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Of Villains and Heros (Charlie_Death & Shikokudarkstar)

When Victoria climbed out the car Rey addressed his parents, asking them to stay in the car for a moment so he can talk to them. He squeezed his cousin's hand before pulling it away with a deep breath. There has to be a warning before they go in. They needed to know that they will be joining with a rather... unconventional, family.

"Is that your fiancé?" Rey's mother spoke as she leaned forward looking out the window at Venedict.

"Y-yes it is... But I need to tell you something about him."

"He's handsome. Looks like a nice man."

"Mom." Rey whined as he tried to twist back and look at his parents. His father thankfully put a hand on his mother's lap which was his silent way of telling her to wait for him to finish speaking. "Venedict… Venedict is a super." He watched as their eyes darted between the two. Cutting her off before she can ask any questions, he began firing away the little speech he prepared before the drive. "Venedict is a super, not just any super but one that helps protect the city I live in. I am letting you know his identity but please, do not tell anyone who or what he is because it will be bad for all of us. Another thing you must know is that he is a morph. He transforms into a sphinx. He isn't the only one. There are other members of his family that can transform so you may, or may not see some people who don't look quite human. Please do not freak out. They are very nice, I'm sure. If they are anything like Ven and Victoria, they will be quite overbearing but protective." He took a deep breath before opening his door climbing out. "Ok. I'm done."

His parents blinked at the sudden revelation on what their soon-to-be son-in-law was. They both had expected to meet the family of their son's fiancé as well as the future groom himself. They even anticipated what he may look like given one of Rey's drunken rants about his preferences before they convinced him to not drink alcohol. However, the last thing they expected was to hear that their son had gotten involved with a superhero. They knew that he lived in a city that was protected by supers as well as under attack by supers, but they never expected that they would actually meet any. Out of habit, Rachael made the sign of the cross before stepping out to follow her son and niece. She wasn't scared of them, but nervous and felt that a little layer of spiritual protection would be helpful.

They relatives quickly followed Rey when he jumped at the front door suddenly crashing open and a woman around his mother's age came sauntering out. The way she moved was like she owned the place and he cracked a smile. So that was the woman that Victoria had mentioned at the doctor's office. She could certainly be a villain with a presentation like that. His parents, or rather, his mother was quite overjoyed to see someone so outgoing and friendly greet them. But then Venedict's mother turned her attention to him and his stomach sank. She knew. She fucking knew. He shot a glare at Venedict before hearing his mother's nervous laugh and pronounced sigh as her hand fished for the small crucifix she always wore. That was not a good sign. He had wanted to inform both families at the same time, like some kind of announcement since the proposal wasn't exactly ceremonial or announced either. He wanted to at least try to do things right but he was outed.

Rey tried to say something but only ended up stammering out some nonsense before turning towards his mother who was looking at him differently. No doubt she was trying to work through what Mrs. Löwe had said. This isn't how he wanted to tell them. He cleared his throat and tried to think of how he was going to tell them. He felt Melissa put a hand on his back and heard her reassure him before taking a breath.

"Rey, darling, what does she mean by grandkittens?" She looked at his stomach and back to his face. "Does this have something to do with your fiancé being a super?"

"Y-yes it does. I-in fact... medically speaking... I don't know how to say it..." He rubbed the back of his neck before looking at his mother's questioning gaze. It was the same look she gave him when he trying lying about skipping Sunday school when he was younger. "We didn't know it was possible but apparently he has the ability to reproduce with anyone... I-including men." There was a pause before he added, "I'm pregnant."

"What did she mean by five?" His mother asked tentatively.

"I'm having quintuplets. A-and they are kittens. Th-that isn't some kind of endearing term... They are literal kittens."

She stared at him for a moment before laughing assuming it was a joke, at least until he put her hand on his stomach and she can feel them move around. His father put a hand on his shoulder and congratulated him before approaching the other parent that arrived. His mother didn't seem to grasp just how serious he was about the kittens. He felt rushed as they were shown to the backyard. He wanted more time to sit down and talk it through. He knew his mother had questions, they had no idea what clusterfuck they were walking into when they flew out. Having to say it so quickly started to bother him. The sound of family chatter and laughing would normally be reassuring, as is the smell of food that reminded him that he was hungry. He had been too nervous to eat earlier and smelling food cooking is reminding him how bad of an idea that was. He looked back at Amelia Lowe and grumbled under his breath that she is now on his shitlist.

Rachael and Jon watched the chaos of the Lowe family ensue. The sounds cats mewling and playing immediately drew their attention. Jon followed his wife as she walked over and saw the kittens playing, pouncing each other and play biting. One of the cousins approached and introduced the pair to his children. And that is when the reality started to sink in. They cast a look back at Rey who was now being shepherded inside and Venedict was approaching them. They went along with the introductions, Melissa being the only one who seemed ecstatic to meet everyone, giving hugs and introducing herself. She had never seen so many supers before. She knew of Rey and a couple others she saw in passing but to see so many in one place it was fascinating. One of the cousins she was introduced to had a bright golden aura about him that was shared by Venedict and his grandfather who hasn't moved from his recliner. Others had a duller aura that marked them to be of the same bloodline. She impressed a couple by correctly guessing who was married into the family but didn't mention how she knew. She didn't even wait for Venedict to do the introductions, she had gone on her own initiative the moment she saw the family. However, once she caught a glimpse of Rey leaving, she followed after.

Rey immediately dug into the meatloaf, stabbing it with his fork. "Travis is a bitch. That fucker got me a litterbox as a gift for the kittens," he spoke with a mouthful. He just shoveled the food into his gullet and began to feel a little less cranky. At least he wasn't around his parents and he can let Venedict deal with the passive aggressive storm that is his mother. Mellissa had been looking at the family through the kitchen window, her eyes showing her all those that had the genes and who didn't, who can transform and who cannot. It was interesting because quite a few of the kittens didn't even have the aura that said they could transform.

"You know..." Melissa began as she looked harder at Victoria who was trying to keep their grandmother from oversharing to Rey's parents. There was an aura about her that wasn't as strong as the morphs around her but it was still stronger than the others who were carriers like Venedict's father. "I think you might be right." She looked at Amelia and then Rey seeing the blue aura that surrounded his head and the constantly shifting gold and blue around his midsection. It looked like his kittens were getting both of their abilities. "She might be more than just a carrier. I can tell..."

Rey nodded. "Missy can spot a super in a crowd. She used to think I was an angel when she was younger, apparently each super has a different kind of aura that gives her a hint on what their ability is."

"That's right." She cast a smile at her cousin for remembering, not that she ever thought he could forget. "Victoria has an aura that is bigger than the other carriers, but it isn't as bright as the others. Who knows, maybe she really does have the potential, but I wouldn't know how their abilities work."

After Rey finished eating he felt relaxed enough to open up about how he was feeling. "I just wish I had some kind of warning." Rey sighed. "I didn't want to have to have a shotgun wedding..." he poked at the empty plate before holding it up and gesturing for seconds. "Don't get me wrong. I had wanted to be with Ven before I even knew who he was. I had thought that, you know what... this could be the one. Twice, actually. I uh... I'm not really into the whole... morph thing, but there was something about him that drew me in. Maybe it was because he saved me from my own fire bomb, or that he was just so... big. But I fell for him as Lionman and took to a life of crime to both vent my frustrations and get another chance to see him again." He rested his chin on his palm as he chewed another bite. He looked up at Amelia who seemed curious on how they first met.

"He didn't tell you? I uh... I was being let go from a job and I made a stupid, impulsive decision. They didn't want me to invent things they didn't ask for so I decided I was just going to burn it all down since they burned me. But I uh... I accidently hit the detonator early and it went off while I was still in the building. Lionman just, burst through the brick wall and carried me out." He let out a happy little moan remembering what it felt like to be in his arms. "I tried to thank him but I couldn't even speak. There were a couple times that I had seen him pass by and I just couldn't get any words out. I wasn't about to go put myself in danger so I decided I was going to have to make him come to me. Once I put a mask on, I felt so... free. I could actually talk to him without stuttering. So I just kept doing my thing just to get to watch him. I didn't even know how to even tell him how I felt until he decided to give me a little reward for saving Victoria." He chewed on the fork with a dazed look in his eyes. "The second time I fell for him, he uh... he was Ven and helped me out when I was feeling at my worst. I normally don't ask anyone out or anything but I took a shot and it just felt so right to be around him. I really like him. It seems silly now but I actually was quite upset with myself that I was cheating on him with Lionman the whole time we were together. The kittens kind of, just pushed me to make the jump and learn the truth."

Rachael poked her head into the kitchen before walking up to Rey, slapping the envelope on the table in front of him before placing her hands on her hips and looking over the rim of her thin glasses. Rey looked at the envelope and back at his mother before saying he wasn't going to take it back before eating another bite.

"Rey Michael Rogers. You are not giving me another cent and that is final."

"I already have a financial plan set out for the college funds, if that is what you are worried about. Me and Ven already talked about that. I even accounted for the checks I was going to send you." He pushed it back with the fork only to watch her push it towards him again. He let out a sigh before sitting up straight. "Will you please just take the money? You need it more than me, we make more than enough. Hell, Ven makes a lot more than I do, believe it or not."

"I am not going to have you waste your money on me when you are having five children. Even Margret doesn't have that many children."

"Margret lives off of welfare and child support. Don't compare me to her."

She placed her hands on his cheek and pressed her forehead to his for a moment before kissing it. "I know, I shouldn't. You still go to church, right?"

Rey cast a glance over his shoulder at Amelia before turning his back to her and speaking in a hushed tone. It was embarrassing to admit that he was religious especially to someone who knew him to be a supervillain. He didn't even tell Venedict where he went every Sunday morning, though he had some idea that he may know since his bible was in a different position than he last set it down.

"Yes, mom."

"Every Sunday?"


"When was your last confession?"

"Two days ago."

"Was it about not telling me about becoming a grandmother first?"

"Jesus, mom. I didn't even tell them."

"Don't take the Lord's name in vain, young man."

"I'm not young, I'm in my 30's. Besides, you know what is said in confessional is between me, the father and God." He jabbed a finger at his mother before hissing, "I skipped Sunday school once and you seem to think I have lost my faith."

"This isn't about July 14th, 1996." She sighed when Rey narrowed his eyes at her. She knew he hated when she brought up the actual date, but she did it anyways to remind him that she still remembers. "Anyways, I want you to have this." She unclasped a necklace and put it around his neck. Rey lifted it and looked at image of a saint on the faded metal. The surface had been worn down of the years but he could still make out who it was.

"St. Gerard?" Rey asked. He knew his mother well but he had never actually seen that necklace before.

"Yes. I thank him and God each day that I was able to have you since I can't have children. I think I was blessed to have you and I never stopped praying to see more children. Just looks like my prayers helped by letting me see them through you." She cupped his cheeks and gave him a smile.

"No. Nuh-uh. You're not taking credit for the little furballs. If anything, they are my little miracles, five of them." He leaned forward and gave his mother a snarky smirk. It was rare that he had something to hold over her head and he wasn't about to let it go. "What does that tell you that God blessed me with so many? I'm be better Catholic." He flinched when he saw her hand shoot up but no slap came. He peeked open an eye and relaxed. "Sorry, mom. That was mean of me to say."

"Well then. I will be praying to St. Francis of Assisi for you and your litter. Since it seems like you don't need St. Gerard."

"That's cold." There was a pause before they both smiled and laughed. Melissa caught onto the conversation and whispered to Amelia who they were talking about. She even informed her how they used to have little arguments just to flex how much knowledge they had of the Saints and bible. She admitted that her knowledge wasn't as vast as theirs.
Amelia chuckled as she listened to her future son-in-law bitch about Travis. She would have to agree the man was annoying and Victoria had sort of colored her interaction with him so she had dialed up the 'grandma wants babies' to eleven before interacting with him. She watched the young lady look out the window with excitment before listening to her comment. Rey had then told her she could see auras of the supers and Amelia smiled. "I bet our family is lighting up like a christmas tree." She laughed softly before humming in agreement about her daughter. "Victoria held onto her morphing for longer than the other little girls. Even as cubs the two of them have been rivals. They are always trying to one up each other." Amelia listened as Rey talked about her son as both the hero and the man. It was obvious that he loved him and she smiled since that was all she could ask for. She cocked her him before smiling, "Darling no one said you can't have two weddings. Venedict said that you wanted the kittens not to be bastards and I agree. However you can always get legally married and have the wedding later." She paused a moment before cocking her head, "How did you two meet anyway?"

Amelia laughed as Rey told the tale. It made sense that her son fell for this man. If someone wanted him this badly and they danced around for so long then it made perfect sense. However she frowned at the tale of Victoria being the reason they started a relationship. She had heard about that. Victoria had been vague on the phone but Amelia had watched the news the same as everyone else and threatened to come over and give her hide a tanning if she didn't stop getting kidnapped. She hadn't really but it had only been by this man after that time. Apparently the kittens were what had gotten the two to come clean to each other. "It was silly for it to wait so long but it is your lives." She was starting to say something else when Rey's mother came into the kitchen. Amelia allowed it since the woman was going to become a part of the family and the lioness den was open to any lioness in need.
Rachel slapped down the envelop and Amelia watched as the two fought over money. Rey had it right, Venedict was rich from all of his hazard pay. The two bickered about money and Amelia smiled. It was something she often talked about with Venedict. They lived well off of Ronald's war money from when he served in the secret morph division in World War II. It was enough for the farm to live on and the family often pitched in money to feed the whole lot of them. The farm did well as well so they wern't exactly strapped for cash. They did get the odd journalist since Ronald got a kick out of being a 'sasquatch' when he visited the camp a mile over. He had watched 'Finding Bigfoot' and had decided to fuck with people by beating sticks against trees and the like. Since it wasn't hurting anyone she let it go.

However when the chat turned to church she raised her eyebrows at Rey. Really? That villain went to church. Often too by the sounds of it. Venedict had said that his mate had odd habits but he didn't mention religion being one of them. She listened to the two of them go around for a bit before giving up following. She wasn't religious by any means though the family did say that they had decended from the Egyptian god Bast. She chuckled when she learned who the latter saint was of. It made sense since the kittens would come out kittens. Since kittens would be easier on the mother's body than a full grown baby. She spoke with Missy for a bit before she saw a large morph hand reach through the window.

"Ronald Joeseph Lowe! Get your filthy paws out of my kitchen!" Amelia yelled, aggravated at the old argument.

Just a few minutes earlier Ronald Lowe had been bitching about not being a morph. Rey's father had asked if that if he was going to morph then he wanted to see it. Ronald had agreed to this and in a matter of moments he was shifted from an old man sitting in baggy clothing to an eight foot tall sphinx. He stood up then leaned down. "Not bad for an old man eh? Nelson! Where is my beer?" He pauses as he heard the low sound of his son's voice before sighing. What's that silly woman doing with my beer in her fridge?" He walked over to the window and opened it before reaching in and snatching beer out of the fridge through the window.

