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Of Villains and Heros (Charlie_Death & Shikokudarkstar)

In her apartment deep in the territory of Lionman, Victoria Lowe got a notification about a thread she had followed. It was mostly for fun since she really didn't care what her brother had in his sheath but she found it amusing to read all the theories. She had once posted knowing he had a sheath but not much else but the fans had raved at her. She had also posted that sorry ladies but Lionman was very very gay. She had been harassed for that as well. She had never told her brother she visited these sites. She would if something came up that was threatening or endangered him. He foolishly thought if he didn't do interviews that he would be as boring as Full Throttle. But he could be charming and his efforts to do the best he could to save all that he could had won the hearts of many. Apparently too this also won the lust of many since one of the most popular threads was about his dick. It was always amusing to see what they thought so she opened it quickly.

What she did not expect to see was a picture of Techno sucking off her brother's dick. Well that was so serious slut power to down that sucker but more power to him she guessed. She however did lose her shit when she saw that the username was LMFanboy84. The fanboy was a self admitted fanboy of her brother. It would be all the richer when he discovered he had somehow snagged the man twice. Oh when she started reading the threads she lost it. He had basically told them about her brother and they did not believe him. He had posted a picture and they did not believe him. She could not help herself she signed in as her username TheLioness2, since she was Venedict's younger sister, and pondered a moment before she finally typed something. 'Well Techno is certainly a greedy boy for being able to handle all that.' She commented, ignoring the real and fake comments. She wanted to put in a barb about this being proof her brother was gay but since they couldn't believe that photo was real, she didn't. She signed off after the users had mostly decided that the Techno in the photo was a amateur porn star and was trying to get his fame started. She had laughed when they complemented the prop design of the cock of 'Lionman' as being realistic. Victoria decided that she had gotten enough of the internet today and went to bed.

It was a few days later when she saw the villain again. He was wearing a turtleneck and though he seemed to be walking fine....he would rub his neck often. Victoria supposed if her brother didn't have such a neck fetish then the man could hide his identity better but she was really the only one who would know what Lionman's teeth looked like. Otherwise it looked like he had been mauled by an animal. She knelt down next to him before grinning, "So LMfanboy84, how does it feel to be an amature porn star today?" She chuckled and put her arms on her knees, "I've been vainly saying off and on that Lionman is gay but no one would listen to me. What did I know about the great Lionman? He never does interviews after all."
Rey gave up. There was no convincing anyone that the "prop" was the real thing. He was sure that even if he posted the video they would argue that it was still fake. He didn't know what hurt more, the fact that he was still not believed or the fact that the general consensus was that he wasn't even the real Techno Mastermind but someone cosplaying as him. Techno has a broader chin. Techno's goggles had more buttons. The gauntlet in the edge of the frame was obviously plastic and not metal like the real Techno's. He saw the comment of someone calling him greedy and he nodded. He was. He finally found something that satisfied him and he didn't want to share it. Hell, those in this forum didn't seem worthy enough to even see it but for those that did believe him, let them be jealous. That is his. All his.

He finally recovered enough that he could return to installing another segment of the security system at City Hall. He was too efficient and his boss wanted him to take his time just so they can milk in that sweet contract. That was fine by him, it kept him busy and out of the office, away from the snickering and salacious comments on his personal life. But all good things must come to an end it seems. He had his head pressed inside the air intake vent, installing a new sensor in the event of an indoor abduction when he heard someone behind him. He jumped at the name he was addressed by, slamming his head on the top of the vent. With a groan he pulled himself out and rubbed his aching head, casting a dirty look at the smug woman beside him.

"I don't even know what you're talking about." Rey tried to lie but it was obvious that Victoria didn't believe him. He scooted back so he was leaning on the wall and let out a sigh. "Yeah, that bunch are very hard headed but I don't know what you mean by..." he looked around to make sure someone couldn't hear him before speaking in a softer tone, "porn star. It was just one photo. I'm sure if I posted... some of the ones he took they still wouldn't believe either of us about him being gay." He crossed his arms and pouted. "I'm still trying to figure out how I am not me. You know someone said I looked nothing like Techno Mastermind? The idiots. I'm starting to see why no one ever finds out the identity of those that hardly cover their faces like the Ranger or Radical Rayman."

Rey felt an odd flutter in his stomach and made a face as a hand touched it. That was odd. He has been feeling it a little more lately and he had been brushing it off. Maybe he was getting hungry since it tends to happen before lunch. He checked his watch before climbing to his feet. "I'm hungry... A-and I normally don't ask because I don't really like you but... Do you want to get something to eat? I want onion rings... and a blizzard."
Victoria blinked at the question about being an amateur porn star before scratching her neck. "I'm not sure how or why but those morons came to the conclusion that you must be an amateur porn star trying to make fame through Lionman porn. Apparently it's a thing to ship Techno and Lionman. As well as Lionman and a few other villains and heroes. I've never understood it but whatever." She listened to Rey point out the other faults of the internet before she was asked a strange question. Did she want to get something to eat? She did. If only because she was hungry and the man fascinated her to no end. She looked down at the hand on his stomach before looking back up. It could be just her imagination but the more she watched Rey, the more she thought of the family legend. She hadn't known anyone in the immediate family that had been able to confirm it and no one had dared ask the grandparents about it since grandma tended to overshare. Lastly, despite his skill at taking cock like a whore, Rey was a guy. They didn't come with those parts.

She ignored it and checked out with her boyfriend before heading out with Rey. They chatted over their meals. Victoria had brought up her favorite theories from the site and they talked about that for a good hour before Rey rushed out of the area and headed to the bathroom. Victoria cleaned up their table and picked up their stuff before waiting outside the bathroom. She listened to the sounds of the man vomiting before she decided that this was too much of a coincidence. If she was wrong then it was still a good idea to get him checked out. Only super bugs got supers sick and she didn't want a pandemic because one small man got sick.

She called them a taxi when the villain got out of the restroom, guiding him into it before shutting the door and ordering the driver to take her to the League of Heroes building. Well, she just told him the address since it wasn't like they could tell the general public where all the heroes met up to heal and plan. She stepped out of the car and dragged Rey with her. "Look, I know you don't like me most days but I know supers. Supers don't get sick. I know Lionman's family legend too. I also know a doctor who specializes in supers. However, I am going to need you to trust me for about half an hour. This is the League building. You are my guest and I have a pass. I'm going to need you to look quiet and submissive for a bit so that they overlook you. Jacob can look you over. The man is neutral as hell and I doubt he'll care about your side hobby. I'm pretty sure Travis has a less than stellar job either since I have never once heard of where the man works and he is almost always hanging out at the office because a few of the boys don't understand a ring or the word no."

Victoria lead them quietly through the front door before pulling a pass out of her purse and scanning it at the elevator. They went down three floors before meeting guards at two different check points. She didn't once make any conversation and powerwalked all the way to the medical floor. She tugged Rey along but slowed when he needed it. It was times like these when she was helping someone she felt a little sad that she couldn't become a lion morph like her brother. It only ran in the males of her family. Women could pass it onto their children but they couldn't morph themselves. It had something to do with the way that the Y chromosome unlocked testosterone or some science shit she didn't understand. It was a moot point either way and she stopped and waved her badge again before walking into the doctor's office.

Jacob Sanders turned to the door when he hear it open and the sound of heels. There weren't many women who visited him but he still never would have expected Victoria Lowe. She only came to visit when her brother was sick or she couldn't take the mayor's office or her own home anymore. He looked at the man tagging along with her before raising her eyebrows. There was one thing he enjoyed about the Lowes they never did beat around the bush.

"This is Rey. I think he's pregnant. Could you please check him over?" Victoria placed her items on the chair and crossed her arms.

Jacob blinked. Another thing about the Lowes he enjoyed was that they never stopped surprising him. "Victoria, since when could you get a man pregnant?" He heard his husband snort at that before continuing, "Your b-Lionman already got someone pregnant." He didn't know if the man knew Lionman's alter ego but no need to spit that out.

Victoria rolled her eyes, "I didn't get him pregnant. Lionman did. Also it's probably the same guy cause Lionman is very selective." She glared at Travis and shut him up before glaring at Jacob.

"Right. Well then, could you please sit up here and I'll do an ultrasound to see if you are indeed pregnant." Jacob pulled out the wand and placed the gel on the man's belly before slowly taking the wand over it. Sure enough there were five healthy kittens in there. Jacob dropped the want in surprise and stared at Victoria. "Oh my god you can't bring him in here! Victoria, you crazy witch!" She glared at him and he relented, "Fine. Mr. Techno, you still have five healthy kittens inside you still. They seem to be growing well although I am unsure if they will go nine months or not."

Victoria shivered and walked right over to the screen. "Oh my god! Kittens?!" She stared at the screen in awe before looking back at Rey. "You lucky son of a bitch, you're having kittens! You have to let me see them when they come out!" She gushed and cooed for a full minute before hugging Rey. "Baby morph kittens are the cutest! I love their little paws and their little noses. Oh and the ears! I love their smell. It's been so long since I got to hold one. Lionman's cousin had a baby that morphed but he lost that ability around six. Their ability to shift kind of sucks when you have to keep a diaper on them but they are SO CUTE."

"Victoria. Please calm yourself." Jacob blandly said, crossing his arms and looking at her annoyed.

Victoria glared at him while still hugging Rey, "Don't be a jealous bitch Jacob. Just cause Travis won't give you any love babies does not mean you can be a downer for the rest of us. It's morph kittens, Jacob. Kittens. What bitch doesn't like kittens? A jealous one that's who."

Jacob rubbed the bridge of his nose before sighing, "I am not jealous." He totally was but he would never admit that in front of her because his husband would never get any peace. "I just need you to calm down and let go of my patient. I'm sure he will want a picture of his litter." Victoria sheepishly let go of his patient and he got a few pictures on the ultrasound before sending them to his printer. They would be printed out in no time. Some of Victoria's enthusiasm seemed to rub off on Techno since she was just gushing to him about morph babies and how she had to get pictures when they were out and clean. Jacob rolled his eyes. She was so much like her brother but not. Venedict would probably love the kittens as well but would be panicked unlike his sister. The woman was crazy and that was why the heroes all respected the hell out of her.
Lunch wasn't as bad as Rey had expected it to be. Maybe Victoria wasn't such bad company when she kept her mouth shut about his personal life. Besides, there weren't many people he knew that had an inside scoop on Lionman that bested the forums he had been an active member on. What else wasn't expected about lunch was how, although delightfully filling his food was, it was how quickly it was decided that his body didn't like it. Either it was that or his children are already being a major pain in the ass over their meals. He was startled when he came out of the bathroom by Victoria who seemed concerned about his health. He couldn't tell her why he was sick but he had insisted that he was quite alright, even if a part of him was growing concerned if everything was indeed alright with the unexpected pregnancy. When they had gotten out of the taxi his stomach sank. He knew what building this was. He had his bots search the city to locate Dr. Sanders and watch his movements until he learned his schedule.

"I... I don't know if I can handle just walking in..." Rey stammered out as he looked at the building that seemed to blend in with every one around it. His gut was telling him not to go into the hornets nest. It was risky to do as a supervillain, let alone when you are completely unarmed. He resisted for a moment before caving in. He thought about telling her that he already knew and that it wasn't necessary, it could save him trouble later. He had been wanting to get pictures of the kittens he was carrying. He followed closely, eyeing everyone that looked at him. The deeper they got the more security. He felt like everyone knew who he was but he kept his head down and arms folded in on himself. If only he was blasting in, guns blazing to take over and make it his, then maybe he wouldn't feel so out of place. The building was well disguised and had some nice furniture. Very sleek, very nice. He was rather jealous. It would be nice to have a cool ass club house like this for the other villains to hang out. Maybe then they can organize shit better and not step on toes.

The first person that caught his attention when he reached the doctor's office was Travis. So that was the Magician. The lucky bastard hung around the heroes like a fucking mole and no one seemed to know. Well, no one except his husband that is. He kept his mouth shut as Victoria spoke for him and when the doctor spilled that someone was already pregnant by Lionman. Travis seemed to be entertained by the whole scene since he kept snorting out snickers at the unfolding scene. He hopped up on the table and pulled up his shirt, not surprised at all that the doctor reacted the way that he did.

"I wouldn't have come here, I would have preferred to have met you in private..." Rey muttered. Travis must of heard him because he got a nasty glare. Travis knew he was going to come after his husband again and had been keeping an eye on him just for that. At least now someone brought him in for a more appropriate way of making an appointment. "I'm as new to this as you are, but I already decided that I'm--"

Rey was suddenly cut off by Victoria clinging to him and gushing over the kittens. Just how in the hell did she get so close she got to meet Lionman's family? Even he didn't get to know them yet and he was damn determined to have them join his. He is not about to be a single parent of five. Still, at least Victoria seems to have had some experience with such offspring. It was comforting to know that he had someone he could turn to for any advice.

"You are jealous, Jacob." Travis spoke up from his spot in the corner. He could read his man like a book but then again, he was very adamant about having children and having someone fulfilling his wish in front of him must have been hard. "Just hurry up and get Molly out of here."

Rey ignored Travis before speaking to Jacob. "Actually... I had been planning on getting you for pictures."

"You mean kidnap."

"Yes, Travis." Rey hissed as he glared at the other villain. He didn't know how much Victoria knew on who he was so he chose his words carefully. "I can't just walk in here for an appointment."

"You just did, like a civilized human being for once."

"That's because she brought me here. I can't get in here without her clearance. My only option is to take him hostage again."

"You hear that? This is why you need to open your own practice. Because once Queen Molly ober there has her kittens, she'll be needing vaccines, check ups, and fetching you for every runny nose and case of worms."

Rey huffed as he pulled down his shirt and climbed off the table. He knew what Travis was getting at by calling him Molly and he didn't quite like it. It's not like he planned to fall for the man he did. He opened his mouth to make a remark about his powers before shutting it. "You know what. Why don't we come to a solution so I don't have to do the run around."

Travis caught the hint having himself thought about getting a group together for the villains. He just groaned a quick "fine" before he was kicked out of the room. He left through the door and waited down the hall for the doctor's visit to end. Once Travis was out of the room, Rey relaxed more as he took the pictures from the doctor.

