Seven minds. One body. (Rskde x SketchyEquine)

Bree inhaled sharply when he brought her hand to his scars. Once he finally shopped talking, she pushed him away just enough that she could roll him onto his back and she crawled on him of him, straddling his stomach and holding his hands tightly above his head. If was putting him into a vulnerable position, but she meant no harm in it. Her touch was gentle and her body light on top of him. She was no threat to him and they both knew it. “Listen to me, Ryan.” She whispered to him through the darkness of the room. “That’s what you were. This is what you are now. You’re a crazy guy in a mental hospital who’s gentle enough to date the most broken girl in your entire age group. You aren’t a bad person.” She leaned down, pressing a sweet kiss to his lips as she sat atop him.

“Now you need to get some sleep. I’ll be right here and you can wake me up if you get scared. Okay?” She whispered to him with a sweet smile and then got right back off of him just as quickly as she had gotten on. She kissed his cheek and then curled up in the blankets and closed her eyes. She didn’t want to sleep either, bad memories flooding her mind, but they both needed rest or they would both be more prone to incidents the next day. Getting enough sleep would be important for them even as a couple. Although, this dark room might serve as a bit of a distraction in the future.

Bree finally managed to find sleep in the comfort of Ryan’s warmth and the bed. The mattress was comfortable enough. They would be able to sleep comfortably on it. Come sunrise she lifted her head and groaned quietly in a tired tone before she turned to Ryan with a smile. The dim light of the morning lights shone down on them and she allowed her eyes to trail over Ryan as her hand trailed over his torso. She was smitten, and it didn’t hurt that Ryan was so good looking. She loved touching him and being close to him. She was incredibly happy to be able to spend so much time with him.
Ryan bites the inside of his cheek and raises his eyebrows when she pushes him away from her. His breath hitches quietly when she not only pins his arms above his head but straddles his stomach, causing the blanket to lift off of the edges of the bed, even when she leaned down to press her lips against his. He groans quietly against her lips, he actually found himself liking it when she did stuff like that. "Okay.." He whispers to her quietly when she told him that he was no longer the guy who enjoyed killing, but deep down he knew that that guy was still inside of him somewhere, training and adrenaline are what drew him out. "We're both a little dangerous." He says to her quietly while nuzzling his head against hers as she dismounts from his stomach.

"Yeah.. I'll do that." He whispers to her quietly before pulling her against him, resting his face into the crook of her neck and allowing his body to wrap around hers, in a protecting way. When he found sleep he was not haunted by memories of his past, they were in the back of his mind, he was instead gifted with visions of Bree, and whenever his mind turned to the darker side of things he felt Bree's presence right next to him, the heat of her body against his core, which drove away the darkness in his mind.

This allows for the deepest, soundest, and most uninterrupted sleep that he had experienced in weeks, he didn't toss and turn nor did he wake up at all during the night. The morning light combined with the soothing sensation of a soft hand stroking his chest allowed for Ryan's eyes to gently flutter open, registering her beautiful skin that his face had been against for the entire night. He moves his head from her neck and looks up at her, a smile on his face. "Morning beautiful." He whispers to her quietly, one of his hands reaching up to gently stroke her cheek, holding the side of her face while his other hand gently stroked her hair. "I slept really well.." He admits to her quietly while biting the inside of his cheek.

"Thank you.."
“Good morning, handsome.” She whispered to him. A smile creeped across her lips when he cupped her cheek and her eyelashes fluttered just a bit. Beneath the safety of the blanket she hitched her thigh over his hip, the warmth of her familiar core now radiating over his flaccid manhood thanks to their very close proximity. “I’m glad you slept well. I was worried you might not.” She whispered softly to him as she moved a little closer in order to feel the rippling of his defined stomach against her body. It was hard not to feel safe with someone so much bigger than her wrapped around her like she was the most fragile thing in the world. It really drew a smile out of the young woman. He said he would protect her, and she knew he could.

“We’ve got a big day of spending time together ahead of us.” She smiled, her nose wrinkling a bit in the motion. “So what do you want to do, roomie? Sexy pillow fights? Manicures? Gossip?” She teased, letting out a little snort in the process lord how she cared for him. Around Ryan, Bree didn’t have to be cautious or afraid. He embraced her and all of the personalities that came with her. He was a great friend first. The sex was just and added bonus- one she hoped to indulge in again very soon. After all, he was very good at it and they didn’t have much risk with her IUD in place. Hell. He could fuck her daily and they would still be safe. Ryan would never have an excuse not to lay his hands on her if he wanted to.

“What do you want to do today?” She asked calmly, tightening her leg around him slightly. “I could introduce you to another one of my personalities?” She offered politely. “I have therapy later. Do you?”
Ryan smiles when she called him handsome, his face moving to hers so that he could capture her lips with his. He sighs quietly and moves his hand from her face so that he could wrap his arms around her, his forehead resting against hers. "I did sleep well, I think I have you to thank you that." He smiles to her before pressing his lips to hers again. He moves her so that she is straddling him again. "I really liked that thing you did last night, when you straddled me." He mutters to her quietly. He sighs quietly and finds himself closing his eyes again so that he could enjoy the feeling of her bare legs against his sides. "I didn't even have a nightmare." He admits with a smile. "I just thought of you whenever I needed strength." He mutters to her, keeping them both underneath the covers.

