Seven minds. One body. (Rskde x SketchyEquine)

Ryan watches as she checks for any wandering eyes, her reaction seemed to tell that there were a few people looking over at the pair who were practically giving a show to the whole room with how they had been kissing each other, and acting like they were going to be having sex right in this room. He laughs when she speaks again, this time using a tone similar to Christine's in order to mock his experience with the Latina just a few days prior. "I'll leave it to you, then." He smiles. "We'll have to plan when a good time will be, we don't exactly have access to a closet around here." He breathes while she kisses his temple, his eyes closing as he experiences her wanting to pleasure him.

His breath hitches when she shifts in his lap, the friction making him tense up a little, since she began to pleasure him using her own entrance to stroke him through their pants. He almost bucks his hips when she starts to roll her hips against his groin, though now she was averting attention from him by reading her novel on the table while doing this to him. "Fuck, Bree.." He whispers quietly, his arms still wrapped around her to keep her close to him, even if she was leaned over the table to read her book. Her groin being rubbed against his was causing him to approach a climax, the public scene and just how passionate she was towards him was drawing a climax from him much faster than he would normally experience one.

"I wish I could have you now." He mutters as her hand squeezes his, making his hand squeeze hers in return, his free hand moving to her thigh to gently rub at her groin, trying to give her a little more pleasure than she could just experience with just friction. "Christine told me I'd be moaning her name one day, I think I'll be moaning yours before then." Ryan teases while leaning forward to press a kiss against the back of her neck, placing his chin on her shoulder and acting like he was reading her book over her shoulder. He knew that they didn't have much time left in their community time, and it made him sad.
“Well. We did make a deal that you had to fuck me first. When that’s over you can moan her name all you want.” She let out a little laugh, but her focus was on the pleasure they were both getting out of this experience. She could feel the air on the back of her neck stand straight up when he leaned forward to kiss it. She leaned her face to the side, pressing their cheeks together as he let his chin rest on her pointed and bony shoulder. She kept moving against him, her breath catching as soon as his hand wandered to her thigh and then between them. “We can’t do anything too exciting now or they’ll catch us.” She whispered, feeling her panties dampen further. “However, when the time come you’re in luck. Christine insisted on an IUD so she could fuck frivolously without the rest of bearing a fucked up kid, so you don’t even have to be careful about that.” She smirked, thinking he might like that news. What guy didn’t like to hear that he didn’t have to wear a condom and he didn’t even have to pull out?

Bree let out a sharp breath and bit down on her lip as he continued to taunt her not only with his erection, but also his fingertips. An act like that could damn near make her orgasm without him ever even being inside her and she was sure it would…. until the buzzer rang. Community time was over, and the armed guard Berliner to Ryan without any hesitation, making Bree giggle a little. They never seemed to have enough time. She stood up off of him, mouthing a silent apology as she did and hoping nobody else would notice just what she had caused in his pants. Soon after Ryan had been collected, Bree was tangled to her own room where she was giving a strong tongue lashing from Bertha for putting out so easily: one of the personalities that Ryan had yet to meet.

The next day brought a new excitement besides the fact that Bree had to go to her room and masturbate multiple times before she didn’t feel like she was going to explode with sexual frustration anymore. God damn did Ryan have an effect on her. Today was shower day, and seeing as it was only offered twice a week this was an exciting day for Bree. The showers were open for use for a three hour block on mondays and thursdays. In the block, patients were allowed to be escorted to the showers and then enjoy the hot water for up to the entire three hour block if they wanted, although most only stayed about twenty minutes or so before being escorted back to their rooms. Showers were coed, but were relatively private seeing as each stall had its own shower opaque shower curtain with opaque walls in between each stall with an occupied sign to hang over the door when in use. There was no reason to rush the showering seeing as it was one of the few simple pleasures offered to the patients and the majority of the stockholders and employees at the facility were quite kind.

Bree tucked playful little Sarah into the confines of her mind then slipped out of her T-shirt and sweats and instead pulled the standard issued, scratchy, white bathrobe over her naked frame. Jus after, she knocked on her door to be escorted to the shower house with a smile on her face. She loved getting clean and smelling nice, especially now that she has someone she felt she needed to impress. She smiled, thanked the guard, and headed into the showers toward a stall in the back corner, away from where most of the showers were already occupied by other patients who had just hopped in the first empty shower they had seen. She flipped the occupied sign over the door and hung her rope on a hook out of the way of the water before turning on the faucet and sticking her hand in. Once the water was enough to her liking she stepped in, the water instantly cementing her red hair to the back of her neck as she started to him a melancholy tune with her feminine vocal cords. Bree loved to sing.
"I did promise that." He grins to her while continuing to move his hand against her groin, he didn't consider what he was doing to be too exciting so he continued, she didn't seem to mind anyway. A grin spreads across his lips when she talked about the IUD that she was on because Christine had recommended it to her. He was fairly happy that they wouldn't have to worry about pregnancy if they were ever going to have sex, now all that they had to think about was a good opportunity for them to actually go through with having sex. His thought is interrupted as the worst sound in Ryan's universe rings throughout the community hall. Ryan groans with frustration when the buzzer went off, he knew that the guard would be on him very quickly, so he quickly presses a kiss to Bree's lips before standing up, putting his hands in the air to show that he didn't have any weapons before being escorted back to his room and shoved back inside. "Watch it." Ryan growls while glaring at the guard before he is locked inside.

It seemed that the experiment was successful, when together they were so wrapped up in themselves that they were no threat to anybody around them, Bree didn't even switch personalities while Ryan was with her, and Ryan didn't freak out or attack anybody, so the doctors begin planning about how they might use this relationship to heal both of them, or at least prevent some of their symptoms from showing. He spends the rest of his day in the confinement of his cell thinking about Bree, at one point he laid down in his bed and just stared at the picture on his wall. He knew it was technically from a different person, but it still allowed the same emotional connection. After another almost sleepless night in his room he woke up very early, with not much to do.

