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FFX-ToA Sextravaganza!

The feeling of his warm seed in her was the last straw for her, and she came quite hard immediately after, arching her back sharply. She barely had time to enjoy it when Jade just suddenly pulled out and got dressed.

"Wh-where are you going?" she asked curiously. Though, she already knew the answer. All this was was a good fuck. Not like he was gonna set her free or anything.........She was still under arrest.
Jade turned his head, adjusting his glasses on his nose. "I only paid the jailer long enough for that. I would clean up if I were you; your real interrogator will be here any moment. I'll be back to check on you later," he replied, sure to make this a habit of his, to fuck the sexy Noir senseless. And with no further ado, he left the interrogation room, closing the door behind him, whistling to himself as he stalked off.
Noir was left absolutely speechless at what he said and him leaving. Though, eventually she did do what she could to clean herself up and get dressed again.

Meanwhile, in Kimlasca, Tear sat in front of a mirror in one of the many guest rooms in Natalias castle, which she had elected to stay for a few days. As always, she was glued in front of the mirror, looking at her.........real reflection. Primarily........her non taped breasts. She couldn't help but sigh as she looked at the things. When it came to her real bust size, massive was an understatement. When she was in her earlier teen years, she got enough unwanted attention due to blossoming early. And the blossoming didn't stop until she turned 17, which left her with these two huge things to lug around. Though, she had gotten use to it, so they weren't really heavy. Still, she saw how people spoke of her figure when she had these things somewhat hidden. If people knew just how large she really was...........she'd never get a moments rest, as they were really quite spectacular. So large and round and aboslutely perfect. One couldn't help but water at the mouth if they laid eyes on them. Though, Tear saw them a quite freakish, as she dislike people that only cared about physical traits like this. With another sigh, she went about her usual task of trying to tape the things down and slip into her usual outfit. Having done it for years, it was easy.

"Ready Tear?" came the familiar voice of Natalia after a knock at her door, that damn near gave Tear a heart attack.

"Yea, in a minute." Tear called back, taking a deep breath as she checked herself out in the mirror. Yep, same, curvy Tear as always....
After a few more minutes of impatient waiting, giving Tear ample time to cover what was ample on her with tape and clothing, Natalia pushed open the door. "What's taking you so long?" asked a clearly impatient Natalia. She was wearing a light green dress that clung to her curves nicely, a V to just below her breasts giving a nice view of her chest, the dress also showing off Natalia's best feature: her legs, with high-heeled shoes besides. Her hair had grown out just a bit in the time after their journey, and it only added to Natalia's beauty. "Come on, we're going to miss reservations," she said impatiently; she really wanted to go... mostly because she wanted to hurry on this date with Guy, or as she properly called him, Gailardia. It was almost no secret that the princess of Kimlasca and the Malkuth nobleman were something of an item, but they liked to believe it was.
"Sorry.....I'm coming........." Tear softly replied, obviously somewhat depressed by this date. She wanted to go, but her and Guys relationship also made her feel lonely since Luke had never come back. Hopefully, there'd be something on the date that would at least take her mind off it, but she wasn't hopeful.

"You look good. I'm sure Guy....oh.......Gailardia and you will have a great time." she said, smiling softly as she stood in front of Natalia.
Natalia's cheeks were stained with color at her words. "Thank you, I hope so, too," Natalia said with a small smile. She had been planning this for a while, now, and was planning on pouncing Guy after their dinner date for dessert. "Come on, we'll be late if we don't hurry," Natalia said, reaching out to grab Tear's hand, pulling her out of the room. A rather excited Natalia led her down to the elevator, and soon they reached a large, warmly colored restaurant, where Guy awaited in the lobby.
Tear gasped when Natalia suddenly took her hand and hurried into the elevator. When it stopped, they were met with the sight of Guy dressed in a fancy suit, making him look quite handsome, Tear thought.

"Wow, you both look absolutely ravishing tonight." Guy excitedly said as he looked at the pair. Tear wasn't dressed quite as fancy as Natalia, but was hot none the less. Natalia had her beat out for the night though, as Guy had trouble keeping his eyes off her cleavage and legs.