"Yes we do!" He grins while watching her face, smiling at how her nose cutely wrinkled. "We do have plenty of options to choose from, I was thinking we could let Christine out, she's probably dying in your head." He offers. "Unless that's not something that you want to do, if you want me all to yourself." He smiles while holding her hips, as she was straddling his chest now. "I do have a therapy session today, but it's not until later, so we have plenty of time to ourselves." He laughs. "We don't even have to go into the community room, considering the only reason we ever wanted to go there was to see each other." He mutters to her before sitting up and pressing his lips to her stomach gently, looking into her eyes now that she was sitting on his lap. "So do you wanna let Christine out?" He asks with the raise of his eyebrows.
Bree let out a little squeak as he positioned her on top of him all over again. It made her feel a lot more exposed in the light that it had in the dark, but she knew in her heart that she was going to have to adjust to this sort of thing. He was her boyfriend with whom she had already made love, so why was she still nervous about the way her body looked around him? “We don’t have to go to the community room today. We always have the option to turn down the offer without being penalized, but you aren’t going to keep me cooped up in here to be your sex monkey.” She teased, rubbing her hands over his chest in admiration. “I’ll still need the change of environment from time to time to keep me sane.” She winked at him seeing as they both knew she wasn’t sane to begin with. It was almost a joke to acknowledge their craziness now.

Bree cocked an eyebrow when Ryan spoke again. “You’ve already met Christine. That wouldn’t exactly be introducing you to anyone else.” She scolded him teasingly. “Wouldn’t you rather hang out with Richard some more if we’re going to visit the ones you’ve already met?” She gave him a wink, knowing that wasn’t true. He wasn’t fooling her. Bree knew exactly why he wanted Christine and it was the same reason he had dragged her on top of him again. “Oh I see.” She smirked, pretending as though she just now figured it out. “You want Christine because you know she’s going to want to fuck your brains out. You want sex.” She cocked her brow even steeper as she looked at him. Soon after the woman let out a chuckle. “Then sex you will have. You can have sex with my alternative identities without offending me. You just aren’t allowed to touch Sarah. Everyone else is fair game… although I don’t think Richard would be interested and Wendy is a risky choice.” She finally admitted with a shrug.

Soon after Bree allowed her body to relax with her hands on his pecs as she called to Christine and allowed her eyes to go blank as her body switched drivers. Once the switch was completed, Christine looked down at Ryan with a devilish grin. “I knew you’d come begging for me eventually, papi. You won’t regret it.” She raked her nails down Ryan’s chest and began shifting her hips atop the man. “If you’re going to have Bree tied down to you you’re going to have to satisfy me too. After all, sex was always more of my thing anyway. After seeing what you’re packing… I knew I had to ride you like the derby.” Christine purred. “Would you like that, papi?”
Ryan laughs loudly while nuzzling his head against hers. “I’m not planning on keeping you locked in the room, we can definitely leave to go to the community room or wherever they want us to go.. I don’t think I’ve been to group therapy yet.” He laughs while sighing quietly, moving back so that his back was against the wall, his forehead resting against hers while she spoke. “You’re also not a sex money.” He mutters to her quietly, laughing at the thought. “You’re more to me than just sex Bree, you just gave me the best sleep I’ve had in months, just because you were right here to support me through the night.” He says with a smile. “Do not fear, the environment probably won’t help you.” He grins. “But don’t worry, it won’t help me either.” He runs a hand through her hair.

“I don’t know what you mean!” He says when she cocks an eyebrow at him. “I figured it would be better if we let her have what she wanted in a controlled situation, because I feel like eventually she’s just gonna pop out whenever and I don’t want to have to adapt to that kind of situation.” He laughs, smiling to her, his face was bright red. “I’m pretty sure that Richard or Wendy would just chew me out for however long they’re in control.” Ryan keeps his hands on her hips so that she could remain firmly seated in his lap. “I don’t think I would want to have sex with a six year old.” He admits to her. “Oh.. fuck.. they didn’t let me take that drawing with me...” He says while his eyebrows knit together, it was still in his former room, maybe he could ask his therapist to get it for him or something. “I never said that.” He says when she told him that he wanted sex, he laughs quietly and presses his lips to hers before she changed, breaking away when he saw her expression go blank.

He was always interested when she changed identities, how she suddenly went from one tone of speaking to another. Suddenly she was no longer Bree, but Christine, one he hadn’t spoken to but had heard Bree talk about for the last few days. He laughs when she says that he would have to satisfy her too. “Works for me.” He laughs. “I had a small feeling that you were just gonna jump out one day anyway.” He admits, though Bree had told him that she didn’t mind that he did this with her other identities he still was a little awkward about it, considering he wasn’t used to this sort of thing. “Sounds like fun.” He says with a laugh while she raked his chest with her nails. “I gotta admit, I was definitely taken by surprise the first time you were introduced to me, you pushed my buttons a bit.” He admits, referring to how she had licked his neck and kissed him.
“But I pushed them in a good way, did I not?” Christine asked, cocking her head a bit. She loved sex more than any of the other identities, but she had no interest in fucking the man if he didn’t want her to. After all: Bree was the priority to all of the other identities. Christine knew better than to fuck things up with Ryan because it would hurt Bree. However, the soldier was absolutely scrumptious. She wanted to explore every inch of him with her mouth and tongue. He had to be the best looking guy Bree had ever landed on her own. Christine pushed her hands along Ryan’s abs admiring their chiseled appearance, and bit down on her lip. She really hoped he would allow this.

