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Adventures of a Novice and a Myth | [ Kɪᴛᴇ & Bᴀᴇ ]

"Are you sure?" Graham's jovial mood was thick in his voice, his mouth half-full with honey and cracker. "You can have all the honey you want, if you do."

After swallowing, he leaned forward, checking on the honey. It was warm and thin enough to drink, the pot still quite full. Graham couldn't help himself, mixing the pot a bit before ladling some directly into his mouth, savoring the delightful taste.
She.... was certain...wasn't she...? Baeleaf had only, officially, met this man mere hours ago. Staying with him, in his home, for the night? There was no possible way...

Orange eyes were transfixed on his form; the dark, marred skin of his arm reaching out to stir the small pot of honey near the fire. She could almost see the muscles working beneath the skin while he cradled some of that liquid gold to his lips to drink-- and she licked her lips as she watched him. All the honey, he had said. If that were true... and he was willing to part with the sweet, sticky substance, then maybe. "O-one... night..." she managed.
"Sounds good." Graham said with a genuine smile. "I don't have much space, but I have blankets, if you're cold. It's been kinda' warm out, so I've just been laying on the pile."

He rose from the mass of straw and heavy blankets, picking one up and hastily folding it into a pillow for his guest. He handed it to Baeleaf and folded another for himself, setting it aside.

"I'm gonna' go get a bit of water from the lake to douse the fire." Graham said as he unlaced his heavy leather boots and picked up a cracked pot from beside the door. "Go ahead and have as much honey as you want before bed, if you'd like."

With a charming, genuine smile, the hardened man brushed away a dark lock of hair and headed out into the dark, barefoot. He couldn't believe how wonderful it felt to have a well-mannered guest, and one who could speak at that. As he submerged the rustic vessel in the mirror-like waters of the lake, Graham looked to the sky with a smile, admiring the beauty in the sky and stars, basking in the atmosphere of Eterna Forest. All his worries, forgotten, even his recent honey-slathered wounds seemed to be healing just fine. Pulling up the pot, Graham headed back to his hut, enjoying the evening chill of the water.
While still...unsettled by her agreement to stay with him, honey would be the end of her, Baeleaf watched as Graham gathered up some of his sleeping materials. Folding them and passing them over to her, the accepted the hastily thrown together item and nodded in thanks. She had been sleeping in the forest, amongst the other pokemon, for such a long time now she didn't remember what a bed even was.

Her eyes never seemed to leave him, she was so interested in everything he did. She hadn't been in contact with a human in such a long time -- not one she liked at least -- so Baeleaf's attention was constantly drawn towards Graham. Her fingers idly touched at the necklace.

Only nodding to him in response, she watched as he left the hut in search of water for the fire. He was giving her free reign of his home, not that she hadn't seen almost all of it when she snooped earlier, but the honey, too. Another flick of her tongue over her lip and she eyed the pot. Settling on the floor, she reached for the wooden ladle he had been using earlier and collected some of the thinned, still warm liquid and took a mouthful. Baeleaf chirped loudly at the sweetness as it washed over her tastebuds once more. Depositing the ladle back into the pot, she shuffled back to where she had set the pillow he had given her, pulling it into her lap to await Graham's return.

There was an uneasy feeling that washed over her senses. In part due to the strange environment she willingly subjected herself to, Baeleaf tried to push the thoughts from her mind that something could go...wrong. Surely Graham wouldn't turn her into those lab-coat wearing terrors, would he? Giving him the benefit of the doubt, she sat, cross-legged on the floor and waited for his return.
Graham gently nudged the door open with his free hand, his other hand busy with the water pot. He set it down next to the fire pit before putting the cover on the honey, but leaving it unstrapped for his guest, whom he turned to afterwards.

"You can sleep wherever you like, Baeleaf." The jovial man commented with his pleasant tone. "I've got plenty of space on the hay for both of us as well."

