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Marooned [Kosmik_Khaos and Sigr]


Magenta Goon
Dec 9, 2016
The wet hair was sticking to her face and back, the length uneven and cut with a knife every time it got too long to handle. Even if the rain poured over the figure hunched on the branch of the tree, she didn't move an inch, she couldn't. After being there for hours it was her best bet to fill her oh so empty stomach, its growling muted by the falling rain. It was getting dark, the prey must be close, returning to its nest now or never. Down by the trunk, buried on the ground were three eggs in waiting, their presence making her mouth wet, as it would be so easy to take them and empty their sweet contents into her mouth, but she needed more than those three eggs if she wanted to eat for a few days. It was a risk, but one that would secure food for a week.

A ruffling of brush leaves and wet feathers sounded just under the rumble of the rain. She was still immobile on the branch when the animal approached the nest, a feathered thing with six clawed legs and plenty of meat in its round body. The head at the end of a short, thick neck craned around, the beak pointing down as the two bulging eyes looked for any menace. If she had ever been on Earth, she would compare it with a pig with feathers, a beak and too many legs, but the girl had never set her feet on the once blue planet, the cradle of humanity. As the beast accommodated its body over the nest, she dropped herself from the brach, landing her bony body over the animal, grasping the neck with her left arm, then rising the crude stone knife on the right to stab at it.

The beast shook around, trying to toss her from above it, cawing desperate and managing not much at all. Even then, the rain made it slippery, and when her armed hand hit the tree trunk, she lost her weapon into the mud. Having nothing resembling a weapon to resort to, the girl didn't have much of a chance there, as the beast was better fed than her and would take longer for it to tire of that struggle. Desperate and hungry she lowered her head, the beak of the beast grazing her forehead and making her blood in a strike that was moments away from costing her an eye. The girls chipped tooth found tender meat between the feathers, biting there without mercy nor hesitation. The beast doubled its cawing, its efforts to get rid of her while her mouth and face filled with the warm blood of the creature, clouding the girl's vision.

She couldn't see, she couldn't fight, but she wasn't ready to let go, so she struggled. Gasped for air. Kept biting what her mouth found. Slowly the beast was drained of strength, then of blood, and eventually they both plopped into the mud, the rain washing away the blood. The girl panted and gasped, her thin body looked pitiful on the mud, her naked form covered with scars. Resting there was tempting, but it wouldn't take long of other predators to smell the blood, even on the rain, so she had to hurry. Finding her knife on the mud, she teared apart the best cuts she could take of that meat, and taking the eggs out of the ground, she carried it all on her arms away from there.

Her home, even if it could be generous to call it that, was no other that the remains of the ship she crashed in, its metallic structure offering refuge from elements and predators, even if nothing worked any longer. It was a light cruiser, not much bigger than a normal home, but it sufficed for the girl to have her trinkets and tools, her food and bed. She entered the place, covering herself from rain, even if the ship had a few holes punched in, there were still corners that were dry. Those holes served to let the smoke out when she made fire, but given how wet the day was, she'd have to save the meat and depend on slurping the eggs raw. She would rest well fed that night, or so she thought when a light broke the dark sky.
The Artemis cut silently through the void of space swiftly approaching a small green planet. The ship was just over a mile long and nearly a quarter as wide at it's widest. A ship of it's size was far from uncommon, in fact some of the dreadnoughts that floated amongst were over fifty times the size of the Artemis. What made this ship special though was it was the only one known of it's kind.

The clicking of heels filled the all but empty corridor. A lone woman of average height walked briskly down the hall, her shapely legs encased in a pair of thigh high boots. The tight tan breeches she wore hugged, in her opinion her most feminine trait, her hips. A skin tight white tank top that was tucked into her breeches and a deep violet jacket hanging in the crook of her left arm completed her outfit. Glancing down at herself she let out a sigh, she was just getting undressed to enjoy a long soak when Artemis alerted of a nearly decade old distress beacon.

Running her thin, nimble fingers through the close cut, nearly white blond hair she growled. "Seriously Artemis? This signal is barely there. If it wasn't for how advanced you are we wouldn't have even known about it. I'm fairly certain no one could find it but you." Turning at a closed door it instantly opened for her. Stepping into the room her slender body took on an air of absolute command. Her mismatched eyes scanned the room. The organic left eye, a vibrant shade of emerald moving laterally over the room, while the right eye's, a replacement given to her forcefully by Artemis, multiple cameras that acted as pupils flitted in all directions.

"Talia, we have been given directions by Artemis to send a probe to the surface." "I know Mr. Slink." Talia replied to the creature that resembled a oddly functioning mix of avian and reptilian features. "Should I?" He questioned.

Closing her eyes and pinching the bridge of her nose between her eyes she let out another heavy sigh. "Artemis is rather curious about this beacon so I will indulge her this time. Send the probe and get ready a landing vessel, I will be going surface side." Still massaging the spot between her eyes she let out another low growl of frustration. "Also as much I as appreciate it Mr. Slink, staring at what little of a chest I have isn't as flattering to me as you may consider." Letting the jacket fall from the crook of her arm she swung it around her shoulders and rest on them without putting her arms through the sleeves. Mr. Slink didn't even blink at her comment and just nodded looking away from her chest and back to his console.

"Artemis, you big ancient bitch. This better be worth my time." Talia cursed under her breath before turning from the room and back out into the empty corridor heading towards the docking bay.

Less than an hour later Talia was piloting a small cruiser through the planet's atmosphere. The probe sent ahead of her was feeding Artemis info, who was in return directly feeding it into Talia's head. "The planet can sustain life, has life, and the air isn't toxic to me. Good to know. There are no signs of intelligent life or ancient societies, and the only clue we have is a decade old cruiser that is nearly completely overgrown and you still insist I go look at it." She grumbled knowing that Artemis could hear her complaints but didn't let them bother her.

Ripping across the night sky Talia made it to the wreckage and set spotlights on the near overgrown remains. "I don't see anything." She said looking out at the ship both eyes scanning it for signs of survivors. "Artemis?" A brief pause. "Alright so you see nothing either. Well time to go check what's inside."

Landing Talia exited the small craft wielding a stunner in her right hand, her left resting on the grip of her firearm. "Hello? Anyone one in there?" She called out as she cautiously made her way towards the seemingly abandoned ship.
The girl got hold of her rudimentary knife, wondering what to do. It was too soon for such a light to appear, and yet it shone outside. In that closed space she didn't have where to go, and was trapped, but her food was there, so she had to see if she could defend it. She heard noises outside, voices perhaps, but it sounded so muffled from the inside that she had no way to be sure. Struggling to push the door open, as it has stopped working after the crash, she was soon blinded by the spotlights, making her hiss and squirrel back inside, leaving the door ajar. What was that? Those lights that felt stronger than the sun, but they weren't warm, they weren't comforting.