With some masturbation of his own he was able to relieve the tension that had been built up in the community hall by Bree grinding her hips against him, of course he thought about her, though he had come nowhere near seeing her naked considering how petite she was, they didn't seem to make a uniform in her size and it made her body a little hard to imagine. But he had felt her body, so he could imagine a little bit during his endeavors. When he was done he asked a guard what the schedule was for the day. The guard told him about shower day and he was very happy, it had been a little while since his last shower, considering that he used to shower every single day before he had wound up in the mental ward. So he asks to be escorted to the shower room, wearing a towel around his lower half and an athletic shirt over his upper half that was only white, like the facility's uniform for the clinically insane. This shirt could be wet and very easily dried, it was practically a multi purpose shower shirt.

He walks into the shower room and waves goodbye to his guard, who walks up the hall to wait with the other guards who had been given the task of escorting their patients to the shower area. The sound of a beautiful singing voice catches his ear and he looks to the corner of the room, she sounded young.. And a lot like Bree.. There seemed to be an opportunity for him to see her outside of the hall, but there was always a chance it was just an old lady with a very good singing voice. He strips his towel and shirt, leaving them on a bench against the wall before gently pushing the curtain aside and seeing Bree, a sigh of relief leaving him that he didn't have to accidentally see an old lady. He slinks into the shower room. "Hey there little red." He says to her quietly, a big grin on his face.
When her shower curtain opened Bree quickly turned around, wrapping one arm around her breasts and pressing her thighs tightly together while she wheeled the other one back ready to strike. Her face radiated anger that someone had walked in on her, but it quickly faded as she looked up to the familiar face. “Ryan.” She huffed our quietly relaxing once she realized who it was with water trailing down and dripping off of her naked face and body. “You scared the shit out of me.” She whispered finally, her arm Still concealing her breasts in at least a partial form of modesty. “I thought some crazy old man was about to hop in here and cock a feel.” She let out a quiet chuckle, knowing how silly it must of sounded. “I still got a crazy man, but at least you aren’t old.” She teased.

Bree kept her words quiet as she spoke to him. Getting caught sharing a shower could definitely cause a stir in this place. Once the initial shock of someone slipping into her shower passed she was able to finally see things clearly and all at once she realized an obvious fact. “You’re naked!” She whispered urgently, averting her eyes before they widened once more. “I’m naked!” She finally whispered again. “What are you doing here?!” She asked as she kept her eyes down and away to give him his privacy. She had never really expected him to be this open with her so soon no matter how into one another they already were. Of course… images of the day before coursed through her head, causing her pelvic floor to contract.

“I told you he was spicy.” Christine shouted in Bree’s head excitedly. ”Just look at the size of that thing! Let me at it! Please?! You might scare him away!!” Christine begged. “No. Go away.” Bree muttered to Christine before managing to shut the curtains on all of her identities before she lost control of them and wouldn’t be able to shut them out for… whatever was happening. She was just thankful Sarah was closed off before Ryan dipped into her shower. She then glanced back to Ryan, placing a hand out in the air to censor him in his nudity from her view. “What you you doing, Ryan? Why are you here? You’re going to get us into trouble and what if you had walked in on a pair of wrinkly Grandma tits, hm? This is reckless.” She pointed out, although she couldn’t help but be thankful to see him again. Their time in the community room was always so short.

Bree’s body was almost exactly what one would expect out of such a small girl, however she was far from childlike. She had rounded thighs and hips even though the points of her pelvis were prominent from Ryan’s view of the front, showing that she was far from over weight. Her breasts were quite perky and young in appearance, yet they hung just enough on her naked frame to show that she wasn’t flat chested. Thanks to her ill fitting clothes and the sports bra she was always issued to wear she didn’t look like she had any breasts to speak of in the community room, but now the full image of her C cups was prominent. She had just enough curves for such a tiny woman without being fat. In this place they didn’t have shaving razors for obvious reasons, but another perk of having a slut in her mind was that Bree was immaculately groomed anyway thanks to the laser hair removal Christine had gotten done while shutting the blinds on Bree, not that Bree really minded. She was bare of legs and armpits, and the only hair she had on her nether regions was a neatly groomed, dark red landing strip. She was obviously a natural redhead.
Ryan laughs and rubs the back of his head when she said that he had scared the shit out of her. "I'm sorry." He laughs, practically giggling because of how risky this was, they would probably get torn apart from one another if they were caught sharing a shower, not that the guards were keeping a close eye on things inside of the room, as all of them were chatting up the hall. He decides to remain a little away from her for the moment, as she didn't seem very comfortable with the fact that he was in the shower with her. "I wanted to see you again.. And my guard told me that this shower time lasts for three whole hours.. That's three hours that we can spend together, Bree." Ryan says with a smile on his face. "As opposed to the half an hour that we get in the community center." His eyes roll at the constraint of time they had on them almost all the time. He couldn't help but look down at her body, her clothes had hidden it from him for so long, but now only her arm and hand hid her silky skin from his view. He blinks before looking back to her eyes, not wanting to seem too pervy.. Well, it was hard not to seem pervy when one walks into another while they are showering.. But still.

He nods his head to her realization that both of them were in fact, naked. "We are naked." He whispers to her with a nod, laughing quietly when she moved her hand out to censor him, he could hear her tell one of her ego's to go away, so it was probably Christine begging to get out of her head and start driving Bree's body. "I'm here to see you again.. And after yesterday I figured this would be the perfect time for the two of us.. to.. know each other on a more intimate level." He explains. "We won't get into trouble if we're quiet, the guards are up the hall and everyone else is starting to leave the showers now, you and I have the whole place to ourselves.. Pretty much." He smiles. She seemed to start rambling, obviously nervous about losing points and perhaps some privileges for being caught sharing a shower with him.

"Well, I didn't walk in on a pair of wrinkly grandma tits, I walked in on a young, beautiful, redheaded woman." He says to her quietly, now closing the gap between them and leaning down to press his lips against hers, his arms wrapping around her and lifting her off of the shower tiles, his body now pressing against hers. He breaks their lips and leans into her ear. "Relax." He breathes, the same word that she had used on him just the day before to get him to be quiet in a public place while she had ground her hips against his. He gently bites her ear, starting to press his lips against her neck. He moves down to her collarbone, where her uniform covers and bites down on her skin, sucking on his bite mark gently until it forms a hickey beneath his mouth. Once he had marked her he moves to look into her eyes. "I told you I wanted you yesterday.. Say the word and I'll leave, but I don't think you want me to.." He says to her quietly, his hazel eyes staring into her pale blue ones.

