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Big Bad, Little Red, and the Hunters. (Fates.Gamble and Gunner)

Waiting was always the worst. No matter what it was for. It allowed fear and worry to creep into the mind, deep into the heart. Fear of the unknown. The minutes ticked by like years as Catty fixated her gaze on the manor. She could only guess what Aeric and Eddy were doing in there. Every worst case came to mind. They would never exit, both shot dead or captured. Yes she even worried for the grimy kitty cat. Of course she worried guards might storm out, see the car and she would get killed or captured. Then the two men wouldn't have an escape. What if Freja was already dead and this was all for nothing? Catty had to stop herself. Her guts were in such a knot she wondered if proper digestion would ever be possible again. After worry and fear came doubt. Why was she even there? This was batshit crazy. Hell it would be crazy enough without the fairy tale monsters suddenly being real. Or just learning of them and not running this insane scheme. The two blended was a whole stew of nuts. Nuttier than squirrel shit.


"Sir some of our guards they...they've turned on us," one man reported to the Senator. He swallowed hard, head of the security detail and utterly unaware there were traitors in their midst. "Some...some of them we believe are Mythos..." The umbrella word they used for all the strange, fantasy creatures.

Senator McCoulhan's face turned a disturbing shade of purple. He had heard talks of some paltry little resistance. What was this? 18th century France? He sat back in his high, winged chair. His fists clenching and unclenching. Jowls quivered as hardened, yet still misty grey eyes stared down the head of security. "Get. Out." His growl was low and lethal. The man turned to go and a shot rang out. A spray of crimson erupted from his chest. With a heavy this he collapsed to the floor, choking on his last few breaths before going still. Calm and slow the senator place his pistol on his desk. "Idiot."

He needed to leave. With a small groan he pushed himself to his feet and marched out of his office. Back to Washington. He would be safe enough there while the chaos wound down. Besides he would have allies there. People who could help him destroy the evidence and cover up such a scandal. Plenty of others had their own menageries they didn't want the public to get wind of. Only a paltry few were as daring as he to host the more vicious of the Mythos in his arenas. Sport for a real man not petting zoos for children.

The Senator walked briskly but calmly to the rear of his home. Heading for the garage. Forget the personal driver. Idiot was probably armed up and fighting anyways. All the staff was except the maids. With all the calm and ease he could muster he pushed open the door to his personal garage, different than the bay where beastly Mythos were brought. Darkness engulfed him. Unnatural darkness. His footstep faltered, the door slammed shut. From in the darkness beady eyes began to glow. His heart stopped. "You...fucking monsters..." he growled in a warbling tremor. With snarls and flashing teeth they lunged. The Senators shrieks could be heard ringing through the manor.


Catty's heart leaped into her throat. An easy trip to spot even in the darkness. The portly jiggle of a naked man and the impeded gate of a man carrying a white wolf. Catty was quick to turn on the headlights, signaling her location. In a rush they got to the car. The white wolf, Freja Catty imagined, eased into the back seat with Aeric behind her. A flush of a relief flooded her. They were alright. As alright as could be. Catty didn't ask questions. Before Eddy even finished slamming the door shut and shouting for her to go Catty stomped on the gas. The car gave an enraged squeal before peeling out of the hiding spot. Clumps of diet and grass flew, pelting the sides. The car gave a shuddering lurch as the tires hit pavement. Catty turned sharply and sped out of the drive, the back end of the car swinging wildly as they hit the sharp curve.

Out onto the street Catty didn't bother with stop signs and curbs were hardly a deterrent. She took a few hard turns, utterly short and quick apologies when the car scraped a sign post or popped up on a curb. In the city still she made a few strange, seemingly erratic turns. Well she had seen a few movies and wanted to make sure no one was following. Doubling back once or twice she concluded they weren't being followed and finally slowed down as much as her racing blood would allow. Where to go, where to go. They hadn't really discussed that part of the plan. Freja needed treatment. Her travel kit wasn't around. Likely blown up with the rest of her apartment. It probably wasn't the best of plans but besides distance they needed medical equipment.

Catty would brook no argument. They were going to the clinic. If Aeric wanted his sister treated that's where they were going. Once out of the city Catty slowed up to the speed limit. They were in a hurry but the last thing they needed was police involvement. How would this look? She was dressed like a punk rock hooker, Eddy was naked, Aeric in whatever he decided to wear given his new coat, and a bloody wolf. That would certainly raise questions. The familiar roads brought a small sense of comfort given all the strangeness that had happened. It was on those backroads she had picked up Aeric. Leave it to her to find a wounded wolf on the side of the road and take it home. The roads nearly empty she kept glancing in the mirror at Aeric and the white wolf. If she were honest with herself though she probably wouldn't have done differently. Even knowing what 'Anubis' really was and the chaos he would bring.

Even with their need Catty took care. She drove past the clinic at first, slowing down to get a look. "The lights are off...?" Normally that wouldn't be odd. The clinic did close at night. That night, however, she had expected people there. She circled the building. Barring the lights being off nothing else seemed strange. No cars in the lot, not even employee parking. Well that was a little odd. Catty frowned some but didn't voice much concern. Maybe the animals that were critical already passed or were stable. She was supposed to have been there a couple hours ago. Her phone long lost in her apartment. Hopefully Dr. Henderson hadn't tried to call.

She pulled the car up to the back doors and finally parked. At least her keys were in her bag. "I'll get the door if you guys can carry her in." Catty was quick to grab her keys out of the nylon bag and get the doors opened. The double doors would make it easy to carry the large wolf in. Lights flickered on as they sensed the motion. The doors led right into the back. A large, clean and shined operating table sat in the middle. Three other sets of doors led out. One to the kennels, one to the front, and one to the short hall of examination rooms. "Set her up there. Shouldn't waste time." Catty ignored the few things that should seem amiss. Given the chaos of the morning the room was meticulously clean. Everything was put away and restocked. The one thing she wouldn't be aware of was the stench of blood and death coming from the other doors.

Catty got to work quickly, blithely unaware of the morbid stink in the air. She prepped a tray with everything she would need: sutures, anesthetic, gauze, wrap, tape, cleaning solution. "There are showers at the end of the examination rooms if you guys want. This will take a little then I can look at you." Despite the earlier adrenaline field race Catty felt calm. This was something she knew. Freja was going to get a far nicer and more exact patching up than Aeric did. The thought bribing a sheepish grin to Catty's lips. One by one she cleaned up wounds, applied anesthetic where stitching was needed, bandaged cuts, and gave her a shot to help with any more pain. Catty even went so far as to clean as much blood out of the snowy fur as possible.

Outside of the zone of calm Catty has found in plying her trade lay a world of gore and chaos.

The waiting room held 12 bodies total. Each victim stabbed, throat cut, or shot. Two lay behind the desk, gaping holes in their forehead. With their colorful scrubs it was clear they were receptionists and vet techs. Both young women bore frozen shock and fear on what remained of their faces. Five of the victims were dogs. Family pets brought in for routines visits. Each had a smattering of bullet holes through them, it would be unclear which human they might belong to. The remaining were the owners of the dead dogs. One violently stabbed, still clutching a clump of hair in her hands. The other was gifted with a clean slice across his throat. Each of the four examination rooms held their own victims. One of which an entire family put down in a hail of bullets. Two more techs in their bright, fun scrubs with cutesy animal depictions lay with the dead patients and their owners.

Finally the kennels. The dead, broken bodies of cats, dogs, a rabbit, a ferret and three birds littered the floor. More still lay in the cages, blood dripping out of the mesh front. Nothing and no one had been left alive. Whoever had come through had been violent and merciless. Even down to tiny, helpless kittens. Their little necks snapped, heads twisted around, vacant eyes staring off into oblivion.

Alva's clothes would have to get tossed. It was good Aeric had suggested Catty pick out a few more things. It would take Catty nearly a full hour to finish up with Freja's wounds. She could stay resting on the table. Catty removed the nitrile gloves and tossed them to the garbage. " who's next?" In all the panic of escape she didn't even know if either man was injured or not. She might not be a doctor for humans but they had the gear there and she could make it work. So long as it wasn't anything internal.
Aeric found himself glued to the back of the seat like he was in a Gravitron while Catty hit the gas and drove off like maniac. While he was glad for her urgency, wanting to be as far away from this horrible place as possible, it was hard to say if being in the car with her behind the wheel was any safer. He was a far calmer sight than Eddy though, whose vehicle of which was on the receiving end of the curbs and sign posts. The poor nagual was on the edge of a heart attack, watching wide eyed as Catty veered across the city with narrow miss upon narrow miss. The front seat was a flurry of ‘Watch out! No no no…. left, left, left, left, RIGHT!’ It surely wasn’t making Catty’s job any easier. Aeric meanwhile was trying not to focus on the wild ride, his fingers continuing to stroke through Freja’s soft fur as much to comfort him as it was her. He paused however as his fingers brushed across the cold metal of the silver collar she still wore.

A flash of anger returning to his eyes, Aeric wasted no time unlatching the gaudy accessory. Once it was free of her neck, his first thought was to throw it out of the window and be rid of the damn thing. Though, he hesitated. Perhaps it would be best to hold on to. While he couldn’t think of a practical use, maybe he could learn more about it somehow. If he learned how it worked maybe he could also learn how to negate its effects should he find himself on the receiving end of one again. So instead of discarding the collar, he stuffed it into his duffle bag instead. He didn’t bother asking where she was driving to, deciding to put his faith In Catty just as she’d done In him. That didn’t stop him from constantly looking over his shoulder though, watching for anyone that might be in pursuit. Aside from frantic drivers blaring on their horns and swerving to avoid her erratic driving, all seemed well.

Once Catty was comfortable enough to slow her reckless pace, Aeric threw his spare clothes upfront to Eddy. The nagual grumbled curses as he pulled on the undersized articles piece by piece. “Good job, Catty, I think we’re going to be alright for now.” Yet that didn’t stop his heart from racing, or the shaky grip on Freja’s fur as she trembled in his lap. Her eyes were still closed, appearing as oblivious to the world around her as Aeric was the night Catty found him on the road. It was Eddy who finally asked where they were going to go, and neither of them could argue. Aeric knew it wouldn’t be safe there, but odds were if they were going to look for them at the clinic they would have already gone. Not to mention, after the disturbance at the senator’s house it was unlikely their enemies would have time to focus on anything else. That was a mess which would demand immediate attention, surely bigger than anything they wanted their little group for. Of course, once they realized the part he played in McCoulhan’s downfall, the hunt would resume with more ferocity than he dare imagine.

But that was a problem for the future as they came upon their veterinarian practice. Catty’s surprised reaction put Aeric on alert at once. Even the slightest thing amiss could spell trouble. But he remained quiet for now, keeping his senses vigilant while they pulled up to park at the back doors. The place seemed abandoned which suited him just fine, however as they got out of the car the unmistakable scent of death and decay was on the air. Even as emerged from the vehicle, Aeric and Eddy passed a cautionary glance between the two of them. Catty being what she was hadn’t picked up on it though, and Freja needing the attention she did he wasn’t about to interrupt their course of action. They needed this place too much to be deterred.

Following Catty’s orders, Aeric scooped Freja back up into his arms, retrieving her from the back seat. “I’ve got her. Eddy, get the bags will you?” He tried to ignore how ridiculous the tubby man looked wearing the same exact clothes as him. Reluctantly, Eddy followed the order, following the two of them into the building where the stench of violence wafted ever stronger. Again, Aeric tried to put it out of his mind, delivering Freja where requested and stepping aside to give Catty the room to work. Eddy stepped in putting the bags down some distance away.

Now that his sister was in good hands, Aeric let his careful nature take over. He went back to the double doors, making sure they were securely locked before he waved Eddy over to follow him. “Catty we’re going to go make sure we’re alone before anything else. And… thank you.” He left it at that, leading the nagual out of the room so that she could work in peace.

“You smell that?” Eddy asked, as soon as they were out of earshot.

“How could I not?”

It didn’t take long to find the source, the carnage displayed against innocent civilians and their pets striking him even more powerfully than the scenes at the arena. The scent of death was so powerful he nearly choked on it. Worst of all, he recognized a couple of these faces from when Catty brought him here as Anubis. Fury and sadness filled him over witnessing their fate, realizing that just as the hunters had come seeking to destroy his life, they had done the same for Catty.

“Jesus fucking Christ,” was all Eddy could say once he’d managed to compose himself. “I knew these guys were sick but… We shouldn’t let her find out about this,” he added hastily. He was smart enough to figure out Catty’s inner workings with this place.

“She deserves to know,” Aeric couldn’t only say plainly. “Though, no one should have to see this.”

“Should we clean it up?” Eddy suggested, already grimacing at the idea.

Aeric thought about it for a minute. “No, not yet at least. I meant what I said, let’s make sure none of the sick fucks that did this is stuck around.”

The men were meticulous in their rounds, searching every room despite the horrors they found with every turn. Even once they’d searched the building, they extended their watch to the perimeter, checking both the parking lot and the immediate area until Aeric was absolutely certain that no one was watching in wait. Only then did they return to the clinic, locking it back up upon their return, and seek out Catty once again. Before entering the room however, Aeric turned to Eddy. “Um.. maybe you should stand watch for a bit. Give us a moment.” The nagual nodded before lumbering off to fulfill his duty with a sigh.

Aeric stepped into the room after, inquiring of Freja’s condition first and foremost. Upon hearing her work was done, Aeric nodded, gladded to hear it, though he did not smile. “We’ll be alright,” he told her of Eddy and himself. His knuckles were still bruised and throbbing from his harsh treatment of her ex, and the spot where the Terror managed to claw him still hurt, but shifting had sealed the wound at least. Eddy meanwhile only suffered a small cut on his forehead from when the guard ambushed him. After a deep breath, Aeric decided to just get it out.

“Catty… there’s something you need to know.” He looked at her, remorse in his eyes. “A group of men came here looking for us once already. They…” he truly didn’t know the right way to say this. How did you tell someone the men looking for her slaughtered everyone in their path? Pretty much exactly like that he decided, knowing her couldn’t leave her hanging forever. “They didn’t leave anyone alive. I’m sorry… It’s probably best you don’t go in there,” he added at the end, hoping to spare her the scene of it at least.
Catty tilted her head some at Aeric. She had a hard time imagining they were completely alright. Of course she hadn't a clue what had transpired after Eddy shifted and sent her to the car. All she could do was take his word for it. Something was amiss though. She couldn't say she knew Aeric well enough to be able to fully gauge his moods but there was something in his face, in his eyes. Her eyebrows pulled together in confusion and worry. After everything what more could there be? she willed her mind to be still as he spoke. Trying desperately to say something. Her heart gave sputtering little beats as she stared at him, the pace of them quickening.

A group of men had been there already. Her veins grew cold, heart stuttering and slowing, blood draining from her face. The world tilted. They didn't leave anyone alive. Aeric said something else but she couldn't hear beyond the frantic buzzing in her ears. For a moment she was utterly still, blue eyes staring at him if entirely unseeing. with a sudden jerking start she brushed right past him and shoulder the door open. even her weak human nose could smell it then. The irony tang of blood and the sickeningly sweet stench of new rot. Her bare feet skittered on the drying slickness of blood. Though the room was dark Catty could see the fallen shapes. The furious and fearful grimaces of fallen companions. Horror stricken faces of humans who were innocent bystanders in this mad war.

Hands clapped over nose and mouth as she stared around at the carnage. No one was left alive. Not even the old Chocolate Lab huddled and crumpled in the corner. "Amy...Carol..." she breathed as she saw the techs. Catty's eyes burned, her throat suddenly tight but for some reason tears wouldn't come. Catty's stiff limbs gave her sudden gate an awkward, ambling awkwardness as she moved from the first scene to the next. She didn't bother opening the doors fully to the rooms. Seeing the dark silhouettes through the cracked open doors was enough. They didn't leave anyone alive.

Catty swallowed hard as she put a hand to the kennel door. With a low breath she pushed it open only to be met with the same grim scene. Though each room had been a horror it was the kennels that finally unleashed tears. They were all innocent animals. Just in there healing from whatever ailment they had suffered. Why did they have to kill them? It was senseless. Catty sniffed and knelt down, uncaring for the pools and streaks of congealing blood she knelt in. A tiny kitten, her head twisted back. The kittens had been the only ones to make it out of the car accident unscathed. Catty reached down and scooped up the tiny, broken body. The little, creamy tabby fit neatly into Catty's small hands. "Who...could do this...? They were...they were innocent. Not even in the way..." To say it had been the worst day ever would be a severe understatement.

Jolts lashed through Catty ranging from grief to violent anger. Enough times and with enough force to cause lancing pain in her skull. Her eyes squeezed shut a moment, still cuddly the tiny corpse to her chest. Sharp breaths hissed through her teeth with every changing whip of emotion. With a long, slow exhale Catty stood; completely uncaring of the blood smeared on her knees, shins, feet, and hands. She scrubbed her eyes with her arm. "I...they need to be buried." She finally managed to say directly to Aeric even if her eyes were focused on the kitten in her hands. "I can't just...leave them like this..." Her voice gave a crackling warble and she cleared her throat, pausing a moment. Catty was hesitant, she didn't even know how to ask such a thing of Aeric. "Can you...I mean...there's no shovels here and...can you please help me? No-not the humans b-but the animals."
Aeric did not move to stop Catty as she brushed by him. As much as he would have liked to dissuade her from the scene, he knew it was her right. If nothing else, perhaps it would impress upon her the true gravity of their situation. But he wasn’t about to let her walk into such a thing alone, and so followed in her wake. He remained silent however, letting her come to terms as he simply watched. It was a hard thing to bear witness to, seeing the girl he bore so many feelings for falter under the horror on display. He wanted to go to her side, to reach out and comfort her as the tears finally came over the slain animals. Yet somehow it didn’t feel right; perhaps it was because of his guilt and shame, for above anything else, his mind screamed that this was entirely his fault. If only he’d have done as planned; left Catty’s house and never looked back… None of this would have happened if the men hunting him down had no reason to come looking.

“The same sort of people who built that fighting ring,” he told her. Evil was the only way he could describe these men, though even that felt a poor definition when actually looking upon their handiwork. First his family, then all the weres in that ring, and now this… How many slaughters would he have to witness before he would be free of the hunt? It felt like wherever he would go, blood was destined to follow. But perhaps not if I get far enough away, he thought, his mind turning back to the veritable stacks of money at disposal. Suddenly, he became aware of how his father felt that fateful night, when he declared it was time to return to their homelands far from the hunter’s reach. How could anyone hope to stand against this brutality?

Despite that thought, he watched as Catty found her feet, still whirling with emotion as she turned and made her request of him. His first thought might have been one of incredulity had they been in any other situation. She finally knew he was a man and the first thing she asked of him was to play dog? Yet none of that irritation came to pass, the weight of remorse driving him to oblige her. After all, how could he say no when he’d delivered nothing but chaos and death upon her doorstep? “Don’t worry,” he said, “I’ll take care of it. Let’s get them outside first… I understand if it’s too much for you.” If she was grounded enough to help him, he left the bodies of the smaller animals for her to gather while Aeric saw to the heavier ones, carefully bearing each of their broken corpses out to the surrounding lawn. Once they’d all been retrieved, Aeric leased a shaky breath, steeling himself for the task yet to come.

“This will probably take me a while, if you’d rather wait in out of the cold,” he told her, though wasted not a moment more before shifting down to his shaggy black form and getting to work. Massive paws worked furiously, digging up the soft grass and into the earth layers below as he began on the first grave. It was tiring work, leaving him exhausted by the time he’d finished a few that were big enough to fit the larger dogs. A few animals were left to share their final resting places in his need to conserve energy, including the kittens which he dug out a grave big enough to fit the litter of. Once that portion of his task was done, Anubis shifted back into an exasperated, mud-covered Aeric, only to begin the next job of setting the bodies to their rest, and moving the earth back over them.

His muscles were practically trembling, breath heavy by the time his work was done. He overlooked the freshly dug graves, feeling no less sickened by the fate of the animals even now that their bodies were properly laid the rest. The upturned earth was ever a reminder of the gruesome carnage that took place here, even if you couldn’t see it directly. But there was no use in lingering on that, so he turned away, stretching his cramped limbs before seeking out Catty again. “Are you going to be alright?” He asked her, knowing there was no simple answer to that question. “There’s one last thing I want to do, then I think I’m going to take up that offer for a shower.” Commanding his stiff legs to keep moving, he found Eddy and enlisted the nagual’s help in gathering up blankets and anything else of the nature they could find. Once they had their bounty, the two of them returned to the scene of the carnage, draping a covering over each of the victims left in turn. As much as Aeric would have liked to tended to them as properly as the animals, it just wasn’t feasible to bury them all. And besides, there was a far bigger difference in burying the corpse of a murdered animal than that of a human. Even if the government was already seeking their apprehension, such actions would only bring more trouble in the end.