“Yes. I tried to convince Bree to let me fuck you instead of her in the showers. Especially after I saw your concealed carry, papi.” She winked and him, one hand moving downward to grab ahold of his flaccid member in a sudden motion. She massages it gently and then moved her hand back to his stomach until she truly hand permission. “I don’t think Bree has ever taken something that big, papi. I figured I could handle it better, not to mention I would probably make better use of all you have to work with.” She winked at the man with a smile. “Alas, our favorite little chica hogged you all to herself. She wouldn’t even let me watch! However… our body is a bit sore today. You must have gotten her good, eh?” Her accent rolled between her plush lips seductively as she nuzzled her hips in closer to his.

“Look. I’m not going to fuck you if you don’t want me to. However, each of us women fuck a little differently. You’ll never get bored if you embrace all of us. Even Wendy can be fun if you win her over, but she’s unlikely to spread open for you. Bree, Kaitlin, and I are your best bets for a fuck. Right now? I want to fuck you, Papi, but you have to want it. Mendigar.” She smirked mischievously. “Mendigar. Haré lo que quieras. Haré que alcances el orgasmo. Solo tienes que rogar.” She whispered to him, tugging on the waistline of his sweatpants before finding his hand with her free hand and bringing it to her core to touch her. She was concealed only by the panties, but he could feel the warmth and the moisture already beginning to seep through. “You got Bree wet just by dragging her on top of you, but I can use it for my advantage. All you have to do is ask me for my services.”
“Of course.” He laughs. “I was lucky that the guard caught you when he did, I was pretty close to losing control.” He shrugs, just trying to stroke her ego a little bit. “Honestly I really like Bree, which is why I made that promise to her.” He explains. “But if she doesn’t mind that this sort of thing happens.. I won’t complain.” Ryan grins while sitting up so that she was sitting in his lap, his hands holding her hips while his eyes looked into hers as they are now eye level with his. He groans softly at the feeling of her hands moving against his abs, his hands moving to run under her shirt and move against her soft skin, his fingers brushing over her rib cage while she spoke to him. “You look really sexy when you bite your lip.” He breathes to her with a smile.

“I had a feeling, I heard Bree tell someone to go away and I figured that it was you.” He laughs. “I’m glad you like it.” He grins while leaning up to press his lips against hers. A small groan leaves his throat when her little hand slips beneath his sweatpants and grabs his flaccid but hardening member. “You’ll have to show me, Bree did pretty well.” He challenges her with a laugh. “I’m pretty sure she’s the best at sex as far as I’m concerned, you’ll have to prove me wrong.” He runs his hands under her shirt and up her back, lifting her shirt off of her before pulling her to him tightly. With her breasts now pushing against his chest and felt his breath quiver slightly. “Honestly I had a lot of fun, she didn’t say anything about being sore though.” Ryan chuckles while grinning at her, feeling her hips move against his, his member now hard enough for her to feel him through his sweatpants.

“I want you to fuck me.” He mutters to her with a smile, which turns into another grin when she talks to him in Spanish, a language he could understand and found it really hot that she was speaking to him in. “Por favor vete a la mierda, Christine, muéstrame placer que nunca antes había sentido.” He mutters to her, knowing that she would understand as she had told him to beg. “Explora mi cuerpo con tu lengua.” He says to her while grinning up at her. “You can take control if you want babe, I feel like letting you go wild.” She had been waiting for him after all, he wanted to see what that waiting made her want to do. “I’ll have to meet some of the other people that Bree has told me about.” He smiles while running his hands down her back. “I think you and I could have a lot of fun, feel free to pop out whenever you want.” He smiles, though his heart belonged to Bree, she had told him that he would have to please her other personalities too, which he definitely planned on doing.
Christine grinned as soon at the man started talking to her in Spanish, and she ground her hips into him more urgently. “I’ll make you need to take a break for a week just so you can catch your breath if you continue with that kind of talk, baby. But… your wish is my command.” With that, Christine got quiet, busying her urgent lips with kissing and biting at his ear while he held her firmly against him. The man obviously had a thing for Bree based on the way he held onto her body so tightly, and Christine admired that. If anything, it made the little Latina spitfire want to engage him even further. Christine, however, unlike Bree was much more demanding in the bedroom. She liked it rough, and she took what she wanted. At the time, she wanted Ryan, and now that she had been given the red light she was absolutely going to have at it.

Christine dig her nails into Ryan’s chest so hard as she scratched him that it easily could have drawn blood. However, she didn’t stop. She licked at the length of his neck and clawed down his entire stomach until she reached the waistline of his sweatpants once more. Only this time he wasn’t going to be allowed to keep them. Christine lifted her hips up and off of the man so that they would be out of the way as she crawled off of his lap and quickly relieved him of his sweatpants and undergarments in one motion. This left his hardening cock in view, and the sight of it made Christine grin. It was even better looking up close. Without hesitation, Christine wrapped her dainty hand around his girth and gave his shaft a long, confident stroke. Then she made eye contact with him as she spit right onto the bulbous head. A little lubricant never hurt anyone, and once it was added she began to jack him off with significant skill.

Christine watched her new lover for his reactions as she rubbed his erection with her dainty hand. She straddled his thighs. Leaning over him and running her tongue along his throat as she continued to stroke him with his member pressed up against her navel now. The warmth of her abdomen was nothing compared to the heat coursing through his shaft, but she kept him close to her either way. He was going to be the only man she was allowed to play with now. She might as well find out just how much he could handle. Soon, she stopped stroking him with a final motion of her thumb over the top of his length. “You don’t need me to rub you, do you, papi?” She whispered to him. “You can do that all by yourself.” She noted with a mischievous grin. “But I think I know something you can’t do to yourself.” She taunted before laying a trail of kisses down along the length of his body that only ended when her lips brushed along his cock. Then she popped the tip of it into her mouth and massaged it with her tongue.
“You’d be surprised, I can catch my breath pretty fast.” He mutters to her with a grin on his face, groaning softly as she ground her hips against him again, this time like she really wanted to fuck him. She had told him that Bree had already gotten pretty wet, which cemented that grin of his on to his face, loving how he could affect her in that way. “Challenge accepted.” He mutters to her before leaning his head over so that she had better access to his ears, he could already tell that she liked it much rougher than Bree, though Bree had told him to go harder when they first had sex, so maybe Christine and Bree did have some common interests. “I like it rough baby, take what you want.” He mutters with a groan, she had obviously been paying attention when he had mentioned how sensitive his ears were, as she was aggressively attacking them with her lips and teeth.

