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FFX-ToA Sextravaganza!

"Perhaps so. But then I would have to spank you harder than I'm going to, and none of us want that, hm?" he asked, slowly pulling off his glasses. In order to prevent his Fonic Sight from going out of control he had to keep them on, but he tended to be more menacing without. "So tell me, Noir, what -has- our naughty little redhead been doing since we last ran into you?" he asked, his eyes nearly glowing a faint rubicund light.
"Oh, just this and that." Noir replied, flippantly waving her hand. She thought Jade was quite the looker with his glasses off, but wasn't intimidated by him......yet at least.
Jade began to approach her, eyes providing some amount of light in the otherwise dark room. "It doesn't really matter if you tell me or not; at best, you'll face years in prison. At worst," he said, his spear forming in a shower of green sparks in his hand, "you'll be executed, like your friends," he said, embedding the spear deep into the wood of her chair, next to her head... before the spear promptly disappeared once more. "Or perhaps we could work up an arrangement," he said, his voice never going above a soft speaking tone.
"And what kind of arrangement would this be, mister Curis?" Noir asked, intrigued at the mention. She had no clue what he wanted, but she had her own things she was hoping for.
Jade quirked a brow. "Well, that depends, doesn't it? What do you think your life is worth right now?" he asked, curious as to her answer. He was surprised that the spear hadn't garnered a reaction out of her, but he'd find some way to do it short of outright torture.
"Well, I'd like to keep on living, so I'd suppose just about anything." Noir replied, smiling lightly as she looked the man up and down. She really did mean anything, and wished he was pervy enough to take advantage of it.
Jade was indeed pervy enough, though this fact was known to only one person in the world, and that was Peony when they talked about women. "Anything?" he asked, the spear once more materializing in his hand. He pressed the point of it against her crotch. "Even being fucked with a spear?" he asked. He wasn't going to do it, of course, but she might think him capable of it.
"Hmmmm, maybe......I've always liked things that were long and hard...." Noir replied with a smile, calling him on his bluff. She figured he wouldn't do it........but she'd probably end up enjoying it one way or another. She was known for being quite the tiger in the sack.
Jade was surprised; the women he interrogated were never so resilient... then again, he specialized in torture, not interrogation like this. He didn't let it show, though, and when she called him on his bluff, he pressed forward on the spear, the blade indeed pushing into her just a bit through her clothing, before he withdrew the spear, it disappearing in a flash of light. He reached down to where he'd pushed in her skirt a bit, and he pulled it up, letting it rest over one of her thighs before he gently pushed a finger into her.
Noir winced lightly from the spear, but that was soon replaced with a light moan when he suddenly came over and pushed a finger into her.

"Oh my.......shouldn't you buy me dinner first?" she jokingly asked, slowly pulling down her top to let her bra covered large breasts pop out. Even in their.....restraints, they bounced lightly.
"Would -you- like to wait?" he asked softly, turning his finger around in her a bit before he pulled back, wiping off his finger before removing his gloves. Afterward, he brought his hand up, Jade starting to murmur under his breath. Blades of wind whipped at Noir, hard enough to leave pink scratches when it touched upon skin instead of cloth, ripping her clothes from her body, save her bra and whatever panties she wore. "Much better," he said cheerfully, looking over the chesty little thief.
"Since when you'd get so pervy?" Noir asked, gasping after he slashed away all her clothing, leaving her a rather nice pair of lacy black bra and thong. She was certainly surprised by all of this. Not like she long as he didn't get too rough with her.
Jade hummed to himself as he undid his belt, letting his pants fall down to the ground. Next went his underwear, and finally his boots, leaving him entirely naked from the waist down, his hard cock now in sight. Jade approached her, expertly undoing the clasp on her bra, letting her milky white tits out into the open, much to his pleasure. "Very nice," he murmured, squeezing one of her large breasts, pinching one rosy nipple.
Noir wasn't surprise he ignored did she care. She writhed around a bit in her chair, not resisting him at all. He sure knew what he was doing alright.

"Better than that bimbo Tears?" she asked with a grin. Noir liked to be objects of peoples affections/lustful thoughts. Natalia was no thread, neither was little Anise. Tear........she was really quite hot. The only one Noir considered a rival when it came down to who was hotter.
(Sorry for the huge delay.)

