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Pokemon Gijinka/Trainer small group idea/concept (Updated)

Sunset Drifter

Feb 27, 2019
Underneath a sky of blue and gold
I'm still new to this website so hopefully posting this here is fine. Yet there is something I kind of have been craving to do, I figure before I even think of setting up the rp and such I could form a small group of people and we could discuss how we wanted the rp to go. Here's a small short kind of plot:

Basically it's like a pokemon journey, with one trainer and six possible pokemon he captures, trains, and bonds with. Help's evolve and stuff. Yet if anyone is familiar with Gijinka, pretty much it's human version's of Pokemon. I guess like monster girls/guys but with Pokemon lol. Instead of being caught with balls the gijinka are given armbands to wear that signifies they've become partners with that trainer. Yet the true link is formed in the heart, one look in the eyes and a bond is formed.

The plot is sort of a hero's journey kind of aspect possibly, mixed with goofy harem antics. A normal young man, named Thomas Wyse, is selected to join in a festival both humans and gijinka partake in. Kind of like the pokemon league, they go around with a starter recruiting a party and doing their best to train and gather power so they can see who the champion of the year is. Most of the other Human contestants are rich or privaledged chosen for certain quirks or hidden powers humans have in that world. Thomas was chosen for his kind and loving heart, the one sponsoring him is a Dragonite woman who saw that potential in him, and is curious to see how far he'd go with just the power of kindness and love.

It's kind of campy, kind of dopey, but it would kind of be a light-hearted silly adventure. The female gijinka that end up traveling with him see the odd potential in him. In some ways his kindness helps them grow and evolve, while they're power and courage help him become a better person. The group would consist of six gijinka and the trainer, but we could work it out like give each of the girls a story arc leading to them traveling with him at the end or something. It's been kind of something I've wanted to do lol.

It's probably a little odd, but I'd love to at least discuss and mold this into a kind of rp that would appeal to everyone I rp with, if this makes it that far that is. ^^;

The rp has started and is going well, thanks to all those who have joined. Three slots are still open, so far the group consists of:

Aron (Steel/Ground)
Houndour (Dark/Fire)
Croagunk (Poison/Fighting)

Here are a few types we've come up with that would work well with the group:


Honestly any type would work. There are 3 spots available on the team if you desire to join. My goal is to have a group of seven: a Trainer and his six female Guardians. The rp is a bit of a relaxed pokemon style adventure with a bit of harem shenanigans mixed in. The main focus is more or less the story and characters though. I know Pokemon Gijinka (Humanized Pokemon), isn't a thing for everyone so I'm not forcing anyone to join. If you are interested though there are three slots left. Once they're gone, they're gone. :3​
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Oh no! Not the hand holding! Someone call Officer Jenny :p

Righty i gotta head to bed as work early tomorrow but shall have a think some more on character and catch up tomorrow ^^ speak soon!
Sunset you, dragon, and fabo make 3 people. But I shall join you and make a fourth if you wish.
I’ve been watching this thread. I really like the general idea, and I think I might be interested. I was mostly waiting for some of the basic questions to be answered.

Sunset, I’m referring to your statement in post #11 of this thread: “Like the group would also come across like thugs of maybe like Houndour Gijinka and such to fight off.” I was thinking my character could be one of those Houndour. She could either be a low-ranking grunt or an alpha or beta. Either way, when the fight breaks out, she would see Thomas’s aura and the bond he shares with his gijinka and want to be a part of it. I believe it would need to be a small scuffle early on near the start of the rp. She would be easier to roleplay as a grunt, but she could be more interesting as a gang-leader type, as she would likely be more pushy which might cause conflicts within the group down the road. (I wouldn’t necessarily want to make you double up on fire types, since you already have a Chimchar, but she would lean more toward the dark type nature. Alternatively, she could be a Poochyena for a pure dark type, or maybe a Stunky for a dark and poison type.) She would be intelligent, sneaky, opportunistic, and possibly manipulative, but underneath a rough exterior, she would have a heart of gold.