So he settled for this little he could do, leaving Eddy to his devices and seeking out his duffel bag of clothes the showers Catty mentioned when it was all said and done. Aeric sighed, exhausted both physically and emotionally as he began to strip off his clothes. He was left to further surprise when he removed his shirt and threw it aside, only for the rest of his clothes to spontaneously vanish and become an ugly, multicolored coat. He’d forgotten all about Eddy’s gift, which he shrugged off his shoulders at once. The idea of wearing a dead shapeshifter was a more than a little disconcerting after witnessing so much death. He tossed it away, careless of the haphazard heap the priceless treasure landed in. All he cared about now was getting clean and relaxing, as much as was possible when seeking asylum in a clinic packed with dead bodies. Still, some of the tension melted away once he finally had the hot water raining down on him. Aeric merely hung his head and soaked, another sigh escaping his lungs as he willed an end to this most horrible of days.
Catty's expression softened some as Aeric understood what she was trying to ask him. It was, perhaps, a lot to ask. She couldn't quite smile, not while surrounded by the corpses. Casualties in a senseless act of violence. "Thank you," she said quietly with a small nod. Of course she wouldn't leave it all up to him. As he carried out the larger creatures she picked up the smaller ones and took them out back. Gently, carefully, each one way laid out near the grass. Catty's throat burned from un-screamed words of fury. She desperately wanted something, someone, to yell at. Someone present and solid to blame. Hell, maybe even punch. Of course there was no one. Catty was only beginning to grasp this dark underworld she had suddenly been dragged into. Her head snapped up as Aeric offered for her to go in and he take care of it. Again her face softened, the tiniest ghost of a smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "No, I wanted to bury them, I'm staying," she said quietly but firmly. A strange panging ripple coursed across her stomach as Aeric changed to a wolf again. She wondered if she would ever get used to that, come to terms with the whole thing.

As Aeric dug she did her best to take care of the remains. Careful with the broken bodies she gently righted heads, removed bits of hair or cloths from clenched jaws. Clouded eyes were closed, jowls laid carefully over teeth. Even in the face of death these loyal creatures fought against those who would do their loved ones harm. With the graves dug she helped Aeric lay the animals to rest, crouching over the holes to pose the critters as if they might be sleeping. She could tell Aeric was exhausted as well and couldn't begrudge a few sharing a grave. The kittens were laid as kittens might be found napping together. Even in the skirt and halter Catty dove in to push the dirt back over the creatures. Catty's jaw was set tight as they covered the final resting place. Sorrow, fury, and hatred warred in her mind. She couldn't help the occasional sniff and scrub over her eyes. No more crying.

Finally done Catty dusted off her hands, not that it did much good. Streaked with blood and dirt she looked up to Aeric. Alright? Far, far from alright. Even still she gave a small nod, turning her eyes to the fresh graves. "Alright, I'll be inside in a little," she said quietly, leaving Aeric to his own devices. Catty crouched near the graves, hazy words of a poem flitting across her mind. The rainbow bridge. She hoped the animals and their families would meet again across the bridge. Her head felt heavy and her visions swam. No more crying. Catty sat back for a moment, the chill ground hardly a concern. There would be a lot to talk about. For the time being she was just exhausted and heart sick. So much death, not just at the clinic but with the arena too. Catty was far too drained to continue thinking about everything up until that night. Sitting there in the dark with only a street lamp and silent graves for company she felt strangely empty. She wanted to just sleep. Though she was sure nothing would seem any clearer in the morning. Of course a shower would need to come first.

Aeric was already in the showers when Catty went back into the clinic. Somehow she had the presence of mind to ensure the doors were bolted when she came back in. Inside the examination room she paused to stare at the sleeping white wolf. She really was beautiful. That brilliantly snowy coat, just as white as Aeric's was black. Staring at the slumbering wolf Catty finally managed a tiny smile. At least one good thing had come about that night. They got Freja out of that pit. Still she didn't know what had happened there but she hoped, perhaps, that more had been freed.

After watching Freja snooze for a little Catty went to grab her gym bag. Alva's clothes she had borrowed were ruined. The dirt would be easy to get out but the blood not so much. Hopefully she wouldn't be too angry. Of course Catty had no idea where this other sibling might be. Shouldering her bag she padded towards the back rooms to the showers. Aeric was still in there. Nothing to do but wait. For a while she leaned on the wall but it seemed Aeric was taking his sweet time. What he must have been going through all that time. For once since finding out Anubis was Aeric, piecing all of that strange information together, she wondered what it must have been like for him. He had lost family to the sickos who had killed in the clinic, who had captured other weres for bloodsport. They had nearly killed him too. As luck would have it a very foolish, young, veterinarian happened to be driving by. Then to masquerade as a dog for so long. Her mind took a sudden, sharp turn to other events. The club, the night after the club, going to the art fair, eating at Il Duce. She barely knew Aeric. Well, as a man. She knew Anubis decently well. It was strange to think he probably knew her way better than she knew him.

Whenever Aeric finished up with his shower Catty got to her feet. With still a lot to sort through in her head she wasn't ready to talk too much yet. Even still she managed one more ghostling smile before ducking around for a shower as well. She was quick about a wash. Cleaning off blood and dirt as quickly as she could. As she washed up she considered more and more the strange events of the past two weeks. There were so many lies and she was, in her mind quite understandably, a little angry with him for that. Yet somehow still flattered. He certainly went to some lengths to try and spend time with her as a man. Hell most men can't put down their phones or video games long enough to make time for others. The shower, both waiting and taking one, did a world of good to sort through the whirlwind of thoughts and emotions.

Done with a quick shower she braided her hair quickly and pulled on comfortable sweatpants and a hoodie. A little more prepared she went out into the clinic to find Aeric. Though the moment she laid eyes on him she hesitated. For a brief, shining time she had felt in control around him. Mostly in control anyways. Suddenly it felt like the first time she was meeting him. A whole new person in a familiar body. A very familiar body. Catty took a long slow breath before jamming her hands in the hoodie pocket. "I...think we still might have a lot to talk about. No, wait, there is a lot but...I just, for now, I don't...I'm not..." Catty notably cringed and huffed a sigh. "I don't blame you for any of this," she finally managed to spit out, raising her eyes to meet his. "Not for everything here, with the animals I mean." Catty paused, looking back down to their feet for a moment before looking back up. "But these guys, the government guys and...and Carl being involved. I know you told me some but there is...a lot more isn't there? I have, like, a billion questions but-" Catty stopped but not in an embarrassed stutter. A very sudden and wide yawn too her over. "Sorry, it's really late...maybe tomorrow? With all the chaos you and Eddy caused I' to think this place might be safe? For now kind of. There are some blankets around here, they might smell like dog and cat." Catty moved to go fetch them, not knowing they had already been grabbed and utilized to cover most of the slaughter.
Even against the clean smell of soap and water, Aeric could not chase the stink of death and blood from his nose. It likewise haunted his mind, plaguing him with every lifeless face he’d seen over the course of the day. Aeric had never been a stranger to death. Indeed, it had followed him throughout most of his life, beginning many years ago when the hunters first raised their swords against his pack and took his mother in the process. Taking lives himself, like the two men he’d killed back at the senator’s estate, however, was a relatively new experience. Even now he found his hands shaking faintly, unsure if it was from the lingering adrenaline of it all, or the exertion of digging several graves. Somehow, though, he believed it was the former.

I wonder how many more I’ll have to kill before this is done, he wondered to himself. Instinctively, his thoughts turned to the first time he could recall taking a life.


Like the night this all began, he was upon the cliffs overlooking the road where Catty would find him. Though as always, the attention of his family was turned upward, gazing into the heavens to look upon their beloved Mani. Unlike the night of the ambush, the moon was full that night, their gathering one of celebration and frivolity. But before they could get to that, there was one manner of business to attend to.

“Gunnolf,” he could remember one of his aunts saying to his father, “The boy is not ready to carry out this task. He is too young, too fragile.”

“Our enemies care not if we are but a pup, or a wolf grown,” Gunnolf told her, “If we are to survive in this world we must be hardened. We must be strong.”

Aeric knew his father’s words were for him as much as his aunt, but it did little to quell the fear in his heart as his father stepped forward and placed a ceremonial dagger into his hands.

“Do not be afraid, Aeric,” Gunnolf told him, sensing his hesitation. “You are born of the wolf, my son. Remember that, and there is no challenge you cannot overcome. Close your heart to it, and do what must be done for the good of us all.”

Timid but determined, Aeric nodded, clutching his hands tightly around the hilt of the blade as his father stepped aside to reveal its intended quarry. A massive boar was tied down, struggling even now to free itself. Its high pitched screeches and cries were something he had trouble drowning out even before he was goaded into approaching the helpless animal. Even still, it was Aeric who felt like the helpless one. A young, adolescent boy, the boar was much bigger than him. If the beast got loose, there would no escape from the razor sharp tusks. That truth was ingrained on his mind as he came to a stop before the animal and looked into its frantic eyes. His concerns however, were quickly driven away as he saw no hint of bloodlust in the eyes of his prey, only confusion and fear. He hesitated before raising the blade, loathed at what he was expected to do. But his father’s words rang clear in his head.

If we are to survive in this world, we must be strong.

Aeric followed his father’s advice, closing off his emotions to the animal’s suffering before driving his blade home, right into the heart as he’d been shown prior. He shut his eyes tight, trying to will away the screams, trying to ignore the feel of the animal shuddering against the cold, loveless kiss of his steel. Even after he heard the cries die off, and the boar go motionless, he could not bring himself to open his eyes. He was only aware of the warm blood pouring out over his hand, the hand that had taken an innocent life, and the sickly scent it brought. Before long however, a gentle hand touched his shoulder, and Aeric was finally able to open his eyes and look upon what he’d done.

“You did well,” Gunnolf told him, proud.

Aeric wasn’t so sure, considering he was nauseous with legs like jelly by the time he finally stepped away. Still, his father’s words heartened him, even as the alpha’s voice was extended to the rest of the pack who gathered around, waiting. “Rejoice!” he told them, “For upon this night do we deny the Aesir their feast of Saehrimnir. And now we rob the Einherjar of their strength, and offer it up to our Father that he may smite those who snared him with their treachery!”

At the conclusion of his declaration, all the members of the pack dropped to the bestial forms, offering their cheers in the way of howls that rang across the clear, night sky, calling out to Mani as he watched from on high. Aeric was hesitant, remaining in human form even as the wolves fell upon the slain bore to consume of its flesh. Yet, the rites of his pack would not be denied, leaving him to shift and join them before long.


Aeric tried to escape the vivid recollection, his face souring as the reminder of fresh blood in his mouth made the enduring scent of iron affect him all the worse. He busied himself as a distraction, finally wrapping up his shower as he scrubbed the last of his body clean before shutting off the water and returning to his duffel bag. The shapeshifter coat was still draped over it, which Aeric grimaced at the thought of. Bad enough it was another murdered creature, there was just no getting over how gaudy the damn thing was in its true form. It definitely wasn’t something he wanted to replace his every day wardrobe with, yet the benefits of such a thing could not be ignored. Picking it up off the floor, he held it in his hands, wondering what to do. Suddenly an idea came to him, and, remembering how he’d changed its appearance the first time, he attempted to change the coat into something more useful.

Even after witnessing its potential a few times before, Aeric was still surprised when the coat took the shape of a fine leather watch. He smirked some, pleased with how adaptable the item was as he latched it to his left wrist. After that he pulled on a pair of lounge pants and a simple t-shirt, one of the few pairs of clothes he’d managed to grab before they left his house. Once that was all said and done, he grabbed his bag and let Catty take his place. He went first to where Freja was staying, checking up on her condition before seeking out Eddy.

“I never really got the chance to thank you,” Aeric said, “for helping us back there. I don’t know how long I could have made it in that ring if you hadn’t done that.”

“Yeah well, don’t get used to it. I ain’t much of a hero… anyway… what’s your plan now?”

Aeric sighed, leaning back against the nearby wall as he considered the question. “I don’t know. I don’t have much choice but to hang around here until Freja wakes up at least. After that… I wish I knew. What about you?”

Eddy scoffed. “It’s too hot to be wandering around right now. No way I’m going back home yet, fuckers will probably be swarming over my place before long. No, like you I guess I’m stuck here for now… maybe sneak off in the morning, see if I can figure out the situation or something.”

“Well if we’re going to stay here we can’t afford to be complacent. I don’t think anyone will be coming by tonight, but we better keep a lookout just in case. If they catch us by surprise we don’t stand a chance. Why don’t you go get yourself cleaned up when Catty’s done, I’ll take the first watch.” That seemed like a good enough plan to Eddy, who sauntered off to find Catty done and dressed much faster than the lycan who took his sweet fucking time.

Aeric had scarcely taken the nagual’s place when Catty found him, and he turned to give her his full attention. He waited patiently while she struggled with the right way to begin, some anticipation bubbling up as he realized the conversation he’d both been dreading and somehow looking forward to was on the horizon. It felt like a million year wait once she sighed with irritation and tried to start again. He was glad to hear she didn’t blame him for it, but it did little to lessen the guilt he felt. Directly involved or not, unwittingly housing a werewolf in her apartment was undeniably a contributing factor to the outcome.

“There is,” he told her simply when she suggested there was more to this tale, “More probably than even I know or realize. So, I can’t promise I’ll have as many answers but, I’ll tell you anything I can.” But just as soon as things were brought up, they were just as quickly dismissed, put off for tomorrow. On one hand Aeric was grateful for the reprieve. He was pretty tired, and perhaps it would give him time to think about what to say. On the other hand, he would be left to anticipate it all the longer. With Catty though, he was more than willing to be patient. It was the very least he owed her. “That’s my hope,” he said once she brought up the safety of this place. “Though, we can’t trust in that so I’m going to keep watch for now just in case.”

Aeric was left to follow her as she went for the blankets, diverting his eyes a bit as she found them gone. “Sorry, I… I didn’t feel like it was right to just leave them out in the open like that,” he told her of the victims. “I think there’s still a couple left though.” He went to retrieve the last of them, which amounted to little more than a small throw and a sheet, though both of which he handed over to her. “Sorry they’re not as nice as the blanket you left for me the night we met,” he said, smiling a little. Though, met was a relative term considering he was mistaken for a dog at the time. “Anyway, you take them. I’ll be alright. I’ve… got fur if I get cold.” It still felt a little weird talking so openly about a secret he’d kept from the masses for so long. “So does Eddy for that matter.”

He stood there for a moment, hesitating after handing her the sheets. With a breath though, he finally had to say, “I know you say you don’t blame me… But I truly am sorry all the same. I hope that there’s still a way forward after all this. For you more than anything else but… also for us.” That would be something to look towards after their discussion however, so he let her go after that, bidding her a goodnight as he stood his vigil, wandering around the clinic and periodically checking all the windows. All remained quiet however, granting them peaceful asylum into the early hours of the morning when Aeric would finally seek out Eddy to take over for a couple of hours. Aeric found his way back to where Freja was resting, checking up on her once more before taking the form of Anubis and curling up to nap nearby, just in case there was any change.
Catty wasn't disinclined to agree. Already the animal hospital had been attacked. Viciously and savagely. Something only humans seemed to actually be capable of. Maybe dolphins too. Those fuckers are evil. Catty wondered how effective a watch would be if a bunch of men armed with military style guns came roaring down the road. Her eye gave a small twitch as she tried to shoo those thoughts away. They wouldn't las long against an assault of that sort. Though as quick as the thought came and left they were headed into find some blankets. She blinked some at the empty closet, she could have sworn there were more. Aeric was quick to speak up for their disappearance. It gave Catty pause and the ghostly smile came back at his explanation. Even if it might make for a chilly night she couldn't even begin to argue. "That was sweet of you," she said quietly as he grabbed the only two remaining items. His joke made the smile grow just a little bit more. It had been a very nice comforter she had been willing to let him sleep on. Of course, at that point she hadn't known the full truth of it.

Before she could think back to before knowing this wild truth about Aeric he spoke up. Catty looked up at him as he apologized. His final comment took her aback a little. 'Us.' A strangely loaded phrase. It didn't fully escape her that maybe he liked her a bit. He did bend over backwards to actually go on a date with her. However strange all of the circumstances were. Even Catty had to admit she still liked him, somehow knowing so little and so much about him. The secrets sucked, the circumstances were even worse. Catty still had a lot to think about, far more than she had ever bargained for. To think he biggest wonder about him once was if he was married or something. Honestly part of her wished that was the biggest secret he had. "Good night," she said quietly as he headed off to stand up his watch. It took her a little while to find a quiet corner in a room that didn't have drying blood on the floor or dead bodies. Catty made a small nest of sorts with the small throw and used the sheet to bundle up in. Pulling the hood up she snuggled down for sleep.

Despite utter exhaustion she found sleep hard to find. Her mind raced with the events of the day, with possible futures and outcomes. Many of which she imagined they would all be getting killed. Her mind drifted back to the animals they'd had to bury. Her eyes burned and throat constricted but no waterworks came, too tired to cry anymore. Hard on the heels of the mass burial were thoughts of Aeric. Of everything somehow her thoughts and feelings towards him felt the most complicated. Everything else was oddly simple in comparison. Magic creatures existed, the government hunted them to use in fighting rings. Sure there was likely far more to it but whatever was more had to still be easy to grasp even if it was terrible. Aeric though, that was a whole set of mess. She had meant it when she said she didn't blame him but that didn't mean she wasn't mad about the lies. There had been a lot of those. Especially the night after the club. Her face suddenly burned. How could she have thought that was a dream? Well there wasn't another logical explanation. How was she supposed to guess the hot dude at the club was actually a werewolf pretending to be her dog? "Nnng...fuck me..." she groaned, burying her face into the throw. Her mind drifted around from all their interactions, both when he was playing at being 'Anubis' and as a man.

Catty clearly remembered their date to the fair. How she had bought a bone for him right in-front of him. If it wasn't so weirdly embarrassing it would actually be pretty hilarious. The strange music from the very hipstery type of bands. Just standing there listening to them. The sun was sinking but it was pleasantly warm. Her hand especially warm being encased in strong fingers. Somehow she thought the music had been more upbeat. It was somber, almost dark sounding. Screams erupted in the distance closely followed by the roar of bears, the scream of wild cats, and the howl of wolves. Catty turned to see the crowd surge towards them. Gun fire followed and the screams grew more frantic. Her hand clutched Aeric's, her body suddenly made of wet cement unable to move. Yet the hand was warmer, oddly shaped and...fury? Slowly she managed to turn. Instead of Aeric a massive monster stood over her. A towering wolf monster like in the movies. It snarled down at her, still she couldn't mover. It threw its head back and gave a long, mournful howl. Then it lunged, teeth in her face.

Catty burst upright, cold sweat running down her back, chest heaving with shuddering breaths. A dream. Just a dream. Her heart began to slow back down as she took long, deep breaths and let them out slowly. It was still dark. She had only been a sleep for a couple of hours but the dream had made her wide awake. With shaky limbs she got to her feet. There would be no going back to sleep for a while. Folding up the blankets she went to peek into surgery. Freja was still resting and seemed to be doing fine. Not so far from her lay a familiar black, shaggy form. Not wanting to disturb them she crept back from the door and headed to the lobby. So much blood. The bodies were partially covered, such strange shrouds for the deceased. If she was the praying sort she would have said a prayer for them. In reality she had no idea what to do. Vengeance would work but she hadn't a clue how that would happen. Given that his was probably sanctioned by some shady members of the government she was certain that justice wasn't about to happen either. Logic and practicality bored through. The bodies should at least be moved if they were going to stay at the clinic for a couple of days. They'd eventually start to smell and it would be nice to clean off the benches for them to sleep.

First Catty went to the examination rooms and adjusted the fallen there. Just to given room to the others in the lobby. It wasn't an easy task but thankfully she was in good shape and used to heaving around big dogs. She set them against the walls as nicely as she could, folding their hands and re-draping the blankets. But for the shrouds and blood they could be taking naps against the wall. Next she started to drag the bodies from the lobby. By the second one the morning had dawned. She had to remove the hoodie, moving the bodies had worked up one hell of a sweat. Only onto the second one motion out in the parking lot caught her eye. A car was pulling up. Catty immediately halted and watched the car. A large, very nice Escalade in a deep shade of red. She knew the license plate even before she saw it. ANMLDOC. Catty was quick to run out of the building towards the familiar vehicle. "Dr. Henderson!" She called as the older, greying man stepped from the car. He was very well dressed which was peculiar. Sporting a very smart suit, his hair styled in a slick coif. He carried a small bag in one hand with the well known mermaid of Starbucks on the side. In the other a drink carrier with four large cups of coffee. Catty's bare feet skittered to a half on the asphalt, her guts suddenly cold. Something was amiss.

"Well don't just stand there," Dr. Henderson said with a genial chuckle. "Do you want breakfast or not?" Catty's mouth hung open, lips moving a little to form words that wouldn't come. Dr. Henderson chuckled again and shook his head. "Eloquent as always my dear Catriona. Maybe call your friends out I'd much rather eat out here than in there." He approached and held out the bag which was nearly full of breakfast sandwiches and pastries. Catty reached up and took the bag with weak, shaking fingers. "You look terrible Catriona. A hard night I imagine. Though I did get you your favorite drink I wasn't certain what your friends might like." Even still Catty couldn't form a coherent thought let alone words. How could he know what had happened? He didn't even seem to care. Maybe he didn't know everything? What the hell was going on? Dr. Henderson just watched her for a moment with an amused smile. "Gentlemen! Your presence is requested in the parking lot!" He called out suddenly. "Sit Catriona, sit and eat. Your coffee is going to get cold and from those dark circles I imagine you need it."
By the grace of exhaustion, Aeric was able to silence his running mind and sleep peacefully for a change. No dreams of Fenrir or Skoll or any other such weird occurrences plagued him this night. There was only the pitch black void, which felt all too short, his green eyes snapping open again at the sound of the disturbance outside. His ears perked up, twitching towards what he could have sworn was Catty’s voice… was she talking to Eddy? But that didn’t seem to be the case as their visitor’s words called out, requesting his and Eddy’s presence in the parking lot. Aeric’s heart began to race as he rose to all fours, a growl forming in his throat. Wasn’t Eddy supposed to be keeping watch? He thought to himself, weighing the odds of this being a trap. There was nothing to be done for it even if it was. He couldn’t just leave Catty out there with a potential threat.