Kneeling down, Graham carefully took the water pot in both hands and doused the small fire cautiously. The inside of the hut was almost pitch black; to a normal human, that is. Graham's eyes adjusted to the inside of his hut slowly, helped by the moonlight entering the out-of-place window. leisurely, he moved over to the mass of straw and blankets he called a bed before removing his simple, tattered shirt. Though Baeleaf didn't quite seem to be a pokemon, he figured she wouldn't care if he had removed his garments; she was nude herself, save for the gold chain she wore. More scars littered the dark skin of his torso with lighter tones, some large gashes, others burn scars from the Team Rocket Reconnaissance Group. Whenever anyone hassled him about his scars, especially the one on his face, he always made excuses. "It was some asshole trainer," or "Eterna City has some rough pubs." He'd never blame the forest, least of all the pokemon he lived among, and he refused to utter the name "Team Rocket" in any accusatory sense. The last thing he wanted was collateral damage being dealt to the forest or any of its inhabitants because Team Rocket came to find him. He'd protect all the pokemon he could reach, and he'd wear his battle-scars with pride until his dying breath. He swore it to himself, and now, that oath had grown to encompass Baeleaf.

"Rest easy, my friend." Graham said as he plopped onto the soft mass, giving a pleasant sigh as he wearily stared at the dilapidated ceiling of his hut.
She noticed that there was a decent spot where his bed had been made up. The hay that he used as a cushion from the hard floor was neatly strewn about. His tone that he spoke to her in was always...happy. Like he was pleased to be speaking to her. Baeleaf wondered what other interactions he had; she knew he spoke with the Pokémon in the forest, and surely he had to know some other humans when he left the woods. Did he have friends? Family? The questions ran through her mind -- she'd started compiling a list to bombard him with...should she find the time and feel comfortable asking so much.

With a nod, Baeleaf watched was the fire was quickly doused by the water. Instantly, they were enveloped in darkness. Her eyes quickly adjusted to the pitch darkness, picking out Graham's form. Quietly she shuffled about, and adjusted her little makeshift pillow. Orange eyes danced as they looked at his skin, the scarred flesh and marred, lighter toned skin holding her attention as he settled into his bed. So many questions filled her mind...

Watching as Graham made himself comfortable in his blanket covered straw pile, Baeleaf attempted to do the same, scooting close--but not too close!-- to him. Her eyes still roamed his body, fingers itching to trace the jagged lines of his scars. It would be strange, to touch him though, so she relented. Plus he was awake...and she wasn't certain she could clearly explain to him why she was touching him. Instead she decided to wait until he fell asleep and conduct a thorough investigation of her own. In addition to that, she couldn't sleep. Being in the strange, unfamiliar home with a strange and unfamiliar person made her stomach flutter with an uneasiness. There was a part of her that wanted to leave for the night, come back at first morning light and pretend like she stayed. But, if he woke and somehow found she'd left... the guilty feeling that suddenly came over her made Baeleaf talk herself out of that thought.

She wasn't sure how long she had laid there, staring up at the ceiling or looking through the window. Graham was sleeping beside her on the floor and Baeleaf rolled onto her stomach before she sat up, closing the distance between them a bit more so she could more easily look at the scars that littered his body. There was enough moonlight filtering into the hut that she was able to clearly make out some of the lines, gently raising her hand to trace her fingers over his flesh. She looked over every inch of him; between his marred skin and the gentle lines of his face, the way his hair fell over his forehead and the light rise and fall of his chest as he slept. He was a gentle man, and that only raised more questions as to why he was so...damaged. Was he almost like her? Once tortured and abused now seeking refuge in the deepest parts of a lonely forest?

As she sat deep in thought mulling over the different possibilities and reasons for why he looked the way he did, why he stayed here of all places, Baeleaf didn't hear or see the little creature enter in the hut. Veiled in darkness, a sneaky Misdreavus entered the home and fluttered around towards the ceiling, eyeing the two below and eyes bright with mischievous intent. With a noise akin to a quiet snicker, the Misdreavus started to take in a deep breath with the intent to scream, waking the familiar human from his slumber and scaring the girl from her daze.

