days. "I'll never do something like that again, I want to see you every day." He whispers to her while pressing his lips against her neck gently, continuing to nuzzle his head against hers.

"I won't forget." He promises while looking into her eyes, loving her small hand on his cheek. "I will never forget." He presses his lips to hers one more time before resting his head against her neck again. "I'm crazy about you." He smiles, using his words as a sort of pun. Ryan listens to her next question and he nibbles the inside of his cheek. "I have post traumatic stress disorder from my time in the Marine Corps." He explains. "A doctor set me off so I murdered him while I was having an attack." He says to her quietly, holding her against him.
“I’m sorry that happened to you.” She whispered, soon pushing away from him to stand on her own two feet. She knew about PTSD. Most people did. She also knew it meant he had seen horrible things that she couldn’t imagine. Bree had done horrible things, but she wholeheartedly believed that nothing that had happened to her could be as bad as what Ryan had been through. He had been a pawn in someone’s game. Bree nuzzled her face between his pectorals as she stood in front of him, only hoping down for the sake of embarrassment. All the crazy eyes in the room were on them, and that wasn’t necessarily something that she wanted. The less attention they drew the better off they were. Flying under the radar was the best way to get released.

“You’re a worse flirt than Christine, just so you know.” She spoke up, referring to his mention of being crazy about her. “I don’t even think she would come up with something that cheesy.” She smirked before grabbing his hand and leading him along to the table she had been sitting at. Luckily the table was off to the side and it drew less attention that way. She guided him to sit in the chair she had just been in and she pulled up another very close beside him before taking a seat and grinning up at him. There was so much more she wanted to know about him, but she wouldn’t pry at the details that would be painful for him. The last thing she wanted was to get him upset or into any more trouble. She would learn about the hard parts eventually when the time was right.

“You didn’t kiss Christine, but you’ve kissed me.” She observed with a smile. “She’s going to flip her lid once she knows that.” She teased him, her knee brushing against his leg underneath the table. “But I want to know why.” It wasn’t a question of her own self worth, more one of if he knew what he was getting into. “I’m never going to be able to get rid of them, Ryan. Suppress them, sure, but they’re always there, but for some reason I don’t think you really care. I’m dangerous for you, yet you’ve kissed the ringleader here. Why would you?”
Ryan lets her down once she pushed away from him, wrapping his arms around her again when she buried her face into his chest. He loved how small she was, it naturally made him want to protect her, which is why he had failed to mention that the guard had been poking fun at her behind her back. He smiles when she takes his hand, allowing her to lead him into the common area to the small table in the corner. He sits down in the chair that she had pulled out for him, giving her a laugh when he sits down and watching her as she pulls up a chair to him. "Well, Christine doesn't really seem to flirt.. She just kinda takes what she wants, doesn't she?" He asks with a laugh. "I'm just trying to compliment your beauty." He smiles while taking her hands with his, loving how close they were to one another.

"Yeah, Christine was really sudden and pushy, but when you kissed me.. I guess I was expecting it?" He explains with a laugh. "She can flip her lid all she wants, I'm not gonna sleep with her unless I sleep with you first, I promised and I don't break my promises." He says before biting the inside of his cheek, feeling her knee rub against his beneath the table. He leans forward and listens to what she had to say about her personalities. "Well.. I think you're the most interesting and beautiful person I've met, and you calm me down really well.. So I guess I'm willing to understand and be with you and your personalities." He says to her. "I understand that you're dangerous.. I'm dangerous too." He says with a laugh.

"I don't care about if you're crazy or not, I think we're both crazy enough for one another." He smiles. "Nobody else would be able to understand how we feel or how we work." He says to her quietly before pressing his lips against hers gently. "Tell me about your other personalities, anything I should be worried about?" He asks while raising his eyebrows, one of his thumbs gently stroking the back of her hand.
She kissed him back, smiling like a fool as a response. He just kept going in for more now that he had had a taste of her lips on his own accord. He himself was as sweet as honey, and she wanted to taste him just as much as he did her. “Yes.” She spoke up. “There’s plenty that you should worry about. But I’m Your biggest danger right now, Ryan, because I’m ready to eat you up.” She said, teasing him, but it was true. She would tell him everything he wanted to know, but first she wanted to give him a little sugar. “Just relax.” She whispered, her lips lingering close to his as she kissed him again. Bree wanted more, and much like Christine she was ready to make a move on what she wanted. She wanted Ryan to know he wasn’t just her friend anymore. It was a quick transition, but she was ready for it.