"T-Thanks....." Tear mumbled, smiling shyly as she looked away, blushing lightly. She couldn't help with how handsome he looked tonight.
Natalia positively beamed at Guy; she was quite used to his compliments, so she didn't blush anymore. Natalia hooked her arm with Guy's, as she had managed to break him of his phobia, her lips pressing against his cheek for a moment. "Shall we?" she asked them both, before leading them inside the restaurant. They spoke briefly with a waitress, who led them into the crowded restaurant, to a secluded alclove, where Jade, clad in a Malkuth dress uniform, glanced up from the menu, taking a small sip of a brilliant red wine. "Ah, so you've fineally come. I was afraid I would have to order without you," he said simply, before glancing back to his menu, seemingly oblivious to the fact that none of them had invited him along. The colonel seemed to know everything, though. "Um... Jade, why are you here?" she asked, whilst Guy took a seat next to Jade, Natalia taking a seat next to Guy when Jade provided no answer, leaving the final, available seat open to Tear. At last, after Jade took a sip from his wine: "Old men have to eat too, you know," he said cheerfully, closing his menu.
Tear groaned lightly in annoyance that someone they all knew saw her here, and might she was as pathetic as she saw herself right now, but still, she took her one remaining seat next to Jade.

"Yes, I'm sure this by absolutely accident, Mr. Curtis." said Tear, being polite, knowing full well this was no accident. Somehow, he had found out the details about this little date. There was no telling how he did so, but there was no fooling Tear. God, how she hated that this now looked like a double date.

"So? Fun is fun, regardless of who is here." Guy replied with his usual big smile. As usual, he was rather optimistic, not caring or perhaps even knowing Jade set this up. Regardless, Natalia looked absolutely angelic and now Tear had someone to converse with at the table. He knew Natalia wouldn't let the chance slip by. Since Luke dissapeared, she had tried to set Tear up with damn near every guy she came across, but Tear always refused or weasled out of it somehow. But now, she'd have to deal with Jade and Natalia teaming up on her and when it came to match making, Natalia could be just as devious as Jade always was, which pretty much meant Tear had no hope...
"Glad you understand, then," Jade said cheerfully, impervious to sarcasm. Jade was as much of an enigma as he always was; he had somehow managed to change the reservation to four, though this curious feat simply amounted to a breathless, sweaty hostess half passed out on a bag of flower, Jade's cum in her belly. "Feel free to order anything ladies, Guy shall be paying," Jade said simply, though Guy would know he couldn't retaliate. Peony was Guy's boss, and Jade, as they all well knew, could be considered the second in command in all of Malkuth.

Thinking this couldn't have worked out any better had Natalia even had a hand in Jade being here, Natalia turned a bit to Guy, offering him a flirtatious smile. When a waitress came by, they placed their drink orders, before she moved on, Natalia's hand resting lightly on Guy's thigh.
Not to mention..........Guy was rich as well, having a family fortune tucked away. So, he really had no problem paying, especially with how flirty Natalia was being tonight. Feeling her hand on his thigh, Guy placed his hands on her, gently rubbing up and down with a smile on his face.

Seeing the looks on their face and that their hands were nowhere in sight, Tear had an idea of what they were doing, and was glad she couldn't see. The two were quite affectionate with one another. As much as she'd absolutely hate that it happen, she wouldn't be surprised if the two started passionately making out or even full on doing it right in the middle of the damn place. But still, she felt somewhat envious. At least Natalia had someone to do such things with. Tear did not. If Luke were here, she would, but after what happened to him, she felt unable to date again. So, despite regular visits from friends, she was still an incredibly lonely woman, made obvious to any who saw her as she sat at the table quitely, a look of sadness in her eyes.
Not to mention, Jade simply enjoyed tormenting Guy. Whenever anyone asked them about the events of the past few years, Jade told Guy to explain before silently exiting the scene himself. However, all torment was obviously forgotten as Natalia and Guy seemed to be in their own little world. Jade glanced down to Tear, feeling one of the few pangs of sympathy in his life. His hand reached over to Tear's shoulder; "It's quite stuffy in here, isn't it? I think we're going to go out to get some air," he said, refusing to take a no from Tear as he ushered her off of the seat, reaching back to pull the strings on the cloth that covered the alcove; it was designed for business meetings as well, and any wait staff who tried to bother them were immediately fired.

Jade ushered Tear out to the balcony of the restaurant, whilst Natalia's dainty hand came to rest on his chest, her taking advantage of the situation to grab Guy's lips in a sweet kiss.
And Guy was glad to return it, hands resting over on her hips as he passionately returned the kiss.

Tear, meanwhile, was surprised by Jades actions, but followed him out none the less.

