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Big Bad, Little Red, and the Hunters. (Fates.Gamble and Gunner)

Freja watched Catty fumble over her words with a soft smile, a little of the sparkle returning to her bright, blue eyes. “Oh quit worrying so much,” she told her, glancing back to Aeric who remained blissfully unaware of the world around him. “I’m sure he’d prefer you doting and hovering over him more than his sister.” But Freja did worry about him, how could she not? Her eyes were full of concern while she regarded the shaggy brute. Aeric was one of the few things left in this world for her to care about. All she wanted was to see those eyes pop open, greeting her with that warm, green luminosity she’d known all her life. She mused over the fact the positions had been reversed not long ago, with Aeric the one watching over her back at the clinic. When she recalled that she was reluctant to leave his side, and it didn’t take much convincing for her to accept the couch.

She settled in, relaxing against the soft cushions with a weary sigh. Like Catty, she had trouble finding sleep. Everything was still fresh in mind, the adrenaline from the events yet trickling away. She could still feel the influence of Mani as well, though it was waning, sinking away as the full moon steadily melted into the horizon, shining its light upon a different portion of the world now. Freja shuffled around to her back, trying to get comfortable, and let her gaze linger on the vaulted ceilings above. Silently, she wondered if somewhere else out in that vast world there were other wolves like them, their packs whole and strong. Perhaps somewhere still within that bright, lunar glow, there was no cause for worry. Packs could celebrate in peace, with no fear of men with silver swords. It was a pleasant thought, but not enough to coax her mind into slumber. That wouldn’t come until just before dawn, when soft, gray light came spilling in from the busted windows.


While Aeric seemed at peaceful rest, the black wolf sleeping silently between them, there was nothing but turmoil within. Erratic nightmares plagued him, starting with that night upon the cliffs; the night the hunters appeared and altered the course of his life forever. He felt small and helpless, left to watch as he saw his pack members brutally slaughtered. Freja and Ingolf survived the onslaught, but that didn’t keep the men from savaging them. Aeric could hear them calling for him; hear their desperate pleads for help, but there was nothing he could do. A man with a silver sword barred his path, a crazed grin across his scarred face. One swipe of that blade and Aeric was brought low. Next thing he knew he was falling; falling from the clifftops only to hit the pavement of a dark and desolate road. Suddenly there were a pair of lights in the distance, the sound of death metal on the air. A car was coming straight for him, only this time it didn’t stop. It never saw that black coat of fur, invisible in the obscurity. Aeric caught one brief glimpse of the driver, a woman with a fair face and a flash of red hair before the vehicle struck, and all was rendered into darkness.

Out of that pitch black world came another scene, and once again Aeric found himself enclosed of that menacing cage. Trapped with the Grizzly Terror. Only it was not his own body, but that of his brother Ingolf. The chocolate brown wolf dashed this way and that, trying to keep away from the monstrosity that came charging in. But there was no where to go. The cage impeded his movements, leaving no room to dodge those massive, swiping paws. The bear knocked him down with a blow to his back left leg, sending him tumbling across the floor. There was no time to recover before the terror came pouncing in. Heavy paws slammed down, breaking bones before the huge jaws closed around the wolf’s skull. One sharp cry and a sickening crunch, and once more Aeric’s world faded to a colorless void. This time, a sound rang out across the desolation; the sound of chains rattling and an ominous growl so deep it felt like it was coming from the Earth itself.

Again, the world changed. A shuddering, florescent light came to life, causing the utter darkness to flee into the corners of the room, lurking in the form of shadows. Squinting against the sudden flare, Aeric stepped forward to view his surroundings, quickly coming to realize he was standing in the lobby of Henderson’s clinic; scene of the latest carnage he’d witnessed in his life. Just like the first time they visited the vet practice, the building was piled with bodies. The efforts they put into covering and clearing the dead had been undone. Aeric wandered through the garden of corpses, taking in their expressions of pain and anguish; an imprint left in their final moments. But there was more than just patients and their pets scattered across this room of death. His family was here too. Everyone he’d ever lost, their brutalized forms counted among the rest. His heart began to quicken as he walked past the ones he loved. Mother, Father, Brother, Sister… One familiar face after another passed before his eyes. Even Eddy was there, his Gungnir still driven right through his butchered body, his face wracked with torment. Suddenly, there was another rattle of chains, and Aeric cringed as he heard a thousand, growling voices, all whispering, and all forging into one, grinding sound in his mind.

Look upon the folly of thy efforts, the wolf god taunted him.

Too weak to protect thy pack...

Too weak to aid thy friends…

Despite the intimidating voice he went on, treading the corpses as if he were drawn to the very center of the room. One body in particular lay there, and it called to him unlike any other. As he drew near he noticed two other corpses lying beside it. He swallowed, a dry lump forming in his throat as he realized the first one was Freja, torn to pieces as though some beast savaged her. Further ahead was Catty, her bright eyes like lifeless glass staring at the ceiling. She’d been treated much the same as Freja, her once soft lips now pale with death and slightly parted, as though she’d been taken by surprise. He felt like he’d been doused with cold water upon seeing her battered and bloody form, but still he couldn’t stop. He had to keep going to the last body, the one at the center of all this loss. His breath was caught when he finally reached it, discovering a reflection of his own face. He lay in a pool of blood, a bullet hole blown right through his chest.

Too weak even, to save thyself. Thou art lacking of strength. Lament, O Wolf! Ragnarok shall consume thy feeble mind, and devour thy faint heart.

At Fenrir’s declaration, the corpse Aeric began to stir. The one still living stumbled back, heart practically beating out of its cage as his dead self began to rise, pulling itself up to all fours. Almost instantly, it began to change. Muscles rippled beneath bloody clothes, limbs crew long and gnarled, and skin blackened until it was sprouting with tufts of midnight fur. Aeric’s eyes were wide with shock, with fear as he faced down the monstrosity he was becoming. Those carmine flushed eyes were turned on him this time, with jowls salivating over potential prey. Aeric continued to step away, trying to distance himself from the monster. But there was no where to go, for the corpses scattered throughout the clinic began to rise, ghostly, dead figures that joined his monstrous foe. All of their dead eyes focused on him, watching and waiting while the wolf approached to add him to the ranks.

Before he knew it, Aeric had shifted, returning to the form of a scruffy black wolf. All courage had fled him. He was left cowering, shaking like a wounded animal as the wolfman and his legion draugr pressed ever forward. The poor beast shut his luminous green eyes, whimpering with fear and wishing it all away. He felt every bit as weak as Fenrir complained, and all too ready to give up. And that’s when he felt something. It was like a little ball of warmth at first, welling in the pit of his stomach, quickly growing until it swelled throughout his entire being, radiating with a sense of safety and calm. At once he was reminded of the night before, upon the shores of the lack when he felt that comforting presence, so much like a hand on his shoulder. In his grief he’d felt like his father had reached across the void somehow. Only now did he realize how wrong he’d been. This was something else; something deep inside, as though some unknown part of himself had stirred to life. He wasn’t sure how to explain it, but that ethereal presence stole away his fear, and he began to relax. And then, he heard a second voice in his head:

Have no fear, for when you are at your weakest, I will be your strength.

Much like the father of wolves, it came as a powerful force in his mind, yet it was soft and soothing, like waves breaking on the shore and instilling a sense of serenity. It drowned out all other sound, silencing Fenrir’s echoing mockery and threats as if it were no effort at all. In the peace that followed, Aeric finally dared to open his eyes, both green orbs cracking open to find the terrible scene had shifted yet again. Where once there was utter darkness now there was an endless expanse of white, almost blinding in fact. So bright were his surroundings it took him a long moment before he realized he was not alone. There, ahead of him, sitting on his hindquarters was another wolf, one unlike anything he’d ever seen. It looked like a spirit, a being composed of pure light that burned with varying intensity. His eyes were brightest of all, hot and fierce like the sun, and they watched Aeric with infinite patience. Once Aeric came to terms with what he was seeing, the light-wolf rose up and strode forward. Something in his mind told the black wolf he should follow.

The two walked in silence for a time, their stark world seeming like an endless void. But as they continued on, Aeric realized things were changing again. Detail spilled in, like an artist bringing his painting to life. After a time they were no longer striding across a blank canvas, but a grassy hillside steep enough that Aeric was panting as he scurried up, trying to keep pace with his graceful companion. His guide beat him to the top, but even before Aeric reached him the scent of a damp, salty breeze told him what the view would reveal. His spectral guide sat patiently on the crest of the hill, or clifftop, so it turned out. Sure enough, there was the sea, far out into the distance, but below them as well, spilling into an elongated channel that fed inland. Across the gorge were other sheer cliffs, all topped with emerald grass and hardy trees. And beyond that were rolling valleys of rocky, green hills, kissed by a dense mist.

Aeric strode to the very edge of their perch, immersed by the wondrous sight of the wild world splayed out before him. His guide seemed none too interested in the breathtaking view. His attention was entirely on Aeric, burning eyes boring right into him, as if they could see into his very soul and beyond. A gaze like that might have perturbed most, intense as it was, but Aeric wasn’t bothered in the least. Strange as it was, he felt entirely at ease with the creature. It was like being with someone he’d known all his life, though had forgotten all about; an invisible friend who he could never see but always knew was there. Even now, Aeric seemed to forget about the radiant wolf. He was transfixed on that horizon, eyes darting across those hills and drinking it all in. He didn’t know why, but he felt himself overwhelmed by a sense that he had to be here. Somewhere out there, something was waiting for him. Whatever or whoever it might be, he couldn’t say, but he knew he had to find it.

No sooner than he came to that realization did Aeric’s eyes flutter open back in the real world. Everything was hazy as the groggy wolf woke, eyes slowly adjusting to the brightness of late morning. For a brief moment, he could swear that spirit-like wolf was still there, sitting just a few paces away. But as his became fully awake and his vision cleared, the apparition vanished, breaking apart like mere dust caught hanging in a sunbeam. A loud snore from the couch distracted him a moment later, and Aeric lifted his shaggy head to see Freja curled up, a throw blanket draped around her slender frame. He spotted Catty soon after, but one effort to lift himself up and he found himself blinded to everything else by an unexpected aching pain that wracked him right down to his bones. It felt like he’d been hit by a semi truck and walked away somehow.

Luckily he still had the strength to pull himself up, despite the throbbing pain, though he was left limping, his front left leg complaining every time he put weight on it. Aeric kept it suspended, relying on his other three paws as he looked around, trying to come to terms with what happened. His mind was a jumble of thoughts, his time of imprisonment in the cellar being the clearest of them. Without waking the girls, he slipped out of the warmth of his blanket and hopped his way there. He came across the wreck of the kitchen first, leaving him to survey the damage with a sense of foreboding and a touch of guilt. The overturned fridge and busted door were the next fine, and Aeric got as close as he could, just far enough to spot the tattered remnants of his clothes spread out down the stairs.

Tired of limping, Aeric shifted back to the form of a man, and found himself hissing through clenched teeth as the throbs of agony screamed over the effort. His left arm was worst of all, stinging and aching no matter which direction he moved it. Still, it wasn’t so bad that he couldn’t work through it, and he took a moment to roll out his shoulder. Once he was satisfied it was only sore and not broken or dislocated, he stepped away from the scene, quietly stalking through the house and heading upstairs. He wracked his brain all the while, trying to recall events. Like before it was a pitch void, his dreams resurfacing to fuck with his mind but nothing concrete about last night. There was a flash of a thought, a time he could remember sitting on the porch in his monstrous form along with Catty and Freja docile as could be, but it was such a murky memory he took that for a dream too.

Aeric still couldn’t remember anything by the time he made it to his chosen bedroom. After seeing how the transformation ruined his last outfit, he dug out the shapeshifter cloak he’d stashed away before, promptly tugging it on. The ugly, technicolor fur skin shimmered and changed, immediately becoming a soft, white robe, sash and all. It was the simplest thought he could come up with to cover himself. Aeric winced, using his right hand as much as possible to fastened it closed before meandering over to the window for a look outside. The first thing he saw was Eddy’s card smashed into a tree. He gaped at the wreck, completely at a loss over the sight of it. That was enough to have him out of the room and heading back down the stairs, eventually returning to the living room.

He came to stop as he beheld the two of them, both still asleep and unaware of his presence. They looked peaceful, as though the chaos all around them was old news by this point. Perhaps it was rude to wake them; surely if there was anything left to worry about they wouldn’t be so soundly asleep. Freja looked none the worse for wear, but as he turned his attention to Catty he noticed the cut and bruising she’d gotten from her mad stunt with the car. Driven by concern and the mystery of his blackout, he decided it was worth it to disturb her. He tried to keep quiet, though, trying not to wake Freja as well as he knelt beside the love seat. Reaching out, he told her shoulder, giving her a gentle shake.

“Catty?” he called out softly, waiting for her to stir.
After peeping an eye open to check on Aeric no less than fifty times sleep finally took Catty away. Utterly exhausted she drifted in the deep darkness of slumber. No dreams to interrupt her sleep. It felt like she had both been asleep for a year and yet only five minutes when a warm presence, a gentle voice, and a light shake roused her. Catty gave a soft little groan, her blue eyes fluttering only half open. The bleary shape in-front of her was familiar. She gave Aeric a sleepy smile and reached up. Her hand brushed along his jaw and into his raven dark hair. "Hey handsome...five more minutes," she murmured sleepily. Her hand dropped away and her eyes closed again. For a brief moment it seemed like she went right back to sleep. Her eyes suddenly shot wide open and she pushed herself onto an elbow with a sharp, quiet gasp. Her vision was blurred a second but came into sharp focus. She looked at him like he was ghost or a zombie, someone dear suddenly returned from the dead.

"Aeric," she breathed before suddenly lunging forward and hugging him. Real. He was real. It was real. Not a dream. Though she had been fooled before. "You're ok...I thought..." She stopped herself and leaned back, looking up up and down. Amazingly he didn't seem too worse for the wear. Her small, light hands lightly explored, not even questioning the fluffy white robe, as if not entirely certain he should be whole. After she was satisfied that it wasn't a dream and he actually seemed alright she glanced over to Freja. Might as well let her sleep a little longer. "Come on," she said with a little jerk of her head before swinging her legs down and getting up from the couch. Catty led Aeric outside, mindful of any glass from the wreckage he had caused. Eddy's car was in plain view as she took him a little away from the cabin.

With room to talk she looked up at Aeric, suddenly at a loss for words. "Oh...boy..." she huffed and rubbed her arm. How to explain it all. She knew he would want to know what happened but was it worth worrying him? "So...I guess first of actually didn't really try to hurt us," she started with, wanting to assuage any concern he might have over that. "You just...really wanted outside broke through the door and the fridge and just...ran. Back out to the lake. Uhhhh....and you came back because Freja howled to lure you back and...I....uh..." She looked to Eddy's car, the front wrapped around the poor old tree. Catty blew a long, raspberry sigh as she stared at the car. "I...whacked you with the car..." She very pointedly did not tell him it was his sister's idea. "Fixed you up and...yeah....more or less, that's what happened." Not every detail but the gist of the night. "How....are you feeling?" She asked with a cringing, awkward sort of grin. Probably not great given being run over.

Aeric, however, wouldn't get much of a chance to respond. He would hear it before her but Catty whipped around at the sound of a car rumbling up the driveway. A sleek, flashy, black Lamborghini Urus rolled up the drive. Catty's heart seemed to stop and fall right out of her butt. The car suddenly screeched to a halt and before it was even put in park the passenger door flung open and Ally stepped out. Her face was white with shock. She stared at Catty and Aeric then look to the cabin. Her gaze drifted back and forth for what seemed like an eternity. The car shut off and the driver stepped out. It was the self same man she had been with at the underground fights. The older gentleman with slick salt and pepper hair wore a pair of sharp, clean jeans and a white L'acost polo. He scowled at the pair before turning his eyes on the house.

"What in the fuck happened here?!" Ally suddenly screeched. She came around from the car and marched straight towards Catty and Aeric. Barely clothed still she wore a pair of tiny shorts and a tight tank top. "What are you doing here? What is he doing here? What. The. Fuck?!" Catty was fully at a loss for words, her mouth agape in the face of Ally's shrieking.

The older gentleman walked over and put an arm around Ally. "Baby, baby...shhh....calm down..." He cooed, brushing his fingers in her hair.

"But...but the cabin!" Ally's voice still held the indignant shrieking noise but a little quieter and certainly a childish whining.

"Ohhh....we can fix it....I'm sure there is an....interesting explanation," he said with an almost amused smile. He looked right at Aeric, he smile somehow charming and venomous. "Alexander Billings," he said and extended a hand to Aeric.
Despite all the uncertainty, all the worry over the wrecked kitchen and car, as well as Catty’s bruised face and fat lip, Aeric couldn’t help but smile when she dreamily reached for him, running her hands across his jaw and up through his raven hair. He didn’t say a word at her mumbled request, quietly watching as she seemed to drift back off, peaceful as could be. It didn’t last long though, for a moment later the reality struck her, and once again he was greeted by those bright blue eyes of hers, now glowing with more coherency and concern. Aeric winced when she lunged, hugging his arms around him and jostling his sore arm. But he weathered the pain, his expression of discomfort hidden during the sudden embrace. He kept the mask up even as she pulled away, loathing the idea of appearing weak in front of her.

“Just a little banged up,” he confessed at her relief. He was somewhat perturbed by the way she was looking at him, fingers roaming his form as if to confirm he really existed. What the hell happened last night? Before he could actually voice the question, Catty was ushering him away, leaving Freja to enjoy the pleasures of sleep a while longer. A cold tingle ran down Aeric’s spine as they passed the mess again, bare feet careful to avoid the shards of glass strewn about the floor. He knew he was responsible for the devastation even before Catty explained, and it was a strange thing, he thought, to feel so guilty over an act you couldn’t even recall. It was especially prominent once they were standing out in the chilly morning, Eddy’s crashed vehicle staring him right in the face. What happened there, he wondered? Did she and Freja attempt to make a break for it, only for the his monstrous form to intervene and run them off the road? He was burning with curiosity to learn the specifics of what happened, but held it in and allowed Catty to say her piece.

Green eyes hungry for the truth drank her in while she spoke, first relaying the moment his insatiable desire to be free had won out. He could remember that, only just barely, but the rest of her story was news to him. Freja lured him? Lured him for what exactly? Catty seemed hesitant to spit out that answer, leaving Aeric to follow her wary gaze to the ruins of the sedan coiled about the tree. He began to suspect what happened even before she admitted to it. “You ran me over?” he blurted, sounding incredulous. Well that explained why he was so sore… Aeric was at a loss for words, eyes roaming Catty’s face. How was he feeling? Exactly like he was hit by a damn car last night. Before he could say as much, his head snapped up over an ominous sound. The rumble of an engine, the trasion of approaching tires… Aeric took a quick couple whiffs of the air, and found a familiar scent filling his nostrils. As well as that of a stranger.

There was hardly any time to process it, let alone react before the luxury sports car came pulling up, the ones inside having plenty of opportunity to get a nice long look at the two fugitives who could only stand there like a pair of deer caught in headlights. As the car came to a screeching halt, passenger door flying open, Aeric stepped forward, instinctively placing himself between Catty =and this potential danger. He knew if things came down to a fight he would be at a pretty big disadvantage, what with his bum arm/leg, but given that it was Ally who came bursting out of the lambo there was a good chance it wouldn’t come to that.There was nothing nefarious about the proper owners returning to their get away home She did come out screaming at the scene, but who wouldn’t but pissed at finding their home in such a state, squatters included?

It was the stranger that had the brunt of Aeric’s attention. Green eyes flicked from the flashy car to the man himself, narrowing suspiciously at his scowl. His instincts were telling him that this individual was trouble, if for no other reason than the connections such an evidently wealthy man could have. Had Catty deigned to mention she’d seen this pair back at the senator’s house, Aeric might have reacted quite differently over this turn of events. But as things stood, his ignorance and Ally’s presence kept him from taking any rash action. For all he knew the man could be her father… Nope. Not based on the way he stepped near and began to run his hands all over her, talking sweet and calling her baby. Not unless they were a very peculiar family. Aeric glanced the exhibit with distaste, feeling all at once uncomfortable. And still he could find no words, not even as the man hinted for an explanation about what happened. He stood rigid as stone, gaze locked on the overly affectionate, highly questionable couple. Distrusting eyes fell to Alexander’s hand when he introduced himself. What to do now? He couldn’t lie about who he was; Ally already knew him by name.

After a moment’s hesitation, he reached out and clasped the man’s hand in a firm shake. “Aeric,” he said pointedly, keeping stern eye contact. “Uhh… It’s kind of a long story,” he muttered, fumbling for an excuse as to why they were here at the scene of the wrecked cabin. He glanced at Catty for a little help. With Ally being her friend he was sure she could come up with a more convincing lie for her. He hoped it was a damn good one, or things could turn out very badly for their little group. All the while he fought to keep his attention off of the cabin, trying not to alert the unexpected visitors to the fact there was a third party resting inside, as of yet blissfully unaware.
Alexander eyes Aeric as he hesitated with the handshake. The corners of his lips pulling further up with his grin. He glanced briefly at Catty who stood still a little behind Aeric. Oh he had seen the way the man had stepped forward in protection. Catty saw the amused recognition in his eyes and shivered. He remembered her from the fighting pits. When Aeric finally reached out and gave a firm shake Alex nodded. " unusual name. Nordic yes? Very nice to meet you. And miss...Catherine, is it? I'm sorry but when we last met it was a little...busy." He laughed at his own joke. The sound might have been pleasant but for the foreboding stifling the air. Even Catty felt it, her blood running cold. They needed to get Freja and get the hell out of there.

"It's Catty...actually," Catty finally managed to say. "But...yeah kind of a busy time," she muttered. It wasn't a good moment to mention to Aeric where she knew Alex from. Her gut was roiling in knots and not just from the guilt of having caused so much damage. She didn't know what it was but she knew this was dangerous. They were fugitives from some crazy government entities. She didn't know exactly how Alexander fit in but the fact he even attended the fighting pits made his suspicious. Her eyes lifted to Ally who was between fuming and simpering. "The house though....well we...I...thought hey might be fun to surprise Ally and...there were people here jumped out in front of the car so we crashed," she said gesturing to her bruised face. "Aeric, uh...ran them off but they already did some...crazy shit..." She said with an awkward cringe.

Ally's eyes snapped to a thin, scathing line. "You know you're a real shitty liar Catty! Your stupid bumbling doesn't make it more believable. I know you've always been jealous of what my family has. You just came here with your stupid club boyfriend to ruin my stuff!" Somehow Ally managed a tone that was both furious and the whining of a spoiled child. The accompanying stomp of her foot only accentuated that.

Alex chuckled and wrapped an arm around Ally, his hand drifting down to give her rear a squeeze and a pat. "Little fire cracker isn't she?" He said to Aeric, bearing his teeth in a grin. "Now Baby, that's not a very nice thing to say to your friend is it?" He cooed down at her, leaning over to kiss the top of her head. "I'm sure this wasn't the work of just two ordinary humans. I heard there have been reports of meth labs upstate. Maybe just some junkies. We will get it all fixed up and come back another time. Just you and me." He leaned down and peppered Allys neck with a few kisses. While his words only slightly placated Ally the attention to her neck seemed to calm her down.

"Well with your..." Alex paused and looked at the wreck of the sedan. He snorted in derision before his eyes flicked back to Aeric. " so damaged how about we call to get you out of here?" With Aeric's keener senses he might hear the sudden vibration from Alex's phone, tucked deep in his pocket. Alex's grin widened again, a more sinister gleam in his eye all of a sudden.

"Yeah that'd be..." Catty started but stopped when an odd rumbled came from the house. Like something crashing around. Her head whipped up in time to see Gungir crash through a window and soar into the tree-line. Ally jumped with a scream at the noise. The rumble of tires flying up the path and whine of engines filled the air along with the buffeting of a helicopter. Five large, black SUVs roared up the drive and a helicopter swooped overhead, kicking up wind and dust. Alex grabbed Ally and made a break for it, getting out of the way. Catty's heart stopped beating at the sight of the small army appearing. Her hand reached for Aeric's wrist. "You have to go..." she said suddenly, her voice a shaking whisper. Surely they wouldn't hesitate to kill him and Freja. They'd already tried.
Aeric’s suspicions were growing over the attention on his name. Most wouldn’t have thought it unusual; even if a bit of his father’s accent managed to lace his tongue, it would have taken a keen pair of ears to pick up on such an oddity. Or maybe he already knows who I am, Aeric couldn’t help but think. Perhaps he was just overthinking it, but he didn’t trust Alex’s nonchalant reaction to their presence. At least Ally was exhibiting the proper response; surprised and infuriated to see them. Instead, her beaux almost seemed delighted by it. Another glance was passed to Catty at the inside joke, the fact that the two of them had met before doing nothing to calm his anxieties.