Ryan's body was exactly how she might have imagined it, rock hard abs and strong pectorals, his biceps seemed larger now that they were not being contained by the sleeves of his shirt, his shoulders strong and muscles bulging now that he had lifted her off of the shower tiles. "But if we are going to do this we need to be quiet." He breathes to her, his eyes still locked with hers,
Bree inhaled sharply as he closed the gap between them and scooped her up, causing her to open up and wrap her arms and legs around him to support herself, fully exposing her pale breasts with her pink, hardened nipples. Her skin was as white as it could be, but kissed all over with freckles. She kissed him sweetly for as long as he asked her to, and she just looked into his eyes as he talked to her, easily convincing her to relax. Of course… that probably had something to do with the fact her tits were against his chest now. She watched him until he moved out of her view, going directly for her ear and causing a shiver to run upwards along her spine. The moment he got down to her collarbone she knew she was done for, no more than putty in his strong hands.

She inhaled sharply once she realized what he was doing. He was leaving a mark on her.. making sure anyone who took her shirt off would know she was his. More than anything he was leaving her with a reminder of this moment and what she was sure he was about to do to her the moment she gave him her permission. Her thighs were already spread and her entire body was slick with water. All he would have to do was thrust upward the moment he achieved an erection and he would be inside her- just as they had both wanted a day ago. She looked into his eyes, searching for any indication that she shouldn’t do this: that she shouldn’t let him fuck her, but she couldn’t find any.

Her eyes then traveled down along his neck and shoulders until the met the junction where her breasts were pressed to his pectorals and she could see no further south. “God you’re hot.” she whispered, mostly to herself than to him as the hot water poured over the pair of them. Her hands rested gently on the back of his neck before she finally nodded. “Okay. Okay. But only on one condition.” She whispered to him before leaning in to press her lips against his for a brief moment. “If we make love, you’re mine. I get to keep you. You have to commit to me and the six tagalongs that come with me and you aren’t allowed to chicken out. This is a commitment if we move forward. I don’t want to look at you tomorrow and know that our friendship is gone and you don’t want a real relationship. Are you willing to call a crazy girl your girl?”
Ryan grins as he feels her smaller arms and legs wrap around him, his hands running up and down her back while he kissed her beautiful skin. He loved feeling her skin pressed up against his, this feeling of intimacy between them was something that he hadn’t experienced in a long time. It was often that when returning home on deployments he would just find a girl to fuck, there wouldn’t be any intimacy and there would only be a little bit of passion, but it was a fuck nonetheless. But this was different, he felt something for Bree, even if she was crazy he loved being around her, he was starting to feel like he was depending on her. Of course he could also feel like she depended on him, the way that she had acted after not seeing him for a day.. they had a lot of chemistry.

Hearing her reaction to him leaving his mark on her neck made him grin again, the sharp intake of breath told him that he was doing something right to arouse her. He didn’t doubt that she was already getting wet for him, he could feel himself growing increasingly hard for her after all. His body was beginning to become wet like hers, now that he had been in the shower long enough to be covered with the water. He also understood that he was very close to being able to thrust into her, which made him achieve full erection already. But he held himself back, wanting to hear her tell him that she wanted this, it was very important to him that they both wanted this and that she would consent to this. If she wanted to keep their relationship to kissing and hugging then so be it.

Ryan chuckles quietly at her comment. “You’re the sexiest crazy woman I’ve ever seen.” He teases while resting his forehead against hers again. He pressed his lips back against hers when their lips connected again, he could feel the electricity between them with every single connection. His eyes stared deep into hers when she gave him her condition, to which he nods. “I’m yours.” He whispers to her quietly. “You’re my crazy girl.. good thing I already marked you.” He grins to her while motioning to the mark she now wore on her collarbone. With her permission now, he lines himself up with her, the head of his member parting the lips of her nether entrance before he starts to thrust himself inside of her. Because of his large length and girth, he was unable to fit himself entirely inside of her with the first thrust, so he starts gentle, his hips slowly making progress by getting his length further inside of her every time. Finally his hips connect with hers, now buried fully inside of her he moans quietly. “You feel so fucking good, Bree.” He breathes to her while resting his forehead against hers again.
“You’re a best looking damaged man I’ve ever laid my eyes on, Ryan.” She retorted with a smile. She trusted him with all of her being even know as he asked her for sex. She kissed him sweetly, clasping her hands behind his neck nervously as she waited for an answer. No one had ever wanted her before unless they wanted to beat the shit out of her. That was all she had ever been good for: a punching bag. But, she didn’t think that was what Ryan wanted. He had hurt people, even since she had known him, but he had never even risen a hand to her. She didn’t think he wanted her for the same things. He just wanted her. Her and all her craziness. “And I’m yours.” She whispered, kissing him again softly.

She felt him line up and she bit her lip in anticipation. He felt even bigger now than he had the day before through his sweatpants, and he wasn’t even inside her yet. When he made his first thrust, Bree threw her head back and her mouth fell open in pleasure, but she didn’t make a sound. Luckily for the both of them she had managed to react just with a contorted face. Her entire body tensed as he continued to thrust just so he could get all the way into her. Apparently it wasn’t only her stature that was dwarfed by the large man. He was making short work of her pussy as well and it took some time before their pelvises made contact.

She pressed her forehead back to his as her mouth fell open in pleasure and her eyes fell closed. “Fuck, Ryan. You’re too big for me.” She whispered, leaning in an biting his shoulder hard just to keep herself quiet. After biting him, she pulled back and peppered the area with kisses, apologizing for any pain it may have caused, but the young woman couldn’t stop herself. This was an impossible situation for a woman who hadn’t had sex in a long time and wasn’t much of a voyeur. She had to be quiet so they wouldn’t be heard, but she didn’t feel like she could be. He felt so perfect inside her.
What started slow and steady began to pick up a rhythm, small groans leaving his throat as he feels how tight she is around him. He couldn’t help but smile because of what she had said, that she was his.. it had been a long time since he had heard anything like that. “It’s not hard to look good and get fucked up in the military.” He mutters to her with a smile, moving now to gently pin her back against the wall. He loved to romance, he felt like that was what Bree wanted, even if he was unaware of her past he wanted to be gentle with her until she told him to do otherwise. So while he continues his steady rhythm of his hips moving against hers, his lips press against hers, his hands moving down to her hips now that he had the wall to help him support her weight.

