Seven minds. One body. (Rskde x SketchyEquine)

Ryan opens the door when he hears his therapist tell him to come in, walking inside of the office and standing in the doorway for a moment before walking inside to have a seat in one of the chairs that was very obviously for patients. "Apologies for my lateness, I forgot about this appointment." He admits with the shrug of his shoulders, she had seen what he had been doing instead, she probably understood his reasoning for wanting to be with his new girlfriend instead of being in some stupid therapy session where he is forced to talk about his perceived problems. He leans back in the chair, half expecting the whole session to be wasted on introductions and the sorts, really he didn't see how he could benefit from therapy.

After all, just being around Bree made him feel better, the therapists seemed to understand that when they were roomed together, and if they had been watching they would know that neither of them have been violent at all. "So what're we gonna go over today doc? You gonna show me some pictures and ask me what I think they mean?" He asks with a laugh, shaking his head at the idea of undergoing that silly treatment.
Norma Wilcox couldn’t help but give a crooked smile when he mentioned his lateness and she let out a little chuckle. “I could see that you had something you would rather be doing and I can say that I blame you. Im sure your session with the little redhead was much more fun than therapy. It definitely wasn’t what I expected to see hough. You see… most of my patients just sit in their room and drool all day. Not cum.” She cocked a brow, daring the handsome, younger man to contradict her. “But I digress, Mr. Henderson, or should I call you Ryan?” She asked, looking him over very closely as he sat across from her. God. She would love to eat him up just as his roommate did. “We will not be looking at any pictures, no. That would be pointless. You don’t have ha kind of mental illness. Instead… you’re scared of things that remind you of battle, correct? Loud noises save for the moaning of a woman.”

Norma stood and moved around the desk until she was on the same side as Ryan where she took a seat, her round, plump posterior resting on the surface of the desk. “Listen. You should be an easy patient to get let out of here. All you have to do is follow my rules and I’ll make sure you have all the paperwork you need to get yourself and your little girlfriend out of this shit show. Does that sound good to you?” She asked, grinning at him mischievously as she watched him. She was in close enough proximity now that she could oh-so-easily just reach out and touch her forbidden fruit. “I’m not saying this is going to be easy, but it could be enjoyable if you’re obedient, Ryan.” She whispered, trailing her fingers along his shoulder.
Something about this woman gave Ryan the chills, and not in a good way.. More like in a creepy bad way. "Yes.. I was preoccupied." He rubs the back of his head, he was interested that she wasn't busting him for that, Bree had suggested that he could get into some serious trouble for what they had been doing, but this doctor didn't seem very concerned with punishing him. "Yeah, I've seen most of your patients." He shrugs his shoulders, most of the people in the community room just sat around and did nothing for the most part. "Ryan works, no need for formality." Ryan figured that was innocent enough, he always hated being called Mr anyway. She had definitely read his file, he nods his head to her words. "You've done your research, and if you have then you'll know the last doctor that tried to 'help' me met a very unfortunate end." The threat was empty, but he almost dared her to try to remind him of battle in any way.

His eyes followed her as she stood from her seat and sat on the edge of her desk, he didn't know what kind of tactic this was but he didn't like their close proximity, so he leaned back in his chair, appearing simply to want to be comfortable. "Rules?" He raises his eyebrows, he didn't like the sound of this one bit. "You're telling me that you're gonna give me a set of rules that'll help get me and Bree out?" He asks her, it sounded too good to be true. "I'd have to hear what they are first, last I checked neither Bree or myself are close to getting out of this place." His hands tighten against the chair when her fingers go to his shoulder, which he reaches up and brushes off. "I don't know what you're talking about, so be straight with me here." His eyebrows knit together with confusion.
"I'm more than aware of what happened to your last doctor, Ryan." Norma said simply, and brushed away the threat with ease. She had no intention of making the same mistakes his last twisted doctor had made. Norma was twisted and crooked as well, but she had no intention of triggering his mind. Instead she would win him over by other means until she got into his trousers. It shouldn't be too hard She thought to herself as she looked down at the man with knowing eyes. After all.... he screwed a crazy girl after only being here.... what? A week? Maybe two? Yes. He would be easy to convince.