"A-anyways... I want a C-section. I don't think I can get the right equipment at my place, besides, Minion tends to shed a lot and finds ways to get into rooms I seal off." He cast a look at Victoria that said he was sorry. "I-I wouldn't want anyone else to be there but Lionman. I-it's kind of embarrassing. But I will need all the help I can get since... well, since there are five of them."
Once hearing the slur about being a female cat, Victoria walked over to Travis and loomed. She grinned, "No, Travis. I wouldn't be throwing stones like that where I can hear them. Did you forget who the women in Lionman's? Would you call his mother a molly? I would like to see that seeing as you hid in the corner of the meet and greet and threatened to disintegrate her to your husband if she came near you again. Your doctor husband with no superpowers had to defend you against a woman with no superpowers." She stared at the man for a while before he left the room in defeat. She looked back at Jacob and cocked her head. The man was being very careful but it looked like his soul was being sucked out of him. No wonder Travis had wanted to stay even if it wasn't proper. The good doctor was jealously sad at the fact he couldn't have a love child with his husband. She didn't think Rey had caught on since Jacob was carefully going over the options with him about the process.

"The C-section would be the wisest course of action. Now, with the location. I would make an appointment to use one of the rooms one of the local hospitals since my lab here is mostly for research and injury." He chatted a bit more about what the process would entail before allowing them to leave. He had given Rey a list of thinks he needed to watch out for and start doing and eating as the babies grew. Jacob watched them leave and waited a few minutes before walking into the supply closet and sitting on the floor.

He sat in the dark with his knees to his chest. His honey would find him eventually but he didn't want to be crying when he did. Having kids had to be something that they both wanted and it didn't look like Travis would ever relent to him having any. It was on of the things they had talked about in the beginning, when it was new and shiny. Jacob had only agreed to marriage if they could one day have kids. He hadn't thought back then he could ever get his wish of having his own kids but he wanted their DNA combined and put into a sergeant at the time. Now with his wildest dreams in grasp he couldn't get them because Travis wasn't ready. Jacob didn't want to force the man but he had compromised on so many thing. They had moved here. They had gotten the house that Travis had wanted. Jacob had only pushed for two things and he had gotten his job working with supers but not his babies. He fiddled with a pen in the dark as he sniffled before he felt Travis's eyes on him. The man could find him anywhere and often did. It was one of the things that had fascinated Jacob in the beginning. He huffed when the man crouched down in front of him. Jacob wasn't going to make a scene. He didn't like doing that like Travis did. Instead he looked away and apologized. He didn't know why Travis was so reluctant to have children but he ahd known long before they had gotten this far that Jacob was very home, hearth and health. Travis had known Jacob wanted the American dream of a house, dog and kids. It was silly he supposed to rush this but they had been together ten years. Ten. How much longer was Travis going to make him wait? Jacob sighed, "I'll be out in a minute. I just needed a moment."

Victoria walked them out, looking back at Rey with a smile. "It's alright. Litters are common when sphinx morphs are involved. Although I never would have imagined being able to knock up a man but morphs don't follow any other rules. Why would a silly thing like biology stop them?" She called a taxi to them on her phone. It was only when they slid into the car that she let out a sigh. "Can you do me one huge favor?" She ruffled his hair before continuing. "That doctor in there wants kids so bad. I remember one time we bonded over talking about childcare and schools. He's been waiting for his husband to relent since apparently they promised to have kids on day when they married. I think after five years of marriage and five years of dating before that is long enough for Travis. I would like you to set a fire under his ass for me." She grinned. "I know you can do it, Rey. You have to be one of the snarkiest bitches I know. Don't let him bully you." She ruffled his hair again before they stopped in front of the City Hall. "Well this is our stop. I gotta check in with my man then go home before he decides to be a blow hard. You have fun, darling. Oh and make sure to talk to Lionman about your condition if he doesn't know already." She winked at the villain, "You'll be surprised by him I promise." She walked back into the mayor's office and left Rey to his work.

It was another slow day in the city. Venedict had given up on crime fighting and instead had walked to city hall after his sister had sent him a weird text. She had taken Rey to the doctor and Venedict needed to talk to him. She had also said be gentle. Whatever it was he knew he wasn't going to handle it well if she was telling him to be gentle. The morph walked into the building, his man bun back in place and his body wet after the shower he had taken. He spotted Rey working on a panel before kneeling down next to him. "Hey sexy stranger. Do you come here often? Wanna come back to my place?" Venedict grinned at the bad joke before kissing Rey on the head once the man had gotten his head out of the hole it was in. "So that last part was for real, did you want to hang out after work?"
Rey listened to what the Doctor had to say, paying no more mind to Travis, after all, this was something big in his life. He stored all the information away in his mind. He crossed his ankles and folded his hands looking like a diligent student as he listened carefully to what he was told. He didn't want to mess things up. He was familiar with the different hospitals in the city having to visit each one for different reasons. When he was a villain he couldn't quite keep seeing the same doctor who'll ask questions on why he got shot or anything like that. Once they were done there, he followed Victoria out, keeping close to her but kept looking down at the pictures in his hand. He really should tell Lionman. They were getting big enough that he couldn't deny it anymore. If he kept being quiet, the kittens would have been born by the time he told him and suddenly springing children on someone like that is not a good idea.

Travis watched the two leave, whispering lightly to Rey that he'll meet him at his place later. He peeked back into the room after a moment to see where his husband had gone before dispersing himself. He spread himself throughout the floor until he sensed his husband, slowly materializing there beside him. He felt bad seeing him hide the way he did. He understood that he wanted kids and he had agreed to it because it seemed like such a great idea. However, the more involved he became with the supers and the others that kept hitting on him, he became more insecure about how stable their relationship was. He wanted to have all of his attention, to be by his side but he didn't quite like that someone else was getting his attention. He was almost afraid that if someone spent enough time with Jacob, he would realize he doesn't want to be attached to a villain or find some super with more interesting powers and leave him. And what if the kid was a super? Then he wouldn't have Jacob all to himself. It was a pipedream that he feed to him never believing it could be. He left when he was asked to but decided that he still wasn't ready. No, he didn't want to share Jacob just yet. He wanted to enjoy more time as a married couple to make sure that they were fully stable before they throw in another variable. Hell, if Jacob opens up his own practice, that will be enough stress and you can't multiply stressors because that is how you break relationships fast.

Rey thought over what Victoria said. He wanted a way to get back at Travis for multiple reasons. The first of which being he knows where his secret hideout is, the second being the Molly comments, the third being he's a bitch, the fourth... he could go on all day. He straightened his hair out as much as he could each time she ruffled it. "Sure. I can see what I can do. I owe him an earful or two after all the crap he said to me. The first argument was interrupted because a certain few were upset with whatever I ate." He rubbed his stomach for emphasis. He really felt off his game when he got sick when he first met the Magician and didn't like losing to someone other than Lionman. There was no reward for him in losing to anyone else. "Besides, if making him be a baby daddy drives him up a wall, I will declare it a victory on my part. If I can't sleep because of babies, he can't sleep. Fuck him."

He waved at Victoria as he went back to work where he had left off. He kept the photos close to him, occasionally stopping to shine a light on them. Those five are something else. Was he really ready to keep having litters like that? Maybe. If it meant he could keep getting fucked raw by that monster of a dick, then yes, he could handle it. Besides, the longer he was pregnant the more he was feeling attached to the little furballs. Or are they still bald? Will they have fur when they come out or does that come later? He was lost in thought when he heard a familiar voice behind him. That's right. If he wanted to make a family with a certain morph, he would have to go and cut loose any other relationship. He couldn't keep stringing Venedict along anymore. 'This would be the last time', he told himself as he pulled his head out of the vent. He leaned up and planted a light kiss on Venedict's lips as he pulled the envelope that had the photos in it behind his back. It was slow, something he wanted to hold onto for when things fall apart.

"Well... only if by 'hang out' you mean to..." his voice got quiet as he looked down, hooking a finger in the band of Venedict's pants, trying his damnedest to get past his shyness to be sexy for once. "...hang out." He chuckled as he stood up, face bright red. He followed Venedict out, hiding the envelope every time he saw him cast a glance at it. "That's top secret. Can't let this information get out to just anyone. E-even if they are as hot as you." He was overly affectionate the whole ride there, entwining their fingers, leaning across the car to rest his head on his shoulder, feeling all his muscles. When he saw that they were just down the road, he slid a hand on his lap and began to massage the inside of his thigh, creeping ever closer to his crotch before giving it a long, slow rub as he hummed.

Rey didn't even realize that he still held the envelope of the ultrasound clasped in his hands when he followed Venedict into his house. All he knew was that the look in his eyes that he was giving him was telling him that he was about to be in for the ride of his life. He saw a similar look when he got bent over his own car in public but never to his degree. Once they were inside, Venedict assaulted his mouth in deep, aggressive kisses. These were different from the ones that they had shared before. There was a new passion to them, one that made him forget that this was supposed to be a break up fuck. His clothes were roughly torn from his body, the sound of a stray button hitting the floor and rolling under the sofa was lost behind their moans. All the times he had his clothes torn from his body by Lionman, he had grown to enjoy it. His body now conditioned to react eagerly to the sound of his clothes tearing or being manhandled into a more undressed state.

The envelope was passed hand to hand has his turtleneck was pulled away. He pulled his hand back when he felt someone tug on the envelope. He pulled away from the kisses just enough to mutter, "No. This isn't for you. Top secret." His face colored when he was told that he would be forgetting about it and he was roughly turned around and pushed towards the sofa. He stumbled into the arm and fell forward, hand quickly going to his stomach to make sure it was fine. It was, his groin was just above the armrest and there was plenty room between the cushion and his stomach. His legs were kicked apart and he felt a couple hard slaps on his ass. He gasped and bit his lip, looking over his shoulder at the man that was taking charge over him. He was used to Lionman just pounding away into him but this was slower, the pace slowly building as was the force behind each thrust.

Rey covered his mouth to keep his voice down as he slumped forward, lifting his ass higher for the man to have his way with him. He pushed up and tossed the envelope aside as he gripped he cushion and began to push himself back into each thrust. Venedict must have caught the hint because he started to thrust into him harder, occasionally a sharp smack sounding off of his now rosy cheeks. Each hit Rey yelped and covered his mouth, his moans slowly growing out of control. Without realizing it or who it was, he moaned loudly, "Oh fuck yes... Lionman!" He gasped and covered his mouth realizing that he had involuntarily slipped back into this mind, remembering the only person who ever got rough with him. He felt a hand grip his hair and pull his head back. He moaned at every dirty thing he was called.

"I-I am..." Rey moaned. "I am a dirty slut. S-such a dirty slut." He clawed at the cushions finding little purchase as the thrusts came in faster and harder. He could barely hand it all as himself. He was so unused to the rough handling when he wasn't Techno, that his alter ego began to bleed into his normal personality. He yelled out obscenities, demanded more, and came. He didn't want it to end. After his orgasm he rocked his hips back wanting more. Venedict didn't back down as he pulled him away from the sofa and demanded a demonstration of his slutiness. Rey was off of his dick for all but 4 seconds before he was mounted back on him. Venedict was seated on the sofa and he was riding him, head leaning back on his shoulder. He bounced happily, crying out loudly about how much he loved Venedict's large cock. He twisted his head to lock lips, kissing him loudly between yells as his nipples were twisted. "Oh fuck yes... More... I need more... fuck my loose ass!" He heard him ask if he was better than Lionman but he couldn't answer. He was better than any human he had but Lionman had so much more dick that he couldn't quite answer. He felt hands on his hips stop his movement and he began to writhe. "Y-yes... oh yes.... Please... Please let me cum... I'm so close. Let me fuck that super dick of yours. So super big. So much bigger than any boyfriend." He moaned loudly. "Mm... and so hard. Fill me..."

Rey yelled as he felt himself be lifted as Venedict thrust upwards into him, striking his prostate so perfectly it was as if he had all the practice in the world to learn where it was. He came heavily and felt himself drained. Perhaps it was because he wasn't as Techno and it took more out of him to come clean about his desires, but once he was off of Venedict's lap, he rested on the sofa. He hummed happily feeling his gaping and leaking hole before drifting off into brief slip. When he opened his eyes he was started by two things. The first of which was that Venedict was clearly looking at the ultrasound photos, and the second was the pointed ears and tail that swished behind him.

"D-d-don't look!" Rey stammered out as he climbed over to him and tried to pull the photos away. "Th-th-those are for...!" The shock of the secret being out faded only to be replaced with the new realization on just why there was that tail behind his human lover. "Y-y-y-y-y-y-you're L-l-l-lionman…!" His face burned bright red and he pulled his hand back . "A-a-a-a-all this ti-t-t-ti-ti-time...." He couldn't get a proper sentence out, just stare at the half transformed man before him. Venedict was Lionman the whole time? How did he not notice? Wait... so that is how Victoria knew so much about him. She was Venedict's sister. Lionman's sister.
Venedict grinned when Rey shyly flirted back at him. The man's face had turned a bright color of red and it was utterly adorable. He knew that the man was Techno but it still fascinated him that he went through that much of a personality change. "Come on sweets. I'll fix up right up." He lead the other man outside and to his car. The drive to his house wasn't that long but Rey seemed to be in a mood today. He was overly affectionate and started rubbing Venedict's member though his jeans when they were almost there. It wasn't something he was used to, this bold Rey. It almost reminded him of Techno. A cute and fluffy Techno instead of a bitchy one but that wasn't a bad thing. With that in mind, he led the supervillain inside his house. Of course he kept glancing at the envelope that the man was so protective over. It was odd but he didn't think too much about it with a horny man inside of his lair.