Covering her face with a hand, she peeked outside, her eyes mere slits trying to make sense of the blinding light, the blurry silhouette outlined in front of that ocean of searing white. It was too much, she couldn't go out there and yet there was no staying inside, but then she remembered something that should be around the ship, something that never got much use of, not since she was there. Rummaging quickly through the small place, she found it, a broken helmet of a space suit, its visor shattered but still mostly in place. Donning it with effort, as it was a bit small for her size, she couldn't barely see with the visor down, the dark panel would protect her from the searing light. And so she went outside, ready to defend her home, her life, from whatever was coming for her.

What went outside the open door was a bizarre sight, for sure. A lanky girl, tall and sickly thin, her bare body showing scars and poorly healed cuts. In the spotlights one could see how fragile and needy she may seem, but also how wiry and flexible she was, slowly moving out of the ship in a crouched stance, a primitive knife made from ship metal in her right hand. The oddest sight was the helmet thought, an old and primitive one that covered her dark brunette hair, dirty and stuck to her head and neck, with a visor that protected her amber eyes from the blinding light. The piece of equipment had fade out childish drawings of suns and stars on its once white surface, and a small metallic tag with a name on the side: Vira.

With the visor dirty and broken, she was no longer blind, but it was still unclear what was in front of her, so Vira moved the knife in the air, threatening it, grunting to keep it away from her home.
Talia tensed for a brief moment when the door to the ship opened. Something was in there and coming out. She caught a brief glimpse of a small, upright figure in the doorway before it darted back inside. Taking a few careful steps forward Talia readied herself for an attack by an animal, but something told her that she knew what it was she was seeing was no animal. Her instincts were correct when the creature reemerged from the darkness of the ship. Talia stopped and observed the young girl that stepped out of the ship. Her wiry body naked, dirty and covered in cuts and scars. Looking at the helmet her right eye was able to zoom in and allow her to see the colorings on the helmet, and the small tag with a name, 'Vira'.

"Artemis, dim the spotlights." She commanded and the bright white lights behind Talia dimmed significantly but still kept the area lit. "Thank you." Removing her left hand from the grip of her gun she raised it to the girl and waved. "Hello." She called out waiting a moment for a response. When she received only growls and a waving knife Talia just nodded. "You've been out here on your own for a long while haven't you Vira." She decided to use the name she had seen on the helmet to speak with the girl. There was a chance that she still remembered her name and respond less hostilely at the familiarity.

Easing the stunner back into its holster on her belt she raised her right hand, now both slightly raised and palms facing the girl. "It's alright Vira, I am not here to hurt you." She assured the girl, which was the truth, but in the off chance that she attacked, Talia was more than capable of dealing with the child. Taking slow, deliberate steps towards the feral child she never took her eyes off the girl. "Come child, put down the knife and come to me, I can help you." She spoke in a calm, soothing voice.

Twitching her head slightly the soft expression turned into a scowl for a flash. "I am aware that she probably speak or understand what I am saying." She growled under her breath. "I'm just trying to comfort her with the soft and familiar sounds so just shut it Artemis." Quickly as the change of expression and tone came it was gone. "It's alright. Come here." She spoke to Vira again in her sweetest voice. Reaching out with her left hand she curled the fingers in a 'come here' motion as she continued to creep forward.
First the lights, then the battered helmet blocking her vision, her hearing, Vira felt at a disadvantage, so once the brightness had gone down, she struggled with the equipment, taking it off, letting it roll a couple feet away. Her uneven brunette mane looked black under the night sky, dirty and stuck to her head and back, her face one of confusion and fear, directed at the newcomer. Vira could see she was a person, a woman, something she haven't seen in so much time. She knew the words, at least most of them, but it was like awaking from a long sleep, the meaning of them having to go through a thick mist to reach her mind.

"Vira..." she mumbled, her trembling voice echoing her own name, a hint of recognition in how her amber eyes reflected the light. "Vira" she nodded, still holding the knife, not knowing what to do. She looked at the woman holster a machine, approaching slowly, so Vira hold the knife between them, hearing her talk. "No... hurt. Help?" every word uttered through struggle, their meaning not forgotten, just far, seemingly out of reach. That woman was there to help her? Why? Who was she? Accustomed to the most basic of interactions with her environment, where danger was danger, food was food, and things were plain and simple, Vira felt lost, confused.

Her confusion was leading her to fear to the unknown, to what she couldn't understand. The woman, her would be savior seemed to be talking with someone else, or alone since there was no one her nor she carried any kind of machine close to her mouth. Something was off and seemed wrong with it. "No..." she protested weakly, brandishing her knife in the air, taking a step back for each step forward the woman took, until her back hit the remains of the ship, cornering herself.

The only way to flee was forward, through that woman that seemed so imposing. "No!" Vira shouted, fear quaking her voice. She crouched, putting herself on a position that was easy to recognize, the one of a cornered animal that would attack if pressed. She needed time to think, to see what was going on, but the panic wouldn't let her, Vira's mind trapped in a fight or flight reflex, conditioned to answer in an effective but primitive way.
Talia observed in silence as the girl removed her helmet and let it fall to the ground rolling away. She could tell the girl was a pretty little thing under the dirt and grime. "Yes, I am here to help you Vira, not hurt you." She replied to the girl's question. Her soft expression went flat with annoyance suddenly. "Yes I can see that Artemis." A brief pause and the flat expression turned into a frown. "For something supposedly as intelligent as you are you do make some of the most idiotic observations." Her chest heaved with a heavy sigh. "Why couldn't you have given me an option to mute you?"

Shaking her head Talia returned her attention to the wild girl who was now brandishing the knife at her again and backing away. "Great." She grumbled under her breath. Stopping when Vira's back met the ship she didn't want to torment the poor thing with fear. "You don't have to be afraid Vira. I am not a bad person." Talia cooed. A flash of anger washed over her face. "Shut it!" She hissed through clenched teeth. Just as fast as the expression came it was gone.

Bending slightly at the waist to make herself seem less intimidating Talia looked at the girl and gave her a dazzling smile. "Vira, I will not hurt you. I only want to help you." She said taking another small step forward and extending her hand to the girl. "You are safe with me." Again she beckoned the to come closer with a curl of her fingers.

A high pitched yowl came from Talia's left followed by the sound of something crashing through the brush. With movements faster than any human should be able to accomplish Talia snapped upright, drew her gun and fired. The report sounded like only three shots were fired but when the creature that caused the ruckus came tumbling out of the brush there were at least seven visible wounds on the things broad feline like head and chest. The thing was large, easily twelve feet long and four feet high with a maw full of slightly serrated teeth. It's six legs twitched a bit the clawed toes flexing as the muscles caught up with the death of creature before falling completely still.