"Nag. Nag. I ain't in yer kitchen! I'm grabbing my beer yer holding hostage! I raised eleven children into adulthood with no murders! I think this man should be allowed his beer!" Ronald grabbed another four cans, "In the war this never would have been allowed!"

Nelson rolled his eyes and Ronald sighed at his son's commenting. "I know she's holding my beer hostage Nelson. I know what yer woman is doing. Mad with power she is." Ronald flicked an ear when Nelson commented that she was the only one that was keeping the family semi organized. Ronald kind of agreed but that didn't mean that it was in her rights to take his beer. "Don't make me bring my wife over. Victoria might be a nice distraction right now but you don't want her to meet new members. She can make a hooker faint with that mouth. God love her but she makes a man blush with her fawnin." He closed the window before making Nelson hold his beer. He lifted his recliner and sat it on the porch before spliting the prizes. They would all be yelled at in a minute but they might as well enjoy their prizes.

Nelson chuffed, getting his father's attention before asking what he thought they were talking about. Ronald huffed, "I don't know what there talkin about. Woman folk stuff. Kittening I'm sure. Why don't you go ask?" Nelson commented he wasn't raised stupid and was not breaking the no men in the kitchen during family gatherings rule. Ronald chuckled "I know you ain't stupid, boy I raised you." Ronald looked over when Jon had commented that he didn't catch what Nelson had said. Ahh. Ronald had forgotten most couldn't hear his eldest since the man spoke so low that only cats could hear him most of the time. "Oh. Sorry. We were being rude." Ronald cocked head "Speak up Nelson. The human can't hear you." Nelson sighed. He just hated speaking loudly. Even if it seemed like it was loudly only to him. Ronald continued on, "Right. So since we have lions in our genes....we can communicate subvocally. Nelson here as always said he hates being 'loud'. So he rarely talks loud enough to hear normally. He's going to have to LEARN because these ears are getting deaf."

Jon said something about him and his son learning sigh language to avoid alerting his wife. Ronald nodded, "I suppose it can be something like that. He's just always been that way since he was a kitten. We were pretty sure dating Amelia was going to break him of it but she seems to understand his silences fine most of the time. The kids often translated too. Can't get nothing by the cubs. Tattle tails the lot of them. Our women folk reward them with candy if they tattle. Silence is often best if you don't want to get tattled on in this family." Nelson nodded before returning to drinking his beer. They sat in silence a long while before Nelson saw his son's father in law frowning at his empty can. He chuffed at his father before the morph grumpily got them more beer.
Rey and his mother turned to see the morph arm get the food. Rey couldn't help but let out a little chuckle while his mother was startled at the sight of the man-beast. She reflexively made the sign of the cross again which got a sigh from Rey and a brief lecture. He mostly talked about the appearance and that it is the same person underneath, just the outside that changes. Granted the man was much larger than before, but it didn't matter. Of course he did all he could to dodge the questions about if Venedict looked like that when he changed. Making an excuse of having to relieve himself, he escaped and left his mother to get to know Amelia better. At least that is what he had hoped for, but instead she followed him and continued to fuss that he got meatloaf on the corner of his mouth, questions of having brought a toothbrush, flossing and questions on when he last saw his optometrist. He looked for his dad since he could always save him from his mother. He spotted him on the porch and waved. Jon nodded at his son and watched as he pointed at him and then towards the ground he stood on. He held up his free hand with the back facing Rey and wiggled his fingers, telling him to wait.

"Looks like my son needs me." Jon sighed as he finished his beer. "It was nice drinking with you." He stood up on his feet and walked over watching Rey frantically sign behind his mother's back that he needed her to be kept away from him. He wanted to meet the rest of the family and talk to his fiancé but he can't do that with his mother fussing. "Honey, have you seen Ronald's other form, yet?" He wrapped an arm around his wife who was giving the man in question an odd look. She had never seen a super before but she was going to at least see what her grandkids might possibly be able to do. Once she was moving away from her pregnant son, Jon looked back at Rey, spread his fingers placing the middle finger perpendicular to his chin and flicking his hand in his direction. 'Good luck.' Rey signed thank you before going towards the other relatives. He picked up a drink and chatted briefly, inching from person to person until he came to Venedict.

"I hate you, right now." Rey hissed in a low tone. "You ratted me out. I didn't even know how to explain it... Did you explain it to them?" He listened to him go on about all the questions that his mother had asked before leaning his head on his shoulder. "Sorry about that. She can't ask one question but a million. I forgot to warn you. If you screw up once, she'll never forget it." He looked over at the rambunctious kittens that were darting about in the pen and tackling each other. It was strange to know that his children will look like that, but he had already long since accepted it. Still, seeing them run about like that made him happy. He could get used to seeing that sight every day. He wrapped Venedict's arms around him, placing his hands on his belly to feel the kittens. "Don't think I'm letting you share the bed with me tonight."

The whole family ate and got along, his mother overcoming or original discomfort around the morphed Ronald. Rey got cornered into an awkward conversation with Ven's grandmother, eventually relenting into understanding the joys of being knotted. A conversation which he quickly shut up about and ran from as his mother approached. She didn't need to know what the transformed anatomy looked like. He approached Ronald and told him that Amelia informed him of his hobby.

"You know, if you want to make some money off of this, you could rent out space on your property for camping, set up a souvenir shop, sell some cheap merch." Rey tapped his chin. "I could even give you some of my..." He cast a glance at his mother. "My cameras. They are pretty light weight and mobile so you can see who is set up where. Plan it all out, make sure you are always at the right distance that no one can get a clear photo of you." He chittered on about how easy it would be and if there was a slow moment, he can always review the footage and see their reactions. Maybe even sell copies if anyone showed interest. Fabricate some of his own footage and sell that as well. "It'll be like home movies you can watch with the family for a good laugh."

That night they were all divided into their own rooms. The farm was large enough that each person could get a room of their own but Melissa opted to share one with Victoria. She couldn't get a strong reading of her when she touched her but she was curious if not determined. Besides, there was an enigma that had to be solved. The two of them chatted about Melissa's abilities as she talked about how she can see supers and her telepathy, which she was surprised that Victoria had guessed. Rachael had insisted on having a room next to her son in case he needed her, which he told her no, but like that would stop her. Rey was undressing, struggling to pick up his discarded clothes. Venedict handed it to him and he snatched it from his hand.

"I'm still mad. I told you. You aren't staying here and there is nothing you can do to convince me otherwise." Rey huffed. He was determined, at least until Venedict shifted and unsheathed the one thing that could break his resolve. Rey had hissed at him about the bed making too much noise and ended up being pushed onto the floor, ass high in the air. Rey had to pull the sheets from the bed and stuff them in his mouth to hold back his moans. His eyes nervously darting between the wall he shared with his parents and the door. It felt so wrong to be fucking at a relative's house he had just met, but that just made him even hornier. By the time he managed to climb into bed and sleep it was already late at night and he had rug burns on his hands and knees as well as a few new bite marks. Not that he cared. He packed a scarf and a jacket that had a high collar. He had learned that if he was somewhere with Venedict, he was going to need something to cover up the inevitable marks. Rachael had fallen asleep quickly as she always did and had missed the little love making session next door. Something that Jon wished he could say for himself. He could barely make out what was being said on the other side of the wall, but one thing became clear. His son was going to have multiple pregnancies if the regularly muttered "breeding bitch" and "full of kittens" said anything. No one wants to hear their son be called a slut, but after Rey's odd coming out, he already had a suspicion of that possibility. Jon could not sleep at all. That next morning he signed Rey to be quiet the moment he saw him and watched him freeze on the spot, red faced. Thankfully, someone understood that he needed a beer before breakfast.

Quidel struggled to drive with Todd clinging to him to tightly the whole drive to work. He was quiet, yes, but he didn't know how he would even handle being separated from him. Todd didn't have any clearance to go into the staff-only areas. Letting him linger around would be pushing it enough but he should blend in with the rest of the crowd. He looked him over as they got out, parked in the employee section. That shirt was way too big for him, but at least people might not notice that he is wearing the same pants as the day before. He looked over at the back entrance seeing one of his coworkers vape by the entrance before his shift. There was no doubt that someone had said something. He brought Todd in through the main entrance and picked up one of the maps, fishing out a pen from his pocket. Listening to Todd ask him where he was going to be all day gave him an idea. He wrote on the map the general route he takes and the times he is in each habitat. He handed it to Todd who looked it over and gave him puppy eyes and more questions about the big time gaps between the feeding.

"That is all backstage. You can't go and you can't see me." Quid spoke slowly. A red owl fluttered down and landed on his shoulder before looking around. Quid didn't even react to it and just continued talking. "If you want I can add the general area..." He pulled out his cellphone and held it up as the owl cooed and lightly bit his cheek. When he didn't react to that, it leaned forward and bit his nose before tilting it's head. "You can just text me."

There was the sound of a walkie as someone briskly walked over to them, pushing past the early attendees who were oohing and aahing at the owl on his shoulder. "Found him." There was the gargled sound that came from the walkie before the employee responded, "Yup. He's perched on Quidel by the main entrance." Quidel slowly turned his gaze to the employee, still ignoring the owl that had fluttered to the other shoulder, away from the employee and began biting at his hair as if he was trying to groom him. "What are you doing at the main entrance?" He looked at Todd and then Quidel. "Nevermind. Frank will need you to bring Red back." When Quidel just slowly blinked the man took a step back. "Or not. He's probably on his way over right now." Quidel nodded and turned his attention back to Todd who staring at the owl.
Todd was amused as Quid walked them to the main entrance. The shirt was huge and made him feel really young but it wasn't any different than those long shirts that women wore with their tights. He listened and perked as Quid answered his question as to where he was at any given time. However as he looked at the map he was disappointed. "Where will you be in-between these times?" He gave sad puppy dog eyes until the man answered that he would be behind the scenes. It was nice to have a general area and know that he could find out where Quid was via text. He could also hack his way into the system and watch the man as he went about his day but he wasn't quite sure if that was too much or not. He didn't know if anything was too much when it came to Quidel. As the man was talking a red owl fluttered over to him. A part of him that wanted to always poke the bear thought of Disney princesses and their animal friends but he made no comment. The crackle of radio made Todd look over to the employee and watch as Quid interacted with them. So it wasn't just Todd that Quidel was quiet with but everyone. That made Todd a bit happier as he focused on the map before hearing running footsteps.

The man who came, Todd assumed it was Frank, wasn't exactly what Todd pictured. The man was taller than him, reaching a respectable five foot eleven inches but even that seemed to dwarf next to Quid. Todd couldn't tell how old Frank was since his hair was a soft premature grey and tied back. He wore the same awful zoo uniform that Quidel did but sported a tie dye lanyard that held a number of keys. He peered at the owl with a sigh before pushing up his glasses. "Red, I feed you. I clean up your shit and still you leave me for another man." Todd couldn't help the amused snort that left him. He noticed Frank didn't seem to mind when Quidel silently stared at him. Then again if he worked with owls all day then Quidel's owl like mannerisms probably didn't even register to him. Frank held out his arms before speaking again. "Would you mind if I got Red back? That little feathered hoe is getting out like he's WHOdini." Frank smiled cheerly at his coworker while Todd couldn't contain a chuckle that left him. Quidel seemed to take a moment before he removed the protesting owl off of his shoulder and handed him back to Frank. Frank hooked a lead onto the owl's foot. "Thanks man. I appreciate it. Also watch out for the gossips man. You brought a cutie now you're approachable and stuff." He grinned at Quidel's heavy sigh before continuing, "Well gotta fix this ho's cage. Try again. If I fail, I am sorry in advance. Keep loose Quid!"

Todd watched him go before looking back at Quidel amused and slightly curious. "I think you have a type." Todd smiled at seeing, "People stuck in the past eras. You got a friendly hippie from the 60s. Then my classic self from the 80s." When Quid told him firmly that he wasn't attracted to Frank so that made it so that there was no type, Todd clarified, "Thank you for telling me. And Frank wasn't interested in you besides your owl magnet skills. I mean only a certain type of people talk to you often." He listened as Quidel slowly puzzled that before commenting that he attracted the 'clingy kind that doesn't know when to leave him alone'. Well that was a little rude. Todd growled a little annoyed, "This clingy type was much enjoyed last night thank you very much. If that man had shown any sort of attraction besides your owl skills then I would have been all over that ho like one of those psycho bitches on Jerry Springer." Todd felt a hand on his head and got a kiss before Quid mentioned that he wouldn't change a thing and that Frank didn't have the guts to stalk him in his morph form. Todd grinned at the comment. "That's right. You're mine now. No take backsies." Todd paused then huffed out his annoyance, "I wasn't stalking. I was doing resonance." He felt the judgey eyebrows that Quid was making before grumbling, "It was data collection." He perked at his next thought,"And see it worked. I now have your schedule so I may watch you. You're all mine now." Quid commented that it worked both ways. Todd stole another kiss before he let the other man go into the restricted area.

Much like Frank had predicted Quidel's new hottie had been noticed but no one was bothering Quid about it. Instead Todd found himself being joined on his bench an hour later while he watched Quid. It was the bubble gum pink haired Sally from before. She asked him a few questions, mostly about how he and Quidel had met and all the boring questions that came with that. Todd answered them mostly honestly, saying that he had seen Quidel around and that it took him months before he finally got up the courage to talk to him. He was happy with him and they had only been dating for a little while. He kept a lot of his answers close to the truth without them going into odd territory. Sally became bored with him and Todd watched Quidel go through his day for a while longer before he became bored.

Quid had gotten backstage and while for the most part that wasn't a problem, Quid had been taking a while this time around. Todd didn't know what he was doing back there but it was taking him longer than what the paper said. Finally when it was an hour past what the paper said, Todd hacked into the cameras. He filtered through them until he found he one he wanted. Quidel was getting something out of his locker when Todd texted him that the lockers were hideous. Quid looked around on screen before looking at the camera. He watched Quid stare at the camera for a long while before Todd texted him and told him not to get him hot and bothered at work. Todd wasn't sure that he was ready to do that in public. It was a little different than the time Todd had given him a blowjob in the car. Quid commented to the camera asking if last night wasn't enough before Todd of course had to text him back that he had waited months before Quid became his so he would never get tired of him.

Todd must have looked like a creeper, curled up on the bench checking his phone because he got asked by the security to move along. Todd texted Quid that the zoo must be a bit picky about where their guests stayed and how long because he was told to move. He turned off the camera monitoring before watching Quid inside another enclosure. He was so pretty. Todd wanted to follow him anywhere. Quidel must have felt Todd's heavy gaze because he looked over.
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Frank was perhaps Quidel's only friend, or at least that is what he had claimed to be. He was the only person who didn't seem bothered by him and often overlooked his intimidating appearance. That of course was because his love of various aves, especially owls. The first thing he ever said to him was that he had never seen an owl lose a staring contest. It didn't take long for him to approach him more often, especially after Red began to get loose. Apparently the owls seemed to know when he was nearby and watched him intently whenever he passed. He just listened to Frank in his typical, silent way before eventually giving the bird back. He had no doubt that whatever repairs he makes that Red will find a way. There was no doubt that he had been noticed with Todd but to hear that the other coworkers might start to bother him because of some rumor was something he didn't look forward to. He was never expected to give any answer that couldn't be given with the simple nod or shake of the head. That, and he didn't want to get sucked into any insipid conversations on who was dating who. That was none of their business.