Once inside the house he pounced. Not literally of course but he gave the man hard kisses that seemed to rev the man up. He used his inhuman strength to rip the clothing from Rey's body, enjoying the moans that he ate up with his kisses. Venedict paused only to gently tug on the envelope since the man was holding it in front of him and they couldn't very well have sex with it no matter how skilled Venedict liked to think he was. "I think you'll be forgetting about it in a minute dear but right now it is in my way." He then turned Rey around roughly, and pushed him into the sofa. Venedict was on a mission tonight. He was going to try to get Rey's attention off of his morph self and make the man not forget about him. He watched as the man resettled himself before he kicked the man's legs apart. He pondered over that pretty slutty ass for a second before slapping it hard. After all, Rey seemed to rather like it when Venedict got rough and from here he could see a few of his old marks that he had made on Rey while he was Techno.
He lubed the man and his own cock up before starting to slowly thrust into Rey. It just didn't seem quite right that he should just start thrusting like he did with Techno. Yes, logically he knew they were the same person but he wasn't quite ready to treat them quite the same. He started slowly build pace and watched as his lover threw the envelope that he had been protecting to the side. Venedict grinned. He would have to pick that up later but his slutty little size queen was being demanding so he had to thrust harder. He spanked the man here and there since he seemed to like it so much before he heard something that he didn't want to hear. Being called Lionman by someone who didn't know was weird and quite frankly kind of made him jealous. Now he was more determined to make Rey remember who was fucking him.

Venedict pulled the man's hair, pulling his head back to get his attention. "My goodness, you dirty slut. You just called me by another man's name. Can't you remember who is giving you such pleasure? Am I not keeping my size queen happy enough that he has to roam the town looking for bigger dicks like a slutty shopping spree?" He really couldn't shame the man too much since technically it was still the same dick he was hopping on. The man just didn't know it. He thrusted harder and faster listening as the man cussed and scrambled for more. Once Rey orgasmed, Venedict didn't let him rest. He had the man ride him for all he was worth and fucked that pretty slut for all he was worth. He had found himself asking Rey if he was better than Lionman. Which he was denied an answer but that was okay. Nobody did their best thinking when they had a dick spearing them in the prostate. He loved the effort the man was putting into telling him how big his dick was though. A true size queen that one was. When it was finally over he slid the man off of his lap, allowing that pretty hole to gape and leak onto his couch. It wouldn't be the first time that he had gotten seed on his couch. It was just the first time that it wasn't his own. He let the man rest as he stood up and stretched. He felt rather good after all that and it helped the ego some. After all it was hard to wear out Rey or Techno with their insane stamina.

Venedict spied the envelope that the man had been guarding like it was his newborn baby. Venedict didn't think much of it when he picked the envelope up until he saw that it was from the League of Heros. Why would Techno Mastermind or Rey even have something from the League? He decided it was best to peek since he would rather know what the man was doing since his side hobby was to be a pain in the ass villain. He pulled out the papers inside for the shock of his life. Rey was pregnant with kittens. There was only two lion morphs in the area and only one of them in the city. He doubted Rey was traveling thirty minutes to a small town to do Venedict's grandfather. Venedict felt himself partically transform at the shock. His tail swished behind him and his pointed ears flicked in annoyance. He should have been told that he was going to be a father. This was need to know information that was being kept from him. He checked the notes inside that Dr. Sanders had painstakingly wrote. If Rey was around three monthes then he was about halfway though. First time mothers usually took longer since their bodies had no idea what to do in this situation and took longer to figure out.

Venedict turned when he heard a 'don't look'. He blinked when the smaller man tried to pull the pictures away before the man seemed to realize all was not what it seemed. Venedict watched his lover become speechless as he realized that Venedict was partially transformed. There was only one lion morph in the area so Rey figured out just who he was. Venedict opened his mouth, feeling his fangs slide over his lips as they tended to be an overbite when he transformed. "I am Lionman." He watched the man work his way through the realization before listening to him stutter. Victoria had told him many times that Techno Mastermind was just the biggest fanboy of Lionman and wanted his attention. It would seem that even though he didn't believe her that she was right once again. It was scary sometimes how her often her odd ideas were right.

The morph knelt down in front of the smaller man and laid his head down on the villain's stomach before purring. "Goodness you were a good little breeding bitch weren't you? Got yourself all filled up with a litter of five kittens." He huffed and felt along the man's stomach gently trying to feel for the kittens. They were a bit small but this was a first time pregnancy. He supposed he was deviant to be rather liking this despite a part of him freaking out that he was going to be a father. "Never would have expected you to be so greedy that you would make kittens for me. I would have been more careful had I known that was a possibility." He lifted the man up before carrying him to his bedroom. They needed to talk but he didn't want to do that in the living room.

He laid the man on his bed before crawling over him. "We only have three and a half monthes before those kittens come out. Morph kittens grow faster than human babies. They take about six and a half months to bake but you will probably be late because it is your first time and you have five of them in there." He huffed, "Unfortunately this means you will have to meet my family. I am sorry for that ahead of time. My grandmother especially. She has lost her filter and talks about grandpa like a sex item." Venedict purred as he nipped the man's neck, moaning as he purred, " You've been a naughty boy, keeping this from me for so long. I should fill you up all over again. Keep you as my breeding bitch inside my bed and pregnant. Perhaps you wouldn't mind? You cock doesn't seem to mind that idea. Being kept on my knot and filled with my sperm and kittens would suit you."

Venedict pulled back and shifted fully, amused when Rey seemed to lose all ability to speak. He slid his cock slowly inside of him, the pink monster sliding home into that hole like it belonged there. "Such a pretty little slut. Becoming a villain to get my attention and ending up on my cock and filled with my kittens. You have my attention now, naughty boy and you are going to enjoy your punishment." He slowly fucked the man, tormenting him by holding the man's hips roughly so he couldn't force Venedict any faster. Yes, this would be the punishment. Rey would have to take that cock slow and feel it all along his walls as every bump massaged him. Venedict purred, lifting the wiggling man up before sliding him down on his cock. "Caught in my trap, pretty size queen. I bet it feels like torture to feel all those bumps on your walls. Next time you will remember this and tell me when you find out you are carrying my kittens. After all, you did ask me if I would stop and I told you no. I bet this was all a part of your evil plan. You wanted me so pleasured by filling your greedy hole that I kept you on my knot forever." He rumbled as he thrusted harder, lapping over the man's nipples. When he finally came he wasn't quite happy to stay in one place. No, he had to torment the man and show him what it would be like stuck on his cock like a knot slave.

Venedict picked Rey up and held one hand around the man's ass. He walked into the kitchen before pulling out a bit of roasted meat and ate some. He fed some to Rey before moving along to another part of the house. It must have felt good to be caught on that knot and walked around because Rey was making little whimpers. Sometimes Ven couldn't help himself but to pause and fuck him on his knot a few times. Venedict did laundry next and all that bending and such apparently jostled the man and his knot. Good. The knot slut was going to be tormented by this. Venedict started the washing machine and purred as Rey wiggled on his knot. "So slutty. Perhaps you need more? I can give you more. I can make you my knot slut until you cannot take it anymore." He laid Rey down in the hallway and fucked Rey on that knot some more until he came on himself again. Venedict then took him back to the bed and tormented the villain more until he had milked two more orgasms out of the man. "Have you had enough, breeding bitch? Stuck on my knot like you're in heat and begging for it?" He licked at the man's blush before chuckling. "I know you love it. No need to be ashamed. A pretty slut you does look so pretty when he's red all over." He moaned when he bit the man again, slowly tormenting his prey on his dick some more. Rey was fun to torment. Venedict hadn't had this much fun in a while.

Once however, Venedict ran out of ideas to torment his lover with he did pull out. He dug in his end table before pulling out one of the biggest plugs he could find. He slid that plug into Rey and purred when it fit. "Look at what a good slut I have. Taking all that torment on my knot and still being good enough to let me plug him with a plug. Can't let all that good semen get out after all. That could be your next litter in there."
Rey completely froze at the big reveal. So this really was Lionman the whole time. He had been bouncing between the two relationships when they were just one. And to think he was going to be breaking up with him after they were done here! Well, not anymore. He froze as the man called him a breeding bitch and felt his stomach. Yes, he had been greedy. Even his body was greedy, so greedy it altered itself just to be able to bear his kittens. He wondered if this is how his aunts all felt as they kept having child after child. He was on his first pregnancy and was already caught up with five. There was a sudden closeness that he felt when his stomach was felt and listened to, one that he realized he wanted to experience again. Those five kittens are a miracle. He tried to talk but all he could do was stammer out random sounds that made absolutely no coherent sense in any language.

He wrapped his arms around Venedict's neck as he was carried to the bed and laid down. He had read the notes and listened to what the doctor had told him. He knew he was in for a quick birth and he couldn't put off the reveal for much longer. At the mention of meeting Lionman's family it finally dawned on him that he also had to inform his own family. Then he had to introduce the two. He may have been an only child but neither his parents, nor his cousins were only children. The Rogers' had been quite prosperous. He gasped when his neck was nipped and he stared up into Venedict's golden eyes, nodding at the prospect of being kept in his bed to breed the next brood. He felt himself become more aroused at the idea. Endless pleasure, endless connections, endless creampies. And Lionman would be kept all to him, after all, who else would be able to carry a litter or have the experience under their belt anyhow? "Th-that sounds p-perfect..."

He deeply inhaled as he watched his lover transform into the hero he had helplessly fallen in both love and lust for. It was bizarrely alluring to see a man's body transform, especially since he realized he was looking at Lionman without the mask. His heart jumped when he was outed as a villain. He tried to ask how he knew but all he could get out was nonsense again, babbling as the morph crawled over him and slipped inside. He gripped his shoulders as he watched the pink monster burry itself into his ass as if there was no better place to be. It felt so much more intimate knowing that he was completely naked and bare. No clothes, no mask, no goggles, just himself and the man-beast that saved his life. He tried to rock his hips but couldn't move, wiggling every which way to get more sensations only to be further denied. He whimpered and looked at him pleading with his eyes for more only to look away knowing that he had no choice but to accept this punishment. Rey nodded and moaned at everything he was told. He was a greedy slut. He did formulate a plan to keep him forever. "I-I-I-I'll t-tell you... n-next time....a-a-as soon... as... I-I-I know."

Speaking was so difficult for Rey, his mind was blank both by the slow torturous pleasure that kept him on the edge and that he was his normal self. The shy man who hid all his inhibitions, who couldn't find a voice unless provoked. He ended up climaxing through the slow thrusting not knowing when he was gently pushed over the edge. He covered his mouth to stifle his moans as he felt himself be filled, opening his eyes just to peek at his lover's face. It was still surreal. He clung to Lionman's fur and wrapped his legs around him when he was lifted. Another round, yes, hopefully he would speed up and end his punishment... No luck. Just as before he was held still. Each step sent a ripple though his body and he could feel every soft spine on the pink cock as well as the knot that pressed against his prostate. He clung to his mane and buried his face in his neck, whimpering with each movement. When he was offered food, he ate some but the knowledge on where he was slowed his chewing.

Every thrust sent him close to the edge, each movement, every bend and turn but unlike earlier, he didn't go careening off the orgasmic cliff. Each time he came close, Lionman stilled his movements and became occupied with something else. Rey desperately tried to move to get more feeling to send him over the edge once more, whimpering and begging for more. He watched through watery eyes, hands stroking the fur of his lover as he did his laundry. That's when it struck him. This is exactly where he belonged. He was louder as he was fucked in the hallway. He felt tired from clinging onto Lionman for so long but he didn't want to let go, not even when they made it to the bedroom again. His mind was blank when he was filled and had completely emptied whatever semen was in his balls. He was done. He let out a moan and draped a hand over his eyes as the plug was inserted into him. He struggled to steady his breath and stay awake. With his face obscured by his sweaty arm he found his voice. After a few mumbles that made little sense, he spoke a little louder, pulling his arm away so he can see Lionman's face.

"M-marry me..." His face burned bright and he stared up expectantly at him. He gave a weak smile as his eyelids began to droop as sleep fought him. Proposals were usually something offered in a ritualistic way, offering a ring, dressed nice, dinner, that sort of thing. Yet for Rey, nothing felt more right for his proposal than him to be in the best state he ever felt in: sweaty, disheveled, on the edge of sleep covered in his and his lover's semen, completely ravished. The whole time he was held in Lionman's arms and was stuck on his knot he felt more and more at home. Although he had planned to get him to marry him for the sake of the kittens, now he wanted to even more for the sake of being there. After all, there had to be a reason that he fell for the man twice, both as the hero and the cat rescuer. Once he heard his answer, he couldn't keep his eyes open any longer and fell asleep.
"Of course." Venedict nuzzled the villain as the man went to sleep. When the man woke up hours later they made love again and Venedict fed him. They both had agreed to get to know each other better and make more time since they were about to be parents together. Rey had been sent home in his turtle neck and some sweats so that he wasn't completely naked. They kept in contact often and a whole week had passed by within the blink of an eye. Venedict had been warned that there would be Techno sightings but he wasn't going to do anything too villainous. Venedict had told him to take it easy or he really would end up chained to his bed.

That lead to the situation that Russel Murris found himself in the Ranger's territory. Russel looked over at the two villains which he hoped were his clients. He had thrown them off guard when he didn't react to the dramatic entrances that they had made in the agreed meeting place. In fact the two villains were looking at each other rather lost on what to do since Russel had not acted in a way that either had expected. His bunny was going to get a spanking for sending these two to him although he supposed to be fair the man didn't know since he said he had seen them at the League and apparently one of them was married to the doctor at the League. They didn't know that Russel was the Ranger's boyfriend and apparently they also didn't know that he was a villain too since they were treating him like a civilian that they could scare into silence. Now that Russel really thought about it...he didn't want them on his bunny's territory if they were going to make the man work more. His bunny had a lot to do anyway with all the gangs he had cleaned out and the drug dealers he had scared off.

"I hope you are my clients because I have to tell you if you are here to steal my lunch money then we are going to have words." Russel lifted up his sunglasses before huffing, "Now that all posturing seems to be out of the way, let's look at the list you boys sent me." He read it back to them. They wanted a lot of space, privacy, and a very modern design that would blend in. Russel had thought nothing of it since there were many civilian businesses that had some of the same requests. "I have to say though, I only know this area well. If you two have a better idea of where you want it then go ahead and tell me. However I should feel like I should say that I will not tolerate my bunny's life being made harder. If you want to do more than meet and have a clubhouse in this area then we are going to have words."