"Yes, Ryan, rules. You're a military man. You should know ll about strategy and rules." She spoke out, annoyed by the way he questioned her. She was his therapist. Why didn't he just listen? She was the biggest obstacle between him and his way out. He had to be smart enough to know that. "My rules are simple, really. But I don't think you're going to like them very much." She said, folding her hands in front of her thighs after she brushed her off of him. She just stared at him. Almost menacingly, but they were both so quiet that they could hear the clock ticking away near by. Their appointment would be over very soon considering that Ryan had already been late. Norma needed to make her move. Now.

So she crawled in his lap.

"I liked what I saw today, Ryan." She said, her hand pushing along his chiseled abdomen. "I want in. You fuck me well and when I ask and in a few months time you and Bree will be free to go. I'll make absolutely sure of it. After all... it's all in my paperwork. I just have to say you're no longer a danger to society and the courts will let you go."
The ticking of the clock behind him reminded him that this session would be over soon, he was already fairly uncomfortable in the office and wanted to go back to his room so that he could be with Bree, and then go out to the community hall with her because both of them didn't really like to be cooped up all day long in that prisoner cell. "Then you'll know I don't exactly like doctors appointments." He says to her while leaning back in his chair, seeing no reason that they should be having this conversation, she should've been already asking him questions instead of still lingering on her introduction about her rules and whatnot.

"I am a military man and I do understand rules, but I don't understand rules from doctors." He says while leaning back in his chair. "The way I see it your only job is to.. Fix me I guess, which doesn't require rules aside from the obvious." He says quietly before going back to listening to what she was saying, she seemed annoyed at how he was pointing out these details, maybe he was in her head now more than she was in his. And of course maybe if he could pester her enough that the session would be over faster and he could leave this place that was giving him the creeps already, the smell of it was odd and his therapist was smiling at him crookedly.

His eyes go wide when she suddenly moved from the desk and into his lap.

"Whoa, okay.. Hold on." He breathes when she starts talking about him fucking her whenever she wanted to, he just shakes his head. "No, Bree is my girlfriend and that's why I have sex with her, cheating on her would kill her." He says while trying to almost back up in the chair, wishing he could get out of this situation. "Even if it bought her freedom she would never forgive me, I love her and if I lose her then that's it." He says while trying to get her off of his lap.
“I think you’re over reacting, Ryan.” She whispered, leaning in to place a kiss on his jawline. “The biggest danger to Bree is this place. Even you, perhaps. After all, all she needs to do is drop something a little too loud and you’re going to go after her like she’s some kind of war terrorist. You know that.” She said, her hands pushing under Ryan’s plain, white, issued t-shirt to truly feel the abs she has seen glistening with sweat previously while Ryan was having sex with his little pet. “She will be safest somewhere she’s more than just a piece of meat. And you can get her there. All you have to do is use your meat, Ryan, when I call on you. That’s one hell of a deal. Plus.... I’m not gonna tell her. Are you?”

She reached down, giving Ryan’s cock a squeeze before finally getting off of him after all of his pushing.

“Think about it, baby. And just know that if you DONT do it I can just as easily keep you in here for the next twenty years as her you out in a month. You need to consider how important it is for you to stay loyal to your tethered, crazy girl. You could both get out or you could both stay stuck.” Sge shrugged, moving back around her desk to sit in her chair and leaning forward onto the desk just do she could stare Ryan down. Her breasts became on display as they pressed onto the desktop. “I’ll be putting condoms in my desk before our next appointment, Ryan. I expect an answer by then.” She sighed, unamused.

“You’re dismissed.”
Ryan shakes his head when she said that he was overreacting. "I believe that my reaction is quite reasonable, actually." He admits while moving his head away as she kissed his jawline. "I swore to Bree that I was hers and hers alone." He says quietly, his eyes flicking down to the floor when she told him that he could be a danger to Bree, ashamed that she was actually right about that. "It won't happen." He says quietly in response to her allegation. She was making valid points, Bree would be much safer on the outside rather than in this mental institution, and if she didn't find out.. No, it wasn't worth the risk, Bree would never be able to even look at him again if she found out.