Baeleaf suddenly jumped at the shrill cry, eyes wide and heart thumping against its cage as the Misdreavus giggled in delight. Graham had been certain to hear it as well, waking him, and Baeleaf growled. Up on her feet she waved her hands at the little ghost Pokemon and flung some vines in its direction. "Shoo!"
"Guh!" Graham was startled awake by the Misdreavus he had forgotten to lay a trap for.

He had wanted to confront her properly, but each week, seemingly at random, she'd come and shriek him awake, before retreating with a giggle. While he didn't hate the ghostly pokemon for it, he'd rather she didn't do it, and had intended on bribing her with honey or items, if it got her to stop. With a groan, Graham sat up, his heart coming down from the adrenaline rush the misdreavus had given him.

"Hey!" Graham grumpily shouted at the Misdreavus, pointing at her lazily. "If you promise to stop, I'll share some honey with you."
Misdreavus cackled with delight, eyes twinkling as Baeleaf tries to shoo her off from the hut. With Graham now startled awake, she turned her orange eyes on him and grumbled softly at the mischievous little ghost Pokemon. The Misdreavus continued to float around the top of the hut while Graham slowly gained consciousness and Baeleaf furiously narrowed her eyes at the creature.

While she hadn't been asleep, she had been...invested in something else, and she was upset it had been interrupted. Honey perked her ears and for a moment Baeleaf frowned. How much honey did he have? She didn't want it all to go away... He promised her some, too.

Misdreavus also stopped her giggly floating and looked at the human. It was true she'd been having fun scaring him from his sleep the last few weeks especially. It had given her something to do in the boring nights that the forest had to offer. The mansion in the woods had gotten boring, no one else came there for her to haunt and spook. Making a little noise, Misdreavus floated over to one of the shelves that lined the hut walls. While honey was a delicious little treat she enjoyed, she was able to sneak it from the Vespiquen and Combees while they slept at night. No, she wanted something else.

Picking up a shiny little trinket from the shelf, she moved over to drop it into Graham's hand. It caught Baeleaf's curiosity as well and she leaned over Graham's hand to take a look at the little thing.
"Hm." Graham mulled over the thought of giving the badge to the mischievous pokemon.

He had watched a trainer flee in terror from his combee friends after agitating them with something as foolish as trying to capture their queen. The trainer had dropped the badge a year ago, during the escape, and Graham had kept it since then, being no stranger to badges; some of his coworkers flaunted them in his face, speaking of the fame and women being a badge-earning trainer would get you. Out of courtesy, the hardened survivalist held onto the badge, eventually forgetting it occupied his shelf, but never forgetting the look on the face of the trainer as he fled with all his might.

"If you promise not to prank me anymore, I'll let you have it." Graham said as he raised the badge up to the ghostly pokemon. "I didn't earn it, so I'm willing to part with it."
Both Misdreavus and Baeleaf eyed Graham and the badge in his hands. Surely, as most of the things he had in his home, there was a story to why he had it. The Misdreavus, for instance, had collected a few things in her travels which she would often tease trainers with. This badge would be a nice addition to her collection, and she was interested to see what the human would say.

With the badge extended out to her, Misdreavus fluttered around and mulled it over. While seeing the surprised look on his face every night she had come to wake him, she was hesitant to come back -- especially with that girl glaring at her -- but she knew she could get even more kicks with the badge. For Misdreavus had seen the human trainer in question searching the forest floor for something, and she'd bet that this little, shiny badge was the reason. Snatching the little badge up, Misdreavus floated back to the ceiling and eyed her new prize. With a chirp, the ghost pokemon headed for the door.