He walked them through an old gang hangout on the edge of his bunny's territory, being sure to keep him in his sight when he moved. It was funny to Russel that they couldn't seem to decide on a pronoun to use on him. They would which back and forth and bitch about it. In fact the two villain bitched at each other a lot. "I have talked with the owner of the building and he is willing to cut a deal so that he can wash his hands of this place. It used to be a gang hang out before the Ranger cleaned up the area. The structure itself is sturdy and it has a basement like requested. All the wiring and such will have to be updated and it will be a gut and go job but with the type of specialized building you want then it will be the right choice. I talked to some of the other abandoned building owners in the area but this was the best deal and had the most space." Russel flicked his braid back over his shoulder before looking down at the mock blueprints he had been given. "Now, I don't want to get your hopes up because this probably won't be the most fast build. It will take me two months to get the job done with my crew." If they didn't mind some stains on the floor due to distraction he could enlist his bunny's help and get it done a little bit faster since he could work on it more.

Russel tapped the pen to his lips as he looked over the plans one last time before looking back up at the two smucks in odd outfits. "If we have a deal then you can call me Russel. I'm the owner of Monsters and Men Construction. You'll have to tell me your names or whatever to call you because I just moved here not too long ago and really haven't learned much outside of the area."
Rey and Travis were on temporary agreement that they needed to get things sorted out and have a place for their own League. After a lot of arguing they finally settled on the basic idea but hadn't quite settled on location. Apparently, the Ranger overheard one of their phone calls about needing someone that was discreet enough to not talk about what they were building because he gave them the man's number. At least, Rey thought it was a man, Travis seemed to have a different idea. They had a hushed argument about what he was and how to address him but Rey had stubbornly decided that he will only use male pronouns.

"We're clients. I doubt your lunch money would be enough for us to steal, otherwise we will be after every citizen every day. I don't know about you, but I don't have that kind of time on my hands." Rey shot the barb at the Magician who stood at his side. "I actually have a job and family to consider. We have already tried to settle this on where to have it but my acquaintance here doesn't seem to like my choices."

"You were putting it too close the League, we aren't going to get other recruited if they are at risk of being seen constantly coming and going from the same building."

"And I said that we should think about a centralized location so that it would be an easier commute on the others so it doesn't seem like it favors just us!"

"Look, I'm sure that she will agree that if we want to remain low we need to get something that is less conspicuous and a good distance from prying eyes. Out here will probably be a good location."

"He would probably rather work some place that has a good structure that hasn't had as much damage already. Quicker build and the faster I get you to stop coming to my place."

They paused in their argument when they heard the smaller man remark about a bunny. When they had gotten the suggestion about who to go to for construction from the Ranger, they hadn't expect to meet someone so diminutive. And now this person was talking about making his bunny's life trouble. Not being able to follow the thin trail of clues, they assumed that someone his size and looks would have a pet that he cared about. Bunnies are cute and this guy certainly looked like he would enjoy cute. As they walked around the old hangout, Rey and Travis bitched about this and that. The place wasn't as open as Rey wanted it, Travis liked the idea of having different rooms. Travis didn't like the parking he saw outside, and Rey loved how close it was to an old subway station. Begrudgingly they came to an agreement that they'll take the place and then promptly argued how they will split the bill for such a venture.

"It's a deal."

"By the way, I am the Magician and Molly over here is Techno Mastermind." Travis spoke gesturing over to Rey who was shooting him glares through his goggles. He had upgraded them on his spare time to reflect his emotions so the green lenses flared red for a moment before settling back to their usual color.

"Well, not having been here that long will make sense on how you didn't know who we were." Rey rubbed his arm before fiddling with the arm console of his. "I would have expected some recognition otherwise, even though we don't come down here." Once he saw what he was looking for he pointed to the far wall. "Do you think you can knock out that wall? About 50 meters back? I can meet you half way on the other side."

Travis leaned over and looked at the small screen and saw a map of infrastructure displayed with a little dot that marked their current location. "Did you spread your legs to get that information?"

Rey pulled his arm away and covered the screen defensively. "No! I may have dated the person who gave them to me but that doesn't mean I used him for it. Besides this will be a work around to being noticed coming and going. It's how I make my escapes through the city."

"It does mean you used yourself to get that and I don't have the problem of drawing attention." He disintegrated and reappeared on the other side to make a point. "They can't catch what they can't grab, so I don't have to bribe the heroes around here with sex the times I do get caught."

"I didn't bribe him! Jesus!" Rey rubbed his temples before sighing. "If you are done being a bitch, Regina George, then maybe we can get our shit together before more villains move into the area. The more that show up the smaller our territories get and the more likely we are going to step on each other's toes. Captain Lark already blames me for getting him locked up months ago although he overstepped his bounds by coaxing my target out of his zone."

Travis disintegrated and ended up on Russel's side, placing his hand on his shoulder. "Ignore that queen, he's just being hormonal. Russel, was it?" He paused trying to figure out what pronoun to use before shaking his head and speaking again. "We may be supervillains but we will cut you a deal. You are our go to for any construction. It isn't in our interest to go saving people but there are rumors that a new villain moved into this area. Building here could be dangerous on all our parts until we know more about him. So you help us, and we'll help you and your crew while you work on this for us." He pulled back when the smaller man laughed, baffled by his reaction.
Russel laughed at the suggestion of protection. He couldn't help it. He was the villain but he wasn't sure he could just up and say that without knowing the other two better. Instead he straightened himself and smiled, "I'm sure you're very nice protection to have but I'll be fine. The new villain is mostly focused on the Ranger. When he isn't, he tends to destroy old buildings that are structurally unsound. It makes work for me so I can't complain." He looked over at the wall that Techno Mastermind had asked to move before humming. "I can move it but it's going to add at least another week or two to the build. As for you, Magician, might I make a suggestion? If you don't like the parking here, the building next door is also for sale. If you turn that into a parking garage then you will solve your parking problem. If you open up the parking garage to the public and charge for parking then you can find yourself with a nice little side business to bring in some cash flow. Especially if other businesses see this building being repaired and a parking next to it. It would take away a little of your privacy but not enough that you would really notice." It would seem that neither of them had thought of that idea either. It was a nice idea and it would help bring business into his bunny's area. Of course they would need a business to hide that they were a villain league just as the hero league did. The hero league could get away with being a vague business but the villains would need something more.

"I'm probably going to regret saying this but my bunny tells me that one of you is married to the League's doctor. Since I'm going to assume that isn't the safest idea for a villain to be married to the doctor of his enemies, might I suggest that he have a practice here. If he specializes in supers then this area is as close to central as you can get without costing an arm and your first born so it wouldn't be out of place to have a practice here. The upper part of this building can easily be converted into it's own clinic and a research lab if you have the funds." He paused and looked over Techno a moment before deciding he was probably right. No one looked like the swallowed a large pumpkin and had no other signs of fat. "As a bonus the good doctor would be nearby to help with the young. This is assuming he is up for moving otherwise this space could easily be converted and rented out for another easy cash flow." He tapped the pen to his lips and he jotted notes on his clipboard. However when he hard his phone play the a part of the GI Joe theme song he opened it to see a text from his bunny. Russel grinned and typed back that the meeting went fine and he was a very good boy for bringing him such a big project. He would reward him later at the nest. He closed his phone and looked back at the pair again. They were bitching again but that seemed to be the norm for them.
Travis and Rey both blinked as they mulled over the suggestions that were given to them. They had gotten so caught up in their constant bitching over just the general plans of the League that they forgot all the other essentials to help them blend in. Travis's lair was built right into his home and Rey had appropriated an old building that was no longer being used and in a part of the city that no one cared to go through, unless it was to shave a couple minutes off of their commute by avoiding traffic.

"I told you we should get a popular business to run as a front." Rey muttered before he felt a jab in his side.

"You would have gotten a Starbucks or some trendy shop that no self respecting villain will want to claim as their own."

"And no one would even suspect!"

Travis rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to Russel. There was a moment where there was silence over the suggestion of moving a clinic above the headquarters as well as young. They each thought for a moment over what he said about his bunny. They had thought it was a pet, at least until their mutual connection was mentioned. The two villains shot a look at each other, confused and baffled on why the Ranger, of all people, was being called bunny. The man was a tank of a human. Rey was convinced that he was a super but Travis knew he was just a normal human. Either would not associate him with bunnies. There was an unanswered question that hung in the air on what exactly was this guy's relationship with the Ranger but neither of them really wanted to ask that question.

"Why does your husband work in the League when he is as skilled as he is?" Rey asked, curious but having a clue to what the answer is thanks to conversations with Victoria.

"He just wants to work with supers and they fund all of his research."

"Like the research that allows him to have babies?"

Travis shot him a glare and tightened his grip on his cane. "... Yes... Among other things but that isn't his focus."

"It certainly looks like it is."

"Well it's not like his research is even done. He ran out of supplies." Travis spoke matter-of-factly that reminded Rey of something he heard. Venedict had told him he had to see his doctor because his sperm was doing weird things. On top of that, Dr. Sanders had told him that there are heroes that could get someone pregnant. He connected the dots and smirked.

"I take it he had a personal supplier in the League?"

"Yeah, but he cut him off because--" Travis shut up when Rey held a finger up and pulled out his cellphone. "What are you doing?"

"Just telling Lionman to go ahead and refill that supply." Rey spoke with a smile. "I had asked him to save himself for a couple days so he should be pent up, but I think I can live without it. Sounds like your husband could use mine's sperm more than I do right now." He pulled down his mask and made a kissy face before pulling it up with a laugh.

"Are you trying to ruin my fucking life?"

"Children don't ruin lives, dipshit. If anything, it's making mine better and I'm sure your husband would agree with me... if he ever got to share in the glow." Rey rubbed his belly for emphasis. "Just do what you have to and have him open up a clinic, isn't that what you want? If he is located here then you can keep an eye on him and both me and Radical Rayman are taken so you have no threats from us."

"I'm not threated by you. You're too busy with your ankles behind your head playing dress up to be anything more than a nuisance, Molly."

"A nuisance with five reasons your husband is jealous." He tapped his stomach five times as if he was counting each kitten before flipping the bird. When Travis was about to yell back at him, Rey spoke louder and walked over to Russel. "Speaking of which..! I know you're going to be busy with this but... You know my condition... Could you work on a children's room for me?" he cleared his throat before holding up his hand. "I'm having five. I renovated my lair enough for me to be able to live there but I don't think I can handle another addition."
Russel cocked his head as he watched the two bitch and fight. It almost reminded him of when the queens at the bar fought over who got the best feather boa. Neither villain was pulling any punches but it was more amusing than hurtful it seemed. Russel huffed before musing over what the clinic would need. He could always get Curtis to get a list from the good doctor but it would have to be after the man had agreed to go into private practice. The look on the Magician's face said that he really didn't want kids but in order to get his man where he wanted him then he was going to have to have them. Russel found the whole thing fascinating. Perhaps there was some soap opera level shit going on with the villains of Boxton. He hadn't peeked around much, mostly because his bunny was a demanding thing and secondly because he really did like the area. It had to be the most open area to run he had seen in the whole city.

When the villain Techno came over and asked him about renovating his home. It would be in a different territory and when he had to leave and get supplies or anything he would find the Ranger being conveniently around. Russel had apparently acquired a helicopter submissive but he wasn't really mad about it. Sure, he could take just about anything in his morph form but he didn't mind that the man adored him so much he couldn't help but be a little clingy. Well, and Russel liked to spank him over it later on since the man was being naughty and leaving his territory undefended. What would they do without their Sheriff? Russel hummed, "I might have a tag along. Is that alright? He gets a bit clingy when I leave the area. It amuses me more than it offends me so I let him get away with it. I could have him stay home but he gets rather offended when I do that. It's just easier to let him amuse himself." He huffed out an amused sound before getting Techno's details.

It was two weeks later that he had trusted part of his team to work on the lair without his supervision. He had put his second in command to oversee them and since the man had moved to Boxton with him, he knew he was loyal. Currently Russel was working on the lair of Techno while his submissive did his 'I'm not showing off but I totally am' thing. Russel just worked around him, lifting rubble and sometimes his man out of the way before working on an area. Fixing up the old building was taking longer than he expected but Techno didn't seem to mind him being around. All the man had commented was that he was quiet as fuck for someone doing construction. Russel moved Curtis again while working on wiring before looking back at the man, "Bunny, as much as I enjoy your prancing about. Could you hand me my tools?"

He smirked when he saw the woman's cigarette's in Curtis's pocket. The man hadn't smoked them yet but he hadn't bought another pack either. Russel had looked up different ways to embarrass the man and that was one of the more subtle ways he could. The morph sighed when he finished the first room. It would take him a solid month to finish the plant without help save for his bunny. Which after being instructed the man would help him but mostly he was as useful as a pool boy in a house without a pool. Eye candy only. It was a good thing it only took him a day for each room.

Although he had asked Techno if he could have a private room for a bit after a few days of his bunny's flexing. In there he strung his bunny up and had him hanging from the ceiling until Russel finished work. It was the only way he was getting any peace and only Lionman was looking at him funny for the request. Russel cut his bunny down from the ceiling and huffed amused, "Come on Bunny. We get to go home now."
Rey had a long discussion with Venedict about where they will raise the kids. He had been to his house a few times and it wasn't all that big. Sure they can add onto it but the location left it very limited. His lair on the other hand was much more roomy, but he had never brought him over. However, ultimately, he had to come to admit that he will have to give up his lair and turn it into a real home. The room he wanted was in the event he had to watch the children and get some work done at the same time, not have them be there full time, but once Venedict saw how big it was, it was a done deal. What had originally been a single room eventually became a whole project. Areas that he had neglected because he hadn't moved into yet were being repaired, old machinery taken out and new rooms put in. The man was surprisingly efficient and Rey often found himself watching as he would move things around. He hadn't expected such strength from someone so small. Rather than ask questions, he just left the man to do his job, casting a cautious glance at the tag along he had been warned about two weeks ago.