Holstering her weapon she looked around listening intently. "Vira I don't have time to play nice anymore. It's dark, there are obviously large predators out at night and I don't know what will come to the smell of fresh blood." She spoke calmly, but there was a steel in her voice that left no question to argument. With a few quick strides she was standing just out of arms reach of the girl. Looking down at the mess of a girl with her mismatched eyes she stared hard. "Put the knife down." Her voice left nearly no room for argument and held a commanding tone that was clearly used to being obeyed.
Vira was scared, but many things that made her afraid on that planet had ended dead and being her food. Not that intended to eat that woman, but she was ready to defend herself. Her bouts of anger between sweet words disoriented her, and pushed Vira closer and closer to an attack if the woman didn't stop getting closer and closer. "No..." she hissed between teeth, not wanting to get closer to the strange woman, flexing her crouching position even more, ready to jump against her at any moment. A familiar sound interrupted them, the kind of one that preceded death if one wasn't fast and smart enough to get out of sight.

But then the thunder roared thrice, and at the command of that woman, the dangerous beast fall dead. Vira looked wide eyed, trembling and shaking. She was relieved that the beast wouldn't eat her alive, but now she was at the mercy of a goddess, someone descended from the skies above armed with the blinding lightning and the deafening thunder. As she commanded her, Vira noticed that her knuckles were turning white, holding the knife as if dear life, her hand feeling numb. She soon threw the weapon away, as what could a shard of her refuge do against such a woman, and she covered her head with her hands, looking down.

"No hurt! No hurt!" she begged, terrified of what the mercurial woman could do to her if she was in one of her strange moods, those moments of ire when she talked with herself. "Help? Safe?" Vira struggled, her amber eyes looking slightly wet as she dared to look up in her plea. Even if the use of language was returning slowly to her the more she tried, it had been a very long time since she used it, the memories foggy, and she was too scared as to really make an effort beyond the primal needs she had at the moment.

"Please... no hurt" she crawled over the muddy ground in all fours, approaching the woman's feet and legs, not daring to touch her in case she called the lightning, she commanded the thunder. "Safe..." Vira struggled for another idea, another word. "Away?" she questioned, even if she was in no position nor desire to contradict the goddess that felled the beast.
It pained Talia to see the girl cower before her, she hadn't intended to frighten her. "Yes, I will take you away from this place and keep you safe." She answered softly kneeling down to be on level with Vira. Reaching out she stroked the girls matted hair. "Come now, we must go, I can hear more things moving about out there." True to her word a moment later a rustling came from not far off in the brush. The emerald left eye stayed locked on Vira as the pale blue swiveled about, the multitude of pupils dilating as needed to catch various spectrum of light and heat.

There was definitely more out there and Talia had attracted whatever this planet had to worry about. Looking back to the girl with both eyes now she made a decision. Ceasing the comforting caress of her hand she scooped the crouched girl up in her arms and lifted her with ease. Even though she was only a few inches taller, and maybe thirty pounds heavier than the girl she held her in her arms as though Vira weighed nothing. With Vira secured in her arms Talia walked briskly to her ship and entered.

Taking Vira with her to the cockpit she eased the girl into one of the seats near the pilots seat. Strapping her in she met eyes with Vira. "Touch nothing." She said sternly but with no hint of anger in her voice. Turning away she got herself strapped into her own seat. "Artemis, I am leaving the planet now, ready for our arrival. No I do not think it is a bad idea to bring her along, you are the one that insisted I go to that planet and see what the signal was. Don't argue with me just do as I say!" She snapped the last words out with a clipped tone.

Turning to face Vira she flashed a smile. "Alright Vira, say goodbye to this place." She said cheerily before taking off. The take off was smooth, and from outside the cockpit window both could see the trees moving past, before they were only visible if looking down. Turning the nose of the craft heavenward Talia shot a glance a Vira. She could only hope the young woman wasn't thrown into shock from such a change. "And away we go." Talia announced before sending the ship ripping through the sky and into the void of space.

"Artemis meet us for pick up." Talia commanded easing back on the thrusters. Looking out past Vira to the large green ball she smiled. Still after all these years Talia's heart was filled with awe at the site of a planet when she looked at it from so far above. "This is your last chance to see this place for a while. I would get a last look at it and say any goodbyes you feel are needed before Artemis gets here." Talia's words were softly spoken, a loud whisper at most. "Life is going to be much different for you from now on. I cannot say it will be easier, you will not have to worry about food or shelter like you did before, but there will be new challenges ahead."
"Ah-" Vira gasped, trembling under the approach of the woman, the gentle touch on her head. Her voice was back to the gentle tone, but you could never know when she was going to start screaming to herself again. Unable to understand what was going on, but knowing that resisting could make her anger, Vira limited to let the woman do whatever she wanted, hoping that her words of not hurting her, of helping her, were real. She was surprised at how easy she was picked up and carried away, her head resting against the woman's petite chest. "Away... help..." she muttered, shivering and shocked after the display of might, but her new life had just started.

Vira was brought into another ship, tied to a seat and admonished about touching anything. Her eyes looked around in awe, the feeling somewhat familiar yet alien. The woman was back to talking to herself and shouting, it didn't seem like Artemis was her name so if she was talking alone... perhaps she was angry with her God? Vira's memories of childhood were blurry due to being so young and the trauma, but she could kind of remember her parents talking to their God, but they never acted like that woman did.

They never acted like God answered.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the gentle burst of speed, the views by the window quickly shifting as they left the planet, soon enough turned into a green ball in space. Vira nervously fiddled with the straps that kept her safe on her seat, and releasing herself she got closer to the window, putting a hand on it. She could remember that, the view of the verdant planet. Eden, her parents called it, smiles of relief and hope, thinking that they had found the promised paradise. From green to red, Vira could remember the lights, the blaring alerts, their faulty vessel falling down to the surface as her parents strapped her to the seat not much differently than how the woman had done it before.

The woman spoke behind her, but she could barely pay attention, she was getting away from that place and all the horrible memories it held. But also she was getting away from the only place she called- "Home" Vira muttered. Down on the surface the fauna was already invading the remains of the ship through the open door, the smell of fresh meat and blood bringing them in. There was no much else inside that Vira would miss, be it a bunch of useless and broken trinkets, the tools she had managed to do over the years or the bones of her parents, resting in a corner.

That place, that planet, was just a grave, and Vira was glad it wasn't hers. Sitting back where the woman had placed her, Vira's tears opened a clear way as they fell along her dirty face, although in her attempt to remove them she smudged her cheeks again. "Vira tough" she said, as the woman talking about a hard life, not quite understanding what she was going about. "Vira strong" she added, even if coming from the malnourished and scarred girl sounded like a joke, she had survived against all odds.
Talia glanced over as the girl fidgeted with the restraints freeing herself and walking to the window. She just nodded at the spoken word, she thought how hard it must be for the girl to leave behind the world that she had lived on for so long, despite all the trials it put her through that place was her home.

Watching the tears clear tracks down her dirty face Talia felt a pang of pain in her chest for the poor girl. "Yes you are very tough and strong Vira, there is no doubt about that. You are a survivor like me. I respect that." Turning from Vira she nodded. "Thank you Artemis, we are ready to board.

