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A Chorus In The Darkness (1x1 with Jikkah)

"We'll do what we can." One told her calmly as the others went to work looking over Motochika's wounds and cleaning them to treat them.
They used different herb pastes and linens to wrap his shoulder and eye, "You're going to have to stay a while before you can get back to your journey, but you'll live." He told Motochika.
Nana was relieved to hear Motochika would be alright, standing by his side and squeezing his hand tightly. “What about his eye?” She asked worriedly.
Nana looked down, fighting tears but nodding regardless. “Thank you so very much.” She bowed again to them. “You saved his life.”
"So...there is a matter of payment..." One began nervously. Motochika glared with his good eye.
"We have nothing in terms of payment." He growled gruffly.
Nana frowned, she had nothing to give these men, she had not a single coin with her, she’d never needed money before. “I-I don’t have any money either, I’m sorry, I can’t pay you.”
"Those scales are rather lovely..." They moved closer to Nana and Motochika pushed passed them to stand protectively before Nana.
"You won't get a single one from her." He sneered.
Nana felt that same twinge of fear in her gut when the bandits stopped them, looking down at the scales on her arms. “If... If I give you some, will you allow us to stay and rest for the night?”
“Motochika, it’s ok, I can spare a few scales if it means you get to rest on a real bed and not outside.” She said softly, offering him a smile, but it was nervous. “They’ll grow back anyway.”
Nana wouldn’t let Motochika be the only one to sacrifice something, he gave his eye trying to save her, it was only fair if she gave something up. Wincing with each scale she pulled free, she paid the men with three thick, glossy scales, leaving a raw patch on her arm.
Nana sat beside Motochika on the floor, eyes downcast and a soft frown on her face, guilt in her eyes. “I’m sorry.” She said softly. “You got hurt because of me.”
Nana put her hands on Motochima’s good shoulder and rested her head on his chest. “Thank you for fighting for me.” She whispered.
“I love you too, Motochika..” Nana said back softly.

Two weeks would come to pass, and with each day, Masamune’s harem insisted Megohime was putting a wedge between them and Masamune, pushing them further and further apart, but without any proof, Masamune ignored them. Megohime’s hair had grown out a bit, but not much, and her bruises had healed completely.
For the time being she was sleeping in Masamune’s room with him and his harem was sleeping in the guest bedrooms.
Masamune couldn't believe how silly Iisaka and the others were being. Megohime didn't change how he felt about all of them; he loved and cherished each and every one of them.
Surely all of this would blow over soon enough and the other girls would accept Megohime into their group.
One day when returning from hunting with Kojurou, both of the men could smell the overwhelming scent of blood. Many bodies worth of blood by the smell of it, and by the stench, it was thrall blood.
"Oh God..." Masamune strode with purpose, moving quickly through the halls as he followed the stench. Kojurou stayed close behind, it was unlikely it was an intruder but he could never be too sure.
The smell was heaviest in the direction of Masamune’s bedroom, and the second he opened the door he was witness to the aftermath of the blood bath before him.
Megohime was on her hands and knees on the floor, drinking ravenously from the severed stump of Iisaka’s neck, absolutely drenched in blood and touching herself. Her clothes had been partially torn away from the fight she had been in, but she had little wounds.
Every last wife was dead, shredded and dismembered, and it was more than clear Megohime had fed from them all. She sat up when Masamune came in, a drunk look on her face as she licked the blood from her lips and fingers, not bothering to stop pleasuring herself. “Masamune-sama~” She purred. “You’re back~”
His whole body tensed and stiffened harder than it ever had in his life. His eyes widened in disbelief and horror.
" killed them all..." He was genuinely lost for words, "Why...?"
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