He loved it how she was instantly on him, the moment he had given her permission she practically pounced on him. Another groan leaves him because of her nails on his chest, he didn’t care if she drew blood he was so turned on right now. “Oh fuck..” He growls at the feeling of her tongue on his neck, he found that so hot. “Now you know what gets me going.” He growls to her while running a hand through her hair, taking a fistful and giving her a little yank to look up at him, keeping his hand in her hair while she ripped off his sweatpants and underwear to get to his cock beneath. The heat of her navel made him suck in a shaky breath, her nails leaving red lines down his toned skin that he would proudly wear for the time they would be together. He groans as she begins to jack him off, expertly allowing him to harden in her little hand, his cock enormous compared to the hand now pleasuring it. She runs her tongue along his neck again and he takes his hand to the back of her head, preventing her from pulling away for a few more seconds. “I love that tongue of yours.”

At this point he wanted to fuck her so badly, she was teasing him and giving him enough stimulation to crave what was between her legs. He feels her straddle his thigh, his hand moving to her crotch to start rubbing her pussy as she continued to jack him off. He wasn’t even drawing close to climax yet, though she had certainly taken to rubbing his cock as aggressively as she could manage. “You’re right, I can.” He mutters to her with a chuckle at her comment. His eyebrows raise when she suggests that she would do something he couldn’t do, kissing her way down his body before lowering her mouth on to his cock, making him groan quietly, his eyes closing for a moment as he registered the pleasure of her lips brushing against the tip of his cock before her mouth and tongue enveloped it. Between her tongue on his cock and neck, she had definitely made up for his request to explore him as she pleased. “Eres tan jodidamente sexy, te voy a follar con tanta fuerza.” He growls to her, his hand leaving her pussy now that he didn’t really have access to it anymore. “I feel like you’ve done this before.” He mutters to her while running a hand through her hair, his breath wavering as he feels her tongue move around the tip even more. “You’re really good with that tongue...” He breathes.
Christine let out a little purr in response to him complimenting her ability with her mouth, but she never took her mouth off of the cock it now embraced. Bree had never given Ryan a blowjob, so Christine would be his first encounter with that mouth. As she looked up at him she slowly massaged the junction between the bulbous head and the pulsing shaft with her soft tongue. She hummed quietly then, shooting light vibrations through his erection as she kept him in her warm mouth. Her hand moved up to lightly massage his testicles as she pleasures him, and she stimulated them gently with one hand while her other rubbed his hip affectionately. Christine wanted him to go mad.

All at once she began to bob her head on him. Her eyes flicked downward as she began to focus- ultimately breaking eye contact with her man. She moved slow, only taking half of him inside her mouth and keeping her lips fastened tightly around his shaft while still concealing her teeth to maintain his comfort. She continued like that for awhile: slow and steady, but soon she picked up her pace and intensity. She pushed herself to go faster as she gradually took in more of his length until he prodded at the back of her throat. Luckily, Christine essentially had no gag reflex at this point in her career as a whore, so she just kept pushing forward until her nose buried in his groin and the entirety of his massive size filled her mouth and throat. She held it, drool dripping down onto his balls. She deep throated him with her tongue massaging him consistently as she held her breath just so she could keep him inside her. She didn’t pull back until her breath could not be held any longer, then she lifted off quickly and gasped for air.

“How was that, papi?” She asked between gulps of air. “Do you like having your cock buried in our mouth? Maybe next time I’ll let you fuck my mouth like it’s the first pussy you’ve ever pushed in to.” She smirked. “You can grab my hair and make me your bitch.” She purred, one hand rubbing his cock that was now coated in her spit. “But for now… I want you to grab my hips instead.” She smirked before climbing off of him and slipping off her panties: the only article of clothing she still wore. She tossed the garment at Ryan, slick with lubricant from her drooling cunt that begged to feel him again. Christine then crawled back onto the bed and got onto all fours. She pressed her head into the mattress with her rump toward Ryan: on display for him. From his angle he would easily be able to see her glistening labia, ready for use. “Come show me how you fuck, Ryan.”
She was already driving him mad, her mouth on his cock not only felt really good but when she let out that purr of affection, he could feel her whole mouth vibrate around him, making him groan loudly, his fingers running through her hair as she pleasured him. It had been a long time since his last blowjob, he could remember missing them, he had never really had someone this experienced suck his cock for him. "Fuck baby, that feels so good." He growls while closing his eyes, feeling her tongue moving against his cock, and another hum to vibrate her mouth against his cock, it all felt so overwhelmingly good. "God you're so fucking good." He grips a clump of her hair as she continues to attempt to drive him crazy.