He jumps when she squeezed his cock, watching her finally move out of his private space.

Now came the threats, she could so easily separate them and ensure that one of them never left the facility.. But he didn't even know if he could trust that he would let both of them out even if he did have sex with her whenever she wanted him to. "Goodbye." He says quietly when she dismissed him, standing up out of his chair and leaving the room, now having plenty to think about in regards to his future in this facility. If he didn't do this, his future with Bree was compromised.. But if he did, his future with Bree was also compromised.. He just needed to see her again, she would definitely help to keep him calm.

Ryan walks back into their room, Bree hadn't come back yet and it was getting to be afternoon, so he sits on the edge of their bed, waiting for her to return.
It was Bertha who controlled to body as he therapy session came to a close and all seven of them went back to their room. Bertha, an elderly and kind woman, walked slowly as though the body were feeble even if it wasn’t, and her voice cracked as she spoke breathy words when anyone talked to her, but this personality was the closest thing Bree had ever had to a loving mother or grandmother. The woman was sweet and caring by nature and seemed to want to take care of everyone she possibly could. She finally limped in the room and looked at Ryan with soft, hooded eyes.

“Oh, child.” She whispered in a raspy voice. “What ever could have happened to you?” She asked before walking towards the bed where she lowered her feeble body onto the mattress and took Ryan’s hand between her own shaking palms. “You look like you’ve just seen a ghost. Is it something our Bree did? I can have a talking to her, you know. Even she isn’t safe from a tongue lashing from me, child. If she has wronged you she is not innocent just because she is damaged.” She said, furrowing her eyebrow as she looked up at Ryan with a concerned expression. “Is it because she didn’t say she loves you? I know all about that. I watched it happen.” she rubbed the back of his hand with her thumbs gently as she just stared at him trying to get an answer out of the young man.

“My name is Bertha.” She said with a gentle smile. “I know you, but you don’t know me yet. Christine and Bree seem to have nothing but good things to say about you, child. Although I don’t think you have Richard or Wendy convinced just yet. That will all come in good time.” She nodded. “If you have something you want to talk about I can close the blinds on all of them for awhile and you’ll just have grandma Bertha here to give you advice. Would you like that?”
Ryan looks up and sees Bree walks in, a smile tracing across his lips until he realized that it wasn't Bree but Bertha, one of the ones that he had yet to meet. "It's really nothing." He says while rubbing the back of his neck, watching her sit down next to him. "It's nice to meet you, though, Bertha." He says with a laugh, with all of the things that had happened to him today, a normal conversation was definitely something that he needed. She mentioned how Bree didn't tell him that she loved him too, and this makes him bite the inside of his cheek, his eyes flicking down to the floor. While that had bothered him at the time and had definitely stung, it wasn't really his main issue.. But nobody had to know that. "I do really love her." He says to her quietly. "But if she doesn't feel the same I don't see any way I can change that without time." He admits to her.

It was Bree's hand against his, her thumb rubbing his palm.. Yet she was shaking, and her voice was so raspy, like an old lady's. He had certainly picked an interesting girl to date. "I also got an earful from my therapist about not being late to my sessions." He admits to her, watching the door as if thinking that someone would come in and break them up at any moment.. His therapist would make his life hell if he didn't sleep with her, she would find ways to ensure that he had no happiness here. What she didn't seem to realize was that he would be happy staying as long as he was with Bree, but she could so easily tear them apart, and it scared him.