"It's a nice night........" she said to him, as they stood out on the balcony alone, looking up at the stars.
Natalia felt a devilism smile creep onto her soft pink lips, before she reached down, pushing the table back jut a bit, before she began to slip down to the ground, knees resting on the plush rug beneath the table. She reached out, dextrous fingertips gently undoing his belt, before unzipping his pants. They hadn't gone all the way together yet, but they'd gone fairly far... and she wasn't going to pass up this chance. Her slender fingertips reached into his pants, extracting his cock.

Once they were outside on the balcony, Jade glanced down to her, before back to the sky. "Yes, I suppose it is," he said lightly. "Although, perhaps that's simply because you're here," Jade said; a rather cliched line, though he used it all the same.
Guy groaned softly, letting Natalia go about whatever she wanted to do. This was certainly not the first time she had given him such pleasure. Though, they didn't do it in such public places. Regardless, the chance of being caught was quite small, unless the two of them got too loud in their sexy fun.

Tear was quite surprised by Jades line, but really didn't mind. In cheered her up a bit.

"You must say that to all the ladies who you get alone time with because you weasled into their little group date with her two friends." she replied, laughing lightly as she smiled and glanced over at him a moment, before returning her gaze to the clear night sky.
Natalia started to gently stroke Guy's cock, thumb rubbing against the head of his cock as she stroked the rest of it, her other hand coming up to help after a moment, the hand around the base of his cock staying as she leaned over. She accepted the head of his cock between her soft lips, suckling softly whilst giving him a tongue bath.

Jade considered her words for a few moments... she didn't know how true that was; Jade was a sneaky bastard. Shaking that oddly true comment from her off, Jade chuckled softly, leaning a bit against the railing on the balcony, looking back to her with a small smile. "Tear," he said after a moment, hand coming up to grasp her chin when she looked over at him, reddish eyes staring deep into her own eyes for a moment, the glow of his fonic sight quite mesmerizing in the dark of night, before he leaned over to press to Tear's lips what could have been her very first kiss.
Guy clutched at the cushioned seat beneath him when Natalia took the tip into her mouth. God, did she ever know just how to please him.

Needless to say, Tear was completely shocked by the kiss. Eyes went wide for a good few moments after Jade pressed their lips together. Eventually though, her eyes drifted closed as she place her hands on his shoulders. Instead of pushing him away or anything, she softly returned the kiss. She herself wasn't entirely sure why. She had always had feelings for Luke and there was never really anything between her and Jade. But for whatever reason, she just couldn't resist. Perhaps somewhere in her heart, she cared more for him than as just a friend and comrade.

((What even is the Fonic sight? I know you find out in a skit in the game, but I've never gotten the skit and have always wondered what the heck it is....))
Natalia slowly began to take more of Guy's cock into her mouth, her head starting to bob up and down on his swollen prick. It had to be odd, seeing the heir to half of the entire world sucking cock under the table in a restaurant.

Meanwhile, Jade's hand moved from her chin to her cheek, gently brushing against the soft skin of her cheek, as his other arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her (and those mammoth melons) closer to him. His lips parted a bit, coaxing Tear into a more passionate kiss now that she had given in to just his lips.

(The eyes are the largest fon slots on the body, and Jade has an arte applied to them to triple his fonon intake, which lets him use more powerful artes. His glasses limit it so that it doesn't turn him into something like Mohs.)
Guy of course, didn't mind. That's pretty much what lead to them getting together. He had always just seen her as plain old Natalia and treated her like just another member of the gang. Never giving her special treatment because of her status. They made quite a nice couple......and quite a naughty one. Guy continued moaning, his hands going to rest on her head. He didn't hold her there or make her do anything. He just simple rested his hands there.

Outside, Tears arms slid around his shoulders as Jade pulled her into for a deeper kiss, parting her lips to give him further access as they shared a rather passionate kiss under the moonlight. She had always wanted a romantic moment like this, but always figured it would be Luke. Even though she never expected this to ever happen with Jade........she wouldn't trade this for the world.

((Ah, thanks. Haven't actually played the game in quite a while myself. Been primarily concentrating on DS stuff.))
Natalia pulled off of his cock with a 'pop', gently stroking his shaft as she looked around to the table behind her, before she grinned mischeviously. She slowly pulled back under the table, spacious enough for them to both nearly lay down fully under there, Natalia pulling aside the skirt of her dress, revealing her pretty white panties, moist at the crotch, Natalia's other hand coming up to gently pull the sides of her dress down, revealing her plump, soft white bressts, tipped with rosy nipples.