From behind a great ship came up on them. "This is Artemis, your new home." Talia said looking to the girl and smiling. A realization hit her, she new the girl's name from the name plate on the side of the helmet but the girl didn't know hers. "I must apologize, I have been very rude. I know your name but you don't know mine. I am Talia." She introduced herself.

Now that was out of the way she turned back to the controls and piloted them into the waiting hanger. Once landed she stood and looked at the naked girl clicking her tongue. "I cannot have you wandering Artemis naked." She observed as she shrugged out of her jacket. "Come here." She instructed walking to Vira and with a flick of her arms had the long jacket spinning around Vira before it came to a rest on her shoulders. Buttoning the jacket she smiled at the girl. The thing was only slightly to big on her. "I guess we are lucky I didn't take after my mother or that would have swallowed you whole." Her smile feel flat and she let out a mirthless, sarcastic laugh. "Ha. Ha. Ha, very funny bitch. At least my ass isn't a quarter mile wide." She said with a snide smile.

"Let's get you cleaned up. I am sure you would love to take a shower and possibly soak in a nice hot tub after you are all clean." Taking Vira's arm in her own she lead the girl out of the smaller ship and into the docking bay of Artemis. There were dozens of ships inside all of varying shapes and sizes. "Those are for the crew, most of them are used for excavation and transportation of artifacts, a few are equipped to hold plants and animals of value. I'll teach you more about them later."

Leading Vira out of the docking bay she walked down the first corridor that they came into. "Most of the rooms down here are for research and storage purposes." Stopping at a blank wall Talia turned and started at it. A seamless hatch slid out of place. "Artemis has many secret passages that only I am privy to. This one will get us to my room without having to deal with any prying eyes." She explained stepping into the opening with Vira. The space was just large enough for them to stand side by side. When the hatch closed Talia gave Vira's hand a reassuring squeeze. "The room is about to start moving." She warned a moment before the room did exactly as she said. At first there was the sensation of rising, then the room moved to the side causing Talia to sway just slightly.

It took about two minutes before the hatch opened again and Talia stepped out into a large room that was comfortably furnished in sleek black and silver furniture. A couch, chair, two desks and a large bed. The floor was carpeted with a plush deep violet carpet that almost matched the color of the jacket Talia had put Vira in. "You can remove the jacket now. Follow me." Walking to a door on the opposite side of the room it slid open as she neared revealing another room on the other side. "Artemis start the shower, set the temperature to 40ÂşC. No, that will not be necessary right now, though I may have you add them if she does decide to take a bath. No and I don't think I will ever need that from you so please don't ask again, it sounds creepy, I can handle bathing her and myself just fine. Thank you Artemis."

As soon as she was done speaking the sound of flowing water came from the new room. "Come on, lets get you cleaned up girl." Talia beckoned as she walked into the room where steam had begun to roll from the open doorway.
The woman was still talking to herself, her God or what have you, but she seemed to acknowledge Vira's courage but then things got confusing as the huge ship appeared close to them and the woman introduced herself. "Talia" she said, pointing at the woman, "Artemis" added, pointing to the massive vessel. "Talk ship?" Vira shook her head, it was so hard, talking again. "Ship... talks?" she managed, slowly remembering how to talk now that she wasn't panicking, even if it was still a struggle and she had the language skills of a young girl.

Vira just looked at Talia get rid of her long jacket and envelop it around her back, wrapping her in the garment, making Vira feel a bit odd but nice, protected. "Naked bad?" she asked, but no, that wasn't it. "Naked wrong?" closer, still not quite. Talia was talking about how her mother was seemingly bigger, and then talked to the ship again. "Mother..." Vira muttered, trying to remember hers and just managing to picture a vague image of someone faceless, voiceless.

Talia took her by the arm and guided Vira through the ship, showing her a variety of ships. Talia may not be a goddess, but she certainly had power, ships, people that worked for her, strange rooms with various purposes. It was too much to take at once, but it gave Vira a taste of what she was capable of, the might that woman held at her grasp. "Secret" Vira whispered, nodding as Talia seemed to be willing to treat her properly, protect her from the world outside, open her ship to her. The moving room startled her even if she was warned of it, making her not only squeeze Talia's hand back, but also hug her arm against her.

What obviously was Talia's room was bigger than all the living space of her crashed ship, and it was an overwhelming show of luxury. "Ah" Vira was surprised and then giggled, as the soft carpet ticked her bare feet, making her wriggle her toes. She was still wary, so many new things... and even if she was gentle, Vira was still aware of what Talia could do with her weaponry. The tone of her voice made clear that she meant well, and yet there was a firm quality to it that made clear that Vira had to obey her. "Naked right? With you?" she asked, removing the jacket, not entirely sure of what the rules were.

Vira followed Talia to the room, parts of it looked familiar, but the shower and bath were completely alien to the girl. On the humble home that was her family's ship, showering with water was an unaffordable luxury, so they made do with a thing that was basically pressured air with a bit of sand. She had seen thermal water ponds on the planet though, and knew that water that steamed was too hot to touch, even if that one didn't smell sulfurous and noxious. Vira slowly backed off while Artemis talked, and leaned on one of the walls when she said that she was going to clean her. "No... please. Burn. Hot" Vira tried to convey her fear, but she was also wary of resisting Talia so she didn't yell, not wanting to anger the powerful woman.
Talia smiled when the girl spoke her name, nodding. "That's right, I am Talia." Pointing to the ship, "That is Artemis, and yes she does talk, to me at least, we are connected, I can hear her in my head." Smiling at the question Talia had to take a moment to think about her words. "Being naked isn't bad, or wrong, there are just a lot of men on the ship and it's usually considered inappropriate for a woman to be naked in front of them." She explained, thinking about it more. It was something she would have to come back to later she decided.

Talia tried to suppress a giggle of her own at Vira's reaction to the room but failed and ended up snorting instead, which lead her to laugh out right. "I'm happy you like the room." She managed to get out through the laughter. Stopping dead in her track at Vira's inquiry about them being naked together Talia had a rare moment where her brain stalled. She didn't even respond to the snide remark Artemis gave. "Yes. I suppose we will be naked together, and it can be considered right, or at least more proper than you running around naked everywhere."

Taking a seat on the toilet Talia removed her long boots and let out a sigh of relief when her feet met fresh air. As comfortable as they were, she still enjoyed being barefoot. Standing she unbuttoned her shirt and shrugged it off tossing it to the counter. She wore nothing underneath and probably would never bother, she could fit most of her petite chest in the cups of her hands with little spilling over. "It's not that hot Vira, it won't burn you." She said trying to calm the girl while she shimmied out of her tight pants, revealing a small, neatly groomed patch of hair on her sex the same pale blond as the hair on her head.