Quidel had nothing to really respond to Todd's ramblings about types other than a raised eyebrow. He didn't think he had a type either sexually or interest wise. He had no attraction to Frank, which was true. In fact he had no real attraction to men in general, but that was something that he kept to himself. He thought back to Red and looked at Todd as he mulled over their similarities. Those that seemed overly infatuated with him were clingy and would do all they could to get his attention even if he had shown no interest. Hearing how Todd would have fought Frank over him if he had shown any interest was amusing and he turned away to hide a smirk that threatened to form. He gave him a kiss and eventually parted having put off working long enough. As he made his rounds he took glances in Todd's direction. He could feel him watching him just as much as he felt him when they were just Radical Rayman and the Demon Owl.

Unfortunately he had to make a detour on his scheduled stops. One of the bears had been behaving oddly and was being more aggressive than usual. Normally they would be lazy and mill about even with the newbie but today seemed to be different. Seeing that it was too dangerous for the new guy to go in, Quidel was the one that had the task. It took him a while to get into the habitat and to approach the one that had been aggressive. Call it instinct, or what you will, but he had the feeling that she was being protective because she was with cubs. He spent the next hour getting her separated and performing the ultrasound since she allowed him near by. He moved slower than he normally did and he passed along the news. The ordeal wasn't uneventful either. He didn't like sedating animals since they would behave around him but that didn't mean that the bear wouldn't react and knock things over. He left to go change at the locker room, placing his dirtied clothes into a bag in his locker. He took his time trading everything from his dirtied vest to the clean spare when he heard his phone go off. He pulled it out and read the text.

There was no Todd in the room. He didn't hear anyone enter while he was in there. He cast a glance over his shoulder at the security camera and stared. If that was Todd watching him through the cameras, then he would hear about it soon. Sure enough his phone went off again. He really had a thing about his staring, didn't he? He shot a text asking if the night before was enough. He had toned himself down a bit and had been quiet, but it seems that he was being a creeper again. That was fine. Quidel had nothing to fear from him. He shrugged and shut his locker before leaving.

On the other side of the camera was a security officer who had been going through the feeds lazily to see if anything was off. He froze when he saw Quidel stare at the camera as if he could see the other side. For minutes he had watched him stand there and stare as if he was possessed before he watched him text and leave. He held his chest feeling his heart pound away. That was really creepy. He went back to surveying the park when he noticed someone wearing a shirt he had seen before. He had been part of the group text about Quidel having been seen someone and if the texts that were dinging away in the chat were any indication, that the man sitting on the bench must be him. They had kept an eye on him because there were the occasional joke that if someone would snap it would be him. He was a loner, quiet, physically fit. No one knew much about him and the one guy who tries to be friends with him can't get a word out of him. Yet suddenly he shows up with some twink arm candy and brings him by, twice. He watched him as he sat at the same spot before rewinding the footage to see how long he had been there. He checked the group message seeing that Sally had talked to him. Apparently, they are a new couple and it was the smaller man that made the approach. He radioed some of the other security to check out what he is doing.

Quid heard his phone go off but he didn't have the time to look at it. He didn't have to since he felt a pair of eyes watching him. He looked up and saw Todd staring at him with the same odd grin he would have when he thought he wasn't paying attention before they got together. He gave a brief wave and finished off his work before heading out for lunch. He read the text as he made his way back to Todd and tucked the phone away.

"I had an emergency in another habitat." He spoke when Todd approached him. He knew he was going to ask where he was when he didn't follow his schedule. "One of the bears is with cubs. She wouldn't let anyone else approach." He ignored any of the other questions he had, which he always had a dozen, before asking one of his own. "Did anyone talk to you? Besides security."

As he listened to Todd go on about what he went through he saw a couple of the security members head in their direction. They were approaching from behind Todd so he didn't think he noticed. He placed a hand on his shoulder to still his chattering when they got close enough. There were a few curt questions on why he was there, how he got in, etc. All of which Quidel answered in complete silence. He pulled Todd close to him and stared them down, nodding when they asked if he brought him in. Tentatively, one asked who he was since they never got a name. They hadn't expected Quidel to answer verbally because the moment the word, "boyfriend" left his lips they each stepped back. They noticed the tightening grip on Todd's shoulder before nodding. They didn't have the guts to do anything, not if the Predator whisperer was glowering down his nose at them. They each had been part of the group messages and were often the ones that joked that he was probably going to be a shooter or a serial killer. Neither wanted to find out if those lies were true, so they left and sent messages that if they didn't come to work, they were killed and it was their coworker's fault for making them anger the beast. Quidel muttered a brief apology to Todd and felt a smile crack at how tightly he held onto him, cooing over him. He could get used to this.

Robert Clifford was your average professor. At least until it came to his second job. For someone who was so slow going and boringly monotone, no one would expect that he was the superhero Full Throttle. His costume looked a lot like a driver's suit from NASCAR, minus the patches of sponsers. It was silver with blue lining and had specially made boots that could handle his speeds. He wore a helmet with a visor that had a small radio in it to keep him posted on where crime was, though mostly it was to keep bugs out of his mouth. The heavily tinted visor hid his face and muffled his voice so no one had figured out who he was. Either that or it was probably because he was so boring that no one would even assume that he was capable of running up to 200 mph. He didn't even have to run, he could walk and it would be faster than the speed limit on the highway. However, going at such speeds made it hard for him to slow down so he often overcompensated in his slow speech. Doing so for over 40 years would make that habit one tough nut to crack.

He had been heading back to the League of Heroes, taking a short cut through one of the rougher parts of town. It wasn't rough so much on crime, but that it was often where the homeless would stay. He had passed by enough, leaving money here and there for them to get something to eat that he knew where each little makeshift house was. Either one had moved or he wasn't paying attention, but he had jogged too close, jostling the cardboard box covered in duct tape. A bright flash caught his attention as he turned his gaze to see a blanket cover slowly turn to gold. He stopped in his tracks as he stared at the person inside that was now fussing up a storm. There was only one person that he knew of that had the ability to transform anything into gold and that was the attempted villain; the Richer.
Todd had been excited to hear about the bear with cubs. He wondered if the zoo would keep them or not. Instead of asking that question, Todd told Quid about Sally and her questions before he felt a hand gripping his shoulder. He heard the security talk to Quidel but since the man had him tight against him he didn't really get to answer any of their questions. He did however hear Quidel call him his boyfriend. Oh. Someone was going to get laid...or they would get laid if Todd hadn't been used so hard last night. Todd grinned, "It's alright. I like it when you hold me close." Todd twirled out of his grip while holding onto his hand. "Where did you want to go to for lunch, boyfriend?" He flirted lightly with Quidel, sneaking a kiss before walking hand in hand with Quid.

At that same time in another part of Boxton, the mighty villain known as 'The Richer' was hiding away in his cardboard box lair. It wasn't the most glamourous of lairs but when one could only carry around a twenty dollar bill without losing it all then one tended not to be able to afford luxuries like running water or a house. Rusty as was his first name had been an upstanding citizen until his parents kicked him out. He wasn't smart enough or focused enough to get a scholarship at the local college and he was a two legged bad omen for most places that revolved around money. His last name, Spoon was never taken seriously on any application and had to be proven that yes, that was his real name. It wasn't his fault that one of his ancestors with the first name of 'Silver' decided that to end the curse then they should change their last name. Rusty had no bloody clue what it was before but he betted that the man regretted his choice. Since then his family had the unfortunate habit of naming their children names that sounded poor, hoping that that might end the curse. With his options rather limited, Rusty had turned to crime. Oh he had tried to be a hero but the few times he had was mostly taken credit for my another, namely that Purple Girlpal. He wasn't very good at hero-ing so he decided to turn to crime. Well if his odd villain name 'The Richer' didn't give it away, he rather failed at that too. Rusty was a super as was all of his family. The curse was evil in that it allowed the victim to turn anything they touched into gold. However they could never hold in possession of their own, more than twenty dollars at a time. Luckily bartering seemed to be fine and they were able to live off of a joint account with their partners. Otherwise the whole Spoon clan would be out on the streets. Rusty had tried the whole live in partner thing but most of those guys wanted some freaky shit. Honestly he didn't know what was so bad about him that they kept throwing him out. He was mostly good. He tried his best to be good. Nothing ever seemed to work out for him in the end.

A gust of wind and the sound of hurried footsteps knocked over his cardboard lair. Rusty was startled, nothing to be worried about if he was normal but as a cursed super this meant that whatever his fingertips were touching turned into gold when he got startled. This meant his blanket that he had spent his fifteen of twenty dollars on was turning gold within a flash of light. He cussed up a storm, waving out the blanket in a panic to stop the gold before kneeling down at the solid sheet of metal that had once held his warmth. Rusty held back the tears for all of a minute before he felt them spill over. "No. No. No. No. No!" Rusty pressed his fingers into the blanket, trying to change it back even though he knew he would fail. He felt a tantrum coming on and while he couldn't exactly act like he would if he was safe, he turned to the person responsible for his blanket loss.

"You! I spent fifteen dollars on this blanket! It was going to last me a year! I can't stay warm with this! I can't even sell this because no one will take metal from a homeless person!" Rusty stopped his fussing only for a minute before realizing that it was a hero that he was bitching out. Shit. It wasn't like he could take back the flash of light. It wasn't like his crimes could really be punished since the loud alarms startled him and he left the building with the store being richer. Rusty sighed putting both hands over his face covering his green eyes and running them over his ginger hair. He needed to calm down. He could make a quick twenty from some horny ass a few streets over. No one really minded a cheap blow job. Some of the richer clients could be bartered with if Rusty worked his magic. That was how he had a backpack and some nice clothes. "You know what? No. Fuck you. I'm moving my box out of here. I don't need anyone's help. I've been without it for this long. I can do it myself." He lifted his cardboard lair off the ground and put on his backpack. He marched the hell out of there leaving a rather stunned hero behind. Oh he wasn't stupid. He knew the man could find him again.

Eventually the hero did find him again. It was three days later since Rusty had lost his blanket when he was coming home to his cardboard lair to find a hero standing next to it with a blanket. Rusty blinked startled before looking down at the blanket in the man's hands. He had just come back from sucking a dude off for an easy twenty. He wasn't really ready to give any more sexual favors again. What kind of hero wore a driving suit anyway. He looked like an alien space invader more than someone who would be rescuing people. "Should I be asking you to take me to your leader?" Rusty took the blanket from the man's hands gently before cooing at the feel. "Somebody felt guilty. This is high quality shit. Probably at least thirty dollars." He wanted to rub his face into the blanket and moan at its softness but he sure as hell wasn't going to do that with the hero here. Rusty was almost sad he was going to get it dirty. A small part in the back of his brain shivered in need. Rusty loved soft things. He loved things that were probably meant for someone way younger than him. Hell, he had a ragged ass stuffed animal that he couldn't bare to part with. Rusty had more than once had the term little thrown at him. Mostly however it was with a note of derision. If there was one thing Rusty had learned from living on the streets for the past seven years it was that you could never be too careful. "Was there something you needed hero? Or did you come to gawk at the little people?" They parted again with that said.

Rusty wouldn't see the hero again for another week. This time when he saw the man it was after coming back once more from another easy twenty. He was wiping off his face with a bag of baby wipes when he noticed his driving suited stalker. "You know we have to stop meeting like this. It's almost like your an alien studying us lowly humans. Well this human is rather tired today and would like to go back to his cardboard lair. It may be held together with duct tape and broken dreams but it's all I can afford."
Robert watched the blanket change into solid metal as the owner desperately felt it. He had always cared about the plight of others and did all he could to aid those in need, so seeing someone do distraught over a mistake on his part was unsettling. He stared silently as he was yelled at. There was no argument that he was in the wrong. Fall may have been unseasonably warm but it was going to only get colder as the weeks drew on. A fact that he was sure wasn't lost on the teary-eyed ginger. If he hadn't seen the blanket turn to gold, he would have mistaken him for another unfortunate, struggling to get by in the worn multilayered patchwork of clothes and thin layer of dirt on his face. and hands. He couldn't help but look at the fingers that ran through the ratnest of red hair and see just how dirty they were under the nails. He subconsciously rubbed his gloved, clean fingertips together at the sight.

"I apologize," he began as he fished out his wallet again. "Allow me to make it up--" The hero was cut off by a now mad villain that began to gather his meager belongings. He didn't know what to say or do but watch him storm off. He felt a pit in his stomach. Like the others in the League of Heroes, they shunned villains for their choice in careers, failed or not. Well, except maybe Lionman who was far too lenient for the other members. He stared at the gold sheet that had been left behind. There were plenty of homeless that would collect metal to turn it in, then again, gold is much more precious and far more suspicious to turn in. He picked up the stiff sheet and shifted it around, watching the light reflect off the now shiny surface of the once warm blanket. How in the world did someone with that ability remain on the streets for so long? He had thought that all his previous failings were due to panic and him fleeing in attempts to escape justice. Well, a villain is still a villain so he will just have to look for him to see if this was a ruse or not. It should be easier now that he knows what he looks like.

Robert had the gold sheet taken in and smelted down. The amount that it was worth was donated to the sadly underfunded homeless shelters. He spent the next couple days ruminating on the identity and lifestyle of the Richer. Did he even earn money? Where did it go? Is he on drugs? Is he paying off some debts? Did he have a drinking habit? To top it all off, he felt bothered that he had deprived him of a source of warmth that was becoming even more vital. He may be a villain, but everyone deserves to feel warm in the colder months. He shopped around for something soft and durable, anything that held onto warmth well. When he finally found it he put it in his car and kept an eye out on the streets as he drove to and from work. When he had thought he spotted the Richer's box, he returned with the blanket in his arms and dressed as Full Throttle. There was no need to out himself as a hero. After all, there have been rumors of villains meeting. The League was already aware of Techno Mastermind and his rouge sidekick Radical Rayman but there were a couple sightings of Techno and the Magician as well as Radical Rayman and the Demon Owl. Although the latter wasn't taken as seriously since no one, even in the League of Heroes, believed would be stupid enough to poke that beast.

The longer he waited the more he thought about what drove the Richer to be on the streets. With the added funding to the homeless shelters, there were fewer homeless sleeping on the streets, so he had hopes that if he truly was homeless he would be somewhere safer. Odd to think that someone who is a villain to need to be safe but he didn't like to see people down on their luck so much. His ex-husband once remarked about his regular donations to any beggar was building up enough Karma to last several lifetimes. He shrugged it off at the time but in a sense he was right. He wanted to help anyone he could and that is why he took up a second job running around as a superhero saving any person in need and even a few cats from trees. No good deed was too small. Then again, another accusation of being an over-achieving workaholic came to mind. The longer he waited the more he thought he may have found the wrong box, at least until he saw the Richer walk towards him.