As she began to bob her head he growls quietly, his pleasure starting to pick up now that she was really getting into the task at hand, no longer looking at him but focusing on pleasuring him. "Oh fuck.." He groans as she picks up her speed and intensity, feeling his cock poking at the back of her throat, he had never met a woman that could fit his whole length in her mouth. His breath hitches as her nose presses against his groin, his length fully inside of her, he feels her tongue still working him. He found it so sexy that she was drooling all over him like that. When she finally pulled away he takes a second to recover, breathing returning to a normal pace now that he wasn't being so heavily stimulated. Instead of responding with words one hand takes her throat, not squeezing too much, more to just keep her in place instead of suffocate her. He leans down and slips his tongue into her mouth, lips moving against hers before breaking away, looking down into her eyes with a wild ferocity that wasn't there before. "I'm going to fuck you now." He growls.

It seemed that she was thinking the same thing, tossing her panties at him, which he looks at, grinning at the sight of how soaked they were. He discards them before approaching her, hands gripping her hips tightly before he rams his cock into her pussy, there was no being gentle this time. He immediately takes on that intense pace that he had taken with Bree towards the very end of their session, hips and balls slapping against her as he fucked her into the bed. One hand leaves her hip to press her head against the bed, fucking her roughly. "Fuck you feel amazing!" He growls, wanting to show her how rough he could be when she was slutty like that.
Christine gasped in pleasure as he filled her with his cock. “Joder sí!” She yelled, pushing back into him as he pounded away at her willing pussy. Her body coated him in her wetness, telling him exactly how turned on he had made her. Ryan had Christine even more under his thumb than Bree, and she would be willing to screw him each and every time he asked her too. Christine let out a series of whimpers and moans that were muffled by the mattress as he buried her face into it. Each time he thrust forward her entire body bounced on his muscular pelvis and her breasts bounced with the motion. The sound of his balls slapping into her clit were loud and easily distinguishable. It was music to the little slut’s ears.

“You have the biggest cock I’ve ever felt, Ryan!” Christine shouted. Her hands gripped the sheets so hard that her knuckles turned white from the effort. Her pussy trembled around him, barely making enough room for his cock in its entirety inside Bree’s significantly smaller body. There was no question why he had made Bree sore after only one session. When Christine was done with the hunk Bree would be walking crooked for a few days, but it was so worth it considering how amazing Christine. Her mouth fell open like a dog and she panted as her back arched between then: the action giving him a new angle of entry. “Yes! Papi!” She whined in pleasure as she squeezed him hard hitting orgasm quickly and efficiently as a new flood of lubricant rushed over him. The entire room smelled and sounded like ruthless sex.
She seemed to be perfectly accepting of his roughness, she had said that she wanted it as rough as possible after all. One of his hands leaves her hips to take her hair, pulling it back and using it to continue to fuck her roughly, her hair a new handhold for him to use. He didn't pull hard enough to tear any of it out, but it was hard enough that she would most certainly feel it. "Joder, sí, me encanta cuando hablas en español." He growls to her while leaning forward, giving her ear a bite while continuing to roughly fuck her. Now that his hand wasn't pushing her head into the mattress he was able to force her to look up at him, his eyes staring down into hers. For the most part he wanted to be able to hear those moans and cries that he was drawing from her, and the compliments of his strength of course.

A grin spreads across his face when she said that he was the biggest she had ever had. "Better get used to it." He growls, his hand on her hip smacking down hard on to her ass as she cums for him, both of his hands returning to her hips to continue to slam into her over and over, the tightness of her pussy around his cock making him groan loudly, his own pleasure starting to build, but he bet to himself that he could make her cum a few more times before he blew his load. "You're gonna keep cumming for me, understand?" He commands her, his voice dominant and powerful now. He loved it now when she called him Papi, maybe it was growing on him. He also loved watching her smaller body bounce against his. "You better be letting Bree watch this." He growls to her quietly, wanting Bree to be able to experience it too.
“You were probably so popular with the girls on your missions.” She muttered, biting down hard on her lower lip as he continued to thrust into her rapidly. He was so much bigger than her that his strength easily overpowered her own, but she loved every second of it. She just kept on moaning for him. Her entire body shook in pleasure as the audible slapping filled the room even more. “Yes, Papi… I’ll cum again for you.” She nodded quickly, her long, red hair still tangled in his fist. He could so easily rip her apart, but he didn’t. It was the ledge that he was teetering on: so close to hurting her, but showing just enough restraint that she wallowed in the pleasure of his touch and his thrusts. She would let him fuck her like that every day if he wanted to. “I don’t want to share you with Bree, papi… she’s not watching. I don't want her to watch…” Little did the two of them know… it wasn’t Bree that they had to worry about.

Dr. Wilcox was new to the psych ward. Up until then she had worked happily from home as a psychiatrist, but after a falling out with a few of her patients she decided that it would be best for her to move on to a clean slate. Here at the psych ward, not a single person knew her save for the patients she had been assigned over the past two weeks of her being there. She enjoyed working with these people. They were so fucked up that it was almost laughable. Sometimes it was hard for her to contain herself as they described the things they felt or saw. They were all truly off their rockers, and it appealed to the darkness within the doctor. There was just something about the crazies and the suffering. It almost turned her on to know she was their only hope to get out of there or have a normal life again. That kind of power could go to anyone’s head, but it especially went to Norma Wilcox’s. She was older than Bree, in her later thirties, but time had been kind to her, and that would come in her favor.