My concerns would be the same as any other group rp, and I’m wondering what kind of expectations would be in place.

Would there be posting order? In my experience, without a posting order, there are always those two or three who write rapid-fire one-liners, and the people who want to put more thought into their posts (or who have irl obligations) get left out. That would be even more true here with people in different time zones.

Assuming there is a posting order, would there a time limit for each person to respond, and if they don’t post in that time frame, then they can be skipped? There’s always that one person who takes forever or just never responds. I’ve seen too many group rp’s die because of that.

What post length and frequency would be expected? I just need to know that I could commit to this without compromising any currently active rp’s.
Hi SnowyWolf! if you don't wanna double up on the fire type I can change, no problem at all I could do the same genki-girl think I was planning with Chimchar with a Chespin, or a Totodile!
I appreciate the gesture, but I see no need for you to change your character. For one, you called yours first before I even posted my interest. I personally don't have a problem with it. I was more concerned about whether Sunset would have an issue with it, as that would affect his character more. If it is an issue for either of you, I would gladly change mine to Poochyena or Stunky.
Oooo i did have one last question! In terms of pokemon battles, would pokemon attack like normal pokemon (like breathe fire etc) or would they have gijinka style weapons maybenbased of who they are? So aggron can have a steel sword or a dark type pokemon may have some form of gun etc ^^;
Oh, ok! I'll keep Chimchar then, and it's not an issue for me, we could have a good fire vs fire/dark vs fighting rivalry.
Oh man this got busy when I was at work lol.

Yes there will be a turn order, or well depending on the situation. Like if two players are battling then they'd be going back and forth. In more kind of group moments, like group battles, or exploring a town or spelunking there will be a posting order. I understand, I've been the odd person out with some roleplays in the past. It's no fun when you're ignored or watch other people just leave you in the dust.

As for a time length I'd say probably wait about a week or possibly three to four days wait. Usually on the weekend people are busy, it's something I've noticed. I haven't been on an official just roleplay website in a long time so I don't know how different it will be on here. Yet from what I'm experiencing, most of the people joining this are responding. I don't really think we'll have a problem with people vanishing, though I might set up like a Discord OOC so people could be like "Oh hey I've got a thing." in case they're absent. Because real life just does that sometimes. So we could just kind of have them in the background while we continue or something. I work first shift, so unfortunately I work weekends and have to go to be early and get up early. On my days off I'm more prone to hanging around most of the day and stuff. ^^

Length, to be honest one liners bother me a little. Though I don't bash people who post like that, sometimes they're newbies trying to learn how to rp and everything. Though for the length I'm thinking at least a paragraph. Usually I post long posts, not super long, and kind of just go with the flow. I'm sure everyone here is very good at length though so I don't think there will be a problem. I'm not going to force people to write a novel or an essay long post, but if you're having writer's block and a paragraph is all you can squeeze out then I won't hold it against anyone.

This is sort of why I posted in here first, so we can iron the kinks out and have a solid idea on how the rp will flow and be fun for everyone. I plan on having small story arcs for the characters so everyone is pretty much the main character of the rp. Or that's my plan anyway, if people have plot ideas they want to do for their characters during their story arcs it's fine. The only thing really that I want to know is, being the Gm, the creator, if there is a certain plot idea or point that will effect my character or the story in general then I would like to know. People get happy and excited and kind of forget there's a GM to run certain kinds of ideas by first. Like say someone wants your character to die, then I would like to know so I could help prepare the scene for it and such.

As for the weapons, possibly. I figure it would be more on how the Gijinka are. Like Aggron having like a lance or a sword and a large shield. Like I picture her wearing like a helmut and armor and everything. Tbh, I don't mind if people get creative with their characters and stuff. lol it would be cute seeing a Chimchar and Houndour like yell it out and Thomas trying to stop them from fighting. xD rofl.