Baeleaf tilted her head -- she understood that chirp. "Uhn.." Before she could say much else, the little ghost was gone. "...she will stop."
"Finally." Graham said sleepily as he flopped back onto his bed, having lost the alertness the Misdreavus' scream had given him. "Thanks, Baeleaf. I appreciate it."

His eyelids fluttered for a moment, his level of gratefulness only barely expressed. It didn't take long for Graham to enter his previously disturbed deep sleep once more, his arms at his sides and his bare, scarred chest facing the ceiling. He had always found it easy to sleep while he occupied the forest, even before he had finished his hut. Having such wonderful company only made it easier for him. His quiet breaths slowly came and went, his lips only barely parted.
She wasn't surprised that the Misdreavus had given Graham so much grief. The other ghost Pokemon she had seen in the Old Chateau had frightened even her when she tried to stay here. Baeleaf couldn't imagine one of them coming, randomly, in the middle of the night just for a quick scare. Her eyes were on him once more as he fell back into his straw-bed. Within mere minutes, he was asleep once more.

The adrenaline must have exhausted him even more. Once she noticed he was back into his deep slumber, Baeleaf crawled over to where he was laying. Her earlier investigation of his various scars had been interrupted and she was determined to look once more. The more she looked, the more questions she had. Soon enough, she was laying on her stomach, resting on top of the makeshift pillow he had made for her. Chin resting in her left hand, her right trailed lightly over his skin, keeping a watchful eye to make sure she didn't stir him from his sleep.

Her eyes were growing heavy, however. There was a light scent she had picked up on when she had first entered his hut -- and now she realized it was actually Graham. The scent itself was pleasing to her, and curled a little closer to him once more. Her fingers idly traced the scar on his cheek gently. Realizing she was growing more tired by the moment, she attempted to move, but he was warm. She didn't get far; Baeleaf fell asleep in her attempt to distance herself, head resting on his shoulder.
Graham's eyes fluttered open to morning light entering his window. Even though he'd been scared awake, as per the misdreavus' weekly visits, he trusted it'd be the last time he saw her in that particular capacity. With a yawn, he turned his head to check on his guest, only to find the top of her head mere inches from his face. She had fallen asleep upon his shoulder, and he found it absolutely adorable, as he stifled a chortle. With his free arm, he reached over and began gently stroking the lengthy leaves upon Baeleaf's head in an attempt to wake her.

"It's time to get up, Baeleaf." Graham's voice came out just above a whisper in his low tone. "I'm sure you're ready for breakfast."
She couldn't remember a time when she slept so well.

Usually her nights were rife with nightmares, constantly waking her from sleep and making sure she looked over her shoulder, never really resting. This night, however, she slept straight through the night without even a hint of waking. Baeleaf was comfortably warm; there was the light chirps and noises of pokemon waking from the night-- the sunlight was warm on her skin. The feeling atop of her head where her hair formed into leaves tickled and she hummed softly. Scrunching her face, orange eyes opened slowly. Promptly, she blinked away her sleep and jerked in surprise. She'd forgotten about Graham -- even more she forgot she fell asleep on him -- his hand the cause of that tickling sensation on her head making her squeak in surprise. "" His hand was warm, gentle on her and it made her close her eyes once more, content to stay where she was... but she was already mildly embarrassed that he woke up before her, and to find her dozing on him. Sitting up straight and putting a little distance between them, Baeleaf stifled a yawn and felt her face grow warm.

Breakfast sounded good, the low rumble in her stomach making her clap a hand over it. With a nod to Graham, her mouth watering at the thought of food. "Mm.. mhm."
"You're just fine." Graham whispered in response to Baeleaf's apology, giving her the space she desired once she rose from the bed.

At the rumble of her stomach, the fully rested survivalist gave a chortle in response, standing on his feet and stretching his muscular limbs until satisfied. The door of the hut seemed to rumble a bit, prompting Graham to approach it and open it. A familiar buneary hopped into the hut, dumping its trove of various berries into a nearby bowl that sat near the door for this very purpose.