Ryan was her newest patient, yet he hadn’t come to see her for his scheduled appointment that day. He was, in fact, 20 minutes late. It didn’t take a whole lot of digging for her to find his room number, and she quickly raised a brow. He had been moved to the female ward the day prior. “Very interesting…” She muttered to herself before writing down the room number on a sticky note. She then stood, her heels clicking on the tile as she walked down the corridors to find the room. Once she located it she opened the door without warning and began talking before she even looked at the couple making passionate love on the bed. “Mr. Henderson, you were supposed to be in my office for your appointment almost half an hour ago. Do you realize the consequences for mi-” She cut off, finally looking up and realizing what was happening. Her eyes widened as she saw he scene unfolding in front of her, but she didn’t leave. She just watched for a moment. Christine was too busy to even notice her, but she quickly made eye contact with Ryan.
Ryan laughs. "What women?" He shakes his head, his platoon of Recon were all men, and he hardly had any time for women when on missions. He groans loudly as he continues to practically drill into her, she felt so good around him as they fucked passionately on the bed. He loved watching how her body reacted to his thrusting hips, showing off how his strength and power was making her feel, her body shaking for him. "Then do it." He growls into her ear when she said that she would cum again for him, he wanted her to have the most amount of orgasms possible by the time their session was over. His hand in her hair had already caused her red hair to go wild, his fist gives her another yank and he leans down to bite her neck roughly, leaving another dark spot on her as he continued his powerful thrusting into her. "I understand." He breathes, if she didn't want Bree to watch then he was fine with that. "You're so fucking tight." Ryan growls while slapping her ass again.

His thrusts are not interrupted by the sudden intrusion, but he didn't want Christine to stop either, so his hand shoves her face down into the bed again, his hips continued to ram into hers over and over again. He was confused on why the doctor was here, and why she was staying.. But he didn't care, too caught up in having sex with Christine to care, so he focuses on that. His eyes are taken away from the doctor now, focusing on Christine. "Cum para mí, bebé." He growls to her before running his tongue along the length of her neck, wanting to speak to her in Spanish now that they had an observer who probably wouldn't understand the language.
“Yes, Papi.” She muttered, moaning hard as she continued to take the pounding he was giving. Christine looked up, a bit surprised to see someone else here, but that was less surprising than the fact Ryan had seen her and didn’t even miss a beat. He wasn’t going to stop. The idea turned Christine on even more. He wanted her so badly that not even an audience would stop him from filling her with his valuable seed. Suddenly, her entire body contracted, squeezing his cock from it’s place deep within her body and then hitting yet another orgasm. Her moan was long as sweet as her wetness increased even further. SHe weakened a bit, bouncing on him even more than she had been before, but her body was tired after already having two orgasms in one session. “Cum para mí ahora.” She purred to him.

Dr. Wilcox stood in the doorway for a little bit longer before vanishing back into the hallway and letting out a long breath of air. She was a doctor yeet she had never seen anything quite like that, and she couldn’t keep her cool. One crazy was fucking the hell out of another crazy. SHe couldn’t help but smile. Oh yes. Ryan was going to be a very fun patient indeed. Not only was he hot, but he was far enough gone to want to have violent sex with one of the girls who, rumor had it, was crazier than most of the loons in here. Seven personalities she had heard, and yet she still scored an ex marine.
Ryan grins when she cums for him again, seemingly on command at this point, feeling her walls squeeze around him tightly as he continues his rough pounding. “Fuck baby.” He growls, grinning as he had seen Christine make eye contact with the doctor, he hoped she had winked at her or something like that. His hand lets go of her hair when she tells him to cum for her, his hips still slapping loudly against hers as he gets closer and closer to his own orgasm. “I’m fucking cumming.” He groans as his hips sink his length all the way inside of her, his cum shooting into her as his body shakes with the effort, pulling out her with a soft groan, his cock covered in their collective juices. “Clean me off.” He mutters to her while turning her around so that she could clean his cock of their juices.

He was glad that the doctor had left now, something about watching two people have sex was fairly creepy, not like the doctor would have known that they were doing that. Ryan sighs softly as he recovers from the rough sex he had just had with Christine. “You’re good.” He says with a laugh. “What’d you think of me, Chica?” He asks after she was done cleaning him off with the raise of his eyebrows, pulling her down to the bed with him. He knew that he had that doctors appointment to attend but he wanted to spend more time with Bree and her collective selves before he went and did something boring like a doctors visit.
When Ryan made that last, powerful thrust forward Christine bit down hard on her lip to stifle a moan. He was definitely a good fuck and she would be indulging him as often as Bree would allow her. He was massive, rough, and passionate. What else could a little latina slut like Christine ask for? As he filled her with rope after rope of sticky cum her eyes rolled back in her head in pleasure as a moan escaped her lips. She stayed on all fours for a moment, panting to catch her breath before she turned around obediently and grinned at ryan before stooping down and wrapping her mouth round his fading erection once more. She hummed quietly around him as she pushed herself all the way down before lifting back up with a mouth full of his and her cum. She swallowed with ease and gave the bulbous head a last lick to catch anything he might of leaked after his main orgasm.

In all reality, Dr. Wilcox had only been around for a few seconds before she had ducked out and stood catching her breath in the hallway. Was that…. Wetness she could feel forming between her thighs? The doctor pressed her legs together tightly and bit down on her lip. She shouldn’t be turned on by the fact she had just seen two patients fucking one another’s brains out, but she couldn’t help it. She wanted Ryan to fuck her like that. Maybe er desire stemmed from the fact he was young, rough, and attractive, but it was more likely that just the fact it was forbidden turned her on. “If he’s willing to fuck a crazy bitch… I doubt it will be hard to talk him into my panties.” She said quietly before beginning down the hallway back to her office. She needed some alone time to contemplate and masturbate after what she had just witnessed.

