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Captured By The Gang Leader (Lunar & Guardian Only)

Aaron just watched a moment in time before looking at Maggie with a raised eyebrow. This just had Maggie giving a slight shake of her head before she spoke, "She said she had to run some errands I guess."
Aaron eventually ended up going off after Diana. "Lets go catch a movie and get dinner." he spoke after a moment in time.
Aaron was giving a nod before he was shooting his sister a message to let her know what they were going to be doing. Although he wasn't at all surprised to get nothing more than a thumbs up back.
Aaron was just looking at the list of movies as well, before he was commenting that a horror movie would be good.

Maggie hadn't left the waiting room at all, although currently she was speaking with somebody about something, a slight grin on her lips about something. Her attention was turning towards the doctor that was coming over and commenting that both Rafe and Z were out of surgery.
"I don't believe you, especially since I believe you don't even like horror movies." Aaron commented after a moment in time, but walked with her anyways.
"it really is fine Aaron you can get the tickets and I'll get the snacks" Diana smiled at him and then when they arrived she headed to the concessions stand while he got the ticket
Aaron was giving a nod before he was going over to get the movie tickets.

While this was happening, Maggie was going up to visit Rafe and Z, who were in the same room. It seemed like Rafe was awak at that point in time, but Z was out cold. But they were both alive, that is what mattered. She was closing the door behind her.
Rafe looked at her when she came in and then shifted so he was in a more comfortable position then laying on his spine rather then his butt
"You seriously need to not be so reckless. Both of you." Maggie spoke after a moment in time before she was gesturing to Z then spoke, "Her jumping into the bush stunt resulted in a badly sprained ankle as well. I didn't even know that until I was just told by her doctor. You two together, are going to be the death of me. I swear."
Rafe looked at her "so says the one who vanished from the mansion after being severely hurt" while he wasn't trying to be rude he was in pain at the time
Maggie looked at him for a moment in time before she spoke, "I did disappear, but I still went somewhere where I was safe." With that she was just making a comment that he had pain killers for a reason.
"I don't like taking them as they make my head fuzzy" Rafe was stubborn and his sister was the same way.

when Aaron got to the front of the line the girl selling tickets asked him which movie he would like to see
"Then you can't be grumpy you are in pain. And trust me, I'm the same way. " Maggie spoke as she sat in the window ledge and was cracking open the window a bit.
"You are constantly grumpy. Like worse than a woman on her period grumpy." Maggie mumbled as she leaned against the window, although she was watching the few people that were walking around outside.
Rafe looked at her "I highly doubt that"

the young girl looked at Aaron and waited for a bit before speaking once more "would you like some suggestions sir?"
"Two for that one. " Aaron spoke after a moment in time, and pointed to the horror movie. He had been reading a message from his sister about something.

"Okay I'm on my period right now, and in pain. And not even I'm like tearing off people's heads. " Maggie spoke after a moment in time,
"I haven't torn a single persons head off" Rafe shifted again as it was hard to get comfortable.

the female looked at the movie he pointed to "seeing it with some friends?" the female went to work and ringing everything up
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