"Ah, Fluffikins. Thank you very much. You're too kind." Graham said as he pulled his spray bottle from his belt and gave his furry forest friend a spritz.

With a chirp, she hopped away into the morning light of the forest. The occasional pokemon offering him food was always a much appreciated treat, and saved him the time of having to forage. As he moved past Baeleaf, he handed her the bowl with a smile and knelt near the bed, unearthing and pulling up a wooden plank. A small, watery chamber lay underneath, containing six large eggs and an assortment of vegetables. Graham withdrew two eggs, then stopped, his consideration taking hold.

"Do you eat eggs, Baeleaf?" He asked curiously.
Baeleaf's features were, even though barely visible due to the nature of her odd skin coloring, flushed. The deep color change only increased as she watched, again fascinated, by his muscles under his skin stretching and fighting the lack of use from sleep away. At the door rumbling, she got to her feet, suddenly overcome with anxiety. Who was it? The mischievous ghost pokemon from the night before? A friend? Someone...worse?

When Graham opened the door, Baeleaf visibly relaxed at the sight of the small buneary with its offering of berries. Delicious looking berries. Often this was around the time she would forage for her own breakfast of berries in the forest. There was a bowl by his door that was suddenly filled with the colorful, sweet and tart berries. Again, he had that little bottle with him-- and the buneary was delighted to be spritzed with the contents.

What was that? Once the buneary had left, Baeleaf stood and held the bowl in her hand, unable to help herself and plucked a berry and popped it into her mouth. She watched him, curious, as he moved about the hut. The small panel on the floor opened up. "Ooh!" How interesting! A small, hidden compartment in his floors! She wondered.... patting another board with her hand, she was only a little frustrated to see it didn't give the same result.

Her head tilted to one side, realizing he asked her a question. "...egg?" Noticing the bottle at his hip, she shuffled over to him and reached for it. "What...what this?"
Graham set the eggs aside, wordlessly permitting Baeleaf to handle the bottle. He still had to get his grill and pan ready, as well as the fire.

"That's... Eh..." He didn't have a name for it, but it was special to him, and seemingly, the pokemon in the area. "It's a special spray. I use it on plants, mostly, but the other pokemon seem to like it. Wanna' try it?"

As he spoke, Graham found his flint and steel once more, trying to light the tinder in the pit again.
"...spray...?" In favor of holding the little bottle, she set the bowl of berries to the side-- and stole one more. She eyed the contents of the bottle, knowing there was fresh spring water in there at least. The rest she was uncertain about, but it seemed to make all the pokemon she'd seen him spritz it with happy. The plants around his hut also seemed to be greener, lush and vibrant.

"Mm...mhm...!" It had taken her a moment to decide, but after remembering how the buneary looked after getting spritzed with the special bottle, she wanted to know just what kind of residual effects it had.

Extending the bottle back to him, she urged him to take it, eyes set on him with a determination. "Spray!"
"Oh, you want a spray?" Graham asked as a few embers came to life in the firepit.

The hardened man turned around, setting his flint and steel aside before taking the bottle.

"Alrighty. Close your eyes." He said before misting her face with the spray.

It seemed to have a pleasant effect on the mood and appearance of the pokemon he spayed, and the plants he regularly tended to with it were certainly stronger and more vibrant. Graham was certainly looking forward to how it would affect Baeleaf.
Her eyes didn't leave Graham, still holding the bottle out for him to take.

There was an excited bubble in her stomach, curious and looking forward to the little spritz. Her eyes slipped shut at his command and moments later she felt the spray of the cool water on her face. It smelled wonderful, floral and sweet-- she detected honey in there-- and she took a deep breath of the mist.