"But I think the whole conversation about loving one another is more of a conversation for us to have.. I don't mean any offense of course, I guess I'm still getting used to talking to different people in the same body." He laughs quietly, awkwardly trying to shift the focus of the conversation away from himself as he didn't really want to share what had happened between him and his therapist.. Especially if it meant that they might get out of here together.. But he would also have to cheat on her.. His mind was so conflicted that a burning headache tore its way into his mind, making him sigh quietly.
"It takes a long time to get used to it, dear." Bertha nodded a bit, still rubbing the back of Ryan's hand comfortingly. "We all question your motives, young man, but I don't think you want to hurt our girl. I think you need her to feel better, and lately shes benefited greatly from having you around as well. Even her therapist says so. But our girl comes from trauma: each one of us comes from a void of pain that the world around her caused her. Some of us have been around longer than others. Me? I was the first. Bree needed a mother and the one she had could hardly be considered a mother by anyone." Bertha nodded and looked away, a tear welling up in her eye. The woman was a part of Bree, but she still felt sorry for the sweet, young woman.

"Wendy is her newest. Richard was her original protector, but Wendy was made when her last boyfriend started beating her when she would misbehave. She's going to be the hardest one for you to win over, Ryan." Bertha warned him before Standing up on feeble legs. "If you make our girl create another person in her head, I'll come kill you myself, Ryan." She warned. "If you're not in this with good intentions do us all a favor and just get out before your hurt our girl." With that Bertha left. With blank eyes and an unwavering stare she stepped down off of the pedestal and allowed for Bree to return to her body.

Bree shook her head a bit as she came to, then she looked at Ryan with a sweet expression. "Hey there, handsome." She whispered soothingly before reaching out and cupping his face gently. She obviously had no idea what Bertha had just said to him. "How'd your therapy session go, my darling?" she asked stepping closer as she stood in front of him and wrapping her arms gently around his shoulders before pulling him closer and pressing his head into her bosom where he could hear her heart beating behind her sternum and her breasts provided a pillow of sorts to cradle his broken mind. She just held him like that for awhile, relaxing as she focused on the patterns of his breathing.
Ryan bites the inside of his cheek when she admitted that it would take a long time to get used to this, he was already used to Bree he just wasn’t used to the idea that there were people inside of her head that disliked him. “Well, I’m glad that you’re around to protect Bree.” He nods while sighing softly. “I do need her, I’m better when I’m around Bree, I’d never do anything to purposefully hurt her.” He says quietly, her hand on his was a bit of a comfort, but it was still a little odd to him that his young girlfriend’s body was occupied by this old woman. She revealed to him some of Bree’s past, it made him worry that if he were to have one of his attacks when she was around that he would hurt her, and from the way Bertha was talking it would draw Wendy out from her, and he didn’t want that to happen.

Christine had welcomed him to the murder club earlier, he wondered if Wendy had killed her boyfriend after he had beaten her. “If she creates another person because of me then I deserve to die.” He nods before watching her stand and change back to Bree. He didn’t know how he would win over Richard and Wendy, but he knew that sleeping with his therapist would not be a great start.. this whole conversation did little to calm him, it just made him more confused about what he would do. His therapist might separate them or release only one of them if he didn’t cooperate, but if Bree found out she would create another mind inside of her body and Wendy would almost certainly kill him, and if not her than one of her other minds.

“Hey gorgeous.” He says to her quietly, closing his eyes and resting his head against the hands that cupped his face. He gently pulls her down to the bed and rests his head against her chest as she had had him doing beforehand, a bit more comfortable now that they were both laying down. “You were right, I got in trouble because she walked in on me and Christine.. but she only gave me a warning.” He says to her quietly while sighing softly, listening to her heartbeat made him much calmer than he had been. “I just told her that it wouldn’t happen again, you were right when you said that we had to be more careful.” He whispers while keeping his eyes closed, just focusing on her heartbeat. “I’ll make sure to remember my schedule next time, I’m sorry.” She had already told him that she was cutting him off for a few days, but he still wanted to apologize just so that she knew that he wasn’t taking this lightly.
Bree laid on her back with one arm wrapped around the ma as he kept his head on her chest. It would almost like odd for passerby’s to see such a small girl cradling such a large man as though he were fragile. What they didn’t understand that Bree did was that Ryan truly was fragile. He had seen and done horrible things and now he only felt better if he was wrapped up in the embrace of his new lover it seemed. Although... Ryan appeared exceptionally pained and burdened today.