He was happy that he could already see the pleasure on her face, he wished that they could be louder and not have to sneak around, but beggars couldn’t be choosers considering he didn’t ever think that they would be presented with the opportunity to do this. “You feel really good.” He breathes to her while increasing his pace a little, feeling more comfortable now. He hoped that the wall he had pressed her against wasn’t too cold, he reached one of his hands up to turn the shower head to get the warm water over them again. “Fuck, it’s been so long..” He growls quietly while pressing his face to her neck, his lips continuing to press against her smooth skin as his hips moved against hers.

Ryan couldn’t help the quiet laugh that left his mouth, causing his lips to gently buzz against her neck when she told him that he was too big for her. “Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it.” He mutters into her ear before gently biting on her ear lobe, kissing his way back down to her neck so that he could continue his exploration. He knew that with the water pouring over them, that eventually their skin might get a little pruny, but when he was spending time with Bree he really didn’t mind. Ryan’s breath gently hitches when she bites down on his shoulder, he could feel that she would leave a mark that would allow him to remember this day. “Bite all you want, I’m tougher than I look.” He smiles as she kisses the area around her teeth marks.
“Well you definitely look good.” She whispered sweetly to him. “And if you weren’t fucked up you wouldn’t want anything to do with me, so I guess some good came out of it. At least for me.” She smiled to him sweetly and continued to pressed her lips to his shoulder between words. She hated what had happened to Ryan. She hated that he had to be here because he wasn’t born crazy like she was. Somebody had made him like this, and it was the last thing he deserved. But when he made love he was a dream and for once everything felt normal even though they had to do this in secret. She loved the way it felt to finally have him inside her after all of the teasing that had taken place the day before.

“You feel amazing. I hope I never get used to it. I want to moan so badly for you, Ryan.” She purred into his ear, dragging her lips over its surface. “I want you to fuck me every shower day.” She smiled. This would be the only place they ever really got a chance for such passion, in the privacy of a shower stall. The wall was definitely cold, but it was a very nice contrast to the heat that was forming between them. The passion was intense and if anything the wall increased Bree’s sensitivity. “It’s been a long time for you?” She asked quietly, grazing her nails over his shoulders. “I would have thought you were a very popular fuck with the ladies, my dear. You’re the whole package with the addition of a little sprinkle of crazy.” She whispered kindly to him.

Bree let out a series of small moans, muffled by his flesh such that he could barely even hear them. She was soaking wet inside and out, making it easy for him to glide in and out as he found his rhythm which steadily increased. “You already look tough.” She teased him before biting him again in a different spot. She wanted him to be covered in marks by the end of this if he was going to tell her thinks like that. It was just important that they could be hidden by the crewneck tee. “I’m tougher than I look too.” She whispered. “So fuck be harder.”
“You’re wrong.” He mutters to her with a grin on his face. “I just would have never met you.” His shoulders shrugged. “My disorder doesn’t make me attracted to you, I’m attracted to you in general.” He mutters to her before going back to planting kisses against her neck, both of them exploring each other with their lips. “Good came out of it for me to, you keep me a little sane.” He gives her a grin from his joke, it seemed like at this point there wouldn’t be much of a way for either of them to recover fully, but at least they had each other for now. Her lips against his skin made him close his eyes, soft groans leaving his mouth from the combined pleasure of moving his hips against hers and her lips grazing his skin, she seemed to always be a tease.

“I hope you stay this tight.” He admits, his pace ever increasing as he fucked her against the shower wall. His breath hitches and a chill runs down his spine when she grazes her lips against his ear. “My ears are really sensitive.” He breathes to her, letting her know to keep doing what she had been doing. He chuckles when she seemed so confused on why it had been a long time for him. “When you’re overseas killing people for a living you don’t get much time for sex, and being on trial for murder also doesn’t help.” He explains to her quietly. “People on the outside don’t like crazy.” He assumed that she understood that, there was a reason people were locked in mental institutions like this one.

“Glad you think so.” He laughs, almost a little too loud, causing him to stifle his own voice using her neck, not leaving any marks as it would be easily seen. He feels her teeth continue to leave little marks all over his skin, just below his shirt line so that he would be able to remember this day. “You really like to bite, huh?” He grins while pressing a kiss to the skin just below her ear. She tells him that she’s tough and he nods, if she wanted it rough then he could certainly do that. He pins her to the wall with his body more than he had been, keeping her in place while his hips begin to piston against hers, now using the full power of his thrust to move himself into her wetness, the sound of their hips slapping together muffled by the shower water pouring down over them.
She smirked a bit. “I’m biting you because you’re good enough to eat.” She whispered into his ear as he teased her. Soon, she leaned in and wrapped her lips around his his ear lobe, grazing her teeth over the skin gently to get a rise out of him, but not so much to hurt him. If there were sensitive she was going to take advantage of it. He was so much bigger than her that being able to actually push his buttons and make him feel weak in the knees she would. “You’ll never have to go a long time without sex as long as you have Christine and I.” She purred him before biting his earlobe and giving it a little tug with her teeth before releasing it gently and letting a warm puff of air graze over it as she kept pressed to him. She loved the way it felt to be held up against against a wall and fucked by this man.

When he picked up his pace, her mouth fell open and she buried her face in his neck just so she wouldn’t scream out in pleasure. Much like Ryan, it had been quite some time for Bree. Christine had gotten them laid not long before being put in this hospital, but it was so much different when Bree herself had sex than when she saw sex through Christine’s eyes. The fact that Bree gave into her desires with Ryan so quickly spoke to just how much she liked him. He was the first person in her adult life who hadn’t treated her like she was worthless just because she was messed up. If anything he seemed to value the uniqueness of a girl with so many different things to give. Soon, she bit him yet again as his powerful thrusts jolted her body against the wall and jolted her entire being, causing her breasts to bounce against his chest.