"Fourty, actually," Robert spoke at the appraisal of the blanket. Although he was sure the villain didn't want to take a handout from him, he could see his face light up for a brief moment. So maybe this isn't an act and he really is homeless. "No, there was not. I simply wanted to replace the damaged property." He frowned at the little people remark. He didn't think any less of those who had life pelt them with misfortune. He knew they were just like anyone else and they were just going through a rough patch and with enough care and help, can get back onto their feet. No one was a lost cause and no one deserved to be belittled. He couldn't get another word in before the villain turned his back to him and promptly ignored his presence. He'll have to keep an eye out for him because now he was even more curious on how in the hell he managed to get food if all his heists failed.

The following week he took off as Full Throttle. His curiosity had been piqued and he had to get to the bottom of this, especially now that he knows one of the identities of the various villains that plagued Boxton. The Richer may be one of the more forgotten and ignored of the villains because of his ineptitude, but he was a villain nonetheless. There had been a few conversations on what exactly villains did on their spare times and here he had an opportunity to see just how one lived. The more he watched him the more he felt bad. He looked about his son's age. He could have graduated college by now, had a decent job, maybe his own place and car but here he was, living on the street. He saw him go to the homeless shelter once and came out cleaner than before but he hadn't returned. Entering as Robert and not Full Throttle, he had enquired about the ginger haired young man that he had seen pass by. What he learned was unsettling.

It turns out that the Richer had used to stay there a few years back but had been kicked out after several incidences. Apparently, things had a tendency to break or not work around him. There had also been other incidences with others that were staying there where different things have gone missing. Everyone pointed the finger at him until he was kicked out and the disappearances stopped. It wasn't anything serious, just little things like forks, plates, blankets, toothbrushes, those sort of things. It was also odd that they would eventually find golden objects later but hadn't thought much about it. He thought back to how he reacted when he startled him and the blanket turned to gold. Perhaps he didn't have full control of his abilities and that is why he hasn't found much use for them. He followed him around some more, dressed in street clothes on lunch breaks and around office hours at the college. With how much running around he was doing just looking for him, he was going to have to retread his boots that were hidden under his slacks. It was when he was on his way home from work that he discovered the Richer's source of income. He happened to cast a glance down an alleyway and saw a familiar tuft of red hair buried in the crotch of another man behind a dumpster.

That's it.

This is unacceptable, villain or not.

No one needs to live like that.

Robert immediately parked his Mercedes-Benz SL-Class convertible a street away from where he had last seen the Richer camped out. He popped the trunk and speed changed in the street. He didn't have to worry about what people saw since it would seem almost a blink of an eye or a blur. Though not many people seemed to pay him much mind, or if they did, they understood that he was a Hero and wouldn't betray him. He strode over to the cardboard box and peeked inside to see if he had returned before looking around. Sure enough, the Richer came towards him, cleaning off his face from his latest client. That's not a way to properly clean oneself. He stepped in front of the cardboard box when the Richer brushed him off with another alien comment.

"You are coming with me," he spoke before stepping aside. "Get your things." He watched the homeless villain give him a quizzical look as if he was trying to figure out where his sudden suggestion came from. It didn't matter what things the man insinuated, he was going to make sure he at least got a clean shower and a hot meal. Baby wipes and a stranger's semen can never be a substitute for such things. He folded his arms and waited for the villain to get his things. "You do not need the box." He tried to tell the man but he wouldn't listen and insisted that it was coming along with him. Something along the lines of he isn't going to give up his lair. With a sigh he walked slowly back to his car and opened the trunk, gesturing with an open hand for the Richer to put his things inside. The man seemed taken aback buy the luxury vehicle for a moment before acting as if it wasn't a surprise or any big deal. Once he was in the car he drove him to his house, carefully obeying each and every traffic law until he reached his mansion. He was well off thanks to his tenure as a professor at Boxton University as well as being a hero. He didn't particularly care about the ritz and glam of wealth but his ex-husband did so he invested his money well and spent it on high price items that would impress his neighbors. Not that he was home much to enjoy it with his two jobs. Still, if his ex was taking all but one car and the kid, he would get the house and all that is in it.

Once they pulled into the garage he stepped out and disarmed the security system before letting the Richer inside. He hung his car keys on one of the six hooks by the door and the house key in a small dish. Out of habit he slipped his hand into his pocket for his wallet before going back to the car and getting his clothes out. He paid little mind to the villain that watched him as he neatly laid everything out on the small stand by the garage door. The wallet went next to his house keys, cell phone on the dock that connected to the various speakers through out the house, and any spare change that had been left over in one of his pockets from lunch was put into a jar in the center of it all. It was a coming home ritual that he did. His house was spacious and no doubt would have been a thief's heaven, though to be honest, most of the expensive features of the house and all the technological integration went mostly unused since the divorce, not that he was going to tell his unconventional guest that. In fact, it had just crossed his mind that he just allowed a villain into his home, through the security system and laid out all the would need to access all of this things. But this was the Richer. He never got away with anything because he never quite got around to committing anything more than an attempt at a crime.

"Come with me," he spoke as he lead the villain through the house towards one of the guest rooms. He listened to whatever he had to say, paying it no mind. He didn't have any sexual plans with him, just wanted to help him out and get him off the street. He opened the door to one of the 5 bathrooms that connected to the guest room and gently pushed the Richer inside. "I will bring you a change of clothes and a towel. Wash up." He paused for a moment as he started to walk away. "You do not have to return the clothes I give you. I have plenty." He shut the door behind him and left the villain alone in the bathroom. He pulled out loose sweats, underwear, and a t-shirt, neatly stacking them on top of a folded towel. He knocked on the door once and passed it inside without casting a look inside the bathroom. Once he was finished with that he removed his helmet and made his way downstairs into his hidden lair. He was halfway undressed when he heard a shout. Out of instinct, he ran back to the bathroom and opened the door. He still wore the pants to his suit, a white t-shirt and thick gloves. His dark brown hair with it's thick patches of grey sat heavily on his head from his helmet. His light brown eyes darted around the bathroom to see where the villain was before finding him in the shower.

"Are you alright?" Robert looked away from the nude man that he could clearly see through glass doors to the rainfall shower. Luckily the squared pattern frost on the lower half blocked him from seeing his more sensitive areas. He glanced back over in his direction noting the once silver lining to the shower door was now a shining gold. "I should have warned you that the center nob is for the rainfall shower head and the lower two are for the standard. It also takes a moment to warm up." He took off his gloves and held them in a single hand before nodding in his direction and slowly stepping out of the bathroom. "You are free to use as much of any of the shampoos and body washes as you need."
Rusty blinked as he looked at his driving suit covered stalker. He wasn't sure where the man was getting off on telling him what to do but he highly doubted that a hero would be soliciting a prostitute like him. Honestly if Rusty could look like a space invader and show up quickly everywhere then he would be fucking all the time. Hot guys even. Rusty picked up his belonging before the hero told him his box wasn't needed. "Fuck yes it's needed. That is my lair. What kind of villain doesn't have a lair? It's not getting left behind." He argued for a little bit before finally the hero gave up and let him have his damn box. Rusty was surprised at the sight of a luxury vehicle since the hero seemed to like walking everywhere looking like he was a visitor from another world. He hid his surprise about the car once he remembered that being a hero paid really well and when Rusty had tried to get into it before he started, it had great benefits too. Rusty placed his things into the car before sliding into the passenger seat.

Once they had arrived at the house, Rusty watched the hero put things away into separate bins. It was oddly comforting to see how well put together the man was. Rusty put his fingers on the edge of the change jar and watched the coins magically move away from his fingers. The twenty he had from his client earlier was keeping Rusty from picking up any of the coins. Rusty blinked when the hero lead him back into a spare bathroom. Rusty found this all every confusing. The few suggestions about what they would be doing. He wasn't surprised however at the order to get clean. He could understand after all since a lot of people wanted their sexual partner clean before they allowed them into their bed.

The whole house was out of a page from some Hollywood home magazine. What the rich should all aspire to he supposed. The hero brought him clothing and Rusty found himself a little relieved and annoyed. "I do have my own clothing but I guess if you're just giving them away I shouldn't stop you." Rusty started washing his body before turning one of the handles and startling at the rush of cold water falling onto him. He had turned the shower cold before he heard the unmuffled voice of the hero. Fuck. He sounded sexy. Rusty sighed and finished cleaning himself, until the water ran clear. He walked down to where he assumed the hero was before finally finding him. Rusty froze when he saw the older man. Fuck him. Did the universe think he needed to be taught a lesson? It was like the world knew he was looking for a silver fox to take care of him and provided him with one. However he wasn't going to just let any silver fox have at him. So without much say he left the house again.

Rusty would find himself back again and bathing in the man's bathtub in a matter of days. He supposed he should find this flattering but it was causing the little part of his brain was flailing about inside of him ready to show. Sitting in the water he splashed around in the bath while his host was sitting on the toilet. Rusty hummed at the order to stop splashing before staring at the man. "All these orders. It's almost like you want to be my Daddy." He paused then before cocking his head. "You do know what a Daddy dom is right?" He huffed amusing himself for a little while longer before he finally huffed. "Seriously, go look it up. I will wait. And while you're at it maybe tell me a name since you've been my own personal fanclub for the past few weeks." Rusty waved them off before finding one of the empty bottle and making it sail across the water.
Robert waited while the Richer got cleaned. He knew it was going to be awhile so he walked into the kitchen and began to pull things out for supper. He would have to give him a proper meal. When he heard the bathroom door open he walked out of the kitchen, wiping his hands clean on a towel. He had changed out of the rest of his costume and was back to wearing slacks, t-shirt and a button up with the sleeves rolled back to his elbows tucked into his waistband. He even sported his house slippers, worn in a bit, but still comfortable. "Good to see you washed up." He spoke slowly as he eyed the villain. He knew he was a ginger but with him so clean he could really make out the freckles on his face. He looked thin, too thin. Not that it was completely unhealthy but he seemed malnourished. "I doubt you get suitable meals on the street." He added as he walked back to the kitchen to finish cooking. He waited to hear the villain have something else to say to him but instead he heard the computerized voice of the alarm system alert him that the front door opened. Letting out a sigh, he readjusted his dinner plans and cut back what he was making. Perhaps bringing him there was too much. He looked almost pained when he saw him, as if he had been kicked in the gut.

"Perhaps villains are reluctant to get help... I will give him some time to think it over." Robert spoke to himself as he finished making his dinner. "Then I will try again."

Waiting a couple days for the Richer to find him, he decided to find him himself once more. He told him he was welcome back and that he had left too soon. He had some insults hurled his way as well as the suggestion that Robert really just wanted to have sex with him. That wasn't the case. Sure, he looked like an attractive young man when he was all washed up, certainly more attractive without all the dirt and rags, but that wasn't the purpose in bringing him back. He tried to order him back to his car both as Full Throttle and as Robert when he passed him by between work and home. Failures. The villain seemed even more resistant and stubborn to stay living in poverty. Finally, he gave up waiting. Geared up as Full Throttle, he hit the streets, leaving his car at home. He caught the Richer as he was talking to another client, luckily right before they had begun their activities.

"Prostitution is illegal," he spoke in his monotone way, arms folded as he stared at the two. The stranger stammered out something and zipped back up before running. The Richer on the other hand struck a pose that flashed him back to when his son was little and refused to come inside because he wanted to keep riding his bike. He looked just like a bratty child and the words that came from his mouth was just as bad. He wasn't going, no way in hell, can't get him to move, he isn't going to listen to him. So he really is going to have to use force. Robert grabbed him by the arm and tugged him in the direction of the street knowing full well that he probably wasn't going to move. When that was confirmed he threw him over his shoulder, ignoring his kicking and screaming before running back to his house. Most people can't handle the speeds he ran at and he considered it lucky that the Richer was caught off guard by it because his tantrum was over. He refused another shower so Robert resorted to filling the tub and forcing him inside.

The Richer seemed to have settled once he was in the water. Sure, he sat there pouting for a moment, grumbling that he didn't want a bath, that he can take care of himself. Robert just sat himself on the toilet and watched the man, ankle over his knee and arms crossed. How in the hell does someone get so dirty after only a few days? Hopefully not dumpster diving. He'll have to scrub that tub clean if he decides to run away again. "Be sure to wash behind your ears. Scrub your hair, do not just rub the shampoo on. Use the small brush there to clean under your nails." It was like he had to tell him what to do because he just got sidetracked in the tub. Granted, the tub was much larger than those in most houses, and had small massaging jets, but it was just a tub. Damn it, a grown man shouldn't be having this much difficulty bathing himself. "Would you stop splashing the water and just wash yourself? You are making a mess and you will prune."

He raised an eyebrow at the comment. "Your daddy? No. I am not familiar with daddy doms, whatever those are. Enlighten me." He let out a sigh when he was told to just look it up himself. "You better be washing yourself and not playing around otherwise, I will have to scrub you down myself." He left the bathroom and went to his computer and began a google search. He was taken aback by how many results popped up BDSM and felt himself switch the filter to strict to avoid the flow of pornography in the results. He cast a glance in the direction of the bathroom as he scrolled around, reading a bit here and there. The more he read the more he began to reflect on how the Richer was behaving. The tantrum before he dragged him there, the constant playing around in the tub, it was as if he was behaving like a child. According to what he was reading, the Richer was referring to him as the dominant counterpart for someone who acts in such a way. He could understand some of the explanations on guiding someone, taking care of them, making sure that they learn what they need to learn, but the interconnection with bondage was... a bit much. He wasn't really into that sort of thing. He didn't like being a disciplinarian even when he was raising a child with his ex so that was all him. when he came back he sighed another heavy sigh as the Richer was making bombing noises as he smashed two bottles together.

"I looked it up. I do not want to hear any more about that, and did I not tell you to wash?" Robert rolled up his sleeves and knelt down at the side of the tub with a groan at his knees getting soaked. "You have shampoo in your hair still." He ignored the whining as he rinsed out his hair and took the sponge from him and began to scrub him over once more. He couldn't trust how well he cleaned himself. Once he felt satisfied he pulled the plug on the drain and handed him a towel. "Once you are dry you are going to go to the dinning room and eat. I was going to feed you last time but you ran off." He dried his hands and tapped his foot on the slick tiles. "I am wearing my boots still so I will chase you down. I am only doing this because I am concerned about your well being, regardless of you being a villain, not because I want to be a daddy."
Rusty looked at him drolly while he dried off before huffing. He hadn't really liked how the man had just taken over and rushed him through the bath. If it had been a daddy doing it then he would have fawned all over the attention but he felt rushed. He felt brushed off too it wasn't something he was completely unused to but the man kept bringing him back here. It wasn't for sex even though the man seemed to enjoy watching him naked. Rusty had thought perhaps it was that the man was a closet daddy and got an almost sexual satisfaction from being a caretaker. He didn't say a word to the man and followed him down to the dinner table and watched him cook dinner. It wasn't like he was he didn't know how to cook but he only knew how to cook simple things and the man seemed at home making stuff so he let him. He looked down at the boots that the hero had mentioned earlier before huffing out an annoyed breath. They ate dinner in pretty much silence that was only broken once when Rusty said, "My name is Rusty. Not Richer." He pretty much let that go otherwise.