Where the fuck is that nagual? He wondered, shifting back to his human form. Looking down he realized he was wearing nothing but a watch, the rest of his clothes having been discarded before bedding down for the night. No time to dress the right way… A moment later, his watch was gone, replaced by the first thing that crossed his mind; the selfsame outfit on the floor. After a concerned glance at Freja, Aeric rushed to his duffel bag, unzipping it with haste and retrieving the pistol he’d stashed inside. Gun in hand, he approached the doors and cautiously spied out of the window. His eyes found the Escalade first, having recalled seeing such a memorable vehicle the last time he was here. Immediately though, his attention jumped to Catty and the silver-haired man before her. His eyes narrowed, recognizing the man at once.

His grip tightened on his weapon as he stepped out of the clinic, his bare feet suffering the pavement’s gelid kiss. But the cold was no bother judging by the fierce, suspicious look in his eyes as he approached the two of them. He looked at the bag of food in her hands, the pleasant aroma wafting over to his keen nose, reminding him of how very long it had been since he’d eaten anything. Yet such a sweet promise was not enough to persuade him. “Catty step away from him!” he warned her at once, scowl written on his face. Everything about this situation was wrong. His vet clinic was turned into a slaughterhouse, yet he seemed not to give two shits about that. Why’s that I wonder? No doubt he knows, or he wouldn’t have called us out here. His mind ran wild with the possibilities, each worse than the last.

“How do you know about us?” he asked, getting directly to the point as he brandished his gun. “And that we were here, for that matter?” He was pretty sure Catty wasn’t followed. Of all his thoughts, he kept coming back to the same one. Carl said this was a setup… if that was true, just how deep did it go?

Before he could find out, a stir of movement caught his eye from up above. Aeric honed his weapon in on Henderson, keeping the barrel pointed right at the man’s face as he looked up to see what it was. He had to swallow his heart back down when he realized it was a large feline padding along the roof of the building. The nagual was surveying the scene, tail swishing. He came jumping down once he realized he’d been spotted, landing gracefully before prowling to Aeric’s side. His eyes bore into their potential foe, mouth opening wide for a hiss that showed off his razor sharp fangs. It was clear they’d do far more damage than any ordinary cat.

Aeric did not lower his gun even after realizing it was Eddy. His attention merely turned back to Henderson, trying to keep his hands steady while he finger rested in wait, ready to squeeze the trigger at a moment’s notice. “Well?” he demanded of the man, “You better talk while you still can! I’ve got no problem adding another body to the rest.” His voice was strong, calm and telling that he would make good on it. Yet despite the outward appearance, Aeric had to command his nerves to be still inside. He knew that on the off chance this man was a member of his world, like Raymond, that a handgun might not be enough. Eddy growled out a warning of agreement, equally ready to pounce. In truth, Aeric did not want this to escalate further. There was still Freja to think about. Did Henderson know about her too, or was she a wild card in all of this? He wished that he could have her at his side right now, healthy and hale. Two werewolves and a nagual were a force to be reckoned with. Yet broken as she was, he knew his sister would not come. It was down to him and Eddy to protect Freja and Catty both if it came down to it.
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Catty jumped as Aeric stormed out of the clinic to the parking lot. A glimmer in his hand drew her eye down to the gun in his hand. Her guts tightened. Even she had thought something was amiss but didn't think it warranted weapons. His commanding shout was startling, enough so she moved back a step from the doctor she had worked under for so many months. A quick, sudden part of her brain took it too far though. Commanding, kind of scary, kind of hot. Not the time. Meanwhile Dr. Henderson's eyebrows rose up at the appearance of an armed Aeric. The amused smirk dissipated and he stood fully upright, still holding the tray of coffee. Clearly this was not the visit the good doctor had intended to make. He glanced at Catty for a moment before turning his eyes back on Aeric. Right as the man got startled enough to aim the weapon right at him.

Dr. Henderson's free hand rose in surrendor, still diligently holding the tray of coffee. He held perfectly still while staring down the barrel of the weapon. Only his eyes moved, following the graceful leap of the Nagual. The massive cat wasn't so much of a source of shock. Just the weapon aimed at his face. Of course the boy wanted to know what was going on. In the same situation he would want the same answers. His eyebrows raised at the threat of adding more corpses to the pile. Would he really pull the trigger just like that? Well a were was still animalistic, it made sense that his first reaction to fear would be violence. He looked over at Catty who stared with those wide blue eyes, her face pale. The fearful look in the doctor's face softened just a little, something of a ghostly smile appeared with a look of pity. "I never meant for any of this to happen. least..." He said calmly, a noted tremor in his voice. "Catty...please..."

It was enough to snap Catty out of her shock. She shook her head sharply a moment. Everything that had seemed so pale and fuzzy was suddenly crisp and bright again. Aeric was doing his best to be strong, to remain in control. Eddy too which she appreciated, given their less than stellar first meeting. "Ok...ok let's just...calm down..." She eventually said in a low, steady voice. One she very similarly used with scared animals. While she knew Aeric wouldn't harm her she still moved slow, more afraid his finger might slip and their apparent information source would end up without a face. "Aeric...please," she said gently as she lifted a hand and laid it on his wrist. It was clear Dr. Henderson was part of this but he appeared to be unarmed and might have important information. His case was helped that Catty had interned with him while still in college and he had hired her right after graduation. "Let's just...have some breakfast and talk...I'm pretty sure there is bacon in here," she said with a nervous grin.

Once things settled somewhat Dr. Henderson relaxed just enough to have a seat on the curb. "I've known about weres for a very long time, dear boy. You specifically...a few months perhaps." Every motion he made was slow, worried he might startle either were into action. He took one of the cups of coffee and handed it to Catty. "Please, help yourself. I have monitoring systems in place here and it was easy to assume this is where you might go after the...arena incident." There was notable distaste in his voice at the mention of the arena.

Catty paused in the middle of a sip of coffee. "Wait..." She frowned some trying to remember back. "I...saw you there..." Of course she had brushed it off at nonsense at the time.

Dr. Henderson nodded. "I despise the concept of the arena. Weres or true animals I am disgusted at the forced fighting. Even still, after the events at your apartment..."

"You knew about that?" Catty cut in, stopping another drink of coffee.

With a heavy sigh Dr. Henderson cast a perturbed glance her way. "My dear are you going to let me tell you the story or keep interrupting me?" Catty flushed notably and just nodded. "Very good. After I got word about those events I set out in hopes of finding you. These...hunters as they call themselves would be an insult to animals to call them that. I didn't expect..." He hesitated and glanced back at the clinc. "Perhaps if I had been here...but there is no sense in dwelling on all of that. I had a hunch, knowing Aeric's sister was in the arena, that you might make an attempt there. Of course I didn't know you would try so soon," he said with a partially amused grin.

Catty tilted her head some, a puzzled frown creasing her brows. " that explains some things but..."

"But not all of it, yes. Perhaps I should start further back. As you now undoubtedly know there is a war, has always been a war, between the supernatural and humans. Mythos and Mundane as some...more poetic types call them. I was a newly graduated veterinarian when I was approached. Of course, my hopes were not of treating the owwies of peoples' kitties and doggies. I wanted to be a human doctor but couldn't make the cut into schools of internal medicine. Wanted it mostly for the money. So I easy enough catch. I was introduced to a fantastic world of creatures I'd read about in stories. The...elite of society have now for years and...well being the elite they want it all, do they not? Many have kept...private zoos of sorts of these creatures. I worked for many years as the staff veterinarian for one of these zoos. Very plus job, a great deal more money than even working your own common clinic. You see, trouble is, word spread. More and more of these people wanted zoos of their own. They had the money for it. Hire hunters to catch them, keepers to...well...keep them, vets to ensure their health. We needed more young veterinarians. You would...actually be surprised and how difficult recruitment is. Too many refuse to believe us, others believe but are too frightened. So we have...tried different methods. Kidnap doesn't make for the...most cooperative of workers as you can imagine. A new approach was devised and tested." He paused and stared pointedly at Catty a moment before glancing up to Aeric. "Bait."

Catty blinked and stared at Dr. Henderson for a moment, eyebrows still furrowed. "Bait of this was...was set up"

Dr.Henderson grinned at her, a look of actual pride written across his lined face. "Indeed my dear. Of course...the hunters wanted his pack eliminated too. Captured or killed. One was to be kept...somewhat alive and chased onto the road for you to find in the road. A bit dramatic though but it proved a few qualities. Bravery of course and perhaps a little foolishness. I did, after all, tell you several times your new pet look like a wolf. You had yourself very well convinced that he was just a...what did you say...shepard of some sort? Perhaps leonberger? Either way not only did you survive the encounter with a werewolf but you...hmmm...tamed it too," he said with a small chuckle. His grey eyes turned to Aeric with a grin. "You should know you were the talk of the office," he said with another amused laugh while Catty turned a furious shade of red.

"And so that explains most of it I should think. Catty, you were wanted as a veterinarian but not for something so mundane as dogs and cats. Highly sought and for quite a while I might add. This isn't even my clinic, I've never had my own clinic. All this was set up to test and judge you before you even graduated. It's not much of a prize but...take some consolation in it." To him it seemed worthy and a great testament to one's character if they were wanted to terribly to work in this strange, dark world.

Catty was reeling. All of this just to get her to be a vet for creatures like Aeric and Eddy? Perhaps not all of it all of it but...meeting Aeric at least. She looked up to Aeric. His family killed and abducted. Two birds with one stone. Her heart bled for him. None of this was fair. It could have been any family really but Dr. Henderson had said Aeric's was targeted anyways. Still...none of it was fair.
That fierce look of determination remained even as Henderson raised a hand in surrender. Did the old man pose a viable threat? It was hard to say, but given the circumstances Aeric wasn’t in the habit of taking chances. Even so, he remained stoic, waiting to take action even as the doctor pleaded with Catty as though she were the one his life depended on right now. In a way it proved true, their familiarity driving her to persuade him into staying his hand. Even as she reached out however, Aeric was hesitant to lower the gun. The man’s words weren’t lost on him. He never intended any of this to happen here. So where did he intend it? “Catty, we have to be cautious,” he told her, feeling she might be a little too quick to trust this man. Still, he decided to trust in her judgement, slowly lowering the weapon at her behest.

Aeirc stood a vigil of mistrust even as Catty accepted her cup of coffee and listened with something akin to eagerness. Monitoring system… he grumbled silently to himself as to how their hiding place was given away. How could he have overlooked something so simple? Did that mean the men who came through before also had access? Either way, it was clear this place would not serve as a dependable sanctuary for much longer. This was a far greater concern than food to Aeric, who stood rooted to the spot even as Eddy stalked towards Catty and her bag of goods. He sniffed uncertainly once she proffered them, but once he was satisfied nothing was tainted, he stuffed his big furry head in and snagged something with meat. He padded away a moment later, dropping to the ground some distance away where he made short work of the wrappings before digging in.

Eddy didn’t seem to care less about what Henderson had to say. As far as he was concerned, his role in all of this madness had been played out. Once Aeric paid him up, he would be gone at the first good opportunity. Aeric however, drank in the doctor’s words, and more specifically, the revelation that Catty had seen him at the Senator’s house. That did little to instill confidence, but Aeric did not return to threatening the man just yet. At least Henderson spoke poorly of the situation, though he couldn’t decide if it was genuine or just a ploy to win them over. If he truly held such distaste for the sport, then why was he there? It was hard to trust anyone or anything after so much happened, but there was more to hear of this story before he could make such judgement calls. So he stayed his tongue for now, holding back his questions until the Vet finished the tale, unlike Catty.

Aeric knew plenty enough about the struggle between man and myth, such things being among those he expected to tell Catty himself once they found the time for their discussions. It seemed Henderson was saving him the breath on that part, but it was the next bit of information that came as a surprise to Aeric. He’d never really thought about their need for vets or doctors before. After seeing the brutality with which the hunters captured and kill their prey, it was hard to imagine they’d ever want someone taking care of them. It made sense though; in the end money was all it came down to for these pricks. Yet this was not so surprising a revelation as when Henderson revealed their latest tactic.

Bait. . .

All it took was that one word for Aeric’s sharp mind to put it all together, driving home Carl’s ominous proclamation of a setup. They used me… he realized. They slaughtered my family and they used me to get to Catty! Rage bubbled up inside him, the ringing in his ears drowning out Henderson even as he explained it to Catty. Yet somehow he still managed to pick out that Catty managed to tame him. Aeric felt the inclination to lift the gun back up and pull the trigger without hesitation. If Catty hadn’t been there, he might not have been able to fight the urge. The fight to keep his composure was nearly as taxing as his bout against the Grizzly Terror, yet somehow he managed, even able to conceal his anger and dislike from his voice when he finally responded.

“So why are you here now?” Aeric wanted to know. “What’s your role in all of this? Convince Catty to accept your cushy job for the government? Tell her all about how it comes with tenure and the best pay you could ask for while you turn a blind eye to all the suffering you cause?” His anger could no longer be concealed as he growled, the rumble in his throat as menacing as if he’d shifted into a wolf. “You say you don’t like forced fighting yet it sounds to me like you’re perfectly happy working for the assholes who organize it all!” His grip grew so tight on the gun his knuckles were turning white. “They slaughtered my family and fucked with our lives, yet you talk about these sick bastards like it’s just another day at the office, happily bringing sandwiches and pastries!”

Luckily Eddy had finished his food by this point or he might have felt a little silly for having it. He had risen and stepped to Aeric’s side once again, yet did not appear nearly as threatening as the werewolf. The nagual was all too used to this sort of life, having worked on the cusp of supplying the hunters with some of their more interesting items for many years now. Eddy understood something Aeric seemed incapable of contemplating; it was all about survival. That or money, which the two basically amounted to the same thing in this world, as far as he was concerned. Yet he remained in bestial form, keeping these thoughts to himself as he was not sure how well they’d be received from a naked, lard of a man.

Aeric tried to look past his dislike of this situation for now. His emotions were reeling as chaotically as his thoughts, but he knew there was more to this. “If this entire clinic was a set up then why kill them? You expect to recruit people to work for you when this is what happens to the ones who do? I guess what’s it matter as long as the money is good, right?” Had he been alone he might have succumb to the grief of learning the truth about his family. All this slaughter and misery in an attempt to win Catty over... It was pure madness. Where was the justice in the world when there were men who could manipulate or extinguish your life so easily? How could they even fight such a threat, when their true enemy was as faceless as they were powerful? It was a miracle they’d even managed to rescue Freja.
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Catty's wide blue eyes jumped back and forth between Aeric and Dr. Henderson. Of all the insanity over the past day this was the craziest. So much death just to try and recruit someone. To recruit her? Aeric's family slaughtered and him left for dead to test her ability to take care of a werewolf. Dr. Henderson, without a gun trained on him, was cool and easy with the information he provided. Calm and rational as if it were the most normal thing in the world. Aeric on the other hand. Catty could see him white knuckling the pistol. Given everything revealed she was amazed he was so still. Even still she heard the growl creep into his voice. The restraint he showed was actually quite amazing.

Dr. Henderson's head tilted a little at the furious, growling tone. He should expect no less. If he were honest with himself he had reason to believe he might not survive this encounter. Still, a job was a job. "Not all people are cut out to be heroes, Aeric," he said with a low sigh. "I am quite happy with my position but I certainly didn't expect...everything that has happened. My role was, as you said, to reveal this world to Catriona. In fact it was supposed to happen last night when she was due to come back to work. Unfortunately things went...a little astray. Surprisingly enough the one thing these people never seem to expect is the human element despite the fact they are all, themselves, human. Of course you remember Carl. His...job was to break up with Catriona as it is preferred new workers arrive....unattached. Well Carl wasn't about to give that up so easily. He'd be crazy to." He turned to Catty with a bemused grin. "What you ever saw in that boy, Catriona, I'll never understand. Compared to that a wolf is a great improvement."

Another flush raced over Catty's pale, freckled face. "Yeah...ok if we could not focus on my love life...not with all this other craziness going on..." That was definitely the least of her concerns given the situation.

"Ah but it was a key factor, strange as it is. You see we had a nymph help seduce the boy and set it up for him to be caught. That same day, if you remember, was a rough day at the clinic but that was just coincidence but it made you wildly vulnerable. Enter the wolf. That part of their plan went swimmingly, if you'll forgive me Aeric. You see the hunters want to eradicate certain...species of Mythos. The stronger more dangerous ones like werewolves. So they set Aeric in your path. Once again they forgot the human element. No one expected Aeric to stick around like he did...they thought he would disappear the moment he could. Yet he stayed! Their plans had to adapt. So they watched you for a while. Right up until Carl started appearing again. They thought him done and dealt with; promised enough things and threatened enough times. If nothing else could be said for the boy he is persistent. Then yesterday..." Dr. Henderson paused for a moment with a small, puzzled frown. "No one is entirely sure what happened at the apartment. They saw Carl go in and then Aeric. There was enough commotion they sent in a team but that large man got there first, barred the door while you two gave them the slip."

Catty tilted her head some. "Well...we can fill in the blank. Carl tried to...well I don't think he meant to at first but he became totally unhinged and tried to strangle me...Aeric came back and stopped him."

Dr. Henderson slowly nodded in understanding. "As I said, the human element. After that no one knew where you had gone. Their first thought was the clinic..." He turned to look at the glass doors and heaved a sad sigh. "I'm not entirely certain what happened or why they did this. It was wasteful and unnecessary. Some of those...hunters are simply killers. They enjoy it, taking a life even so small as a helpless kitten." With a short pause he cleared his throat and looked back to the group. "So now...I am here to offer the explanation Catriona was owed, offer her a position as a Mythos Veterinarian, and give a warning. Catriona," He settled his watery, grey gaze on her. "This was not how things were supposed to turn out. You've seen the ugly side of this war. The zoos are kinder and I think you would be exceptional there. I understand you might not be swayed by nice cars and big dollar signs but these animals need our skill as much as mundane creatures do. What do you say, Catriona?"

Catty was silent. She stared blankly at Dr. Henderson for a quiet moment. Even after everything the offer was still there. Of all the ways to find out about such a secret world this had to be the craziest. She turned and looked up at Aeric. His whole family had been killed and part of it was simply for this. She couldn't even say, anymore, that meeting Aeric was lucky. It was a cruelly designed scheme. Turning back to Dr. Henderson she shook her head. "I can't...not after all of this. Not knowing all of the awful things these people do."

Dr. Henderson nodded and got to his feet with a soft groan. "At this point I figured as much. So be it. Be warned though, Aeric would know these people are relentless. Like it or not you're part of this now and, quite frankly, you are on the losing side. Run if you can but they will catch up. They'll kill the wolf and the cat...possibly kill you too. I wish you would reconsider and if you choose to one day you know where to find me. Enjoy the food for now, I'd wager you might have a day or two of relative safety here especially given many of them are distracted from the events at the arena. Though it won't be long until they come looking again." The older man moved away, keeping a steady eye on Aeric. Mostly to make sure he wouldn't get shot as he left.

Catty stood still for a moment, letting the discussion settle in her mind. More like the entire insane story. How could people be so blind and so foolish? How could they think this would have worked. Even if Aeric hadn't...Her mind screeched to a halt. Aeric. Catty turned to look up at him once more. His whole family slaughtered for such a stupid reason. In a twisted way she wondered if his family would still be alive if she had gone into some other field. Accounting maybe. She didn't know what to do, what to say. Could anything even be said? Would an 'I'm sorry' suffice? Hardly. She wanted to reach out for him and did, for a moment, but her hand stopped and she pulled it back to her chest. She wasn't even sure if he'd want her touching him. If she were being fully honest she sought some form of comfort as well. Maybe for him to tell her it wasn't her fault. Stupid really and selfish.
Not all people are cut out to be heroes. Aeric batted that phrase around in his mind, detesting this man all the more for it. Saying no to money made you a hero? Eddy himself declared he was no hero, that he was in it for the money, yet even he was willing to rush into the jaws of death when it came down to it. But he did not voice his opinion on that, knowing that it would avail him not in the end. It was getting particularly difficult to hold his tongue however, as bit by bit the truth of this scheme unraveled. Even as his own losses were dragged to the surface, he felt for Catty and the ways in which her life has also been torn apart. He couldn’t say he’d ever gotten a good vibe from Carl, but that didn’t make it right to turn him into a puppet, tugging strings and hurting Catty in the process. Any sympathies he had for her would-be murdering boyfriend were chased away though, once the topic of discussion came back to his involvement.

Enter the wolf indeed. Just like Carl, they manipulated everything about that night. He was unable to hold back the memories, his mind replaying the scene with absolute clarity. It all made sense now. The hunter could have driven his blade home if he truly wanted to; more than once, if he was to be honest. After the first blow Aeric was weak and sluggish. Such a trained enemy could have easily finished him off when he lunged. Instead, the man wanted him thrown from the cliff. All this so Catty could play doctor on him? A large part of the guilt he’d been harboring slipped away, lifted from his shoulders only to be replaced by the weight of this new information. And yet he was not entirely free from blame. Staying with Catty and convincing her to help his sister were still contributing factors to how this all played out. Right now, however, his resentment outweighed any such culpability.