Stepping to the shower Talia put her arm under the flowing water and held it there. "See, no burns, or blisters." She continued to hold her arm under the water for a few moments longer just to prove her point. "Come on Vira. I need to get you cleaned up, I promise you will feel better after you are all clean." Pulling her arm from the water and shaking the excess off she stepped over to the frightened girl and held out her hand. "You can come willingly or I will drag you in kicking and screaming. I would prefer the former over the later but I am going to have you clean and presentable if you are going to be on my ship." Again her voice took on the commanding edge of a person used to having what they said listened to, and any requests or orders given obeyed. "Just put your hand in, and if it is to hot we can cool it down." Her face took on a harder, but no where near fierce expression.
Vira looked at Talia suspiciously. It was true that she saved her from the beast, but also caused the beast to be there in the first place with her lights, her noise. She had promised that she wouldn't have to worry about food or shelter, but also made her away of new challenges, difficulties. Was she a woman that rescued her or a woman that kidnapped her? No, Talia had been gentle with her all along, but also acted weird since the ship seemed to talk to her. Seeing her naked calmed Vira, as now she had no weapons nor anything to hide, as Vira could see all of neat, clean body as well as Talia could see all of her dirty, scarred one.

Vira stared at Talia show her that the water wasn't burning, that there was nothing to worry there. She was all gentle words and open hands, and for a moment Vira wanted to follow her even if the situation was overwhelming. She raised a hand tentatively, slowly rising from hanging limp on her side, when Talia said she was getting cleaned one way or another, making her hand stop. Vira had learned on that planet when to flee since she was facing a superior opponent, but she also learned that she couldn't always back off from every challenge or she would end up cornering herself. Even if she looked fit and healthy, with those powerful hips that seemed to guide her every move, Talia was now just a naked woman, or so Vira thought.

"Kicking and screaming" Vira said, lowering her stance, once again ready for a fight, clearly not knowing how trained or mighty her adversary was. It wasn't like she was completely opposite to the idea of getting cleaned, and she had her share of curiosity at how such a thing like that water constantly falling on her could feel, but she had been scared off the whole time with her marvelous trinkets and fierce disposition, and Vira had to take a stand somewhere. She was no rival for Talia's experience and enhancements, nor did she intend to turn this into a serious fight, but she was tired of feeling cornered, of obeying to her every whim.

Limber and quick, Vira feinted to the left, then moved to the right, trying to climb on Talia's back and grapple her, to earn some respect of that woman, not even suspecting how wrong her attempt was about to go.
Talia dropped her hand with a heavy sigh. "You were being so good, why must you act like a petulant child now?" She asked exasperation in her tone. "Fine, have it your way Vira." Talia stood calmly as scarred, dirty child positioned herself to attack. "Fine, if you are set in your decision then let us do this and get it over with."

The neural enhancements forced onto her by Artemis, along with the right eye allowed Talia to easily keep up with Vira's movements and react how she please. "Feint left, strike right." She called out catching the clues Vira's body gave away just a second before making the actually movements. As unwanted as the 'gifts' from Artemis were, Talia had to admit that they did have their uses, and even though they by no means made her invincible they did make her superior to other humans.

Not moving an inch Talia allowed Vira to dart behind her. "You have good instincts girl, I will give you that," She complimented as Vira mounted her back and attempted to grapple with her. "and I do not want to hurt you, but I will not allow this kind of behavior." As soon as Vira was clinging to her back Talia reached behind her with her right arm and slapped Vira firmly on the ass, the crack of skin against skin slightly echoing in small room. Wrapping her arm around Vira's lower back somewhat awkwardly due to the way she had to reach behind her Talia held her firmly in place on her back. Her left arm reached back over her shoulder finding Vira's head and quickly weaving her fingers into the girls matted hair. Pulling her face forward she held the girl's face beside her own, the mechanical eye swiveling to lock onto Vira. "Do you feel better now that you have had your little tantrum?"

Without waiting for a reply Talia stepped toward the shower with Vira held securely in place on her back. "SHUT IT!" She barked glaring at the wall. "I am doing what is necessary for the girl without hurting her, and I don't care how amusing it looks to you." She growled. "Of all the shit you pushed onto me when I found you why couldn't you have given me the option to mute you." A very displeased sound came from Talia just before she stepped into the warm cascading water. The displeased sound melted into a sigh of pleasure as the water hit her chest.

"See, it feels nice." Stepping a little further under the water so it would roll over her shoulders and onto Vira she glanced over of the girl. "Is it to hot? Do I need to cool it down for you?" She asked calmly. As tough and surprisingly strong as Vira was, she wasn't going to be able to pull out of Talia's grip. "Let me know when you are ready to calm yourself and behave, I will let you down. If you try to act up again, I will have you bent over that counter faster than you can blink and I will have no qualms in spanking you until you cannot sit."
Vira wasn't bothering herself with Talia's words anymore, so as the woman talked she focused her mind on getting the advantage, showing Talia that she couldn't do with her whatever she wanted. Her feet made an squeaking sound on the bathroom floor as she darted towards Talia, Vira's lithe body managing to get around and up to her back. Vira was about to circle her arms around Talia's neck for support and keep her checked when she felt a stinging pain in her backside, the surprising pain making her gasp and forcing her to cling on Talia's shoulders to prevent falling. As Vira tried again to climb higher, she found herself at the grasp of Talia's left hand, pulling her face to face to ask an unanswered question and look at her with that weird eye.

She was about to protest for being handled like that when Talia started to shout, freezing Vira scared again. "Nononono..." she weakly protested, not daring to raise her voice to earn her the ire of the woman as she dragged her along to the shower. She was about to dig her nails on Talia's flesh, more out of fear than malice, when the water hit them, stopping the girl just short of drawing blood. "Ah!" she gasped, feeling the warm shower relax their muscles. "Hot is good" she admitted, almost inaudibly. It would require a thorough rubbing and quite some soap to remove all the grim from her, but the water was already making small rivers of dirt fell down from her and to the drain, although her hair seemed almost stuck.

Vira squirmed tentatively a little bit, wanting to get down Talia, knowing that she couldn't do much else to fight her, nor was a reason to for now, but the captain kept the girl there while admonishing her. "I behave, please let down" she whispered. "Shower feels good. Talia is gentle. Vira is calm" a good part of her talk was honest, but she was being extra obsequious with the woman, making sure she didn't carry along with her threats since Vira didn't want to give her a reason to. Pouting and frowning, Vira stood by herself on the shower, kneading the slapped ass cheek with one hand, trying to make the pain go off. "No spanking, Vira..." she closed her eyes for a moment. "I... will be good" Vira corrected, making an effort to sound proper and be calm to please Talia.
Talia smiled and nodded at Vira's comment. "Yes, the hot water is good, as long as it isn't to hot." Letting the girl ease off her back as she wiggled about in attempt to get down herself. Turning to face her Talia looked her up and down with a small frown. "This may take a while to get you clean." She commented watching the dirt running down her body seemingly in defiance of the water. "Artemis, add my soaps and skin conditioners to the water." She commanded, and nearly immediately the room was filled with a sweet, floral scent, the water foaming lightly as it hit their bodies.