Instead it was in the middle of the night when he grabbed his things and yes, his box was not going to be left behind either. He hid in the streets and managed to evade the hero for two whole days of hunting before he was caught again. He wasn't giving in however. Once more he allowed the hero to bath him and feed him and he would sneak away when the hero had settled in for the night. He had gotten to the point of where he could set and unset the alarm to sneak out without alerting the hero. This pattern however continued for two weeks. He would sneak out and get captured then his barbs and prickles would come out. Mostly he said things like 'kidnapping and stalking is for villains only' and 'if you are using my services then you should be paying me'. Finally it was probably the sixth time be was getting ready to leave when he found the hero waiting for him at the door.

"This is ridiculous. You don't want me for sex. You don't want me out on the street. You refuse to admit that you are basically taking up my time. The only possible explanation is that you are in the closet about something but it sure as hell isn't being gay. Holy mixed messages hero." Rusty was frustrated and at the end of his rope. He hadn't had much time to make his twenties the easy way and he had been avoiding the shelters since that tended to be a give away to where he might be. Rusty was almost ready to lose it to his little's temper tantrum. He would regret that since years of being pushed down into a probably unhealth hole while all the 'vanilla' partners he had belittled his childish wishes and wants. The man was trying to order him back into his bed. While the orders wouldn't be unreasonable if Rusty was in a daddy and little relationship, he felt rather pushed since there was nothing he was getting out of it. Sure there was food and a bath but he could get that a shelter. The same with thing he could get with the added bonus of sex somewhere else rather than living with someone in denial. Rusty stepped back and paced a bit before finally finding a weak spot in the man's defenses and slipping out into the yard.

Again the man was trying to logic him into the house. He was trying to get Rusty to stay with food, warmth and shelter. That was all fine and great but he wanted to fix Rusty and his curse couldn't be fixed. His whole family had tried. No amount of logic was going to change that. It was why he searched out only certain partners when he had tried living with someone. People who basically liked to be mooched off of. However their needs didn't really mess with Rusty's and so it never worked out but this hero somehow had a playbook of Rusty's most secret wants. He was going about it entirely wrong since the few times he said he was being a daddy the man had brushed him off. Rusty wasn't going to force anyone out of the kink closet but he wasn't exactly going to go hiding in there either. Rusty was tired though; he had already been a bitchy brat so far to the hero and it wasn't stopping him.

"You are not my daddy!" Rusty shouted back across the yard. He hugged his cardboard lair close to him and huffed, "I don't care where you think I am on Maslow's hierarchy of needs but you don't decide what I need. I do. I decide what I need. Not you. You're not my daddy." He glared at the man before realizing that the man hadn't immediately gone back to logic. He was thinking and well that was something Rusty supposed. He wasn't sure what the hell the man was thinking but some pet play or little/daddy would explain some of it. However Rusty wasn't sure he could be someone's dog. He was more like a cat. He was prone to not listening and back when he had a home or a place to stay, then he liked to sprawl out in the sunlight. In fact he would love to do that again, especially if he could lounge about while naked.
Robert didn't have anything to say to the Richer during dinner. He preferred to eat in silence if only because he was used to it in his empty house. Living alone in a mansion for little over a decade will make you used to things that are unnoticeable until someone is there in front of you. He looked up at the young man who spoke his name. That's right... He had asked for his name earlier didn't he? "My name is Robert." He answered before letting the silence settle again. After dinner he shown him to the guest room before heading for bed himself. He was on the cusp of falling asleep when he heard the alarm go off. Unlike most alarm systems his went straight to his phone, after all, it anyone was to get to the scene first it would be him. He turned off the alarm and looked outside for Rusty. He was on the far end of the Street carrying his box.

"Why won't you let me help you?" Robert sighed as he began the song and dance that would follow for the next two weeks. He would find and bring back Rusty with excuses that it was going to rain, he'll catch a cold, needs a proper meal, etc. Every time he was accused of kidnapping he grew silent. That isn't what he was doing in his head, instead he was trying to help him. It became more clear each day that Rusty was only a villain because if his situation and if Robert didn't get him in track he won't be able to protect him if the other heroes learned that Rusty was the Richer. They wanted to lock all the villains up if only because they are a nuisance to them and the taxpayers. A point he tried to get across to Rusty but seemed lost.

"I have been out for about as long as you were alive," Robert rebutted the frequent runaway at the accusation of being in the closet. "If I was in the closet about something I think I would have noticed by now." He crossed his arms and pointed back to the room. "I just want what is in your best interest. Now go to bed. All your running away is accomplishing is sleep deprivation. You need rest."

Robert wasn't stupid. He knew the villain was going to try to runaway again so he circled the property and waited for him again outside. Immediately the word Daddy got tossed in his direction. The other times it had come up he denied it and had told him that he wasn't one. It wasn't like he got curious and started to read more of the articles that people wrote, or finding a book that referenced it at the library and speed read it before someone could see it in his hands. The more he learned the more he could see the way Rusty was acting. He reflected a moment longer on how Rusty would do what he was told and how he would be defiant with claims he wasn't his daddy.

"I am now," Robert spoke with little emotion. He saw the bratty villain stop in his tracks at that statement before adding, "And Daddy says to get your butt inside, young man." Those must have been magic words because Rusty turned around and went right inside babbling something about an allowance and kink play not being cheap. He was surprised at how quickly his tune changed as he followed him inside. "You will get an allowance if you deserve it."

Before he knew it they were seated at the dinning room table hashing out some rudimentary contract between the two of them. Robert agreed to allow Rusty an allowance of $20 a day that will potentially increase or decrease depending on his behavior. He drafted up basic rules of the house including a curfew and bedtime. It may seem like he was treating him more of a child but that seemed to be what Rusty wants and is something Robert can live with. He wanted to supervise him closely to make sure he didn't get into any trouble or fall back into old habits. There was a brief awkward conversation on punishments other than withholding funds such as spankings that Robert reluctantly added in. He didn't agree with such punishments but he supposed he can dish it out given that the recipient is an adult man who agreed it is suitable, although in more than just the context of punishment. Robert felt mildly offended that Rusty even brought up the topic of abuse but the offense lasted for just a moment before a thought of concern raised in his mind.

"I am not like that," Robert spoke as he looked over the current guidelines for the contract. "I give you my word as a member of the League of Heroes, I will not abuse you." 'Oh my God, I cannot leave this kid alone. He is just going to get taken advantage of if he goes back out onto those streets,' Robert thought when he heard that Rusty had attempted to be a "live-in" before. "I do not want to know what you went through before me, but you stay away from... Whoever they were that hurt you." Robert let out a sigh as he tapped his pen on the paper. His view on villains was looking more grey by each day. Perhaps this is why Crypto was so adamant that there is no fratranizing with the enemy. The more he heard about Rusty's circumstances, the more he felt concerned and needed to insert himself into his life. "In review, this contract between me and you is as follows. You will live with me and receive a daily allowance of $20, your own room and bathroom, in return you have to contribute to household chores, obey different rules such as the 8pm curfew and 10pm bedtime, as well as no inviting anyone over without prior introduction and permission among others. Good behavior will give you more privileges and allowance while bad is punished with the removal of privileges and being put over my knee. You are also free to leave at any given time should you believe I have mistreated you." He rubbed his temples having never had imagined he would have to draft up a contract with someone that outlined their relationship. After a deep breath he added, "and of course sexual contact is permitted and will be discussed later." He looked at his watch and saw the time. "If this all looks good, sign it and we will call it a night. I have an early class tomorrow so I will make you something for breakfast before I leave. Go ahead and use the room you are in now tonight and tomorrow you can pick from one of the other spares."
Rusty sat at attention as they went over the contract. It wasn't the most exciting thing but it was something that would save Rusty's ass when shit hit the fan. He looked over the contract a few times before finally signing the paper. The rules were mostly fair, even if he thought that the bed time was a bit too early. He make an note under his signature that hours could be subject to change during holidays. The man had seen him write that but didn't stop him. That was really the only thing he wanted to add. The rules were simple and probably would get more complicated when Rusty enviably got bored and tested them but for probably a little while yet he wouldn't do so. It would be quite the change to have shelter like this. They settled off to bed and Rusty didn't think too much about it until the next morning.

Rusty came down from his bedroom just in time to see the hero leave out the driveway. Rusty waved out the window then looked down at breakfast. Robert had indeed made breakfast as he said he would but Rusty wasn't quite sure that the man remembered not everyone needed such large portions. Rusty ate at it for a while before grabbing his large backpack out of his room. He dug through the bag before pulling out his ragged teddy bear and a dented metal tea part play set that he had found at a good will for a dollar. It was old but there was nothing really wrong with it other than a few dents. He got out the little set and set himself and the bear up to have a tea party. It was fun and Rusty hadn't enjoyed quite so much little play as he had then. However there was another thing calling him. The window. Rusty admired the large picture window that faced the sun. It was towards the side of the house so the neighbors would have to be in just the perfect spot in order to see into the window. However Rusty had other plans for the window other than looking out of. He pulled a blanket off the bed and brought it down before laying it out. He moved the blanket around until he got it to where it didn't block him from the sun but it would block him from being unseemly if the neighbor peeked.

Finally Rusty was almost ready to bask in the glorious sun. He shuffled his teddy and the tea set near to him and took his bag back upstairs. Once he was back down to the little nest he had set up, he stripped down naked and laid down to soak up the sun. Yes, this was perfect. He could feel the heat of the sun and the warmth of the floors. As an added bonus he could feel how soft and fluffy the blanket was on his bare skin. He should be able to hear the door open and his clothes were folded neatly in front of him so that he could use them as a pillow and have the added benefit of having them nearby should the need to be dressed arise. Rusty yawned as he closed his eyes smiling at the luxury he had.

It was hours later when he awoke to a loud throat clearing. Rusty blinked his eyes open and stretched like a cat would before humming, "Welcome home daddy." He blinked a bit more while waking up from his name before it finally clicked why the man was looking at him so. "Oh. Sorry. I meant to put some clothes on before you got home. I couldn't resist your window. It made the perfect sun spot on the floor. I figured since I slept in the bed that the blankets could be used on my naked body. He watched the older man look over at his tea party. He should have cleaned that up but he found after a lazy nap that he really couldn't be bothered to care. However he wasn't going to give the man the satisfaction of being right. After all Rusty was normally careful with his little self. "Since you decided to be my daddy I thought I should see if you cared about littles. Wouldn't be the first time someone has gone back on their word." He spoke as if he didn't care, in a cool fashion.

However he couldn't help the flinch as Robert picked up his ragged teddy. Yes, it looked like it had been to hell and back. Because quite frankly, it had since Rusty had gotten it a few years before he was kicked out of his parents home. There was many things he could handle but he wouldn't handle it well if anything happened to his teddy. Rupert the teddy was not something he felt comfortable with Robert touching so freely. Rusty edged closer, ready to pounce and take the teddy back if he had to. "What's wrong? Don't like stuffed animals?" He felt his prickles start to flare the longer the man had Rupert in his hands. However luckily the man was smarter about some things because he somehow picked up on Rusty's thinly veiled defensiveness over his teddy and put it down by the tea set. Rusty watched as he inspected the tea set. Rusty was fine with that. The tea set was easily replaced. Rupert was not. He pulled on his pants and shoved Rupert into his pocket protectly before looking at the assessing gaze of Robert. "I did some of the chores that you mentioned. Well, the dishes. I got the dishes done." And with nothing turning to gold so that was a bonus.
Robert got up early as he always did and showered. He had peeked in on Rusty to see if he really had stayed the night. Seeing the slumbering form on the bed he silently shut the door and made breakfast for two. He ate his half while he finished making what would be Rusty's, laying all of his food out neatly. It was smaller than what he usually makes for himself and he hoped he got the proportion right. He also made sure that all the essential food groups were present so that Rusty would get the proper nutrients he was missing all those years on the streets. As he was pulling out he cast a gaze at his house wondering if it was really safe to leave a villain alone. He waved back before heading to the college. It was the standard, dull day of teaching. All of his students had coffee or energy drinks to keep themselves focused. When he had started teaching he thought that is was probably because his courses tended to start at 7 or 8am and college students seem to be tired in the morning. At least, until his afternoon classes were the same way. He had overheard some of the other students warn freshman that if they have a class with Dr. Clifford they will need to have a lot of caffeine to stay up. Boring. Monotonous. Tough. Then there were the nicknames of Sandman because he makes his students fall asleep and Tortoise because he is getting old and moves slow. He isn't that old, just as old as their parents.

He sent an email to all of his students that he will not be in during his office hours that day because something came up he has to attend to, just before heading home. He followed his usual routine of putting all his things in their proper places before stopping in his tracks. He didn't know what to expect to come home to but nothing seemed out of place, except Rusty. Robert walked slowly to the slumbering man's side and took in on the last thing he expected. He hadn't expected the teddy bear to be propped up with a small tea cup seated between his legs, nor the whole tea set neatly laid out. Worst of it all wasn't that Rusty had been playing with a tea set like a child but the fact that he was passed out, naked, using his clothes as a pillow. The sun must have been on him for awhile because he could see a tint of pink on his body. He felt his eyes linger on Rusty's indecency for a moment longer before he cleared his throat, waking the young man.

"What are you doing?" Robert asked as the man stretched out, his arms reaching forward along the blankets and his ass rising in the air. He couldn't help but let his eyes wander before turning it back to the tea set. This was a villain that he had taken in to help. Nevermind that they are in some contractual quasi-sexual relationship. He pulled up his pant legs as he squatted, picking up the teddy bear as he listened to Rusty mention others going back on their word. "I signed a binding contract," he stated as he look in the pitiful sight of the bear. The stitching that formed the mouth was loose and half gone, an eye sat oddly from the threads coming loose, seams were torn and resewn poorly, an ear was misshapen from being sewn back on in the wrong spot. Robert rubbed the matted and dirty fur of the bear with his clean hands. Either he pulled it out of the dumpster or...

"Stuffed animals are fine," he spoke at the sudden sharp tone that came from Rusty. The look on his face told Robert all he needed to know. That was his and special. He set it down gently back in its spot before picking up the tea set. It had some grime on it, stains that perhaps have been there for years, dents and scuffs. All of it reminded him of how Rusty looked when he first met him. He turned his attention to the now half dressed Rusty, trying to piece everything together. His life. His past. How he can help. Standing up and straightening his clothes he cleared his throat once more before petting the rosy curls on Rusty's head. There was no straightening them out but at least it wasn't as noticeable that he was just sleeping.