Kinder?” Aeric blurted as the offer was laid out and Catty fell to silence. “You imprison us! You rip us away from our families, that is, if you don’t kill them first, and you put us in cages! You call that kindness? Fuck you and fuck your kindness!” But his attention snapped towards Catty, cutting himself off as she found herself with a choice to make. Based on his reaction it was clear what he thought she should do. As far as he was concerned, if she hadn’t known the man so well he would be dead already. His respect and adoration for her kept him from going down that path, especially once her answer was forthcoming. He didn’t expect her to say yes. The girl he knew and was falling for would never agree to such a thing. Yet, he still felt a rush of relief when she voiced it.

Let them try, was all he could think promised he’d be killed along with Eddy. He’d faltered against these people once before, but he would never let that happen again. Aeric didn’t issue this promise in return though, his cold eyes boring right back into Henderson as he eyed him cautiously and took his leave. Again a fierce battle waged over his decision not to end the man here and now. It would have been the smarter choice, he knew. What would happen once the doctor reported to his superiors, and informed them of the unfavorable reply? He felt Catty looking at him when the man was finally gone, though he did not turn to face her. He could practically feel the pity forming in her gaze, and right now his anger was still too hot to allow for the sadness that lingered within. The last thing he wanted was an affectionate moment.

“Come on, kid,” Eddy’s voice caught him off-guard, having failed to realize the nagual shifted in the absence of the doctor. “You need to eat something.” He motioned for Catty to hand him the bag of food, which he then promptly shoved into Aeric’s hands. As if he had an appetite after learning all of that. He had even less of one when he caught a glimpse of Eddy’s naked body. But with a sigh, he relented, accepting the food and dropping to sit upon the front step. It would have been better if they remained inside, away from the eye of the public, but at least out here the scent of death was not quite as evident. He retrieved one of the breakfast sandwiches and ate in silence, even as his mind was a symphony of thoughts; not the least of which was what were they supposed to do now? It was only a matter of time before they were sought again… the sooner they left the better.

“Vets for mythos,” Eddy said, shaking his head with a sigh. “Who’d have thought, eh? Even I didn’t know about that part, and I’ve been dealing with the fuckers for years.”

The reminder of what they wanted brought his attentions back to Catty. His eyes were soft, yet heavy with uncertainty. Having freshly learned the cause of his pack’s downfall, words were difficult to find. He knew none of it was her fault, but the revelation was surreal. He never suspected she might be at the root of all of this. Even after Carl let the secret slip, it was a difficult thing to accept. Now he realized that it was really was Catty those armed guards were talking about. “Catty I—“ He stopped himself, realizing he didn’t know what to say. He started with the most positive thing he could think of. “Thank you for saying no… and” he trailed off some after that, before deciding to echo her words from before. “I don’t blame you,” he said pointedly, “Not for any of this. You’re just as much a victim as me or my family.”

“Well!” Eddy interrupted the apologies and gratefulness before Catty had a chance to respond to it. “I don’t think anyone wants a naked nagual around for this…” Aeric had to agree with that, grumbling a little over how awkward it was without Eddy’s unfortunate profile or uncomfortable interruptions. “I’ll just give you two a bit to yourselves, eh?” He chuckled with nervous hesitation before shifting back into a cat and sauntering off.

Aeric however, wasn’t sure what else to say, especially after being so obviously left alone with her. He merely finished his breakfast, sitting in the quiet as he struggled to take all of this in. After a time however, he had to voice he biggest concern, especially now that Catty knew the stakes. “So… what do we do now?” He wasn’t sure she’d have any more of an answer than him, but for the first time in his life he felt truly, and utterly lost.
Aeric wouldn't even look her way. Catty supposed she understood. The revelation that the death of his family was part of some inane plot had to be devastating. She wanted to say something, some words of encouragement or comfort. Briefly she wondered if this was how he felt when he had to tell her, show her the truth of what he was. Part of her still wished this was all just a very crazy dream and she would eventually wake up. Eddy's sudden voice cutting into the heavy silence made her head whip around. Only to be graced by the sight of the naked pudgy man. Catty's ears went hot and she quickly looked away. At least it had been enough to stop the helplessness that was threatening to engulf them. Keeping her eyes diverted she still managed to catch the gesture and handed over the bag of sandwiches and pastries Dr. Henderson had brought. Her hands free she pulled up the hood of the borrowed hoodie to act as a blinder to Eddy's nudity. Her braided red hair hanging out of the bright red hood and down her front.

Catty glanced over as Aeric flopped down onto the small stoop of the clinic. Well at least he could eat. Men and dogs were like that, something was really wrong if they didn't eat. Not that there wasn't anything wrong, it seemed like everything was. Still Catty vaguely wondered if that rule went double for Aeric. An amusing enough thought she had to conceal a tiny grin. Her attention turned to Eddy as he piped up again though she was careful to keep herself hidden under the hood. She hadn't bothered to think how odd it was they wanted veterinarians. Dr. Henderson had mentioned zoos of the creatures so in some weird, twisted way it made some sense. Why go through the trouble of catching the creatures and let them die in captivity. As silence fell on the trio again Catty eased herself onto the curb where walkway met grass. Her knees tucked up to her chest, arms wrapped tightly around her shins, chin on acutely bent knees.

She perked up a little, canting her face toward Aeric just a little as he spoke. Tried to speak anyways. Vaguely she remembered a time that Aeric seemed to be all smooth eloquence. It was a lifetime ago. She waited patiently, quietly, not even certain what to expect him to say. Of course that gentle look in his eye eased her as she waited. Relief trickled through her. In a strange, uncanny echo, he said the same thing she had said to him only a few hours prior. She didn't entirely like to think of them as victims, the word had such a strong, negative resonance. There really wasn't a better word though. She opened her mouth to speak but was quickly cut off by Eddy. Once more she was careful to let her head snap around at the sound. If nothing else these men were going to train her not to immediately look for the owner of a voice. Awkward but amusing Catty gave a tiny, ghostly smile and nodded. "Thanks Eddy," she said quietly before he shifted and skulked away.

Alone. Sure they had been alone since all of the crazy had been let loose but somehow it felt different. Like standing on the edge of the Grand Canyon or watching a massive storm blow in. Catty let the silence hang about them as Aeric ate. Eventually she might feel like eating too but a knot was still rolling around in her guts. The plot, for them, had definitely thickened. Well, not accurate, it had been a drawn out scheme that they were only just made aware of. It was terrifying how easily such invisible forces pulled strings and upended lives. Catty rested her chin on her knees again, quietly drumming her fingers against her shins. Her mind jumping from one point to another. All of the revelation in the past 24 hours. It should be enough to make a sane person go crazy. She felt crazy and somehow weirdly sane all at once.

His sandwich done Aeric dropped the biggest question of the day. It gave Catty pause. Her grip around her legs tightened and she stared forward for a little. Catty wouldn't say she was much of a strategist and had no experience evading the government. Hell she never even had a speeding ticket before. "I...have no idea..." she managed to say if haltingly slow. "If we could get passports I hear Costa Rica is nice," she said in serious monotone. "How do you evade the government? Maybe....the Rockies? Or the Smokies? Build a log cabin and hide out so far into the woods no one could find us? Live off the land." Catty stopped her self and tugged the hood further down her face. "Sorry...not the time for joking..." Though there was part of her that was serious. "Not gonna lie I'm....pretty scared...I'm Jason Bourne or something. Maybe I should have taken up the offer....then you and Freja and Eddy could at least get hidden unhindered by some useless human..." Her voice only slightly muffled from pressing her face into her knees.

"No..." She recanted before Aeric could argue, at least about accepting the offer. "I wouldn't be able to do that...not after...not after seeing that arena. I can't totally say I'm against zoos...zoos can be great...but these kind don't sound so great and I'm sure they're not exactly interested in conservation." Catty cringed, needed to focus and stop going on tangents. "Get out of the city at least...hell out of the state. Be funny if we tried sneaking over the wall to get into Mexico huh?"
The silence was palpable as Aeric’s question hung on the air, proving that Catty was just as clueless even before the admission came. Costa Rica… he could think of worse places to end up. He’d never been to Central America, though he wondered if that wasn’t still too close to home; the more miles between them and the men searching for them, the better. Her next suggestion brought a ghost of a smile to his face, though. “I think I could get on board with that,” he told her, looking at her softly, “Sounds peaceful after everything we’ve been dealing with.” It was a pipe dream though. Things could never be as simple as that. These men were trained to root out creatures so secretive, few believed they existed. Even in that vast, untamed wilderness, there was still a good chance they’d be found. Catty seemed to understand the gravity of that well enough as she spoke of her fear.

Aeric wasn’t sure what to say or do. In truth, he was just as afraid. Even after he’d lost his mother, even after he lost his eldest brother, the fear had never truly settled in. There was always the pack; proud and strong, and ready to die defending each other. But now that was gone. Not even Freja felt real anymore, not until she regained consciousness and he could actually speak with her. He couldn’t say how long he could rely on Eddy’s help, either. He’d already gotten far more assistance from the nagual than he ever expected. For all intents and purposes he was a lone wolf now, and that terrified him more than anything else. Dad was afraid even when the pack was at full strength, he thought to himself, How are we supposed to make it on our own?

But he pushed aside his own insecurities as Catty began to second guess her choice. He was more than ready to argue the point, explain how she’d made the right one, but she appeared to reach that conclusion all on her own, redacting her statements even as he opened his mouth to dispute them. “They’re the furthest thing from conservation you can imagine,” he told her of the zoos instead. “These hunters have driven entire species extinct… creatures that are only myth now because they saw to it. You made a difficult decision, but it was the right one.” But Catty was a strong woman, able to get her mind back to the task at hand instead of focusing on her doubts. Aeric smiled some at her jest. “Yeah that’d be pretty good. It’d confused the hell out of border patrol. I wonder if they’d just let us climb over.”

Catty said it wasn’t time for joking, but the humor helped to lift his spirits a little. Still, the seriousness of the issue could not be avoided. Scared as he was, Aeric was always aware of this threat. Now that it was truly unfolding however, he could tell how perturbed Catty was. He could only imagine how hard it was adjusting to everything. He was still adjusting too, not to mention suffering a lingering hesitation. He’d been keeping her at arm’s length ever since the revelation, knowing that the two of them needed time. Events were so strange and chaotic though, he was having a hard time deciding how to close that distance. Even now, a silence had somehow developed again, leaving him at a loss over what to say or do. It wasn’t often Aeric found himself so uncertain. But then, he’d never been in a situation quite like this before. What are you so afraid of? He chastised himself whilst passing a glance at Catty.

With deliberate effort, he forced himself to rise, swallowing down his nervous anticipation as he crossed the gap, and sat by her side upon the curb. His vivid green eyes focused on her face, shadowed beneath the hood. “Listen, I don’t want to hear any more about this ‘useless human’ business,” he told her. “You saved my life, Catty. Most likely my sister’s too. You’ve got something special. Even those government pricks see it. Why else would they go through all this effort?” He sighed, still grappling with the truth behind everything. But it wouldn’t do to lose himself on the reasons why this happened. The sad fact was that it did, and there was no changing any of it. “It’s alright to be afraid,” he continued on, “But don’t blame yourself for things turning out this way. I know from experience that it doesn’t help. As far as what we do next, you’re right. We should start by getting out of the city at least. We’ve still got Freja to worry about though. I say we give it until tonight to see if she wakes up. Either way, we shouldn’t stay past tomorrow. Who knows how they’ll react once Henderson says you turned them down.” He paused for a moment, the very mention of her old boss putting a sour taste in his mouth. Veterinarian or not, anyone whose loyalties lied with the men responsible for this was an enemy as far as he was concerned. But now wasn’t the time to linger on his resentment. “We got dragged into this mess together,” he told her finally, “And we’ll find our way out of it together, too.”

Batting aside his fears, he reached out and lowered the hood that concealed her, revealing her delicate features. Even shaken as she was, she was a thing of beauty, bringing a genuine smile to Aeric’s face for the first time since their dinner date as he gazed upon her in the morning light. “Sorry,” he told her over being so forward, “You remind me a little too much of Alva with the hood up.” His smile turned to a slight grin, trying to look past the oddity of her wearing his sister’s clothes, before taking an even bolder step and putting an arm around her, coaxing her nearer to him. “Don’t worry, it’s all going to turn out alright,” he said, taking solace in the tender moment, “Anubis will bite anyone that comes for you.” He smirked some at his sense of humor, but it was as much a joke as it was a promise. He’d rip the throat out of anyone who tried.
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Catty managed a small grin at that. Imagining the faces of boarder patrol as they caught them trying to sneak out of the country. Certainly not what they had been trained for. Even funnier if Aeric and Freja were in their wolf forms. Just some tiny, freckled, red head with two massive wolves for company. Maybe a little humor couldn't hurt. It certainly helped lift some of the hopelessness off their shoulders. Silence fell again and it gave Catty time to wonder just what those zoos might be like. Nothing like San Diego she assumed. Wide, beautiful enclosures with plenty of room to run. She imagined more like the Bronx zoo back in the early 1900s. Tiny, dirty cages, no fresh water and certainly no room to run around in. It was terrible that people, in the modern day, could still treat animals like that. Even though she had been the one to suggest it, though in despairing jest, she could never be part of something like that. That meant running, getting somewhere safe. But where was safe from the government?

Just as she started imagining a peaceful life in a log cabin Aeric stood. The sudden motion startled her enough her head snapped around to look up at him. For that moment her heart seemed to have left. Was something wrong? Only missing two beats it settled back in as Aeric settled himself beside her on the curb. Despite all there was no way to help her heart suddenly doubling in back, her ears suddenly warming. Catty blinked and stared as he spoke. A small, sheepish smile spreading across her lips. Well she wouldn't have had to patch him up if those government assholes hadn't attacked him. She nodded along at his agreement to leave the city. Maybe just keep moving for the rest of forever. If Freja didn't want up soon that might be an issue. Hard to sneak out of town carrying an unconscious wolf. Though her smile widened at him. Maybe they could find a way out of it together. Hell, if Eddy stayed she would say they made a pretty good team.

All thoughts came to a screeching halt as he reached up to pull the hood down. Her already warm ears grew even hotter, cheeks tinged with pink. She tilted her head a little a him and gave a tiny laugh. "I don't know if I want remind you of your sister." Certainly not. His arm stretching out Catty tensed a moment though as the warm, strong, weight settled on her she relaxed. Finally she managed a full smile. Maybe he was right, everything would turn out alright. Maybe they really could escape. After that she hadn't a damn clue but it didn't entirely matter. His presence, the arm around her, felt like a sooth salve to her nerves. Their situation was dire and horrible but, for that moment, she felt a little peaceful. After a moment Catty surrendered her weight to him, leaning to his side. For just a little things felt normal. Just a boy and a girl. Catty could hardly deny her attraction to Aeric and, dare she say, even given everything, it somehow felt stronger. Sure the idea that lurking beneath that warm, hard, body was a wolf was a little strange but somehow it didn't freak her out like it did last night. Suddenly they had far bigger problems than the sudden revelation of their differing species.

"Ok but, after all this, if I don't get to see a unicorn I'm gunna be pissed," she said with a brighter laugh. Catty nestled in just a little closer, slipping an arm around Aeric's waist. " you think Eddy will come with us? Take his car and get the hell out of here? If not we'll need a car...especially if Freja doesn't wake up." Catty canted her head a little to stare at the doors. She should really go check on her. Yet the moment was too comfortable and surprisingly peaceful. A little selfish perhaps but she wasn't ready for it to end. Somehow that spurred another thought. Being selfish. Aeric must be a whirlwind of sorrow and worry yet here he was comforting her. Sure her life had gone crazy but she had a big bad wolf protector. Catty sat up some from leaning against Aeric, turning to look up at him fully. For a moment she just took in the planes of his face, the rugged handsomeness of it framed by his dark hair. "'m really sorry...About everything. This crazy situation and your family. You said it's not my fault but...ya know...none of this is yours either. I haven't really know you, the real you, for very long but I know you're strong. You're holding together...way way better than I would if all of that happened to my family. I guess, what I'm trying to say is...if want some time alone or distance or-or even a shoulder, you know, whatever I'm here for you too. Like you said, we're in it together and I'll do my best to let you have a break from being the strong one all the time." Catty couldn't help the self confident grin. She wasn't much of a fighter but a support sort of role she could fill easily in their strange little party.
Like Catty, Aeric was content in the moment. The feel of her surrendering her weight to him was a tranquil moment amid all the chaos. Even despite everything they’d been through, being with Catty just felt right. The stress, the worry, the fear, it all seemed to lessen as they sat there holding each other. It made it a whole lot easier to believe that they would make it out of this together, even though Aeric had largely said that for her benefit. In his heart, he still knew their chances were as grim as ever. But he would not voice that anxiety. Not even his face would betray it, as he continued to wear his smile over her comment about the unicorn. “I’ll do my best to find one for you,” he promised jokingly, “Though I’ve never seen one either.”

Aeric leaned back into her, lightly resting his head against hers as she brought up an important point. He chewed over her words for a moment. “I don’t think so,” he told her of Eddy. “He’s not really the sticking around type. Though, I never expected him to rush into that pit to help me, either. I guess we’ll have to wait and see, but don’t hold your breath.” Though, that indeed presented a problem as far as transportation was concerned. Aeric gazed out at the empty parking lot, wondering what happened to the vehicles or the techs and patients who’d met their tragic end. The same that happened to my car, I’m guessing, he concluded, recalling how his car had vanished without a trace once he went back to the cliffs. They probably did the same with Catty’s car. “We’ll steal one if we have to,” he suddenly decided, “I mean… we’re basically already fugitives. If it means survival, we’ll do whatever it takes.” But this was a conundrum for another day. They still had to confirm Eddy’s plans, after all.

As silence fell and they merely enjoyed one another’s company, Aeric was just as reluctant to disturb the moment. Who knew when they’d get the next chance to be alone like this? They were still getting to know each other both intellectually and physically, so he relished in every opportunity they had. Even though the future was bleak, at least he felt like the two of them could move forward in earnest now. The truth of everything was out now. They understood the true forces that led them into this position. Now, they could be themselves without fear. Well, with less fear anyway. There was still the matter of the people hunting them down to worry about. She seemed to be handling it well enough, though a tinge of worry struck Aeric as she turned to look up at him, an unknown emotion written on her face. He drank in her words as she spoke, his own gaze averting to the ground as she brought up the tragedy of his family.

He was silent for a long moment after her declaration, thinking on what she said as he stared out into nothingness. But, after a time, he said “You know, sometimes I think it’s less that I’m strong, and more that it hasn’t really sunk in yet. My father is the only one I saw fall before I was thrown from those cliffs, and I don’t… I never really got closure. But, I think that even if I did…” He sighed heavily, shaking his head. “My sorrow is great, but now is not the time to feel it. I have to close my heart to this.” His father’s words all those years ago rang as clearly in his head as ever. “I don’t have the luxury of being anything other than strong right now.” His eyes turned back to Catty, and he smiled faintly. “But should I change my mind about that, I’m glad to know you’ll be there for me.”

Aeric savored the rest of their peaceful moment, wishing an ocean of crazy wasn’t waiting to wash over them. What he wouldn’t give to just capture an instant like this, while their troubles seemed far away and inconsequential. Despite the moment, he knew they weren’t. Even while the world seemed quiet and still, his mind ever remained a flurry of thoughts. When to leave, where to go, how to get thereWhy did this all have to happen? There were so many questions and no easy answers. As of the moment though, Freja was the biggest wild card. Little could be done until they knew how she would turn out. Sighing again, he gave Catty a little squeeze and looked at her sadly, knowing their moment had to come to an end for now. “Come on,” he said, “We should get back inside. The last thing we need is to be spotted out in the open.” Not that he was particularly fond of going back into such a pit of death and decay, nor relinquishing Catty for that matter. But he slipped out of her embrace all the same, offering a hand to help her back to her feet once he’d found his own.

He walked her back inside after, wasting no time in passing the room of corpses. “Would you mind checking on Freja with me?” he asked, already leading her back that way. “I know you’ve already done all you can, but I’m a little worried about how long it’s taking her to wake up.” His thoughts jumped back to the fighting pit, and the way his sister had roused and taken down his assailant. It must have taken all the strength she had left, he realized, remembering the way she collapsed as soon as her prey had fallen still. It was funny to think how he’d gone there hoping to save his sister’s life only to have his own saved in return. “Those collars they forced on us kept us trapped in our bestial forms,” he explained to Catty, his mind jumping tracks, “I was able to shift again once Eddy got it off me, but Freja was wearing hers for much longer… what if there’s lasting effects?” Luckily he’d brought it with him, just in case of such an issue. Though, he was hardly qualified in figuring out how it worked. I should have forced it out of Henderson while he was here. Working so closely with our kind, I bet he knows something.

It was too late for that though, and apparently unnecessary as they came upon the room where Freja was resting to find no sign of any wolf. Instead, a tall, beautiful woman sat in her place. With fair skin and a narrow nose, she looked every bit Aeric’s sister in the face. But her platinum blonde hair bearing semblance to her white fur, and her vivid, blue eyes were a stark contrast to her brother. Having just shifted, she sat naked on the edge of her resting place, a perplexed look written across her fearful face.

“Freja!” Aeric exclaimed with surprise, stopping dead in his tracks as they spotted her.

Freja’s head snapped up to the sound of the voice, and a snarl overtook the expression of confusion. With a fierce cry she leapt to her feet, nearly falling over on wobbly legs. Aeric stepped forward to help her, but she recoiled at once, long hair whipping around as she spun and grabbed the nearest thing to a weapon she could find. A container of medical supplies went rushing through the air, narrowly missing the two of them to explode against the wall. Aeric was shocked to see her have such a violent reaction to him. Her behavior was like that of a trapped animal, rather similar to his reaction when he’d woken in Catty’s apartment. He realized at once that she didn’t recognize him for some reason.