Jade held Tear against him for several moments, the kiss deepning just a bit, before he pulled back, breath hot on her lips, smelling faintly of herbal mint. He didn't know where they could go for what Jade wanted to do at the moment... she was too sweet and shy of a woman to consent to doing anything out here.. and then Jade glanced back; a small cabin-like room, separate from the rest of the restaurant. Jade turned back to her, his hands coming up beneath her rear, simply picking her up off the ground, prompting her to wrap her legs around him as he carried her toward that room.
"Heh, you really want it bad, don't ya?" Guy asked, smiling as he looked down at Natalia, licking his lips as he revealed more of her body. He just admired her a moment before climbing down and laying over top of her, not bothering to really remove any more clothing as he lowered his head and kissed her passionately, his hard manhood pressing against her panties, while one hand found it's way to her decent sized bosom.

Tear gasped in surprise when he picked her up, wrapping her legs around him by sheer reflex. Looking back to see where he was heading, she knew what he had in mind when she saw the place. Blushing lightly, she turned back to smile at him, showing him she was willing to go along with what he desired. Her blush grew quite bright when it hit her that he would soon become the first person to find out the truth about her true bust size. Her shy, modest half told her to stop him before he could take her there and find out, but her other half, who wanted this very much told her to let him do as he wished, and give him the honor of being the first............The naughtier half won out and she just held onto him as he carried her towards his goal while she pondered just how he was going to react to seeing her truely massive chest. She could easily predict how someone like Guy would react but with was alot harder.....
"Oh shush, you," Natalia said with a light giggle as Guy laid down on her, her soft white legs wrapping around his hips as her hands came up behind his head, Natalia pkissing her dear Gailardia passionately. Her hand trailed down his back to his tight ass, and she started to push his pants down even more. She wanted him naked, and her dripping wet snatch wanted it -now-.

Jade was quite surprised (that was a first) that Tear did not stop him as he made his way into the little building, over to the couch used for romantic stargazing. She'd be seeing stars, alright.. He set her down on it, hand coming to rest on her pale leg, sliding up and down the hairless surface, as he started to pull at her clothing, wanting to confirm what he had thought, and what Noir drooled over.
Guy let her pull his pants even further. After a bit, he pulled back from the kiss so that he could do as she desired and began to strip down, take every chance he could to look down at her lucious form.

Tear let Jade do everything he wished without a word until he began tugging at her clothing.

"W-Wait........let me, because........there's something about me you don't know." Tear said, gently stopping his hands before sliding out from under him and standing up off the couch, her back to him. Reaching into the top of her outfit, she gripped both the outer layer and the tape holding her breasts back. Taking a deep breath, she turned to face Jade before pulling both open at the same time, causing her full sized, absolutely massive melons to bounce free before him, only being restrained by a very hard working bra at the moment.
Natalia reached down to her midsection, where the dress had bucned together, and managed to shimmy them down her shapely legs; they really were her best feature. Next went her white panties, in a comfortable thong style, the underwear being ditched with the rest of their clothes before she wrapped her legs around his hips once more, her high-heeled shoes barely remaining on her feet. She wanted her beloved Guy...

As Tear pulled back, Jade wishing to just jerk her down right beneath his body, stopped when Tear turned away from him, and got her clothing in her hands, before turning and jerking her clothing apart. Jade's eyes took in her massive, soft tits, Jade resisting the impulse to lick his lips. Jackpot. "I thought they were bigger than you let on," Jade said, reaching out to gently cup one of her massive titties. "They truly are magnificent, Tear, you shouldn't hide them," Jade said, gently kneading her tit, hand slidng across the side of her breast, before it went around her body, Jade pulling her back against him, crushing her curvy body against him. His dextrous fingers undid her bra, and her tits were unleashed fully to his eyes. "Whilst the bra does look cute on you, you'll ruin it in seconds when they start bouncing," he said with a lecherous smile.
Guy smiled down at her his hand lowered to scoop her up a bit, raising her hips before he began to slowly slide himself inside of her, being gentle every step of the way.

Tear was quite surprised by his comments and his touching. But, was very relieved that he obviously didn't think her massive rack was her sole defining feature. Gasping when he pulled her onto the couch with him, she spread her legs on either side of his, making her self comfortable on his lap.

"'re making me blush........" she shyly said with a little giggle when he made the bouncing comment. She sure didn't mind.
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