"As long as you behave I will not have to punish you, I don't want to but I am not going to let you act like a wild beast just because you are accustomed to doing so." Waving a hand over the smooth wall a panel opened revealing a small cubby containing several bathing implements. Selecting a soft wash cloth she held it under the water soaking it and handing it to Vira. "You can wash your front." Grabbing a second cloth Talia smoothly stepped around Vira so the girl was no longer blocked from the majority of the water by her own body. "I will wash you back." As she spoke she laid the cloth to Vira's skin and began to gently scrub away the dirt from the back of her neck. "You're hair is going to take forever to get clean." She sighed looking at the matted mess. "Artemis, close the door and give me full water flow. No soap from anywhere above chest level." As soon as the command was given the opening to the shower slid closed, and water sprayed out from all four walls and the entire ceiling began to rain down the soothing water soaking the two women in every direction.

Letting the hot water loosen as much of the dirt and grim as it could from her hair Talia continued to wash the girls back slowly moving lower as she was satisfied that she gotten as much dirt as she could for the moment. Her eyes traced over the plethora of scars that Vira sported. Without thinking about it Talia started to trace some of them with the tips of her fingers. "You really have had it rough. It's amazing that you survived so long by yourself." Glancing down at her own unmarred body she frowned.

She used to sport many scars of her own from her years of traveling the cosmos and the adventures she had. When Artemis altered her the ship also removed any 'flaws' that were on her skin. The scars had been a point of pride to Talia, physical evidence that she survived some intense situations and despite injury made it out alive. They were her badges of honor and Artemis had taken them, as well as many other things from her in their initial meeting.

Snapping out of her daze she blinked a few times and realized that she had stopped bathing the girl and was now running the fingers of both hands over the girls back tenderly.
"Ah!" Vira yelped startled when foam formed from the water as it hit her, but since it was harmless she soon calmed down. She had a burn scar below her right knee when a rainbow lizard spit its poison on her, and she could remember the wound bubbling and foaming as it burned the skin. Getting an arm close to her face, she sniffed at the foam, the sweet blooming smell making her face brighten. Vira opened her mouth, trying to drink that water, but coughed and spat when it turned out that the taste was anything but pleasant. "Nasty" she muttered between teeth, making a frowning face and avoiding to get more of it inside her mouth.

"I will... be good" Vira nodded, taking the wonderfully soft washing cloth from her, starting to clean her front. If Talia wanted her clean she could do that much, at least the feeling was nice and she would avoid getting spanked. Vira held her breath and washed her face, clearing it with the now soap free water at that height. She continued with arms and chest, scrubbing herself as hard as she could, removing years upon years of grime. "I'm tough, I'm strong" Vira insisted as Talia talked about her survival, almost like she was saying it to herself as well, putting voice to the idea that kept her moving forward. Vira was more or less done with her arms and chest while Talia had been already a while caressing her back. It was very odd, as it started like she wanted to take account of each and every one of her scars, but now was something different and unknown for the girl.

Turning around, Vira showed the clean result of her efforts, her washed perky breasts were topped by puffy dark nipples, and the ribcage marked against the skin over her fit abdomen. Now that she was cleaner, Talia could see the dark fuzz in Vira's forearms and strands of brown hair on her armpits. It was clear that even if active and capable, Vira was also malnourished and would need a proper diet. "Clean" she said, rising the now dirty washcloth, hoping that the result satisfied Talia. She still had some spots here and there that the girl didn't notice, but otherwise she had made a thorough, even if somewhat clumsy job. Her hair was still awful, and she was dirty from the waist down, but she didn't want to get ahead, trying to play nice with Talia at least while she got her clean since that was seemingly what she wanted.
Talia laughed at Vira's reaction to tasting the soapy water, a sound reminiscent of tinkling bells. "Yes, the soap doesn't taste nearly as good as it smells I'm afraid." She said with an amused smile. "Yes, you are very tough and strong Vira, anyone can see that." She agreed with the girl wholeheartedly.

Smiling at Vira when she turned around she looked the girls body over. "You did well, but you missed a few spots." Taking her cloth to the missed spots of filth on the younger woman's chest and torso. Her eyes moved over Vira's thin frame taking in the muscles that laid under her skin, though the girl was fit, she needed more meat on her bones. For a moment longer than anywhere else her eyes lingered on the girls chest. She was larger than herself and for some reason that slightly bothered her. Looking down at her own chest she frowned at her small, but pert chest peaked with light pink nipples. Sighing she returned her attention to Vira. "After we get you cleaned up I will get you some food." She promised looking over her front once more before nodding.

Passing her hand over another spot on the wall to open another cubby she pulled out a small bottle. "This is to wash your hair. You start working on that and I will keep bathing the rest of you." She instructed, opening the bottle and pouring some of the contents into her hand. "You do it like this." She showed her by rubbing the shampoo between her hands before working it into her short blond hair massaging it into a lather. Moving her head under a stream of water she tilted her face up and let the water wash the suds away. "Now you do it." Handing Vira the bottle she looked at the dirty wash cloth and dropped it to the floor selecting a new one.

Kneeling in front of Vira she began to scrub at the girls waist and hips before moving lower to her thighs. Again as she bathed the girl her mind started to wander on how toned her body was. She needed to have a proper diet and to gain some healthy weight, and that would happen in time, but physique Vira had was, dare she even think it, attractive? Gently Talia moved her hands over Vira's thighs, washing away dirt and grime to reveal more scars and skin tanned from years of sun exposure. Once more she found her hand trailing over the scars as she washed Vira, her mind diving deeper into itself, her actions coming more on reflex than anything.
Vira smiled and nodded as Talia told her that she had done well, rising her arms and standing still to make easier for the woman to clean her as she willed. After a few bouts of rubbing here and there, Talia was seemingly finished, but was still inspecting her with a frown. "Something wrong?" she asked, looking down herself, without a clue as to what was going on. Talia sighed and promised food, so it probably had something to do with that, but Vira wasn't going to argue when she was promised food, that was for sure. Wondering what kind of food would she be getting, Vira was distracted until Talia pulled out another bottle our of the wall.

"Wash the hair" Vira nodded, even if it sounded like a nuisance, she didn't want to earn another spanking and the stuff seemed to feel nice enough. She took the bottle to the nose, the contents smelling nice and enticing as well, but she was a fast learner and wasn't going to taste that, suspecting that it would have a horrible flavor as well. While she squirted too much shampoo on her hand and tried to kept it contained, Talia was getting a new washcloth and kneeling to keep cleaning her. It was odd seeing her doing something Vira could do herself, but maybe she wanted to make sure the job was properly done. Vira attacked her long brunette hair with her soapy hands, the sticky mess slowly cleaning under her assault, abandoning the tar black look and feel, showing a warm chocolate tone under the grime.