"Are you hungry? I can fix lunch before I have to go back to work." He picked up the tea set and piled it on the bent tray that was part of it. "Pick up the rest of your mess and get dressed before coming into the kitchen." He brought the tea set into the kitchen with him and washed it, scrubbing out as much of the grime and stains as he could before setting it on the dish rack to dry. He was impressed that Rusty had not only washed his dishes but had also put them away rather than forget about them entirely. He even cleaned the pan that was left on the stove filled with bacon grease. He was pulling things out of the fridge when Rusty came into the kitchen. "How was breakfast?" He listened to Rusty talk about how it was a lot and that he was still full from eating it. Then came the inevitable question on just how much he really eats. Since Rusty was a super and knew who he was, there wasn't the need to hide the truth. "It depends on how much I run. I tracked my calorie intake and exercise as per doctor's orders. On days where I am kept busy I can eat and burn off up to 100,000 calories. Even more if it is a day off from work. I tend to make breakfast big just in case, although I did cut back on how much I left you. Evidently, it was not enough." He finished making himself a sandwich and sat at the table. Once he was finished eating he started to wash his plate, surprised that Rusty had offered to finish doing it for him. He stepped away and dried his hands on a towel before walking away. When he returned, Rusty just finished cleaning.

"This is my number," he spoke as he handed a piece of paper to Rusty. "Call daddy if you need anything. I will be back around 7." It felt odd to refer to himself as daddy again but if it was something he had to do in order to take care of the unfortunate villain, then he was going to do it.
Rusty picked up his blankets and took them back to his room before coming back and finishing getting dressed. He left his teddy on the dresser in plain sight so he could see if it got touched right when he went in. Once he was dressed he slid into his seat across from Robert and settled in. He watched the man make lunch before smiling amused. "Breakfast was lovely daddy, thank you. However it was a bit much for me." He paused a moment before thinking over how fast the man went. Was he like a hummingbird that had to take an extraordinary amount of calories in? Rusty asked how much the super ate on any given day out of curiosity before listening to the man talk about the side effect of his power. They chatted for a little bit before Robert started to clean up and Rusty offered to take over. He could do dishes they weren't that hard. He had just finished up when he got the number from Robert for his phone. Depending on how this would go he might be able to get a phone of his own. That would be exciting since he hadn't had one since he lived at his parent's house.

"Bye daddy, have a good day at work." Rusty waved him off before looking back around the kitchen. He didn't have to cook for the man but he found himself wanting to. A slow roast could easily be done and didn't take a whole lot of brain power. Rusty found a crock pot before putting a roast in and filling the sides with vegetables. It wasn't a full course meal but it would help for when daddy got home from work. Rusty then decided to explore the rest of the house, snooping around the different rooms until he found the master room. It was stark with places that looked like items had been missing for a while but never had been replaced. The room had dark wood floors and Rusty admired the large soft bed. He wasn't in shoes or socks so he laid on the bed for a moment and looked around before finding a picture of a man who was the same age as him. Interesting but that picture had daddy with another man besides that man so perhaps he had once had a family. Obviously they were gone and the man didn't seem too worse for wear about it so Rusty put it to the side. He shuffled through some papers, mostly to get an idea of what it was his daddy did and the man's full name. Otherwise he didn't care about the man's finances or anything else of that nature. He slipped out of that room and into others. He roamed around the house until he found a desk. He played with the office chair and some of the items along the desk before pretending he was a big business man. He got bored of this since he never really wanted to be a big business man and could never keep his money from it anyway.

It had been a few hours that he roamed the house before he found himself at the sunshine spot again. He stared at it longingly before sighing and giving up on another sunbathing session instead to steal his blanket and teddy to watch television cartoons on the couch. It wasn't the most exciting thing, since he would prefer to be coloring or something else of the like but he would have to talk to his daddy about getting a bus pass and wait for his allowance before he got anymore toys. He would have to be careful what he got since he would have to leave behind anything too big if the dark side of his mind was right and this was only a respite again. He hummed amused when he found old cartoons he had watched as a kid and camped out on the couch to watch them.

When Daddy came home from the door to the garage, Rusty perked. He had become rather bored with himself. He watched Robert enter the kitchen to investigate the roast before coming over to Rusty with his head cocked looking at the television and teddy that Rusty had. "Welcome back Daddy. How was work? Nothing really exciting happened here. Which is good. I rather like that. The house is super quiet though so that's kinda weird. Maybe you could show me where and how to play music?" He abandoned his spot on the couch and folded up his blanket, placing his teddy on it before settling down to eat supper with daddy.
Robert waved back as he was waved off. It was nice to have someone see him off again. The whole drive back he mulled over their contract, what he read about being a Daddy and the few tattered belongings that Rusty had. He didn't like how everything was so damaged. They were just reminders on what Rusty was living with before. Once he finished work, he headed home around the time he had told Rusty to expect him home by. The first thing he noticed when he walked inside was the smell of something cooking. It smelled good but he didn't cook anything to leave the smell. It wasn't long before he discovered the source of the smell, lifting the lid of the crockpot and peeking at the supper that Rusty had apparently started.

"It was okay. I had to amend a test and score sheet but I do that every semester." Robert spoke as he walked with Rusty back to the dinning room. "I have one of those smart home devices. You can just say what you want to listen to and it will switch it to it. I do not use it much so I neglected to tell you." He talked Rusty through the different voice commands to control the music, lights, temperature, and the TV. He gave a demonstration by playing classical music low. When they finished dinner he found himself petting Rusty on the head again, running his fingers through the red curls. He dipped his fingers behind his ear before pulling it away. "Thank you for making dinner. It was delicious." He gave Rusty a smile before helping out with dishes and turning in for the night. He entertained Rusty by tucking him into bed.

Unlike the night before, Robert didn't go straight to bed. He had stopped by a store on the way home and had picked up a small table that was now sitting in the garage. He found the tea set and sat in the kitchen rubbing polish on it and trying to buff out some of the dents. He used his super speed to rub heat into the dents, warming the metal and pushing it back into place, periodically dipping his fingers into a bowl of water to cool them. Once he had it straightened out and looking new he set it aside. He walked back to the room and peeked in on Rusty who was already sound asleep, the teddy bear laying precariously on the edge of the bed. He tiptoed over and slowly pulled it away from him before heading towards the bathroom, filling the sink with detergent. He took his time slowly rubbing in the soap and rinsing it out. The bear began to fall apart, so he set each piece aside. He dried it with a hair dryer and began to sew it back together. When he was done, it was early morning. He stood back looking at the children's table he set in the room and the polished tea set. Rusty was still fast asleep without the teddy bear so he set him down on one of the small chairs that went with the table. He set a small paper bow, the sort that is often put on gifts on the table. It was time for breakfast and he couldn't let Rusty skip any meals. Unfortunately, it seems that a cup of coffee couldn't help stave off a night of no sleep. After he set the table he pushed his half eaten plate to the side and rested his head on the table.

He didn't know how long he was asleep when he was shook awake. He rubbed his eyes and took a sip from his lukewarm coffee. "What time is it?" Robert tried to focus his vision on his watch before swearing under his breath. "Thank you for waking me." He spoke as he stood up and took a couple more bites of his food. He listened to the offhanded remark about him touching his bear but Rusty didn't sound as mad as he thought he would be. That bear needed the bath and he wasn't going to let it dirty up the place. "I am going to be late so I have to go." Without thinking he pulled Rusty close and kissed him on the forehead before petting his head again. Instead of grabbing his usual shoes, he slipped into his running boots and left through the front door. He'll have to grab a calorie bar from his drawer when he got to work. The things taste like shit but he didn't eat enough to prepare for a run. He really needed to get on the nutritional scientists at the league to try to improve the flavor or at least add variety. When he returned he found Rusty sprawled out in the sun again... naked. The man greeted him as he stretched on the blanket again. Robert blinked as he watched him again. Those freckles weren't just on his face. He rubbed his eyes that still burned from lack of sleep before fishing out another calorie bar from his pocket.

"You know, I am starting to feel like I took in a stray cat rather than a man."
Rusty listened as Robert talked him through the controls that the whole house technology system had. It seemed like a lot of fuss and bother but he didn't say much about it. He enjoyed the petting and the tucking into bed. It didn't take him long to fall asleep nestled in with his teddy. He didn't wake at all when his teddy was stolen from him. However when he did wake he freaked out, pulling apart the bed and searching each crease. Once he couldn't find it there he ran downstairs before halting at the sight of the table. Tears slightly poured from his eyes at the relief that the teddy was still there. He pet the bear then inspected the tea set and the table. He hadn't expected the man to fix them and he was a little teary from seeing them fixed. They were shiny and almost new. His teddy still looked well worn but the man had given it life. He would have to thank him....after scolding him for touching Rusty's things. Rusty went into the kitchen then blinked in shock at seeing Robert there.

He shook the man awake then sat down and started to eat as Robert woofed down food. "Maybe daddy shouldn't have stayed up all night touching other people's teddies." He waved as he watched the man leave in a rush. Rusty cleaned up the remains of breakfast and did the dishes before putting them away. He wasn't sure if the man was going to be back for lunch but he put another roast in the crockpot again anyway since it was easy and something that Rusty really couldn't fuck up too bad. Rusty then headed off to play with his table and did so for a few hours before finally the sun called him to his spot and he set up shop again on the floor. Once more this was where daddy caught him. Rusty yawned, once more stretching out like a cat before standing up and dressing. "Oh?" Rusty smiled before patting Robert's shoulder, "I'm sure that can be arranged." They ate quietly before Robert sat on the couch and watched Rusty play some more, falling sleep. Rusty blinked, pulling his blanket over them before laying over top of the man.

The alarm screaming woke him up with a yelp and he landed on the rug on the floor. A flash of light set off when he touched the rug and Rusty couldn't help the whine that came from his throat. Robert didn't seem overly concerned with his rug but Rusty promised over and over that he would fix it. They had breakfast once again and Robert left in his care for the day. Rusty looked over at the golden rug before biting his lip. He had a number of a man he could call.... He went to the house phone and picked it up before dialing.

The priest who answered was about Robert's age now that Rusty thought of it. Rusty bit his lip before sighing, "This is the Richer....I um....need to trade in some metal if you don't mind doing some shopping for me." He listened to the other man on the line before sighing, "Thanks. I got a new boyfriend and a home and he knows who I am but I uh...took out his fancy rug. I'll see you at eleven. Thank you so much for this." He rolled the metal rug down the street before anyone seemed to be up. He was just glad the church wasn't far. He grabbed his mask before heading out. He was kind of obvious since he couldn't exactly hide the large golden disk but the priest thanked him for his delivery and asked what he wanted for money this time. "Well the rug...." Rusty started before pausing, " there any way you could get something a little x rated for me." He smiled when he heard the heavy sigh. "Nothing too big. Just a giant cat tail with a plug, some cat ears and a collar. Promise that's it. If the gold doesn't cover it then don't worry about it."

Needless to say, the golden rug did cover it and he was off with a new rug and a bag with the requested items. The priest said that the gold covered it all and he trusted him. Besides there wasn't anything he could do with the money left over and it was payment for getting the items. He didn't know exactly where the money went to only that the priest had a pet project that rescued supers from really bad situations. Rusty was happy to fund that. He laid out the new rug on the floor before changing out of his clothing and into his new outfit. He hadn't gotten the tag done for the collar so it was blank but his daddy could get that done if he wished. Rusty started lunch in the kitchen, adjusting to the new tail before setting the finished lunch into the oven to stay heated for when daddy got home.

Rusty sprawled out on the floor, enjoying the luxurious feel of the faux fur cat tell. The priest didn't mention where his people had gotten it and Rusty learned long ago not to ask but he may have to pester him for another one if he ever lost this one. Rusty yawned, sprawling out in the sunshine naked before he fell asleep. Daddy would be home in a few hours but he doubted the man would mind his surprise over much.
Robert raised an eyebrow at Rusty's comment but didn't say anything and instead he ate with Rusty before settling on the sofa. He was exhausted but he still wanted to catch his favorite show that he had missed the past couple days. He didn't see Rusty play with the tea set before so watching him now was interesting. He really got into it, doing different voices, holding a conversation, he had quite the imagination. It was still bothersome that he was only partially dressed since it is a rule to be wearing clothes at the dinner table, but he let it slide. He fell asleep sometime after he started counting the freckles that he had on his shoulder. He woke up when he heard his alarm go off and a yelp. He shielded his eyes from the sudden flash of light before peeking at the changed rug and a panicking Rusty.

"It is okay. I knew the risks of having you live with me." He spoke as he gave Rusty a few pets on the head to calm him down. "Daddy is not mad at you. Go wash up while I make breakfast." Breakfast was uneventful for Robert although he still heard Rusty insist on fixing the rug. He knew he couldn't turn it back and he had his own sources to get it smelted down. If anything, Rusty gave him a lot more money by turning the rug into gold.

Father Tim Rogers was already up when his cell phone went off. He had kept its number a closely guarded secret and only supers who are in need have it. His network in the Catholic church allowed him to learn of different supers and track them down. It also helps that he is well known as an exorcist that is called in on difficult cases, which unsurprising to him, were supers who did not have full control of their abilities. There were other supers like him that existed in the church and they seemed to know how to find each other. He had formed a group that was dedicated to protecting supers and thus was the go to for anyone in need. He let out a sigh when he heard that it was the Richer on the other end of the line. Whenever he got a call from him he had to go convert gold objects into their former belongings, which given his particular leanings, was something a priest rather not touch.

"Sure, my child. You aren't in any trouble are you?" He felt relieved to hear that he had a home again and that he was being given a rug and not another marital aid. He was lucky that he was in Boxton for another assignment since he tends to travel quite a bit. He waited for the Richer behind the church where they often made their dealings. He approached the half-suited villain and took hold of the golden rug he had rolled over there. He could feel the curse on it but he knew how to cleanse it from the metal. "Is there anything in particular that you needed me to get you for this?" Tim quickly regretted asking as the Richer asked for something adult again. He should have known. With a sigh, he nodded and listened to the request. He didn't want to know what sort of things he got into in the bedroom but unfortunately with his curse, he has little choice than to know. He called another super and passed along the request while he had another smelt down and receive payment for the gold. When it came to give the items to the Richer, Tim levitated the discreet package to him, not wanting to touch it.

When Robert got home he wasn't all too surprised to find Rusty lying on the floor in the sun. Three days makes it a habit and perhaps it was something that he did often. It didn't hurt anyone and his neighbors weren't the kind to snoop around so he didn't worry about him being seen, however, he was wearing a new ensemble in his sunbathing. He was pleased to smell that he had cooked again, but that little bit of pleasure and pride he felt was quickly washed away by the obscene tail that protruded from the pinking cheeks of his villainous little. To top it off, he also sported matching cat ears and a collar. Where in the hell did he get such things? They looked new and it raised the question on where the hell he got the money for it. As he walked over to him he saw a new rug on the floor and realized where he got the money. That is not a wise way to spend your money.