“Fuck, Ryan. I hate being quiet. I want to scream for you… don’t stop.” She whispered urgently as she continued to bounce on his throbbing member. She was drawing very close to her climax now, and it would feel amazing if he would pound her through it. Her inner walls contracted around his girth, giving him a tight squeeze as her body tensed. Bree dragged her mouth away from his shoulder and threw it back against the wall as she panted with pleasure. Her wetness only increased as she neared her orgasm, coating him in her arousal. “I’m going to cum.” She finally whispered and clenched her jaw tightly as her nails raked roughly over the back of his shoulders roughly.
Ryan grins at her compliment. “I figured it was to keep yourself quiet.” He winks to her. He didn’t regret telling her one of his weak spots, she immediately felt the desire to make him weak at the knees by using her mouth to make him feel amazing, a soft growl leaving his throat from her mouth on his ear. “You’re really good at that.” He breathes while closing his eyes, she would be able to feel him shiver when her mouth encased his ear lobe. “Good to know.” He grins. “We’ll have to sneak around a lot, but we can definitely make it work.” He whispers to her, closing his eyes again just to enjoy the feeling of having sex with her. “Fuck..” He mutters at the tug on his ear lobe, and the puff of air that followed. “You’re better than the women I’ve been with.” He admits with a chuckle, nuzzling his head against hers.

When she moved to bury her face in his neck he lifts his head up from her head in order to give her room to do so. He holds her tightly against him, loving how her rock hard nipples felt against his chest, and especially enjoying the toughness of her nails on his back and the teeth on his skin. The bite against his neck was very sudden, and would definitely leave a mark.. Not that it mattered anymore, it would just look like she had bit him while they were making out in the community room or something like that. If anything he would wear her mark proudly on his neck, he tended not to care what others thought about him. At this point he absolutely adored Bree, her uniqueness was one of the things that made him like her so much, but also her natural beauty. He hadn’t noticed her breasts through her oversized t-shirt, he had assumed that she just had small breasts, but that didn’t seem to be the case when they were bouncing against his chest now. Not that he cared, breast size wasn’t really something that affected his opinion of a woman, it was more of an added bonus.

“I wish you could scream for me.” Having to remain quiet was the worst part about this whole thing, he wished they could have some sort of privacy to enjoy one another. It didn’t seem like the objective of the facility to allow for hookups. At her request he didn’t stop, wanting her to cum for him, he often made his prerogative the pleasure of his female companion rather than himself, and he was doing the same thing with Bree. “Cum for me, baby.” He mutters to her, his eyes closing when she bites into him and scratched his back, he would definitely have plenty of marks after this. He continues to pound her through her orgasm, groaning softly until he was able to find his own release, his cock burying itself into her fully before he explodes inside of her. His legs shook with the effort, a shiver running through his whole being as he held her there, unmoving. “Fuck.. that was perfect.” He breathes while resting his forehead against hers.
Once they were finished, Bree kept her face close to his with their foreheads and noses touching gently as Bree panted to catch her breath after what had just been done to her. She grinned and opened her eyes to look at him as her hands, rough just before, rubbed his neck softly and affectionately. “You’re going to be stuck with me for a long time. Okay?” She whispered, kissing him softly. Now that they had had sex they would more likely be able to focus on conversation in their time together in the community room rather than just teasing one another for their short time together. “You’re perfect, darling.” She purred to him, the cum from both of them beginning to leak out and get washed away with the running water.

Soon afterward she eased herself off of him and placed her own two feet on the tile, shrinking down to her usual size right in front of him and raising to her tiptoes to press a light kiss to his neck over the spot a red bruise was forming from her biting him in the heat of the moment. He had half a dozen of those marks peppering his shoulder where her face had been pressed in attempts to stay quiet. All reminders that he had claimed himself a girl that day, and he had made love to her: the most intimate thing between a man and woman. Bree gently wrapped her arms around Ryan’s waist and gave him a tight hug, nuzzling her face into his sharp musculature. He was hard and strong, exactly the opposite of her. Yet here they were, well on their way into quite the romantic relationship. Most importantly, he was gentle with her.

“Christine is going to be so jealous.” She finally said with a little laugh. Pressing her lips to his bulging chest. “I had blinders on everyone for this, but I didn’t stop most of them from seeing you when you slipped into here. She’s quite impressed by your weaponry.” Bree said teasingly, stepping away from him finally and gathering soap in her palm to wash her long, red hair. After all, she still did need to actually shower. Now she would have to have to clean her nether regions very thoroughly on account of them just being used- something she did not expect that morning. She lathered her locks and then carefully scrubbed down her petite body before tilting her head back, closing her eyes, and letting the suds run along her tiny body. She then looked back at him as she stepped out of the steam of water. “If we leave at the same time it will be suspicious. It’s already going to be obvious I’m not walking quite as straight. So I’ll see you later, okay?” She smiled before pulling on her bathrobe on and popping the collar to cover the hickey and padding out of the shower room before she went back to her cell.
And just like that it was over, he wanted to take her back to his cell, or go back to her cell and lay down with her in bed, he wanted to fall asleep with her small body pressing against his larger one. This place managed to be worse than a prison in that aspect, it kept people from being happy too. “I don’t plan on leaving.” He smiles to her while looking down at her now that she had escaped his grasp. His hand reaches up to reposition the shower head to the middle of the stall, where she had been standing just before he had come in. He could still feel her lips against his skin, the touch of her hand.. her nails and her teeth, he already wanted more. For now he would have to settle for the ghost of her touch. “You’re perfect, I won’t be stuck with you because I’ll be enjoying every moment I’m around you.” He smiles, since being ‘stuck with’ someone implied that one didn’t want to be around the other. He would definitely be looking forward to the next shower day.

He looks down at the marks that she had given him, laughing quietly at the sight of them. He picks his head up when she speaks to him and he nods to her. “Well, I give you permission to let Christine in on the details.” He smiles while gently running his fingers along one of his marks on her skin. His arms reach down to go around her, since she was hugging his waist where her legs had been just moments before. He looks saddened when she tells him about leaving at the same time, he didn’t want to leave at all, he didn’t want to have to wait to see her again. He watches her pull on her bathrobe and he nods. “Stay out of trouble, Red.” He says to her while leaning down to give her a kiss on her forehead, watching her leave him alone in the stall so that she could go back to her cell.