Rubbing her head over and over, Vira's amber eyes looked down to Talia, trying to not be a bother by moving around and opening her legs as needed. "Sharp tree" she tried to explain as Talia traced a scar that ran along her inner thigh, "rainbow lizard" she explained the burn marks under the right knee, "blood suckers" she added as Talia felt a trio of small circle marks on the outside of her left calf. There were several smaller ones that she didn't remember about, so she couldn't quite satisfy Talia's curiosity.

As Talia washed her, the spot between her legs became clearer. A disorderly bush of dark brown hair covered the entire area, a small line of hair went up her fibrous abdomen to the navel, and her lower legs had a fuzz to themselves on the areas that weren't hairless due to the scar tissue. "Hair clean" she suddenly said, having seen forced to take the bottle a second time to reapply more shampoo to make sure she unstuck all the dirt of her hair. Now it still was stuck to her, but it was due to being dripping wet and not grimy, showing it was clearly cut with a knife from time to time, the length completely uneven as it went along her back and chest.
Talia listened to each explanation of the scars as her fingers traced over them, amazement dancing in her mind at the level of will Vira had to survive. It wasn't long after Vira announced that her hair was clean when Talia rose to her full, but short height. "Good girl, you are all clean." Reaching out she brushed the wet clinging hair from Vira's face and chest tucking it behind the girl's shoulder. "After we eat I will cut your hair, even it out for you." Smiling at Vira she rested a hand on the younger woman's shoulder. "Let's get you dried off and see if I can find you something to wear for the time being. I'll have to get you more clothes at the next port."

"Artemis." With just that word the water stopped and the door slid back open. Stepping out of the shower with Vira in tow she walked the few steps across the room to the counter on the opposite side of the shower. Laying her hand on the surface and lifting it, another compartment rose seamless from counter, inside it help large, plush towels. Grabbing a couple she handed one to Vira. "Dry yourself." She commanded while she did just that. Rubbing the towel over her head to soak up much of the excess water in her short blond hair. With practiced, almost ritualistic motions Talia ran the towel over her pale skin wicking away the drops of water that clung to her flesh. Starting with her face, and methodically moving down her body. Dropping the towel to the floor she turned to Vira and watched the girl for a few moment, her eyes drinking in every detail of her firm, albeit to thin, body.

Leaving the bathroom she walked across the plush carpet to a tall wardrobe nestled on the far wall of the room. Opening the doors she glanced over the articles inside. Talia wore very fitting clothes and she knew that most of her pants would be to large in the hips and waist for Vira, and the tops to small. Searching over the garments she finally chose what would work the best for now, an outfit made of a stretchy synthetic material that would cling to Vira's body. it was the best she could offer for the time being. Laying out the black pants and steel grey top on the bed she smiled to Vira and nodded to the clothes. "Those are for you, do you need help getting dressed or can you handle it?" She asked turning back to the wardrobe to get out her own outfit. Sliding into the skin tight tan trouser she had to shimmy about a little to get them over her hips and pulled on a plain white shirt with sleeves that barely covered her shoulders.

Glancing over her shoulder she checked if Vira needed any assistance watching the girl intently with both eyes. A shadow of a smile graced her lips as she watched, and not even the snippy remakes Artemis was making about her staring bothered her. "Why don't you make yourself useful instead of pestering me and have the galley prepared for our arrival. Have Mr. Tsulo prepare a meal of roasted djeense root, kwynn, and a generous slice of baked yuan." Looking to Vira she smiled. "Make it double servings."
Vira smiled to Talia, letting her get the hair out of her face. The captain said she was a good girl, so it was a plus she wasn't going to get spanked, but the compliment itself felt good. She barely remembered her life before the crash, but her parents never said she was a good girl. And Vira had seen herself forced to be many things in that planet, but being good wasn't one of them. Not like she was bad, at least she didn't consider it like that, but... even if she wasn't sure what a good girl was, she didn't feel like one on that hellhole. She didn't mind getting her hair cut, since most of the time was a nuisance and Vira paid no mind to the clothes issue, so she was more interested on the promises of food.

She was about to shake the water off and let it be when Talia gave her a tower and an order. What did it matter, it wasn't as if she was cold, but it wasn't a real bother so she followed her example and dried from the top to the bottom, although her longer hair held more water than Talia's shorter one. Vira tried to hurry up as she noticed that Talia was looking at her and she didn't want to make her wait, so they could continue with whatever plans she had. "I'm dry" she said, mostly true even if her hair was still a bit damp.

While Talia searched for clothes if Vira didn't misunderstand her, she got down on the carpet, enjoying the tickling feel of the soft surface. It certainly was a wondrous place, and Vira wondered how soft the bed would feel. She rolled around the carpet, and getting up Vira stepped closer to the bed so she could hop on it, but Talia had found something for her to wear, leaving it on the bed. "I'm no kid, I can do it" she protested, looking at the weird looking garments. They looked way too small, so Vira got the top on her hands and giggled a bit when she tugged it, seeing it stretch.

Understanding the trick that made the clothes work, she started with the pants, getting into them with ease, keeping her balance on one leg while the other was being dressed. They felt tight but comfortable, and as she did a couple of squats, Vira noticed that she wouldn't have a hard time moving with those. The top was another thing entirely, a long sleeved steel top that even stretching it would probably be a bit small. Vira passed the head through, pulling her hair out so it wouldn't bother her when pulling it down. The sleeves were manageable, and even if they fell a bit short from the wrist, they looked fine. It was below neck when things started to complicate.

Sure, the fabric stretched and allowed to fit her breasts it, but even if they weren't extraordinarily big, they sure were bigger than the cloth was designed to fit. Vira pulled the hem down until she was properly covered, but the stretchy material ended up taut against her flesh and a bit short from reaching the pants, allowing for her midriff to show. It was still comfortable, the tight cloth keeping her bits in place, but it felt weird and looked more enticing than intended to. "I'm ready!" she warned Talia, walking barefoot across the carpet to her. "Where is food?" she asked, hungry and curious.
Talia's sharp eyes tracked every movement Vira made. Her expression was studious, like she was watching something she had never seen before and wanted to memorize every detail. She felt a quickening of her pulse and a long forgotten warmth growing low in her belly as the girl did squats getting a feel for the pants. Without realizing Talia swallowed hard and l licked her lips to moisten them, her mouth going dry momentarily. As Vira fought to squeeze into the shirt the warmth intensified and she felt a stirring just below her navel. Unconsciously, Talia pressed her hands to her lower abdomen trying to hold back the feeling. She was blatantly staring at the young girl by this point. The way the clothing clung to the girl was most appealing and Talia could only admire the way she filled the top in a manner that she never would be able to.

Suddenly her face grew a bright shade of red as a blush flooded her face and made her ears feel like they were glowing. Coughing, sputtering and tripping over her words Talia's head snapped to the ceiling. "I-wha-yo-DAMNIT ARTEMIS!" She yelled, almost squealed while clenching her fists to her side. "You have no idea what you are talking about!" She blurted out so quickly that the words sounded like one continues word more than a sentence. Face still flushed Talia glanced at Vira and felt her face grow hotter. Dropping her eyes she fought to regain composure, something that was far harder to do than normal with Artemis taunting her.