Rey had never formally met the Ranger but he was more macho looking in person. He would be drooling over all that muscle if he didn't have so little body hair, but that didn't stop him from stealing glances. He did have a type after all, but there was just something that seemed off about him. It wasn't the fact that he was an unacquainted hero in his lair, but something else. He had allowed them to use one of the spare rooms he had plans for but forgot what they were while they were there. It was probably meant for one of his scrapped projects since he had a pulley system installed for lifting heavier parts. He had offered to have Venedict put furniture in there but folding chairs seemed to have been enough.

Curtis on the other hand had been much more interested in watching his new Master work. It amazed him to no end to watch him move rubble and to knock old walls out as fast, if not faster, than him. It made him feel weak and small so he often tried to compensate by showing off when he helped clear everything. That didn't work. No matter how many times he could lift the rubble above his head, he was just getting in the way. He bit his lip each time he was moved, wanting more non-verbal humiliation until he finally got it. Russel had gotten frustrated enough with him that he dragged him off into the other room. Expecting another bout of spanking and changing more of his belongings to that of a woman's, he followed along eagerly. Once he stripped he quickly found himself being carried to the ceiling, dropped and his body contorted by web. His legs were spread wide, knees bent so his feet pressed against his butt, arms pulled behind his back and hung so that he stared at the floor. The web was tighter than it usually was and he was secured in such a way that even if he wiggled he couldn't move or sway. He was fastened to each wall. He couldn't even say anything to fill the silence in the room since his mouth was gagged by the panties he had been forced to wear earlier. He could taste his own sweat and smell his musk on the thin fabric from all the sweating he did while helping out. It all turned him on and he just hung there, mulling over with a wide grin about his punishment and how much he deserved it. He heard the door open and tried to crane his neck up to see who it was only to hear it shut abruptly. No... He isn't getting down just yet.

Rey kept his back pressed against the door, face bright red and holding his stomach at the sight he just saw. The man was practically cocooned in that room by some kind of web. There was nothing in that lair that could make that. Rey crept through the halls to the construction area and watched Russel for a moment before muttering to himself. "He's got to be a super." He hissed before turning away having to use the bathroom since one of his kittens decided to kick into his bladder yet again. At least now he knew why something felt off about him. As muscular and dominating as he looked, he didn't really give off that vibe. Especially now he took into consideration how carefully he watched Russel, it had reminded him of himself when he watched Lionman do his work.

When Curtis had finally been cut down he was still hard but knew it wasn't in his place to ask for relief. At least not just yet. "Yes, sir." Was all he could muster when he climbed to his feet. Following directions, he has to put on the now saliva soaked panties and redress before leaving. The man that Russel had been working for shot them a smirk that he tried to hide as he quickly looked away. Was he the one that walked in? "Hey, hun. Did you check on me?"

The next day Rey had decided that he wasn't going to leave the sofa. He just felt like lounging about and not walking in on anything strange. He wanted to talk to his contractor about just what the hell he had the guy tied up in, but didn't want to say anything without his soon to be husband by his side. He did need a protector after all. He can't fight against that kind of strength. He channel surfed as Minion slept on his lap and he ate peanut butter ding dongs. He needed to get the parents together and soon. He was showing way too much and he really wanted to get everything done faster. When he heard someone come in the room he spoke loudly. "I hate you right now. I can't fit any of my suits because I'm too fa-- oh. Hi." Rey saw Russel come in with a smirk on his face. "Was there something that you needed? I already owe you for going above and beyond on such short notice. Really."
"No bunny I didn't check on you. It must have been our hosts." Russel practically purred at the thought but since his man didn't have even a little blush he was going to have to fix that. Once his bunny had driven them back to his home territory he fucked the man without mercy and egged him. The next morning when he asked if Curtis was going with him, he had a set of instructions and some more women's undergarments ready. Russel had found some nice pretty stockings that hooked onto a pair of lacy underwear. For the top half of his man, he carefully made a rope harness in case he needed to hang him up again. Russel made sure that all the items, while tight, didn't cut off anything and he then proceeded to head them off to their job. Well, it was Russel's job but if the man insisted on coming too then he guessed he might as well pay him. He set the man to work on rubble clean up before heading off into other rooms to check and see what work needed to be done.

It was in one of these rooms that he found the best thing he could ever find. It was a fuck machine. The bestial dildo looking rather menacing just sitting there. Russel looked at the controls before starting to tentatively press buttons. The machine had to be custom mad and the more he looked it over and played with the positions the more he admired the hell out of Techno's genius. He could respect a submissive who knew what he wanted an what he needed and took it upon himself to get it. He left the contraption alone after looking it over once more before setting out to find his host. He peeked on his bunny and gave the man a through kiss for being such a good boy. He told him not to hurt himself before going through the rooms and finding the person he was looking for.

It was amusing to hear the man bitch, as he must have been thinking that it would be Lionman or Venedict as was his real name. He couldn't help the smirk on his mouth in utter glee. Yes he could ask for one. "I was checking out the other areas of your home when I stubbled upon your fuck machine. Now tell me, do you take commissions? Because that has to be the best piece of genius I have seen in a while." He didn't mention how he thought his bunny would look wonderful being fucked by it but by the look on the other villain's face he wasn't fooling anyone. Russel cocked his head, "It would also be nice to know if the place you got your dildo at will do custom work. I doubt they will have anything close to what I need there but I've been surprised before. We can either make a deal to discount some work or I can pay you. However I understand due to your condition...your time might be rather limited as to when you can get it done. It is no rush. I can keep up with what I have been doing. It will give me time to find a proper place since it probably wouldn't fit in my apartment and my love nest is run piggy back off of the park's electricity that it is in. Anyway that is all I wanted to ask for. I should get back to work." His bunny couldn't be going too fast with the amount of prostate torment he was getting.
Curtis had to focus on his breathing to keep himself from getting too excited. Every step he took he could feel the stockings hugging the skin of his muscular thighs. Every bump in the road shook the egg inside of him. It was a struggle to keep himself under control just to get there. His body was still sore from the sex and being bound both at the site and the nest. The tight rope around his muscles make his movements stiff and harder to bend forward. He went straight to his task of moving the debris outside. His face was flushed and he wanted the whole time. The tight stockings and panties held down his growing errection as he worked but the extra tension and the feel of the ropes on his skin did nothing but make the situation worse. After Russel had left him alone he broke. He couldn't take being on the edge for so long that he dropped what he was carrying and braces the wall as he came in his pants. He did all he could to stiffle his moan, not wanting his coworker to know that he came in his pants when he was supposed to be helping renovate the hideout, house, whatever it was. He couldn't even think anymore. Once his orgasm subsided he wiped the sweat from his brow and tentatively felt his pants. Shit. He could feel the dampness on the inside of his leg. He lifted up what he had dropped and slowly made his way to toss it out. He moaned into the kiss that Russel gave him when we swung by before watching him leave in a daze.

Rey's face colored when his personal toy had been discovered, but at the request for one coupled with the compliment, he smiled. He took pride in his work and to hear that what he made was genius, he couldn't help but beam. He brushed the crumbs off of himself and shooed Minion as he stood up. He gave a knowing smirk at the shorter man before walking over to his work desk in the corner of the room. He pulled out a piece of paper and began to scribble down a web address and a code before handing the piece of paper to Russel. "First, it will take me awhile to make another. I was... motivated.... to finish that one. I was also newly dumped and had a whole lot of free time then. I'll need the measurements of your... um... well, Curtis. That way I know how big to make it and how strong it needs to be." He paused before taking the paper back and scribbling his number on the bottom. "Actually, just give me a call when you know all you want for it. I had been toying with some ideas before I got to have regular and constant access to the real thing. As for the dildo, I had to send in the exact measurements and details. They do a great job, but when you send in custom designs, it can get a bit pricey since they had to make a whole new cast for it, but once they have it, the next one is cheaper. I may have been a frequent customer, so my referral usually gives a good discount." His face flushed as he rubbed his neck avoiding eye contact. It was embarrassing to admit that he frequently shopped for sex toys, especially when his partners weren't as big as he had hoped they would be in the past, not that anyone would guess. He watched Russel turn to leave before calling out to him. "I-if you're concerned about power.... I can give you an additional power source. I have been meaning to test out a design that requires a friend of mine's ability. If you don't want to help test it, a high end car battery should run it, though you'll have to have the battery charged after about a week, depending on what features you use and how long, you'll cut that time in half." He chuckled nervously. "I know from experience."

Rey let out a happy sigh feeling accomplished since someone was interested in his more mundane inventions. He opened a drawer and pulled out a folder that had different schematics, sketches and attachments. Maybe he should revisit it and see if he can think of something new and interesting. Although, since it was easy for someone to find it, maybe he should have a dedicated room that is sealed off so no one else walks in on it. Yeah, locks will be a good investment.

Curtis had failed to hold back once again as he collapsed to the floor in another mind numbing, pants staining, orgasm. He would have been find if he stood around and did nothing until he calmed down but he was told to clear out all the debris left over from the day before. He was so close to finishing that he thought he could complete it before he came a second time. He heard someone tsking nearby as he lifted his gaze to see Russel shaking his head at him. "I'm sorry, sir. I did my best. This was the last piece. I almost made it." He hung his head in defeat when he was told that he was expected to clear everything out from multiple areas, rather than just the one.
Curtis had told the other villain he wouldn't mind using the experimental power source as long as it would be safe for his bunny. He had tsked when he got back to his submissive since the silly man was passed out on the floor after just clearing one room. Russel remined him gently that he had been supposed to do multiple rooms as apposed to just one. Silly bunny. He took the man home and worked the egg out of him so Curtis's abused prostate could take a well deserved rest. It didn't seem to slow the man down much that he was sore but Russel had eaten him out just because his poor bunny seemed to need some extra love and attention.

The next day in another part of the city, Todd was waiting for his date to come pick him up. He had dressed nicely, however since there was going to be sex later, he had dressed a bit more loosely than his skin tight jeans. They weren't as loose as regular jeans but he still wanted to look good. He pulled on a tight shirt then found one of his tamer jackets. Tamer however was still more flamboyant than most people and once he saw Quidel's truck he leaped through the window and landed awkwardly in the seat. He sat up before kissing the man on the mouth quickly. "Thanks for agreeing to take me out again. Also no chaperone today. Rey is meeting the relatives. He is rather cranky about it. I think he is nervous or maybe the hormones. The dude is very heavily pregnant right now." He figeted with the radio again as Quidel drove them to the zoo. Todd had asked to go there this time because they had been talking about lions through text. Todd had realized then that he hadn't been to the zoo in a very long time and he hadn't gone to the zoo in Boxton at all. Which was kind of a crime if you thought about it since Boxton boasted one of the biggest zoos in the area. He leaned his had out when they parked and Todd couldn't help all the excited noise and chatter that he made at the sight.

"Oh my god. I have never been here. Well....yeah, no. We used to have a little zoo in the small town I went to but all the animals were old and they had no plans to get new ones. Mostly it was animals around the area so that the kids could see what to look for and avoid. The bear was kind of blind though." Todd perked suddenly, "Do you think they have owls? I've never seen a black owl. I looked on the interwebs for a bit but nothing really was close. Well, there was a black owl in Australia but you don't look the least bit Aussie. Maybe a native though. Are you a native? You do rock a tribal mask. It's pretty cool. I kind of want one." Todd danced around a bit as they walked towards the gates, he happily They didn't have to pay which was weird but when he had asked Quidel if he came here often the man had said he had so it wouldn't be weird for him to have a pass of some sort. Quidel didn't seem to mind the chatter but he hadn't minded it yet so there was that. If anything he just watched Todd like he always did. Todd didn't mind. He liked being prey and the center of attention. It was kind of a perk of being such a loud villain was that you could be center stage. "I wonder if they have a petting zoo. I would love to pet some of the animals. Not the predators since you're the only thing I want hunting me but some of the smaller animals would be cute. Not trash pandas though, fuck those nasty things. They are scary and gross. Only animal I don't like."
Quidel had let Todd choose the location for the third date. He wasn't particularly thrilled about his choice since it involved him being at his work, but he couldn't say no. The young man seemed excited about the prospect of going to the zoo. He supposed it was more exciting and interesting if you didn't look at it five days a week, every week, for the past couple years. The day of the date itself was a bit short notice but he was able to get it off. Apparently his supervisor agreed with him that the trainee needed to have a day to go through the duties on his own. Something about Quidel making the animals more compliant and that the experience around him is different when he is absent. He raised an eyebrow at Todd when he messed up on his entry through the window. He'll overlook it with the quick recovery. When he heard why there was no chaperone, he had an understanding on why it was rather short notice. He looked at the excited man as they drove into the parking lot. He was acting like a kid who got to get out of school just to go somewhere on his birthday.

'Why do I get the feeling that I am being used as a babysitter?' Quidel thought to himself. He knew how much Rey distrusted him and given the described nervousness over meeting relatives... he may have used their date as a way to keep Todd away and busy, just like letting a kid stay over at a friend's because you can't find a babysitter. Too excited about having fun to realize the parents don't trust you to be home alone.

He asked Todd if he ever went to a zoo before since he seemed so excited. It was rather sad to hear about the state of smaller zoos but there was nothing he could do. Not all of them could boast the attendance rate that allows his work to flourish. He waited for Todd to finish firing off all his questions before answering as they bypassed the main line for the shorter one reserved for those who have fun passes. All employees get in free and are able to bring a guest. Usually it was reserved for their kids or spouse but no one really followed policy nor cared to. Everything inside was still outrageously priced. While they waited in the brief line, he decided he could answer Todd's questions.