Jade smiled softly as he gently tweaked her nipple this way and that, before his hand covered the front of her pale, milky tit. "Mm... I haven't fucked her yet, so I couldn't say if they were or not. I think she has them tied back," Jade said with a soft laugh. Oh, he had thought about fucking Tear before... but no opportunity had presented itself. Like this one had. Jade came closer to her, kneeling down, pulling her skirt to the side... and whilst pushing her legs against the legs of the chair, he dug his tongue into her cunt.
"No way!" Noir almost shouted. It couldn't be. Tears boobs were large enough as is. If she held them back with tape or something, they must be absolute massive, works of art. She was about to say something else, but all that came out was a moan as Jade thrust his tongue into her.
Jade knew that would rile up the vain Noir, though he didn't know for certain if that was a lie or not. He would have to check for himself sometime. His tongue parted and probed her outer lips, getting her as wet as he could before he reached around to her back, undoing the restraints on her hands, the chains connected to the ones on her feet, letting her mostly loose. Jade pulled her off of the chair for a moment, turning to sit in the chair himself.. and then he set her on his lap, his hard cock resting between her ass cheeks as he pressed his lips to hers, letting Noir taste her own cunt juice.
((Hehe, we really should make Tears real breast size in this RP the size they're thinking of. Large when taped back, and perfectly massive when let free. Also got an idea for Anise. Hating that people look at her as a kid, perhaps she uses a forbidden spell to articficially give herself an older, very sexy and curvy body that Jade just can't resist.^_^ She annoys me........but with that tan......I think she'll look hot in her teen years.))

As soon as Noir realized he had released her hands, he had sat down and pulled her with him. Surprised by the kiss the followed, she soon returned it, getting off a bit on knowing she was tasing a mixture of him and herself after he had just eaten her out. Eventually, she pulled back, letting out a satisfied moan as she did so.

"Heh, I'm gonna make you forget all about the silicone toting slut." she said, obviously referencing Tear. Obviously.........she was not gonna let his comment about Tears bust size go. For a couple of reasons. One, jealousy........Noir was suppose to be the super hotty everyone lusted after, not Tear. 2, it was hot. As she had thought earlier, if Tears tits were that size taped back............god, would she ever love to see them bare and free.
(Hehe! That'd be awesome. :3 And sure, that actually sounds like it's just about up her alley. Maybe Florian can use a Daathic fonic art? :p )

"Really, now? Or perhaps I might wonder how much better it would be were it her?" he asked with that perfectly crafted expression of pure innocence, his hands finding her wide hips. Her skirt, still pushed back to reveal her wet pussy, proved no obstacle to him as he picked her up... and a moment later, she would feel a thick cock parting her lower lips around it, the few hairs around his groin crushed by her mound as he slid in to the hilt.
((Sure, and to show off her new curves, She'll stay in her old outfit, as it's now very tight on her, showing off her curves.........along with likely being above her hips now, making her panties and now hot ass always visible.))

"Bastard!" Noir more or less moaned out as he slid himself easily into her. No way would she lose out to Tear. She really did have no chance to beat her. While Jade obviously made it up on the was actually true. She was actually a good deal more well endowed than she appeared. Always getting unwanted attention from perverts lead her to trying to conceal her large breasts, but since they were quite large, she couldn't fully tape them down, still leaving her with a somewhat fake, but very attractive pair of melons. Noone had yet had the honor of seeing her melons in their full glory though....

"Me? I'm harmless," Jade said simply, as he was sheathedi nside of her warm and slick tunnel. He pushed her up to about halfway up his dick, before she was quickly pushed down, his hips bucking himself up into her on the down slide. He set up a rhythym like this, bucking hard in to her. Jade did not know whether he preferred the busty, pale redhead Noir, or the fit young soldier that was Tear, even if she had a magnificent set of titties. His cock was rooting for the one riding it right now, though.
((Yes, I'm a dirty little perv.^_^))

And Noir did enjoy riding it. She moaned again and again, louder and louder each time as he set up the nice rhythym of lifting her up, then pulling her back down, her large breasts bouncing sharply each time.
Jade's arm came up behind her back, laying across her shoulders, pulling her and those magnificent breasts closer, the other arm laying across the top of her ass as she bounced on his cock, his own groans soft and light in the delicate shell of her ear. Oh, this was quite fun indeed, his pre-cum oozing into her as he fucked her.
"Oh yes commander Curtis! More.........more.........!" Noir begged, damn near screaming as she held onto his shoulders for dear life, loving every second of this.........even though he was actually more or less raping her.
Jade did indeed give her more, standing up with her soft, curvaceous body on top of him. He stepped forward, pressing her against the table, crushing her body agains it as he bucked his hips into her, balls slapping against her ass... until... He let out a long, throaty groan, those very balls emptying his hot, thick seed into her, his cock trapping his cum into her for a few moments before he pulled back, reaching down to get hos pants back on, leaving the gasping Noir with his cum running out of her and onto her thighs.
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