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Captured By The Gang Leader (Lunar & Guardian Only)

Andrew walked over and pulled her in to his arms " just cry little one you are still grieving you have every right to cry over the loss of your brother" Andrew was also watching to make sure that no one hurt her while she let everything roll over her
Maggie was a bit startled by the hug but she didn't end up breaking down. No this man she could trust. Could Amie even win this at that point in time? And why would that other lawyer even end up bringing up the mention of Spencer? How did he even find out when Amie hadn't said anything other than to the judge, and that was kept quiet. All of it had been kept quiet. It wasn't long before the doors were opening and Amie was walking out of the courtroom with the other lawyer and stating something in annoyance. A recess had been called. "Thanks for bringing up that moment with him. The rescue mission and everything. It just gives me even more to go off of. Because there are so many details that you stated that were far to accurate. Details that.... well one would only know if they were there." Amie spoke before she was turning away and walking off, heading towards Andrew and Maggie.
"How is it going?" Maggie questioned after a moment in time, her voice soft before she was drawing away from Andrew to give Amie a hug. This had Amie giving a slight sigh before she mumbled, "There is not enough coffee in the world. They are planning something, that much is obvious. But what I'm not sure, and it is bothering me. But so far so good. Wonderful actually. They are still pinned, and it is going to take a lot to get unstuck. It helps that whatever they throw at us, I can counter."
Diana walked out with Addison and smiled at her "well this is going to be a long fucking day how long is the recess do we have time for lunch?" Diana was sick of being asked questions and thanks to her police training she wasn't easily rattled
"A couple of hours. Go and get something to eat. Please stick together wherever you go. And keep an eye on your phone so if I have to get ahold of you I can." Amie spoke after a moment in time before she was looking towards Andrew and questioned, "Would you be willing to hang around them? I'll be sure that you are paid extra for everything." Yeah she was a little overwhelmed with everything at that point in time as well, and it was a bit obvious.
"If he can't, I can hang around them as well. I've nothing else to do." came a familiar voice and Amie looked over her shoulder to see that Z was there along with Aaron, and much to her surprise Rafe. Z was handing over a coffee to Amie, who was accepting it happily, and taking a sip out of it.
Diana walked over to Aaron and hugged him close just resting her head on his shoulder. Diana didn't care if anyone saw her leaning on him and as far as she was concerned they could kiss her ass. Diana was surprised to see Rafe as well but then again his sister was a force to be reckoned with
"He is super pissed off at me right now, but I told him that in my defense I was mad at me for getting me that drunk." Z mumbled to Diana as she pushed some hair out of her face. Although it wasn't long before she was looking towards the cops that came out of the courtroom as well, and go figure that they would end up sneering at the group.
One of them just examined the group before they scoffed, "I'm beginning to wonder if some of their witnesses are even able to continue." One of them was commenting about Maggie's breakdown in the courtroom which just had her looking over but she didn't really say anything at all.
Z was just looking over but she kept her threats to herself, especially when Amie held out a hand to stop her from saying anything. "It has already been decided that if you wish to speak to any of my witnesses you will go through me first. So as far as I'm concerned, none of what you said was heard by anything. Now if you'll excuse us." Amie spoke before she was turning on her heel and gesturing for the others to head off.
Diana. nodded her head and then walked with the others out of the building so that they could go and eat. Diana was debating if she should wait to give Maggie the letter from her brother or not since she didn't want her having a break down in the courtroom once again. Diana had the letter with her and Aaron was aware of it as she had explained that during the drive home he had asked for a pen paper and an evelope
Amie was taking everybody to a restaurant so that they could get something to eat. She was putting her hair up into a ponytail, and was letting out a small breath of air.
Everybody was sitting down and Aaron was questioning, "So what will happen next?" "Well their lawyer wants to recall Mags to the stand. He thinks that due to her instability earlier, he might get her to break." Amie spoke before she was looking over towards Maggie, who was just petting her kitten. This did have the female looking up for a brief moment in time before she spoke, "No. I won't crumble."
"he was stupid to bring the rescue mission up as the only ones who knew about it were the members of the team and those who were there when we arrived" Diana knew this would cause problems for the male later but for now she was worried about Maggie
Amie gave a nod before she spoke, "Yeah I know that was stupid of him but.... It gives me more. Since he brought it up, I can officially question his witnesses about it." She was just looking at the waitress as she came over and drinks were being ordered.
when the waitress came to get their order Diana stuck with simple and not too heavy having given a lot of blood yesterday she was still a little off and figured overdoing it. "its sad knowing that all of this could have never happened if the asses hadn't gotten greedy"
"No worries. I'm confident that this is something we will win." Amie spoke in a gentle voice, at least she hoped so. She was looking at her phone for a brief moment in time to see the message from the judge. This had her putting a slight hand to her mouth before she spoke, "Oh man.... yeah they are digging a hole."
Amie just looked over before she spoke, "It would seem like they have decided to take the judge hostage, as though that is going to help them at all." She was just rubbing her head a bit before she was tilting her head back then mumbled, "This is the most annoying case I've had to deal with, I swear."
"It was the judge's call. Between us, the judge's health isn't very good. This is one of the reasons why I have been so busy lately. I've been doing some of his work as well. Not this case naturally, but going over information for the other four cases that he has going on as well." Amie spoke after a moment in time, although her voice was low before she was taking a drink of her pop.
"The fact that you are the only one he trusts to help says something." Aaron was commenting which just had her looking over before she spoke, "Because I've worked with him many times." With that she was giving a faint shrug and soon enough their food was being brought out to them.
Diana ate her own food and then moved and pulled the letter out of her bag and settled it in her lap she was worried that giving it to her now would only cause problems with the rest of the case but at the same time it was weighing heavily on her mind
Aaron was glancing over towards Diana for a moment in time before he spoke, "Do it." He knew what was on her mind, and he had seen her take the letter out. Maggie was nibbling on a fry at that point in time, just watching out the window. People watching it looked like.
Diana looked at him "but what if it upsets her more Aaron I know he said to give it to her when I saw her next but this seems a little too soon" Diana chewed on her lip while she tried to decide
Aaron just looked towards her before he spoke in a soft voice, "I would rather her be upset now while surrounded by friends and family, versus when she is alone. At least while here, we can all comfort her as needed."
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