Back in the bedroom, Christine sat up on her haunches and looked at Ryan. The woman was still naked with her breasts obvious as she sat with the man. She leaned in and stole a quick kiss before raising an eyebrow. “You’re going to get in so much trouble for that.” She teased. “The doctor on your case walked in and you just kept pounding away. You know that has to be means for some type of punishment.” She chuckled, her hand massaging over his bare thigh. “Bree is going to kill you if you get in trouble before you’ve even been here for 24 hours. She’s not going to be too keen on being seen naked by a strange woman either. You’re so going to get cock blocked.”
Ryan grins from ear to ear as she turns her body once she had finished recovering, only to clean up the combined fluids that had stayed on his cock after he had pulled out of her. "So sexy.." He mutters while looking down at her, running a hand through her hair before she finished, giving him another lick as if just making sure that she had finished her job. "Good job." He smiles while sitting back on the bed, his back against the wall while he looks at her, thinking about how that doctor had come in and seen them fucking roughly on the bed. At the end of the day all he could hope for is that she would forget that she ever saw it, he hoped that would happen.

He shrugs his shoulders when she crawls over to him while speaking. He pulls her against him with an arm around her shoulder and laughs. "I feel like I'm not." He admits to her while looking at her with his eyes set on hers, giving her another kiss before resting his forehead against hers. "Have you already told her?" His eyebrows raised. "Because if you don't and it just blows over, then we'll be fine, right?" He asks. "You'll keep getting sex and I'll keep getting sex.. If you tell her you probably won't get fucked for awhile." He shrugs his shoulders, as if it didn't affect him. He places his hand over hers and looks to her. "Now, can I have my girlfriend back?" He asks, wanting to spend a little time with Bree before he left for that therapy appointment that he would have to go to now. He gives her hand a squeeze. "That was a lot of fun though, Christine.. I look forward to doing that again." He gives her another kiss on her lips before resting his head on her shoulder, waiting for Bree to come back.
“I wont tell her, sweetheart, but if you don’t tell her you’ll be in even more trouble is she finds out from someone else. Bree doesn’t handle things too great. That’s why she made all of us: to handle her demons for her. It’s not easy for her.” Christine stole a last kiss from the man before she turned her head. “Choose your battles wisely, Ryan.” She muttered before her eyes went blank in that tell tale way.

Bree came too very quickly and she gasped as soon as she was conscious. “Holy shit, Ryan.” She muttered, one hand pressing into her own pelvic region just above where her uterus would be. “I still need to be able to walk, you know.” She let out a little chuckle. She was incredibly sore from the pounding her body had just taken. Bree was not as used to this kind of soreness as Christine was, so it took her quite by surprise. “I can tell the two of you had a lot of fun at least.” She let out a chuckle before looking up at him before leaning in for a ender kiss. Her lips were soft and sweet, lacking all of the urgency that Christine usually kissed with. Bree laid her free hand on his chest and rubbed it gently, affectionately.

“How’d it go with Christine?” She asked with a chuckle before crawling off of the bed and off of Ryan where she pulled back on the clothes that Christine and Ryan had so graciously set about removing, save for the underwear soiled with mass amounts of her own personal lubricant. She would go commando until they brought her a clean pair. She then walked over to the small mirror mounted carefully so that it couldn’t be removed or easily broken and she ran her fingers through her messy red hair. “I do have a therapy appointment today.” She stated. “You probably have one too, so we can’t just sit around and have sex all day. Not to mention I doubt there’s a drop of cum left in you to give to me.” She teased, giving him a wink. “Was it weird fucking Christine in my body?” She asked. He had always wondered how someone might feel about that.
Ryan sat in silence at Christine’s last words, gently kissing her back before watching her eyes go blank, watching as Bree came back to him. Another kiss is pressed to his lips and he smiles, kissing her back gently. “Sorry.” He says with a laugh, rubbing the back of his head. “I’m sure you’ll be alright.. Christine just kinda wanted it that way.” He shrugs his shoulders while running a hand through her messy hair, loving her hand rubbing his chest. “I love you.” He whispers to her quietly. “You’re the best girlfriend ever.” A smile spreads across his lips before he kisses her again, breaking away so that she could go and get dressed. He gets out of bed to do the same, pulling on his underwear and sweatpants before his shirt is also on, leaving no nakedness to speak of.

He stands up and walks over her, wrapping his arms around her neck so that they crossed at her chest and watching her fix her hair in the mirror. “It went well, we had a lot of fun.” He admits. “She’s more of a tease than you are.” Ryan laughs while shaking his head. “But.. my therapist kinda walked in on us, she left after seeing what we were doing but I think I’m late for therapy.” He admits to her while resting his chin against the top of her head, messing up some of the work she had just put into her hair. “I know, I think I’ll take a break from sex till tomorrow.” He laughs while shaking his head. “I enjoyed last night when we just laid in bed and talked.” He admits to her while nuzzling his head against hers gently. At her question of the weirdness of the situation he ponders on whether or not it really was weird. “No.” He admits. “It was a little weird at first because it felt like cheating.. but at the same time Christine is an extension of who you are, Bree.” He explains. “So if I love you then I have to love all of you.” Ryan smiles. “Except for Richard, he’s an asshole.” He says jokingly while pressing his lips to her cheek. “I should probably get going to therapy..”
Bee had ignored his statement at first, just quietly watching him get dressed in the mirror behind her. What are you thinking, Ryan? she thought to herself as her fingertips worked at her messy, long, red hair. You’re not supposed to fall in love with the crazy girl. You could do so much better. she stated, letting out a small sigh. She wanted the best for Ryan, probably because she had growing feelings too, but she just couldn’t be sure that she was the best thing for him. He had PTSD. As far as Bree was concerned that meant he wasn’t actually crazy, just severely unlucky. Besides his fears and triggers, Ryan’s mind was as sharp as a tack. He was the only patient here she felt comfortable saying that about. Yet, if he truly loved her, he just signed up for a lifetime of the looney bin.