Almost at once, Aeric came to regret letting Catty handle the explanation. Her stammering gave the game away even before the poor excuse she happened to scrounge up. Given the pressure he couldn’t rightly blame her for it, but it did little to help their situation. Neither does the fact I’m just standing here in a robe, he grumbled inwardly, knowing the conclusion Ally would draw even before her eyes welled with scathing fury. Aeric had to keep his own temper in check once she rounded on Catty. His jaw was firmly set, keeping his mouth shut before he said something that exacerbated the situation. Instead, Alex decided to play intermediary, snaking his arm around the spoiled brat and giving Aeric a toothy green. Emerald eyes narrowed, as the lycan met his gaze, unable to hide his mistrust and dislike from them. Two ordinary humans... That told Aeric all he needed to know. In his experience, humans didn’t speak like that unless they had knowledge of the hidden world around them. Junkies or not, one simply didn’t speak in such terms unless they knew there was something inhuman to compare to.

Aeric’s heart quickened a beat, his mind already racing to find a way out of this. With the car out of commission they had no way to flee. I can shift, he thought, every instinct telling him to do so now. All it would take was one lunge to tear the man’s throat out. But what about Ally? Green eyes flashed to her for a moment. She seemed ignorant of everything going on, a slave to Alex’s every word and touch. There would be no reasoning with the girl once her lover was drowning in a pool of his own blood. Was he supposed to kill her too? He was highly considering it...

Before a decision could be reached, however, Alex’s trap had been set. Aeric staggered back, all of his senses hammered by the sudden ambush. Not so distant engines came rumbling in, the sound of their tires tearing across the terrain filling his ears. The rush of cold dread flooded Aeric as he spun about to face the approaching SUV’s, but his attention was quickly snatched back by the sound of Gungnir ravaging it’s way out of the House. Eyes snapped to the spear as it shattered a window and rocketed into the trees, a servant to the call of another. But hat wasn’t half as terrifying as the whirring, buzzing sound that battered his hearing; the unmistakable sound of a helicopter. Alex was all but forgotten, left to escape with Ally before Aeric could even contemplate attempting the same with Catty. The shock of the moment rendered him a statue, the reality settling in as the chopper swooped into view. The gust of its propellers caused his eyes to water and squint, his nose tickling at the offensive dust it kicked up. But still he could not move; not until Catty seized his wrist and brought his back to life with her touch and her words.

Aeric looked down at her, seeing the fear in her bright eyes. His own heart thrummed with terror. Even if he was willing to turn tail and flee he wouldn’t make it far. He might be able to lose the men in the trees but there would be no escaping their eye in the sky. He couldn’t just duck down in these woods forever, and the moment he left he would be spotted; that helicopter may as well have been a death sentence. But beyond that, there was no way Aeric was going to abandon Catty to save himself. He was far too loyal a creature for that.

“I’m not going anywhere,” he vowed to her, resigning to fight his way out of this or die trying. The sound of men bursting out of their SUV’s, guns cocked and ready, told him their time was at hand. “Stay behind me,” he told her finally, and not a moment later the shape of Aeric shrank away, replaced by the black and shaggy form of Anubis instead. Pain landed up his leg as the wolf rounded on all fours, and took a step towards the armed contingency that appeared. His eyes, intense and vibrant, burned like green fire at the weapons they came to threaten him with. None of them were there to witness what happened to the last group that faced him down, but Aeric could smell their fear, and knew they’d heard tell of it. A cloud of unease settled over them, but they remained disciplined, fingers on the trigger and prepared to rain hell upon him.

“This is your one chance to stand down!” One of them tried to reason with the creature, to which Aeric responded with a throaty growl. His threat was lost on the wind, however, as the helicopter came passing over head, surveying the scene with keen interest as it lingered. Aeric flattened his ears as the wind buffeted his fur, making him appear all the more vicious when he bared his ivory teeth at them. The whirring blades and roaring gust deafened him to the rest of the world as he prowled, growing accustomed to the weight on his injured leg. It seemed both sides were hesitant to make the first move, and after a long, uncomfortable moment, the squad leader lifted a hand to his earpiece. They were apparently relayed new orders, for a second later he nodded, and the men shuffled a step back and lowered their weapons.

Aeric stopped dead, watching them with highly suspicious eyes. It couldn’t possibly have been that simple. Uncertainty took hold, and he passed a questioning look back to Catty as well. But no sooner than his emerald eyes find her did his ears perk up, and his attention was drawn up to a new sound from above. He saw it briefly, the shape of Gungnir dropping through the sky and crackling with energy. Like a bolt of lightning it struck, crashing into the ground in front of him with such explosive force that was he slung back several feet. The air was shoved right out of his lungs leaving Aeric breathless as he lay where he fell. The world was spinning and his ears were ringing as loud as you please. Every inch of him hurt now, but the adrenaline kept him moving. Dazed as he was, the wolf somehow got back to his feet.

Aeric was still struggling to get his bearings, leaving him oblivious when a repel line came tumbling out from the helicopter above. It stopped to dangle just above where the spear remained lodged head-first in the ground, a radius of charred earth left in its wake. A long figure appeared at the top, and once his black form came sliding down the tether, Aeric could make enough sense of the world again to realize who it was. The wide brimmed hat was absent this time, revealing a head of feathered, black hair tussled by the chopper, but the rest of his attire was out of date as ever. The hunter landed with a thud, and as his hand reached out to grip the haft of Gungnir, Aeric took a good look at his face. Free of the shadow of his hat, the sheen of his scars was clearly visible. The entire left side of his face was marred, starting just above his brow to reach across cheek, and beak like nose, all the way down to chin. Given the pattern and significant damage, Aeric had a sinking suspicion it was one of his own kind who’d mauled him.

Fear and pain was quickly replaced by hatred as Aeric looked upon the man who butchered his family. Fur stood on end, teeth bared while he watched the hunter wrench Gungnir from the earth with a satisfied grin. “I hate to drop in like this,” he joked, twisting to face the wolf and the nearby redhead he futilely defended. “But you left so suddenly before, and I’m afraid we’ve a bit of unfinished business to attend to.” Aeric steeped himself, lowering his body in preparation to lunge with a deep growl. But his prey sneered, and whipped up Gungnir in a flash. “None of that, now, beast!” He snapped, dark brown eyed flashing at the wolf. “You may have no regard for your own life, but what about her’s?” For the tip of the spear was pointed squarely at Catty’s heart, and Aeric didn’t need to be told that Gungnir never missed its target. “You see I’ve learned something about you,” the man goaded. “You’ve a soft spot for this girl. You know the only reason I put a bolt through your alpha’s heart and hurled you from that cliff was to see if she was any use to us. Why stand by the one responsible for your pack’s demise? Why protect her unless you care about her?” Dark gazed swapped to Catty, to whom he offered a sickeningly knowing smile. “And I’m willing to bet she cares about you, too. Which is why you’re both going to do exactly as I say, or I’ll kill the pair of you here and now. So, if you know what’s good for you,” eyes snapped back to the snarling wolf, “You’ll come and lay at my feet like the obedient dog you are!”

The wolf remained motionless. His eyes were emerald coals, smoldering into the man and the small battalion clustered beyond him. All the while the helicopter loomed above, an endless threat waiting to defeat them should all else fail. There’s only one possible way out of this, he realized, thinking back on that terrible form that saw them through the last ambush. The idea of willingly turning into that creature put a sour taste in his mouth, but what choice did he have? Throwing caution to the wind, he recalled the feeling from last night; tapping into the insatiable need of the beast he felt sleeping within. Aeric tried to surrender to it, the same way he did before when he could no longer bare the thought of being trapped in that cellar. But unlike the night prior, he could not lose himself to madness. No matter how he beckoned, the beast would not come.

“What’s it going to be?” The hunter demanded with impatience. “Your lives grow less valuable with every second to keep me waiting.”

Finally, Aeric had no choice but to admit that he was beat. As he began to creep forward, he couldn’t manage so much as glance back at Catty, such was his shame. Tail was tucked low, ears flat and sharp teeth tucked away. It killed his pride to submit the man, but better his pride than their lives. The way the hunter’s face curled into a sadistic and victorious grin made everything so much worse. But he did not alter direction, slinking ever nearer to his enemy’s boots while remaining conscious of the deadly spear held above him. Against his nature, he laid himself at the feet of his father’s killer, surrendering himself for the sake of Catty.

“I appreciate an animal that knows when it’s beat,” the hunter mused, finally lowering Gungnir’s attention from Catty to threaten Aeric instead. The wolf flinched as the sharp edge of the spear came inches from his neck. “Take the girl,” he said to his men, and a couple of soldiers marched forward to apprehend Catty as well. While they took her into custody the hunter rifled through a coat pocket, fetching out a gaudy, silver collar which Aeric instantly recognized. “Can’t have you ruining our fun again by changing shapes, now can we?” Driving the tip of the spear back into the ground, the hunter kneeled down and fitted the collar around Aeric’s neck, soundly imprisoning him in his beastly shape. “We’re going to have fun, you and I,” the hunter promised the wolf, giving him a devious grin. “Oh but don’t worry, I won’t kill you anytime soon. We’ll keep you alive long enough for the girl to learn her place. But we’ll make sure she gets plenty of practice stitching you back up until then.” The hunter pulled away, and Aeric was only a flash of the sole of his boot before it came slamming down against his head. A short yelp broke from the beast just before his world went black.

Stepping away from the unconscious wolf, the hunter sighed with relief and turned his attention back to the men. “Now, by my count we’re one wolf short! Search the perimeter!” A few men stayed behind, keeping Catty under their thumb and an extra set of eyes on the wolf. A couple more moved to check the house while the rest of them fanned out to check the surrounding area. it. Once the order was radioed in the helicopter joined in the search as well, drifting off to the left and circling the tree line for any sight of the missing beast. As Catty was brought before him, the hunter graced her with another smile. “You’ve nothing to fear, Love,” he promised her, eyes glowing with mischievous intent. “As long as you behave. Now, why don’t you be a good little girl and tell me where the white one is hiding?”


It was the sound of an approaching helicopter that first alerted Freja, bringing her eyes to snap open. She wasn’t certain exactly what woke her at first, but the situation soon became clear, especially once she heard car doors flinging open and the scent of man wafting on the air. The blonde sprang up on the couch, eyes jumping to where Aeric and Catty once lay peacefully asleep. Now they were gone, leaving her all alone in the house. A shout to stand down came from outside, and suddenly she realized where they were and the kind of danger they were in. Without a second thought, Freja ducked down, keeping herself low as she crept towards the nearest window. Luckily the curtains were closed, keeping her anonymous as she maneuvered through the house.

Her heart was hammering by the time she reached the window, and silently she pressed herself against the wall. She strained her ears to listen, trying to determine exactly what was going on out there. She was tempted to reach up and draw back the curtain just enough to take a peek, but the fear of being discovered stayed her hand. And then there was a weird sound, like electricity cutting through the air, followed by a thunderous bomb. Freja clapped a hand over her mouth, silencing her horror and surprised as she felt the walls trembling from the force of whatever just happened. She couldn’t stop herself now. Twisting around, she boldly peeled back the curtain just enough to get a view outside. She drank in the scene of the hunter landing beside the spear, though her regard quickly swapped to a recovering Aeric and Catty beside him. Luckily everyone else’s attention was there as well, leaving her unnoticed and granting her the time to look on. The hunter’s taunting words pulled at her heartstrings, especially at the mention of the night he attacked him. Those words seemed to hit home for Aeric as well, who inevitably gave in to the man’s will.

It was almost too painful to watch, seeing her brother limp over to the scarred fiend and presenting himself at his feet. The last of her pack was being taken away from her, and she could hardly stand the sight of it. She had to do something, but what? What could she possibly do? If she came bursting out of that door she would only find herself in the same situation. No... all she could do was watch, the guilt of being so helpless tearing at her soul. Breath was hitched when the bladed edge of Gungnir came to rest at Aeric’s throat. The world came to a standstill for Freja while she waited to see what happened, eyes jumping between Aeric and Catty when she was taken. Fortunately it seemed the two would not be killed. Perhaps that should have been to her relief, but she knew from experience that being taken prisoner by these fiends could be far worse than death. She reminded herself of that once her absence was addressed, and Freja hastily retreated from the window, heartbeat quickening as she heard the orders. They were coming for her now, and there would be no way out; no escape. Yet when she thought of the cage they put her in; thought of that bear and every other terror she was pit against, escape was the only thing she could comprehend anymore.

In a mad dash, Freja made for the stairs, her thoughts racing to find a plan. The front door was thrust open by the time she was half way up the steps, and luckily she managed to dip out of sight, though she was worried her footsteps might have been heard. She just barely caught the glimpse of two figures entering the house, but she didn’t dare look back to see if she’d drawn their attention. Carefully now, Freja hurried across the hall, her bare feet quiet as a whisper thanks to her instincts as a huntress. Keen ears listened for any indicator the men were coming as made her way to one of the bedrooms. She entered quickly, both opening and closing the door behind her as silently as possible. No sooner than she entered did she duck down low and creep to the window. Perhaps she could climb down before anyone noticed? Craning her neck, she peeked out at her surroundings, only to denounce that plan at once. None of them were looking her way currently, but the agents were patrolling the estate like a pack of jackals. Even if she could sneak down without notice, she’d never make it to the trees without one of them seeing. And there was the helicopter to think about. Even though she couldn’t see it she could hear the buzz of its blade, constantly moving in the distance.

The sound of footsteps approaching had her attention whirling back towards the door. Freja had already resigned herself to her fate. If they found her she would never surrender; she would never go back to that place. Death would be far more welcome, no matter how brutal. But she wasn’t prepared to invite her end quite so readily, and if she fought now odds were that was exactly how it would turn out. One or two men wouldn’t be a problem, but once they were all on her, with Gungnir to boot, it would be a fight she could not win. To that end, she had to conceal herself. But where? Eyes fell to the bed at first. She could probably fit beneath it, but of course they’d look there. Her regard jumped to the closet next. They would undoubtedly look there too, but if they found her she would at least have a better chance of fighting back. Spying through the crack in the door, she could see them drawing near and ambush them if she had to. With time short and no better option at hand, it would have to do.

Freja bolted to occupy the space, hurriedly closing the double doors behind her with just enough of a gap to give her a narrow view of the room. She kept herself as small as possible, crouching beneath the shelf and pressing her back against the wall to linger in the darkness, making absolutely certain the golden wedge of light spilling in from the gap laundered anywhere but on her form. For a time it was quiet, then she heard the door to the bedroom swing open. Freja hurriedly cupped a hand over her mouth, muffling the sound of her breath when she saw a flicker of motion. Wide blue eyes watched as a single man came into view. She didn’t get a look at his face, as his back was soon turned to the closet, but she certainly noticed the rifle in his hands. Dressed in the same tactical gear as the rest of them, the man wandered the room, leisurely searching. She watched his boots going this way and that, then looked on as he dropped to one knee and checked her first thoughts of a hiding place. The closet would follow soon, and Freja would have to decide between fight and flight.

Instead, he crossed to the other side of the room, and began investigating the effects there as though he had more interesting in the belongings of this fine mansion than he did in finding any wolf. He happened across the duffel bag Catty had grabbed from her house, the one Aeric had stuffed full of money. But if he was impressed by what he saw after unzipping and investigating the bag, he made no reaction of it. Instead, it seemed like something else caught his attention. Freja froze on the spot as the man twisted around, his eyes landing squarely on the closet doors. She saw his frowning, yet ruggedly handsome face, and for a moment she could swear they made eye contact, his vivid hazel eyes looking right on her glowing sapphires. She did not shy away from the gaze either, knowing in her heart she’d just been caught and everything was over.

“Hey!” another’s voice came booming, the door thrown open to bang against the wall. “You find anything?” The second figure came bursting into view, his dark form breezing past with no regard for her hiding place as he joined his comrade instead. Again she could only see the back of this one, but she took note of his brown, slicked back hair. Whatever interest he may have had in finding the white wolf was lost once he saw the stacks of cash his partner just uncovered.

“Holy shit!” He proclaimed, gaping down at the bag. “Yeah I’d say you found something alright. Jesus Christ... I knew these fuckers were loaded with a house like this. Didn’t think they were stupid enough to keep cash on hand though...” He bent down to grab one of the bricks of money, reveling in the feel of every bill as he ran them past a thumb. “Wait...” he murmured, head lifting. “You smell that?” Suddenly the money was left to fall back into the bag, the soldier twisting about the sniff the air. Like the man before him, eyes landing squarely on the closet door. Unlike the other, though, this one began to creep towards her, the barrel of his rifle lifting towards the door.

This is it, Freja realized, trying to make peace with what would happen even as the adrenaline flooded her bloodstream. The second man was rising now, slowly coming to trail behind the first. Freja was preparing herself to shift, waiting until the first man was just close enough to lunge. All she had to do is get her jaws around him... She just had to hope the other one would not shoot at the jumble that would be wolf and partner alike. She would find out soon enough; they were nearly upon her now. The first man was reaching for the door, the second one right on his tail. As soon as they opened it she would strike. Her enemy’s hand reached out, and then suddenly recoiled, the man uttering a dying groan of agony.

Freja couldn’t believe what just happened, her eyes wide as teacups when she saw the second man pull the knife, only to grab his partner and drive it right into the approaching soldier’s heart. The smell of fresh blood assaulted her nose, and Freja watched as the man’s wide brown eyes went from fear and pain, to absolute nothingness. His life was gone, only a pair of glassy orbs remaining in his skull. But the sight was soon swept away, her savior dragging the corpse away from the door and allowing it to drop with a thud. Even while she took witness, Freja tried to make sense out of what just happened. Did this man kill one of his own out of greed, to make certain that he and only he knew of the money he found? It seemed the most likely case...

“You can come out of there now,” he said quietly, eyes glancing at the crack in the door. “Stay there and they’ll find you eventually.”

For a moment, Freja grappled with indecision over his words. Hadn’t they found her already? Or was he not one of them? Regardless, what would the rest of them do to this one once they realized he killed one of them? Or perhaps he planned to blame that on her... What the hell is going on? Perhaps it was the sheer curiosity that made her abandon her post, putting herself into open danger as he emerged. Not like he didn’t know where I was anyway, she tried to reason with her actions once she found herself standing boldly before his gaze.

“Who are you? Why did you kill him?” Eyes nervously dropped to the body, even now pooling in blood from the ruptured artery.

“It’s Freja, right?” he asked in his deep voice, hazel eyes watching her with a keen interest. “For now, the less you’re aware of, the better. All you need to know is that if you want to make it out of here alive, you’ll do exactly what I say.”

“And why the fuck should I do that?” She growled, trembling with the adrenaline yet coursing through her.

“Because you have no choice if you want to don’t want to be in a cage again.” The mention of it alone was like striking her with a whip, shutting Freja down at once. “I thought not,” he said coldly, eyes gleaming. “We don’t have much time. Now take off your clothes.”

“Excuse me?”

“The only way we’re getting you out of here is if you’re dressed like him,” he said, indicating the soldier at his feet. “So get the hell to it before someone else shows up.”

Freja was left utterly confused of how he was planning to pull this off. She hesitated on the order, watching as he knelt down and tore at the clothing, undressing the body as quick as you place. “And how are we planning to explain the blood and torn clothes, exactly?” Despite her misgivings, Freja found herself pulling at her own articles, hurriedly ditching them.

“Tends to happen when you’re attacked by a wolf.” He told her simply, apparently the proper gentleman as he failed to look up at her disrobing form even once.

This was growing more confusing by the moment, but still she followed along, uncomfortably pulling herself into the dead man’s clothes once he was stripped bare. She took his rifle lastly, the only piece of the ensemble she enjoyed being equipped with. As soon as she had it she warily watched her partner in crime, trying to size up his reasons for this. She was just about to ask what he planned to do with the body when the soldier knelt down beside it, and began to speak in a hushed voice. Even with her exceptional ears, he spoke so softly that Freja could barely hear. And what she did hear she could not understand, for she came to realize he was speaking in a language she’d never heard. More surprising yet, was the consequence of his words. A sparkling aura appeared around the body of a man, visible for half a second before it disappeared and the shape of the body began to change. Freja’s skin went cold when she saw the end result: A stunning likeness of herself in her form of a wolf, from her snowy fur right down to her blue eyes, now staring right back at her with lifelessness.

He isn’t human! She came to realize at once. Her attention snapped up to his rugged face. “What are you?” She demanded to know, her voice accusing.

“Like I said, the less you know, the better.”

He didn’t so much as look at her as he stepped away from the body of the wolf. He moved instead he moved back to the duffel bag full of money. Another murmured spell and an illusion had been cast over that as well, making it completely invisible even as he slung strap over shoulder. “What do you think you’re doing?” Freja snapper. “That belongs to us!”

“Consider it my fee for getting you out of here in once piece.”

She seethed, eyes burning like blue center of a fire at him. “And what about Aeric and Catty?” she demanded to know. “I’m just supposed to forget about them?”

“You want to go down there as fight all those men? Be my guest. But here’s a pearl of wisdom for you. It’s too late for your brother and the vet, and if you try to help them you’ll die right alongside them. But hey, your life your choice.” The look on her face was all he needed to see to know she wasn’t fond of that idea. “Good. Let’s get this over with, then. Do us both a favor and keep your mouth shut at all times. You ready?”

After a moment Freja modded, and then this stranger put set the finishing touches of his plan into motion. In a flash, he lifted his gun and fired upon Freja’s fake body, leaving her to cringe as she saw the bullet tear through what appeared to be true flesh and blood. An instant later the man radioed in that the target was down, and just like that the contingency came swarming in, rendering Freja just a drop of water in an endless sea of soldiers. A little fib that the wolf had jumped them and no one questioned the ripped and bloody clothing, and luckily she was tall enough to look the part in every other way. On the outside she remained calm, but she was a nervous wreck within. Especially once their group emerged from the house, the dead form of the faux Freja carried between two of the soldiers to present before their sadistic commander.

“Looks like I don’t need you to tell me after all,” the hunter grinned at Catty, pleased by the sight of the dead wolf. “I would have preferred you all alive, I admit. But I won’t complain about two out of three.” He watched as the men chucked Freja’s lifeless body to the ground. “Ahh... the closing of a chapter,” he uttered, voice musical, “Almost brings a tear to my eye. Well never fear, there’s plenty to come. I think you’ll enjoy what we’ve got planned for you.” What those plans might be were left to the wind as he ordered she be loaded up along with Aeric. Before long, however, a cleanup crew had arrived and they were on their way to find out, blissfully unaware of the two wildcards traveling among them.
Catty's heart gave a strange, fluttering thud at Aeric's vow to stay there. She full well knew why. To defend her and his sister. Despite the tenacious bravery it didn't make the decision any stupider. They had already proven they were perfectly willing, even rabidly wanting, to kill him and Freja. Catty's face scrunched, torn between wanting to cry and admiration. He was certainly a lot braver than she was. Especially when the men burst out of the SUVs, guns clicking and flashing. Words stuck in her mouth as Aeric spoke. Stay behind him. Catty turned and looked down the barrels of several guns aimed their way. There was no way he would survive that many gun shots, even in that horrific beastial form they had struggled with only a few hours ago. Catty's eyes burned, her throat constricted. This was it. The last time she'd see that handsome face. Soon enough he'd be riddled with bullets, bloody and unmoving. Her lips pressed to a thin, pale line as he stepped forward, melting into that massive, shaggy wolf.

Time seemed to stand still as Aeric stared down the soldiers, the helicopter buffeting the air above them. It was like some crazy movie, just like with all the other crazy moment for the past week. Catty's knuckles turned white as she clasped her hands together. No one was moving, only the flutter and flash of leave as the helicopter chopped the air around them. The breeze grew stronger as it moved in closer, kicking up dust and making the whipping wind hard to breath, her mane of fiery, curling hair flying about and obscuring her vision. Or perhaps that was simply the fear. Catty squinted in the dusty cloud. Something moved but it was hard to see with the dirt clouding the air. A flash and something long and skinny flashed down. Like a black bolt of lightening. It slammed into the ground with such a force Catty was knocked back a few paces, not being nearly as close to the point of impact as Aeric. Her ears rang from the thunderous clap. Regaining her footing she stared at the spear she had so meticulously chained up, foolishly leasing the weapon for Aeric's change as if she or Freja could kill him.

Aeric might have been too dazed to see but she watched the line tumble down and the dark figure step out. Like some 007 guy the man slid down the rope. Oh she recognized that coat well enough. Her blood ran cold, hair standing on end. He landed with surprising grace. His hat forgotten elsewhere Catty sucked in a gasp as the man stood to his full height. The scars across his face gleamed brightly in the sun. There was no pity for him. He looked every bit some B-movie villain trope. Catty's eyes danced back and forth between the man and Aeric. The wolf growling menacingly, barely heard over the buffeting of the helicopter while the man seemed simply amused. He did have that magic spear after all. Why shouldn't he feel brave? From her angel, when Gungir was ripped from the ground, she saw the wicked tip point not at the snarling wolf but straight at her. Catty froze up, a hand buried in her hair to keep it out of her eyes, the other clenched so tightly her nails were close to drawing blood. A sick feeling of fear and fury raced through Catty sending a tremor through her. She clenched her teeth together to keep them from chattering in the odd torrent of rage and terror.