He woke him up by clearing his throat, arms crossed and a frown on his face. "Where did you get those?" He listened to Rusty's explanation before holding his hand out. "Daddy is proud of you for replacing the rug even though I told you that you did not have to worry about it. However, I cannot overlook you going somewhere... obscene and coming home with... this." He gestured to the plug. "Hand it over and go sit in the corner." He wasn't all too surprised when Rusty started to act out again claiming that it was for Robert because he apparently wanted this. He had no idea how in the hell he even got that idea in his head but he was adamant about taking it from him. He had never even owned or touched a plug in his life, let alone one that had a tail protruding from it. "I said hand it over, Rusty." Once it was handed over he pointed in the corner and told him to stand there and think about why he would be upset of him bringing adult items into the house.

While Robert was trying to figure out what to do with the toys a bright flash nearly blinded him. He blinked several times trying to figure out what is going on and why everything was randomly strobing between being gold and not. He ran and got his helmet which blocked him from being blinded but the extent of what was being transformed back and forth was noticeable. Way too noticeable. He meant to only put him in time out for five minutes but he couldn't let this go on that long. He sighed and walked over to Rusty and handed them back.

"Fine. You can keep playing kitty, but you are still going to be punished." He pulled the tail away from him when he went to grab it. "You are going to give me a heart attack if you show up with more things like this so you need to ask permission first." He pulled Rusty with him to a chair and sat on the edge, placing the toys on the table. "Bend over. If time out away from it is not going to be enough, then I am going to have to spank you. You can have them back once I am done."
Rusty awoke once more to the sound of his daddy clearing his throat. Rusty looked up then froze at the sound of the man's question. Rusty wasn't stupid. There were many things that he was but stupid was not one of them. "I have a guy I meet up with and trade my metal in to. Then I bought this with some of the money and donated the rest to charity." He was careful not to mention his curse and careful not to mention his source. However the man probably wouldn't believe it was a priest anyway. He listened to the man before he flinched at the word obscene. "I didn't do or go anywhere obscene to get this. In fact, you won't believe me if I told you where I got this." Rusty felt the little inside of him rise and he shivered, "You said that you thought I should be a cat. I thought that meant you would like kitten play." He listened to the man prattle on about how he shouldn't have brought adult items into the house and so on. Rusty only half listened and stood in the corner. He would accept this punishment if it meant he could get his tail back. Except the man hadn't said anything about that and was taking them out of the room.

Rusty panicked. He loved the feel of the fur on his skin and he loved playing kitty. He didn't realize how much he enjoyed it until Robert took it into the other room. Anger sparked inside his veins and he felt a flood of power release like a silent scream. The gold strobed back and forth as his little raged. How dare he! How dare he take that lovely outfit away from him. Rusty had done nothing wrong. Rusty hadn't even gotten the real chance to defend himself. He flickered the whole house gold and back before he heard Robert hand him back his outfit. Well, except the tail. Rusty cocked his head a moment before huffing at the order. "You said make yourself at home. I think in one's home, one should be able to buy what they want. I will warn you if I get something adult again."

Rusty followed the man back to the chair and watched warily as the toys were placed aside. Okay he could handle a spanking. He slid his body over the man's lap and positioned himself. Daddy must have done his research because the spanking was just the right amount of painful. Rusty huffed, ignoring the comments about Rusty needing to do better as he felt his cock fill. Rusty wanted to fuck daddy's thighs, keeping his moans quiet until the punishment was over. Once the spanking was over he sat up, sitting in daddy's lap a moment before realizing that Rusty wasn't the only one hard. Rusty moaned, pushing into that lovely bulge for a little bit before moving off. Daddy felt big. Instead, Rusty pulled the tail off the table and eased it in. He could have sworn he heard daddy gulp at how Rusty's greedy hole took the whole thing in. Rusty finished his kitten outfit by putting on his collar and ears. He was still erect but he wasn't quite sure how much he could tease daddy. The man looked rather...juicy. Rusty opened his mouth a moment before his daddy sprinted out and he heard a slam of the door at the end of the hall. Well okay then.

Rusty trotted after before trying the door. Okay it was locked. Rusty was confused. Did the man not expect an erection when he was spanking a hot guy over his lap? It was rather obvious after the grinding that Rusty did that he wasn't opposed to sex. However it had only been less than a month since they met. Rusty huffed before knocking, "It's okay to get erect Daddy. I think you're hot too. Why don't you come out here? I would love to be daddy's good boy and make him feel good by sucking his cock." Rusty paused thinking. This wasn't working. Oh of course it wasn't working. His daddy responded to need more than anything. Rusty would have to need him before he would let Rusty suck his cock.

Rusty clears his throat, tracing fingers down himself. "Daddy." He purred with a little bit of a needy whine, "I need help with my penis. It's all hard and erect and I can't seem to get it to go down. I keep thinking about how good it would be to suck daddy off. Maybe daddy can help his special boy? You could show me how to do it so that daddy likes it when I go down on his cock." Rusty moaned, "Please daddy. I'm sorry I startled you. I just wanted to be cute for daddy and I am a little bit of a naughty boy and like to stick things in my hole." Rusty almost laughed then accidently did. "Sorry daddy, that sounded bad but I would love for you to come out. I'm kinda sexy and daddy's very sexy. Why don't we be sexy together?"
It was different to have someone bent over his lap, ass in the air, but this was for a punishment. "You need to behave." His hand smacked against his ass, the sound reverberating in the nearly empty mansion. "You need to ask permission to bring such lewd things into this house." He smacked him again, feeling the stinging tingle on his palm. He picked up the pace, spanking him faster. The sound and reddening of his cheeks made him horny. Robert nearly lost himself in the rhythm of spanking. He could feel Rusty's erection pressing against his legs as he spanked him. He pulled his hands away and took a deep breath to try to calm himself when Rusty decided to sit on his lap. His helmet muffled his moan when Rusty ground into him. Once he stood up, Robert removed his helmet to get a better look. He gulped at the sight of Rusty's ass, covered in hand prints suck in the metal plug that was attached to the tail. He was mesmerized in watching him change into the items he had just confiscated from him.

The hungry gaze that Rusty gave him, cock fully erect was too much for Robert. He dropped his helmet on the floor and bolted to the nearest bathroom, locking the door behind him. He rested his head on the door as he fumbled with his belt and slipping a hand in his pants. He moaned as he began to stroke himself, eyes shut and visualizing the lewd image of Rusty. He wanted him. He couldn't deny that anymore but he didn't want to take advantage of him. He brought him there because he wanted to help him, to piece him back together, to save him from being taken advantage by others and selling his body, not to use his body. He swallowed another lump in his throat at the sound of Rusty's voice on the other side of the door telling him he wanted to suck his cock.

He let out a heavy sigh as he pulled his cock free from his pants, letting out a moan at the change of vocal tone from Rusty. He wasn't used to dirty talk and ended up cracking a smile at the laugh that escaped Rusty. It almost sounded like he wasn't used to it either. He stroked himself a few more times as he thought it over. Rusty was propositioning him, he wanted this and Robert himself wanted this. He couldn't even remember the last time someone referred to him as sexy. He stepped away from the door and unlocked it, looking down at Rusty. He could feel the heat in his own face. He cupped his cheeks and looked in his green eyes trying to gauge if he truly had permission to do this. Rusty pleaded more for his help and he pressed his lips against his and pulled him close, feeling their exposed erections press against each other.

"Come with Daddy." He spoke quickly as he walked them back into the master bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed, his hand going to Rusty's cock, stroking it slowly. "I should be punishing you still, not rewarding you. But look what you did." He could feel Rusty's eyes on his own erection as well as his hands. "You want Daddy's help? Do need Daddy to show you how it is done? Or do you want daddy to tell you what to do?" He could feel himself grow harder each time he referred to himself as daddy and seeing the look in Rusty's green eyes.
Rusty practically purred and couldn't even acted surprised when Robert lead him into the bedroom. The man probably wasn't stupid enough to believe that Rusty had never looked into his room. He grinned when Daddy said he should still be punishing him. "I know daddy but you were so sexy my penis had to get hard." He took Robert's erection into his hand before stroking slowly. "I need daddy to show me how he likes it done. I'm not a mind reader silly." Rusty paused when the man mentioned daddy telling Rusty what to do. He covered his mouth before the heavy moan could slip out. "All of them daddy. I'm a greedy boy. I want all of that." Rusty slid closer before pressing his member against daddy's. Rusty was average size and while that would make a lot of boys sad, he was happy to see that his penis was smaller than Robert's. Rusty couldn't help himself when he followed Robert onto the bed, crawling into the middle of the bed and turning back to him.

Rusty knelt up on his knees, stealing a kiss from daddy as the man moved in close. They were slow with their explorations and Rusty moaned when he was gently pushed onto his back. This was where he wanted to be. He liked being under daddy where he could see and feel what the man was doing to him. "Daddy. I love how big your hands are." He gasped as Robert rubbed their members together it wasn't exactly what Rusty wanted since he wanted the man inside of him but he liked this too. Robert spoke in slow, low toned ordered that drove Rusty insane. Rusty wasn't allowed to touch Daddy's dick except with his own. Robert had come up with other orders but Rusty was having trouble following the conversation with so many of his buttons pushed. He panted, watching Daddy with an almost worshipful look before he felt the tail plug being moved.

"Daddy!" Rusty cried out, his hole clenching around the plug as it moved. Rusty panted, "I like that Daddy. Why don't you play with your special boy some more? I love being so good for you." Rusty's member twitched. He wanted to tell daddy to use him but he wasn't sure that was the correct thing to say until he felt the plug being gently pulled out then thrust in. Rusty gasped, arching his back. "Yes! More!" He moaned louder as the man did it again, this time the plug ramming in harder. Rusty didn't want it to end. He begged for more. His words were stolen from him until it was just 'Daddy please more' and 'harder'.
Robert pulled Rusty close, his hands slowly feeling every inch of his body he could find. When his hands brushed against the soft fur of the tail he pulled away to lay him on the bed. He was careful that he didn't hurt him, that every time he shifted his body and gripped him it wouldn't be too hard. Silly since he had just spanked him earlier, but Robert was the good Samaritan that had a strong need to help and not hurt. He ground into him before stroking both of their cocks together with his hand. "You really love my hands. Well then," he paused as he gently grabbed his wrist and pulled his hand away. "You cannot use your hands." He ground into him harder with a moan and a kiss. "I can touch with whatever I want. You cannot touch yourself when Daddy is touching you. You just leave your hands away from your body, right where they are."

He reached further between them and felt the tail plug, tugging on it before slowly pulling it out. He could feel the resistance of the plug not wanting to come out until it all slipped out as if it was nothing. He watched the expression on Rusty's face and listened to his moans. Even when he was with his previous husband, he didn't seem to have the enthusiasm as Rusty, nor any of the rebounds. It was infectious. Robert obeyed but getting rougher with fucking him with the plug before sitting up. He wanted more. He wanted to feel more of that pale freckled body and his clothes were just getting in the way.

"You be a good boy and stay there. No touching." He watched him squirm and sway his hips as he slowly undressed, placing each article of clothing neatly on the corner of the bed. Once he was fully nude, he climbed back onto the bed, gently running his hands up his legs, hips, and chest. Once he was on top of him again, he kissed him deeply, telling him to place his arms around his neck. He spoke small phrases that he was pleased he was being good, that he was behaving before going back with teasing him with the plug until even he couldn't take it anymore. Rusty kept begging for more and even Robert wanted more. Perhaps it was all too much from such a long dry spell, or maybe it was because he was being begged, but he wanted to fuck the villain he had brought back to his home. He pulled the plug out and thrust inside in a single motion. He moaned in Rusty's neck before placing the tail that had started all of this beside them.

"You were such a good boy, listening to daddy." He moaned as he thrust into him. "I could not help myself." It wasn't long before he came, thrusting slowly to milk it all out of him. Once he was spent a moment of clarity hit him. He had just had sex with a villain. Not just a villain but someone whom he took in. They may have agreed to have sexual contact but he didn't plan on using it. That contract was just a way to rope the Richer to stay in his home so he can keep him away from the streets and away from crime, not for some deviant sexual gratification. "I am sorry, Rusty." He spoke slowly. "I did not mean to come inside." He pet his head, brushing his hands against the cat ears that seemed to blend in with his hair. "I will have to wash you. We cannot have you wandering the house all dirty, now can we?" After that he lead him to the master bath and drew him a bath, taking care to wash him carefully and thoroughly. A part of him felt bad for taking advantage of him, that he used some form of authority over him to have his way, but another part, a much deeper part thrived. He left him to play in the tub when he was done and showered. He insisted that he needed a shower and not a bath and allowed Rusty to play. Once he was out and had a towel around his waist, he took another and carefully dried Rusty. His care went beyond just the bathing but he even dressed him, telling him to lift each leg as he put on his underwear and pants, putting on his shirt and brushing his hair. Once Rusty was dressed, he dressed himself noticing that Rusty kept close. "You know the rules. No clothes at the dinner table. We are going to eat..." He paused for a moment before sighing, "You can still wear the ears at the table."
Rusty happily followed his daddy from the bedroom practically purring at the feel of good sex. "It's alright Daddy. I like it when I can get a little dirty." He hummed amused while his daddy made him a bath then played in the tub while Robert righted himself. He didn't pay too much attention to what daddy was doing and was a little sad when the man had him get out. He happily stayed close with his mind firmly in little sub town. At least it was until daddy made mention of the fact that they had to wear clothing at the table and the man had dressed him without Rusty paying that much attention. A look of horrified amazement crossed over Rusty's face. "Holy crap, Daddy! You're a wizard of sex! You fucked the thoughts all out of my head. I think I was a space cadet." He was amused however that he got to keep his ears so he decided to put them on before sitting down with daddy.

On another side of the city, the hero Lionman was currently hiding from his significant other. The man, who was Techno mastermind, usually had a softer alter ego but with the babies nearing their due date and the time coming soon...Rey was rather difficult to live with. He had barricaded himself into his lair and hadn't come out. He called Venedict for food or sex or even to pick something up. Even Minion, the cat who ate better than Venedict did most days was not safe from the nesting lioness's wraith. Minion had been yelled at almost as much as Venedict had. Of course Venedict probably deserved a few of those poorly aimed objects since he had admired the stretching of the man's skin by calling them tiger stripes. So he had been banished and called up his mother to vent and see if their weekly shipment of Mama Lowe's magic meatloaf was on it's way. Which Ven was thankful that yes it was but so was his sister who could calm or enrage Rey easily on any given day. Venedict listened as his sister walked in and walked to the workshop/nest.

Victoria opened the door and raised her eyebrow at the cursing and being told to go away. "I mean. I can eat Mama Lowe's happy bun meatloaf by myself but it sounds like the kittens are being annoying. Also mom said I quote, 'Tell that boy not to abuse his fiancé, he will want more babies since they are like potato chips'." Victoria knelt down and placed the mealoaf pan on the floor in front of the pillow fort door before watching it get taken. "Also she wants you to call her. She's having technical problems and she wants to vent about grandma or maybe grandma is the technical problem. I didn't fully understand. Anyway, unless you want the wraith of Mama Lowe then I suggest you call. You are her gateway to grandchildren golden boy so the rest of us are chopped liver. Anyway, I'll see you later." She headed out the door without another word.