She smiled as he reapproached and wrapped his massive arms around her. She leaned her head to the side, pressing her cheek into his arm for a moment before she straightened up and made eye contact with his reflection in the mirror. “You’ll find there are differences in the sexual desires of each of the people in my mind, Ryan. If you choose to continue your willingness to sleep with the other women in my head you’ll learn that soon enough.” She reached up, wrapping her hand around his and looking away in a bit of shame as he told her about the mishap. “She saw you?!” She asked a bit exasperated, but her hand tightened around his in an attempt to keep him close by. “Ryan… you could get into trouble. I could get into trouble.” She said sternly. “You have to be a little more discreet. Getting in trouble in a place like this is bad news.”

Turning in his arms, Bree wrapped her arms around his waist and pressed her lips kindly to his. She was upset that it had happened, but she wasn’t mad at Ryan. He had no way of knowing they would be walked in on. “Keep better track of your appointments so they don’t have a reason to walk in next time.” She retorted, scrunching up her nose playfully before she leaned up and rose to her tip toes so that she could kiss her boyfriend, and then smiled mischievously. “But I’m cutting you off. No sex for a few days. If they don’t punish you I will.” She grinned, giving his butt a playful little smack in the direction of the door. “Now get going. You have an appointment you fucked through half of. Go go go, hotshot.” She smiled.

“And yes. Richard is an asshole.” She added as he walked out the door.
Ryan seems a little concerned when she didn't reply to his statement, he just decided to let it go.. Though it hurt a little, he thought that she might love him too. He planned on leaving this place one day, and hopefully with Bree at his side. He didn't see himself being able to be with any other woman ever. Nobody would be able to understand him like Bree, and nobody was like Bree, he was crazy about her. As he walked over he thought to himself about a life with Bree, it would be challenging for both of them.. Considering her 'illness' and what Christine had said before about her demons, he had barely scraped the surface of knowing who Bree actually was.

"Yeah Christine was saying something like that." He shrugs his shoulders while pressing his lips to her cheek gently, smiling at the feeling of her cheek against his large arm. "I'm excited to meet the rest of your personalities, not for sexual reasons.. Just interested." He admits, not knowing who else is actually in her head other than Wendy, Richard, Christine, and Sarah. "I have to ask to get that picture out of my room.." He says to her quietly, referring to the picture that Sarah had drawn him after Bree had first met him. His head nods when Bree asks if his therapist saw them. "I know I know.. I just forgot about the appointment." He admits to her quietly, he was a little ashamed considering he didn't want to get into any more trouble, and he especially didn't want to get Bree into trouble. "I'll find a way to be more discreet." He promises.

His lips let out a gentle sigh when she kisses him, his hands resting on her shoulders now. Every kiss was electric to him, he absolutely loved everything that Bree had to offer him. She kisses him against and tells him that she would be cutting him off, he shrugs his shoulders. "Only fair." He laughs while nuzzling his head against hers gently, he wanted to spend more time with her out of the bed anyway, Bree was probably going to be feeling his sex with Christine for the next few days anyway. He grins when she slaps his ass jokingly. "I never saw you as the punishing type." He chuckles while watching her break away from him to leave their room.

His head nods and he leaves after she had already gone, walking to the therapy office that he had been assigned to. He gently knocks on the door and waits for the Therapist to respond, part of him wanting to show off that good people knock first before just barging into a room.
In a fleeting comment as began to walk in a different direction, Bree spoke up once more. “I’m not the punishing type, but Wendy sure is!” She let out a chuckle before heading out to her own therapy appointment that would, undoubtedly, go over without a hitch. Bree had pretty good self control these days, so it was easy for her to sit through her therapy sessions. She was happy to talk about her trauma with her therapist if he asked about it. In all honesty, Bree’s therapist had been her only friend in this place the last several weeks before Ryan arrived, and she was sure that the sweet, elderly man was solely responsible for letting her room with her new boyfriend after seeing the way he helped her to blossom. She had a lot of things to thank the man for. In the back of her mind, however, she wondered about Ryan. Would he like his therapist? Would his sessions go well? The young, crazy woman wanted her significant other to get out of here sooner rather than later and the first step towards that was playing nice in therapy sessions. Ryan had already started off on the wrong foot by being balls deep in Christine when he met the therapist for the first time.


Dr. Wilcox had had an orgasm under her desk at the mercy of her fingers just thinking about her patient and what he had seen him doing to that tiny girl. She bit down on her lip and rested her head back as she worked her skirt back to to its intended location and she took a deep breath. It was odd. She had always been a bit of a crooked therapist, but she had never before wanted one of her patients sexually before. Ryan was a first in that regard, and all she could do was think of ways that she might be able to coax the young man over to her own way of thinking. She had influence over these patients even as one of the newest doctors at the facility. She thought it may have been possible to bribe him into her panties. If that didn’t work… perhaps a threat would. How much did he really like that little girlfriend of his?

She was dragged out of her thoughts when she heard the knock on the door and se rose er hooded eyes before quickly fixing her posture and hoping her recent activities could not be distinguished from actually working. In all honesty, she was surprised that the guy was coming in at all for his appointment after being this late, but she would definitely not pass up an opportunity to see her new favorite. “Come in!” She called.
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