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Hogwarts - Interested?

We're hoping to stage this sometime after Harry Potter and his gang, but where other wizarding schools will send students to Hogwarts to 'improve on relationships' and 'unity'.
Oh okay well I reserve the right to be a Hogwarts student since I'm Scottish and it be our precious.
Hey, glad to see this getting some love. Really took off. I would be interested in playing as well, and like the post-Harry setting.
All and all I agree with most ideas in this thread:
- post Harry Potter era
- allowing the houses of many school to visit Hogwarts for a year to improve relationships
- multiple characters

My questions would be :
- Hogwarts teachers would be playable ?
- is this going to be sandbox (subplots available) with GM events to direct a main plot ?
- are we aiming for a simplified character sheet with several spells to pick up from in a limited fashion ?
- is the rp limited at several classes/years or start as young as in the movies ?
@simpliicity: yes, that will be an option. I love playing multiple characters myself, and I'd hate to deprive anyone of that fun.

To answer your questions, main.

-I see no reason why not.
-What do you mean by the several spells to pick from?
-I want all years to be available, so I'm thinking of just increasing the ages. Maybe first years will be 15 instead of 10?
Agreed !
I wanted to ask whether we could have a couple of specialized spell to use rather than a whole entire art, I guess it depends the experience of the student though..

I am not into age play either, I don’t mind the teachers implicated in the story, but maybe as NPC moderated by the GM...
Also, @Frogger, how do you feel about char sheets similar to the other one we played, only with a point buy instead of GM determination?
@simpliicity I don't think anything under 18 would work per the rules, right? Unless its a character that is used as a filler and not involved in romance, like a sibling or something.

@Frogger Similar questions:
-Do all NPC's need to be managed by GM?
-As for the spells, there aren't that many too chose from. Could we just post a List of them?
-Is this going to be a systematic game role play? I may dip out of the role play if that's the case . I don't know much about point buy system or rolling system so I don't think I'd be very good at it. Plus this is located in the freeform group roleplaying forums.
To answer your questions:

-No, not at all! Anyone can use the NPCs.
-I think that'd be fine, as long as no, say, third year uses a super powerful spell that only fifth years know.
-And I don't know anything about the point buy system myself, so I'm not leaning in that direction.
I don't think anything under 18 would work per the rules, right? Unless its a character that is used as a filler and not involved in romance, like a sibling or something.

MEMBERS must be 18, but CHARACTERS only need to be 15.
@kckolbe Thanks for clarifying! I guess I mixed that up and thought the characters had to be 18 too.

That makes sense. Use the spells which would be available to that age range.
Sweet! I'm excited to get this going and super glad more people are jumping on the bandwagon. :)
Since we seem to have a lot of people interested, should we put together an OOC where we can plot?
Hey all, still there and interested !
It would be nice indeed to have an OOC thread to share ideas and brainstorm.
Let me ask this: what's the youngest age we should be able to play?

And I did a little digging. In the Wizarding world was eleven known schools.

Here are the ones I got info on.

Mahoutokoro - an ancient Japanese school with an incredibly small student body. Here, they are flown back and forth to school on the backs of giant storm petrels. The ornate and exquisite palace of Mahoutokoro is made of mutton-fat jade, and stands on the topmost point of the ‘uninhabited’ (or so Muggles think) volcanic island of Minami Iwo Jima. Students are presented with enchanted robes when they arrive, which grow in size as they do, and which gradually change colour as the learning of their wearer increases, beginning a faint pink colour and becoming (if top grades are achieved in every magical subject) gold. If the robes turn white, this is an indication that the student has betrayed the Japanese wizard’s code and adopted illegal practices (which in Europe we call ‘Dark’ magic) or broken the International Statute of Secrecy. To ‘turn white’ is a terrible disgrace, which results in instant expulsion from the school and trial at the Japanese Ministry for Magic.
They are known not only for their academic prowess, but for their outstanding reputation for Quidditch.

Uagadou - set in Africa, it is the only one out of eleven that has withstood the trials of time. The graduates are especially well versed in Astronomy, Alchemy and Self-Transfiguration. The wand is a European invention, and while African witches and wizards have adopted it as a useful tool in the last century, many spells are cast simply by pointing the finger or through hand gestures. This gives Uagadou students a sturdy line of defence when accused of breaking the International Statute of Secrecy (‘I was only waving, I never meant his chin to fall off’). Students receive notice that they have gained entrance at Uagadou from Dream Messengers, sent by the headmaster or headmistress of the day. The Dream Messenger will appear to the children as they sleep and will leave a token, usually an inscribed stone, which is found in the child’s hand on waking. No other school employs this method of pupil selection.

Castelobruxo - a Brazilian school deep in the rainforest. The fabulous castle appears to be a ruin to the few Muggle eyes that have ever fallen upon it (a trick shared by Hogwarts; opinion is divided on who got the idea from whom). Castelobruxo is an imposing square edifice of golden rock, often compared to a temple. Both building and grounds are protected by the Caipora, small and furry spirit-beings who are extraordinarily mischievous and tricky, and who emerge under cover of night to watch over the students and the creatures who live in the forest. The fabulous castle appears to be a ruin to the few Muggle eyes that have ever fallen upon it (a trick shared by Hogwarts; opinion is divided on who got the idea from whom). Castelobruxo is an imposing square edifice of golden rock, often compared to a temple. Both building and grounds are protected by the Caipora, small and furry spirit-beings who are extraordinarily mischievous and tricky, and who emerge under cover of night to watch over the students and the creatures who live in the forest.

And of course there is the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and Durmstrang.
Honestly, playing new tenure-track professors might be fun. Trying to balance research and staff meetings and extra-curricular activities and affairs, all while also having to deal with students.

Or am I still gearing something more university like here?
The youngest I would play (if there is romance) would be 18. If the character is strictly platonic I can do 16. I'm also up for being student or I don't think my response was really all that helpful. :LOL:
Corsair might have the better idea, with going a university route. If we have two players only interested in 18+, then there isn't much point in going the traditional school ages. Also, by going the University route, we can have chars from different schools.
Very true. I'd love to play one of the Japanese students.

What if we do the university route, but everyone sends a small group of representatives in the hope of improving relationships? We could include the Triwizard Tournament, but which schools end up involved are luck of the draw?
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