In a panicked fury, she reached for something else to throw, but Aeric was quick, dashing in to grab her wrist and force her to drop it. Freja screamed, wrestling with him at once. But in her weakened state Aeric was able to get control of her arms, keeping her from hurting him or herself. “Freja!” he called, trying to get her to look at him instead of struggling. “Freja, it’s me, Aeric!” He pronounced his name just as their father would have, emphasis on the E as only those close to them would know him.

The sound of his name seemed to snap her out of it a little bit, scared blue eyes popping open to stare into his emerald pools. It took her a moment for understanding to come. As soon as it had, her eyes welled with tears. “Aeric?” she repeated in a voice caught between a gasp and a sob. She sounded half disbelieving, half relieved. Once she realized it was truly him, though, there was no holding her emotions back. She collapsed into his arms, burying her face into his chest, only to sob. He hugged her close, allowing her the moment as his own eyes drifted closed. It felt like she was releasing all the tears he couldn’t, and her sadness crashed upon him like a wave, sinking his heart. She seemed scarcely aware of anything else, even as he turned to Catty and asked if she could find something to cover her with.

“A lab coat or something; anything,” he asked of her. Doubtless the commotion would draw Eddy in before long, and he wanted her modesty reserved in such an event. He could have used the shapeshifter coat, but given Freja’s vulnerable state he figured the less weirdness, the better for now.
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Catty had mostly figured that counting on Eddy to stay and help was pointless. He had his own agenda. If fate treated him kindly he could walk away with ease. Then again fate had been rather unkind to them lately. His silence, however, following proclamation set a small, chill stone in her stomach. Catty waited patiently for him, her fingers lightly playing against the folds of his shirt. Maybe it had been silly to even mention. It was so soon it should seem crazy, to promise something like that. Still, she had meant every word. She tried hard to school her expression as he managed to speak up. Talking of his sorrow over the events. To her sorrow barely scratched the surface. Still she was amazed and how capable he seemed, even with such a thing hanging over him. Her hand tightened against him. A small reminder of the support she had promised him. Even with that said he had a small smile for her. Catty couldn't help but return it.

She had to know their moment of relative peace would have to come to an end. There was still a great deal. in the air and not just with their escape. Yet even the small talk, the gentle gestures, words of comfort, had re-ignited something in her towards Aeric. Their beginning had been odd, to say the least. This was a massive step forward and Catty couldn't deny, depite everything else, it made her happy. At least they'd be going through the insanity together. Though their time of comfort was over, for the time being anyway. He wasn't wrong, they should be inside and away from potential prying eyes. Catty didn't resist as Aeric rose up, letting her arm drop from his waist. She was about to stand when he offered his hand. Another bright little smile couldn't be helped as she took his hand. Her own fitting neatly into his as he helped her to her feet. She followed him in, grabbing up the bag still quite full of sandwiches and pastries. At least they would have some food for a little, she imagine Freja would be hungry whenever she woke.

Inside the smell of decay was growing enough that Catty could detect it with her simple, human nose. "Of course," she said with a small nod. She had intended on checking Freja anyways. It was strange she hadn't woken yet. Not knowing what happened in the arena while she got the car ready she couldn't even guess why she still slept. He brought up the silver collars. Catty couldn't even hazard a guess that wearing it had caused some permanent damage. She had barely glimpsed the one Aeric had pulled off Freja in their erratic escape from the senator's home. Honestly it was only his mention then and there that had made her connect the collar with keeping them in their animal forms. Mostly because he told her. "I guess we won't really-" Catty cut herself off, nearly colliding into Aeric when he abruptly halted at the open door.

Peering around him her eyes widened to see the incredibly lovely, very naked, woman sitting on the cold bench. Catty could only assume it was Freja. Were all werewolves super model attractive? Aeric's shout caught the woman's attention. Though, rather than elated joy at seeing her brother, Freja proceeded to absolutely loose her mind. Her attempt at escape thwarted by weak limbs. Catty opened her mouth to stop Aeric from rushing at her but he was faster than her mouth. Freja's panic only grew, Catty put up her arms in defense as the box of supplies flew through the air and shattered on the wall nearby. Freja looked every bit like a terrified dog, lashing out even at attempts to help. Catty cringed as she tried for another weapon but Aeric was on her, wrestling her down. An age passed as they grappled until realization dawned on the lovely, blond woman's face. Just a moment before collapsing into terrified and relieved sobbing. Catty released a slow breath, tension easing from the room.

Her head snapped up some at Aeric's request. "Oh, yeah, sure," she said in a halting staccato. She set down the bag of food and turned to go search for something. Trying hard to ignore the bodies she went through a couple rooms in search. There was the sheet but it was fairly thin. In the end Catty settled for the sheet. At least it was big enough to cover her up until she calmed down enough to get her dressed. Catty returned as quickly as possible. She approached slowly, as she would any patient, and eased the sheet over Freja's back, tucking the ends over her shoulders. As soon as the sheet was settled Catty backed away close to the door, keeping an eye out for Eddy. If Catty understood anything about weres, in her short time knowing they were even a thing, she knew their senses were keener. Odds were he would hear the commotion and come running. She stayed to run a quiet interception, finger to lips to indicate to be quiet while Aeric comforted his sister.
Freja was so lost in her despondency that she remained unaware of Catty as she came in with the sheet, tucking it over her shoulders. Fortunately she was quick to action, as Eddy had arrived not a moment later. Catty was also spared any unpleasant scene, the nagual retaining his feline form as he came stalking to the door. Uncertain expectancy was written in the animal’s eyes, but a swift interception from Catty and a quick peek in the room brought understanding. The large cat sat on his haunches; tail swishing as he listened to the girl’s sobbing with a pang of empathy. Honestly, he felt like he could do the same after having been through half as much. If they were stuck here much longer, he just might follow the example. He’d lose his mind if nothing else.

Aeric remained patient while his sister continued to weep, consoling her best he could. It took a while, but eventually her cries fell silent even as her body continued to tremble against him. Even as she calmed down, Aeric found it hard to summon his voice. What words could he possibly say to make things better? After two weeks of being stuck in that hellhole, he doubted anything could. But Freja was strong as ever, finding it in herself to pull back and look up into his face with wet eyes and a faint smile. “I…” her voice was soft and hoarse, as if her well of sadness could overflow again at any time, “I thought you were dead.”

“It takes more than an asshole with a sword to kill me,” he assured her with a grim smile.

Freja gave a cracked laugh, though tears were quick to follow. “Everyone else,” she said, voice shaking, “Father, Alva, Ingolf… they all…” She couldn’t bear to put it into words, but that was all that Aeric needed to hear.

The confirmation of his family’s demise was heart wrenching, leaving Aeric to feel like he’d been punched in the gut. For a moment he thought he might fall into despair along with her, yet he did not falter. In truth, he’d already come to expect such an answer. Perhaps he’d even come to accept it. And so he remained a pillar of strength for his sister, continuing to hold her as the last of her emotions came flooding out. It wasn’t much longer before she was finally able to regain her composure and look upon her brother with a more genuine smile, her blue eyes sparkling with the remnant of her tears. A flicker of movement caught her sight, however, at last bringing her to realize that they weren’t alone. A cursory glance to the girl and the cat sitting at her feet brought a soft flush to her cheeks, leaving Freja to close the sheet tight around her body and step away from her brother.

Aeric was quick to intercept the moment, placing a hand on her shoulder to guide her away from the scene. “Come on,” he told her, “There’s a place you can get cleaned up.” He recalled how good a shower felt after he’d finally been able to shift again, and figured the warm water and moment of privacy would do his sister well. She nodded and followed him there, each remaining quiet despite the questions forming; Freja curious over how they’d rescued her from the compound, and Aeric over the events that brought her there in the first place. Such conversations would come when Freja was ready. For now, she was grateful for the shower, thanking him before being left alone to wash up.

Meanwhile, Aeric promptly returned to Catty and Eddy, approaching the two of them with a weary sigh. “Well, this is turning into a hell of a couple days,” he said, running a hand through his jet black hair. Worse yet, it wasn’t promising to be any better in the days to come. Now that Freja was awake, they seriously had to think about what to do next; or at the very least where to go. Yet Aeric was hesitant to come up with any true answer to all of that. As risky as staying at the clinic might be, the prospect of venturing out into the unknown didn’t seem a whole lot better. But, remembering what Eddy said the night before, Aeric’s eyes fell to the nagual, considering a thought.

“Eddy, we need to talk for a minute,” he said, only for his attention to shift to the girl beside him. “Catty, you might want to—“ ‘Avert your eyes’ is what he meant to say, hoping to spare her the recurring sight of the naked, pudgy man. But Eddy didn’t afford her the opportunity, his lack of modesty apparent as an instant later he brazenly stood in the buff.

“More favors?” the nagual grumbled. “Despite my occasional good deed, you know I don’t work for free. And you still haven’t paid me up for that mess last night!”

“I have your money and then some,” Aeric promised, eyes narrowing slightly at the sudden demands. “Besides, I wasn’t going to ask for anything you haven’t already suggested. Last night you mentioned sneaking out and getting the word on things. Our mess at the fights might very well be keeping them distracted, but we need to know for sure. No one knows the streets better than you. I’m sure you know someone who can fill you in.”

Eddy frowned, contemplating the request for a moment. But Aeric knew he wouldn’t turn it down. The nagual wanted the scoop on what was happening as much as he did. And even if that wasn’t a big enough motivator, the offer of more money was sure to entice him. Therefore, it came as no surprise to Aeric when Eddy reluctantly mumbled his agreement.

“Fine. But you better have that cash waiting for me when I get back.”

Aeric nodded before dropping his gaze to his attire. “I suppose I better gives you this coat back,” he said, hands already going to remove his clothes.

Eddy sneered and raised a hand to stop him. “Don’t bother,” he said, “Keep it. I’ll never get the smell of dog out of it anyway. It’s better that I keep to all fours, anyway. All it takes is for someone to recognize me or run my plates… no, I’ll stay on foot for now until I know how hot things are.”

Once more, Aeric nodded, accepting the gift with gratitude. Admittedly, he was less than enthusiastic about Eddy’s choice. It would take a lot longer for him to accomplish his goals if he left the vehicle behind. Still, if it meant a better chance of making it there and back, he couldn’t argue. And luckily Eddy seemed to waste no time. As soon as the matter was decided, the pudgy man was back to the form of a large cat, bounding off without another word. Aeric watched him go before turning back to Catty.

”And now we wait, I guess,” he said, looking impatient already. Hopefully he would come back with good news, but until then it was hard not to feel the anticipation of things. Perhaps when Freja was able refreshed and calmed down she’d be willing to talk about the events that transpired post Aeric’s fall from the cliffs. He was just as eager for this information, but he knew better than to press her for it if Freja wasn’t ready. Even so, Aeric was not very good at waiting around for things to happen. Already, he was beginning to feel fidgety. “You should probably eat something,” he said to Catty, trying to distract himself from his own anxieties, “I doubt any other old friends will be bringing us bags of pastries anytime soon.” They’d have to figure out their lack of supplies soon enough as well. They wouldn’t make it very far on the run if they didn’t have any food; one more thing to add to their every growing list of problems. They’d scarcely begun their flight and already it was an exhausting, daunting prospect.
Thankfully she had been quick enough, intercepting Eddy before he barged in on the sobbing Freja. One look at her and at Freja settled the large jungle cat into an uneasy sit. Catty was decently certain she noted Eddy’s expression well. The sympathy but the strange, distant awkwardness in watching someone cry. Neither of them were fit to comfort the tears, though Catty assumed that wasn’t Eddy’s forte anyways. Besides Aeric had a decent handle on his sobbing sibling. All she and Eddy could do was wait. Quiet and patient. Catty tried not to watch, averting her eyes on occasion, but they always drifted back to the scene. Just watching the fighting Catty couldn’t image the horror Freja had faced there. Watching her family’s slaughter surely didn’t help the situation either. Slowly Freja calmed until she was able to summon words. Aeric’s easy quip brought both a small grin to her lips and a punch to her gut. How he managed to still be the calm rock in all of this was a mystery to her.

Freja’s list of names, however, brought a swift chink to whatever armor Aeric managed to wear. Catty’s head jerked a little in surprise. They’d heard the news already from Dr. Henderson, the slaughter of Aeric’s family. Catty rubbed her arm a little. Alva. Suddenly the borrowed clothing felt decidedly uncomfortable to wear. Such a small discomfort compared to the grieving siblings. Catty couldn’t remember ever wishing so desperately to be able to help someone before. Ease their pain. There wasn’t much she could really do and that knowledge was painful. Lost in her thoughts Catty’s head snapped up when she felt eyes in her general direction. Periwinkle met ice. Catty gave Freja the tiniest of greeting smiles before looking away again. Finally Freja was able to rise, assisted by Aeric to maintain her decency, and led off to shower. With the siblings gone a moment Catty let out a slow, steadying breath. The scene was equal parts awkward and painful to watch.

Aeric was gone for what seemed like a mere second before returning. “Well that’s putting it mildly,” she said with a small sigh. In Catty’s opinion it had easily, no contest, been the craziest and worst days of her life. Despite Eddy and Aeric’s existing knowledge of the secret myth world she was decently certain it was the same for them. Then again Aeric’s worst day might have been two weeks prior.

While he tried to warn her, after his request to speak with Eddy, Catty was slow to realize and Eddy quick to change. With a small groan Catty averted her eyes to a very fascinating ceiling tile, her ears pink once more. Being a partial nudist had to come with the territory. She listened to the men talk, more argue than anything else. Eddy seemed fed up with the situation, of course demanding the money Aeric had promised him. At least someone of their odd group was fairing decently well in all of this. Catty didn’t wonder if it was kind of pointless though. In her mind the sooner they left the better. Get the hell away from everything as quick as possible. Eddy had an interesting point. His car would likely be tagged or whatever from the government. Likely the police told to keep an eye out for the make and model with that plate. She was certain that was real, it was in a movie though. Then again her life the past couple of days was almost movie-like.

“Stay safe,” Catty called with a small wave to Eddy’s feline backside as he headed out. She didn’t wonder if a large jungle cat was a little more obvious walking down the street than a portly man. Too late now she supposed. With Eddy gone and Freja in the shower she was back to alone with Aeric. His suggestion for her to eat fell on deaf ears a moment, despite the bag sitting to her side. Even with their moment of comfortable peace outside Catty felt a weight settling on the room. Aeric’s anxious, apprehensive energy was palpable setting her nerves to fidget as well. If she was honest Catty didn’t want to wait around for Eddy to jog to the city, find information, and jog back. With Freja awake and mobile she was more than ready to put miles between them and the city.

A loud, rumbling growl stirred in her guts. Catty gave a rueful laugh, putting a hand over her stomach. “Yeah I guess you’re right,” she managed to say, circling back to his comment. Kneeling down she rifled in the bag for a sandwich. Picking out one with Applewood smoked bacon her mind made several strange turns to arrive at a seemingly unrelated idea. “You know…I mentioned the mountains…Probably not permanent but-“ Catty halted with a small frown, unwrapping the breakfast sandwich. “I think I know a place we can go for a while. Somewhere Freja can get her strength back and we can hide out for a bit. Ally, you remember her? Her family owns a-a sort of cabin. It’s a good ways away, about a five hour drive…and it’s disconnected enough that they probably won’t think to look there first.” Catty frowned a little at the sandwich before taking a bite and chewing thoughtfully. “They stop going when Summer is over but they leave all of the like…utilities running in case they change their mind randomly. Ally took us up there in winter, very pretty. It is on a private lake which froze over and we ice skated.” Catty grinned and sighed. It had been a good time, back when Ally was a little more fun to be around.

“No old friends to drop off food but we can go to a grocery near there…I mean it has heat and water and gas so we can at least cook. If I recall right you do like my cooking,” she added with a cheeky grin. With other horrible things and dangers looming over their heads the fact he had played her dog for two weeks seemed more amusing. Compared to everything else it was downright hilarious.
As Catty rifled through the bag, Aeric leaned back against the wall, trying to sort out his thoughts while she ate. Yet, even as he pondered on a solution, Catty seemed to have a few ideas of her own. She snagged his attention when bringing up a place they could go. He remained hesitant to venture any place that might be connected to their personal life; such locations were sure to be among the first places their opposition searched. “Yeah,” he said at the mention of Ally, “The jealous one, right?” The recollection teased a little smile form his lips. Better yet, the prospect was sounding all the more worthwhile now that he knew it was a friend’s place. It was still a closer connection than he would have liked, but as far as ideas went it was the best one on the plate so far. Of course, he might not have felt that way had he realized that Ally was also present at the fights last night. One person close to Catty had proven false already. Who else might be entangled in this carefully planted web?

Aeric cracked a grin back at Catty as she teased him. At least she was looking back on his deception with good humor. Then again, compared with Henderson’s betrayal having a werewolf pretend to be your dog must have seemed inconsequential. “Not gonna lie, that was one of the best parts of living with you,” he teased right back. “I don’t know what I would have done if you tried to feed me dog food…” He chuckled at the thought, though as he cast his gaze back to the ground, he considered her proposal more seriously. “It sounds as good a place as any,” he told her, the pipe dream they’d only just fantasized over seeming closer to a reality, “I think it could be the right first step, anyway. But like you said, probably not permanent. If you’ve been there before, that means it’s a thread they can find and follow. But perhaps it’s small enough to buy us the time we need.”

There was still a lot to consider, but truth be told Aeric was tired of thinking. He’d scarcely gotten a chance to rest over the last two days, and with a destination in mind and little to do but wait to get there, the least he could do was give his mind a break. So he pushed all the worry and anxiety aside and joined Catty, where he rummaged through the bag and retrieved one of the pastries. “Well, your boss may be a bit of an asshole,” Aeric started to say, only to interrupt himself with a portion of the sweet, fruit filling and flaky crust, “But at least he brought food. Silver linings, I guess.” He fell quiet after that, the solace of their moment before returning as they ate together. But the moment was short lived this time, Freja appearing a short time after they’d finished the light meal.

Aeric got back to his feet once noticing his sister, happy to see that she appeared in a somewhat better condition upon her return. She still looked rather weary, but her spirits seemed a little higher. “Feeling better?” he asked.

“A bit,” Freja admitted. Her eyes shifted between Aeric and Catty as she awkwardly stood before them in nothing but her sheet, even thinner now from pressing against her damp skin. “Um,” she hesitated, “I suppose we should talk…”

“Yeah,” Aeric agreed, though he wondered if she was truly ready for that. “Let’s see if we can’t find you some clothes first, though.” She nodded, giving him a faint smile before Aeric led her back to the room she’d first awakened in. “I didn’t really think to grab you anything from the house…” Catty had grabbed some of Alva’s things, but they’d be too small to be comfortable on Freja. “Well I suppose I’ve got a spare set of these,” he told her, gathering up his shirt and pants which he’d left behind upon shifting the night before.

Freja stared at the small bundle of clothes as he presented them to her, at once realizing it was the exact same set of clothes he was wearing. “Uh,” she stammered, “Why do you have two sets of the same clothes?”

“It’s a bit of a long story,” Aeric told her with a small grin, before stepping back and letting the special coat do its work. The outfit he’d been wearing shimmered with its endless, iridescent colors, before solidifying into a pair of dark wash jeans and a white, long-sleeved shirt.

Freja took a step back as she witnessed the spectacle, even more confused now. “That’s um… interesting. How in the—“

“Like I said, it’s a long story. Anyway, we can talk after you get dressed. If those don’t work for you, my bag’s right over there.” He pointed out the duffel bag that housed the rest of his belongings, before leaving her to her privacy and rejoining with Catty outside the room. It was only a few moments later that Freja emerged to meet them, wearing the same lounge pants and plain shirt that Aeric had given her. While Alva’s clothes would have been far too small, Aeric’s clothes were just a little too big. She had to tie the drawstring tight around her waist just to keep the baggy pants from falling off. But, billowy as they were, his clothes were better than the sheet.

Once again her attention fell on Catty, but this time, she formally approached her. “I’m sure you already know this, but… Freja,” she introduced herself, extending a hand in greeting as she gave Catty the chance to do the same. “I’m guessing I owe you some thanks along with my brother.”

“Couldn’t have done it without her,” Aeric admitted with a smile.

With that out of the way, they found a spot where they could sit and talk, well out of view of the myriad corpses which Freja’s nose had already alerted her to. She did not question it, however, saving the curiosity for after the most prominent question pounding in her head. “Aeric…” she started slowly, “How did you find me? How did you even get away from the Hunters that night?”

Aeric passed a wry look at Catty, taking a sharp breath as he thought how best to explain. It was just as well they told their side of the story first. He didn’t doubt that the things Freja had been through were much more traumatic. Perhaps hearing of his endeavors would help her with speaking of her own. So Aeric told her the tale in full; from Catty finding him on the roadside, to posing as her dog and eventually revealing himself to her in her moment of need. Out of respect, he did not speak of their more intimate affairs; such as their dates, or the fact it was an ex-boyfriend that assaulted Catty. And while he explained his miraculous escape had all been a set-up, he did not elaborate on the details; leaving Catty to explain those things if she so wished. After all, it was not his place to speak of things so personal to her. But he spared no details in how he’d worked with Eddy to find where she’d been taken, nor their heroic attempts at freeing her.