With Bree gone he gets to quickly washing himself with soap and shampoo, sighing quietly at the feeling of being finally clean. He runs his fingers over his head, what little hair he had now cleaned thoroughly. Once finished he turns off the shower and grabs his towel to dry himself off with before tying it around his waist and slipping his shirt on. He walks out of the bathroom, now three minutes since Bree had left and nods over to his guard, who comes to escort him back to his cell. Ryan could tell that the guard was a little annoyed, having to wait for Ryan to finish his shower before being allowed to return to his other duties. Once back in his cell he changes into the uniform of the mental institution, collapsing to his bed and staring up at his ceiling, unsure what he would do for the rest of the day. He wasn’t even sure if community time would be offered today, he just hoped he could see Bree again before having to go to sleep.
The pair had to spend a few hours apart. There was community hours on showers days, but this go around they had been in the shower during that time. Bree sat cross legged on her bed in her underwear and T-shirt grinning like a fool to herself as she explained to her other personalities what had just gone down. “We have a boyfriend now.” She finally whispered. “And I don’t think he would ever try to hurt any of us.” She finally spoke before Wendy or Richard could try and talk poorly about Ryan. They were definitely the last two personalities that Bree would introduce the man to on purpose. However, it was impossible to say if one of them might take over in a moment of weakness for Bree, whether that be a fight between the two of them, a disappointment, or even just a rough day that had nothing to do with Ryan. Bree and her identities were a ticking time bomb in all reality.

In the works was a plan between doctors to try and improve the quality of treatment for Bree and Ryan. It had been obvious that the two drew strength from one another while alone they struggled. Ryan would beat people to a bloody pulp and Bree would just shut down. Having them spend more time together was an obvious answer, not to mention it would cut down on operating costs to house them together. Half an hour before lights out the guard barged into Bree’s room, little did she know the same thing was happening in the male ward to Ryan. “Up.” The guard boomed and Bree watched in hortircas they carried her bed away. “What? Why?” She asked, angry. “You can’t do-“ her voice quickly cut off and her face went blank. They had triggered a switch in her personality. It was Richard’s turn to drive.

“Ey!” She shouted, voice suddenly much deeper and raspy, but still female in nature. “What do you fuckers think you’re doing, huh? I haven’t broken any tiles. You can’t just take my mother fucking bed you assholes. I’m about to start throwing punches!” The guard pushed Richard to the wall and quickly cuffed him as they brought in pieces and parts, building a bed frame that was soon topped with a queen sized mattress, big enough for two. The cell was small, and the new mattress left very little room to walk about, and that made Richard madder. “Why are you fuckers taking up all my room?! I don’t just lay in bed all day!” He yelled louder, struggling against the guard, but Bree’s body was just too small to overpower the guard. “You’re getting a roommate. Get over it.” The guard pushed her face into the wall with one hand as he unfastened her cuffs before booking it out of the room before punches could be throne. However, the door opened again soon and they pushed Ryan inside as Richard was still screaming profanities
His time staring at the tiles of his ceiling were interrupted when the door to his cell opened, there was only a few times when a guard would do something like this, normally it was to force them to take medicine or to relocate them to isolation. Ryan had assumed it was the latter, and he was no going to go without a fight. Three guards bleeding on the ground later and they had finally subdued the monster of a man, having him on the floor in handcuffs, an actual gun pointed at him now that he had proven he could be so dangerous. He hadn’t beaten the three guards as bad as he had his first guard, but they were still nearly out of consciousness. “I’m not going to solitary!” He growls, thrashing his cuffed hands against the guard that was now moving him.

The guard seemed a little confused. “You’re getting relocated so that you can have a roommate.” He explains while giving Ryan a shove forward. “So just deal with it.” They start walking towards the female ward, which confused Ryan to no end. The facility so far seemed rather against co-ed interaction and from the looks of things he was being relocated to have a female roommate. He had hopes that it would be Bree, but he had doubts that the doctors of the facility would want them together considering their anti-dating policies thus far. But when he was shoved into his new room he saw Bree pacing around, not talking in her normal voice. Since her voice was deeper and scratchy he assumed that she was Richard, whom Bree had spoken of once before to explain what his voice did to her vocal chords.

Now it seemed to be up to him to calm her down, he looks to the larger bed in the cell and bites the inside of his cheek, they probably had to shove her off of her bed to get that into the cell, which triggered one of her more violent personalities. “Hey, chill out its me.” He says while holding his hands up towards her. “You can calm down now, the guards are gone.” At this point he was just trying to get Bree back in the drivers seat, if he could accomplish that then they could focus on the fact that they were now roommates and how.. well, amazing that was. He approaches her now, hands still held out in front of himself to show her that he didn’t mean any harm at all. “You can stop yelling, everything’s okay.” He says, he was never really that good at calming people down, if anything he was often the thing that would set people off, it was his job to be a bit of an anarchist, after all.
Richard crossed Bree’s arms over his chest and cocked an eyebrow as he looked up at him with unamused eyes. It was obvious that he was not as impressed with Ryan as Bree and Christine were. He also hated how small and petite Bree’s body was- he was a doberman stuck inside a chihuahua. “Listen, Bucko, You may be a fan of Bree, but Wendy and I aren’t convinced. You probably aren’t any better than the last guy and if you aren’t I promise Wendy and I will make sure you end up the exact same way he did. Got it?” He threatened, jabbing a finger roughly into Ryan’s chest in warning.

“Not to mention I’m not impressed you’ve fucked her already. It says a lot about your intentions, and it aint good. You talk a lot of smack about caring about her and then you slip into her shower and screw her like a slut? Uh uh. Not working for me. You better keep your grubby hands to yourself. We all know there’s blood on them. Bree’s blood won’t be added to that.” She spoke sternly to him, her voice straining to hit the octave that Richard chose to speak in. Richard just eyed Ryan for awhile threateningly with his arms crossed firmly over his chest. Although he could hardly look menacing in Bree’s little frame. “Fine.” He finally said. “I’ll let you talk to your girlfriend now.” He muttered before plopping on the bed before Bree’s eyes went completely blank just like they always did when she switched.