At first, she didn't feel any different. Orange eyes opened once more and she pouted slightly, lips puffed out and brows furrowed. Disappointed that it was just a sweet smelling spray of water, Baeleaf huffed, sitting back down and crossing her legs. " didn't." Oh. Suddenly she perked up-- there was a slight boost in her energy and she quickly shifted to sit on her knees. Bouncing. "Oh." She felt...stronger... There was something that overcame her quickly, warm and spreading over her body-- it was strange and she liked it. A little squeal of delight came from her lips and she wiggled. She couldn't remember a time when she felt this...nice. "More!"
"Ha, I'm glad you like it!" Graham said happily as he sprayed Baeleaf a couple more times.

He hadn't expected such a reaction, but he definitely felt like he should have. All the other pokemon he treated came away in a good mood, so why wouldn't his new friend? Graham couldn't help but smile at Baeleaf as he knelt before her.
Each little spritz he gave her made Baeleaf squeal in delight, chirping excessively at the honey and flower scents mist. Whatever else was in there made her feel good and she understood now why the other pokemon in the forest flocked to him. "Mm.. I like spray."

So far, Graham had proven to her that he was overall a good person. While her opinion of humans as a whole was still up for debate, she could see herself spending a little more time with him, as long as he stayed in the forest --and she wasn't taken away. With Graham leaning down in front of her, she finally calmed down and beamed, bright and cheery at him.
Graham found Baeleaf's adorable smile quite contagious, and returned one of his own, finding her radiant gaze entrancing. He pulled himself away to finish the set up, setting the metallic grill over the lit firepit and setting a skillet on top of that. Skillfully, he cracked the two large eggs and dumped them into the skillet, letting them cook until they were over easy, meanwhile, he chopped up the vegetables, turning them into bite-sized chips. With ease, he slid both of the items onto a single plate, and found his trusty cast-iron fork. Rather than eating right away, Graham sat next to Baeleaf with a smile.

"Would you like to try an egg? I cook them a little runny." He said as he offered his plate. "I prepared some cold veggie chips as well."
Baeleaf quickly realized that Graham’s smile— and overall energy— was also quite infectious. More and more, little by little, she came to see why so many pokemon came to enjoy his company and the small things he had to offer them. There was a phrase she’d heard a long time ago— about actions speaking louder than words, and Graham’s actions for the forest spoke leagues.

Keeping her molten gaze on him for the entirety of the time he cooked, Baeleaf was fascinated by how quickly and efficiently he worked. There was little she could do other than just observe; his hands working with practiced ease to cut the vegetables whilst also keeping an eye on the cooking, delicious smelling eggs over the fire.

Her stomach continued to rumble and she shushed it once, quietly. With the plate extended to her, Baeleaf gingerly accepted it and held it in her grasp. The spread of egg and colorful vegetables that decorated the plate looked appealing to her and she used the fork to take a stab at the vegetables and pop some in her mouth. They were crunchy and flavorful and another pleased chirp escaped her. Munching on the vegetables, she swallowed them down before she gently poked the yolk of the egg, watching the yellow jiggle. “Ooh..” she wasn't sure how to approach eating she tried her best. Cutting into the egg, the yolk ran over the plate and she cut again, gathering up both the yolk and white of the egg and scooping it into her open mouth.

“Mm~” another hum of delight and Baeleaf wiggled, excited and pleased with the quick, simple meal he cooked up. Fork resting on the edge of the plate, she offered it back to Graham with a thankful smile.
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"Ah, so you do like eggs. Good." Graham responded as he picked up the fork. "And you know how to use a fork. Nice."

Graham tried to take his time, but ended up shoveling the rest of the plate into his mouth. Afterwards, he closed up the secret storage area, wiped down the cookware, put out the fire and cleaned up before putting on his tattered shirt. Another fine Saturday morning, made even better by Baeleaf's company. If every day was going to be nearly this pleasant, he wanted her to stick around, though the thought of asking her outright made him nervous.

"Well," Graham began, laying on his side, "I'm free all day. Is there anything you'd like to do, my friend?"
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