Though the rage only deepened as the man taunted and goaded Aeric. That guilt welled again. Aeric's father being killed just for the sake of testing her skills. It wasn't her fault, she knew that, but couldn't shake the welling guilt. Her head was starting to ached, a painful pressure just behind her blue eyes. She stiffened as the man's gaze turned to her, a sneering smile on his features. He was using them against one another. If Aeric refused to surrender the man would kill her. If she didn't surrender he would kill Aeric. A dirty trick but she knew it would work. Catty hadnt the ability to fight off a spider let alone this hunter man and his goon squad. They were outnumbered and outgunned. Of course just surrendering wasn't enough. His demand sent a rippling pang through her gut. Lay like an obedient dog. "Oh Aeric..." Catty breathed, certainly none could hear of the roar of the helicopter. Yet Aeric remained still, defiance of the order to be a good dog. An age passed as they held still. The hunter snapping with impatience. Catty watched Aeric. She had never prayed before but right then seemed like a good time to start. Help. That's all they needed. Help.

Time returned to its pace when Aeric moved. Catty sucked in a sharp breath as the brave, defiant wolf seemed to shrink. Tail and ears tucked. Hands raised to her face, cupping around her nose to her chin as she could only watch Aeric slink forward like some beaten mongrel. A knife dug into her chest, sharp and cold, to see him submit like that before the horrid, sadistic man. Finally laying himself out before the hunter. When the spear was moved to Aeric neck Catty gasped, a hand darting forward as if that would stop him. "Stop it...!" She started to shout even as the order was given. Within moment she felt a large present behind her and grab her wrist, twisting her arm behind her. Catty gave a hissing yelp of pain as her arm was bent awkwardly, keeping her from trying to jostle around and get away from her capture. Not that she had planned to try. Not when Aeric had subjected himself to such humiliations for her. Though his weren't quite done. Catty held still and watched as the hunter bent down and slipped that awful, gaudy, silver collar around Aeric neck. Trapped again. Mentally and physically. Her fingers clenched and flexed, scared of course but wanting to claw the man's eyes out for what he was doing to Aeric. Promising that they'd have their fun and she would get to stitch him up. Though her eyes went wide as the boot raised. "No!" She shouted but it came down with a sickening crunch and Aeric went still. Catty jerked forward but was promptly yanked back, her arm twisted harder eliciting another yell of pain.

Order were barked and the men ran out to find Freja. With any sort of divine luck she escaped into the woods while the sadistic creep was toying with them. Catty was pushed forward towards the hunter and Aeric's unconscious form. Her teeth clenched in a pained snarl, every movement jarring from her twisted back arm. Love. Good little girl. Her eyes drifted down to Aeric as he lay there. He had given himself up to protect her she could do the same. Though she wouldn't give up Freja so easily. "Long gone," she simply said. Had to keep her words brief or else the stammering and stumbling might give away her lies. Of course she did hope that Freja had managed to escape into the woods. Though that helicopter might be able to spot her if she ran out of the tree line.

Her lies, however, didn't last long. After what seemed like hours gunshots rang out. Catty's head whipped around to the sound. Her heart stopped beating, occasionally giving a few pounding thuds against her chest before silencing again. Doors swung open and out came two soldiers bearing the bloody and limb body of a white wolf. A thud in Catty's chest followed by a ringing in her ears. Freja. Dead and gone. It wasn't possible. It wasn't fair! The world was fuzzy as she watched the wolf born from the house like a hunting trophy. All at once everything snapped back into focus as the man mused about the closing of a chapter. Like this was some Shakespearean play. "Freja..." Catty whispered. No prayer was answered unless one counted Aeric not being conscious to see his sister's bloody body. "You sick...evil..." Catty hissed under her breath. Suddenly her arm was released, blood flowing back to her fingers. Before she could even move a thick rag was stuffed against her face. For a moment it smelled acrid, like burning plastic. Just a moment before the scent changed. The smell of fresh rain and fall leave, of her mom's christmas cookies and hot chocolate, and of a familiar spicy and masculine scent. Catty's eyes rolled back before she went completely limp. Like inconvenient baggage they were loaded up into the cars and taken away.

Hours later Catty stirred. First just a light groan and a fluttering of her eyelids. Her eyes blurred and unfocused, the world was hazy and gave a hard spin. She rolled over and her stomach heaved. There wasn't much in there but sour bile. Catty coughed and sucked in a staccato breath. As quick as the wave of nausea had come it was gone but left a splitting headache in its wake. A loud clink sounded next to her. Slowly she managed to raise her head, face pale and eyes dark. The world was still blurry but she noticed a large, white shape moving away from her. Slowly turning her aching head she could barely make out a glass of water placed on what looked to be a table next to her head.

"Unpleasant concoction isn't it?" Said a voice that was miles away and underwater. "Works wonders though. Drink, it'll help." Wait. She knew that voice.

Catty's limbs felt heavy but she reached for the water, managing only to spill a little, and drank it down. It was strangely sweet tasting, a little tangy even. Her vision began to clear and her head stopped pounding. Blue eyes raised to the white shape as it came into focus.

"Doctor...Henderson...?" She grumbled, pushing herself up to sit.

"None other," he said with a gloomy sigh. "I had hoped not to see you again quite like this."

Catty frowned and blinked. Lifting her head she took in the sight of the room. Not quite a room but not quite a cell. It reminded her of an undecorated college dorm room. The bed was a simple wooden frame with a decently comfortable and thick mattress. Beside it a small matching table. There was even a desk pushed against the far wall. The only thing that spoke of a prison was the heavy looking iron door. Catty raised a hand and pressed the heel to her temple. "Where...?"

"Ah...that I can't tell you. Not yet. That's why they knocked you out. Didn't want you to know where this facility was. Not until you can be trusted," he said with a nod to her feet.

Catty blinked and looked down to her legs. Around her ankles appeared a thin chain of silver, so delicate looking it looked easy to snap. She reached down and gave it a sharp pull. A thousand tiny needles bit into her flesh at the tug and the chain remained intact. "I told you. You can't be trusted just yet."

Catty took a slow breath as the stinging pain subsided. The chain was perhaps two feet in length. Long enough to walk but not long enough to run. Evil and clever. "Where's Aeric then?" She demanded. "And...Freja..." her voice faltered as she remembered the limp and bloody form of the white wolf. "I want to see Aeric."

Dr. Henderson's mouth twisted into a sympathetic smile. "I know my dear...but not yet. He will be taken care of so long as you cooperate."

"Cooperate? With that psycho? I heard what his idea of taking care of Aeric is! I want to see him now!" With a familiar face it was easy to let the anger flow and take over the fear.

The doctor sighed and shook his head. "I will see what I can do." Slowly he creaked up from a chair and left the small room. Catty swung her legs off the bed, testing their strength before standing herself up. She waddled over to the desk, unsure how far she could move her legs without the chain biting in. On the desk were several spiral bound books seeming to highlight categories of mythical creatures and what was known of them from studies. Her blood felt cold at some of the diagrams, how guts were laid out and illustrate the similarities of humanoid creatures. She shuddered and slammed the book closed.

An eternity passed before the door gave a loud click and Henderson appeared at the threshold. "You will get five minutes just to prove he is...unharmed then it's off to get yourself cleaned up to meet the owner and benefactor of this facility."
Time to wake up...

The familiar voice prodded at Aeric’s hazy mind, though he paid little heed to what it was saying. The words were dwarfed by the throbbing in his skull, a terrible headache that ravaged his senses. The pain was intense enough that rousing was the last thing he wanted to do. Yet the voice was persistent, and even as Aeric lay there, willing the pain away, it continued to tug at his consciousness; much to his chagrin.

Open your eyes, someone’s coming.

Reluctantly, Aeric’s cloudy, green eyes came to flutter open, only to be stung by the blinding, white flare of his surroundings. It took some time for his eyes to adjust, but once his blear vision began to clear he realized another wolf was staring right back at him. At first it appeared to be the wolf from his dreams; a being comprised of pure light, who’s radiant eyes were impossible to look away from. But the apparition lasted mere seconds, a vision spied while Aeric was still caught somewhere between the sleeping world and that of the waking. It melted away once clarity was restored to his mind, vanishing to leave an entirely different wolf sitting in his place. Thick black fur, vibrant green eyes, and a gaudy silver collar complete with attached chain.

It took him a moment to understand the he was looking into his own reflection, the front wall of the room serving as a giant mirror which reflected his unfamiliar surroundings. The rest of the chamber in which he was he was housed was completely barren; stark white walls unbroken by nothing save a heavy metal door to the left. The only other exception was the steel plate bolted into the wall behind him, the anchorage of the chain which bound him. His mind was quickly swallowed by confusion, sluggishly trying to piece together where he was and how he’d gotten there. The image of the sneering hunter that bested them came to the forefront of his mind near the same time as his scent; a faint scent but instantly recognizable from across the room. It was then that Aeric came to realize it was a two way mirror across from him, with his enemy watching him from the other side. At once, a growl formed in the wolf’s hoarse throat.

Aeric pushed himself to all fours, chains rattling, and stared right into his own reflection with all the hatred he could muster, as though he could see right through to the one standing behind it. A shift in the scent told him the man was moving, walking the length of the mirror until he disappeared off to the left. Even as he ventured too far off to detect, Aeric did not relax. His fur remained on end, the menacing sound of his displeasure yet filling the room. It wasn’t long before he could smell the man again, this time from just outside the door of his prison. Aeric’s head snapped towards it as the lock clicked open, and the heavy door swung inward to reveal to individual responsible for all of his heartache and rage. His growl deepened as he looked upon the scarred face of his enemy, teeth coming to bare at the superior look the hunter sported.

The man swept into the room, willfully leaving the door wide open in his wake, as though daring Aeric to try and seize the opportunity. He took a few steps towards the wolf, Aeric’s snarls growing louder with every footfall, until the hunter came to a stop some distance away. By then the wolf’s lip was curled high, showing as much of those ivory fangs as he could. He snapped them for effect, showing the impressive force of his bite, which the hunter would be all too familiar with. If Aeric got his jaws around him again he would be sure to savage much more than his hand this time. But his foe didn’t have a care in the world for the threat. Just like the night at the clinic, he remained calm and confident; a man that already knew he won.

“Looking as feral as ever, I see,” the grizzled man chimed, his thin lips pulling into a smile. “Downright ferocious, in fact. Why, I’d almost be frightened if I didn’t know it was all just for show. The rest of your pack was full of that same vicious bluster, and where did it get them? Dead. Slaughtered like cattle, right down to the last pup.“

In that moment, Aeric seemed to forget about his bonds. Only his hurt, his anger was real, and without thinking he lunged for the despicable being before him. Jaws were wide open, ready to crush whatever he could get between them, but he could get no closer than a foot before the length of the chain ran out, and Aeric was brought to a sudden halt. He shrugged off the recoil and tried again, jumping from left to right as he fought desperately to get at his out of reach foe. Even as he was forced to accept it could not be done, Aeric stood as close as possible, chain pulled taut. So taut, in fact, that he was practically choking himself, and just like Catty’s restraints, he could feel the cold sting of a thousand needles digging into his flesh. The more he resisted to more painful it became, but he ignored it all. His only concern was the man in front of him, his wild, bloodthirsty eyes drilling into the hunter.

“Settle yourself down; It isn’t quite time to have our fun just yet. Don’t you want your girlfriend to see that face of yours while it’s still pretty? I do. How else will she appreciate my work?”

Aeric continued to struggle against the chain, but the pain was becoming unbearable. He fought it until he was shaking, but the agony won out in the end, and Aeric stepped back, collapsing in a heap the moment his tether gave slack. This satisfied the hunter immensely, he boldly took another step forward to crouch beside the winded wolf. The blinding pain left Aeric practically oblivious to the proximity; he couldn’t have picked himself back up to seize the chance even if he wanted to. But that didn’t stop the man’s oily words from slithering into his ears.

“Your days as a proud beast are over,” he said softly, continuing to wear that sickening smile. “This place is made to break the proud. You’ll see there’s no food or water... That will change once you do. You’ll learn to behave, or you’ll starve. I’m happy with which ever you decide, but I recommend the former. It comes with far less pain.”

Still catching his breath, Aeric cast a sideways glance at the squatting man. What he wouldn’t give to relieve his hunger then and there. No doubt the hunter would keep him fed enough to last a week or more of unruly behavior. But the threat was not enough to make him compliant. Indeed, he would welcome death over bending to their rules. But there was another factor to consider; the reason he surrendered in the first place. There was still Catty to think about. Catty... his strength, his weakness. The secret was out now, the hunter’s intuition leading him to this great advantage. And what if Freja? He said he’d slaughtered the rest of his pack, down to the last pup, but surely that didn’t include her too. Why waste the ammunition? His family meant every bit as much to him; more then her even.

But Catty was still more than enough, and like clockwork, the hunter knew just how to utilize her. He was actually more than happy to grant her request; to let these misguided lovers see each other again. It would be good to freshen the empathy, to help them understand the gravity of the situation and remind them what would happen to the other if they would not comply. And so, confident as ever, he rose back to his full height, sneering all the while. “Now, pull yourself together,” he said to the panting wolf at his feet. “You want to look your best for her, don’t you? Don’t imagine you’ll get many chances after this.” The hunter removed his wife brimmed hat and smoothed back his own feathery hair before returning it. “And remember... best behavior.”

“Five minutes,” he told her, giving her a serious look. “Try anything, anything at all, and he will pay the price for it.” That noted, he gave her one of his sickeningly, honey sweet smiles, and stepped away. “Enjoy your time together,” he announced to them, before he joined her escort outside and shut the door behind him. Aeric would have been relieved to see him gone, but he could still smell him. He knew full well the man would linger; watching their every interaction from beyond the two sided mirror, and that just dispirited Aeric further, making him even more hesitant to respond to his visitor.
The halls were stark and sterile. If she didn't know better she would think she was at some NASA facility. Testing rocket fuels and thrust speeds. Though despite the sterile appearance and tight metal doors she could still hear the creatures behind them. Howling, braying, growling, whimpering. A sick chill raced her body as she listened to the sounds. Her heart hammered against her chest as they walked for what seemed like miles given the thin chain that made her gait a little awkward. While she could talk a full step she wasn't ready for the shocking needles in case she stepped too far. Dr. Henderson walked quietly at her side, keeping his strides small to keep pace with her. A sickening whirl of rage, fear, and worry raced through her. She thought she might throw up again.

Especially when they stopped and that man stepped through one of the doors. Her hammering heart suddenly went still as another cold shiver raced her back. Definitely going to vomit. Catty's fists clenched with indignant rage but she didn't raise a hand to the man. Even if she was strong enough, or brave enough, she was sure they would hurt Aeric if she did. Her teeth clenched together to keep her tongue still as she walked by the man and into the cell. Eyes burning her heart gave a couple weak flutters. He looked tired and beaten but mostly unharmed. The door slammed shut behind her making her jump a little even as she stared down at Aeric.

"Aeric..." she breathed softly, taking a tentative step forward then another. Her feet lifted, the chain forgotten, and she nearly tried to run over. Tried until the sharp, stinging needles shock her ankles. Catty hissed in pain, her knees wobbling to buckle but she stayed upright. Slow steps. She went back to the awkward little gait and dropped to her knees in-front of the great black wolf. "Aeric I'm so sorry," she whispered, reaching out to bury a hand into the thick fur around his neck. "This is all my fault...I should have just gone with Dr. Henderson from the beginning." Her eyes squeezed shut a moment, fighting back the urge to cry. Clearing her throat she looked up at him, forcing herself to take a steadying breath. "I'm going to get us out of here...I'll find some way to do it." Her voice was barely above a whisper but she was sure he would be able to hear her. Though her jaw was set firm with determination her eyes betrayed the worry. She hadn't a clue where they were, hadn't a clue where the exit even was. How long would it take? What would they do to him? But she was the one who wasn't confined to a cell, chained to a wall. It was up to her even if it was utterly terrifying.

A visit was painfully difficult with a mute companion. Yet it was over sooner than she could have imagined. The door swung open in a slow, easy manner. A woman in white pants, black shoes, a white lab coat and black undershirt stepped in. Her strawberry blond hair was slicked back into a tight bun, black glasses perched over grey eyes. She surveyed the scene passively, her face about as readable as a fresh pack of printer paper. "Time is up," she said simply. Catty cringed and looked back to Aeric. Despite the inability of him to speak she wasn't ready to go. She leaned forward and gave him a hug around his thick, fluffy neck. Within a moment the painful needling shocks raced through both their chains. Catty hissed and yelped, jerking her arms back. The pain for both of them stepped just as immediately. "I said time is up," the woman said, her tone still mild and yet somehow icier.

"Fine," Catty said in a soft little growl and got to her feet. Hands clenched again she traipsed out, glancing back as the door closed with an eerily snap of finality.

The woman was alone in the room with Aeric. Her look distant but assessing. "I am Dr. Stenvall and I will be...studying you." She paused and her lips quirked into the barest of smirks. "I wonder, are you just a dumb beast or is there really a man in there? Part of a man, you are of a lower evolutionary level. Come, show me you understand me beast," she said with a little gesture as she crouched down but kept her distance. "And mind your manners beast you know what will happen if you are a bad dog." Just to remind him she twisted a bead on the odd bracelet dangle from her wrist. The needling shocks raced through Aeric's neck again, just a single jolt before it was over.
Aeric finally lifted his shaggy, black head when Catty attempted to hurry over, only to suffer for it. Based on that hiss and the expression of pain, he quickly realized her chains must have been rigged the same way as the one he bore. He viewed her with mild concern, body twisting to face her, though he remained in place as she composed herself, and waddled over. What a mess, he thought, green eyes shifting away from the sight with a pang of sadness and regret. It was hard seeing what they’d been reduced to, and even more difficult having no voice; no way to tell Catty how wrong she was once she collapsed to his level, and blamed it all on herself. It’s my fault, not yours, he said to himself, unable to convey it save for a soft whine and a tentative lick at her hand. I should have left when I planned to, Aeric lamented, reflecting on those days when he’d first took refuge in her home. Things would have been different had he fled after regaining the shape of a man, the way he’d intended all along. Who knew how much pain he would have saved the both of them had he just followed his instincts the way a wolf was meant to?

Intense eyes stared right back into Catty’s when they opened and she declared her intentions. You’re going to get yourself killed, he thought worryingly, leasing another quiet whine. Just keep your head down... please. But there was no way to maker her understand that without looking a fool, and making a show for the spectators surely beyond that mirror. He’d neglected to glance their direction, wanting to give them the satisfaction as little as he wanted to spy the reflection of their pitiful state. Instead he gave Catty all his attention, drinking her in for as long as he could. He was consciously aware that this could be the last time they saw each other, and knew he would give just about anything for the ability to change back, and tell her everything swelling up inside of him just now. But wish as he might, it would not come to pass. He knew then just how malicious their foe truly was. The hunter understood full well that the loss of his voice in this moment would be a torture all its own.

As such, Aeric was left more unsettled than comforted by Catty’s visit. Happy as he was to see her, his anxiety was rampant once their time was up and the interloper arrived. Burning, emerald eyes jumped to the blonde haired woman, his intuition picking up on her cold indifference right away. Any doubts her blank face might have instilled were dashed once she decided Catty’s affections had gone on too long, and both of them were issued a quick but painful shock. Aeric fought the urge to yelp, but he could not prevent a vicious growl from surfacing in its wake.

Reluctantly, the wolf watched Catty go, his vibrant green eyes boring into her all the while, right until the door closed behind her. The sound of the door snapping shut was like a nail in his coffin, reverberating through the barren chamber. Barren except for his guest in the white lab coat, as stark and emotionless as everything else in this place. Aeric’s head snapped towards her as she spoke, ears folded back. Eyes narrowed, fangs baring an inch to expose their pearly sheen once she decided to taunt him. Like the predator he was, he watched her every motion when she crouched, notably at a safe enough distance from any harm. Take this collar off, he thought, And we’ll see who the lesser creature is. But Dr. Stenvall wasn’t interested in playing by fair rules, instead she chose to discipline his otherwise good behavior so far.

Aeric knew it was coming this time; he could practically smell her intentions when she reached for the beads around her wrist. He tensed his body in expectation, but even steeling himself did little to weather pain that coursed through his body when she needled him. Still, he did not give her the satisfaction of seeing his agony. Instead he showed her pure, utter defiance. The wolf’s eyes blazed with a furious, celadon fire as they met her grey gaze. No fear was in them, even though he felt the cold tingle of it. But that was swallowed down, Aeric mastering his fear every time it bubbled up.

You’re gonna need a lot more than those bee stings before you have me groveling like a good dog, he vowed, knowing she could not hear him. In the back of his mind, he was already contemplating how to get the best of this woman. Now that he knew that bracelet controlled this makeshift shock collar, he knew there was a way to stop it. Getting the bracelet off her wrist would be tricky of course, but if she was foolish enough to get close he wouldn’t mind watching it slide right off her bloody, handless stump. The thought practically had him salivating as he bared his teeth a little wider at her.
Once the door snapped shut Catty's legs gave a wobble and she had to lean against the cold iron. Dr. Henderson was still there, his mouth a thin line as he saw the girl crumple under the weight of everything. Catty tried so hard to keep on a brave face but seeing Aeric chained up like that, unable to even talk, shattered her. The soft whines and little licks weren't enough, not by a long shot. Maybe she'd never really see him again and it was all her fault. Dr. Henderson walked over to put a gentle hand on her shoulder as she broke, hands over her face. With a little tug he pulled her into a hug. This was not how things were supposed to turn out.

Catty let go for just a little: terrified for Aeric and herself, hopeless, helpless. What could she really do? Just a plain little human. She nearly got herself killed by a fishman. How could she do anything in such a facility. Slowly she calmed down and sniffled, lightly pushing her mentor away. He backed up as she wiped her face on her arm. "Better?" He asked in a quiet, gentle voice.

"For now...but don't think this means I stopped hating you," she growled back. The effect less than intimidating given her red, wet face.

Dr. Henderson's lips quirked to a small smile, "suppose you have every right. Come on, let's get you cleaned up and changed so you can meet the owner of the place."

"I don't want to meet whoever it is," she huffed and folded her arms impudently over her chest.

"Mmm...but he wants to meet you and, like it or not, you work for him. Things'll get easier if you just cooperate." His tone was both sympathetic and annoyed at her huffing like a small child. "Now come on, don't make me use that anklet."

Catty's eyes snapped over to the older man then to his wrist. Like the woman who had shooed her out he wore one of those odd, beaded bracelets. Her eyes narrowed but she sighed and gave a sharp nod. Maybe he was right. Cooperate. At least give the appearance of it and they might at least rid her of her chain. But how long would that take? How long would they let Aeric live. If being chained up in a sterile box could be considered living.

Dr. Henderson led the way back with Catty trailing behind in her awkward, short stepped gait. The way back felt shorter than the way to Aeric's cell. Catty tried to remember the turns they took but everything was so nondescript she had no markers for which way to take. The facility was as sterile as it was confusing.

Back at her own cell/room a couple stacks of clothing had been delivered. Just like the place they were dull and uniform. Black pants, a black top, white labcoat, socks, underwear, and two pairs of comfortable shoes. Catty frowned at the attire but it wasn't its boring nature that confused her. She looked down at the thin chain around her ankles then back at Dr. Henderson.

"Ah, yes. You'll be locked in here when you're not working so the chain will be removed," he said as he approached her and knelt down. Catty twitched and froze as he grabbed a bead on the bracelet, pinching it between thumb and forefinger. No stinging shocks. After five seconds the chain just...fell. Catty's head jerked in surprise as Dr. Henderson picking up the long string of silver chain. "We've discovered a lot of amazing things in our research here, Catty. Some good, some bad depending on how you look at it."

"Yeah I'd say new ways to trap and enslave people is real Nobel Peace Prize worthy," she said with a sarcastic roll of her eyes.

"Get dressed," he simply said with a sigh and stepped out so she could do so. Catty stared at the door a minute, wondering if there was a way she could bust through when Henderson opened it again. Make a run for it. What about Aeric though? She heaved a sigh and went to the clothes. It didn't take long to dress up. The material was surprisingly soft, better than her scrubs.

Henderson came back and slipped the chain back on her then they were on their way to meet the owner.

The meeting was nothing remarkable. The man was older. He reminded Catty of the safari guy from Jumanji. His office was covered with stuffed animal heads. Some she swore had to be fake since one was a remarkably white horse with a silvery horn. The fur on the floor was sort of gorilla shaped but it was massive, easily eight feet tall and chocolatey brown in color. Hugh Garradeaux introduced himself politely, pointing out the dead creatures in his office. Creatures that had passed on from the facility. The horse was definitely a unicorn(figures, the one creature she had hoped to see but it was a dead one) and the rug was actually a Sasquatch. Yes, they were real.

"What I am hoping from you, Miss Sinclair, if to help care for these creatures. We can't continue our research without them and the revenue from the zoo has done me...quite well," he grinned and looked around his lush office with a content sigh. "Though, I must warn you, I don't tolerate disobedience. You'd be wise to heed me. I have been curious about adding a wolf pelt to my bedroom."