Amelia Lowe grinned when the caller ID for her favorite son-in-law came up. "Hello my love. How are you?" She listened to the man rave before smiling, "It's alright, love. The kittens will come out when they want to. They'll come faster since they'll be eager to meet their siblings. Right now all of their friends are in there with them so they don't want to hurry." She paused for a moment before sighing, "Also your grandmother-in-law has discovered the wonderful world of amateur porn via cam bot." She listened a moment before chuckling, "Yes dear. I know why those cam bots have a wide angle shot but you edit your own videos." She paused again before chuckling, "Yes dear. Nelson would appreciate it too. I've been pawning it off on him and his only comment was that he hopes his dad has a good heart. I swear this family doesn't sound weird until I tell someone about my days." She perked, "You know what, you need to come here. You can help with grandma and I can see you. There are no crying babies. It is only my, Ronald, Nelson, and Cheryl. I need your help " Amelia paused a moment while Rey hemmed and haaed before she struck the killing blow. "I will make all the Mama's magic meatloaf you can eat if you will help me deal with this. You are my only hope Obi wan." She grinned at the demand for ice cream and pie, "What kinds would you like my love?" She chuckled, "We may not be able to get all the ice cream but I will have Nelson load us up."

A few hours and a whole lot of baking later, Rey showed up at her door. He kissed each of his cheeks before grinning. "Welcome, Rey. How was your trip?" She watched as Venedict carried in Rey's things before fawning over her son in law. She hugged Venedict before waving the man off when he was dismissed by his fiancé. Amelia watched him set up with shop, "I'll let you get to work. Thank you for coming over. I'll have Nelson head this way after a bit to let you settle." She placed another tray of meatloaf on the desk next to him with a fork before heading out."
Rey felt like he was slowly losing his shit. He came up with an odd excuse of having been injured and had to work from home to avoid going into the office with the ever growing belly he had. What he had thought would give him time away from the ever prying questions of his coworkers only made them reach out to him more out of concern for his health. That and his hormones put him in a perpetually bad mood. Going outside and dealing with anyone in society seemed to set him off either into a fit of rage or despair. There was no predicting how he could interpret his husband's doting and cooing over the kittens so he kept him away only calling him when he needed him, or his dick. Mostly his dick. Sex seemed to be the only thing that calmed his nerves. Petting Minion couldn't even sooth him anymore. He sat in his lair under a pillow and blanket fort that was supported by his bots. Two others stood at attention with the lasers but they weren't powered on, unless he really didn't want anyone to bother him. He let out a groan when he heard someone enter his lair.

"Damn it, I told you I wanted to be alone! Why can't you get that through your head! Get out!" His fit ended shortly when he heard a different voice than his husband's and poked his head out at his sister-in-law. Rey took the meatloaf and offered a meek thank you before immediately digging in. Every time she shown up with the food, he seemed to be hungry. Perhaps that is why he is cranky, he just needed something to eat. He mulled over the food for a bit before deciding to take up the offer to call his mother-in-law. The women of that family seemed to be a godsend to him since they seemed to know how to calm him down or distract him. Propping himself up on another pile of pillows that he had stolen from all the other rooms in the lair, he called. The moment the question on how he was doing was popped, he went on a tirade.

"How do you think I am doing? My ankles are swollen, it's hard to get up, I have to pee every damn hour on the hour, and your son has the nerve to say I have tiger stripes. Tiger stripes! I had a great fucking body before these little furballs and now I am probably going to have to get rid of all my supersuits because I won't fit them right anymore. The ones I did wear while I was in the earlier stages are stretched. Do you know how much that will cost? I only had to buy so much because Ven has a nasty habit of tearing them off of me." He let out a sigh and agreed that maybe he shouldn't be so impatient. After all, it is just him and Ven the five will want to meet so they are greatly outnumbered. He let out a snicker at the information that his cambots had been used for porn. "Well... of course, I did specially select the lenses for porn. Since we got together that has been their primary usage. Always the best quality." He hummed in thought. "If she is having problems with video editing I can give her a crash course or just design a program just for her to use." There was a pause before he tentatively spoke. "I would like to go but my lair is the safest right now. Last time I even went outside there was a crying baby and I started lactating. Lactating! I hadn't even realized that that was a possibility! I don't want to ruin any shirts again and smell like sour milk." He came up with multiple excuses not to come along and would just make a fuss before ultimately agreeing to go. "If I go, I want pie.... and ice cream." He growled out aggressively that he wanted "all of them" on the topic of flavors.

Once he was off the phone he yelled at the top of his lungs for Ven and that they are going to the farm. As he watched Ven pack their things, Rey pulled his husband's clothes out of the bag. "No, I am going to the farm, you are staying here. I need you to build the cribs. I don't like how they look right now, make them better." He huffed as Minion hopped on the bed before getting into his arms. Rey pet him as he stared down Ven. "Besides, who will take care of Minion and make sure that he is fed? I can't trust Todd to do that and I am pretty sure my fluffy evil Minion already ate all the rats in the tunnels, didn't he? Keeping all the rodent spies away from our evil plans." He nuzzled the cat before setting him down once the things were packed. The whole ride over Rey fussed about having to make another pit stop, complaining about every bump in the road because it was making him have to pee since it got the kittens hyper, demands that he needs to make the city even safer for when the kittens do come because he needs him at the house and not parading about in his tights.

He gave Amelia a hug as Ven unloaded the gear. He filled her in on the trip making it seem better than it was, the only bit he was honest about was how many pitstops they had to make and the fact that he was hungry. He couldn't let Ven leave without a goodbye kiss so he gave him a few kisses and hugged him tightly muttering that he didn't mean to be a slave driver. Then in the same breath tell him that he needed to get everything he asked for done as well as promises to call every night. Rey sat down and immediately went to eating the meatloaf letting out little happy moans at how it tastes so much better when it is freshly made. "I have to thank you for getting me out of my lair. I think I was going to go crazy from been cooped up in there. I ran out of pet projects to work on and the ones that I can work on, I can't do so in my present condition." He pouted as he rubbed his belly. "I really needed something to do."
Venedict smiled at Rey before giving him another kiss for the road. "I know, love. I was warned but I didn't believe the warnings. You enjoy your time with mom and dad. They can take care of you and grandpa mentioned that you said you could make him a moving recliner so that when he does have to hide being a morph that he can get anywhere he wants in his chair." He left back to the city and cuddled with Minion and the other five cats that Ven had brought over when he moved in. Venedict relaxed a moment before going out as Lionman and cleaning the fuck out of his territory.

Amelia grinned, "I'm glad you like it. It seems a little savage but eating a lot of meat with ginger Is the best way to keep the little buns happy in the oven." She rubbed his head. "I also had Nelson clean out an area in the workshop that you can work. He'll be lurking around if you need anything since I know you can't do all the heavy lifting that you want to for grandpa's chair." She let him get to work and started cooking another meatloaf. With five buns in the oven, it could seem like a pregnant person could never get full so it was important to keep a steady flow of food that would be encouraging but not overwhelming. She busied herself in the kitchen.

It was a few hours later into the night when Nelson was doing his nighttime wonderings when he heard moaning for dick. He checked his watch. It wasn't late at all, about seven if he was to be exact, and so he doubted the man didn't want to be heard. He poked his head into Rey's room, looking at the massively pregnant man before going back out and dragging a machine back from his workshop. He didn't want to startle the man so he knocked twice before unceremoniously dumping a bright pink dick on Rey's bed. The man bitched him out that he couldn't reach down there so Nelson pulled out the fuck machine he had been working on and hooked the obscene dildo to the fuck machine. "You just have to pedal to make it go." He rolled his eyes when he heard the man ask if Nelson thought he was fat. "No." He sighed, "I can't do robots." The man made a comment about how his skills were peasant level. Nelson knew he was just being salty but he couldn't help the revenge up chuffing sub vocally to set the cubs tapdancing on the man's bladder.

When the man got back from the bathroom he was blushing and asked for help with the fuck machine before realizing what he had asked. Nelson cocked his head then went and got his tools before moving the pedaling mechanism outside of the room. It took him twenty minutes but he could easily and comfortably pedal the machine and had a nice pedal to inflate the knot on the dick. While he had been doing that Rey had been examining the dildo. He commented that it was bigger than what he was used to before realizing that faux pass and blushing. "Didn't have measurements so used my own." He winked at the flushed man before chuckling. Once fully set up he lifted Rey onto the bed and had him wiggle out of his clothing. Nelson hummed before lubing up the dildo really well before fingering open Rey's hole.

Venedict was marrying quite the little slut since the man wasn't exactly shy once Nelson got his fingers in him. He slid the cock in roughly, making a purr that Rey moaned at. Nelson then walked outside and started pedaling the machine slowly then working up until he had pressed the levers for the machine to fuck Rey nice and rough. He listened to the moans for keys when to change speed. Once he heard the man climax, he pressed the pedal to engage the knot and listened to Rey enjoy that. He seemed to be a rather vocal thing. Nelson moved the pedal a little to torment the man before he pressed the release on the machine. It would disengage the dildo so the knot would slowly leak air and deflate before falling out. Nelson grinned. It was a nice feature and he bet Rey hadn't thought he could get a temporary plug out of the deal too. He walked into the room and grinned at the thank you before pulling the machine out of the room and out of the way. He was on his way back to the kitchen when he heard Rey telling Venedict to forget coming that 'his dad had fucked him'. Nelson laughed, shaking his head before heading into the kitchen to pester Amelia.

Venedict blinked at his computer while looking at his well fucked fiancé. He doubted Rey had asked his dad to fuck him straight so he nodded when Rey explained the rudimentary machine that had fucked his brains out. "Well I'm glad he could help you in your time of need but I am a little sad that it wasn't my dick doing the job." He watched as his lover blushingly told him that the dildo was still in him inflated and he could feel it slowly deflating. "Ahh. So you got knotted too did you? Greedy slut, you can't get any more pregnant than you are." Venedict blinked when Rey stutteringly asked why he wasn't jealous. "Oh." Venedict blinked, how to explain. "I am a jealous person but family is weird. Like really weird." Venedict blushed then sighed, "Basically, we call family pride." He paused for a long moment while Rey cocked his head at him. "Look. We don't get jealous of pride. Pride is everything. So we don't get jealous about sharing within the pride. About sharing anything within the pride." Venedict could have sworn he saw the soul leave Rey's body. "Yeah so while I might have had an issue with anyone else fucking you, even with a machine. The fact that my dad did it and probably did it well considering how even your temper is. Does not even set off any jealousy alarms."
The first thing Rey began to do was take measurements of the chair and camp out at a desk, sketching out the plans for the chair. He knew he just wanted mobility but that wasn't enough, Rey wanted to go all out. He drew out schematics to have hidden controls, retractable arms, a cooling system for beer, the works. All of which would be easily hidden in the upholstery of course. Anyone that would look at the chair would think it was an ordinary recliner, until its owner turned it on. While he worked, he picked at some of the pie that had been cooked for him. As the hours passed his focus dwindled and all he could do was lean over the desk whining. Normally by now he would be shouting for Ven to fuck his mind back into gear but he wasn't around. He groaned loudly, "I need dick! It'll cure what ails me!" He got up from the desk and made his way to the bed propping himself up on the headboards and angrily texting Ven that he is horny. He invited whoever knocked on his door in before jumping at the dildo that was suddenly tossed at him.

Rey's face flushed as he stared at it. "I am not as flexible as I was before the kittens. I can't reach to do what I would normally do." He crossed his arms as he watched it get fastened to some rudimentary machine. "And how am I supposed to work that?" His face colored at the man's voice. He hadn't heard it before and such a voice was the last thing he needed to hear. When he heard that he had to pedal to make it work he frowned. "Are you calling me fat? That I need to work out to get off? Rude ass." He scoffed at the man's inability to work with robots. "Peasant."

Suddenly the kittens decided to have one of their patented fits and move around, kicking his bladder repeatedly in the process. He grumbled that his bladder wasn't a punching bag and went to the bathroom. When he got back he examined the machine and tried to figure out how to get on. Each time he tried his balance was off and he realized he couldn't do so without someone holding him steady getting on and off. "God bless it... VEN!" Rey shouted before correcting himself when he remembered his husband wasn't there. "NELSON!" When the man in question arrived Rey pointed at the machine. "I need help getting on." After a moment his face colored when he realized he was asking his father-in-law to help him get on a sex machine. "Oh my god. I-I didn't mean that. Y-you d-d-don't have to if you don't w-want to." He watched him return with tools and watched him, face flushed as he adjusted the pedaling system. To distract himself he looked at the dildo, feeling it's girth, the spines. It was certainly thicker than his husband's and a little longer. He didn't realize that Nelson was in the room again when he had spoken his thoughts aloud. His face colored and he could feel the heat coming from his face when Nelson claimed to use his own measurements in that sultry voice of his. He tried to stammer out apologies and ways to get out of the situation but instead he found himself undressing in the most unsexy of ways, watching his father-in-law lube up the massive dildo. His meek thank you and dismissal was caught in his throat when he felt lubed fingers enter him. He found himself moaning at the touch as he laid back down, rocking his hips into the older man's hand. It felt wrong to have someone other than his husband touch him that way, especially another member of his family. He was about to protest the touches when the dildo was roughly shoved into him. When he looked up over his belly the man was gone and Rey let out a sigh until he felt it move. That's right, the man was controlling the machine for him.

Rey convinced himself that this is just masturbation as he envisioned his husband in his mind fucking him. The thoughts of Lionman always brought out his voice even more and he would moan loudly, rocking his hips into the machine. He begged for it to go faster, and it did, he whimpered when it slowed against his will, tormenting him. Rey moaned obscenities when he came close and eventually over the edge. He gasped when he felt a knot inflate inside him before letting out a long moan, rocking his hips to torment himself more on it before heard a click and it no longer moved. He sat up and scooted back to see that the dildo came off. He worried for a moment before he could feel the slow, familiar feeling of it deflating. Oh, that is kinky. He climbed off the bed and waddled to his phone, pulling up face time to talk to his husband. When he answer he gave him a smile.

"It's ok, you can go back home. I don't need you now, your dad fucked me." The confused look on Ven's face made Rey realize what words he had used. "O-oh. Well he had this sex machine that requires pedals and I couldn't exactly get on... So he controlled it from the other room for me." He bit his lip for a moment. "I uh... I can feel it deflating in me." He nodded that he had been knotted. Venedict's lack of shock threw him off. "H-how are you o-okay with this? Another man made me c-c-cum. A-a-and it was your father. You aren't mad or j-jealous?" He listened as his husband tried to explain pride and how his family is. His face colored and he swayed at the implication. "S-so you're ok with it? E-even if your father m-may or may not have fingered me?" He chewed his lip when Venedict talked about how it didn't bother him. "P-please... d-don't tempt me."
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