She looked up at him and her eyes lit up. They were going to let him stay with her, and the idea made her heart flutter. “Hey. Fancy seeing you here.” She gave him a wink before reaching out to hold his hand, giving a gentle apologetic squeeze. She knew exactly what Richard had said to him. “Look. I’m sorry about that. I’ve just… had some bad luck with relationships. Thats a huge part of why I’m even in this place.” She ran her thumbs over his knuckles, noticing the redness and bruising there. He had been hitting something, and she could only assume it had something to do with the fact he had been dragged out of his cell at an odd hour. “I thought you told me you were going to stop this.” She muttered, her hands very gentle on his.
Ryan raises his eyebrows at Richard, chuckling quietly when she jabbed a finger into his chest, it was really like talking to a completely different person. “Nice to meet you too.” He says, though he played it cool he felt a little hurt by the words from Richard, talking about how they already had sex and how he was unimpressed by this. “I do care about her, you’ll see.” He says while crossing his arms as well, eyeing his fists which literally had blood on them, but he would never lift a finger towards Bree. Richard’s words also brought a new light to Bree, he talked about one of her former relationships, he hadn’t even known that she had a former relationship.. it made him very curious about her whole situation, maybe it was the reason she ended up here with him.

He was staring down at the floor when Richard said that he would let him talk to Bree, his head picking up to look at her when she said her greeting. “Hey stranger.” He says quietly, she seemed to know what Richard had said to him, she probably knew that he was thinking over this new influx of information. He squeezes her hand gently, sitting down on the side of the bed with her and looking her in the eye now, it was definitely interesting that the facility was going to let them stay together, it made him really happy. “I understand his suspicion.” He says while rubbing the back of his head with his free hand. “But he was wrong, I wasn’t trying to make you seem like a slut I was being intimate with my girlfriend.” He says while smiling to her, scooting over now and taking her legs so that they were across his lap.

“You never told me why you were here.” He says gently as she runs her light fingers over the bruises on his knuckles. “Three of them came into my cell with batons to take me somewhere, I thought I was being detained to go to solitary confinement.” He explains to her quietly. “I thought that I was never going to be able to see you again.. I remember your last name though, dunno if that helps.” He laughs before biting the inside of his cheek. “Things will be better now, I won’t have to fight to get to you, and this time I will make sure not to get into any fights.” He promised her, giving her another reassuring smile. “And we get to live together now.. that’s definitely a change that I wasn’t expecting.” He admits to her, giving her hand a squeeze to emphasize his point.
Bree allowed him to pull her legs into his lap and she listened to all that he had to say quietly, sighing quietly and momentarily ignoring his mention of why she was there as she listened to him explaining the situation with the guards. She didn’t make any complaints concerning his hands on her legs. After all, they had already had sex. Touching her legs at this point was hardly outside of her comfort zone. Ryan also was likely to notice that Bree was not wearing her sweatpants, only her tshirt and panties. She was dressed for bed and there was no room for pants while sleeping. She also wasn’t wearing the sports bra she typically had in the community room, allowing her t-shirt to cling to her ample breasts just enough to exhibit her femininity.

“Do you really want to know what but me here? I don’t think you’ll like me anymore if you do, and you just moved in with me so that proposes a challenge. Dont you think?” She asked, tilting her head to the side as she looked at him. She really wanted to be sure before she told him her story beyond what he already knew. It was bad enough that he knew she had multiple personalities, some of which were aggressive, but what she had done to wind up here was truly atrocious. Bree was a broken woman along with being a crazy woman, and her backstory was a very sad one indeed. “Fine. I guess it’s your right to know if you’re going to be in a relationship with me.” She took a deep, nervous breath.

Looking into Ryan’s eyes, she sighed before she admitted to the truth. “I’m here because I killed three people. Well, technically Wendy did, but you can’t punish one without punishing all. “ She averted her eyes, ashamed, and bit the inside of her lip. “My parents and my boyfriend were all abusive towards me. One day… Wendy cracked. She blindfolded everyone but Richard and they did the deed: killing all three of them in one night and I was later found sitting in a puddle of their blood. That’s how I wound up here, and that’s why Wendy and Richard dont trust you. They think you’re going to hit or rape me and then I’ll be right back to square one.” She leaned in and grabbed his hands tightly, feeling the need to explain herself. “Look, Ryan. I dont want to hurt you. In fact, I never wanted to hurt anyone. I didn’t even know until it was too late. Do you understand? Please dont hate me….”
Ryan examines her clothing, she was obviously ready to sleep so he figured he might as well prepare to do so as well. He reaches for his shirt and pulls it off, only leaving him in sweatpants and socks, he takes off his socks to just leave sweatpants, he was the opposite of Bree when it came to night clothing. She seemed hesitant to talk to him about what had gotten her into this facility, which was odd considering it couldn't have been worse than the things he had done to not only create his own disorder but then have it kill someone on his behalf. His hand runs along her shaved legs while she spoke, just trying to help her to relax while she delved into a topic that she was obviously not comfortable with talking about to anybody other than her therapist.

He bites the inside of his cheek when she talks about her experiences. "I do want to know, we should be transparent with each other." He says to her gently, looking to her now so that he could meet her eyes with his own while she spoke of this ugly topic. He nods along to her story, it was certainly a gruesome one, but he could understand why it had happened. "So Wendy and Richard killed them." He nods his head. "They deserved it, nobody should treat you badly." He says to her quietly while thinking about what he could do to cheer her up. "I don't hate you Bree, I don't think that Wendy or Richard will find the need to try and kill me, and if they do I doubt that they have the means to do so." He laughs while reaching up to rub the back of his head with his free hand, his other hand still holding hers.

Now that he had heard her story he decided that he needed to comfort her, scooting over to sit next to her and getting her legs off of his lap before wrapping his arms around her and holding her against him, gently pulling the covers over top of both of them. It was a sort of private barrier from the outside world, they only had each other inside of their blanket. "I still want to be with you." He whispers while reaching his hands up to stroke her hair gently, his forehead resting against hers and one of his legs intertwining with hers, they were as close as they could ever be. "I wished before you left the shower that I could sleep next to you tonight, and my wish came true." He smiles, trying to move on to lighter topics.
Bree sighed. “No one deserves to go out like that Ryan. Not murdered by their own family. They raised me. I got hit because I messed up.” She shrugged a bit as he held her to him underneath the blankets. Bree was still in denial about the entire thing. She have victim’s guilt because she loved her family and had been made to believe that the beatings were for her own good. I’m doing this because I love you. You have to learn. Her father would always say as he unfastened his belt ready to strike her with the heavy metal buckle of it. He would leave massive bruises that her teachers and friends would question, but she always told everyone she would trip on the playground or that it was some other stupid accident. It never was. The man even broke her arm once.