A cold spark rushed up Catty's spine. The threat was loud and clear. Her teeth ground together, squealing in her head. Hugh chuckled and lifted her face up by her chin. "I'm so glad we understand eachother." He was quick enough to let go and turn away, back to his desk. "You will enjoy being in my employ Miss Sinclair. When you prove reliable and trust worthy I will make your work worthwhile."


"Well you seem to understand me," the woman said as she stared right back at Aeric. She was no blindly brave fool. In her line of work she had learned to keep her distance from the more dangerous creatures. Despite being a beast he still seemed to have the mind of a man. She pulled a small recording device from her pocket. "Subject maintains human-like intelligence while in wolf guise. Subject is also quite testy." If she had any humor in her that might have been a joke, but her face remained distant and passive. "Fine teeth, coat appears thick and black, eyes bright green and seem to have utter disdain for me. All the appearance of a wolf but with the sentient thought of man." Her thumb released the recording button and she stared him down quietly.

"Now listen, wolf boy, we can do this two ways," she said after a little while. "Cooperate for some samples or I'll bring your friend back. I don't need samples from her but I'll take some just for fun...and you can watch." Despite the ominous words she was black as stone, her tone detached and distant. Slowly she got to her feet and moved to open the door. Two large men wearing thick, padded clothes stepped into the room.

"Move to the back of the room, wolf," she said, pointing to the back of his cell. "Press your side against the wall. No biting, no clawing, no moving. Go on now."

The men stood at the ready. If Aeric complied they had a muzzle on hand. He'd get the muzzle even with compliance. Subjects couldn't be fully trusted. Human though he might appear he was still an animal. What animal would value the safety of another above their own?
“So... Think you can handle her?” Asked the scarred hunter, leaning back in his chair with arms folded over his chest.

His burly visitor laughed with a booming voice, one which practically shook the room, and tossed aside the portfolio he was browsing. “Is that some kind of joke?” He demanded, baritone voice full of his amusement. “I thought you were going to give me a challenge.”

“She’s feistier than she looks.”

“They say redheads always are. But if I were to play with a tiny thing like that, I’d break her in two.” Brooks shifted uncomfortably in his seat, impressive weight causing it to groan. Deep, chocolate eyes passed another look at the girl’s portfolio, now strewn across the fine, cocobolo desk in front of him. His face twisted into a sour look.

“My time is better spent pounding the more stubborn beasties into submission, not babysitting little girls. How am I supposed to discipline her without her turning out like me or worse?” To make a point, he brandished his left arm; once made of flesh and blood like any man’s. Now it was something more: Gleaming, armored steel instead of skin, and wires where there used to be veins. Not that Brooks was the least bit upset by the loss of his limb. Indeed, the boon granted in its place was more than he ever could have hoped for. But as he recalled the monstrosity that ripped his old arm from his body, metallic fingers closed shut with a furious snap all the same.

“Give her to someone less useful!” Brooks demanded, slamming his balled fist onto the desk. It was a good thing he’d long ago learned to control his strength, or such a blow might have reduced the fine wood to splinters. “It’s a waste of my talents!”

The hunter viewed the man’s tantrum with a touch of distaste, though brushed it aside easily enough as he produced another file for Brooks to read over. “I am well aware of where your talents lie, and have given that fair consideration in this case. This particular read head happens to be a werewolf fucker. I assure you, any pain you deliver to him she will feel tenfold. Should the girl require a former hand than your post usual, charming personality provides, than you have my permission to take it out on the wolf. Whenever Dr. Stenvall is not otherwise engaged in her own experiments with him, that is.”

Brooks seethed at the name. “Stenvall! You give her all the fun projects; may as well have put a brick in charge of the dog for all the personality she has! How am I supposed to have my fun with him with an ice queen like that breathing down my neck?”

“This wolf has proven to be quite the remarkable healer. I’ve watched him take a round to the chest, just to get back up stronger than ever. There should be plenty of him to go around...”

That answer did not pacify the brute, who chewed his lip in annoyance, still fuming. “I’m not too good at sharing,” he grumbled.

“I suggest you find a way to cope with it, then,” the hunter told him plainly. “Discipline the girl however you like, just remember you’re dealing with a delicate instrument for a change. Takes things too far and ‘break her’ as you say, it will be coming out of your pay. And given the trouble this pair have caused us, keep in mind that is no small figure. Now, run along and introduce yourself. I want her put her to work right away. It’s time to find out if this girl was worth all the effort.”

Brooks was far from satisfied, but had little choice but to obey. His chair groaned, seemingly with relief as the bulky giant stood up and stormed out, winding his way down the halls of the facility to get a good look at this troublesome pair for himself.


I understand you and the rest of these fools are dead the first chance I get, Aeric was vowing in reply to his assigned ‘Doctor.’ His piercing green eyes never left her for a moment, prepared for anything should she make a move. Not that he could do much; he was thoroughly beaten, no matter how reluctant he may have been to admit it. There was no way out o here, not without breaking free of this chain at the very least. But none of that seemed to matter when he saw the woman reach for something. His body tensed, ready to lunge on instinct, only to see her produce a recording device.

Ears perked up in a mix of surprised and confusion as she recorded her log. Testy... he grumbled to himself over the description. He was beyond testy, and eager to give her the inspiration for a few better adjectives. Her compliments were to follow, though the wolf remained growling throughout, the threat increasing in its volume as if in agreement when she mentioned his disdain. Even as the audio journal came to an end, that disdainful look remained. Yet Aeric stood rooted to the spot, a menacing, rumbling statue that would come to life if one got too close.

Ears went flat as her voice picked up again, but his growl died down some as the threat was made towards Catty. He didn’t take these people for making idle threats. Catty’s safety was something he had to take into consideration; it was the whole reason he’d turned himself in to begin with. But even so, Aeric remained hesitant to abide, especially once her heavily padded soldiers arrived to help with the task at hand. The wolf’s eyes bounced between them and the muzzle they carried, a cold tingle of fear trickling down his spine. Another way to disarm him... another way to humiliate him. But his resolve burned stronger than his fear.

You can’t fight them Aeric... He spoke to himself, trying to dissuade his instinct to attack. You have to be smart; for your sake and hers. Just do what they say; get them to trust you enough until this chain comes off. Then we’ll at least have a chance...

After the lengthy, inner debate, the black wolf whined and did as the doctor commanded, slowly walking back until he was pressed against the wall. He closed his eyes and prepared for the inevitable, just wanting it over with, when a new, brutish voice sounded from the door, forcing him to look again.

“Up to your poking and prodding already?” Asked a burly man lingering in the threshold. He was about 6’6 and pure muscle, with thick brown hair cut short and most striking of all, one fully functioning limb crafted of solid steel. The black tank top he wore barely covered his hairy, barrel-shaped chest, and his jeans looked like they were concealing tree trunks in a pair of combat boots. He was certainly a rougher looking individual than the emotionless doctor and her two flunkies, and based on the way his dark eyes bore into Aeric, the man looked like he wanted to prove it. But he wasn’t there long, merely brushing off whatever response Stenvall had as he continued on his way.

“Just save some for the rest of us!” Was the last thing Aeric heard before the man disappeared and the wolf was alone with his captors once again.


After paying the dog a visit, Brooks continued through the maze-like facility, chewing his lower lip as he contemplated this latest assignment. How he dreaded being resigned to such a boring charge. Hopefully the girl was as feisty as promised. She wouldn’t be much fun, he was sure of that, but at least he could slap her around a bit if she was obstinate.

Definitely not worth a year’s salary though... better stick to my right hand.

He tried to keep that in mind as he finally came upon the office, where he barged through the door without so much as a knock of warning. No doubt they were used to his brazen behavior by now. He gave the owner a stiff nod of acknowledgement before his hungry eyes fell upon the woman he’d been assigned to. “Alright then, ginger snap!” He boomed, rolling out his shoulders. “We don’t feed useless mouths around here. Time to put you to work and see if you’re worth the trouble. Err... by your leave, that is.” He added, granting his superior some modicum of respect, small as it was. Once he’d gotten the okay and Catty shuffled back out the door the join him, he officially introduced himself.

“Name’s Brooks,” he told her, wearing a toothy grin on his grizzled face. “And you belong to me now, girl. The first thing you’re going to learn about me is I don’t have time for anyone’s bullshit. Nor do I tolerate it.” He gave her a rude shove from behind, cold, metal hand none too gentle in the way it drove her forward, giving her a sting from her chains if not tripping her up on them all together. He wasn’t patient about either result, roughly making sure that Catty was back on her feet and on the move an instant later.

“You’ve been given your first assignment,” he explained, sounding displeased over this whole situation. “Some poor critter’s has an accident,” though his smirk said there was nothing accidental about it, “And we’re gonna see if you can’t patch it back up. Everything you need to know will be explained when we get to your workstation.”
Dr. Stenvall waited for compliance from the wolf. Her face, as always, impassive as she stared at him. If she was interested in such things she would be a shoe in to win poke tournaments. Behind her to two men stood by tentatively. The doc wasn’t putting herself in harm’s way with the wolf, it was their job. Padded as they were a bite still hurt. Their fear was palpable as Aric held himself still. Neither wanted to jump in and try to subdue the beast if he was going to cause an issue.

Their sigh of relief was audible with the whine and obedient retreat to the back wall. The pair moved in to muzzle the beast when the door opened. Three sets of eyes turned to regard the massive man in the door way. Dr. Stenvall stared Brooks down no differently than she stared at Aeric: cold and detached. “Some of us are efficient at our jobs,” she said in her same monotone. It was a jab, of course, but she could have easily been talking about the merits of tax processing programs with the lack of emotion. Just as quick to enter and say his piece Brooks was gone. Doc let out a long sigh from her nose, possibly the closest she had yet come to showing emotion and it was annoyance. “Brute…”

Her men were still standing still, not even going for Aeric. Her eyes whipped around to the pair of them. “Well?” The men snapped to attention and hurried over to Aeric as if she had just barked an order at them. One crouched behind Aeric, pressing his gloves hands to the wolf’s shoulders and neck. The other leaned over and slipped the muzzle over Aeric’s snout. It was latched tight and secured; only someone with functioning thumbs would be able to remove the snaps. Both then were couched on either side of Aeric as Stenvall approached with a plastic box. At first glace it could just be a white tackle box like Catty once had when she and Aeric had first met.

Stenvall set the box down and opened it to reveal a plethora of glimmering tools and clear vials. She didn’t bother being particularly gentle. First she started with the basics. A temperature reading from his ear followed by a blood pressure check. She took her time listening to his heart then his breathing with a mild “breathe in….and out…” then to his stomach and intestines. Thus far it didn’t differ from a regular check up with a family doctor. She put away the stethoscope and drew out a large syringe.

Her fingers sought a vein in his neck and she jabbed the needle in. Drawing slowly she filled the cartridge with blood. Once full she removed the needle and placed it in a small, orange, biohazard box. Next a small pair of scissors to trim off some fur. Not so bad until she grabbed tweezers and plucked a small nest of hair with the follicle still attached, all of which went into a vial. Next a cotton swap jammed into the side of the muzzle and under his lip. It scraped against his gums a few swipes before she pulled it out and dropped it into a vial. Next a scalpel. She grabbed his right ear and cut a small chunk off the side roughly the size of a dime if it was stretched out. Any violent flinching or ducking was rewarded with a shock.

Her samples taken she packed up her box and moved away. “Release him,” she said as she got across the room, well beyond the length of the chain. “And remember what I said dog boy. Bite my boys and Brooks will pay back the kindness to your girlfriend.” The men steeled themselves and removed Aeric’s muzzle. The second it was free the men made a mad dash for the other side of the room with the doctor, regardless if Aeric moved or not. “Well this has been fun. I have some tests to run. Behave yourself pup.” With that they were gone and Aeric was left alone. She hadn’t even bothered to bandage his ear.


Both Catty and Dr. Henderson jumped when the door slammed open, Hugh just glanced up from his desk. Catty’s eyes went wide at the massive man filling the doorway, stopping at the metallic arm. Dude looked like someone from a military sci-fi movie. Her head jerked back in surprise with his booming command. Though the surprise was quick to wear down to an annoyed glared. What was this? Bootcamp? Why was Sargent ChromeArm yelling like that. Unnecessary. Before she had time to process she was being hustled out of the door. Her footsteps slow and shuffling as she headed out.

Belong to him? Catty glanced over her shoulder up at the man quizzically as he gave his spiel. Her mouth opened for a retort but her teeth snapped together at the hard shove. Feet skittered on the floor as she tried not to step the chain distance. Too much forward momentum and she fell, knees and hands slamming on the hard ground. Catty hissed from the bruising, teeth clenched together as the vibration in her bones ceased. There was barely any time to get feeling back as she was roughly yanked back up to her feet and ushered forward again. “Man fuck you,” she grumbled under her breath as she regained her pacing with the chains around her ankles.

Her hackles were up as he explain. Some poor critter her ass. She wouldn’t be surprised if he had punched it himself. His smirk only confirmed that it was no actual accident. Her eyes narrowed at him before she ‘hmphed’ at him. “Yes fine…like I’d leave some animal to suffer injuries at this place,” she mumbled. Her shoulders were held tensely as he led her to wherever the poor creature was being held. Dr. Henderson had mentioned it was more like a zoo but the books in her cell told otherwise.

At least she made it there intact given Brooks’ rough handling. A man in a white coat looked up. A scrawny fellow no taller than Catty. He seemed to quail at the sight of Brooks, a light sheen of sweat making his thick glasses slip down. “Ah…this must be Catty,” he said in a tremulous squeak. Catty’s eyebrows raised. Hell, she could probably take the little nerd in a fight.

“That’s me,” she said. “So you need me to patch up something you hurt?” Her voice was a low growl. Some doctor this dude was.

“Yes…my job is to find answers. Yours is to take care of them. This specimen got a little unruly, gored one of our men before we could subdue it.” The meekling shuddered at the memory of the incident. “But its chain got buried into it’s neck and…well…just come see.”

He turned and opened the door. Catty took a slow breath and followed him in. Her feet stomped to a halt, her hands leaping in front of her mouth in shock. In the middle of the room lay a horse with the purest white coat she had seen in her life. So brightly white it made the man’s lab coat look grey. All of it was pure white save for the dark blue straining around it’s neck. It was still very much awake, chains hooked to its legs to keep it from struggling. The poor thing heaved and wheezed as it lay there, blue eyes blank and glossy.

“What the hell…” Catty choked out as she moved over to it, kneeling beside it’s massive head. The beast didn’t even have the strength or will to try and stab her. A trembling hand reached out to stroke its side, the fur soft and sleek. “Well the chain around it’s neck needs to be removed, I need local anesthesia.”

“Why?” The man asked curiously.

Catty’s head snapped up, fury contorting her freckled face. “Why? Why?! Because it’s in pain you dimwit! Get me lidocaine, iodine, a scalpel, sutures, and gauze now!” Her bark could rival Brooks in intensity of not volume. The other man jumped and ran out of the room. Catty looked down to the creature as it wheezed in pain, gently stroking the top of its neck. In the back of her mind she had an odd thought, more a set of feelings, that wasn’t her own. Fear, pain, hopelessness but weirdly a small bead of hope.

The other man came rushing back in with a white box filled with the items Catty had shouted for. She was quick to get to work. First the anesthesia. Moments after administering it the unicorn’s breathing evened out, even heaving a comforted sigh. Catty was quick to work, removing the embedded silver chain from its flesh. The worst part of the wounds were stitched and the rest was clean up then carefully wrapped with gauze. All the while she spoke gently to it. “It’s ok…everything ok…you poor thing…”

Once done she moved to remove the chain from it but the man jumped forward. “You can’t do that!”

Catty snatched up the scalpel and held it up. Not much of a weapon in the grand scheme of things. It still made him halt and glance to Brooks as if begging for him to intervene. “He needs it removed to heal. Think your sick experiments can go on if he isn’t fixed up? Now get the hell away from me and let me do what I’m supposed to.”
Aeric could smell the fear of the two men tasked with restraining them, and he’d be lying if he said it wasn’t tempting to give them further reason. Knowing they were afraid of him gave the wolf some level of power over them, not that it made a lick of difference given the rest of the situation. As soon as the distraction of the metal armed man was gone, they jumped into action, following Stenvall’s orders as though they were the real dogs, not him. Yet he was still the one fitted with the muzzle in the end. It took all the will power he had not to rear on those who manhandled him. Never did he think he would long for those days in Catty’s apartment so much as he did now. Eating chicken off her floor was no where near as degrading as this. But the muzzle wasn’t quite as bad as what was to come.

His heart picked up a beat when the supply box came out, wide green eyes leaping to them and body growing even tenser, if that was possible. Dr. Stenvall’s layout for what would happen didn’t sound awful, but Aeric also knew better than to trust in the words of these people. His entire life he’d been told of the sadistic practices that transpired in places like this. Some of those tales were so gruesome it was hard to believe they were anything but imagined in the minds of the fearful. There was plenty in that box to be fearful of, but she started simple enough. Her handling was callous, but Aeric was no stranger to a little roughness.

The wolf gave her a grunt of disapproval when she stuck the thermometer in his here, but he remained rooted where he was, breathing heavily through the muzzle lashed to his face while predatory eyes watched her every move. These things would have been a normal visit to the doctor for most people, but Aeric never had a need for modern medicine until Catriona Sinclair came into his life. Shapeshifters were uncanny healers; all but immune to disease, and able to recover from most wounds, pending the damage was not too great. And even should a member of his pack suffer such grievous injury, his father would turn to one of their own long before he trusted in a human doctor. And based on the one he was getting to know now, Aeric could see why.

Another grunt erupted from the wolf once he was stuck with the needles, one that tapered off into a growl of pained threats while she drew his precious life blood. Every action that followed was every bit as bothersome; increasing his ire until at last, the first truly dangerous tool came into play. Aeric tried not to let his anxieties surface when she brandished the scalpel, it’s impassible sharp edge gleaming in the fluorescent light. There wasn’t much time to consider what she might do before it happened, an ear seized and promptly nicked. Aeric helped, more out of surprise than pain, his body jerking away from the blade, which only rewarded him with another jolt of pain from the collar.

He could feel the blood flow freely from the fresh wound, his ear hot and throbbing as Stenvall stepped away with everything she needed from him. The order came to release him, and after the insult and damage he was delivered, Aeric thought he might not be able to deny himself the chance of paying them back. Had Stenvall remained in lunging distance he very well may have once the muzzle fell away. But the doctor had the good sense to keep away, letting her flunkies take all the risk. He could care less about the meathead she threatened him with, but the risk to Catty was still very much at the forefront of his mind. Therefore, he knew he could not do any real damage to the men. But nor could he be entirely complacent...

As soon as the muzzle fell away, Aeric made a half hearted lunge, snapping his jaws shut within inches of the nearest, fleeing leg. He wasn’t trying to bite them so much as scare them off. Their fear was one of the few advantages he had in this place, and he had to ensure that he did not lose it. Cowards were clumsy, and made for easy prey if a wolf knew patience. Whether that advantage would amount to he could not say, and he didn’t care to think about it once he was finally alone in the chamber.

Instead, he collapsed into a heap, emerald eyes jumping to the mirrored wall across from him. His nocked ear was hard to get a measure of in the reflection, bleeding freely as it was, but it didn’t look too bad. Lacking the ability to shift as long as this collar remained, there would be no chance of healing quickly. Aeric lamented the fact, for he knew that if it was left to heal naturally, the damage would become permanent; a small yet everlasting reminder of Stenvall’s tinkering no matter which form he took.

Aeric closed his eyes with a huff, his thoughts turning to Catty and Freja, silently hoping the both of them were safe, wherever they were. He shifted around, huffing in annoyance at the raffling chains until he found a position that was comfortable enough to get some rest. It was all he could do now; rest and wait. When the time for action finally came, he would know.


“Good,” Brooks told her gruffly, continuing their forward March with little regard for the waddle she was reduced to. “I love me a woman who does her job without bitching about it. I tried to make my ex wife understand that; I really did. Wonderful woman, but it turns out the only thing I was capable of putting in skull that thick was my left fist. May she rest in pieces.”

The hall was filled with the guffaw of his laughter, which only faded once the little poindexter arrived to take the redhead into his charge. Brooks sneered, face twisting up at the fearful look the little shrimp gave him. There wasn’t much to be mirthful about now that the humor of his own joke wore off. Now he was left to ruminate over what a pitiful job this was. If they’d have put that lab coat on a proper man instead of such a weakling he could be getting back to the real work. Toying with that wolf like Stenvall sounded like a lot more fun than playing chaperone at Nerd Central. Unlike that cowardly bitch of a doctor, he was man enough to work without the muzzles and chains to keep him safe.

He remained bitter even as they entered the room. He trundled along behind them, before finding a proper spot to post up and let the little lab rats do their thing. “Not my handy work,” he felt the need to point out over Catty’s reaction to the condition of the beastie. “It’s in much too good of shape. Gored a man you say? First thing I’d have done was remove horn. Bloody fools... The lot of you.”

His words were lost amid Catty’s sudden and commanding tone, and the Goliath found his lips curling into a grin as she set the other little mouse jumped at the order. Another bout of laughter filled the air once he actually scurried off to obey it. “And I thought he was supposed to be the boss. They told me you were a feisty one...” Well, she wouldn’t be much for a scrap but maybe he’d get a few laughs out of watching this ridiculous pair and the overgrown pony they doted over.

But Brooks soon realized he was wrong about that. Catty was calm under pressure, taking charge and doing exactly what was required of her, as though she actually cared about the damn thing. What a sucker, he thought. Once that critter stops bringing in the revenue, it’s a buckshot to the head; just like all the other worn out attractions.

As Catty neared finishing her work Brooks feared this would never get interesting. Then she reached for the chain. Well that didn’t mean much to him. He relished the chance to do some real work, so he didn’t care to stop her. The lab mouse, on the other hand, wasn’t nearly so bold. Once again he forgot his place in the food chain, and found himself at the end of a scalpel for it. A devious gleam lit in his eye as he watched the scene. He saw the mouse pass him a look of pleading, but there was no fun in jumping to the rescue right away. He preferred to let the geek sweat it out a bit; not like he’d ever be doing it in the gym.

It wasn’t until Catty turned back to the unicorn, no doubt thinking herself successful, that Brooks finally intervened. For a big man he moved with impossible speed, swift, and practically silent if not for the mechanical sound of a metal arm lashing out to seize Catty’s armed hand in its grip. Steel skin was impervious to the blade even if she did struggle, and his grip was stronger than any vice. Brooks learned long ago how to utilize his machine to the fullest capacity. He had perfect control of his strength, and he squeezed Catty’s wrist until it was literally at the breaking point. Any more pressure and he could reduce the bone to splinters.

“Bad move, Red,” he told her, sound none too upset. In fact he flashed her a grin, rift before his other arm swung up to back hand her in the face hard enough to split her lip. Even as the blow struck his machine like fingers released their grip, allowing her to suffer the full force of the blow and drop to the ground where she belonged. An instant later, the hand that wielded the scalpel was pinned once more, this time by the crushing force of his boot. He then lowered himself in a slow and deliberate crouch, adding more weight to the press with every passing second.

“Now you’re starting to act like that ex wife of mine,” he warned her, before his steel moved to retrieve the scalpel from wherever it ended up. He lingered dangerously close, asserting his dominance and letting her suffer the pain a while longer. His foot kept her hand in place, even as his eyes swept up to the meek little man watching them. “Well?” Brooks spoke up, voice booming. “You heard her! Take the damn chains off?”

The lab rat squeaked out to protest, but the soldier didn’t even give him a chance. The more commanding voice drowned him out completely. “What are you so scared of, runt? Look at that thing, it’s hardly got a leg to stand on! Remove them, or you won’t have to worry about it goring you, because I’m gonna snap that horn off and shove it right up your ass!”

Once the little bastard hurried to, Brooks finally removed his foot, letting Catty up from the ground to assist him, or take over the task herself if she so wished. Considering how slow and hesitant the guppy remained about it, hands quivering, the damn horse would give out and die before he ever got it free.
Catty had only moved the chain a scarce couple of inches before she heard the stomping boots. She had barely raised her head to see the massive man approach before her arm was snatched up in that cold, metal grip. The girl yelped in surprise but the yelp melted to a clenched groan of pain. Those frozen metal digits squeezed the shit out of her arm. Catty's eyes screwed shut as her bones screamed in pain, nearly at their breaking point. Distantly she heard him speak but she couldn't register the words, every second expecting her bones to shatter in the cold grip of the metal hand.

With her eyes screwed shut she didn't see the swing. A warmer, meaty hand connected with her face. She felt her lip sear and split with the impact. Though the relief of her freed arm overshadowed the throbbing ache in her lip and the contact with the hard floor. No time to recover. A heavy, rough rubber covered her still throbbing hand, pressing it down into the floor. Catty hissed in pain but held utterly still save for turning to face Brooks as he lowered himself to a crouch. It reminded her of a tiger, crouching over prey.

"Yeah? Shocker," Catty grumbled back through clenched teeth. He kept her hand pinned down even as he barked his own orders at the mousling nerd. Honestly she was a little surprised that Brooks was even remotely on her side to have the chains removed. If it could even be called on her side, his boot was trying to grind her hand into the floor after all. Despite the pain Catty couldn't help a small snort at Brooks' threat. Not really an appropriate time for laughter. Though it was enough to get the little weasel moving.