I'm glad people are getting interested in this. :3 Hopefully I tackled most of the questions. ^^;
Well that certainly answered the questions I had :)

Personally I don't use discord, but I think as part of the rp thread we have to set up a seperate OOC one anyway. So there's that option.
Well that certainly answered the questions I had :)

Personally I don't use discord, but I think as part of the rp thread we have to set up a seperate OOC one anyway. So there's that option.

You are correct there. I'll probably not join, but root you on.
It all sounds good to me, and I will definitely commit to participating in this one. I think I’ll stick with the Houndour since there doesn’t seem to be any problem with that, and I agree it would be fun to have a bit of a rivalry there too.

In group rp’s I’ve done in the past, I’ve waited anywhere from a day to a week between posts. I’ve rarely had my turn to post come back around in less than a day. Normally, when my turn does come around I give it higher priority than my 1x1 rp’s just because there are more people waiting, but I don’t like to feel rushed either because that gets stressful. In some of my past group rp’s, if one of us was going to be held up too long, we would message the group and give them permission not only to skip us but to powerplay our character if needed. (That was mostly in wolf rp’s during a pack hunt.) Personally, even during the work week, I can usually get a healthy paragraph or multi-paragraph post in each day, and my post length usually depends on what I have to work with.

I have some comments about weapons. I find it difficult to attribute any particular weapon, including guns, to the dark type. Even a flamethrower for a fire-type would be cumbersome and not very effective. While I see a sword, shield, and armor making sense for a steel-type, I personally think some of the other elements would work better if they functioned more like magic. For example, a watergun would not create the water pressure needed for a hydropump attack, and requiring a fire hydrant obviously wouldn't make sense either. But I could easily see a water-type gijinka ‘casting’ it from her hands like a mage. (I think it would be awkward if it came from her mouth.)
Yeah, well I figured the powers would be like more magic. Because I can picture Joyful's Chimchar punching like a shonen protagonist with like fighting moves. Also fire punch and such. It's honestly how the rper wants to implicate powers for their character. Some Gijinka probably would use weapons, like a Scyther using a spear or scythe or sharp bladed claws as an example, while others would just use brute strength or cast spells. Yet imagining a Squirtle gijinka running around with a super soaker would be hilarious. lol

Honestly it just depends on the situation. Yet I don't like leaving people behind in roleplays because I know how it feels to put your heart and soul into a post to have it just be ignored or your character getting lost in the pages. That's what I also meant, lives get busy. Heck sometimes I'm too tired from working to think of something creative. So probably with the player's permission we would just move their character along like in the background or something until they could pick up again when they could find some free time. My main goal for most of my rps is fun, plus I think it would be fun to have everyone work together on the plots and such. I'm getting excited actually, I can't wait to start this rp now. :3
Yeah, I will be completely going full-on shonen blasty punchy style for moves unless there's something I can't justify, or if there's something more easily explained by: "my character learns a move via receiving a weapon or a gadget"
Also, instead of Pokemon Centers there will be Inns. Pretty much those who participate in the even will get free room and all you can access food. So it'll be like a pokemon center but everyone will get a comfy bed to sleep in lol.

Evolution will also be taken slowly, though I figured a Gijinka would sense or know when they're about to evolve. Humans play a key role because their auras have an ability to touch the hearts of gijinka. Kind of like in the games now a days where the whole concept of being kind to your pokemon eventually raises a love bar that benefits them and the trainer. Like boosted exp and stuff, the aura kind of acts like that. The longer a gijinka is around the human they're tasked with protecting and helping, the stronger the bond. To where a simple touch would possibly trigger an evolution.

