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New threats, or old? (me and Anjeru)

She finished her tecquila and ordered another glass, sipping it again as it was delivered to her. The burning of the tecquila was starting to warm her insides and loosen her up. Tempest then chuckled after listening to him, grinning, beginning to have a little bit of fun. "First day and already insinuating that I'm going to come to you?" she asked.
Reno smirked, downing his vodka and waiving for another glass before turning back to her. "one can always hope that a very beautiful woman would come with them..." he said, his eyes shining before he turned back, taking sips from his drink. Making sure to drink this one slowly. There was a reason it was nicknamed 'Grog,' and it was mixing with the moonshine too.
Tempest couldn't help but feel flattered that the senior Turk was hitting on her. Probably most girl's dream for Reno to be calling them a very beautiful woman. A faint blush spread across her cheeks and she hid it by going back to her drink. When she was sure the blush was gone, she turned her sapphire eyes back to the attractive, quirky red head beside her. "This is very true," she admitted.
He held a small smirk on his face as he turned to face her again, his eyes sparkling slightly. "And it is always better when they come of their own free will, rather than being drunk or drugged..." Reno turned back to his drink, finishing it off.
Tempest finished off her glass and set it back onto the bartop, not ordering another drink just yet. She nodded. "Yeah, this is very true. It's all so much better when both parties are enjoying themselves," she said with a small smirk, playing with her hair again, not looking at him this time though.
He decided to wait to see if Tempest wanted another drink or not. his finger rimmed around the top of the glass idly. "Now then, we don't want to be wasted for tomorrow. We should head back."
Tempest nodded and hopped off her bar stool, stretching her arms high above her head. "Yep, working on a hangover would suck hardcore," she said, as she flung her hair tail back over her shoulder; seemed to be something she did rather frequently. Her blue eyes watched as he got up from the stool at the bar, waiting for him to lead the way out and she would follow.
He stood slowly, shaking his head to help clear it some. He pulled out a bag of Gil and threw it on the counter before picking up his Mag Rod. He turned to her and smiled. "And away we go!" He said, leading her out of the bar and back to the ShinRa Building.
Tempest chuckled, the tecquila having affected her a tad, and she couldn't help but smile around Reno. Something about him just made her want to smile; he was amusing, sure, but there was more to it than that. She stuck her hands into her pockets and followed after him, walking back towards the ShinRa building.
It was a relatively short walk back to the ShinRa building, probably because he was having fun, even if they weren't saying much of anything. He led the way in, heading towards the elevator. It was a silent wait, with frequent glances towards Tempest. Soon, the doors opened, and he walked in, waiting for her.
She followed him all the way back to the ShinRa building, enjoying the company of the spirited Reno though they didn't really converse much on the way back to their building. She stretched her arms high above her head as they walked into the building and quickly, she followed him onto the elevator.
The elevator closed behind them, but it would be a little bit before the doors would open somewhere around floor 65. He leaned back against the wall of it, his arms crossed and his head tilted down, trying to work off his slight drunkenness. At about the tenth floor, he picked his head back up, looking at her. "Well, that was quite a fun day today."
She leaned back against the wall of the elevator next to Reno, her hands still in the pockets of her suit pants. Red strands of hair that were her bangs hung over her eyes before she raised her head to peer over at the senior Turk. She grinned and nodded, just a tad tipsy from the tecquila, her glass equaling out to about 8 shots, enough to mug her a little. "Yeah, I can agree with that."
The moonshine and grog combination equaled out to about 15-20 shots of Vodka, more than enough to knockout some of the heavyweights in the building. But all he was was a little out of it. He lifted his head, smiling towards Tempest. "Don't get lax now, I'm sure they will send you out on harder missions soon enough."
"I should hope so," she said with a grin. "Never like being the rookie." Her eyes admired him for a moment, unable to help themselves before she turned them back to the elevator floor lights: 25 now. 40 odd some floors to go, she mused. "Not going to go lax, I enjoy fighting too much." She said with a chuckle.
He stood a little straighter, turning his body to be facing hers. A little surprised to see that he was practically pushing against hers. He took a moment to catch his breath. "Fighting has its times." He said in a somewhat half-whisper. "But there are always times when you want some peace." His eyes locked on hers, a obvious interest in them.
She was a little surprised to find his body pressing against the side of her own. She angled her body enough to look up at him from under her bangs. "This is probably true. I just haven't known a lot of peace in my time. Fighting is a good way to vent one's frustrations." Her eyes peered up into his own, curious.
The corner of his mouth turned up with a small smirk, or smile. it was difficult to tell. "Yes, that is very true." He said in a soft voice, his eyes never leaving hers. "Perhaps you just never found the right person to spend that time with?"
If he was hitting on her again, she really couldn't tell at the moment. She nodded gently, finding it harder to breathe with him so close to her. He was just so...intoxicating, in a way, looks, quirks, personality. All around, really. "That's probably true," she said.
He heard the little ding for the 30th floor passing by, and he moved a little closer. Half his mind wanted to look over her shapely body, the other half had his eyes firmly locked on hers, a little story of lust and love in them. "Maybe... I can... help you find this guy..." He whispered in a low but sensual voice. He leaned forward a bit, and his lips met hers, his eyes closing as he got a very small taste of her lips.
Her eyes watched as he leaned closer and she heard his words, knowing what was going to come next. As his lips fell across her own, her eyes slid shut and she couldn't help but lean into him, her hands resting on his chest, neither holding him to her or pushing him away.
He held the kiss for what seemed a eternity, but when he pulled back, there was the tick saying they went up only a single floor. He turned, laying back against the wall again, closing his eyes. "I'm sorry... I shouldn't have done that..."
Even though it didn't seem short, the kiss was indeed short and when he pulled back and leaned away, her eyes opened. There was a faint blush on her cheeks as she turned and was again leaned against the wall too. "Probably not..." she agree softly.
(damn you, you werent suppose to agree! :p)

Reno let out a sigh at her words, looking at the display for the floor. He could have sworn it too a full minute for it to change from 31 to 32. I swear, they model these elevators after molasses...

He turned his head towards her, eyes going over her body quickly. He bit his lip before moving closer. "You know, ShinRa has rules about doing stuff with you coworkers..." His hand moved to rest against the wall beside her head, his eyes a inch from hers. "But since when do I listen to rules..." He kissed her again, this time a deeper kiss, his body pressing lightly against hers.
(Bwaha. I'm unpredictable. X3)

The elevator seemed to be taking forever in a lifetime to get to the housing floor. They now were only halfway there. It took a moment to realize he was speaking to her until he was directly in front of her face again, his hand beside her head. She gasped, eyes raising to his as she caught his last words and his body lightly pressed hers back against the wall. And as his lips slanted across her own again, she couldn't help but groan; it wasn't a bad thing, sort of. Bad for their careers, but not for each others curiousities. She slid a hand up to cup the back of his neck as she returned the deep kiss.
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