“I never imagined…” she said when the tale was told, “Nor dared hope anyone would come for us.”

“Us?” Aeric asked, a sour taste already forming in his mouth.

“I wasn’t the only one of the pack taken to those pits,” she said, her eyes threatening to brim with tears. With a deep breath, she pushed back the emotion, her shaky voice finding its strength as she explained the situation to him. The pack had given fierce resistance, felling many of the hunters before being overwhelmed. “It was all over once he came,” she said with a shiver. “We were already doing pretty bad. But once he drew that sword…” Freja couldn’t bare to go into detail of exactly what she’d seen, but it was clear by the time the lead hunter was done only Freja and Ingolf were left alive. “He wanted to kill us too,” she said. “He held that cursed blade right over my neck ready to do it, too. But one of the others convinced him to stop; that we’d be better off dying in the arena instead.” Freja averted her gaze for a long moment. “Our brother was strong,” she said at last, her teary eyes meeting Aeric’s, “But that place was made to break the strong. I was ready to give up after seeing his body dragged away… But I kept fighting… for him… for you… and for everyone we lost.”

She was unable to fight her emotions anymore, seeming to crumple beneath the weight of the memory. But Aeric put a consoling hand on her shoulder, which helped to steady her. “You don’t have to fight anymore, Freja,” he told her, trying to remain as strong as he promised to be. The red hot fury boiling in the pit of his stomach helped. The shadowed, grinning face of the man who’d thrown him from the cliff and slaughtered his family made for a nice dam in what would otherwise be a river of grief. He knew it was probably unhealthy to harbor such hatred; they had to focus on evading the man not seeking out vengeance. But the beast residing within hungered for nothing less.

Freja seemed to regain her composure quickly enough, though she didn’t entirely seem convinced of his words. Even beneath the sadness, there was a fierce, sort of primal determination in the depths of her soft, blue eyes. “Anyway,” she said, wiping her eyes and trying to keep her voice straight, “What do we do now?”

“Well,” Aeric started slowly, passing another glance at Catty, “We can’t stay here much longer. We think we’ve got a place we can lie low for a bit… beyond that, I don’t know. For now, we’ve just got to wait until Eddy makes it back. I’m guessing you could probably do with a bit of food until then.” He handed over the last of Henderson’s goodies, which Freja graciously accepted and eagerly devoured. Compared to the slop she’d been forced to eat in the pits, the lukewarm sandwich was the best thing she’d ever tasted. If nothing else helped to cheer her up, the bacon sure did. But no matter her spirits, Freja could not deny her persistent weariness. After eating she wanted nothing more to rest, which Aeric gladly obliged, deciding it was best if he left to keep watch anyway.

The hours rolled by lazily after that, leaving him anxious as ever when he found the sun melting into the horizon, washing the sky red with no sign of Eddy yet. It wasn’t until the velvety kiss of twilight that he finally spotted a spotted a lone shape approaching the clinic. Unlike when he left, eddy was in the form of a man now, this time fully dressed in a plain shirt and jeans, with a long, beige coat to boot. As he got closer, Aeric could see the cut on his forehead had been cleaned and bandaged. He greeted the nagual before wordlessly leading him inside to find Catty and Freja. Once their group was assembled, the nagual spoke.

“Well it’s as quiet as it’s ever going to get,” he told them. “Seems like the mess at the arena as got them scurried; I found my place intact and not a peep of anyone asking for us on the streets yet. So…” he looked to Aeric, “It’s been fun kid, but end of the road for me. I can’t risk carrying around a couple of escaped weres anymore… so this is where we part ways. Once I’ve got that cash you promised me, that is.”

Aeric grumbled a little, having hoped he could rely on Eddy and more importantly his vehicle, to get them a good head start at least. But he knew the old bastard well enough to know that the only thing that would persuade him was a more copious amount of money. Anymore bargaining and they might not have enough to get by; especially when Eddy could use the shapeshifter coat along with his heroic moment in the pit as fuel for a better deal. So Aeric relented, leaving it at that as he retrieved his duffel bag and counted out the promised amount to Eddy.

The nagual nodded his thanks before stuffing the bills into the pockets of his coat. “So,” he began to say, “You lot got a plan, or what? Got anywhere you can go?”

“Maybe,” Aeric said with a sigh. “We’ve got the start of a plan anyway.”

“Well, you be careful out there, wolf. Watch your back.”

“Likewise,” he said, before shaking his hand in thanks. A brief farewell to the ladies, and Eddy took his leave out the backdoor. Once the nagual was gone, he turned back to Catty and his sister. “No sense hanging around here any longer…” he said. “It seems like we’re still going to need some kind of wheels though... any bright ideas on that one?” As he said before, Aeric wasn’t above stealing a vehicle lacking any better option. But they certainly couldn’t walk that far.
Catty gave a little snort at the only thing he could recall about Ally. The jealous one indeed. She had fair few things to work though. Even still she didn't bother bringing up running into Ally at the fighting pits. It didn't matter. She saw little but the mon pubis in front of her nose. That was a little harsh though. Her grin widened and she gave a little laugh about the kibble. He was very lucky she believed in better diets for dogs. Of course, when he had gotten a little cranky and shitty she had considered buying him Alpo. It was still odd to think her "dog" had been a sentient being. Then again, a lot of the behaviors had been oddly intelligent. How could she have possibly guessed though? This was real life not some dime-store Sherylin Kenyon book. At least he was agreeable to the idea of the cabin. Honestly she didn't have much else in the way of ideas. Never once thinking she would need to consider places to hide from the government.

A comfortable quiet settled as they enjoyed their food. It was a decent comfort even if it had been brought by Dr. Henderson. Even still it was hard to believe all of it had been some insane, convoluted plot to acquire a vet for mythical zoos and the ghastly fighting ring. Catty shuddered to think of the mending she would have to try and accomplished with the fighting weres. How could anything think such a blood sport was alright? Maybe if they chose to fight but with those collars it was no better than dog or cock fights. Catty finished up her sandwich just as Freja returned to them, still trying to hide herself under the thin sheet. Politely Catty looked away as Aeric jumped up to help his sister. Aeric sure held a lot to himself. Taking care of her, of Freja, probably even Eddy to an extent. Catty stayed quiet as Aeric ushered Freja off to find something better to wear than an old sheet that likely smelled strongly of dog.

Their exchange about clothing brought another amused grin to Catty's lips. If she hadn't seen Aeric receive the coat she might be a little surprised as well. How deep was this world that members didn't even seem to know a great deal? With whatever magic it required, something like hard thinking, she watched Aeric's clothes shimmer and change. Rather than the baggy sweatpants and shirt he "changed" to some nice, dark jeans and a white long-sleeve. Despite all the insanity Catty still found some very, very strong appreciation for the white shirt. What she wouldn't give for a bucket of water. No, had to focus. Not exactly an appropriate time. Especially not with his sister around. The last thing she needed was to piss off the female wolf.

With Freja's return Catty found herself under the sister's gaze. For a moment Catty felt the urge to flee. An odd trepidation settled in her guts. Meeting the family was the second biggest hurdle apart from meeting friends. What was she thinking? Not the time. With the introduction and outstretched had Catty managed a small smile as she reached out and took Freja's hands. "Catriona...but just Catty. Happy to help," she said, proud of keeping her voice so steady. Aeric's comment turned Catty's ears red as she released Freja's hand. "Mostly your brother didn't need much patching up. Easier with real equipment too," she added, passing a glanced to Aeric. Her work on him would have been far easier with proper tools.

Catty didn't add much into the recount of events. A tidbit here and there. She noted Aeric tactfully avoided mention of the club, the night after, or their time at the park so she didn't add with any of those. Of course those made the tale certainly stranger and vastly more amusing. As he came up to current events Catty added in more where Dr. Hernderson was concerned. Catty was glad to get a recounting of what happened in the pits too. She was enraptured by what had happened while she had been sent to start the car. Not that she could have been much help. No idea how to shoot a gun and was just a human.

Freja's reactions, however, forced a darker turn on the conversation. None of the situation was truly light but a weight settled in Catty's stomach as Freja spoke of the others who had been in the pits as well. Ones who hadn't made it for so long. A coldness lodged in her as Freja spoke and broke down again. So much suffering and for what? So sick, rich assholes could watch fights? So she could get dragged to patch up these broken people? Catty was, in a way, glad to have learned the sicker parts of this hidden world. She wouldn't tell Aeric but, had circumstances been different, if she hadn't know these stories, she might have accepted the offer. Until just recently she'd never had a reason to distrust Dr. Henderson. Things hadn't worked out the way anyone had planned, however, so here they were. Families broken and cast into the winds out of greed and fear.

The slightest bit of levity was brought with Aeric's comforting words and proposal of a new safe haven. Even if a temporary one. Catty gave him a small smile at his glance, happy to be able to help as much as she could. It didn't feel like enough. Despite what was said a quiet, nagging voice wouldn't stop leave her alone. Useless in a fight. Aeric will always have to protect you. Their family died because of you. Terrible thoughts really, ones she quietly tried to force away. Though with a meal packed away Freja decided she needed more rest. Catty couldn't blame her. Physical and emotional exhaustion took its toll. Catty led the siblings be and went off to finish the task she had started that morning.

It was good to keep busy. Moving the bodies and gently positioning them in the examination rooms. She kept as quiet as she could so Freja could sleep. If they needed one more night there it would at least make the lobby a place to sleep. Once the bodies were gently places in the rooms, arms folded and blankets over them she started to clean up blood as best as she could. Perhaps futile but Catty needed something to do. Trouble was it didn't stop her mind. Even as she tried to quietly hum to herself depreciating thoughts crept in. Every thought had an argument but then the darkness had a rebuttal. There was no good, logical answer for anything. This was as helpful as she could possibly be. Cleaning and patching up. She wished there was more she could do but it wasn't like she could change into a wolf or big cat and help fight.

As the day waned on, the waiting room as clean as she could make it, Catty went back surgery with the duffle bag and began packing up everything and anything that would fit. Gently wrapping needles, scalpels, and vials into socks and shirts. She stuffed the bag to capacity, taking every bit of equipment she could find. If all she could do was fix them up after fights then she was going to be very well prepared to do it.

Just as she was gently trying to force the overly stuffed back to close Aeric walked into the clinic with Eddy hot on his heels. For a brief second Catty made to look away, well trained in the art of averting her gaze on the weres. Then she realized that, for a change, Eddy was actually wearing clothes. She breathed a quiet sigh of relief as she got to her feet, forgoing her difficult task of zipping up the near exploding bag. The news Eddy had was neither surprising, heartening, or disheartening. At least everyone was so distracted with the events at the arena that they might have a good chance to get out of there and get lost for a good, long while. So it was actually quite heartening. She wasn't surprised that Eddy quickly brought up his want of payment but was very surprised that he let Aeric keep the coat. Maybe there was a good guy beneath that rough, pudgy exterior after all. Finally it was time to say farewell to Eddy. "Bye Eddy," Catty said with a crooked grin. Aeric had been right, Eddy was an acquired taste. Even still they all might be far worse off if it wasn't for the man so Catty gave him a quick, hard hug before he left.

Now what? That was always the question wasn't it? What to do now. With the sound of Eddy leaving they were without a vehicle. It could possibly be fine for the wolves but Catty would slow them down. Her eyebrows knitted together. "'s kind of a long shot...and they're in the city..." Catty started slowly. "I might know some guys. They're...well they're good guys, sort of." It was weird to speak of her odd and surprising connections near her apartment. They'd said her back would be watched and it had been true. She could go about anywhere in the neighborhood and folk left her alone. Maybe with some coaxing payment they could get a car. "Ty and Mic, I took care of their dog once, free of charge. I never actually asked what they do but, I have a good idea," she said with an awkward laugh, rubbing her neck. "If you wouldn't ming shelling out some money they might be able to get us a car. Fake plates and all. Just have to be careful driving. Speed limits and all, can't get pulled over. Getting back to the city will be a little hard now though. My phone didn't make it out of the apartment so I can't call them." Who memorized numbers anyways? Probably a good practice to get into if one's phone was liable to get blown up. Strange that had never occurred to her as a possibility
Aeric rifled through his bag, retrieving the handgun he’d stowed away while he listened to Catty’s proposal. If they were leaving their safe haven, he wanted to be prepared. It was a lot harder to shift and defend yourself when out in public, after all. Storing it on his person, he cocked a brow at her apparent ties with a shady crowd. Between death metal and her friends, truly, the redhead was full of surprises. “That could work,” he said. Given the circumstances they could trust a gang of criminals long before any legal precedent. That was all they had time to discuss however, before the sound of a door bursting open. Startled, Aeric and Freja spun around to face the disturbance, only to find a frantic looking Eddy. Aeric opened his mouth to speak but was cut off as the nagual waved his arms, car keys still in hand.

“Hurry!” he shouted, practically wheezing for breath. “Out the front! Now! They’re coming!”

Aeric felt a cold tingle of dread at the news, but it was all it took to stir him to action. He wasted no time ushering Catty and Freja into a run for the lobby. Even with her injuries his sister was faster than any of them, leading their pack towards the exit. No sooner than they rounded a corner did they were the back door burst open once again, this time accompanied by the stench of several men. He dared not look back to see how many, but his free hand reached out to snatch Catty’s, urging her to put on an extra burst of speed to keep up with the weres. No sooner than they reached the end of the lobby however, they were Freja slid to a stop, whipping around to face them with lightning speed. Aeric barely had time to register what was happening before the reason for her change of direction became obvious.

Another group of men burst in through the front door, prompting Aeric and the others to follow example, whipping around. But it was too late; the rear guard arrived and they’d been caught in a pincer attack. Surrounded by their foes, Aeric, Freja, and Eddy seemed to take on a feral demeanor, growling as the circle of rifle bearing men closed in on them. He was on the verge of shifting, ready to lunge and create an opening, but these men appeared much better trained than those the senator kept around. Their formation was tight, and they appeared ready for anything.

“Get Down!” one of them shouted, he couldn’t tell who among the fluster. “Down on the fucking ground, NOW!” Freja’s growl grew ever louder, her canines looking impressively sharp and inhuman as she flashed her teeth at the opposition. Aeric knew she was seconds away from shifting, but if any of them did that it would be over in seconds. Aeric dared to reach back, touching her arm in an attempt to get her to stand down. Eddy got the picture quick enough, slowly lowering himself until he was belly down like they wanted. The others were left no choice but to follow suit, all four of them forced to the ground unless they wanted to test the soldiers.

Aeric’s heart was hammering as he forced himself to the cold ground, a million thoughts racing through his head as adrenaline started to build. Images of the bodies Catty had only just tended to flashed through his mind, and he couldn’t help but think how they might soon replace them. His eyes shifted between the pairs of boots that stood before him. He dared not look the soldiers in the eye for fear of incurring their wrath, but he knew he had to do something; anything to get them out of this situation. But, things weren’t looking better for any of them as one of the soldiers radioed in that the targets were secure. Not long after, Aeric heard the back door open once again, followed by the sound of footsteps. Unlike the soldiers who hurried to apprehend them, these were slow and confident; the stride of a man who knew he’d already won.

All he could see over the new arrivals were their feet. Three additional men had come to see the catch. At the head of their group was a pair of worn, brown, leather boots. The other two men seemed to be uniform with the rest of the soldiers, donned in their riot gear. The one standing at their leader’s right, however, held a weapon that Aeric instantly recognized. It was a long, three-pronged spear of steel as black as midnight. Carved deep into the each tip were Nordic runes. Only then did it click in Aeric’s mind how strange it was the room with his father’s artifacts was left intact. While the rest of their house had been turned over, the things arguably of the most value had been left in all its glory. Things with Catty escalated so fast Aeric hadn’t been thinking clearly at the time. He hadn’t even realized the spear was missing.

Any curiosity as to why they wanted the old weapon was tossed aside as Aeric’s eyes flashed up, more concerned with who had taken it. Its wielder looked as stoic as the rest of the men, wearing a placid face and not so much as glancing between their captives as he stood at attention; a perfect little soldier awaiting his orders. It was their leader who really snared Aeric’s attention. At once he recognized the faded, black duster coat and wide brimmed hat. His hear practically stopped when the scarred man’s face looked back down to meet his gaze. He could see the recognition in the hunter’s bright, hazel eyes. they burned like coals beneath the shadow of his obnoxious hat, lighting up with a dimpled grin.

Aeric snarled at the man, his body trembling as he fought the urge to struggle. It grew even more difficult when the hunter ordered them up to their knees. None of them were given a chance to do it themselves though, each one harshly brought to the position by one of the soldiers. They stepped away after, leaving all four of them lined up while their leader paced the scene, surveying them all. “Look what we’ve caught this time, gentleman,” he quipped, as he stopped in front of Catty. “A little veterinarian…” He stared her down for a long, uncomfortably silent moment, before moving back to Aeric. “…Her pet dog,” he continued on, “And a couple of strays. Do you adopt every monster you find, my dear?” he asked back at Catty.

But Aeric was the one who spoke up, interrupting his little monologue. “Nice hand,” he commented, still wearing his snarl as his attention jumped from the man’s face to his bandaged, right hand.

Once again, the hunter stopped, this time entering the staring match with Aeric. After a moment, his shadowed face turned up to a grin and he approached the wolf. “You think so?” he asked, sounding amused as he rose the hand up for him to see.

“Yeah it looks like it hurt like a bitch,” he proudly proclaimed.

“It did,” he enemy answered, just before swinging the wounded hand back and striking Aeric across the face with it. Aeric had the wind knocked out of him as he felt the sheer, unnatural strength of the man. His vision was an explosion of color as he hit the ground. It felt like he was on the verge of passing out, but somehow he held onto his senses, even as he tasted blood in his mouth. “But sometimes the pain is worth it!” the man continued, ignoring the punishment such a blow surely dealt to his injured hand. “Was that comment worth yours?”

Aeric ignored the acrid taste it left him, finding the will to push himself up and spit a globule of blood on the ground. “Absolutely,” he managed to say. “But if I’d known you’d act like such a bitch about it, maybe I would have come up with something better.”

The hunter laughed, sounding genuinely pleased by the response. He nodded to one of his men and Aeric felt himself wrenched back up to his knees, this time by a firm grip on his hair. He fought to show no reaction to the discomfort, nor fear as the hunter drew the thin, silver blade that had made short work of him once before. The man released his hair and stepped away, but not before the hunter could place the bitterly cold steel against his exposed neck. “You know…” he started to say, staring into Aeric’s defiant eyes. “I think I’m going to be a little sad once this is all over. You promise a much better fight than your alpha put up. One bolt to the heart and it was over just like that! At least you managed to take one of our operations down before you died.”

Aeric’s breath quickened with fury and emotion as the death of their father was so casually toyed about. The hunter seemed to take pleasure in the reaction, pressing the sword tighter against him until it threatened to break the skin. “I commend you for that by the way,” he said, wearing a toothy grin. “Even if it was sheer luck, I never did much like that senator; or politicians in general really. They’re all snakes in the grass… no better than you beasts really; wearing a familiar face by day, but a far more savage one at night. You see I believe in a much more genuine approach with you creatures…” Aeric grit his teeth as he felt the sword slice into him some, drawing a trickle of blood with its gelid bite. “I’d much rather just wipe you all out. But unfortunately, money makes the world go round. And the senator was good at nothing if not making money off you. But now he’s gone… and now we’re free to thin the herd a bit.”

Despite his confessions, instead of digging in further, the man pulled his blade away, sheathing it all together. A quick snap of his fingers however, and the little errand boy standing by his side handed over the spear. The hunter accepted the weapon from him before pointing the tip into Aeric’s face. Aeric took a quick glance at the intricate runes, before glaring back at the face he’d quickly come to hate. “You know this weapon, don’t you?” the hunter asked.

“It belonged to my father,” he said pointedly.

“Belonged to?” his enemy scoffed. “Stolen by, is more like it. It has a name you know… one that echoes in the back of your mind even now: Gungnir.” It was Aeric’s turn to scoff. He was supposedly to believe the legendary weapon of some mythical god was just sitting around in his family’s basement? Clearly this man was a nut job if he believed in that shit. While his father liked to spout the nonsense of them being the children of Fenrir, he could never take it seriously. All the supernatural things in this world, and still there was never any evidence of an actual god; only stories that were blown out of proportion.

“Of course,” the hunter continued, “You know who that makes me, then, don’t you?”

“The asshole I’m going to eat at the end of the world?” Aeric answered sarcastically.

Again, the hunter bellowed with laughter. “That’s very good,” he said once he was able to stow away his amusement. “But no; I am not the Allfather; merely one who serves him.” He looked at Aeric more seriously as the wolf stared, ignoring the throbbing pain from where he’d been struck. “Ah… I see you don’t believe any of this,” the man said, lowering the spear. He stepped away from the group as if pondering on something. “Although… if this truly is Gungnir, there is a simple way to test it.” He stopped several paces away, before turning back to face their group. “They say it’s impossible for the Allfather’s spear to miss its target. Let’s put that theory to the test, shall we?”

In one swift motion, he tossed the spear up, catching it deftly with his uninjured hand. “Lucky for you I’m a lefty,” he revealed with a twisted grin, “So I can’t use a bum wrist as an excuse for missing this shot!” Aeric felt his heart racing as the man aimed the spear for him, deliberately lining it up with his chest. Nothing felt real as he watched him pull back his arm and launch the weapon. The spear cut through the air straight and true. Aeric saw it coming right for him, yet beyond all possibility, it veered off course. Aeric could only watch, utterly confused by what happened as, like a homing beacon, it sought out Eddy and slammed itself directly into his chest.