Eyes still down cast she quickly stepped to Vira and took the girl's hand in her own. "Food is in the galley, we will go there now and eat." She said trying to avoid looking at Vira until she could compose herself. Leading the girl out of the room she started down the corridor, the sound of their bare feet on the pleasantly cool floor echoing slightly. Again Talia's cheeks flared in color and she turned her head and hissed. "I'm holding her hand so she doesn't get lost! No....Well yes, it does feel nice but that isn't the point. Uuugggh. Please leave me alone." Talia continued to walk rolling her head back and letting out a frustrated groan. "You are certainly in a mood today." Talia stumbled and choked having to stop a moment and cough. "I most certainly am NOT!" She said in a stern matter of fact tone. "I don't care what your scans say, you are wrong. Just shhhhhh. Please." Her tone took on a begging quality in the last words.

Turning to face Vira she gave her a sheepish smile. "Sorry, Artemis is being very...cheeky right now. The galley is not far." Resuming their trek towards food Talia kept her eyes forward and forced herself not to glace over at Vira, that didn't stop her from thinking about it, or considering the feel of Vira's hand in her own. A few minutes of walking, several turns and finally they arrived at the main galley. Leading Vira to one of the many empty tables she let go of the girls hand and drew out a chair for her. "Have a seat." Turning to go collect their food Mr. Tsulo waved one of six meaty arms at her. "Sit Cap'n. This be meh galley an' I ein't haven' ye git yer o' food." Mr. Tsulo spoke in a deep basso as he walked over two the dou. He was a huge creature, easily eight feet tall, his skin a mottled green. His face was near completely flat and his eyes seemed to small for his head while his mouth was too large. Sitting the plates of steaming food down in front of the them with utensil beside he eyed Vira for a moment, his wide flat nose flaring. "Ye be new 'ere lass. W'come 'board, ye can call me Tsulo. 'Ope you 'njoy yer meal." Nodding his head to her he lumbered off.

"Food as I promised." Talia said finally able to look at Vira again now that the raging blush on her face had dissipated to a light pink glow high on her cheeks. Lifting a fork she began to skewer food onto it before bringing it to her mouth where she blew on it twice before moving it past her lips. Wrapping her lips around the prongs of the fork she pulled it out slowly with a dreamy look of satisfaction on her face as she slowly chewed. Mr. Tsulo was a prized member of her crew, in all her travels she never met a soul that could bring out the flavor in anything they made like he could.
"Is Artemis mean? You look red. Angry" Vira asked, looking odd at her face, then down at how Talia's hand grasped her own. Seeing the woman argue with someone that wasn't there was disorienting. Well, it was there, since as far as Vira understood they were inside it, but it was still odd. Things didn't talk. Or at least shouldn't. The promise of food made wonders in reassuring Vira, keeping to herself how odd it felt being taken by the hand around, as she wasn't a child. She said nothing though, not wanting to add herself to Artemis in the list of concerns of the captain, as she would not only get yelled. After all, a ship didn't have an ass to spank if it misbehaved. Talia smiled to her and excused Artemis' behavior, a comforting feel that things, as weird as may be, were fine.

Merrily sitting on the offered chair, Vira thought that maybe that place wasn't that bad, even considering Talia's bouts of rage and how she punished her, it was better than being stranded on that place, that was for sure. After all, Talia seemed to be nicer and nicer to her as the time passed, looking at her more, talking at her just fine without using the voice she would use for a child or just barking orders at her. Vira liked that, and knew that as long as she behaved as a good girl things should be fine, or so she thought until she ended up frozen in surprise. A weird looking creature towered over her, uttering unintelligible sounds and inspecting her. So shocked she was that she didn't even notice the food on the table. That thing was too big, too sudden to react, so Vira just shrunk on her seat, her wide open eyes fixated on the creature. Once it turned around and started to get away, Vira was able to start processing it and react.

"Monster!" Vira yelled, unable to hear or understand the situation. She just knew that a weird creature was around, that Talia wasn't carrying her prodigious weaponry and that now that thing was turning its back to them. Vira picked up a knife from the table and hopped up, standing tall on her chair, looking to improve her height so she would have more options in a fight. There, awkwardly perched barefoot on that chair with her tight clothes and a knife on her hand, Vira looked at Talia for help, for counsel about what to do. What she saw was her enjoying the food and looking at Vira with something that initially seemed disbelief, but it could soon turn into something else.

"Monster?" this time Vira's voice was wavering, doubtful and way lower than before.
Talia eyed Vira standing on the chair small knife in hand, an endearing look on her face. Her lips were pursed and she brought her first to her mouth pressing it tight to her lips as her shoulders shook with slight bounces of silent laughter. Mr. Tsulo on the other hand had not a single qualm about laughing out loud at the situation. It was a deep booming laugh that shook his entire bulky frame as he walked back into the kitchens.

Swallowing the mouthful of food Talia took a deep breath and let it out slowly her lips curved into a smile. "That is the cook Mr. Tsulo, he looks rather monstrous but he is a good man. You have no reason to fear him. So sit your cute butt down and enjoy the food already." Her voice still held the threat of laughter in it as she directed Vira to sit and enjoy the heaping servings of fresh food on her plate. "You didn't even notice it was him that gave you the food did you?" She inquired cutting a piece of the meat and popping the morsel into her mouth and chewing a moan of satisfaction.
Vira looked at Talia's shoulders shake with stifled laughter, a confused look painted on her face, but it was Mr. Tsulo's laud guffaw the one that startled her enough to trip and fall off the chair. Vira, being the little limber girl she was managed to land on her feet like a cat, and slowly picked the tilted chair back up as she kept her eyes on the strange looking creature. "Monster. Man. Monster. Person" Vira mumbled lightly nodding, trying to get accustomed to the idea. The cult of her parents wasn't too alien friendly, to speak lightly of it, so she had never seen anything that wasn't human even as a kid.

"Sorry" she looked at Mr. Tsulo, but the apology was mostly directed at Talia. She had made a remark about her butt, not understanding what was cute about it, it was just a butt, so maybe she meant how it could stop looking cute after a spanking. "No" she answered, looking at the plate full of strange looking food. The smell was amazing, but she had learned that such thing wasn't something to trust, so she glanced at Talia's satisfied face and got back to the food. Vira stabbed a piece of food with the knife, roasted djeense root to be precise even if she didn't know it, and after sniffing at it she took a nibble out of the warm and somewhat crunchy bite.

It was fantastic.

Better than anything she had eaten before, that food largely surpassed the rations of her childhood or what she managed to put in her face on that planet. Hungry and eager, Vira started to attack the plate with knife and bare hand, engulfing food in a way fitting a beast. After a few bites she almost choked out, swallowing half chewed food with an audible gulp. "Water?" she asked, looking up to Talia with her face already dirty with the colorful sauce that went with the baked yuan, asking for a drink to help her downing that food.
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