“Baby. Don’t worry about that now. It’s done and dealt with. I know you understand the mistake that was made, and I’m proud of you for admitting to it. Plus, I’m not actually going to cut you off. There’s no need to worry.” Sge whispered, one hand running through his buzzed hair softly as she spoke to him in a light and sweet voice.

“I’m more worried about the fact you look like a ghost. You gonna tell me what happened?” She asked, glancing down at him. “Or are you going to make me start guessing?”
Ryan keeps his eyes closed and sighs quietly while she was holding him close, he knew that from an outside perspective it might look a little weird, but he didn't mind what other people thought of them, it only mattered what they thought of one another after all. He was hurting for a few reasons, and he knew that Bree would be able to tell that something was wrong, especially considering that the much older version of herself had been able to spot it immediately, there was no hiding his emotions.. But if he told her then she would be taken away from him and he would never see her again. He couldn't risk that.

"Okay." He says softly when she told him not to linger on the past, he genuinely felt bad for causing more trouble for them. "It seems no matter what I do we're always getting in trouble." He mumbles to her while sighing quietly against her, listening to her heartbeat really helped him remain calm.

Her hand running through his hair makes him smile, it was already starting to grow a little bit past the buzzed point, but he didn't really mind. He had to tell her something, so he just went with one of the minor things bothering him. "I thought you loved me." He says to her quietly. "Because I love you more than anything, but you didn't say anything when I said that I loved you." He explains to her quietly.
Bree winced a bit when he brought up the love thing. She didn’t know what to say to him regarding all of that nonsense. Bree knew she cared deeply for Ryan, but she didn’t know if a creature like herself was capable of loving someone. At least not the way that Ryan ought to be loved. He deserved so much more than good sex and a pretty thing to look at. He was settling if he chose Bree, and she truly believed that fact. She wasn’t the type of person who deserved real love. That was why everyone else had hurt her… right? If she had deserved to be love her parents or boyfriend would have loved her rather than beating her.

“Baby…” she whispered, pressing her lips to his temple. “I don’t want you to love me. I’m broken. If you ever got mad at me I’d sob and one of my protectors would come out. What if they hurt you? Please…” she whispered as she held onto the man. “Don’t waste your love on me. Give it to someone good when you get out of here, Ryan. Not someone crazy like me.”

Bree laid her head back on the pillow as she held her man close, tears welling in her eyes even as she tried to keep them at bay. She didn’t want to hurt Ryan. She wanted to be enough for him, but she knew that her brain was broken. She could never give him what he needed or deserved. He would never be safe with her. They could set one another off in the blink of an eye if either one of them had an episode. The way Bree saw it: they were a ticking time bomb. One day they would hurt one another even if neither one of them wanted to. “I wish you loved a nice military wife who could take care of you, Ryan.”
Ryan didn't understand why she seemed to believe love to be something that she didn't deserve, he was beginning to understand that she was someone who put herself down because the people around her had convinced her that she was worth nothing.. But that wasn't the case with him, he loved her and he could feel it, he never wanted to hurt her, he wanted to spend the rest of his life putting back together the pieces that had broken off when her loved ones had betrayed her. Betrayal, something that he was actually considering to get them out of this awful place.. The idea of sleeping with his doctor made him sick, Bree finding out would be his demise and her being even more broken than she already was.

"I'm broken too.. But being broken doesn't make loving you not worth the pain if might cause." He whispers to her quietly. "If we fight and one of your protectors came out to hurt me, I would leg them hurt me.. Because I could never hurt you." He says to her quietly while muzzling his face against her breasts, his eyes closed as he thought about the whole thing. "I'm not wasting my love, I love you because you're crazy, because you're like nobody I've ever met, because you complete me." He says to her quietly. "I've never felt more calm and comfortable around any one in my entire life."

The thought of a regular civilian taking care of him makes him shake his head. "Nobody would want to love a murderer." He says to her quietly. "You and I are both capable of hurting one another.. I could have one of my episodes and hurt you, you could switch minds and hurt me.. But I don't care, I love you." He says to her while opening his eyes and moving his head just so that he could kiss her lips, returning his head to her breasts afterwards.
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