Bree buried her face in his chest and let out a sigh. She was used goods, and she knew it. She could only assume it would only be a matter of time before Ryan saw it to. She wasn’t worth the time e was putting into her. If she was she wouldn’t still need beatings. However, her therapist didn’t agree with her there. They were constantly trying to make her better, but it never worked. Maybe that was why they have so easily moved Ryan into her room. She needed someone to teach her her self worth. Until she learned that, she would never be able to overcome Wendy and Richard. Ryan seemed to care for Bree already. He was the best chance they had of teaching the woman that someone could care about you without ever laying a hand on you in vain.

She kissed softly at his shoulders, her lips hovering over the bruises she had left him with earlier in the day. Ryan was less violent when he was around Bree, but Bree was less of a danger to herself. Another thing he didn’t know is that she was on strict suicide watch. She wasn’t even allowed to have real pencils, only crayons as they feared she would attempt to punish herself one day for any bad behavior.
Ryan feels his eyebrows knit together. "Nobody can mess up bad enough to deserve a beating, Bree." He says to her quietly while nuzzling his head against hers. "I guess I'm just biased because I could never see how someone could even think of hurting someone like you." Ryan explains to her quietly. "I've hurt a lot of people in my life, it's really easy for me to do, I've killed with no remorse and I get into fights with no question." He explains. "But never have I felt the need to hurt an innocent, not before my attack, at least..." He breathes before kissing her on the top of her head gently. "You don't have to worry about that stuff anymore, you have me to protect you."

He didn't see her as used goods, with all of the stories he had been told by her and Richard now, he could only assume that she was raped and beaten into submission by people she thought cared for her, but this relationship would be different, no harm would come to her, Ryan would do his very best to never purposefully hurt her. "I care about you Bree, I hate hearing you talk about yourself like you're worthless." He mutters to her quietly. "Even if you don't mean anything to yourself, you mean something to me, there's a reason they locked us up in this room together, and it's not because they know what happened in the showers earlier today." He says to her teasingly, closing his eyes as she starts to press kisses against his shoulders.

"Getting to stay in this room with you is a dream come true, I haven't been sleeping so well over the last couple of nights." He admits to her quietly. "You said it yourself, we're all crazy here." He smiles. "I have nightmares, like a kid.. nightmares so bad and so real that I wake up in tears." He bites the inside of his cheek, he hated appearing weak but he wanted to tell her that she wasn't alone.
Bree shook her head a bit quietly. “I’m not an innocent, Ryan. The only innocent part of me is Sarah.” She whispered, her hand slowly slithering over his bare stomach as her much shorter legs tangle with his, clad in sweatpants. “I try to keep her that way. I don’t want her to be like the rest of us.” She mumbled, pressing her lips against his adam’s apple as they laid together, the lights above flicking off suddenly to indicate lights out in the facility. They were supposed to sleep now, but Ryan had awoken painful memories for Bree by asking her for her story. It was a story he deserved to hear, but there was a reason it was one she hadn’t offered up before being asked. She would be awake with her thoughts and personalities for awhile. However, he spoke again, admitting to another one of his flaws: he had nightmares. He had done bad things, but he was stuck with the memories just like the rest of them.

“We all have nightmares.” She whispered softly to him, her fingers trailing over his waist just above the waistline of his sweatpants. “But the beauty of nightmares is that they’re all in your head. None of it is happening in real time. They are past memories or even fake experiences that cannot harm you now, Ryan. All you have to do is open your eyes and they all go away. But that isn’t to say you should be afraid to slip into sleep. When you’re having a nightmare just approach everything you dont like and tell it that it isn’t real, so it can’t hurt you.” She gave his hip a gentle squeeze. “That’s how I was always able to chase away my bad dreams. Now I hardly have them anymore. There’s no point in haunting someone who isn’t afraid.”

“Did you see my scars?” She whispered to him. Bree wasn’t a traditional self-harmer who would draw thin, straight lines across her wrists or burn them. When she had hurt herself, the very few times she had, it was severe: a knife to her thigh, burning herself so badly with a candle that she needed a skin graft. The scars were there, just like the memories, of the times she had punished herself. But more prevalent were the scars that she had not given to herself. The times the belt buckle hit a little too hard and broke skin, the times her boyfriend would take his switchblade to her if she wasnt submissive, and even the scar there on her arm from having to have surgery on her broken arm just so that she could use it normally again. She was a walking disaster. Did he know that before he fucked her?
Ryan closes his eyes, sighing softly at the feeling of her hand on his bare skin. "You're more innocent than I could ever be." He breathes while moving his head to give her access to his neck, the room suddenly very dark now that it was lights out time. He was fairly certain that nobody would both them while they were in the cell together, if the doctors really wanted them together then they would make sure they could spend as much time together as possible. There was no way he would fall asleep while spending this time with Bree, the warmth provided by their bodies together and the blanket was warm enough that he wanted to stay there for eternity, just their own little personal bubble.

"My nightmares aren't just dreams Bree." He says to her quietly. "When I wake up I can feel the pain of that moment, bullets going through me, whips cracking on my back." While he speaks he takes the hand not around his stomach and allows her to trace some of his scars, a bullet wound in his shoulder, the mark of a whip across his back. "I feel suffocated by memories, and at the end of the day I'm never going to stop being afraid of them." He says softly. "I lose control when I fall asleep, when I hear loud noises my body and my mind assume that I'm being shot at, I shut down and give into the training that was drilled into my mind years ago, don't think; act." He explains. "I hurt people, for a job, I enjoyed it." He says to her quietly. "I've tortured, killed, and murdered but I've never looked back." Ryan sighs quietly and lets go of her hand, returning his arms to only be wrapped around her for the purpose of keeping her close to him.

Now she asked him about her scars, to which he shakes his head. His vision was good enough that he could now see her despite the darkness, he hoped that she could see him too. "I didn't look for scars on you when I saw you, I just admired your beauty." He says to her quietly while leaning down to press his lips to the top of her head. "But scars aren't who you are, you said it yourself that they are memories.. You told me that they don't scare you, they scare me." He says with a shrug. "I guess you're actually a lot stronger than me in that sense." Ryan gives her a smile because of the irony of the whole thing. The much smaller, seemingly fragile girl that was next to him was actually much more powerful mentally than he could ever be. "Both of us are a little broken, I guess that's why we're perfect for each other." He mutters to her.
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