“Eddy!” Aeric shouted in horrified alarm as he registered what just happened. The spear tore right through his body, striking the ground behind him with such force Aeric thought it might break through. The nagual scarcely had time to utter a choked gasp, his eyes going wide at the sight of a shaft protruding from his gut, before they went glassy and still. The world seemed to stop as Aeric drank in the sight, hardly able to believe it. Just moments ago he’d shaken his hand and bid him off… how had things changed so quickly? Aeric was stunned to the point he barely heard the hunter’s cackles of laughter.

“So what do you think?” the scarred man said jokingly, “Was I aiming for him or for you?” Without waiting for an answer, he raised his hand up as if reaching for the spear. The weapon gave a little wobble before lurching itself out of Eddy’s limp body and flying back into the man’s grip. If Aeric wasn’t stunned before, he certainly fucking was now. He stared the weapon down, marveled as it bore not even a trace of Eddy’s blood. “Let’s just say that was a test run,” the hunter continued to banter with him. “This one’s for real.” Aeric’s adrenaline was so high now that he was practically shaking. He felt helpless, powerless as he watched the hunter take aim again, lining it up with Aeric’s chest like before. “You ready?” he asked, “I’m really aiming for you this time! Just in case anyone tries to call bullshit…”

Aeric was ready to give in and accept his fate. There was nothing he could do to stop things… if he tried to run he would surely be shot down. He’d only been spared last time because it was necessary to lure in Catty. Now that they had her, he and Freja were less than worthless. He was going to die here… but maybe… maybe he could give the other two of them a chance to make a break for it. Or maybe he could at least take this asshole out with him. Without thinking twice, he reached back for his waist band and drew his pistol with lightning speed. The hunter had only just cocked his arm back to throw the spear when he realized the barrel of a gun was pointing right down his face. Aeric’s finger was milliseconds from pulling the trigger before the sound of a different gun exploded first.

Aeric took a gasped breath as he felt a bullet rip through his chest, one of the other soldiers having beaten him to the punch once they realized he had a weapon. Everything seemed numb as the weight of his gun slipped between his fingers and hit the ground, followed quickly after by Aeric to his knees. He couldn’t bring himself to look down at the hole that had been blown through his chest, forming a pool of blood that stained his clean, white shirt crimson. He could only look straight ahead, a tunnel of black creeping in to swallow his vision before falling face first to the ground. The hunter sneered as he looked upon the downed wolf, before turning his attention to the man who shot him. With a flash of fury, he redirected his aim and launched the spear. It sank right into the soldier’s chest, leaving his corpse to join Eddy’s on the floor as Aeric faded into unconsciousness.


When next he opened his eyes, Aeric found himself in a world of obscurity. He shivered with an impossible cold, and realized he stood only upon a black void. “F-Freja?” he called out, uncertain and terrified over this empty desolation. “Catty?” he pleaded when there was no answer. But suddenly, heat washed over him in the form of moist breath. Fear gripped Aeric like never before as he realized something was standing behind him; something massive. A hoarse rumble sounded on the air, wracking Aeric with a vibration as though the world itself was shaking. He was absolutely petrified, afraid to look over his shoulder even as he felt the beast grow nearer. Shortly after that he heard the rattle of chains, and finally he could take it no more. He spun around in a back, stumbling back even before his eyes fell upon the creature that stood upon him.

He recognized him at once: The illustrious, silver fur, the bright red eyes, jaws that could swallow the world. “F-F-Fen—“ he couldn’t find the words to say the name allowed as the colossal wolf focused his furious red eyes upon him. Then, without warning, he slammed both of his paws down, threw back his head, and howled. Aeric threw his hands up over his hears, falling to the ground beneath the sheer force of his cry. It was all he had not to go fetal, breaking against the weight of it. Yet soon the howl was drowned out by something much more commanding. It was like a million shattered voices, coming from every possible direction to join together in his brain, forming words.

Rise, mortal, and look upon thy Kin and King.

Though scared stiff, Aeric was unable to help but obey the order. He rose, trembling like an insect before a giant as the wolf lowered his head before him, chains rattling. He appraised Aeric as though his arbiter, lazily blinking one giant, red eye in consideration. It felt like one of his dreams had come to life as stood before the creature. Was that all this was, another reverie? He tried to remember how he ended up here, but the memory was hazy. The last thing he could recall was… Suddenly, the realization hit him like a freight train.

Thou have met the end of thy mortal life, and must now make a choice.

“What choice?” Aeric deigned to ask, going cold at the prospect of what he was hearing.

The choice granted to those born of my blood, Fenrir answered, growling, To accept thy fate, or defy it.

Surely this was just a dream. He couldn’t really be dead? Yet the reality of it all was hard to ignore. He recalled that bullet tearing through him clear as day. This… this is crazy. He told himself. But somehow, he found himself going along. “What do you mean by defy it?”

Growling, the giant wolf came ever closer, causing Aeric to stumble back as he lay down next to him. He shook his massive head, causing his chains to jangle as he revealed the collar lashed around his neck. If thou art strong enough, thou need only break mine chains and unleash Ragnarok.

“Break… your chains?” Aeric repeated, eyeing the monstrous links with a sense of foreboding. “How the hell am I supposed to do that? And furthermore, why should I? Wouldn’t that mean the end of the world?”

Amusement rippled through the beast as he looked upon him. The end of thine world, perhaps, he hinted, only confusing Aeric further. The time for discussion is past. Thou must make thy choice. Break mine bonds and unleash mine fury upon thine enemies, or surrender to thy fate.

“You’re saying you can help them if I free you?” Aeric asked him hurriedly, the possibility of fending off the soldiers to save Catty and Freja too tempting to pass up. But Fenrir remained true to form, the rumble of his growl becoming impatient as he refused to speak further. Aeric eyes his collar warily, wondering if this was truly the right thing to do. Even so, he found himself approaching the monstrous beast, shaking fingers reaching out to touch the metal that bound him. He found the seam where the collar connected, but could he possibly be strong enough to force it apart? Remaining doubtful, he decided to try. Stronger fingers gripped the edges and he pulled with all his might, trying to force them apart. The wolf lay still, though his massive tail swished with impatience. No matter how hard Aeric strained, the collar would not so much as budge.

Thou art weaker than I thought, Fenrir rumbled with disappointment.

That made Aeric grit his teeth, refusing to accept it. Come on, Aeric… taking a couple of deep breathes before trying again. it didn’t matter what happened to him… Catty and Freja were still at the mercy of those assholes. If there was really a chance Fenrir could help them against his enemies, he had to do it for them. As his sense of will grew stronger, he felt the collar budge. The surprise threatened to break his focus at first, but he regained composure and fought with everything he had in him. With a harsh cry of exertion, he pushed hard as he could, and finally heard the collar snap open.

Aeric fell down exhausted, heavy of breath as Fenrir pushed back to all fours and shook his sparkling coat. The chains fell away, shattering like glass before dissolving into nothingness all together. Aeric shuffled away from the thrashing beast, hoping he made the right decision as he pushed back up on wobbly legs. He could only watch in awe, his voice failing him as the creature turned back towards him and appeared to give a wolfish grin.

Thou hath made thy choice, he growled out, showing off pearly white teeth that were bigger than Aeric, Now suffer it! Without warning Fenrir lunged, lowering his head and snapping his jaws around Aeric before he could so much as throw his hands up. Devoured by the father of wolves, Aeric once against found himself lost in obscurity.


“Aeric!” Freja cried when she saw her brother hit the ground, hardly able to believe what she just witnessed. She’d only just gotten him back and he’d been ripped away from her. The soldier responsible for his death had been swiftly dealt with, the rest of their contingency breaking formation and stepping back in surprise at seeing their leader fell one of their own. It would have been the perfect opportunity for Freja to shift and break through the line, giving at least Catty a chance to escape if no one else. Yet she couldn’t find it in her as she stared as her brother’s motionless body. All she could do was wish it all away, that none of it was real. But it was, and things weren’t looking any better as the hunter held at his hand and called back her father’s spear.

“Let that be a lesson to the rest of you!” he snarled out. “You do nothing without my say so. I’ve told you before… the wolves are mine!” Drawing the spear back, he took aim at Freja this time. Her blue eyes met his with a feeling of despondency. Her entire pack was gone… what difference did it make if she lived or died now? Yet, before he could hurl the spear at her, the sound of a stirring, coughing Aeric caught both of their attention.

“Aeric?!” she asked frantically, looking at her brother as he appeared to be struggling to lift himself from the ground. After a moment his eyes rolled open and Freja was left to gasp, recoiling at their appearance. His eyes were completely red, as though the vessels had blown in them. As soon as they sprung open, a feral expression formed across his face while a growl formed in his throat. It was cut off by another round of coughing, which persisted until he hacked a fair amount of blood on the ground. After that he sat still, tremoring violently while it was all anyone could do but stare and watch. Aeric’s heart should have been stopped by that bullet; instead it began to pump harder and faster until it was practically a thrum of war. And then, he began to shift.

It was not the quick, simple process to which Catty had only just become accustomed. The changing contours of his body were slow and evident this time, muscles rippling beneath his clothes as the guttural cry in his throat grew louder and louder. As his limbs grew longer and gnarled, even the hunter looked somewhat surprised. His men shuffled away from the scene, uncertain of what was happening as they continued to watch in amazement. Their weapons were held at the ready, but their fear was evident as Aeric’s skin was taken over by the sprouting of black fur. Even the shape of his face began to ripple and change, becoming that of a hell-born beast as he opened his mouth to shout, only for a strained howl to replace his voice. Aeric was growing larger and larger until even his clothes began to rip. Once that happened there was a flash; a multitude of colors as the shapeshifter coat vanished. A few moments later, and one of Catty’s own nightmares had come to life before her.

The soldiers finally broke from their hypnotic states just as the transformation was finishing. Despite their leader’s warnings, nobody waited for the order. Gunfire rang throughout the clinic as they lit up the target, riddling the werewolf with bullets. Aeric gave a monstrous cry at the barrage, turning to face a group of his assailants with snapping, drooling jaws. The gunfire seemed no consequence to the monster, who mindlessly lunged at the soldiers. They scattered as a long arm came slashing down, but it was too late for one who was completely rent in two by the razor sharp claws on Aeric’s scraggy hand. His assault didn’t stop there as he dashed forward, catching one of the men who didn’t manage to leap far enough. He stood at full height on his back legs, lifting the man up to his jaws. His screams were cut short as his skull was crushed between them, only for Aeric to whip the body back around and hurl it at another enemy with enough force to shatter his ribs.

Chaos descended pretty quick after that, Aeric moving on from one man to the next while Freja looked on in shocked wonder. She regained her thoughts however, her eyes jumping to a lone soldier shooting at Aeric from behind. Finding her strength and her courage, she got to her feet and jumped him. Crying out, she struggled to overpower the man, their bodies tumbling through the chaos even as the massive werewolf lashed around them. Freja nearly had her head taken off as Aeric’s arm swooped back, splattering them with fresh gore from his claws. Luckily, her enemy stumbled the right direction to narrowly avoid anything worse. She was able to get the leverage she needed after, managing to force the gun out of his hands and put three rounds into him before he could fend her off.

Freja stepped back from his body, watching as the lead hunter approached the rampaging werewolf from the side. She lifted her gun to take aim only for Aeric to spin around and get in her way. He took a swipe at the scarred man, but he was too quick, moving with inhuman speed to see the attack whistling by instead. In the same fluid motion he spun around, slashing out with Gungnir and catching Aeric on the side. For the first time, the werewolf howled in pain, stumbling away from the attack. The blades of the spear left a long, bloody gash. Though even as the wound appeared, it began to seal right before their very eyes. The bullets had likewise pushed their way back out of his mending flesh, clinking to the ground. Even as he recovered, Aeric roared out a challenge to the man.

Like a beast himself, the hunter snarled back, brandishing his spear at the ready. Keeping to all fours, Aeric ran right for him, moving too fast for the hunter to react. Aeric’s charge didn’t stop even as he fell upon him. Snaring the hunter in his beast-like hands, he drove him right into the far wall. The sheetrock exploded against the force, sending man and wolf alike tumbling through the other side. Freja lingered, unable to believe what she was witnessing. But even as the fight continued into the next room, she knew this might be their only chance to make it out of things alive. With the soldiers distracted, she turned to Catty and dashed to join her.

“We have to go!” she shouted, pausing to grab Aeric’s duffel bag which she threw over her shoulder. Her eyes fell upon Eddy’s body where she saw the car keys splayed across the ground near his lifeless hand. “Get his keys!” she said to Catty, pointing. “We have to get to that car!” She wasn’t sure what to do about the problem of her rampaging brother. She’d never even witnessed this sort of thing before. There were rumors of course… but for the most part this shit was thought to be Hollywood fancy. Loathe as she was at the thought of having to leave her brother behind, she was more than ready to make their escape once Catty had the keys to their ride.
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Catty noticed the eyebrow quirk. Up until the past two weeks being very marginally involved with a street gang could easily be considered the oddest thing in her life. She gave Aeric an awkward grin at the look. With the revelation of the past couple of days it seemed marginally odd at best. It was an idea at least, to get a vehicle. Honestly she wasn't even sure if it would work. They had seemed like alright guys, at least to her but she wasn't involved in their regular dealings so who knew what they were really like. How they would get there she didn't entirely know though with Aeric grabbing his weapon she didn't wonder if he was ready to head out then and there.

Her head jerked up at the sudden, frantic bang of the doors and the wheezing, panting Eddy. Catty's mind buzzed with confusion even as her limbs locked up at his panicked yelling. They're coming. She didn't even have to wonder who it might be. Strange, chilling prickles erupted all over her skin. Catty was locked up enough it took Aeric to jar her into any sort of movement. Along side his sister she felt herself harried forward, not even remembering her overly stuffed bag of medical supplies. Freja darted forward and took the lead. Catty's stepped lagged behind the alert weres, only for a moment though. She felt her hand suddenly gripped, encased in a large, warm hand. The touch brought her mind back to the present, kicking her legs into a faster pace as they all darted for the entrance. Freja nearly made it to the door before whirling back around. Catty only turned as Aeric did, a group of armed men barely on the edge of her vision as they all spun about only to be faced with another group. Catty's inside turned to water and the hot, frantic buzzing in her mind returned two-fold.

Around her the were growled and snarled, human still but feral in their growling demeanor. The armed men encircled them, closing in just like in the movies. The only human in the small group didn't growl and snarl at the men. Catty wouldn't call herself much of a fighter and with no weapons or magical shifting ability the helplessness of the situation turned to fear. She felt her heart quicken in her chest and the vibration in her limbs. Even if the group could change into beasts, including herself, she didn't think they would stand much chance against all the guns they stared down. After moments that took ages one of the men began shouting. Catty glanced at the others as they held their positions. Freja looked particularly ferocious as she bared long, sharp canines at the men. Eddy was the first to lay himself down and Catty soon followed. Despite the fear a cold sickness filled her stomach, colder than the tile she laid on. No braver than Eddy in the face of so many guns.

Silence followed broken by one of the men calling over a radio. Catty remained still, staring forward at well polished, black boots. Even she heard the back door open and the calm, easy walk of whoever was radioed. She turned her eyes to follow the new set of approaching boots. Two pair of the same finely polished leather. The other old, brown, worn. Her eyebrows pulled together curiously. They didn't seem to fit the group. Her eyes followed up the pants but halted when she heard Aeric guttural snarl, snapping over to him. Even at the small distance between them she could feel him vibrating with rage. Turning her eyes up again she looked directly up at the man. At first he looked like Hugh Jackman from Van Hellsing. Just briefly, the wide hat and coat contributing to the temporary confusion. Despite the bad cosplay there was something keenly unsettling about the man. Something Catty recognized but couldn't put her finger on.

They were ordered up to their knees. Movement slow, clearly too slow. Catty felt the back of her blood red hoodie snatched and she was bodily yanked up to her knees with the rest. They weren't held though, not cuffed or anything. Catty fought to keep her breathing steady, push away the fear threatening to overtake good sense and logic. Be brave, be brave, be brave. The cosplayer paced in-front of them, just like a villain in a movie. His gaze falling on her brought a sickeningly cold shiver to her spine, her freckles standing out prominently against whiter than usual skin. Little veterinarian. Catty grit her teeth, clenching her fists to stop the tremor in them. Her eyes managed to narrow a little at his quip. In her mind he was the monster. Aeric, however, spoke up first. Catty's guts went cold again as Aeric taunted the man. Had Aeric lost his mind?

Their spat over the hand managed to dig up some recollection in her still fuzzy mind. The night Aeric's pack was attacked. The man with the silver sword. Before the pieces fully connected the man swung and struck Aeric. Hard enough it sent him sprawling. A hiss sucked between Catty's teeth at the blow. Even still Aeric was relentless. She had to given him credit for his bravery even if she thought he was being rather stupid. Then again it reminded her of a cornered animal. Nothing to do but snap and growl back. Quietly, just in her head, she pleaded with Aeric to stop egging the clearly insane man on. Wrenched back up to his knees the pieces finally managed to connect when the man drew the blade. Shortly the man made it clear to Catty just who he was. No wonder Aeric spat and snarled so angrily at the man. He had killed Aeric's father, had all but destroyed his pack. Catty was watching Aeric even as the blade pressed harder and harder to his throat. She wanted to look away, didn't want to watch his throat sliced wide open. Somehow she couldn't even as her heart seemed to stop beating and her breath stilled.

The comicon reject continued on, speaking of the ring Aeric managed to break up with Eddy's help. Catty's eyes flicked between Aeric and the man, watching and waiting. So the senator was gone. Catty swallowed hard, thin the herd. So that was it. It had barely just begun and now it was the end? She would have to sit there and watch them die and perhaps be killed as well. Or hauled off to be put to work. So much for not forcing veterinary care. The monologuing B movie villain stopped and withdrew the sword. Catty's heart seemed to have made it way back to her chest and she remembered how to breathe again. The danger, of course, wasn't over yet.

Catty didn't even remotely understand the importance of the spear. Her eyebrows furrowed a little in confusion. By then, of course, she should be well aware of things not being simple or simply what they appeared to be. To her it looked like a prop from Lord of the Rings. Even its apparent name, Gungnir, meant little to her un-nordic-educated mind. Rather than the importance of the spear itself she was more concerned as to what the man planned to do with it. Despite looking like a movie prop the points appeared wicked and very, very sharp. The man was sly with his words, almost seeming amused by the situation. As if their lives were just a game to him. Standing back he hefted the spear and Catty couldn't breathe again. His movements were a flashing blur. Catty squeezed her eyes shut, unwilling to watch as the spear hurdled right for Aeric. But it wasn't Aeric's pained grunt. Catty chanced a glance over to see the spear protruding from Eddy's chest. Her hands leaped to her mouth. Suddenly every even slightly mean thought she ever had of Eddy washed away. For all his help this was his reward. Catty felt her throat tighten and eyes burn.

More horrifying was how the spear twitched and pulled right out of Eddy's body. Catty gave a dry heave but managed to keep down what little she had eaten that day. It wasn't over of course. The man delighted in taunting them. Just barely under her breath Catty didn't even realize she kept repeating the same small phrase over and over. "Stop...stop...please stop..." Just barely audible even by the two living weres. Every fiber focused on the spear now as the hunter raised it up again, taking aim at Aeric. "Stop...stop...please stop..." Aeric's sudden movement barely phased Catty in her attentive, terrified state. Everything was slowed. She could see the gun Aeric held as he took aim. A slow, resounding gunshot rang out but there was no flash from the barrel of Aeric's gun. Red bloomed across the white shirt. Blue eyes focused on the spreading crimson. The world grew oddly fuzzy on the edges even if the spreading red stain was sharper and clearer than ever. A hazy buzzing sounded in her ear, a static to drown out the world.

The tiniest of sounds squeaked from Catty's throat as Aeric fell to the ground. A corpse beside a corpse. She didn't even feel the hot, wet tears roll down her cheek bones and across her fingers. A hand lowered and reached out for Aeric only to be shouted down by a soldier. "Stop...stop...please stop..." Even still she couldn't stop the unending phase. Aeric was dead and no amount of medical intervention could help him. Helpless, hopeless, useless. She didn't even notice the hunter strike down the man who had shot Aeric. Only Freja was left of the weres and there was nothing Catty could even do but stare at the still, lifeless forms of Aeric and Eddy.

The shouting reprimand of the hunter was a blithe, useless buzzing in Catty's ears. His movement managed to catch her eye. Fingers pressed to white dots against her cheeks Catty managed to tear her eyes away from the bloodied corpses to see him reel back with the spear. Now he aimed at Freja. The last of the weres. Helpless, hopeless, useless. Nothing she could do. Coughing. A hot spike shot through Catty. Slowly she looked over, vaguely hearing Freja's shout. Aeric was...moving? It wasn't possible. Instead of the quiet emptiness her heart beat in sudden, swift double time. It wasn't possible. He couldn't live after a shot like that. Yet there he was, coughing and struggling himself up. A sharp, rasping gasp sucked into Catty's chest when his eyes opened. Hellish and red as if every vein had burst in the cornea. A snarl and coughing, more blood coughed up. He couldn't possibly live. He was strong but not that strong.