A sigh of relief rushed between her lips when Brooks finally removed his boot from her hand. Catty sat herself up and rubbed her wrist that was a splendid red shade and mottled with marks from his metal hand and boot. The little scientist was shaking like a leaf as he moved to remove the chains. "Oh you're taking forever. He's not going to hurt you..." Catty huffed, turning over on her knees to get the chain off the unicorn's neck. "Clean this shit up, I'll do the rest." While the little scientist huffed and grumbled he still did as she commanded while Catty freed the magnificent beast.

Once the chains were all removed she took a moment to stroke the unicorn's muzzle. Ever since she'd learned about the secret world of mythical monsters she had said, many times, she wanted to see a unicorn. This was not quite what she'd had in mind. Despite her throbbing hand a sense of peace settled over her as she pet the beautiful creature. It's great blue eye settled on her, more alert that when she had first seen it. Catty's lips pressed together. Don't cry.

Knowing full well Brooks wasn't about to just let her sit there and pet the pretty pony for hours she pushed herself up, her wrist and hand already starting to develop a mottling of blue. "Alright...where's the next patient?"

Catty took care to tread lightly with Brooks around. She at least didn't threaten any more scientists with scalpels but she wasn't any less brusque with them. The sheer menagerie of creatures there was beyond her wildest dreams. There was even one of those fishmen kept in a tank normally but taken out to have it's foot treated for fungus. Catty cringed at seeing one again, the last one she encountered having nearly drowned her and erupting a fight between her and Aeric. Of course the resolution had been...very nice.

By the end of the day Catty was exhausted, physically and mentally. A rollercoaster of emotion had played out ranging from sheer delight with some of the creatures to fright and fury between Brooks and the other scientists. Every cell with a creature in it brought her back to Aeric, trapped in one of his own. She wanted to see him again but was certain that, if she were to see him, she wouldn't like the reason for the visit. What were they doing to him? Worst of all the place was like a labyrinth, nothing was labeled. How Brooks and his thick head found his way around was beyond her.

The days passed and she never once got to see Aeric which she wasn't sure if it was a blessing or not. She wasn't surprised with how busy she was. Never mind fixing up creatures but doing general checks on welfare. If she didn't completely knock off when brought back to her own room/cell she read the books left there for her to get a better idea of the creatures and the care they might need. She'd seen the unicorn a couple times to check on the healing wound. He was standing again, perfectly docile when she came to check on him. Another she saw frequently was a Dryad who's arm had been broken. Fixing that was more like grafting a tree rather than setting and casting a broken bone. At least she eventually got her bearings on the place but never once learned which way was out.


Dr. Stenvall took her sweet time with the samples she collected from the wolf. They had no data on werewolves and she was keen to be the first to get the information. There was a small snag though. On every level, with every sample, it was just wolf. Nothing exceptionally special. She had noted that the piece of ear she had taken hadn't healed properly. That was something at least. They healed quickly but flesh didn't regrow. The blood and flesh samples died out fairly quickly, she was glad to have tested those first even if they didn't give her the results she had entirely been hoping for.

She spent a couple days taking basic, dull notes. Everything just spoke of a regular wolf. The doctor was frustrated with the answers. There had to be more to it, there just had to be. The reports of the ferocious monster that absorbed a hail of bullets, only to turn around a destroy an entire unit, had to be more special than a mildly sentient wolf. Perhaps this was not the monster that had done such things. She'd need answers from the jaws of the wolf itself.

After several days of being left alone and ignored, save for food and water, the door to Aeric's cell opened. Dr. Stenvall walked in with her men at her heels and an extra lab coat draped over her arms. "Your samples proved...unremarkable. A shame really. I require answers. You know the drill wolf, don't move." She said and nodded her head to her men. They crept forward slowly, that fear rolling off them once more. Dr. Stenvall watched with her icy grey eyes, hand close to the beaded bracelet. The men took hold of the gaudy silver collar and removed it before retreating back to the safety of chain length.

"Now turn human, if you can, and cover up," she said as she sat down in a chair, crossing her legs daintily, and rested a clipboard on her lap. "This wolf form isn't the beast I've heard rumor of. Your blood, fur, and flesh are as unremarkable as the average timber wolf. What is this other form? Change into it, I wish to see the true monster that you are."
A Toothy grin remained as the ginger picked herself back up and got back to work with little more than a sarcastic remark. It made for boring sport, of course, but watching this kitten chase the mouse all around his lab was entertaining enough. The cyborg, however, only had so much patience. No sooner than Catty turned from business to sentiments did that toothy grin vanish, face souring into a frown. But the girl was a quick learner, spinning about and asking after the next job before Brooks could so much as take a step towards her. Her willingness to obey did nothing to return her warden’s smile, but it saved her from any further bruising for now.

The rest of the day proved an absolute bore, just as he feared. One little squeeze and the taste of his knuckles across her mouth, and Catty’s ‘feistiness’ was not to be found again. Quick wit and sharp words were not punishable offenses, and there were only so many lab geeks with wide eyes he could stomach until even her brusque nature felt a repetition most annoying. This was to be expected, of course. The girl was as of yet untested, and they weren’t going to saddle her with anything too dangerous anytime soon.

And it’s no wonder why, Brooks grumbled to himself, watching as she sent the other scientists running to follow orders. Nothing but a spineless bunch of egg heads. Must be why they took such an interest in her. Or was there more to it? He couldn’t say, but he knew until she was broken full and true, they’d never move on from these pet projects. And, after a few days of this drivel, Brooks took those concerns straight to the boss. And so, once again he found himself planted on the other side of that luxurious, cocobolo desk, his scarred up manager sitting opposite him. Yet, the hunter paid him no mind. He remained buried in his work, fountain pen furiously scribbling across the document that had his attention.

Brooks sat as patiently as he could, his temper building in the lingering silence. He was never particularly good at the waiting game, as if that wasn’t obvious by the way metal fingers drummed against the polished desk, creating an impatient melody to fit the scratch of pen on paper. Cold eyes watched the one ignoring him from beneath bushy brows, not once leaving from the man. Yet, Brooks found that even his unsettling, unwavering glare drew no notice from his host. And that’s when his patience finally gave out.

“So...” Brooks started, eyes still glued to the man, “You going to be done writing your memoirs any time soon?”

“What do you want, Brooks?” The hunter demanded in a weary voice, though he refused to look up from his documents.

“Better work!” He boomed. “Two days straight, and all this ‘feisty’ ginger has done is swing a butter knife around! You don’t need me for this! There’s plenty of shit birds strong enough to muscle her around!”

Finally, the scarred man set aside his pen, then, planting his elbows on the desk, steepled and fingers and appraised Brooks with a contemplating look. “You love to complain almost as much as you love to beat things senseless, don’t you? And after we gave you such a lovely bonus.” Eyes dropped from his face to his brutish mechanical arm, then back to his face. “If you’re unhappy with the way we do things around here, you’re more than welcome to resign. But I’ll be taking that arm back first.”

That shut the giant fellow right up, though did little to quell the building fury in his expression. His skin was flush with it, face practically beet red. Yet none of the rage escaped. It remained bottled up, ignored but not forgotten as he shied away from the hunter’s icy stare. It wasn’t often a man could put Brooks in his place, but he understood how real the threats of this man were. It would not be a pleasant extraction should they go that route, and worse yet, he would be a cripple for the rest of his life. Assuming they allowed me to live, he quickly reminded himself. He knew perfectly well how they chose to deal with liabilities around here.

When Brooks did not speak, the hunter wore a thin, knowing smile. “I thought not,” he told him smoothly. “Now, then. If you can avoid any more of these childish outbursts, better work is coming. I’ve only been staying long enough to ensure Garradeaux isn’t botching the job. As of tomorrow morning I’ll be out on my next field assignment, and I’ve got a much bigger present coming for you. How does a manticore sound?”

A grin, wider and toothier than any given to Catty, spread across his pockmarked face. “Like you’re speaking my language for a change! I Haven’t played with anything that big in a long time. Didn’t think there was any left after what happened to the last one you found.”

“At least one remains,” the hunter told him, his normally cold eyes burning with the flames of a bitter memory, “And I’ve got just the place to put it.”

“How soon will you be back?” Brooks asked him, greedily picturing the challenge that awaited him. Finally, a prisoner he could be himself with.

“Difficult to say. But in the meantime, you’d best keep your eyes peeled. I have reason to suspect that not everyone around here is a loyal as they seem.”

“Some little rat find their way on our ship?” Brooks asked, grinning remaining even as his brows arched with surprise.

“Maybe. If so, rest assured that it won’t be long before I smoke them out and put an end to our pest problem. Until then, just keep what few wits you have left nice and sharp. That’ll be all for now; we’ve got a busy day ahead of us. Go and put your Little Red Riding Hood back to work.”


As usual, Freja found herself pacing across back and forth, endlessly roaming her prison cell. Of course, prison cell was a debatable term. The large studio flat where Dolos had left her was a far better prison than the cages back at the senator’s stately mansion. But it left her feeling no less trapped and anxious. She’s spent most of the last three days like this, nails clacking against hardwood floors so spic and span, she could see her snowy reflection in them. Seldom did she spy that, though, for nothing was more gut wrenching than seeing the image of a once proud wolf, now reduced to a victim of the phantoms in her head.

A large part of her anxieties came from Dolos himself. He was positively infuriating warden to deal with. At least the ones who imprisoned her before were clear in their attentions. If they were coming with their guns and batons then Freja knew she was in for a beating, either by them or whatever monster she would face in the ring. It was a brutal arrangement but a simple one. With Dolos, however, nothing was ever as it seemed.

Unlike the senator’s men, Dolos never laid a hand on her. But he loved torturing her in other ways; speaking in riddles and answering all of her questions in the vaguest way possible, or often not at all. Worst of all we’re the illusions, a unique skill he wielded with a proficiency the likes of which Freja never imagined. And he never skipped a chance at using one to fuck with her head. At this point, Freja wasn’t even sure this apartment was real. He refused to tell her exactly where they were hiding out. Even the windows were enchanted, locked in a shuttered position to refuse her the view of the outside world.

I could be pacing a broom closet for all I know, Freja thought, her displeasure clear in a little growl. That would be a small thing for Dolos; he who had done such things as making Freja believe he’d rescued Aeric and Catty all on his own. The joy in her heart was overwhelming when she saw Dolos walk through the front door with her brother in tow. All that joy turned to anger once the hallucination wore off, and she found her naked form clinging to the illusionist himself. That wide grin on his face boiled her blood even now, three full days later.

What the fuck is he? She must have asked herself for the millionth time, for the double agent certainly would not tell her. The man seemed to delight in her confusion, dropping hints to purposely misdirect her and keep her guessing. She surprised he even told her his name. A Greek name, she realized, prompting her to reflect on everything she knew about the culture. Yet, who was the say he wasn’t being dishonest in name as well?

Better than who or what he is, she continued speaking to no one but herself, Where the fuck is he? What’s he really doing when he leaves?

She’d been stuck in this flat for days now, Dolos only ever returning at night and never at the same time, despite leaving the at the same hour every morning. And every morning she would ask him when they be making would make their move? When would he help her free the two who were taken, like he promised? And every day she would be treated to the same response:

“I’ll be back soon enough. Just keep out of trouble until then.”

When he wasn’t busy screwing with her head he was just ignoring all of her concerns. Needless to say, Freja’s rage was starting to build. She wasn’t sure how much longer she could take this. Much more pacing and the polished hardwood floor would have paw shaped grooves in. It was already scuffed just after a few days...

Freja’s pacing came to a stop as she heard someone approaching the front door. But the sound wasn’t what so thoroughly froze her in place; it was the scent. A spicy musk she’d known all her life, an aroma most comforting that filled her with memories of warmth and love. But it couldn’t be real... could it?

Perky white ears pointed towards the ceiling as the lock clicked and a man entered the apartment. Not just any man, she realized, but a man returned from the dead. How well she knew his deep blue eyes and sandy colored hair, his weathered face, yet strong, and commanding posture... Just like she always pictured him in her reveries. It couldn’t be, yet there he was. Freja shifted without even realizing it, her beautiful white coat giving way to soft skin as she stood there, naked and confused.

“Father?” She asked, exhaling a breath of disbelief.

He smiled warmly at her, the way he always used to. Freja felt butterflies in her stomach, her heart light. Was this real? But then, his eyes drifted down her form, and those butterflies began to churn. This man was appraising his daughter in a way no father ever should, eyes crawling over her naked form with a sense of delighted interest. She could taste bile in her mouth even as the reality settled in. Once it had, the only thing she tasted was rage.

With a furious scream she drove herself at him, hand lashing out to grip around her ‘father’s’ throat and slam him back against the door he’d only just blown through. With a vice like grip she strangled him, the color of her anger the only thing she could see. Coughing and spluttering as he was, Dolos still managed to croak out few words in Gunnolf’s voice.

“Come dear, patricide doesn’t suit you!”

“You are not my faðir!” She spat at him, tightening her grip. He was practically blue before Freja calmed herself enough to know this was a bad idea, and let him go. “Not my faðir...” She repeated as though she were the breathless one, doing everything she could to convince herself. She watched Dolos recover for a moment, still wearing the face of her father. “No,” she decided once he finally had, “You’re just a disgusting pig That wears his face!” And then she gave him the meanest right hook she could muster, putting him right back on his ass before turning her back on him and walking away.

“Haha!” He laughed, wielding the voice of Dolos once more. “You do got some spunk! For a while, it seemed like you lost it all back in that area. Look, relax wolf girl. I’m just trying to get a rise out of you. Gods know you get one out of me.”

She didn’t have to look back to know the way those eyes were roaming over her. He always looked at her like a craving fiend; a look that made her want to shift back into the form of a beast and never take this one again. Were she able to speak in that form she probably would have. Instead she weathered the assault of his gazes, for never had her kind been ashamed of their natural bodies. Not until Dolos found a way to make her uncomfortable with it...

Like he does with everything else, she thought inwardly.

“I’m sorry, alright? I’ll lay off the dead family members.”

“Oh well that makes me feel so much fucking better!” She snapped, rounding to face him again. At least he no longer looked like Gunnolf. Not that the snarky face she’d first seen from the closet that day made her any happier. “You’re the biggest piece of shit I’ve ever met!”

“Well that seems a little harsh,” he said, picking himself back up off the floor with a sour frown. He stood there a moment, calmly dusting himself off. “I did save your life after all. I’d think that senator was at least a slightly bigger piece of shit. No? Oh well.”

“You only saved your own ass,” Freja argued, blue eyes narrowing. “You didn’t kill that man to help me. You did it because you wanted the money you found. I was your only ticket out that came with a one way split. Toy with my head all you like, but don’t take me for a fool Dolos.”

Dolos shrugged, his frown sliding back into a grin. “I thought it was a mutually beneficial arrangement. And besides, if I had no interest in helping you or the others, why would I waste so much energy keeping you here?”

“For all I know? Your own amusement. That’s what it’s starting to feel like. When are we getting Aeric and Catty out of that shit hole?”


“That’s what you always say. When is soon?”

“Listen, the less you—“

“—‘The less you know, the better,’ yeah, I’ve heard that line enough times to be sick of it. When is soon?”

Once again, Dolos lost him smile. He stared her down for a while, then finally relented with a sigh. “Fine. As an apology for the whole ‘dad’ thing, I’ll tell you.” He ignored the glare he received over the callous way he said it, and continued on. “The truth is, you and your brother have a habit of being in the right places at the right time. Well... I suppose given the circumstances you could say the wrong places at the wrong time. You know, if you want to be petty about it.”

“Get to the point,” Freja brusquely commanded.

“I have it on good authority that the Huntsman is away on assignment right now.”

The Huntsman... Even the ones fighting him had no true name, merely a title by which to call their enemy. Freja had come to learn that hers was far from the first family to be slaughtered by the man. There was a story just like it for every mythos who joined their fight for survival, or so Dolos told her. Honestly, she wasn’t even sure he was part of the resistance she’d grown up hearing about. They were a shadowy force at best, nothing to go on save the blessed moment their forces arrived to seal their escape from the fighting pit.

“With him gone this presents an opportunity. The resistance has had its eye on this facility for some time now, looking for a way in. It’s taken no little effort but we finally have our foothold. We’ll take down Garradeaux and his whole operation while The Huntsman remains too busy to defend them. Our forces are already on the way. They’ll be here in the coming days. All I need for you is to be patient until then. Think you can do that, wolf girl?”

“I have a fucking name!” She spit, more than ready to clock him again.

“Do you think you can do that, Freja?” He asked again, speaking softly despite her anger.

“Maybe if you stop with these bullshit illusions. Enough is enough. I haven’t been able to trust my eyes since we dragged my own ‘body’ out of that cabin. And let me open these damn windows for once! I feel like I’m going to go crazy if I don’t get a change of scenery. So if you won’t let me leave, or stop fucking with me, then at least do me this one little favor. Otherwise, the next time I get my hands around that soft throat of yours, I won’t stop squeezing.”

Dolos wore a sly grin. “Deal,” he told her, and with nothing more than a snap of his fingers, she heard the shuttered windows give a little click, unlocking to allow her access. “Now, I was only stopping by to check in on you. I’ve got to head out again, there’s a lot of work to be done if we’re to pull this off. Just stay out of trouble. I’ll be back soon enough.”

“I’m sure that you will,” Freja mumbled to herself, watching him go and almost regretting the fact he would return. Hopefully what hope she gave him would not prove false, but she knew better than to take Dolos at his word.

Never believe a thing he says, she told herself upon finally opening a window, and seeing the view. Instead of the outside world she’d always known and expected to see, she was instead treated to a spectacle of galactic proportions. It was as though their little flat were a satellite, drifting upon a Black Sea of endless stars. Swirling galaxies and colorful nebulas painted the far distance. You would think drifting out into that endless void would have made her feel freer than anything, yet all it did was reaffirm the idea that this apartment was a prison from which there was no escape.

At least it’s a beautiful one, she thought, opening the rest of the windows before shifting back to the form of a wolf, and hopping up on the couch. For once, at least, she didn’t feel the need to pace. Instead she simply lay there, watching the universe drift by to the tune of her thoughts.

I’m coming Aeric, she silently vowed. With or without him. You got me out of my nightmare; I’ll do the same for you even if it kills me.


As the hours rolled by, and Dr. Stenvall was content to let Aeric rot in his cell with an open wound, the wolf slowly fell victim to his thoughts. This is all your fault. Was the most prominent of them, the final conclusion upon which every thought landed. I should have done more. I could have, if I’d actually tried.

The memories of the night this all began plagued him worst of all. Left alone to think, he could only recall all to clearly how that hunter came at him, silver sword in hand. Aeric remembered the feeling of his belly split open, and his fear pouring out just as freely as his blood. Had it not paralyzed him so, maybe he would have torn into more than that bastard’s hand.

But I didn’t, he would remind himself. I failed them, and now I’ve ruined Catty’s life as well.

He had to make amends for that, somehow. But this isolation had become a torture all its own, draining Aeric of his resolve with every passing hour. He had no concept of time; nothing save the fading smells on the air, which gave him a rough idea of how long and how often someone would pass by his cell. He always knew when the one who delivered food and water would be visiting, but could do nothing with the information. These lab workers were well trained and cautious. But even if they weren’t, there was no getting free of collar or chain. He’s spent the first two days exhausting himself in the effort, only to concede in the end. Now all he could do was wait, utterly alone save the negative thoughts building in his mind. That was, until the third night, when someone unexpected came to visit...

He could smell them before he could hear them. There were two, one a male bearing the familiar scent of sweat and steel. The other a female and new to him. She smelled like fresh rain and pine; an earthy aroma that teased his nose and stirred his spirit. Aeric lifted from the floor, standing up as he realized they were coming towards his cell door. He heard a musical laugh from the girl; a pure note, as though her voice were harmony itself. The words were muffled, but his ears were keen enough to pick up what she was saying.

“Hurry up, tough guy! I want to see him!”

“Hold on, darlin’, we’re gettin’ there!” His efforts in opening the door were interrupted, derailed as his attentions turned on the woman instead. He couldn’t see what Brooks did to her, but whatever it was produced another melodic set of giggles.

“You sure it’s okay, showing me around like this? I thought it wouldn’t be allowed...”

“Lucky for us the boss is on a little field trip. So there’s no one around man enough to tell me otherwise!” Another set of giggles erupted, the woman’s mirth lingering in the air, even as the door swung open to reveal them.

Aeric recognized Brooks well enough. He’s only seen the man once, and briefly, but a hulking human with a metal arm wasn’t a sight easily forgotten. He barely looked at the soldier though, his eyes jumping to the beauty dangling upon the steel limb instead. Green eyes bright enough to shame his own went wide upon seeing the wolf, and she slipped away from her guide’s false arm to step towards him.

“Oh, Brooksy!” She exclaimed in her sing song voice. “He’s beautiful!”

Aeric was too struck by her appearance to contemplate the words; particularly her bare feet which moved with impossible grace, the hem of her forest green dress dancing about her heels. A hairpin kept her light brown hair up high, though he could he could tell it was long enough to pool down her back like a waterfall of honey should the pin come free.

She drifted closer, her earthy scent blanketing his mind as she dared to step nearer than any before. If she had any fear of the wolf there was non in her eyes. She only stopped the approach once she was near enough to reach out and touch him. But she did not do so. She merely plopped down, wrapping her arms around her knees and gazing at him with nothing but love and admiration.

“Yes you’re a handsome devil, aren’t you?” She cooed, wearing them brightest smile Aeric had ever seen. He found himself... unusually complacent. She had a smothering presence, but not necessarily in a bad way. In fact, it was quite the opposite, like all his anxieties just melted down the river.

“Careful, Melody,” Brooks Warner, watching from a berth, “They say this one wiped out an entire squadron.”

“Really?” The woman asked, her voice perking up with a clear note of interest. “Well he doesn’t look that vicious to me! No... I bet you’re just the goodest boy, aren’t you?”

She nimbly pushed back to her feet, stretching out with a bright grin. A grin, that might have had just a shadow of mischief, Aeric realized. “But he looks a little bored here. Chained up all alone. Oh, Brooksy! Can’t you play with him a bit? He looks like he could use some cheering up!”

“Ha! You got it babe.”

The woman retreated, a gleam in her eye that told Aeric this one had about as much hatred and venom to offer as she did sweetness. In her wake, Brooks came forward, stomping up to the wolf as fearlessly as Melody before him. “Ya hear that pooch?” He boomed, “We finally get to have some fun!”

The words barely left the brute’s mouth before a metal fist came flying in, slamming right into Aeric’s jaw. He felt bone give way amid the explosion of pain, but the world became such a daze he could scarcely process what just happened. No sooner did he hit the floor did he feel another blow, this time from a heavy combat boot to his ribs. Again and again they came, boot and fist, iron or flesh, it didn’t matter. Brooks was a savage, beating him to a pulp but only just enough to keep him breathing. Aeric was left a shivering, broken mess by the end of it, unable to move and barely able to see.
“I think he’s all tuckered our, Brooks!” He heard Melody shout, calling off her attack dog before that metal fist could deliver another devastating blow. “We’re better let him rest, don’t you think? Your other friends will want to play with him too.”

Like a trained beast, he left Aeric lying there at Melody’s command, laughing all the way back to her. She delightfully jumped up into his arms, giggling as he spun her about and planted a wet kiss on her cheek. He set her back down after, and, seeming dizzy, Melody waltzed over to where Aeric lay battered on the ground. “Poor thing! Here, a kiss will make it better!”

She sunk down to her knees, emerald dress looking around her, and gathered up his whimpering head in her soft, warm hands. Leaning in, her rosy lips placed a little kiss right upon her wet nose. No sooner than her lips retreated did Aeric feel it. Like the retreating tide, he felt his pain draining away. Within minutes, the damage caused by Brooks was repaired, leaving Aeric in no worse a state than they’d arrived. But no better either, he realized, as the remnants of his other injuries remained.

“That’s better, isn’t it?” Melody soothes him, only to step away before his senses could return in full. “I don’t know, Brooksy. This one is kind of boring to me! Can’t we see the rest now?”

“Right this way, sweet thing,” he acquiesced, offering her the door. His hand of flesh was firmly planted upon were shapely rear as she sashayed on by, and the last thing Aeric saw before the door closed in their wake was Melody passing him a maniacal grin and sultry wink.

Aeric lay there for a long while after they left, going right back to contemplating everything that had gone wrong, only now it was intermingled with thoughts of the woman. What is she? He wondered of Melody, even as Freja did with Dolos. But another thought overshadowed the mysterious woman. He recalled wolf-like spirit from his dreams, and the words it said. ‘When you are at your weakest, I will be your strength.’

So where are you now? Aeric thought bitterly, wallowing in his loneliness. Maybe he was imagining it, but he could swear he felt the whisper of a reply inside him.

With you, it said, and it came along with the sense that this spirit might just be sharing in his pain.