"We do have owls in the Aviary, including the Sooty and Barking owls from Australia." He watched Todd for a moment as he internally debated on if he wanted to tell Todd about his history. He did ask. Many people assumed the same thing and had asked but for some reason just a simple nod doesn't seem sufficient. "I am native," he finally answered as he shown his employee ID and gestured to Todd. "Though I am not part of any tribe." He watched Todd more than the animals while they walked around. He didn't mind when his hand was held or he was tugged along. He nodded at the question of the petting zoo before asking what a trash panda was. He never heard the term before but once it was clarified he just raised a brow. Racoons weren't so bad, but then again, he didn't have any problems with any animals. Everything sort of left him alone. Quidel passed a few glances at the other employees. The problem with his height was that he stood out in a crowd and everyone knew him. Hell, he over heard some of his coworkers telling new staff that ran concession stands that they had to watch him feed the predators because of how little of a fuck he gave. Some even exaggerated stories about how he would slap an alligator on the nose and push it back into the water with his if it got too close. He never struck the creature. He may have nudged it with the side of his boot but he didn't slap it. Still, it made feeding time a must see with the staff and their friends. Sometimes he could see how disappointed they were that nothing interesting really happened. What does seem interesting to his coworkers was the fact that he was there as a guest and with a loudly dressed man clinging to his side. There was no doubt that the rumor mill was already working it's way around as he saw a cellphone get pulled out. Maybe he should have put up a fight about going here after all. Who knows what stories will get passed around now.

They passed through the aviary when the topic of owls and the question why he had black feathers. If there was anyone to share the knowledge he had on his abilities, it was Todd. It wasn't like he wasn't aware of morphs or his identity but it was something he didn't quite like talking about. Still, he felt as if he was falling behind Todd in openness. If Todd was so open to share everything about himself, then it was only right to do the same. Besides, if there is someone that interested in him, he should do what he can to keep the relationship from falling apart so soon, even if it was still new and uncharted territory.

"It's a curse." Quidel watched one of the owls stare at him from the tree. After a moment of silence he felt a nudge and he spoke again. "At least that is what I am told. My parents were both shamans of different tribes, one from here and the other in South America. Neither tribe wants me because I resemble something from their myths. So I never bothered to get to know either. My adopted parents push me to embrace my heritage, so I did. Just not in the way they want." He paused before hiding a smirk. "If I'm a boogieman to my people, then that is what I will be. Besides... it's fun. Like being the star of my own horror movie." It took him awhile to stay it all given his slow pace of speaking. He looked down at Todd and placed a hand on his shoulder, pulling him close. Rather than continuing answering questions about his family, after all, he already said more than he ever had, he guided them towards the predator exhibits. It was getting close to feeding time and he had already established a routine at the zoo where he would feed the animals in person, smack dab in the center of their habitats. Although the rookie was told he can do that if he felt confident enough, he was encouraged to feed them through the back so he wouldn't be in danger. He was curious on how he would go about it.

When the couple finally made it to the Lions, seeing them first was Todd's suggestion, it was feeding time. A crowd was already formed around the rails that separated them from the fence. Todd pushed his way through and Quidel followed behind, not that he had much of a choice, the 80's fashionista had a tight grip on his hand. They watched as the rookie sauntered out as if he owned the place, a sense of bravado and confidence that almost made Quidel think of himself. He supposed if you walk without a care and as if you own the place, whoever you're training will try to emulate that. Especially when they see the crowds that formed. He was the star of this show. The lions that had been resting in the warm sun raised their heads and looked at him. They had learned to wait a distance since Quidel usually fed them but since he wasn't there, they moved in. The rookie didn't expect them to approach him and he nearly lost his cool, his façade slowly fading the closer they got. Quidel narrowed his eyes as he watched one of the animals pace around him. He knew that look. From predator to predator, it was on a hunt. He pulled his hand away from Todd as he watched the muscles on the lion begin to tense. It was going to pounce, especially since the rookie had his attention set on the lioness, raw meat still in his hand.

Quidel stepped onto the rail and jumped over the fence as other people yelled. He bolted over to the rookie, just as the lion was about to pounce. He get between the lion and the newbie, grappling the 500 pound feline, managing to shove it aside. As soon as the lion turned back towards him, Quidel's eyes turned a brighter red before returning to their duller color. The king of the habitat backed away as did the lioness when he turned towards her. He helped the rookie to his feet and warned him not to attempt to do this again until he was more familiar with the animals. He then walked to each one, cornering them with his natural intimidation before tossing their food at their feet. He followed the rookie out into the staff only entrance and radioed the supervisor of the incident. He didn't want to work on his day off and leave Todd alone. Remembering that he had left him in the crowd, he went back out through the backways and began searching for him. Luckily, with the way he dressed and how loud he can be, it wouldn't take long.
'It's a curse' Those were the words that Todd heard about the Demonic Owl's coloring. Todd nudged him lightly because that couldn't be the end. He listened to the explanation of how mixing the blood and magic of two different tribes had made him into the basic version of the boogie man. Todd supposed that made a startling amount of sense given what had happened to Quidel but Todd couldn't stop himself from speaking. "I think that's bullshit!" Todd blurted out. He sheepishly looked around before speaking in a lower volume. "I don't think that your coloring could be a curse. After all there are other morphs out there that don't exactly follow the game plan. Lionman is just that a sphinx that walks upright. He's colored like a regular lion and halfway built like one but that's about it for his similarities to lions. According to the Greek mythology you would be considered a harpy in that form though I couldn't find any harpy owls in my research. Todd huffed, "I know you enjoy the hell out of your swooping and I am glad you just makes me a little sad that your family didn't accept you. I mean, glad you got adopted since those twat waffles didn't deserve you." He felt himself being guided away from the owls and Todd huffed, "Fine. I won't ask about your family again." He paused, "My mom and dad didn't take my powers well either. I had all kinds of tests done and even DNA tests to see if I was swapped at birth. The final theory they settled on was that it was all the electricity that was around me when mom was pregnant. She loved to put headphones on her stomach and such. Stupid really but they had four other children who were normal and grown by the time I surprised them. Mom didn't even know a woman could still get pregnant at her age." Todd hummed and looked over to an employee that had bubble gum pink hair.

The woman had a nametag that read 'Sally' and was typing rapidly on her phone and had taken a few pictures of them. It was weird but Quidel stood out like a sore thumb. Todd didn't think that was why she was taking pictures though. She was also far from the first employee to notice and react to him and Quidel. It wasn't that they were the only gay couple or that they were the oddest pair. Although their height differences did make them stand out a bit more. Todd would have to hack into one of the gossips phone to see what was so intriguing about him and Quidel. Instead he told Quidel he wanted to see the lion exhibit since he wanted. After all if Rey was going to be having lion cubs then he might as well see the animals they would be partly taking after. Todd pushed his way to the front of the formation of people. There was comments on the web how the zoo showed the animals being fed right in the middle of their habitats. This was interesting to Todd since he never really saw a large animal eat their meals before. Also he was kind of curious as to who would have the balls to feed giant predators bloody meat in the middle of their habitat. Todd watched the young zookeeper walk out into the habitat with a swagger that sort of reminded him of Quidel. He looked back at the man in question and noticed the intense look that he was giving the man. Wait....did Quidel work here? The man had never said where he worked but he was a wealth of animal information when Todd asked him the odd question. Todd turned back in time to see the lions circling and cringed this was looking back.

Quidel dashed off and Todd stared after him. If anyone could save the idiot it was Quid. However the display of manly testosterone that was Quid wrestling a lion wasn't one that he expected. Nor could Todd help himself from getting even more bothered when Quidel's eyes flashed blood red. More people seemed to be focused on the cats than Quidel since they were all distressed around him but they scattered as soon as the situation cleared. People sometimes scared him with how shallow they were. Todd shrugged it off since the young zookeeper wasn't injured and looked around for where Quidel would come out.

Todd didn't even think long when he saw Quidel come out of an employee entrance, he ran over to the man and leaped onto him. Unfortunately with the height difference Todd didn't quite make it to where he had aimed and instead his face landed squarely into Quidel's chest. Todd supposed it was good that the man didn't have tits since he would be motorboating them about now. He lifted his head to see his boyfriend roll his eyes and lift him off. Static shocks filtered out of Todd's body and the young man had to blush when he saw Quidel raise an eyebrow. The larger man wasn't an idiot so he had to know that Todd's little shocks were him getting rather hot and bothered. "I can't help it if it was the hottest testosterone filled display I have ever seen. You fucking wrestled a lion. Like that shit only exists in myths." He wiggled into Quidel's hold a bit more since he was rather embarrassed at just how hot and bothered that display made him. He made a soft purring moan right next to the morph's ear. "Predator."

At this point Todd's brain hit that zone he called his 'prey mode' which he didn't quite realize was such a big thing until he met Quidel and started playing with the idea of being used by such an obvious apex predator. Todd panted, pushing his face into Quid's neck and moaning softly. No one else could hear his soft sounds but Quidel and no one could see the erection that was pressed into the man's body. Todd moaned again wiggling his body. He wished Quidel would just touch his ass. He whimpered his fingers digging into the man's shirt. "Please. Please." He felt Quid moving before moaning. Okay so the man was taking him somewhere. Didn't matter where as long as Todd could be covered in Quidel he didn't care. He heard Quidel's steady voice and whimpered. "Quid." He felt himself be set down and blinked slowly when he looked at the truck. Todd whimpered before being shushed. He cupped himself before being chided again and buckled in. "Quid." He felt like he was dying from lust. "I'm your trophy. Apex predator." He moaned the sentence before almost humping air. If he was 'sober' right now he would congratulate the man on the amount of patience it had to take him to deal with Todd in his aroused state.
Quidel wasn't in the slightest of surprised when Todd tried to leap into his arms... and failed. He lifted him up so he can get his arms around his neck, holding Todd's thighs at his side. Obviously, he wanted to be held. It made him feel even more like this was a passive aggressive babysitting date, at least until he felt something press against his stomach and the little shocks that skipped across his body from Todd. He may have fooled around with him once but he remembered when he generated that much energy, at it wasn't from looking at animals. He quirked an eyebrow at the smaller man. Did he have no self restraint? He rolled his eyes again when he was called 'predator.' So he really did have a thing about being someone's prey, that he wanted to be under the control of the one that truly sat at the top of the food chain. He stood there for a moment hoping that Todd was trying to calm himself down but after hearing the moans and feeling him wiggle, he got the feeling it was a lost cause. Todd had lost the battle of lust and isn't going to pull himself together.

There were some people looking at him as he held the smaller man, but hey, it was the current year. People can do what they want. Some people want to carry guns, others need safe spaces, some also want to dress in odd clothes, and then there is one that wants to be at the complete mercy of a predatory creature that can transform into a harpy. The way Todd kept his face buried in his neck and how he was being held, people seemed to assume he was upset. Hell, he looked like a child that needed to be comforted in his parent's arms. He pulled him up a little more so that he can slip an arm under his ass and another around his waist. He went straight to the truck, not even bothering to so much as cast a glance at anyone who even approached them. Todd really was something else with his repeated begging and how he clung to him. No one has done that, at least when they did they didn't seem to want to melt into him like Todd does. There was always a tenseness when he held his previous girlfriends, but Todd was relaxed, the only tension being one of a desperate need.

"Get down," he spoke but all he got was his name in response. He shoved his legs down so that Todd was force to stand. Opening the door to the truck he gestured for him to get in yet all he did was stand there whimpering like some cowering animal, too afraid to move. He really seemed to get into this sort of thing, doesn't he? "Cover up and behave." He leaned over him as he buckled the seatbelt for him. He raised an eyebrow at his name before trading which brow was raised at being called an apex predator. He didn't quite think so, he just held a sort of respect with the other predators. He pressed his hands down on Todd's hips to still them. "Wait." He pulled away and shut the door before climbing into the driver's seat. He cast several glances in Todd's direction who just seemed to moan and plead for him. Each time he saw him rocking his hips or moving in away to get some kind of comfort, he grabbed his wrist or held him down with a free hand demanding he stop. The last time he raised his voice, looking over at Todd with his red eyes. "Stop. You have to wait." He immediately looked away after realizing that him being aggressive in that small bit may have been a bit much for Todd, but at least he was quiet the rest of the way.

When they got to the apartment complex, Quidel got out of the truck quickly and lead them to his apartment. "Room," was all he said once he opened the front door. He locked it as Todd made his way over. He had thought about what he was going to do, even going so far as to watch porn to figure out a game plan. It all just looked like sex, nothing special, though in his head sex with a man was supposed to be different somehow. Either way, it would be the first time and he wanted to make sure he didn't screw it up and hurt Todd or leave a negative impression. He seemed happy with his fondling before but this was more intense, more important, and thus needed to go just right. He had even packed up his figures that had crept Todd out and set them aside in his locked room so that they wouldn't serve as a distraction. Although a part of him wanted to leave them up and use them as a scape goat if he screwed things up in screwing his boyfriend. He took his time walking down the hall and stared at an already completely nude Todd standing at the edge of his bed. He certainly didn't miss a beat. Quid shut the bedroom door, and out of habit, locked it. He saw Todd's eyes dart to the handle and then back to him. So locking the door meant he was trapped in a room of a predator. If that sort of thing was what really got him off, Quidel decided he was going to figure out just how much he enjoyed it.

Flipping the switch in his brain, he slowly made his way to Todd, slowly removing his shirt and tossing it aside, the whole time, not even breaking eye contact. He stopped in front of Todd, watchin him topple backwards as he stared down at him silently. His breathing increased as did the blush across his pale body. There was even the snap of static on the sheets when he fell back. 'So he likes this... I wonder...' Quidel thought before letting his eyes turn bright red in a sudden flash. Todd's reaction was what Quidel had expected, if only from him. Most people would back away but all he did was gasp and moan. When Todd tried to sit up and touch him Quidel pushed him back down, he swatted his hands away as he slowly undid his belt. He pulled the belt from the loops one at a time before tossing it. He roughly put his boot on the bed and untied it, never breaking eye contact. When Todd tried to speak up with how slow he was going he leaned over him and placed a finger on his lips as he thought over what he can say that Todd would like.