Muscles rippled and not the usual svelte movement. More like a gurgling stream. Limbs stretched and grew. Catty's eyes became more white than green as the change took over Aeric. She should have been glad he was still alive but horror settled in Catty's guts as he stretched and grew. His handsome face twisting and contorting, black fur sprouting across taut skin. Unable to feel her legs to move Catty leaned away as Aeric grew. Just like her nightmare. His clothes ripped and the coat disappeared. No man, no wolf, but a monster. A long, slow squeaking exhale escaped her throat, like a trapped scream of a tea kettle.

Chaos erupted. No order was given. Gun fired echoed around them. The slow, kettle whistle of a scream broke through to a true shout of surprise and fear. Catty hunkered down, clapping her hands over her ears from the explosive chattering of automatic gun fire. The screams of men intermingled in the roar of weaponry. It was the screams that jarred her to motion. Not much in motion. Catty managed to scoot herself across the floor, backing away from the fighting and wild hail of bullets. It was sheer, dumb, luck she wasn't hit by a stray round. Hands still over her ears Catty struggled to her feet, back pressed to the wall. Aeric was hard to miss in all the chaos. A monstrous giant cutting easy swaths through the soldiers. She didn't know what to do. Her mind screamed to run, to get out of the building but her legs wouldn't obey. Aeric engaged the hunter. All she could do was watch as the two tussled. She hissed in sympathetic pain as the spear slashed Aeric's side but the cuts sealed themselves within seconds. Their fight got closer and Catty slid herself away along the wall. Just in time as Aeric shoved the hunter into and right through the wall. Catty jerked her body to the side from the hail of shattered wall.

Catty had lost sight of Freja in the chaos only to have her suddenly appear as the fight was taken elsewhere. The soldiers were distracted, moving to follow the battle between Aeric and the hunter. For a moment Catty stared at Freja as though she didn't comprehend a single word the woman said. She shook her head hard to clear out the swarm of searing hot bees. "Keys...keys yeah..." she muttered absently. Focus. They had to get away. Catty was almost robotic in her movement as she approached Eddys body. She choked down the urge to vomit, tasting the applewood bacon once again as it threatened to rise. It wasn't hard to find the keys, bloody as they were, clutched in his meaty hand. Oddly surreal to be holding the keys to escape once again. What about Aeric? Catty clutched the keys in her hand, feeling the sharp bite of them in her palm. She moved to follow Freja but she was weighted down. Legs full of concrete she looked back to the hole on the wall, still able to hear the sounds of combat on the other side.

"We can't." An odd calm settled over her. He might be a raging monster but someone she cared about was in danger. From the hunters, from himself. "I can't just...go." The soldiers were distracted enough by the fight, wanting to help the hunter but frightened by the monster and of accidentally shooting their superior. "I don't know what to do but I'm not just-just going to leave. Not without Aeric. Here," she stepped forward and pressed the keys into Freja's hands. Her voice shook and warbled but somehow sounded resolute. Catty knew she had lost her ever loving mind but she also knew she couldn't just walk out. Not the biggest fan of guns or with the slightest idea of how to properly use one Catty did her next most idiotic move and picked one up off the floor. It was awkward in her unknowledgeable hands but she had seen movies before, how hard could it be? Besides ensuring, well, something with Aeric she was absolutely not leaving the duffle bag full of supplies.

Catty would be useless in the fight so she moved around, holding the gun at her hip with a white knuckled grip, towards the examination rooms. Her breath came in short, sharp pants as she passed the rooms. Grab the bag first. Had to grab the bag. As she came around the corner to the door leading to surgery she came face to face with a white faced solider. The pair stared at one another a moment, shock splayed across their faces. His weapon came up but in Catty's panicked but more ready state she yanked her own trigger. A rapid burst of fire erupted from the muzzle, raising it up startling fast, sending of line of bullets slicing through the man. With a startled shriek Catty dropped the gun, not expecting it to raise like it did. Her heart hammered in her throat. The man gurgled and gasped a moment before laying still. Short, sharp breaths rasped in her chest. Don't think about it. Don't think about it. She had killed someone. Ice rippled along her flesh. Slowly, movements jarking, she retrieved the weapon and moved on. Don't think about it.

Peeking into surgery she hunkered down and went for the duffle bag. Overstuffed and heavy she grabbed the strap and headed away. Got the back, step one done. What to do about Aeric? She lingered, listening to the sounds of the raging battle. Wait until it stopped then peek in? It seemed the most logical option. Her actions had been stupid but she had enough presence of mind to keep out of the real fight.
Aeric’s blood chilling roars could drown the gunfire as he recoiled from their tussle. Surprisingly, being rammed through a wall wasn’t enough to keep his foe down, though it took him a moment to get his balance back. No sooner than he was on his legs did he find the werewolf charging again. He threw up Gungnir quick as he could; only having time to catch Aeric’s jaws with the aft of his spear. The impact brought him to the ground where he fought to keep the snapping fangs at bay. Aeric thrashed like wild, trying to pry the weapon away from the man’s insane strength. Though, despite the hunter’s clout, it was a losing battle. There was no way to wrestle the spear out of Aeric’s dagger-like fangs. His only choice was to surrender it and roll away out of danger in the precious seconds he had before the wolf came crashing down.

The hunter growled as he dashed a safe distance away, watching as the werewolf mindlessly attacked the spear as if it were his intended target. Before he could make use of the opportunity, the rounds from his remaining men had drawn the monster’s attention again. Aeric wheeled around, furiously retrieving Gungnir from his jaws and launching it at the nearest soldier. The hunter threw out his hand to recall the spear, but nothing could overpower the spells etched into the point of the mighty weapon. It sailed right on target, blowing right through the man’s head before changing direction and flying back to its intended master. With Aeric distracted by the men who so foolishly drawn his ire, the hunter wasted no time in cocking back his arm and hurling it at the beast.

Aeric roared in a painful rage as he felt the three bladed points drive into his back. It brought him to the ground, giving his latest victim the opportunity to scurry away before suffering the fate of his comrades. As ever, the hunter reached for the spear. With effort, it struggled to pull itself out of the muscular creature. Just before it could break free however, Aeric reached back with a long, powerful arm, and stopped it. Growling, he fought against the spear’s growing strength. The longer its master was denied, the more powerful its force became. Once the werewolf realized it was hopeless, he thrashed in the direction of the hunter, releasing the spear to swing around with his arm instead. Much like karma, Aeric’s gnarled hand struck the man across the chin. As he went reeling, his influence over the spear was lost, leaving it to sail off course and hit the ground several yards away.

“If we stay here we’ll die!” Freja tried to reason with Catty. She didn’t like the idea of leaving with Aeric’s situation in the wind either. But someone had to think rationally. A calm mind was all that helped her survive in that arena. “He’ll be okay!” she tried to tell her. How could he not be? One look at that thing and the way it healed its injuries told her these men weren’t going to stand a chance against it. At this point, she was more concerned about there being anything of Aeric left in there. She’d gladly find herself in the ring with the Grizzly Terror again before fighting that. But Catty was determined, leaving Freja to stare in wonder as she handed her the keys and vowed to help him. The human girl was out of her fucking mind. Even as she awkwardly hefted up one of the weapons, Freja could only look on, dumbfounded. Yet her speechlessness was soon replaced by a feeling of shame and guilt. After Aeric had risked life and limb to save her, she wasn’t willing to do the same?

“Gods damn it,” she grumbled to herself, stuffing the keys into her pocket. “Don’t you fucking attack me Aeric,” she continued to complain, stalling as she checked her weapon to make sure she had enough ammunition. “I’ll put a damn bullet in your ass… so help me….” Steeling herself, she finally prepared to follow in Catty’s footsteps, the sound of the redhead’s own firefight lost amid the storm of the rest. She came upon the body though, finding herself further surprised by the evident cause of death. Clearly, Aeric’s little girlfriend wasn’t fucking around. Has to be a girlfriend… she thought, puzzling over the red head to distract herself from the insanity of all this. That or the most dedicated vet ever.

She found said employee of the month lingering on the edge of the scene, the bag of her medical supplies in hand. Freja came up to her from behind, hoping she didn’t startle Catty into action as she announced herself. “So you got a plan to go with that gun Liam Neeson?” She asked, coming up to her side as the sounds of battle raged even now. Before they could discuss it, the lucky one who escaped Aeric came flying out of the room, gun in hand. He noticed the two of them at once, but in his fluster Freja was able to take a shot before he could even get his weapon up. As he died, Freja released a shuddery breath. The building adrenaline brought her to tremble.

Suffering werewolf’s fierce blow, the lead hunter was out cold. The victory came at a cost, however, as Aeric staggered against the damage wrought by Gungnir. His wounds were healing much slower than before, unable to keep up with the sheer number of rounds he’d taken as well as his latest injury. Only two men had withstood the massacre, and seeing their opportunity they bravely made their last stand. Sluggish from battle, Aeric roared his displeasure as they opened fire. The weapons had a much greater effect on him now that he was worn down, but weathering the assault, he managed to advance on the men. He lashed out at the first one, snaring the muzzle of his rifle and ripping it away. The man barely had time to stumble back before Aeric came in again, sharp claws cutting through the man like butter.

His final opponent was in a full on panic by then. As the beast turned its attention on him, he decided to try a different tactic. Taking several steps back, he threw his gun on the ground and put his hands up in surrender. Aeric merely growled in reply before lunging in, jaws wide. The soldier turned to run, but by then the werewolf’s jaws had already clamped around his torso. With a lurch, Aeric hefted his prey into the air and shook him like a rag doll, leaving the body limp and broken by the time he tossed it aside. His enemies decimated, the monstrosity let out a fierce, victorious roar before the wounds took their toll. Bloodied and exhausted, the beast fell to the ground and whimpered quietly, much like an injured dog. His wounds continued to heal, albeit painfully slow.

With the sounds of the battle fading into silence, Freja passed Catty a wary glance. If they were going to enter the room, now was the time. Freja steadied herself with a deep breath and stepped out of their hiding spot. As they came around to investigate the scene, her heart pounded like never before. Her eyes drank in the crumpled, black mess of what was once her brother. His breathing seemed ragged as he remained curled up on the floor, whimpering like some poor animal. Her heart might have panged with sympathy if she wasn’t so damn terrified. Evidence of what this thing could do to them was splattered all around the room, leaving the clinic a macabre ruin. Swallowing down her fear, Freja commanded her legs to bring her a couple of steps closer.

“Aeric?” she called to him softly. “Aeric, it’s us…”

At the sound of her voice, his pointed ears gave a twitch and the whines faded away. They were quickly replaced by a deep, rumbling growl. The beast stirred, causing Freja to freeze in her tracks as he unfurled his long limbs, rising and turning to face the new arrivals. His eyes remained hellish red as he looked upon them, any trace of recognition completely absent from their wild fury. All of his pain seemed forgotten as he rose to his full height, well over nine feet as he towered above them. Aeric tried to keep her anxiety in check, but found herself stepping back, tightly holding her weapon at his looming presence. “Aeric…” she managed to squeak out one last time, almost pleading.

A terrible roar was her answer before the beast dropped to all fours and charged. Even with her finger on the trigger, Freja found herself unable to follow through on her promise. She just didn’t have the heart to fire upon her brother, no matter what form he was in. Instead she found herself reacting with haste, shoving Catty aside and out of the way before making a leap for it herself. Aeric stumbled with surprise as his claws swept through the empty space where his prey once stood. Luckily few were as quick and agile as Freja. She was back on her feet even before the werewolf wheeled around to spot her. Keeping his attention off of Catty, she dashed into the room, her mind running wild as she thought of what to do.

She didn’t dare look back, but she could hear him coming for her, prompting her to put on a furious burst of speed. But Freja soon found herself against the far wall, nowhere else to go. She spun around to face him as he grew nearer. “Aeric , stop!” She managed to shout before having to bail. His wounds kept him lethargic, giving her the time she needed to evade him as he carelessly smashed head-first into the wall. Reeling from the new crater he’d left, he cried with fury and whipped around to find where she’d run off to this time. Freja was making a beeline for the door, heading straight for Catty this time. She snared the redhead’s hand and pulled her into a run for the exit, whether she liked it or not. Freja wasn’t about to let her bleeding heart get them both slaughtered.

It may have been too late to avoid, however. Even as they ran for their lives, Aeric remained in pursuit. Freja could hear the sound of his claws scraping across the ground as he ran after them, his fierce cries growing closer. She frantically threw aside anything they passed, hoping to bar his path or slow him down. It was all useless, however. The beast was like a locomotive, his grievous injuries the only thing that gave them enough edge to stay ahead of him. Freja’s relentless perseverance saw them through as they came bursting out the doors into the cool night air. It wasn’t hard to pick out Eddy’s car, which she made a mad dash for. Several steps away however, there was a loud crash as Aeric broke out of the clinic after them. Freja knew their time had run out. They simply didn’t have chance to make it in the vehicle before that thing caught up with them.

“Here,” she breathlessly told Catty, digging out the keys and handing them to her. “Get the car started! Hurry!”

As she trusted the girl to follow her orders this time, Freja grit her teeth and stared her brother down. He was already coming for them, bloodthirsty eyes honed in on his sister. Gathering her courage, she ran right for him, shifting as she did. As her clothes fell away and the flash of the beautiful, white wolf appeared, the monstrous Aeric came to a halt. Freja barked and snapped at the beast, issuing warnings as she kept her distance. Aeric roared in kind, looking like he could strike at any moment. Yet, he remained hesitant… apparently confused by encountering one of his own kind. Freja took a chance to lunge closer, threatening to tear into any piece of him she could get between her jaws. She never followed through, but it appeared to work, making him retreat a step. Freja stood her ground as he roared again. His arm rose as though he would finally strike, only for something else to catch his attention entirely.

As the breeze parted the clouds, the silvery light of the moon spilled upon them. Aeric seemed to soften beneath its glow, his head lifting up to stare into the heavens. He was completely transfixed as he drank in the light of Mani; Aeric almost seemed at peace, in fact. Freja knew she should have used that moment to bolt for the car, but her slow retreat stopped all together as she watched her brother. For a long, uncomfortable moment, she wasn’t sure how things would go. But when Aeric looked back at her and mournfully whined, she could feel that it was over. An instant later, her brother collapsed to the pavement. Lying in a heap, he began to convulse and change. His stature was the first to change, shrinking back to its natural state even as the rest of his human features began to surface. Byt the end of the transformation, he was looking every bit the way he did before, right down to the bloody, white shirt he’d been wearing. He appeared to be just as lifeless as well, giving Freja a start as she shifted back into her own human form.

Terrified of what she might find, she approached his unconscious form. She was even afraid to speak his name at this point, recalling all too well what happened the last time. Yet she took a risk and knelt by his side before gently placing a hand upon his back. “He’s still breathing!” she shouted back out to Catty. “I need you to help me get him in the car!” Freja’s mind buzzed about how bad it would be if Aeric woke up as that thing again with them trapped in the car. But none of that mattered now; she had to do whatever she could to help her brother. Beyond that, she didn't want to be here a second longer. It was only a matter of time before more hunters showed up, and after that sort of brutality they would be out for blood.
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Catty listened to the sounds of battle. She didn't have to strain overly hard to hear them. The monstrous roars and rapid gunfire, with the occasional demolition concussion, made for a terrifying symphony. What the hell was she doing? Sure, it had sounded good at first. Can't leave Aeric behind. For a moment she had been brave, resolute. Suddenly her jelly legs could barely keep her up. What now? The same question, over and over. What now? She had thought to wait until the sounds of battle died down. Then what? Given the apparent power that had taken over Aeric she safely assumed his victory. Of course she didn't know how this new monster would react. Would he, somewhere deep inside, recognize her and calm? Or was Aeric utterly lost in the monster's flesh? Catty shivered to recall what those teeth and claws had done to the soldiers.

A sharp hiss of surprise sucked through her teeth at Freja's unexpected whisper. Catty looked over her shoulder and up to the beautiful blond. Her red eyebrows cocked a little in puzzled amusement. "Liam Neeson huh? I was more going for Rambo," she said with a small smirk. Though the smirk faded as she looked towards the sounds and huffed a long sigh. "I-" she began when the door flew open and a soldier came rushing out. Catty's finger jumped to the trigger, a little gun-shy from the last sudden burst. Freja got in first. One shot and the man was done. Catty let out a slow, shuddering breath, her shoulders sagging as she forcibly relaxed her body. "Ok, maybe you get to be Rambo." The sounds of the fight suddenly change. No more bang and clangs. More gunshots and screams. Then silence. Catty returned Freja's glance. Wary and worried. She moved with Freja around to the scene. Catty's breath caught in her throat. If she thought the scene in the lobby was bad the sheer amount of gore painting the room would give Quinten Tarantino a run for his money. Her eyes jumped around the corpses, the unconscious hunter and the forgotten spear, then finally landed on the crumpled mess of a monster. His whimpers were piteous and Catty's heart gave a sympathetic pang. Catty lowered her gun, uncertain but not nearly as terrified as Freja. He was whimpering and in pain, maybe there was some sanity in there. Before she could move forward Freja did, calling out to the beast.

Catty's heart missed a beat, then another, as the beast turned, a growl rumbling in his throat. The creature rose, damn near doubled in height from Catty and still easily towering over Freja. Aeric wasn't in there. Catty recoiled at the roar, breath catching in her throat as he charged. Before she could even react she was pushed to the ground, the gun clattering a skittering away as she hit the tile, jarring her upper arm and shoulder. Catty hissed with the throb in her arm and shoulder but pushed herself up only to see Freja dashing away, just barely avoiding getting slashed to ribbons. The reality hit home hard. This had been a really bad idea. She should have just listened to Freja in the first place. Catty pushed herself back to her feet as Freja continued to dart around, narrowly avoiding her beastial brother. Just when her feet were regained she felt a warm hand snatch hers and yank her away. Catty's feet skittered on the tile until they managed to get a rythm with Freja. Both dashed for the exit with hellish red eyes and razor claws hot on their heels.

Bursting out into the night air. Almost to the car. Catty wasn't even sure if she was actually breathing. The chiming crash of glass told her Aeric was much too close for comfort. She stopped with Freja, panting from exertion and rightly earned fright. With the command and keys shoved into her hand Catty gave a sharp nod. Her guts twisted as she ran to Eddy's car and unlocked the door. She chanced a look back to see the beautiful, pure white wolf standing where Freja had been. Snarling and growling. The stand seemed to have stopped the monster. Suddenly the orders were forgotten and Catty watch, transfixed by the scene. Catty didn't understand what was happening but at least the beat stopped. Just for a moment. A sharp breath sucked down her throat as Freja lunged forward. The beast prepared to strike. Then a soft, silverly glow filled the parking lot. Catty raised her face up to the sky. The brilliance of the moon shone through parted clouds bathing the world in her gentle glow. She looked back at the oddly quiet scene only to jerk her head back in surprise. The beast had calmed. Looked peaceful even. Until he collapsed again. Writing in pain and shrinking. Hair receded, limbs returned to normal. After moments of agonized pain Aeric was himself again.

Catty hadn't even started the car yet. She stayed back some as Freja shifted back to her human self and approached her brother. Barely breathing Catty watched as Freja knelt by her brother. Don't be dead again. Don't be dead again. He's still breathing. The words rang across her skull like a church bell, sending reverberations all the way to her toes. Catty took a moment to respond. "Y-yeah," she managed before trotting over. Aeric wasn't a small man but between the pair of them they were able to get him as comfortable as possible in the back seat. "Oh...wait..." she said, stopping herself before jumping into the driver seat. Catty turned back to the clinic and trotted inside. She was absolutely not leaving the supplies!

Luckily it was still unharmed and she slung the heavy bag over her shoulder. Though before leaving she hesitated, glancing around the bloody remnants. After a moment of indecision she dropped the bag and darted between the corpses, collecting packed magazines from them. She shoved as many as she could wedge into the already over stuffed bag and more into the pouch of her borrowed hoodie. After magazines she gathered up three guns, taking a moment to figure out their safety and engage it. Satisfied with the find she moved to leave when one more glint of metal caught her eye. Catty glanced around before picking up the pitch black spear. She didn't know what they could do with it but she definitley didn't want anyone else having the weapon.

Finally Catty emerged, dragging her duffle bag with the spear laid across it in one hand and carrying three rifles by their slings in the other. Catty opened the trunk of Eddy's car and heaved her bag into it. Next the rifles, making sure the barrels pointed away from the cab just in case. Finally the spear which just barely fit when angled. Carefully she dug a hand into her duffle bag to pull out a handful of the money Aeric had jammed in it. They would likely need gas, it would be a fair drive. Finally ready she slammed the trunk closed and got into the drivers seat, heading out as calm as you please. She was quite for a long while, constantly glancing in the mirrors. After twenty minutes Catty let out a long, slow breath and relaxed into the bucket seat.

In the quiet of the car everything could settle in her mind. Everything that had happened. Multiple thoughts and feelings assaulted her, each new one hard on the heels of the previous. The loss of Eddy, the chaos, the pain of thinking Aeric had died, the terror of his awakening. Catty shuddered to recall. She glanced to the back seat where Aeric was resting. If she ever planned to believe in religion it seemed like the best time. She thanked whoever had helped them out there. They hadn't had time to take care of Eddy properly and for that she was sorry. Speaking of apologies Catty glanced over to Freja. "Hey...uhm...sorry about that, back there. That was...really stupid." Guilt burned her ears and guts. "I could have gotten us killed...hell I almost got you your own brother." She glanced back at Aeric again in the rearview and huffed a sigh. At least he was alright. She assumed he was alright at least. "This whole...supernatural war, thing, is kinda new to me. Like...two days new so...I should listen to you and...and Aeric more and not do dumb shit.
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