Though I kind of also just played around with the idea that some gijinka just can't right away because it's a highly emotional state. Where the body and mind have to be ready to change, so if one has some abuse in them or self doubt then it would take a while. That's also where Humans come in, sort of like "hugging the pain away." Or "training the pain away." each human has a different aura. I will be making a sort of NPC rival for Thomas. A rich spoiled kid who treats his gijinka like tools of war. So his aura fuels them differently than Thomas's.

xD I mean you three could add to this idea if you wanted. I just come up with base ideas that can be tweaked. I just felt evolution would be more personal for a gijinka and take a bit more power or time. Like say for example, the group is in a tough fight and Thomas is punched. If Joy's character is going to be shonen-esque then I would imagine she'd evolve out of sheer anger because of the connection they had built while traveling, learning a new form and such kind of like how Goku does. lol
Mostly, I'm leaving the ideas of how and when you want your characters to evolve in your hands. I don't expect them to be full form after the first chapter. :3 We can take our time with it especially if we end up with a full party.

sorry I ramble, any ideas you all might have or want to add? or think would be cool? :3
This would be a long term thing then? ok I can dig that. As far as how evolutions go I have no objections to the mechanics you've laid out, given that none of us are using a pokemon that trade evolves or evolves under special circumstances. I think the change between forms should also have to do with what canonically defines the evolution, in my case the Monferno evolution is the playful pokemon and the entries mention skill in battle. So It makes sense for me that as well of an emotional thing, Chimchar's evolution has to do more with a breakthrough in skill, or a similar personal milestone. Also! if we can do multiple pokemon per player I think I'd like to play a coward, scumbag Croagunk somewhere down the line.

Edit: You know what, with Croagunk and Toxicroak being my personal faves, I think I'd prefer playing that if its not a problem. The more I think of it I like it better. Aron could fill out the starter slot methinks.
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Apologies for no reply ^^; Fell asleep!

Evolution mechanics sounds great, Aggron are often sited as being territorial and protective of their homes and trainers. So makes sense for a a Lairon to evolve in the heat of battle protecting something they treasure. A sword and lance conbo would be perfect! Aa for Lairon, well they're just... lairy... we'll call that the 'angsty teenage phase' :p

Also posting order sounds like a great plan. Nothing worse than really getting into a rp and then being dropped or left behind. So this makes the most sense. Of course if we have an OOC thread then people can comment if they need to be skipped or they're going away. (For instance i know I'm away for a weekend in a couple of weeks time!).

Also you sure Fabo? I'm happy to fill out the starter role if no one has any objections. But this is Sunset's group - so makes sense for you to pick your starter!
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I’m sure of what I’m going to play, but you’re right; it’s only fair for Sunset to pick who is going to be the starter, Aron, Croagunk, or Houndour
Lol after reading all three pokedex entries for all three of those Pokemon and their evolution I'm going to choose Aron. Mostly because certain Gijinka are sent to train for a few months before the Ceremony begins, so Aron would be a good choice, after reading Croagunk's and Houndour's pokedex entries I figured they would both be better joining later. Like they wouldn't feel comfortable like training and following rules. Oddly though Croagunks poison helps with back aches and Toxicroak seems to be like a full blown assasin or something because it's a deadly poisonous frog. lol

Houndour's was interesting because in the Ultra Sun and Moon pokedexes it states that they're loyal to their trainers and such, yet in the other entries they have a very frightening howl. I can kind of picture Houndoom feeling like she's second in command because Houndoom compete to see who's top dog, and have a lasting burning sting if you touch their flames.

Lairon's was actually kind of funny because they gorge themselves on mineral water until they're bloated. xD I read that and pictured Little Dragon's character having an odd addiction to water. :p Aron eat metal stuff and Aggron are territorial. They claim the whole mountain and get stompy mad if anyone enters their domain.

Between the three I just figured Aron would be the better choice for the starter. I also find it a bit ironic in the pokemon choices because Thomas is my Pokemon Trainer OC, the kind of tropey kind soul who's befriended monsters. Some of the pokemon I've given him in the past were like Gyrados or Gengars. lol xD So I think the gijinka you three have chosen oddly compliment his character. :3
Btw, since we have enough players for this to work. I've created an OOC. I'll get the profiles page up soon.

Guardian's Journey (Pokemon Gijinka group rp) OOC

Hopefully that link works.
Haha I read the water bloating too for Lairon and found it funny :p Also Aron's eating all the spoons is just the best! May make my character a klepto for stealing and hording metalic objects...

Also link does work! :D

Best get onto profile writing ^^;
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