"I'll do what I want." He paused as he watched Todd for a moment, adding with a deeper tone to his voice, "When I want." The whole time he watched Todd he couldn't help himself get excited. Sure he loved terrorizing someone but to see someone thrive under his gaze, to beg for physical contact was something new. He could feel himself get aroused at watching Todd squirm and listen to his little mutterings. He looked so helpless beneath him. He dragged the finger down his chin and onto his neck, slowly wrapping his large hand around it. 'His whole neck can fit in my hand.' He thought as he trailed his hand down his chest, scraping his nails just hard enough to leave little red marks down to his neatly trimmed pubes. He raised an eyebrow as he touched the tip of his erection, feeling the wetness at the tip. He blinked slowly before turning his gaze down at the cock below him. It was the first time he was really seeing it in good light. He gave it a couple strokes before moving to his nightstand, tossing out the bottle of lube and a strip of condoms.
Todd let out a low whine when he saw those pretty eyes flare a dangerous red. He was told to wait and although he really didn't think he could wait he found himself stilling his protests to instead stare at Quid. The man was fantastically large, taller than most men had the right to be but that wasn't a problem since he exuded an aura of pure strength. The man of course didn't seem to mind that Todd was staring at him so hard. Instead once they came back to the apartment, Todd was ordered to Quidel's room as the man locked the door behind him.

Todd hustled back into the bedroom, stripping off his clothing and standing next to the bed. He waited somewhat impatiently as Quidel slowly made his way over before he heard the distinct sound of the lock clicking. He was locked in with a giant apex predator. He flicked a quick look from the lock to Quid before toppling back when the man stepped in front of him. Todd panted, focusing solely on Quidel as the taller man stalked ever closer. Todd felt his body becoming hot all over and his breathing quicken. Static snapped here and there but that wasn't in the forefront of his mind. He was so focused on Quidel that the moment he noticed those eyes flash the dangerous color of the Demonic Owl he gasped and moaned. He really did feel like he was going to be used and 'devoured' by the Demonic Owl. Todd groaned when he felt the man's booted foot land heavily next to him. Quidel was getting undressed which was progress but it wasn't fast enough for this twink to handle. "Quid....hurry." He was of course shushed but it was what Quidel said next that really got Todd bothered.

Quidel was going to do what he wanted when he wanted and that little growl of dominance made Todd shiver. He wiggled in place, not really trying to get away but unable to completely hold still while this god of Todd's sexual fantasies was working his magic. Todd felt the hand move down his chin and down to his neck, while Todd's mouth seemed to make nonsensical mutterings. It was the paradox of his fetish that he liked to feel like the situation of out of his control but liked to know what he was really safe the whole time. It was the paradox of the Demonic Owl that drew him. How could everyone be scared to death of a morph that never actually hurt anyone? It was the same as a scary movie really in Todd's mind. For him though it wasn't about being scared. He wasn't scared at all of Quidel and that was the point. He trusted Quidel not to hurt him. Probably a little fast but the man had never even tried to hurt him even when he was being his most annoying. Todd arched his back when he felt the nails press hard into him. They only left tiny surface scratches but that was enough for Todd. After all, he did like to be reminded of the strength and power of his partner while he was in prey mode. Todd grabbed Quidel's wrist, just holding onto it as Quidel prodded the tip of his cock. He did however have to let the man go since he needed to get supplies if he was going to rock Todd's world.

Todd watched curious as the other man pulled out supplies and wiggled for a moment when Quidel seemed to pause. Perhaps he needed a bit of help? Todd squirmed, "Aren't you going to tease me like before? Use me as your toy?" Todd flushed a full body red, "I-I l-liked that before." He zapped the blankets as he flipped himself over, moaning while he presented himself to Quidel as he had done before. "Isn't it a pretty hole? I cleaned it all up for you tonight. Wouldn't it feel good to wreak it? Maybe it will feel loose after? Devour your prey so that no one else can use him for pleasure?" Not that he would ever cheat or anything but it was a part of the role he liked to play. He liked to pretend that just so many predators out there looking for helpless prey. Todd foggily thought maybe he should talk about how he liked to play when he could think again. That would be a long conversations since he always seemed to stutter about it helplessly when he wasn't so turned on that he couldn't be ashamed. Todd flipped over and grinned, "I know. Maybe you want to torment my nipples? They are pretty." He ran a hand down the light scratches with a moan before pouting, "You didn't even scratch them." He moaned again when he noticed he had Quidel's full undivided attention. "I want to be such good prey for you. Aren't you going to make sure I can't get away? You have me locked in and helpless at your mercy." Todd moaned a another thought, "Perhaps you could press me down with your weight. You are so much bigger than me." He shivered in lust before continuing, "Couldn't you please lay some of your body over me? I wanna feel how big you are all over~~~" Todd reached for his cock before a flash of red made him stop. "Please master! Haven't I been such good prey? Didn't you lock me in to have your wicked way with me?"
Quidel must have been staring in thought longer than he had planned since Todd spoke up. He stood there listening to him. So being used for his own pleasure was good. He'll keep that in mind. He raised an eyebrow when he flipped over and presenting himself, lifting his ass high in the air and pulling his cheeks apart demonstrating how thoroughly he cleaned himself. That eased one worry about what he had about their activities, not that he quite thought about it last time when he had teased it with his bare hands. He watched as Todd ran his hands down his chest, the writhing and tone of his voice speaking to Quidel's rising cock. It was quite the show he was putting on. Todd was getting quite into the role and Quidel felt like he had no idea on what the hell he was going to do. Sure, Todd was giving him suggestions but they were so odd and... mundane. As open as he was, they hadn't quite talked about what he was into or what he liked, but then again, Quidel enjoyed learning on his own. Why read the manual when you can tinker around? The moment Todd's wandering hands dipped too low, he flared his eyes warning him silently that he wasn't to do that.

He pointedly tore one of the condoms free from the strip and held it in his hand as he made his way back over to Todd. When approached him, he watched the smaller man scoot back as if he was trying to escape. Grabbing his wrist, he lifted him enough to push him back down onto his stomach, then he slowly climbed onto the bed. The mattress and old frame creaked at the extra weight as he loomed over the flushed and horny Todd. He ground his erection into his ass, slowly before grabbing Todd's thin wrists and pulling his arms to his side as he slowly pressed his whole body on him. His long black hair spilled over his shoulders and puddled above Todd's head. Keeping his groin against Todd's ass he was much too tall to be able to whisper in Todd's ear, instead he rested his chin on his head before lifting his shoulders just enough to give Todd room to look over his shoulders. He glowered down at him with his blood red eyes, grinding into his roughly to make a point. Todd's hand was pulled behind him and was completely engulfed by Quidel's larger one as he forced him to jerk him off before placing the condom in his hand. Slowly they opened it and he made Todd put it on him in his pinned position. Once he was protected he pulled himself away leaving Todd to feel the coldness of the room once again.

Pouring lube onto his hand he slipped his fingers inside, pressing a hand on the small of his back so he couldn't rock his hips. Todd kept squirming and each time he disobeyed the silent signal to be still he pulled his teasing fingers away leaving him to whine and beg. Once he felt he was loose enough he pulled his hips into the air and positioned him on his knees while Quidel scooted closer to him. Each shift of body weight the bed creaked loudly, protesting the weight and movement of the two. Todd had managed to get close enough to the wall that Quidel was able to plant a hand on the wall. The loud sound startled Todd and no doubt attracted the attention of the neighbors that shared the wall with him, but they didn't matter. With a solid thrust, he slid all the way in, pushing past the little resistance that Todd's stretched hole gave. For a moment he sat still wondering if it was too rough of an entrance, but hearing Todd's moans and mutterings of approval he began to rock his hips. He scraped his nails up his prey's back before grabbing onto his neck and holding his head down. Each thrust was slow, slowly feeling his inner walls, searching for that one spot that seemed to send the younger man into a world of bliss. HIs hand tingled on Todd's neck from the shocks but they were dulled on his covered cock. The condom seemed to protect him from the static, but he can still feel it whenever Todd tensed up. Once he found the spot, he stopped before Todd could cum, watching him squirm and try to move under his grip.

Leaning down as much as he could, he spoke, voice heavy with his own lust, "Look at me." He eased his grip on his neck so that Todd can twist just enough to be able to look him in the eyes. With a new firm grip on his hips, he thrust hard, striking his prostate and watching Todd's climax, feeling his intestinal walls close in on himself. He watched him, eyes red, face emotionless and unblinking. Once his orgasm finished, Quidel began to fuck him slowly again, slowly pulling his body away. He kept his hands away from Todd, watching him as he tried to lift himself up. Reaching over, he grabbed him from under his arms and pulled him back into his body with a loud smack as his back crashed into Quidel's dark and muscular chest. His hands slowly made their way to his collar bone before scraping down, being sure to run his nails over the pink erect nipples below. Hearing Todd's moans he repeated it, slightly rougher and going lower to scratch the inside of his thighs. He can hear Todd beg for more touches and whimper about his slow pace. Todd seemed to be okay with his hand being on his neck, and although it seemed a bit much to Quidel, he returned a hand to his throat quickly as the other tightened on his cock. He didn't put too much pressure because he didn't want to hurt him but he squeeze just enough to see the muscles in his face tense up before easing slightly. He held their spot for a moment, giving his neck a slight squeeze each time he tried to talk as he mulled over what to say to him. He tentatively gave Todd's jawline a slow lick, feeling his reaction to fill the space as he thought.

When he finally settled on what to say he kissed just below his ear and spoke, "Does the prey decide what the predator does?" He thrust into him roughly to make a point. He watched Todd shake his head in his grip before he planted another kiss. "I was just getting a taste." He felt ridiculous speaking during sex, especially with the lines he had come up with. He didn't know if he was saying the right things or if this is really what Todd wants but if he was going to have to talk, he might as go all out and risk sounding like an idiot. "You want devoured. I will give you devoured." He pulled out and hooked his hands behind Todd's knees before lifting him. He felt Todd reach back and grab onto him to keep his balance as Quidel scooted closer to the wall, shoving Todd into it before sliding back into the loosened hole in a single thrust. He lifted him enough that he can comfortably fuck him on his knees, but, unfortunately for Todd he had to partially stand, his toes giving him the only purchase on the bed as his knees pressed against the wall for support. Not wanting to hurt him too much, he shoved all his pillows in front of Todd so he can scoot back just enough to rest his knees on them so that he wasn't slamming them into the wall. Quidel pulled Todd's wrists above his head and held them with one hand as he pressed his whole body against him. "Don't you dare move these hands." He pulled his hands back and scratched his arms and back lightly as he made his way to his hips. With a tight grip he gave him a few slow thrusts testing his angles, listening for that one moan that was deeper that signaled he hit the right spot.

Once he heard it, Quidel smirked and tightened his grip to hold Todd steady. "Be careful what you wish for..." he muttered just before he began to thrust into him. Unlike before his pace was quick and precise as he slammed into his prostate. The bed screamed in protest at each thrust as the metal bedframe battered the wall with the forcefulness of his thrusts. Todd's voice became too loud and although he was making plenty of noise between the sound of each impact into Todd's smaller body, the ceaseless creaking and banging on the wall there was no hiding what was going on from his neighbors. But Todd's voice seemed to drown it all out. Removing one hand from his hips he placed it over his mouth to stifle his sounds just a bit. His body tensed as his orgasm came rushing to him. With a couple pointed thrusts he finished into the condom, resting his head on Todd's shoulder as he let out a small grunt. He rested there panting and catching his breath as he loosened his grips and gently traced Todd's arms, feeling that he had kept his hands in the spot he told him to. He placed a gentle kiss on his neck before pulling out and watching his partner.
Todd glanced back as Quidel as he felt the man pull out of him. He watched blankly as the man stroked his arms before making a nonsensical murmur of approval. It took a while for Todd to lift his hands, staring back at Quidel for a long while before moving them off of the place that they had been put. His brain was oddly and delightfully quiet. That was something that hadn't happened in such a long time. He slowly and carefully leaned back into Quid before nuzzling his head underneath of Quid's own. Todd watched as Quid started to move, cleaning up himself and around them. A shower was probably in order and as though the other man could read his mind, he sugguested one. Todd followed closely behind, not straying any more than a foot behind. He was feeling the need to be close. This need however had somehow ended up with a relenting Quidel about them sharing a shower. He hadn't said a word, just followed the man about. Somehow they ended up in the shower and cleaned before Quidel changed the sheets and they ended up in bed.

Todd could not get close enough. He pressed himself as fully as he could into the man before finally just crawling on top of him. It wasn't like he was heavy and though Quid probably didn't really want him was where Todd had to be. Todd drew little patterns on the man's chest for a long while before finally....finally saying something. "You....." He paused a long while before blinking back to attention, "are" He ended the sentence with a purr as he snuggled into the man. Perhaps tomorrow he would tell the man what made him the best but he had the feeling that Quid had a good idea.

On the other side of the wall. Mr. Roland Peaks had been settling down for the night when he heard the crashing and banging that had was his neighbor. At first he thought the man was murdering someone but the obvious rhythm and pleasured sounds made it obvious what was happening. What had thrown Roland off however was the sounds of a male voice being pleasured. It wasn't like he didn't know pansexual or bisexual existed but he didn't think that his neighbor was one considering he had only had the occasional woman over. Mostly his neighbor was quiet and respectful save for the odd hammering of shelving now and then. Often times a low movie could be heard but that was it. Now that he knew no one was being murdered he huffed out a breath, blowing out his mustache in a sort of amused annoyance. He pulled out a six pack of beer before putting a note on top saying. 'I am glad you got lucky. However please keep the screaming down a bit more. Perhaps save that for when someone is being murdered? Thanks.' He placed the beer next to where the door opened before going back to his apartment and shutting the door. He would have to report the man if this became a regular thing but for right now he would be a good citizen and ignore the noise for tonight.

