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An Unconventional Guardian (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

He was in some old lounge area, decorated in ancient greek art that he vaguely recognized from the museums from home. It was just him and his axe in the room, a warm breeze coming in through the window.
She made her way to him, a depraved, lovesick look in her eyes. "My love.. My darling I couldn't bear it sny longer, I had to see you..❤''
"Raven...?" He muttered, clearly confused, before he dropped his axe and moved to her. He cupped her cheek gently and put his arm around her waist, "Nothing in all of Greece will keep me from you...not an army, not the Gods, and certainly not your husband."
She moved to throw her arms around his neck. "I would want nothing more than to feel your embrace forever.." She said before kissing him.
He kissed back and held her tight against him, his tail flicking before he easily picked her up and deepened the kiss.
He moved and laid her on the chaise, crawling over her and untying her robes as if he had done it a thousand times.
The robes fell open easily and revealed her fully to him. Her pale form leading up to a light red in the face. She still watched him with the utmost love and adoration.
"Truly you have been blessed by Aphrodite." He rumbled, his large hands moving over her body slowly, "You are by far the most beautiful woman in Greece."
He kissed down her body and lifted her hips slightly so he couod eat her out, the angle giving him more to work with.
She moaned louder and it seemed like the dream faded before she was on her knees, choking down his massive cock with a ravenous greed.
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