A full two days passed since the incident with Brooks and the nymph, for that was what Aeric had come to decide the woman must be. He’d never actually met one before, but he’d heard tell of them. Recently, in fact, as he thought back to their conversation with Henderson. Something about stealing away Carl so that Catty would focus on Aeric. Thinking of Catty’s Ex filled him with bitter nostalgia.

My last great victory, he thought, recalling the way he’d beaten Carl half to death much the way Brooks had done to him. It felt like ages ago now. Is she the same nymph? He wondered, convincing himself all the more that she was one of the creatures. Whatever Melody was, Aeric was certain she was possessed of a sadistic enough streak to have done the deed. But she wasn’t the only sadistic one around this lab, and on this, the most mundane of days, another decided to join him.

Aeric’s head lifted as Stenvall arrived on the scene, her cronies in tow. A short growl uttered in his throat, showing the woman he remembered her well though it had been days since last she’d paid him a visit. The nicked ear was still a bittersweet reminder of the last time, and he was none too pleased she’d come again. But at least it wasn’t the buffoon with the metal arm this time.

Eyes briefly inspected the extra coat in her arms before Stenvall spoke, explaining her reasoning for this visit. After his beating Aeric remained on edge this time, growling and snapping at the padded men even as he obeyed the instructions This is quicker in the end, he tried convincing himself, though one wrong move and he was ready to tear into them. He was expecting a muzzle, instead he found them removing him restraints. Aeric stood there, utterly confused for a moment. Was this some sort of test? Did they trust he would not lunge out? His surprise was great enough that he did not. Yet...

They were too away before he could think to, and Aeric remained still, retaining the form of a wolf even as Stenvall requested he abandon it. The temptation to do so, however, could not be denied. Aeric obeyed the request, more for his own comforts than to appease her. The downtrodden wolf with pitch black fur was gone, warping into the shape of the tall, handsome man Catty had fallen for. Shaggy black hair past his ears, eyes of emerald, and the sheen of a scar across his abdomen all matched the feature of the beast he’d once been.

Aeric ignored her requests for a moment, his first concern being his ear. He reached up to feel at the married tissue, his heart sinking and anger rising at the feel of missing flesh, small as it was. Furious green eyes turned on Stenvall, narrowing with all his hatred.

“Cover up? Why? Afraid you’ll like what you see? Worried a wolf might stir your loins?” Aeric was none too shy about letting her. In fact, to know it made her uncomfortable made him feel like he had some measure of power here. So he ignored the lab coat, standing right in the buff for all to see.

“Unlike you humans, us ‘inferior’ species are not ashamed of what we are. And as for this other form you’re so eager to see...” He glanced between her backup before eyes fell upon her again, “I’d love to introduce you but you didn’t say please. So how about this, bitch? Why you take your samples, and go fuck yourself with them instead?”

While he kicked the hornet’s nest a little, Aeric was looking for a way to turn this to his advantage. Without that collar the idea of escape wasn’t entirely possible. He remembered what Brooks said, about the boss being on a field trip. Did that mean the hunter was gone, and his spear and silver sword with him? If so there may be no better time. He just had to play his cards right, look for an opening, and wait for this trio to screw up somehow.
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The evenings after her work were...pleasant. At least the ankle chain was removed and she could walk freely. In the couple of days she had learned how to walk with the chain on but it was a relief to be able to stretch out in her cell/room. Catty tried to distract herself by reading the books kept in her room. She had a decent mental catalogue of the creatures present and had gotten a decent idea of where they all were despite the lack of labeling. Still she hadn't seen Aeric but by process of elimination she had a rough idea of where they were keeping him.

Brooks had been bringing her back earlier it seemed or she was just used to the schedule and not nearly as exhausted by the end of the day. Of course Brooks, just by himself, was an exhausting person to be around. She was careful to toe the line with him. Snippy and mouthy was one thing but she knew not to physically threaten anyone any more at least. Her had, while fine, had bruised very nicely as well as her cheek and jaw. The bruising was fading, a pale green surrounded by mottled red. The food was surprisingly good though she was a small boon she supposed. She wondered what they fed Aeric, or even if they fed him. Certainly she would have heard if they'd done something terrible to him. No way Brooks would keep her in the dark. Not for any kindness or chivalry but to see her distress.


Stenvall's expression remained passive as always when Aeric finally shifted. His taunts and threats only brought a raised eyebrow from the woman. She dug in the pocket of her lab coat and fished out her recorder. "Subject is mouthier in human shape than in wolf. Appears human enough with near human intelligence but limited sense of decency. Subject refuses to wear clothes and claims to wear clothes is due to a sense of shame. Additionally subject expressed queries of of attraction. Clearly stemming from strong instinct to procreate subject has made subtle remarks to wishing to mate with me. Appears that werewolves are not monogamous in their mating habits...or perhaps subject assumes we have killed his mate and he seeks replacement."

She left the recorder on as her bleak grey eyes turned back to Aeric. "Your mate is alive, werewolf. I'm sure she would be curious about your wish to stir the loins of another. Now change into this other form. If it would help...please change into the form." Despite a 'please' she could not be further from begging or even asking. "This will go much easier on you if you do," she said as she lifted her wrist with the bracelet and grasped a bead. Just a small shock of electric needles to remind Aeric of his place in her lab. She expected obedience from all her subject. Especially the ones of near human intelligence.

"Change," she said again, her tone a little lower as she gave him another shock. "Change," the word was shorter, sharper and followed by a full minute of the shock. "Change," louder this time with another full minute of the shock. "Change!" The slightest expression crossed her face, a muted blend of fury and madness as if it rested just below that still surface. She cranked on the bead and let the shocks course Aeric's body until he had to be near unconsciousness. Stenvall huffed and shut it down once more. "Subject clearly has no concept of self preservation." She stomped over to her desk and slammed a finger down on a button to contact Brooks's radio. "Brooks!" Her tone nearly manic. "Bring that stupid girl here! Now!"
Aeric’s eyes were like burning coals while he stared down Stenvall, listening to the woman talk to her recorder like it was the only thing she had any sort of affection for. Hardly surprising. Based on these two short visits, Aeric felt nothing but coldness emanating from this woman.

“You must really love the sound of your own voice,” Aeric said loudly, purposely talking over one of her audio notes in hopes of tarnishing it. The amusement quickly wore off, however, with Aeric standing by while she continued to speak into the device, taking her vocal potshots at him all the while.

“Not too good at picking up subtlety either, are you?” He challenged at the mating jabs. “Good thing I’m only near your human intelligence and not quite so low.”

Oh he’d love to tear into her, but not in the fun ways Catty got to experience. Even now he felt his body tingling with a more bloodthirsty sort of desire. The wolf was begging to come back out and ravage her. But he resisted the urge, knowing the consequences, and fearing them once she confirmed Catty was still alive and well. Some of the tension left him then. As long as Catty was still on the table he had to keep a careful step here. That said, he wasn’t left with many options once Stenvall demanded the impossible of him, even going so far as to add a ‘please.’

Gods, Aeric thought to himself, She doesn’t understand sarcasm either.

Even if that please had been genuine, Aeric could not acquiesce. He opened his mouth to say as much once she threatened him, yet she reached for that bracelet before the words could flee his lips. A hiss of pain escaped instead, his entire body going rigid at the sudden shock. Aeric’s fingers coiled into fists, his eyes narrowing angrily at the jolt, which was slight but more than enough to leave his skin prickling with discomfort, even after the initial shock.

“I can’t,” he growled out to her, loathing to admit the fact. “It’s not something I can just... Do.”

What he wouldn’t give for the ability to shift into that form at will. He’d have Stenvall in pieces if he could. Yet the admission had no effect on the emotionless stump of Doctor. Once again she demanded he change, followed by another shock. And once again, Aeric had no choice but to deny her. So began her torture, the third shock being the longest he’d experienced yet. He weathered it at first, but eventually the pain was too much, causing his knees to buckle. He was practically in the fetal position before long, quivering in agony and exhaustion as he fought the urge to call out and let her know the full extent of his pain. He closed his eyes tight, shutting off the tears he felt building as he suffered. Reality itself seemed to bend as Stenvall continued to punish him, seemingly without end. Her constant shouts of ‘Change!’ were beginning to sound far off and distant, almost like Aeric was drowning, completely submerged while the doctor roared down at him from high above the surface.

“Please...” Aeric found himself begging. Not to the one that tortured him, but to his own self; a silent plea to the force slumbering within him. If only he could wake it. If only he knew how to control all that power and rage... but no matter how he tried, Aeric could not bring that beast to bear. The pain stopped before he even got close, but even then it was all he could do to lay sprawled on the floor, breath ragged as his mind steadily reclaimed its lucidity. The doctor’s words were still a jumble in his brain, but Aeric’s sense of self returned enough to understand what, or rather who she was asking for by the end of her page.

Wait, No,” he mumbled weakly, throat dry and voice hostage. “Y-you don’t have to bring her into this.”

With Catty on the line, Aeric mustered his strength and picked himself back up off the floor. Wobbly legs only barely supported him, every muscle feeling like pins and needles after the current that assaulted them. But he held himself up and managed to make eye contact with the bitch of a Doctor, even if they were a little glossy.

“I... I can do it,” he assured her, trying to convince himself of it even if it wasn’t true. He’d be damned if he wasn’t going to attempt it, at the very least. “Just let me try.”

Closing his eyes, Aeric tried to relax his mind as much as one could given the situation. He let it wander, filling it with thoughts of the great chained wolf he saw in his dreams; seemingly the lock and key behind the enormous power he’d somehow stumbled across. He remembered what it felt like to wield that power, to let it consume him body and mind the way it had twice already. Latching on to that feeling, however, was like holding a bar of wet soap. Aeric could only grasp it for a moment before it was gone, derailed by some distraction or another. But he refused to give up, looking quite the fool as he stood there in full profile, eyes closed and nothing happening.


Brooks heaved a great heavy sigh, stopping in his tracks when he heard the crackle of Stenvall’s voice coming out of his radio. They’d only just finished for the day, the ginger girl already tucked away for the night. Normally he’d be all in for a bit of fun, but as their often all too strict overseer was out on the job, there were other ways to enjoy himself that didn’t involve his baby sitting gig. Even the wolf had proven to be poor sport the one time he chose to visit. Amusing as it was, his time spent with the nymph afterwards had been far more enjoyable.

He might have ignored Stenvall’s request all together, had her voice not been so flustered. The doctor was so stale most of the time that Brooks never passed up a chance to see her losing her shit. Admittedly, he was a little curious to know what riled her up as well. Maybe the dog’s got a bit of fight after all, he thought, grabbing his radio.

“On our way,” he grumbled into the speaker, already turning heel and heading back to Catty’s room. No doubt she’d be surprised to find him barging in again so soon, even if she’d grown used to his booming entrances every day; ones that never came with the courtesy of knocking.

“On your feet, Red,” he bellowed, furious eyes landing on Catty. “Your boyfriend’s been a bad dog. It’s time to show you how to train him properly.”

His impatience was great as Brooks pulled her up and out of whatever she was busy with. She was hastily forced back into the chains, hardly a moment’s rest from the awkward gait before they were navigating the facility once again. It was the first time since her arrival that she had a chance to map out the path between her chambers and Aeric’s, but Brooks did not make it easy as he rushed her on, careless of the way the chains tripped and stung her. Any fumbles were met with force, making certain she kept moving at a pace that was acceptable to him.

Fingers of cold steel wrapped about her left arm, holding her in place once they finally made it to Aeric’s cell. They remained there even as they entered, and Catty got her first glimpse of Aeric as a man since the day they’d been taken. His emerald eyes cracked open at the sound of their arrival, and a shuddered Breath, equal parts relief and burst free of his lungs.

“Catty...” he said her name regretfully. His eyes had to flee her bruised face for fear of losing himself in his emotions. Instead, they settled on Stenvall, narrowing with fury. “I told you to leave her out of it! Just let me do this!” Once again he dived into the attempt, ruminating on the form she wanted and trying to shift into it the same way he did a wolf. But if it was difficult before it was impossible with Catty nearby. Even with his eyes closed he could still hear and smell her; and after so long that was intoxicating enough. But his heart raced with nothing but fear. He knew she would pay the price of his failures now, and the thought alone was enough to distract him from success.

Come on, I need you now... He begged that hidden part of himself over and over again, yet no matter how loudly he called, Fenrir refused to answer.
Stenvall didn’t give a shit what the wolf said. She didn’t believe that he couldn’t bring that monster out. Not entirely anyways. It was clear that pain wasn’t enough of a motivator. That’s why she had demanded brooks bring the girl. She watched Aeric as he lay there, whimpering and begging. Some great wolf he was. More and more she was beginning to wonder of her research would be a complete waste of time. That made her furious, her grey eyes blazing for once as she stared down at the pathetic heap.

Perhaps not so pathetic. Even with his crackling pleas he managed to move. Slowly he managed to get back to his feet. Stenvall gave a small snort of approval. Perhaps he wasn’t a complete waste after all. Despite being as wobbly as a newborn horse he tried to stare her down, eyes distant and glossy. “Fine, try,” she snapped and folded her arms. Oh she would give him a little time even if he looked ridiculous standing there. What was he doing? Meditating? She didn’t have the answers but she didn’t think some zen monk shit would do a damn thing to unleash that monster.


Catty jumped as the door slammed open again. Of course she knew exactly who would be standing there. She had been hunched over some books at the small desk before the dramatic action. Her blue eyes wide and staring, confused at first but Brooks didn’t leave her in the dark long. Aeric. Every fiber froze up. What the hell was going on? She was in enough shock she forgot the most important thing about Brooks: he wasn’t a patient man. Hauled up and the thin, strange chain put back around her ankles. He was definitely in some kind of mood, pushing and shoving her faster than the shuffling little gait she had perfected allowed. The chains shocked and stung as she stumbled forward with the heedless rush.

She tried to learn the route but between the rush and the constant cringing hisses of pain she lost her bearings in the odd, stark hall. Catty managed an awkward little trot to try and move faster without angering the chain. All the while her heart pounded a furious rhythm in her throat and ears. What were they doing to him?

An abrupt stop before a door. She’d like to say she recognized it but all the damn doors looked the same. Her hand clenched as Brooks gripped her arm and opened the door. The iron manacle around her slim bicep never leaving even as they stepped in and the door shut. Catty’s heart gave an initial flutter to see Aeric standing there. It was quick to die to a hollow pit in her guts. He was naked, sort of, with just a lab coat on. Face prickled with sweat. The weak, sad sound of her name constricted her throat. Enough so she couldn’t even squeak his own back.

Stenvall snorted and tossed her head at the furious retorts from the wolf. “You’ve been trying and failed. I need results, I don’t have time for your inane monster games,” she snorted. Her arms stayed folded as she gave him just a little more time to try. Nothing. Just a bunch of whining and nothing. “Useless,” she snarled and gave the bead a twist for another shock. Just a solid few seconds so he could feel her annoyance.

“Stop it!” Catty shouted and lunged. Not much good with Brooks’ grip and the chains. She hissed as they pricked and shocked once more. The doctor looked over and the eyes of the women met, both seething and furious. A slow, twisted smile bloomed over Stenvall’s features setting an acrid knot in Catty’s guts.

“Hold the girl very still Brooks,” Stenvall said with that twisted grin. Just as she had done to Aeric she grasped a bead on the bracelet and gave it a twist. Catty yelped as the chain around her ankles bit and shocked once more. Though it wasn’t the usual short, sharp pain. It continued on, unrelenting. The electricity creeped up her legs, through her torso and all the way to her fingers and crown. Her teeth clenched together hard enough she thought they might shatter. “Change you monster! I won’t stop it until you change! She suffers until we see that beast!” Oh how she wished she could up the pain, her nearly manic eyes shifting between Catty and Aeric.

Catty’s cries started as a quiet, high, groan between her clenched teeth. She tried valiantly not to make any other sound. Her body had to get numb from it right? Very wrong. Tears squeeze from her tightly shut eyes. She didn’t have Aeric’s strength and her legs eventually buckled, unwilling to hold her up any longer. The high, squealing groan grew louder as Stenvall continued to shout at Aeric to change. “Change or she dies!”
“I’m not the one playing games!” Aeric roared out, growing more desperate now that Catty was at risk. But his fight was quickly diminishing, voice falling silent in an attempt to regain his focus. There was no telling what these psychos would do to her if he couldn’t pull off this transformation; a prospect that appeared grimmer by the moment. Soon, Aeric lost his grace period. The insult barely spilled from the doctor’s lips before she twisted and bead and kicked right back into the torture. Aeric dropped to his knees upon the unexpected jolt, but the true weight of his failure was yet to come.

Aeric was slower to rise this time, the prolonged abuse having worn him down significantly. Catty’s pleading voice sounded far off and hazy, and even after Stenvall ended the pain, Aeric could still feel the electricity coursing through his veins; an aftershock that took its sweet time in tapering off. The wooziness remained even once he was back on his feet, his vision clarifying enough to witness Brooks taking a stout grip on Catty, as ordered. The brute was grinning ear to ear, clearly eager to see how this would play out.

“Wait!” Aeric turned to pleading himself, his voice beginning to feel as weak as the rest of him. But it seemed the sadiatic doctor was sick of waiting. Aeric’s heart was racing even before Stenvall reached for the bracelet, but it thumped faster upon her yelps of pain. Those shrill notes of agony were a torture all their own, rendering Aeric into a begging mess before long.

“No, stop! Please!” But she was relentless, Catty’s squeals of pain growing so loud they could almost drown out Brooks’ loud guffaws of laughter.

“Seems more like a whining mutt than the Big Bad Wolf to me,” the burly man chuckled, fondly recalling their time together. This would make just as good of a memory.

Aeric paid no mind to the insults. His green eyes were flashing between Catty and Stenvall, noting the furious insane expression on the doctor’s face. She’s not bluffing, he realized inwardly, even as his mouth continued to plead words he could no longer hear. The time for waiting has truly passed; he had to do something!

One aggressive step towards Stenvall was all it took for Brooks to sweep in. The Goliath of a man left Catty to suffer on her knees, intercepting Aeric before he could harm the woman. Aeric barely had time to notice the brute before a flash of silver rushed in from the left. A balled metal fist collided with his gut, sending a tremor of pain throughout his body and shoving the air right out of his lungs. Aeric fell like a ton of bricks, panic seeping in as he found himself unable to breathe.

Catty’s screams grew quieter, distorted even; like the very air had turned to water. Even Catty’s motions seemed floaty and delayed while Aeric watched her writhing in pain, his blurry eyes unable to take in anything else. None of this seemed real; none of it fair. She was going to die; the girl he loved was going to die and there was nothing he could do about it.

Love? He found himself wondering to himself. When did I decide that?

Perhaps he was just crazy in the moment,realization stirred him back to life, giving him the strength to suck in a life saving breath. As the air came flowing into his lungs, Aeric found it stoking the flames of his anger. Like bellows to a forge, every breath left him red hot with rage. Furious eyes left Catty’s pitiful form to focus on Stenvall. These people had taken everything from him: His home, his family, his entire life. Catty was the one good thing that came from it all, and now they were going to take her too.

Aeric found himself moving, pushing himself up as though his body had a will of its own. Maybe it did... He was feeling delirious, much the way he did on the full moon. All that was real was his pain and fury. Brooks noticed the change, noted the fury in his eyes, but could only snicker at the lethargic way he carried himself.

“Better stay down, Mutt. You had your chance. It’s on you now.”

Aeric’s Bloodshot eyes honed in on the man, a rumbling, feral growl the only response. The sound wiped the smirk from Brooks’ face. “Hey... Doc?” He slowly got her attention, his brown eyes narrowing at the mindless look he was getting from the dog. “I think you might have cooked its brain...”

In fact, the doctor was getting the very thing she wanted. Aeric was in the grips of change before his mind had even come to terms with it; his normally fleshy skin taking on a black hue, which eventually sprouted into thick fur. Limbs grew long and lanky, while the sound of grinding m bones and popping joints gave birth to a gruesome symphony of change. Aeric’s mouth opened wide as if to shout his fury, instead his face twisted in a silent snarl, becoming a wide muzzle full of gnashing teeth.

Brooks was utterly transfixed by the scene, his shit-colored eyes as wide as teacups as what was once a broken runt now towered above him. Even he had to stumble back, respecting the size of the monster that now stood before them, donned in a shredded lab coat. The beast stood there, rumbling out a threatening note while broad, red eyes searched between the three parties as though he didn’t recognize a single one of them.

“I’ll be a son of a bitch!” The soldier breathed, his senses lost for a moment at the wonder. “He—“

A furious roar buried whatever else he had to say, the power of it rumbling through their chests when amplified by the tiny room. The monstrosity lunged a moment later, his first target being the doctor that was the origin of his rage. Lucky for her Brooks was so quick for such a large fellow; he just barely managed to close the gap enough to set his false arm in the way of Aeric’s snapping jaws.

Brooks shouted his own fury, standing his ground while Aeric gnawed and chomped with abandon. Th steel managed to hold against the beast’s powerful jaws, though a cry of pain was torn from the soldier once he lashed his head, nearly ripping the metal joints right out of their fleshy sockets. Brooks was upended from his feet, hefted into the air only to be thrashed right back down. It jarred his legs but he managed to stand tall. Quick action saw him reaching for a boot with his free arm, pulling free the large combat knife that was strapped there.Without hesitation, he lifted the weapon and drove it directly into Aeric’s right eye.

The wolf beast wailed in terrible pain, swinging his head around and releasing the metal arm between his teeth. Brooks went soaring, the iron grip on his blade ripping it right out of Aeric’s bloody socket. After smacking into the rear wall, the soldier dropped like a sack of groaning potatoes. Fortunately for him, Aeric remained thrashing in pain long enough to forget all about his assailant. For a moment the biggest threat was simply avoiding his wild movements, but soon enough the motion of Catty and Stenvall caught his attention.

One, bloodthirsty eye bounced between them, looking frantically uncertain after that sting he’d just received. His injured eye was already healing, however, cornea, pupil, iris; all of it coming back to life before their own eyes. All the while, he roared out in thunderous challenge, daring either of them to draw his ire.
Long, sharp needles raced her flesh with the unending torment. Vaguely she felt her knees hit the cold floor, her bowed melted forward as if doing some modified yoga pose. Catty's arms tucked against her chest as she curled up, unable to think beyond the constant flow of electricity in her body. Her heart raced, teeth clenched so tight they might break. Far and away she heard a man yelling, the sound muffled and distant. Aeric. She knew the voice, knew he was pleading just as she had even if she couldn't understand the words. Catty knew exactly what they were doing but she was powerless to unfurl her body, to fight back the squeals and gasps of pain. "Don't," she groaned between clenched teeth but couldn't say more than the single word. Don't let them win.

Stenvall's usually blank and cold face still bore the menacing, mad grin. She didn't need to look at Catty to know the wire was working. Her grey eyes focused solely on Aeric. A real shame she couldn't raise the bar, make the shocks harder. If it killed her it didn't really matter. Sure they had wanted the girl as a vet but there were more vets out there. As far as she knew there was only one monster werewolf and it would be her discovery alone! "Change and it stops," she snarled back at Aeric.

Her manic gaze didn't falter with Aeric's step towards her. She had the bracelet and, more importantly, she had Brooks. He did his job and stepped right in. The blow from that metal arm of his sent the wolf back to floor where he belonged. "I've never had so much trouble training a dog before," she sneered down at Aeric as he lay there, helplessly watching Catty's torture. "Obey your betters, beast, and it all stops. Well, for her anyways," she said with a quiet cackle. Oh the samples she so desperately craved from that elusive monster.

The minutes seemed to drag by as Aeric just stared at the crumbled, squealing mound that was Catty. Stenvall's mania died back to malcontent. Perhaps he needed more persuasion from Brooks' fists. She opened her mouth to give Brooks the order, a few hearty kicks to the both of them might change some mind. Her teeth clicked together as Aeric rose. There was something...different, off, about his posture. Slow, lethargic, but distant like a puppet, but those green eyes blazed with a fury she hadn't seen from the creature. Slowly her lips pulled to a grin. " it," she whispered. Brooks' insane comment brought a scathing scoff. "'s working."

Before her very eyes the change began. Her eyes grew wide in a wild delighted as Aeric's skin darkened and sprouted thick fur. The horrific snapping and popping as the body elongated. It was vile, magnificent, terrifying, inspiring. He grew to enormous size, towering over Brooks even. Stenvall's eyes were as wide as Brooks' but with delight and victory.

Catty could hear it, still so distant. That crackle of bone and the marrow deep growling. She barely managed to tilt her head and force one eye to open to confirm the noises. Stenvall had gotten what she wanted but stood in so much awe she kept the bead twisted. If tears of pain hadn't already been dripping down her cheeks she might have cried for the ease of getting Aeric to change. If she had been stronger, able to endure the pain of the shocks, he might not have changed. If she'd have just gone with Dr. Henderson in the first place none of this would have happened. Damn it all.