Todd awoke the next morning to the sound of an alarm. He glared at the device in question and wished feverently that he could shoot lasers out of his eyes so that he could melt the piece of shit up. He felt himself being moved when Quidel got up and he grumbled. Apparently his man had to work today. Todd cuddled into the blankets before glaring at Quidel. "Why do you have to go to work? Couldn't you stay home? Or perhaps tell the new kid that getting eaten by lions is bad for his health so he needs to learn how not to?" Todd's grumbling however didn't last long. Once Quid opened his dresser draw, Todd sneaked behind him and grabbed a shirt out of the pile. He watched the man look at him but seeing as how he didn't get offended by Todd's being mildly creepy, Todd just pulled the shirt on. It was huge, almost a dress but that didn't bother him as he crawled back into bed. He sniffed the shirt a moment before looking back to see Quidel raising an eyebrow at him. "You didn't say no. I think that makes it mine now." Todd hummed before flopping back down onto the bed. Quidel's zoo keeping outfit was so ugly and he told the man so but it wasn't like he could do anything about it. Todd hummed while he watched Quid get ready some more before finally speaking, "So would you be okay if I went to work with you? Obviously I can't work there but I don't want to leave you quite yet."
Todd was in such a state, Quid hadn't seen him so relaxed and quiet. It was almost bizarre to watch him move so sluggishly when he normally had energy for centuries. He held him for a moment before telling him that he needed a shower. They were both sweaty and some of Todd's cum had gotten onto himself and the sheets that now needed to be changed. He raised a brow at Todd with how close he was and silently relented in sharing the shower, which he ended up helping wash Todd. He was out of it so much he almost worried, at least until he finally spoke to him again. He struggled to hide the small smile that cracked at the corner of his lips as he gently rubbed the smaller man's shoulders. "And you're something else..." he muttered. He watched Todd lay there on him until his breathing slowed into the smooth rhythm of sleep. Only then did he finally shut his eyes and fall asleep with the man in his arms. When morning came, he felt stiff having slept in the same position all night. He rolled Todd off of him as gently as he could as he clambered out of bed.

At everything that Todd complained about, he just stared at him with a raised eyebrow. He can't call in, he had bills to pay. Although normally this would have been a day off but he had traded days just to be able to be on the date with Todd, not that he was about to tell him. He was sure that the younger man would find a way to complain about that and pin it on the newbie. He let Todd take the shirt as he watched him get dressed. He never really considered his size until he saw someone wear his clothes. Without a remark he headed to the door, stopping in the hall at Todd's odd request. Could he take him to work? He supposed no one would tell him no, a lot of them were afraid of him. After a moment of thought he nodded as he picked up his keys. "I get breakfast on the way." He unlocked the front door realizing that he hadn't prepared a lunch for the next day. "I'll ask for a long lunch." When he opened the door, he noticed something on the ground. He picked up the cans and read the note. It looked like his neighbor heard them, which he had no doubt. He held up the note to Todd and watched his face color. He put the beer in the fridge and headed down to his truck with Todd keeping close like a symbiotic parasite.

As exciting as their day had been, the one that had allowed them to go unchaperoned was having an eventful day of his own, though for different reasons. Rey had talked Victoria into accompanying him to the airport to pick up his parents. Although he supposed this was the part where he would be with his partner when they met, Venedict was getting on his nerves about him doing any kind of manual labor. Apparently he was worried that Rey was going to try to pick up luggage in his pregnant state and upset the kittens somehow. Or hurt them, he wasn't sure. He needed a slight break and the compromise was that someone else was to tag along and with the temporary cease fire between him and Victoria, she seemed the likely candidate. He focused on his breathing as he sat in the car in the pick up lane waiting long enough for people to leave the plane.

"I-I don't know if I can do this," Rey muttered into the steering wheel. As close as he was with his parents, he hadn't seen them in a long while. He didn't even know how his mother was going to react to him. Was she going to be mad because they only talked on the phone occasionally? Or was she going to be overjoyed that she got to go see him in person? Or was she going to play the guilt card on having to come out there? He did explain to her that she was going to meet some people and traveling isn't the best for them. Exactly who and why he didn't tell her. Each time he had tried to the words got caught in his throat and he figured it wasn't the sort of thing that can be explained over the phone. Seeing is believing after all. After some reassuring words from his soon-to-be sister-in-law he climbed out of the car and stood by the passenger side waiting. Victoria took it upon herself to wait outside the car with him. He had chosen to wear an ill-fitting sweater both for the cooling weather and that is made his obviously, unnaturally round belly less noticeable.

He could feel the kittens stirring about which he muttered for them to behave before a familiar voice shouted, "Rey-Rey!" Rey looked up, stomach sinking. He hadn't expected anyone but his parents to show up, yet here was one of his first cousins, running over to him, her black ponytail bouncing as she carried a small duffel bag with her high school's emblem on it and "Cross Country" written below it. She threw it down without a care as she ran over to him with open arms.

"M-Missy! I-I didn't expect you to be coming. Mom didn't say anything about you tagging along." Rey stammered out as he returned her hug, cringing at the inevitable intrusion of mental privacy. There was a moment of silence before she placed her hands on his stomach and tilted her head. Like Rey, Melissa Rogers was a super, although her super powers didn't come in the form of strength or transformation, but in telepathy. It was the one thing that they knew about each other that no one else in the family knew and it was a well kept secret between them that made them practically brother and sister, even with the 16 year difference. He wasn't so much a cousin than another sibling. She let out a snicker after listening to the jumbled thoughts of the kittens, and yes, she could tell that they were sired by someone who wasn't entirely human.

"Well, aren't they happy," her thoughts were broadcasted into his mind before she spoke aloud, "I can't believe you and that big brain of yours didn't think I would tag along. I never let an opportunity to see my Rey-Rey pass me by." She turned her attention to Victoria and offered her a hug. Melissa was a free spirit and was friendly with everyone, mostly because she can gleam their true intentions and nature on contact. She gave her a hug and mentally prodded her mind to catch onto her nature. A fierce woman and an odd image of a lion came to mind. There was a slight glow around her that Melissa could see that told her she was a super, however it was dull enough that it was blocked somehow. A carrier, perhaps. It wasn't much longer that the parents came out. Rachael and Jon Rogers walked out, side by side, though Jon held both their bags.

Rey was relieved that his mother was in a happy mood, but his relief was short lived. Shortly after her hug, numerous kisses, cheek pinching and cooing about how he seems to be glowing, she fished into her purse for an envelope. She didn't need to say anything about what was in it, Rey knew exactly what it was. He had felt bad for all that they did to make sure he went to the best schools to challenge his mind and had often sent them checks to help out now that he had money. Checks that had never been cashed.

"You know how I feel about this, you need to stop sending me these." Mrs. Rogers handed the envelope over, which Rey only pushed back towards her. "I can take care of myself, we don't need you to give us your money. You earned it, it is all yours."

"I can only make this money because you worked so hard to give me the education that I got. It's to pay you back for all those school fees, you know that."

"I can't take it. Seeing you grow up and become successful is payment enough. Besides, I worried that you haven't been eating enough with how much you give us."

"Looks like he has been eating plenty," his father remarked as he gave him a pat on the shoulder before loading the trunk.

"Exactly. I have been eating plenty, you aren't taking money from me. And I worry, too. I want to make sure you two are well taken care of."

There was a whole back and forth between the two as they kept passing the envelope between each other, each trying to make the other feel guilty about not accepting it. Eventually the argument was ended when Jon took the envelope from them and put it in his back pocket. The source of their argument now gone, his mother went back to cooing over her "one and only," cleaning his glasses and fixing his hair. Victoria stepped in and gave him an out from the vicious cycle allowing him to escape to the driver's side. Melissa called shotgun and seated herself in the front seat. Rey gave Victoria a brief apology for having to sit in the back with his parents.

The whole ride over, Mrs. Rogers chattered on about how Rey was her little miracle. They had tried to have children but he was the only one. One that came from a woman who was supposedly completely infertile or so the doctors told her when they tried to give him siblings. She lamented that her siblings already boasted how many kids they had and grandkids while all she had was Rey, not that it was a bad thing, he was far more successful than any of his cousins. Only a few have gone to college and fewer to graduate. No one else can boast that their son has built and designed machines meant to be used in space and other planets. She was flexing rather hard on all of Rey's achievements since he didn't give up any information on where they were going and who they were meeting. Rey and Melissa held hands, holding their own private conversation that no one can hear. The conversation in the car ceased when Melissa gave a little shout and jerked her hand away from Rey's. Both of their faces were bright red and she couldn't even look at him.

"I-I'm sorry, Melissa...." Rey muttered as he rubbed his hand on his leg as if to clean it. "I warned you."

"Th-that you did, Rey..." She responded. She had pushed Rey to explain to her how and why he was pregnant and who it was. He didn't want to relent on how it happened and with who but she didn't like people keeping secrets, even if they were going to be revealed. She pushed past the little barrier Rey had learned to put up and got a mind full of exactly how it happened. No one needs to see those memories and learn all at once the odd fetishes their cousin had. After a moment, she tentatively reached over and touched his hand and they went back to having a private conversation.

"Those two are like twins," Rachael spoke to Victoria as she pointed at the two. "Rey bonded with her mother while she was pregnant and when Melissa was born it was like only Rey could keep her happy. They always seemed to know what the other was thinking." She let out a heavy sigh. "Rey would make a great father some day."

"We're here!" Melissa cheered before Victoria could tell everyone that they finally reached their destination. Through her connection with Rey, she was able to hear the kittens get even more excited as if they knew that their father was close. Sure enough, they pulled up the driveway that Victoria pointed out to see Venedict pacing outside, waiting for them to arrive.
Victoria watched the scenery roll by as she sat in the car with Rey. Her brother had been driving his fiancé insane with being a bit overbearing about physical labor. Since she knew all about how the Lowe men got when their partners were pregnant she offered to step in since Rey was doing to do something drastic if she didn't trade places. She looked over at the slightly panicked man before huffing amused, "You'll be fine. My family is insane but harmless. Keep them away from grandma and you'll be golden. She could embarrass a hooker, she's so dirty. Venedict loves you to pieces so you won the family over there." She waited with Rey outside of the car when a black haired teen happily greeted them. Victoria was amused but allowed Missy to hug her before noticing how she held onto Rey. It was interesting how the man was at first a little reluctant to touch her then the pair couldn't seem to stop touching. She watched the two for a while longer before figuring out that this may be a case of super.

It was interesting to watch Rey interact with his family. With Venedict and even Victoria, he was obvious about his super abilities and obviously queen of the house which being that he was having kittens was an endless source of play on words. This display however was a passive aggressive guilt trip back and forth. She couldn't exactly help the fact that her brain made it so that she was keeping score of who had the most points. She couldn't help the snort of laughter at the comment about him getting enough food. He was so far but he was feeding for six. Something that he doubted most women could say they had done. When Rey's father took the envelope away they proceeded to go towards a sort of momma and momma's boy scene. Victoria stepped up to the pair before introducing herself and telling them that they would be meeting her family and her brother. Rey's fiancé Venedict.

She ended up in the back with the parents which wasn't a bad thing as Rey would assume. It was interesting to see where the man came from and listened to the man's mother boast about her child. That is until the two up front were noisy enough to stop the conversation and move it onto another one. "I can see that." She commented about how close they were. She kept her mouth tactfully shut about how she suspected Missy was a super but couldn't help but comment about the father comment. "I think that maybe his being a parent may come sooner than you think." She didn't really adlib much on why she thought that since Missy loudly declared that they were at the location of the family farm.

Victoria stepped out to a pacing Venedict before smiling, "I take it mom made everyone come?"

"Yes. And Grandpa is in human form so that is a plus but he's complaining about it since he can't move around like he wants to." Venedict rolled his eyes. "The young ones are still kittening as we speak. I told Rey that my being a super was going to be deadly obvious and he said that was fine since he didn't want to hide his kittens away."

Victoria nodded before looking back to where the vehicle still was. "I'll go keep grandma busy. That Missy chick is a telepath so maybe warn her a little more aggressively that Grandma is to be avoided." Victoria was going to go do that when her mother burst out in a dramatic entrance that would have made even the most flamboyant super villain proud.

"Welcome to my home! I am Amelia Lowe and I welcome you to the family." Amelia hugged both of the Rogers before kissing them on each check. She paused at Rey and grinned, "And you must be Rey! How are my grandkittens? I heard there are five? Starting out strong there. You are just glowing. I made my special 'Lioness Meatloaf'. All the good calories and hidden ginger so that those buns don't protest."

Venedict and Victoria's father appeared and leaned against the door. He wasn't a man of many words but he looked over them all before looking at his wife. "My darling Matriarch, are you going to let them into the chaos?" He tipped his hat and lead them back through the doors. "Nelson Lowe at your service." Venedict looked a lot like his father except for his hair and eye colors. He had gotten his hair from his grandfather and his eyes from him as well. His temperament was more like his mother than his father but he was not nearly as loud as her. No. He was a lot like his father and grandfather in the way they were quiet. They mostly vocalized lowly, under the normal range of the human ear. Venedict chuffed a low greeting to his father before getting one back. The Lowe family came with cat hearing even though they didn't all morph. They could all vocalize the same range once the morph genes ran through them.

Through the house they went to the insanely large back yard. Grandma was cackling loudly as some of Venedict's cousins egged her on. Grandpa was sleepily lounging in a recliner that someone had carried out of him. In his hand he had one of his favorite beers. He waved at the new group before going back to watching his wife misbehave. Cousins of all ages milled about and kids and kittens played about. Amelia had warned Venedict that some of the cousins couldn't find sitters so their morph kittens were tackling each other in a small pen they had set up with toys.

Amelia grinned, "Sorry it's so crazy out here. I could go around and introduce you if you like?" She paused then looked over to Venedict, "Introduce your in-laws around honey. I think your lioness is a bit irritated by the chaos." She gently tugged the man into the kitchen while letting Missy follow along. "There we go. This is what we have taken to call the lioness den. A silly term for the kitchen but no one comes but me and a few others helping out. It is nice and quiet." She gave Rey a large plate of her meatloaf before smiling. "Enjoy Mamma Lowe's meatloaf. Now, Victoria tells me you've been having issue with that little punk Travis. I don't know why but he is just scared of me. Hides behind that lovely boy Jacob." She chuckled before going to the sink and washing some of the dishes. She watched Rey slowly relax out of the side of her eye before chuckling. "Being pregnant is such a pain but totally worth it when the little brats come out. Although my Ven looks nothing like Victoria at least doesn't look like my husband had a baby by himself. Blonde like me and got my blue eyes too. She ended up taller than me but we have always maintained that girl would be a morph if her lack of a Y chromosome didn't slow her down."
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