Bree pressed her lips to his again, her hand underneath his jaw as she kissed him, but this time it was more than just a light, innocent kiss. She deepened it, her lips moving confidently against his as she tasted his mouth. Soon, the girl’s tongue began toying at his lips and teeth until she was granted entry into her mouth. The entire reason they had let Ryan back out was to see how he would act around Bree and she around him. They were getting their answer. Bree was smitten for him, and she wanted to kiss him until he took the pain away. She held his head still with her small hand so that she could kiss him, but he had the option to pull away from her at any time if he so wished. She wouldn’t force him into anything, but she wanted it all. He was so refreshing to her, like an ice cold drink after a marathon of pain.

She broke the kiss to whisper to him again, her lips still so close to his that they formed the word. “Relax.” She said again, one hand tangling in the front of his shirt as she held onto his collar for support as she crawled into his lap with her pelvis situated against his lab and the heat of her core atop his groin. She was on top of him for the second time since he had met her, but the original driver of this body had a much more regal way of going about these things. At least she knew Ryan now, and the possibility of giving him an erection wasn’t so scary or embarrassing to her this go around. Although she didn’t know if he was into her enough for that to even be a possibility.
Ryan grins wildly when he sees her smile, he was just glad that he could make her happy in such a depressing place. He could feel eyes on them, it was really obvious now that they were crazy about each other, both of them behaving so that they could see one another and be with each other. "Well now I'm just not gonna worry." He whispers to her with a smile on his face. "Oh you're ready to eat me up? I know something I wanna eat right now." He winks to her, teasing her just like she was teasing him so that they would both be even when it came to teasing one another. He leans back in his chair when she told him to relax, it was hard for him to relax and she seemed to understand that, considering he had told her about his disorder.

A quiet groan leaves his throat when she presses her lips to his again, but this kiss was different, it was much more passionate and much deeper than their other kisses had been. Another groan leaves him when her tongue moved from her mouth into his. He opens his mouth to accept her tongue, his own tongue moving to meet hers, his tongue moving against hers. He didn't want to pull away, he didn't want to ever break his lips from hers. He wished that he could kiss her for eternity. Ryan smiles against her lips, feeling her hands holding his head still, as he wasn't trying to move his head he just allowed her to be close to him.

He seems a little surprised that she would climb into his lap, he could immediately feel himself becoming aroused by her pelvis resting against his, feeling the heat of her core against him as his arms wrapped around her. "I'm relaxed." He whispers back to her when she told him to relax again, smiling to her as his eyes lock with hers. By now his erection was full and pressing against her through his sweatpants. "I wish we were in a more private place." He whispers to her quietly, his head nuzzling against hers before his lips press to her jawline, and then her neck, his lips fluttering along her smooth, pale skin. "I cannot get enough of you today." He admits. "If they tear us apart at the end of this I dunno what I'll do in my cell for the rest of the day.. I'll just miss you." His head nuzzles against hers one more time.
She smiled as his arms wrapped around her and she glanced over her shoulder to look at how much attention they were getting. There were definitely a few wandering eyes and it made her huff a little, but she didn’t want to get off of her new seat. After all, she could feel him growing beneath him. He obviously didn’t much mind it. He was just as sexually attracted to her as she was to him, it seemed, and if they were alone she would definitely take better advantage of that. However, they would both get into a lot of trouble if they got naked there. “You’ll have me soon. For now just use your imagination.” She purred, leaning in it kiss at his temple as he nuzzled into her with his face and lips. He was a sweet man, and she had no doubt that he would be a giving lover. “Alright, papi?” She asked teasingly, mocking his experience with one of her identities. “For now, I’m going to make things a little less obvious.” She kissed him again before nodding.

Bree shifted in his lap and turned around before sitting carefully back down on his so she wouldn’t hurt him. She could feel his erection through their clothes, she she knew exactly where to sit, pressing it down and keeping it against her core. The woman herself was definitely aroused as she could feel herself getting slick in the confines of her panties. Although he would never truly be ever to know that unless he touched her. Her focus in that moment was taking care of him the best way she could. Slowly, she rolled her hips, keeping friction between them as she leaned over and pretended once more to be interested in her novel. However, much to her dismay, the book was even upside down.

She didn’t talk to him now, letting her actions explain her feelings to him. It had been a long time since Bree herself had even wanted to have sex with someone, let alone do it. Christine usually took care of that aspect, but they had been locked up for several weeks now. Her body was very reactive to the touch of a man even if it was futile. With her back to the man, Bree bit down hard on her lip as his shaft massaged her through her clothes. God that felt nice. she thought to herself as she angled her body in such a way that she should rub her swollen clit against him as much as possible. As she moved carefully, teasing the both of them, Bree reached down to grab Ryan’s hand and she squeezed it so hard that her knuckles turned white. The change of position and Bree’s readinghad thankfully drawn most of the attention away from them.
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