All the pride and victory vanished from Stenvall as the beast fixed its gaze on her. Her flesh went white as her lab coat, body frozen in place as the beast lunged. Before it got too close Brooks intervened. Brave, foolish man. Lucky for that metal arm of his, for bother of them really. The beast clamped down, crimping and crunching the metal like a juicy bone. With Brooks blocking the way she backed up a couple of steps to watch the ensuing fight. Wide grey eyes followed as Brooks' was easily hefted up by the sheer strength of the beast's neck and slammed back down. The second he reached for his knife Stenvall snapped back to herself. "Not the...!" Of course she could hardly stop him. "Damn it Brooks!" She shouted as the large knife drove into the beast's eye. She needed it in tact damn it! At least there was plenty of blood for sample, silver linings and all.

The frenzied fury and pain lent the beast more strength than even Brooks could handle. The man was tossed around like an old chew toy. The struggle made the knife rip out, sending droplet of blood flinging around the room. Also sending Brook across the cell and slamming into a wall. Stevall watched as the massive man crumbled down the wall. Shit.

Her eyes turned back to the beast as it thrashed in pain for a moment until stopping and staring down the two women. Stenvall finally looked over to Catty, still crumpled into a nearly 'downward dog' pose, fitting. The girl, of course. She looked back to the furious beast. How much of the man was left in there? She opened her mouth once more but it closed for the second time as she watched, like some fast forwarded video, as the wounded eye healed. Amazing. This beast would prove valuable....if she could tame it.

Finally she released the bead and the shocks stopped for Catty. Catty heaved a relieved sigh as every muscle eased at once and she toppled over to her side, chest heaving. Just a moment, she just needed a moment to get strength back. Aeric needed her. Hell, that doctor bitch needed her. No, fuck that lady.

"See? The girl is fine now," Stenvall said boldly, stupidly. She slid a leg back. It needed time to calm down but not enough to revert. If she could just make it to the door maybe the girl and Brooks would make a decent enough snack for it to settle it down. "Now just...take it easy fella..." she said as she tried to ease herself back towards the door. Then, without warning, she turned to make a break for the door, jumping over Catty and hoping the beast might find the heap of a girl a better meal.
Brooks remained a crumpled mess on the floor as the violent beast thrashed about, the wind utterly knocked out of him. He was slowly rising, but couldn’t heft himself up in time to keep the wolf’s attention on him. Instead it was firmly on the two women in front of him, namely Stenvall, who appeared much more noticeable than the downed Catty who remained writhing on the floor. As neither of them had made a telling move, the beast merely sat there, lips curled up in a snarl as she spoke to him in a reassuring voice. That snarl increased in volume with every step she took, but it wasn’t until she felt confident to whip about and run that Aeric finally lunged, reacting to the sudden movement instantaneously.

A lanky, black arm shot out, snatching at her with crushing force and piercing claws. It was a narrow thing the doctor didn’t find herself caught in it, a boon of Brooks and his knife stunting the monster’s depth perception. He did, however, manage to snag the tail end of her coat, and that proved just enough to trip her up, causing her to fall flat on her face just outside the door. Scramble as she might, nothing could save her after that. The great beast broke past the thresh hold and came in, jaws snapping around her midriff before she could even make it to her feet. He forced his way beyond the tiny barrier and into the hall with his catch after that, a thrashing Stenvall helpless to do anything about it. He put an end to her bothersome kicking soon enough, though, standing at full height before grabbing at her squirming legs and pulling with enough force to rip her asunder, bottom half plopping to the ground with the upper still caught between his locked jaws.

A pair of guards had only just rounded the corner, investigating the source of all the commotion, arriving just in time to witness horror show. It was all either of them could do to stare, stomachs on the brink of churning as they took in the terrible sight.

“H-holy shit!” One of them blurted, staggering. It was an unfortunate move on his part, for the proclamation was all it took to garner Aeric’s attention. The rest of Stenvall was just as carelessly discarded, dropping from his mouth to join her other half as he lumbered towards the new distraction instead. They were in the midst of radioing the situation when he finally charged, forcing both of them to reach for the handguns holstered at their side instead. A few shots rang out before the air was filled with retreating screams instead, before the only sound was that of a massive werewolf rushing down the halls in search of further mayhem...


Unbeknownst to any of them, the chaos unfolding within the facility was only half of the trouble they would face. Even before Aeric’s bloodthirsty transformation, an attack was taking place from the outside. The small force moved covertly, appearing like shadows as they swept across the facility grounds. Those who ran the risk of spotting them were dealt with mercilessly, a wet gurgle the only sound to betray the presence of the creatures who swept in on padded paws, latching their jaws around the throats of unexpecting sentries to drag them off into the darkness to die alone, bleeding out away from watchful eyes.

None were the wiser by the time they reached their point of entry, where passed a single guard, completely oblivious of the yellow eyes that watched him from a distance. Once his back was turned, their swiftest made his move, the sleek panther practically invisible in the night as he rushed his target and pounced him from behind, burying his face into the dirt and crushing his skull with his penetrating jaws before he could release so much as a muffled cry. Only once the man stopped twitching did the were release his prey, stepping back as the rest of his party broke free of their cover to join him.

A brute of a man with a mane-like beard strode forward, men and beast alike parting the way for him as he approached the door. A motionless camera spied down on them from above, at which he gave a wondering glance. If everything went as planned it wouldn’t be an issue, and so there was no hesitation as he lifted a fist and knocked in the way the their man had told him. A few moments later the heavy door buzzed open, a flustered, string bean of a man frantically waving them in from the other side.

“Quickly! Before they see.”

“You’re sure the cameras are out?” Grumbled the bearded man he pushed his way inside, the rest of his small battalion filing in after.

“Of course I’m sure!” the turncoat doctor assured him. “But we don’t have long before they’ll be running again. Come on, it’s this way!”

“Wait,” cried Freja, who pushed forward from her position at the back. A very agitated Dolos was at her side, sweeping forward with the intent to stop her and failing. “Where are they keeping Catty and my brother?” she demanded of their leader, who rounded about, his attention focused squarely on her.

“Your brother is not the priority,” he stated in a voice so deep she could feel the rumble of it. “Don’t forget why we’re here. I allowed you to come because Dolos assures me you can handle it.”

“You told me we would help them!”

“Freja…” Dolos attempted to silence her before she went to far. The burly, beast of a man was already striding forward, Freja standing firm as she stood in his menacing shadow.

“No, this is bullshit!” she snapped at Dolos, "I--"

“Enough!” the bearded man boomed, snapping her attention right back on him. “We will free the others once we’ve accomplished our mission. Is that clear!?” Freja soured, refusing to answer, with only agitated him further. “I said is that clear?”

Before she could respond, an alarm blared throughout the hall, surprising and setting all of them on edge. Their leader’s ire was immediately jumped from his cadet to the mouse of a doctor cowering beside him. “I thought you said we’d have more time than this!” he shouted accusingly.

“T-this is something else!” He assured him after a quick check of his watch. “Something must have happened…”

A clamorous roar, followed by the unmistakable sound of distant gunshots proved him correct. Freja had a hunch of what the source of it might be, and the sudden distraction was all the excuse she needed to change form, her clothes and tactical gear dropping to the ground as an elegant, white wolf shot out from under them, dashing towards the direction of the commotion. Their leader shouted after her, but she ignored him, rushing down the halls to what she hoped were the holding cells.

“Gods damn it!” Roared their commander, twisting about to face down Dolos, who could only stand there apologetically. “Bring back your lap dog before she gets herself killed!” he ordered him, and Dolos turned off, chasing after the wolf as quickly as possible.

Freja’s keen ears recognized the roars as she drew nearer her goal, prompting her to put on a burst of speed. She hadn’t a clue where she was going; this place was a maze, but two familiar scents guided her, leading her right into a small contingent of guards who were rushing out to address the problem. They spotted her at once, and Freja came skidding to a stop as she suddenly found herself facing the barrels of numerous guns. Her heart skipped a beat, on the risk of stopping then and there with the realization that there was no escape this time. But just as she accepted the reality, something changed in the eyes of the men staring her down. Suddenly they were afraid; more afraid than she’d ever seen anyone in their life. Terrible wails of despair rang free of their lungs, and before she knew what was happening, the men were turning tail and fleeing. All but one, that was. Whatever he saw had paralyzed him beyond the point of running away. He stood there sobbing for a moment, before suddenly lifting his pistol, propping it under his chin and pulling the trigger.

Freja recoiled, as the man fell like dead weight, though she whirled around upon hearing footsteps approach from behind. Understanding filled her mind once she did, though she found herself plagued with the ideas of what he might have shown them.

“You don’t want to know,” he told her, as though sensing the thought. “Come on, it’s this way.”


While everything else was descending into chaos, Brooks and Catty were left alone, both of them recovering from the violent treatment they received. Unfortunately for Catty, her warden managed to get back to his feet just a little quicker, Aeric’s throw not nearly so strenuous as what Stenvall had put the poor girl through. Still, the doctor had gotten the worst of it in the end, if the gruesome sight he glanced sitting outside of the door was anything to go by. But he didn’t concern himself with that; the emotionless shrew could burn in hell for all he cared. Instead his eyes latched on the Catty as she moved about on the ground; the only one around for him to take his frustration out on. Before she could fully regain her senses he was upon her, a meaty fist snatching up a bunch of her ginger hair and yanking her up off the ground.

“C’mere!” He spat, propping her up on her feet in front of him. Even if her legs wavered there was no risk of her toppling back over, for a moment later her tender throat was firmly in his cold, metal grasp. He squeezed just tightly enough to cut off her airflow at first, but it was growing tighter, and with a hand like that, he could easily crush her windpipe.

“Look at all the trouble you caused!” Brooks berated her, as though she’d been the reasoning behind this mess, and not the bits of doctor who’d forced it. “All because you enjoyed fucking some filthy animal!”

Whatever else he might have said was silenced as another of those ‘filthy’ animals burst onto the scene, lunging out of nowhere to snap her jaws around his arm of flesh and make him scream. At once, Brooks released Catty, letting her drop as he was left to contend with the white, furry beast that was now savaging him. A wild swing of his arm was enough to knock Freja away, who collapsed with a whine. A furious, shouting Brooks popped up like a daisy and stomped his way over to her.

“You god damn mutt!” he shouted, overlooking his bloody arm. “I’ll smash your fucking skull!” He lifted his metal arm to do just that, but he hadn’t counted on her back up coming in with an assault rifle. Dolos fired off around, downing Brooks with a shot to the leg. Freja used the opportunity to retreat while Dolos advanced, honing his gun on Brooks who remained down on one knee, seething eyes locked on the man who threatened him.

“Well look what we have here," he chimed, sounding mighty satisfied with himself as he lorded over Brooks. “The Bludgeoner himself. Oh… They’re going to have a field day.”

"Smarter to put a bullet in me," he growled, clutching at the gunshot in his leg.

"We both know that'd be too kind after the things you've done. Even that'd be too kind," he said, nodding his head towards the shredded remains just outside the door.

Freja didn’t concern herself with either of them as she shifted back to a human appearance and gingerly pressed at the purplish bruise that metal arm had given her. It hurt like a mother, but she would live, and so her attentions were quickly shifted to Catty who she approached and helped to regain her composure. “Are you alright?” she asked, concerned. “Where’s Aeric? I'm guessing he's the one who... made the mess," she decided, for lack of a better term. She'd seen enough of the bodies in that vet clinic to recognize his handiwork, however.
Even if she could move Catty knew better. She'd dealt with Aeric in that beast form enough. He was frenzied from Brooks's attacks and still full of energy. Dealing with the wolf was only marginally safer if he was exhausted or wounded. She laid on the cold floor, muscles still tight from the shocks and unresponsive, watching Stenvall. Her mind warred between the sick want for Stenvall to do something stupid and rouse Aeric's ire and the hope the woman had the sense to hold still. Clearly she didn't possess such sense. Catty winced when Stenvall darted for the door. Aeric was quick to react and after her in a flash. She nearly made it. Nearly. Catty had a perfect view of the door, even with the massive wolf man blocking the way. She squeezed her eyes shut but that didn't stop the panicked shrieks from Stenvall dancing in her ears. The horrific squelching crush of rending flesh and sudden silence made her stomach roil.

Distantly she heard a horrified shout. Blue eyes opened, seeing Aeric's massive head whip around to the sound. The flop of an arm, the wet flop of dead flesh hitting the floor, her stomach heaved again. Aeric lumbered forward and out of sight. Shot rang out and screams could be heard but all Catty could see was the ever growing pool of blood and limbs from the doctor. Aeric was gone an rampaging. She had to get up. What she could or would do she didn't know. While part of her wanted to follow, try and stop him or protect him, she knew that was just as stupid as Stenvall's move. For the moment, anyways, she still struggled to get her muscles to obey.

It was silent again. All she could hear was the ragged breathing of Brooks. While it was likely only a few minutes of silence it felt like hours. Catty begged and willed her body to obey her. A slow, agonizing twitch of fingers and toes. "Come on....come on..." she breathed as she managed to move her hands. Alarms began blaring, drowning out any other noise. She had to move, had to do something. Exactly what she had no idea. The feeling was coming back. Limbs tucked in and slowly she was able to push herself up, arms shaking. "I need to go back to the gym," she grumbled to herself. With every scrap of will power, every fiber of her being, dedicated to just getting to her feet she didn't hear Brooks get to his massive, booted feet.

Catty gave a surprised, and pained, shriek as her hair was snatched up and she was yanked to her feet by her scalp. Her body was hardly working enough to even reach up to grab his hand to alleviate the tugging. Up on her feet her legs wobbled, threatening to topple her over. Brooks was all too willing to help her stand. She didn't even get a surprised gasp in before that cold, metal hand wrapped around her throat. Her mouth gaped, eyes wide, lungs already burning and struggling. She managed to raise her arms to weakly scrabble at the metal arm. He screamed at her, berating her as though this was her fault. The edges of her vision darkened. After all of it, after Aeric was forced to shift, she was going to die with the asshole's hand around her neck.

She didn't see what happened. Brooks just started screaming. The hand released and Catty found herself back to the embrace of the cold floor. She sucked in air, coughing between desperate gasps. Her throat was tender to the touch, she wouldn't be surprised if a bruise would follow. Catty heard Brooks screaming about a mutt and Catty finally looked up. Stupidly she expected to see a large, black wolf on the scene with brilliant green eyes. A shock of ice splashed across her flesh as her eyes fell on brilliant white fur, crumbled to the floor. He didn't get far. A shot rang out, setting off a high whine in Catty's ears. Her head whipped to the door. She didn't know who the hell it was but if he shot Brooks he just might be her new best friend. Catty didn't focus on the armed new comer long. Her head whipped back around to the white wolf, heart thudding against her breast. It couldn't be. She saw the corpse.

If Catty's eyes grew any wider they might just fall right out of her skull. The wolf shifted and there sat Freja. Her arm bruised but very, very much alive. Freja didn't hesitate to come over and help her back to her feet. Still weak and slow but Catty barely noticed. Freja was there, she was alive. Catty's mouth moved emitting small squeaks but no real words, eyes still wide and wild in shock. She had felt Freja's hands, warm and solid, being helped up but she couldn't help poking the naked woman in the shoulder. Very soild. Catty gasped and suddenly wrapped her arms around Freja in what might have been a tight hug if her limbs weren't still so weak and shaky.

"Freja...oh are you....why are you...holy fucking fuck....Aeric's going to..." She paused and released the naked woman to look up at her. Aeric didn't know. She'd never gotten a chance to tell him. It didn't really matter then did it? Damn good thing she hadn't gotten a chance to tell him. Billions of questions slammed into Catty's mind all at once and she rubbed her temple to clear the frantic buzzing in her brain. "Yeah...yeah Aeric is in the monster form...thing...They..." She stopped. Details could be saved for later. She glanced to the new man and to Brooks. "Wish we had a car to stop him," she said dryly. "Freja there are a lot you guys? Not werewolves, Aeric was the only one but...not-not humans. Maybe...maybe one can help Aeric? Change back, control the beast just...something and-and they need to be freed." In that form there was no reason to worry about Aeric's safety, per se, more so the safety of others. "I want to help Aeric and all of them too." Able to push away the burning, buzzing questions she settled on at least one this.

Catty took a small, careful step away but stopped and looked to Freja again. "I'm glad you're alive. We have...hoooo shit....yeah a lot to talk about." First thing was first. She took careful steps around the armed newcomer with an awkward grin and wave, like meeting some new kid in school. Out in the hall she got a good look at what Aeric did to Stenvall. Catty gagged but held down her bile. She'd dont her fair share of surgeries but this was something entirely different. Hold it together girl. Catty grabbed the bracelet off Stenvall's wrist and fiddled with the beads. It was a risk but she twisted them until she gave herself a shock. One, tiny, shock was nothing anymore. She fiddled with the bead until it came loose from the bracelet. At once the anklet loosened and Catty could take it off with a heaved sigh of relief.

After so long in the facility Catty had a good idea of all the cells. Nothing perfect or solid but they'd all need to be opened and all the inhabitants freed. Her legs were steadily gaining strength back and Catty began trotting down the halls, careful to try and listen for any screams of fright, gun shots, or roars. First was freeing the others then they'd have to find Aeric and...then what? If there really was some greater power Catty really hoped they were smiling at them that day. Already it seemed like her well of luck had been depleted with the timely rescue.

Once by one Catty was able to free others. Minotaurs, fae, nymphs, a centaur, the unicorn. Some were terrifying to free but the creatures saw the opportunity to flee rather than attack. Most ran off to find an exit and get away, others rushed to join in on the attack of the compound. The unicorn, however, and one fae remained with Catty and Freja, trailing behind and keep watch for guards or, more frightening, Aeric. Catty was feeling near to her usual self, even energized as she watched them all run for the freedom they had been denied. Eventually there were no more cells to unlock. The harder, terrifying task was at hand. "We need to find Aeric now...but I don't know how..." she stopped at a gentle tap on her shoulder.

The fae woman was lovely. Somehow wizened and ancient yet young and lovely all at once. A mane of black hair cascaded to her ankles. Out of her prison her drab garb had transformed to a dress seemingly made from leaf, vine, and tiny jeweled flowers. She held out her hands, gesturing for Catty to mimic the motion. Catty glanced to Freja before doing the wordless command and holding out her hands. The woman reached up with her hands clasped together. Slowly she pulled her hands apart, a sort of stick seemed to appear between them. Further and further she moved her hands apart, the stick grew and grew in length following the curve of her hand. The stick was incredibly ornate with whirling patterns of vines and flowers. It stretched on an on until her arms were nearly out sideways. The stick was four feet long, thick in the center and tapered to curved points. On hand dropped and the fae caught it. It took Catty a moment but her head jerked back when she realized what it was.

"A...bow?" Her head tilted curiously. The fae woman smiled brightly an nodded. She pinched her fingers at one end and a single, thing strand of silk attached to the curved, pointed end. The stretched the silk down to the other end of the bow. She gave it a little twang before laying the ornate bow in Catty's hands. Another large, bright smile from the lovely fae woman and she turned to the unicorn. The snow white equine shook its head, its glistening mane shaking out. The fae woman caught three falling strands of hair a braided them together into a fine little loop. The unicorn bent its regal neck, the horn glowing a brilliant blue, and touched the bow first then the loop. Nothing much seemed to happen to the bow but the loop shifted and contorted until it turned to a thick, braided armband of silver. The arm band was also placed into Catty's hands.

"Wow...I...uh...thank you," Catty stammered, staring at the gifts. They were very nice of course but she wasn't sure what she was supposed to do with them. No arrows and she didn't have a clue how to shoot a bow. The fae gestured again, miming pulling back and releasing a bow. This seemed mad but Catty wasn't about to argue with a magical woman. Holding the bow up she drew the surprisingly tight and strong string back. Right in her hand a glimmering arrow just...appeared! It looked to be made of glass, delicate and translucent. OK, that was cool. Shame she still had no clue how to aim.

More pantomiming. Slip on the armband. Catty was slow to slide it up, just a little apprehensive. It settled on her upper arm but nothing happened. Just a pretty arm band, nothing crazy. It was really very pretty though. "It's very lovely, thank really didn't have to-" She stopped. The fae was wagging her finger at Catty with an amused grin. She tapped her arm twice, gesturing for Catty to do the same. "Tap it? Oh-ok then..." Catty reached up, fingers shaking. Sure it wouldn't be anything bad but Catty had had enough surprises for the day. She tapped it twice. The armband lit up like a beacon, bright and blinding.

Nothing dramatic, no swirls of color or music. When the light faded Catty wasn't wearing the simple scrubs. Rather she wore something straight of of Xena. A maybe leather outfit in a buff, silvery kind of white. It had a skirt of pleated leather attached to the torso part of the armor. Legs and upper arms covered in a soft grey sort of stretched material, tall boot matching the armor and fingerless gloves of the 'maybe leather' material. Catty blinked and stared down. What in the fresh hell? She didn't want to appear ungrateful but, seriously. What in the ever living fuck what this?

"Wow this is...I don't know what to...thank you," she managed to stammer. The fae came forward and wrapped her arms around Catty in a tight hug, the unicorn joining in, laying its regal head across the pair. "Yeah, you're welcome too. I'm just glad you both are alright," she said in all honesty. She'd spent a great deal of time with them, helping to fix and heal them. The pair released and the fae hopped up to the unicorn's back. They weren't entirely about to leave Freja out of the equation despite her recent arrival. The unicorn lowered its glowing horn to tap Freja atop her head. A warm would spread through her, right down to the marrow. The bruising from Brooks gone and an energy infused into her to give her the strength needed to finish the mission. With a final wave they were off to their freedom

Catty turned and looked to Freja. "I...I look ridiculous...don't I? I mean it's nice of them but....I don't know how to use this and the outfit...let's just find Aeric..." Catty didn't pay attention to where she turned, focused on reaching over to tap the armband again. She turned far quicker than she could have normally, taking two steps at speeds she couldn't possibly attain on her own and collided with the corner of the wall. "Gah!" It hardly hurt, only where her knee and elbow hit the wall. "What in the..." she moved to the side, striding nearly twice as far as she intended. Catty stopped herself, arms out as if scared she might lose her balance. "Ok...ok..." Bearings recovered she moved again, finding she could move roughly double her normal speed at just a walk, then a jog. She chanced a tiny hop and nearly crashed her head into the ceiling.

"This is...kinda cool...actually." She could actually run as fast as Freja or Aeric when they were wolves. She still looked ridiculous though. "Let's find Aeric," she said. Catty was easily able to keep up with Freja thanks to the weird armor. Not full in control she slipped and skidded at turns, often unable to stop and bumped into walls to turn herself or halt.
Those with keen noses could smell it; a change in the winds that began with a clamorous roar followed by shrieks of pain. All of the mythos had stirred in their cells after that, excitement rippling throughout the compound as it became clear to the masses that one of them had somehow gotten loose. Brays, roars, shouts, they all rang out with encouragement as the monstrous wolf ran freely by their cages, dashing through the facility like a dark storm cloud. Aeric didn’t know where he was running to; the only thing he was aware of was much like that night at the cabin, he needed to be free of this place of confinement. In the depths of his heart he found himself longing for the that mountainous trail just outside of his bygone home; where he and his pack would gather and howl as one to their deity above.

But there was none of his pack to be found here, only annoying man flesh that bit at him with stinging bits of metal which scantily pierced his hide. Those that did were only spat back out, pushed right out of his flesh as the tissue hastily repaired itself, expelling or breaking down any foreign material that stood in its way. Aeric himself was much the same, running down any foolish enough to stand before him and his goal of freedom. The werewolf was relentless, barreling in on his prey and savaging them until they were still with death. Only then would he give a satisfied huff and move on.

It made for a gory trail for those who would follow in his wake, the first of them being the militia who were sent to put an end to this place and its sadistic research once and for all. The small group hesitated upon the first corpse, a young guard nearly shredded to bits. Enough of his uniform remained to see who he was loyal to, though, and that was enough to remove any sympathies the mythos had for him. Their bearded general even went so far as to spit on his cold remains as they passed by, pressing on.

“Looks like the scene they describe from that clinic,” a burly man to his right piped up, shaking his head over the carnage. “You think it was the were that girl kept prattling about?”

“I’m certain of it,” their leader told them, taking a deep whiff of the air. “Can’t you smell him for yourself? He’s close…”

“But he’s a friendly… Right?”

The question hung in the air as the weres of the group suddenly tensed, ears shooting up at the sound of numerous boots rushing towards them. Their group formed up at once, expecting hefty resistance to round the corner at any moment. When they finally appeared, however, they found not a group of force soldiers come to quell them, but rather a pack of desperate men running for their lives. The reason for that showed its ravenous face a moment later, when the werewolf they’d just been speaking of arrived on the heels of the fleeing men.

It wasn’t until they were half way down the hall that they noticed the battalion of mythos blocking the way forward. And just like that, what was once a single mass of fleeing individuals became a scattered, panicked mess as some lifted their weapons to respond to the threat ahead, while others spun about to deter the one charging in from behind. Their paltry struggle lasted all but a few moments before the soldiers lay dead on the floor with nothing left standing between the contingent of mythos and one very furious werewolf. One roar in warning was all they got before Aeric surged forward, intent on ripping through them like all the rest.

One of the mythos rushed forward to intercept, lowering his massive, bull-like head to smash his horns directly into the charging wolf. Another terrible shout broke from the werewolf at the collision of the minotaur. The creature struck with enough force to completely upend him, seeing the wolf sprawl across the ground in an effort to regain its footing. The literal bull of a man stepped back a few paced from the downed monster, a couple of wears bounding forward to back him up before their foe could retaliate.

“Go!” shouted the minotaur, glancing back to their squad leader. “We’ll hold him off. You’ve got…” But there wasn’t time to finish as Aeric had made it back to his feet and came for the bull with more fury than ever. A struggle quickly erupted, the minotaur using all of his strength to hold Aeric off while the other, more cognizant wolves attacked him from the flank.

Their leader watched the ensuing struggle with a moment’s indecision, the beast in him wanting nothing more to join the fray. The logical part, however, reminded him of their purpose. In the end, he turned his back on the fight, turning to those who remained. “You lot with me,” he ordered, before the small group set off, the thoroughly distracted werewolf none the wiser to them as he chased and snapped after the ones drawing his ire. Their fight, however, only lasted long enough for the others to disappear from view, before it turned to flight instead.

“Scatter!” The minotaur shouted to the others, who broke off into various directions. Aeric whirled about, deciding on a target before bolting after the bull-headed one that had caused him the most trouble.


“Catty?” Freja insisted, worrying for the redhead who stood there mouth agape, as though she’d just seen a ghost. In the heat of everything Freja had forgotten about Dolos’ illusion, and that in Catty’s mind, and maybe even Aeric’s, that she’d never made it out of that cabin. Needless to say it left her a little surprised at Catty’s prodding for confirmation, and even more so once the redhead sprang in to embrace her.

“Ah! Easy,” she hissed, her injured arm groaning in complaint, though she hugged her back lightly, happy to have found her in one piece as well. She broke away as Catty staggered through her disbelief long enough to explain the situation. Aeric’s transformation would complicate things, but it was nothing she hadn’t expected after seeing the carnage outside the cell.

“Yeah,” she agreed with a wry smile, recalling the way they’d worked together to take him down in the past. “Well, I’m afraid coming back from the dead was the only miracle I had… But we’ve done it before, right? We’ll figure it out once we find him.” But Catty had another concern in mind, putting Freja in a difficult position as she was left to decide what took precedence: Her brother, or those still left suffering in their cages? Though, had to accept the fact that there was little they could do for her brother now. Even if they knew where he was currently rampaging, how were they supposed to knock him back to his senses? Catty made a fair point about the other creatures; maybe one could help them. Either way, the others could prove to be in-disposable allies.

Her eyes fell to Dolos, as to ask his opinion on this course of action. But the illusionist merely shrugged, leaving it up to Freja in the end. “Alright, Catty,” she agreed, “We’ll help them all and Aeric too… Somehow.” She smiled some, however, as Catty continued to struggle with the concept of her return from the dead. “Yeah we do. It’s… It’s a long story. First we get everyone else free and Aeric back to planet Earth, then I’ll tell you all about it.”

“Well ain’t that just the sweetest fucking thing,” Brooks chimed in from where he bled on the floor, chuckling, “All the monsters get a happy ending. Including the dog fucker and her mutt!” Dolos shut him up quick enough with a hard stop to his injured leg, making the brute with pain. He left his boot there, adding pressure and waving back at Catty, casually as could be.

“What about him?” Freja asked of their vile prisoner.

“Yeah, what about you, Iron Fist?” Dolos asked, digging his heel in even harder, “You gonna behave if we leave you here all alone?”

“FUCK YOU!” Brooks growled, seething.

“Eh, I’ll take that as a yes,” Dolos decided, grinning at down at him. “We’ll just let him have a nice long sit to bleed and think about what he’s done.” He removed his foot after that, sweeping away from Brooks and following after Catty and Freja with his gun still trained on him. Once they were free of the cell he shut the door behind him, confining Brooks the same way he had countless mythos in the past. “Don’t you die in there!” Dolos shouted outside the door. “I’ll be back for you soon enough. Now… Where t--Gah! What are you touching it for!?” He recoiled upon seeing Catty fiddle with Stenvall’s remains. The two of them watched with reproach while she worked the bead loose to free herself of the bonds. Dolos’s look of disgust remained even after they pressed on, leaving the bits of doctor behind to free her ex-patients.

As Catty knew the ins and outs of this place better than any of them, Freja and Dolos followed her lead, giving her cover while she worked to free the creatures, or a helping hand where one was required with it. They moved quickly, remaining alert as the distant sounds of gunfire and combat could be heard spreading throughout the facility, always seeming to get closer. The eerie backdrop was a constant reminder that this could go wrong at anytime, and Dolos found his concerns starting to get the better of him.

“Those corpses back there…” Dolos began,thinking back to the trail of gore and keeping his voice low enough that only Freja could hear him while Catty worked to free another mythos, “Your brother really did that? How the hell are we supposed to take something like that down?”

“I don’t know, Dolos. We’ll figure it out once we’re done here.”

“Right… Cross that bridge when we get to it, yeah? Well that’s one big fucking bridge to cross.” He dropped it, however, once Catty’s actions proved a success, a creature bursting free and bolting past them with Catty joining them after. A few cells later and they were done, all of the creatures free to escape or join the infiltrators in their efforts. But before they could move on to Aeric, they received some unexpected aid.

Dolos and Freja watched in silence while the fae and unicorn worked together to craft a boon for Catty. Even Freja and Dolos, two beings who’d long since been exposed to such wonders, found themselves awed by the end result. The bow and armband were without equal; relics not blessed upon mortal man since the old days. Even as Catty puzzled over them, her companions could feel the power brimming within them. These were princely gifts indeed. That was proven all the more once Catty was shown how to use them. Freja watched her prime the bow, faltering back a step as a crystal arrow materialized right out of thin air!

“T-that’s amazing!” She exclaimed. But the wonders weren’t over yet. Both she and Dolos looked a little hesitant, even apprehensive once Catty activated her arm band, only to be enveloped in radiant light. They were left to avert their eyes, unable to look directly at her until the transformation had taken place. The two of them were stricken with silence with what they saw. A little bit of confidence and she would have looked a proper warrior, ready to take on anything. Her awkward posture as she investigated the surprise wardrobe, however, made it a little more comical than inspiring.

“That’s… Really something…” Dolos commented, a slight grin cracking his lips as he looked the red head over, armed and armoured as she was.

Freja had no time to comment as the Unicorn visited her next, blessing her with its soothing magic. Freja stood rigid as stone, unsure of what to expect as she felt a warm tingle throughout her veins; and then relief. The pain in her arm began to subside, eventually disappearing all together, and her bruise with it!

“Oh my, thank you!” Freja added her gratefulness, giving the noble creature a respectful bow of her head. Her strength seemed to return tenfold, leaving her feeling ready to take on the anything, even Aeric in his monstrous form. After that, they were gone, fae and unicorn alike riding to their freedom, which Freja found herself hoping beyond anything that they reached safely.

That goes for all of us, she thought as she watched them gallop away.

“Ridiculous? Personally, I think you look kind of hot.” Dolos answered the question that was asked of Freja.

“Ignore him,” Freja swiftly interjected, “He’s a pig. But, no you look good. More like Rambo with every life threatening situation.” It was mostly said to hasten them along, as Freja was too worried about her brother to have a real opinion. “And if it helps us with Aeric, that’s all that really matters,” she pointed out. Though, it seemed that might be easier said than done as Catty took a step forward and promptly smashed into the nearby wall. Freja hurried a step towards her, concerned.

“Catty! Are you alright?” But she was cut off as it happened again, her body jerking as though shoved by some unseen force. Brows furrowed with concern as Freja gaped at her, slowly coming to realize what was happening. “The armor…” She breathed, astonished. “You can move faster.” And further, it seemed, as she nearly put her head through the ceiling to follow. Excitement bubbled up, though, once Catty gained her bearings and announced she was ready.

“We might actually have a chance now,” she said, feeling hopeful. “Dolos, you can use your illusions to distract him, and Catty and I--”

“Yeah great,” he cut her off, putting it all together for himself. “But how are we going to find him, first of all?”

As though an answer from the universe, a shout down the hall drew his attention, where he spotted a tank of a man dashing towards them with all haste. He might have thought it was Brooks at first, judging by the size. But he was moving way too fast, and as he came closer, Dolos realized he was possessed of a bull-shaped head. “Aegeus?” Dolos muttered, recognizing the minotaur as part of the group.

“Run!” He shouted upon seeing the trio, just before a massive, black beast broke out from behind, salivating jaws opened wind, tongue lolling as it chased after him on all fours. Before they could even register what was happening, or take his advice, the minotaur burst by, the werewolf right on his tail. Aeric hardly concerned himself with the bystanders, giving the lot of them nothing more than a futile swipe, forcing them all to duck and dive as he continued after the bull instead. Much longer of this chase, and he would have him.

“Come on!” Freja shouted after the other two, recovering quickly. She sprinted forward, her body shifting on the fly to take off on all fours like a white lightning bolt.

“Wait!” Dolos shouted, running after her next. With Aegeus due to be dog food at any second, and Aeric too enthralled to fall victim to his illusions, Dolos did the next best thing, firing off a few shot to catch Aeric’s attention. It worked even better than he could have hoped, the stinging bits of metal enraging the werebeast, who spun around and leased a furious shout at the interlopers. Suddenly Freja was forced to divert, dodging Aeric before he crushed her like a speeding locomotive in his attempt to get at Dolos.

“Oh, shit!” the trickster exclaimed, too frazzled to think of anything but unloading the rest of his magazine into the charging beast.


While chaos erupted throughout the facility, one man remained the epitome of calm. He sat in absolute silence, elbows planted upon his sleek, cocobolo desk, fingers laced with thumbs fiddling idly. Dark eyes roamed the desk in front of him, specifically the large vial that sat upon it. Even now, he marveled at how many lives it had taken to obtain the substance within. The emerald colored liquid within swirled with life, its bioluminescence serving as a beacon, drawing the eye like moth to flame. It would serve as a very different beacon tonight; the means by which he would lure his prey to its demise.

“So very fitting,” he said to no one but himself, though six other men paced the room, each of them armored and heavily armed. Their machine guns were carried at the ready, constant glances thrown towards the door in anticipation of the threat they knew to be approaching. The crackle of one of their radios disrupted the silence, drawing the hunter’s attention as a garbled voice came through. He could hear the words, but the loud pops to follow sounded an awful lot like gunfire. Perhaps his invited ‘guests’ had been clumsier than he expected…

“Sir,” the soldier who’d received the transmission approached him. “We might have a problem. The mythos in C12 has gotten loose.”

The hunter frowned, a dangerous look flashing through his eyes over the news. “You mean the werewolf?” He clarified, though he was already certain of the answer. He didn’t wait for the man to respond. “Fine. Go and contain the situation. Damn that Stenvall..." He'd told the doctor to refrain from strenuous experiments in his 'absence', but then she'd always been an eager one. Perhaps this ruse of his departure had been a poor decision after all. But he wanted to ensure these monsters took the bait.

“But sir… The target.”

“I should handle the beast on my own,” he vowed, giving the soldier a sharp look. “You men were nothing more than added assurance. Let’s be honest, you’d only be in my way when it comes down to it. Now, get your men down to those cells and keep that… thing from finding its way into this office. I don’t care how many of you it takes, just get it done.”

“Yes sir.” With that, the soldier were on the move, taking to the radio to round up a small battalion and put down all trespassers and escapees.

Despite the changing circumstances, the hunter kept his peace, calmly retrieving his hat from the desk before slicking back his hair and restoring it to its rightful place. He then stood, gazing down at the elegant, inscribed sword that lay next to the glowing vial. He read the ancient runes decorating the blade, wearing a mocking smile as he reached for the hilt.

“That’s enough conversation for now, old 'friend',” he goaded to seemingly no one. Then, rising to his feet he returned the sword to the sheath at his hip, and took up the Gungnir resting by his chair instead. It would not be long now; they would arrive soon, prize they so desperately sought theirs for the taking. In the meantime, all he had to do was wait. One of the mahogany pillars adorning the room made for the perfect hiding place. He crept into its shadow, back pressed against the smooth, carved wood. Fingers were wrapped loosely about the shaft of Gungnir, the weapon practically buzzing with power in his hands. They may not have been the hands of the Allfather, but they were far more fitting than the filthy paws of the wolves who’d stolen it. It would obey him loyally until came that joyous day of true reunion…

The thought filled him with vigor once the door to his office finally cracked open, the stench of at least four wolves and something much bigger stinging his nostrils. His grip tightened on his spear as he heard a familiar voice speak, alongside 12 sets of paws striding forward to investigate.

“See, there it is!” exclaimed the stringbean doctor who’d led the mythos through the facility. “Just like I promised… Now, let’s destroy it and get out of here.”

“Something doesn’t smell right,” grumbled the bearded ‘man’ walking at his side. “Where is there security?”

“Dealing with that monster, I’d assume. What does it matter? This is your chance!”

But the wolves were sharing in his uncertainty, a disturbing scent making their fur stand up on end. They pressed forward, snuffing at the ground and the air as they approached the desk with the vial they so desperately sought. The hunter remained motionless, statuesque, even, as one wolf passed into view, and then another. And then, he made his move, and the doctor with him.

Leaping out, the hunter hurled Gungnir like a javelin, a surprised wolf whirling about just in time to take it to take it to the face. Meanwhile, the doctor struck from behind, pulling a syringe and sticking their bearded leader before he could so much as flinch. He recoiled, but could hardly swing an arm before being overtaken by an incredible wooziness, one that numbed his muscles and saw him dropping to the floor. As the ambush unfolded, two of the wolves made for the hunter, who’d already recalled his spear from his fallen kin to make quick work of them as well. The third, and final wolf had turned back, running to their leader’s defense against the traitorous sneak.

The wolf lunged for the man, jaws opened wide. But the doctor was quicker, pulling a revolver and shooting his attacker square in the chest, causing him to fall short at the doctor’s feet. “Hehe!” he crowed victoriously, aiming the gun at the squirming creature’s head. “Silver bullets! You won’t be healing from that anytime soon, I’m afraid. Nor this…” He pulled the trigger with merciless abandon, putting a second round in the beast’s skull. Once all four of them were down, the hunter approached the one at his mercy.

“Well,” he began, a pleased note in his voice, “This turned out to be a lot easier than expected. And here I told the doctor you would be more resistant to the serum.”

“Learn to have a little faith,” the doctor chuckled, tossing his first needle only to retrieve a second, much bigger one. “Nothing is more potent than a dose of manticore venom. Were this any other creature their heart would have stopped by now. Of course, your mate died before we could perfect our own, house blend of the stuff. But we get to fix all that now, don’t we? Plenty of fresh samples to go around!” He began collecting them at once, burying the needle into the back of the downed man’s neck first.

He bared impressively sharp teeth, writhing in pain as twitching muscles fought against the toxins constricting them. “Y-you killed her…” He grumbled, fury growing as he continued to fight the poison. “YOU KILLED HER!”

The hunter smiled at the beast’s apparent anguish. “Well, not me specifically. It was an unfortunate oversight by one of my men. Honest, I’m as upset about it as you. Such a premature, unecessary death of such a rare creature… If I’d had it may way, I’d have kept her alive; slowly draining her of everything useful until there was nothing left. Oh well… I suppose that makes you the last of your kind, doesn’t it? Well.. One step closer if not.”

Those words were all the manticore needed to regain his strength. A fire burned in his limbs then, and without even meaning to, his human form began to give way to something else; something massive and ferocious, clad dark, blood-red fur. The doctor gasped once he realized what was happening, his needle snapping off in the change. He immediately turned to flee, but it was too late. A long, lashing tail with a massive stringer shot out and caught him, the scorpion-like end piercing through his soft body and giving him all the venom he could hope for.

The hunter, meanwhile, was forced into retreat, jumping away as a massive lion’s paw came swiping for his head. By the time he found his footing and lifted his spear the engage, the transformation was complete. The manticore opened his maw, showing his three rows, of razor sharp teeth, and leased an ear-splitting roar. One flail of his scorpion-like tail and he dislodged the body of the doctor hooked there before lashing it forward, striking at the hunter next. But his foe was quick, dodging the attack before lunging forward to deliver a blow with his spear, the wild grin of a man drunk on battle upon his face.
How could they find Aeric? Well, given the amount of guards in the facility Catty figured they could find and follow a trail of blood and corpses. Some greater power was looking out for them it seemed. A shout rang down the hall, drawing their attentions over. Catty's first reaction was to grasp the new bow like a bat, ready to fend something off. She stopped herself just before putting it over her shoulder as though intent on hitting a line drive on someone's face and held it properly. Maybe properly? She'd seen Hunger Games and Brave at least. The shouting figure could have been Brooks but as it, he, ran towards them it very quickly became clear it definitely wasn't Brooks. Brooks didn't have a bull head. She heard Dolos utter a name. So the man knew the bull.

With the shout of run came the reason. The great, black, wolf beast skittered around the bend, hot on the heels of the minotaur. Catty jumped back, crashing into a wall behind her, as the pair rushed by. Freja was the first to recover from the sudden shock, shifting to a wolf and joining in on the chase. Dolos took off as well. He didn't get far before raising the gun he carried. "Don't!" Catty shouted, pushing off the wall after Dolos. Far too late. The shots rang out, the harsh sound of exploding gunpowder echoing off the walls. Catty's hands jumped to her ears to dampen the sound as the man kept firing.

Aeric attentions were quick to change to the new threat. He whirled around, roaring his anger at the rounds piercing his flesh. "Stop shooting at him!" Catty tried to shout over the singing of the weapons. Hurting him was bad enough but bullets didn't do a damn thing. She'd seen it enough to know. He had been hurt enough and the bullets weren't making it any better. In blind panic Dolos kept shooting as Aeric turned and barreled after the new source of pain. Catty didn't even pause to consider repercussions or her inexperience with a bow. She raised the weapon and drew back to her jaw, just how Katniss did it. The arrow launched with forward, speeding through the air exactly where she wanted. The barbed point struck the magazine well, stopping the spring from loading more rounds.

Catty turned the weapon on Aeric. She had rammed a car into him but she didn't know what the arrows might do. He needed to be stopped but she didn't want to hurt him. Her arms shook with indecision. Had to stop him. Her teeth ground together, her face pinched, and she loosed the arrow. The speeding projectile barreled right for the beast's face. Rather than a sharp, barbed point the end was simply thick and blunted. It struck true, right between his eyes with a hearty 'thonk!' Even Catty looked at the bow in surprise. She hadn't wanted to hurt him and the arrow changed to something non-lethal. No time to really ponder it. Hopefully that hearty hit was enough to distract Aeric. "Run dude," Catty shouted to Dolos. If he was smart he'd get the hell out of there.

Once more Catty raised the bow. Something to halt the beast. The arrow launched forward, speeding for Aeric's legs. It struck true, the arrow wrapping around the lanky ankles of the beast to bind them together, making him unable to continue running. What next though? Catty pulled back on the string and slowly approached. "Aeric...don't make me hit you again...we need you to come back." She kept her tone a low and gentle as possible, notably trying to quell the tremor in her voice. He had changed because Stenvall had tortured them. Not entirely true...Stenvall had used her, tortured her, to hurt Aeric. "See? I'm ok's over. Stenvall's dead, Brooks is locked up....we're both free. It's ok now...Freja's here too. We don't want to hurt you." With a shaking breath she lowered the string of the bow, the arrow disappeared. She still, however, stayed out of the reach of claws if he tried to swipe at her.
“Ya damned fool, Dolos!” Aegeus snorted, skidding to a stop once his comrade opened fire and drew the attention of the werewolf. Not that he wasn’t grateful, he’d spent so much time running circles about this maze of a facility that he wasn’t sure how many laps he had left. Much longer and he’d have found himself on the business end of those vicious jaws real quick. But while he’d been plucked out of the frying pan, Dolos had jumped to take his place head first, so to speak. The bull had all of half a second to catch his breath. Then, with a flick of his septum ring and a stomp of a hoof, he charged, planning to hit the beast as hard as he could from abaft; even gore him, if necessary. Perhaps with all of them combined they could manage more than a game of cat and mouse…

Either way, the game was afoot, Aegeus being too slow to catch the bolting monster before he reached Freja. The white wolf remained agile enough to evade his wrath, giving her a chance at living long enough to face down Matthaios and whatever he would do to her after abandoning the mission the way she did. Dolos was in more immediate peril, but luckily for him, redheads were apparently faster than minotaurs. The trickster didn’t hear her pleas, but a quick shot from her bow put a stop to his futile attempts of stopping Aeric. Dolos’s eyes fell to the projectile, the surprise of what just happened rooting him to the spot, making him an even easier target for the wolf barreling in. His muscles refused to work even as he remembered that not so little fact. Eyes were wide with fear as the black beast reared up, towering over him with maw open wide enough to snap him up. He’d nearly pissed himself before the other arrow came in, this one most definitely saving his life.

Aeric recoiled as the blunt arrow struck him between the eyes, the force practically blinding him as he howled with pain and increasing fury. Aegeus was right on his tail, the halt being all he needed to catch up and slam his horns into Aeric’s lower back. Aeric stumbled but kept his footing, immediately lashing around to this new source of agony with a swing of his clues. Aegeus jumped back, feeling the wind of the strike whistle by, then retreated as the beast thrashed, dizzy and confused. Dolos didn’t need telling from Catty, nor Aegeus who mimicked her, albeit it with a ‘moron’ in place of ‘dude’ He was already turning tail, tossing his now useless rifle aside in the process. Freja might have taken joy in the sight of Dolos being the one caught with his pants down for a change, but Aeric was too big of a problem to ignore.

She spent her time yapping, barking and snapping at the wolf, though adding to his disorientation from a safe distance. Those calls rang throughout the facility, catching the ears of those who were already following their noses to the gathered group. The other weres that had stayed behind with Aegeus were on the scene in a flash, dashing in from Catty’s rear to appear on either side of her, like stout guardians barking and snapping as the fired one final arrow to snare their out of control brethren. The giant wolf sounded almost woeful, the way he keened as a strange power wrapped about his legs, tripping him up to crash into the floor.

Catty’s soothing words went on deaf ears as Aeric thrashed and raged, his soul concern being the magic arrow lashed about his ankles. He twisted in writhed until he was in a position where his formidable teeth could gnash and bite at it. It seemed to hold at first, though everyone remained on guard as they approached, Catty with her bow, the wolves ready to lunge and the minotaur to charge. Yet no matter how expectant, none of them were truly prepared for the moment his jaws finally made headway, the sound of a crack ringing out before the arrow shattered, exploding into hundreds of crystalline fragments only to dissolve in thin air, freeing him in the process. Catty had lowered her bow and made the mistake of coming near enough that one lunge was all it took to get his massive, gnarled fingers wrapped about her torso.

At that point, Aeric was so enraged that the wolves biting at his arms and legs were as nothing. They were all shaken off as he lifted Catty clear off her feet and surged away with his catch. Her back would find the wall an instant later, where Aeric slammed her with enough force to break ribs, had she not been donned in her miraculous armor. He held her there, his squeezing grip also deterred by the solid force that protected her. Nothing would stop those fangs from crushing down on her head, however, but he seemed content with keeping them just inches from her face, furious red eyes staring right into her soft, likely fear stricken ones. The rest of the interlopers watched nervously from behind as the beast idled, none of them sure how to proceed in fear of their actions provoking the beast into finishing off his hostage.

But the attack never came. Instead, as he stared into those strangely familiar eyes, something else happened. There was a flash of recognition in this crimson orbs, a softness with which the beast had looked at no other. A flash of a memory struck him…. The feel of soft, warm flesh, nestled up to him in the dark; of tender lips pressed against his. He could recall a kind face wearing a bright smile, framed by the halo of her bright hair. He remembered the taste of her kissing him back, recounting the way she pulled him down into her, embracing him in a way that made him feel safer than one of his kind could ever possibly be; far different from the embrace that kind soul now received.

The realization was clear in his eyes, the original green of them already bleeding through as he held her gaze. The rest of the change was quick to follow, the giant of a beast fading back into a pink, naked man with shaggy black hair and emerald eyes. The black hands that once wrapped around Catty had devolved to a pair of human arms that embraced her nearly as tightly as the two of them sagged, dropping against the wall together. Aeric uttered a weak moan as he came to, stirring enough to open his eyes and realize who he was clinging to.

“Catty?” he muttered, his blurry vision clearing just enough to make out her face. Aeric took a good hard look as though to confirm it was truly her. His mind was a jumble; nothing but a scramble of memories that he couldn’t even begin to make sense of. But none of that seemed to matter to Aeric, who only hugged her all the tighter, emotions getting the better of his as he buried his face into the crook of her neck, practically trembling after his body-wracking transformation. Words failed him as he clung to her, his fatigue mixing with an overwhelming sense of relief to find her safe. Before long, however, he calmed, his tremors subsiding.

“Wh--” he meant to ask 'What happened?' but as he drew back and took in the sight of her, “What are you wearing?” came out instead.

He viewed the outfit with a look of peculiarity, just before a shuffle of movement caught his attention. A quick glance clued him into the small gathering of spectators watching them, including his equally naked sister, which saw his embarrassment quickly mounting.
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